bradley computer

Hello Fellow High School Students!!!

Upload: bradleylao

Post on 13-Jul-2015




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Hello Fellow High School Students!!!

Design Cycle

Hello fellow High School students! My name is Bradley Lao of Grade 8 section C and today I will be talking about why the design cycle can be helpful during many assessments. So first, let me first define what the design cycle is.

The design cycle has 5 parts which are Investigate, Design, Plan, Create and Evaluation.





But today, I will just be talking about the Investigate and Design parts. Now lets talk about Investigate. Investigate is a part in which you must either identify the problem, to research, and to identify the importance and explain why you are doing it. Next is the design. In the design, you must give possible solutions and after that, choose the best best one. You must also contain products containing descriptions and details. As I evaluate my performances during the stages, it really felt hard at the start but as I kept on practicing, I realize that these helped me a lot especially in my assessments. But I can also improve some parts of it to make it better like putting more research and sources which will have more details.

These are some examples, just copy the links:

As you do the Investigate part, I recommend that you think well first before making it like decide on the sources you want to use. The more the research, the better the grade will be. In the design part, I recommend you giving a lot of solutions so that u wont have to change anymore and it is easier for you to choose what is best because you already have many solutions and you can choose one that is best and will best fit the problem or the thing you are going to do.

In conclusion, I think when I made this, this design cycle really helped me a lot, for it gave me better scores, better understanding, not to complicated, and did not give me a difficult time. So if it did not make my works bad, then that means yours wont also and will be better.


Thank You for listening!!!!!!!!!