benefits of the itil approach to it service management

Benefits of the ITIL Approach to IT Service Management Perhaps the most important advantage of ITIL is that it changes IT to a proac- tive rather than a reactive organization. The British government developed ITIL in the late 1980s as a standard operating model for the delivery and manage- ment of IT services. As IT has become more integral to the business practices of corporations, the requirement for standard operation procedures has bal- looned. One important feature of ITIL is that it provides a dictionary of terms that allows a company to use a common parlance. Interest in the British-born sys- tem has gotten another push from federal regulations, such as the Sarbanes- Oxley Act, as ITIL provides a way of delineating responsibilities and the organi- zation of IT within a company. This E-guide provides an overview of ITIL and how IT organiza- tions are applying it to improve IT service delivery and drive business success. Sponsored By: E-Guide ®

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  • 1. E-Guide Benefits of the ITIL Approach to IT Service ManagementPerhaps the most important advantage of ITIL is that it changes IT to a proac- tive rather than a reactive organization. The British government developed ITIL in the late 1980s as a standard operating model for the delivery and manage- ment of IT services. As IT has become more integral to the business practices of corporations, the requirement for standard operation procedures has bal- looned. One important feature of ITIL is that it provides a dictionary of terms that allows a company to use a common parlance. Interest in the British-born sys- tem has gotten another push from federal regulations, such as the Sarbanes- Oxley Act, as ITIL provides a way of delineating responsibilities and the organi- zation of IT within a company. This E-guide provides an overview of ITIL and how IT organiza- tions are applying it to improve IT service delivery and drive business success. Sponsored By:

2. Benefits of the ITIL Approach to IT Service ManagementTable of ContentsE-Guide Benefits of the ITIL Approach to IT Service Management Table of Contents: ITIL, A Data Centers Yellow Brick Road.........................................................................3ITIL version 3: Perfecting processes to solve problems..................................................6ITSM measurement in vogue in the enterprise...............................................................8Five steps to creating an ITIL-friendly corporate culture............................................... 11A practical approach to implementing ITIL practices..................................................... 12The FAQs on ITIL version 3............................................................................................14Resources from HP.........................................................................................................16 Sponsored by:Page 2 of 16 3. Benefits of the ITIL Approach to IT Service Management ITIL, A Data Centers Yellow Brick Road ITIL, A Data Centers Yellow Brick Road May 16, 2006 | Johanna Ambrosio, Contributor, Using the IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL) is akin to building a house from a takeout menu, according to industry watchers and implementers alike. Although ITIL, a set of best practices standards for IT service management, does provide the overall framework for process improvement, it's up to the individual company to cherry-pick the individual components that make the most sense for any given implementation. "It's more of a guideline than a prescription," said Tim Norton, founder of Simalytic Solutions LLC, a Colorado Springs, Colo., consultancy that focuses on capacity management and application response time. Norton, who is beginning to do some modeling work with the ITIL processes, said it's important to know going in that "you're going to have to put in a lot of effort" for ITIL to really pay off. Elbow grease requiredAccording to adherents, it's worth the work. Maria Metcalf, director of program management at UnitedHealth Group in Minneapolis, has been implementing the change-management piece of ITIL at the giant insurer. It took about a year to learn the ITIL lingo, have individuals become certified in the process, choose a tool and then actually do it. The firm focused on processes it did not already have in place, Metcalf said, and change management was selected because the company wanted to replace old tools. "We had customized our tool so much that we could no longer continue to build on it without rewriting it," she explained. As part of its ITIL efforts, UnitedHealth Group has implemented a configuration management database that it con- tinues to populate with data. In July, the company will go live with the incident- and problem-reporting processes. Metcalf said ITIL has resulted in fewer disruptions to major systems "because of well-planned changes and an abili- ty to connect all the right organizations when a change is requested. We have hundreds of applications and Web sites, so there's a steady stream of changes happening." She said she's compiling the statistics to back up this claim, but isn't yet ready to go public with specific results. Used 'round the worldITIL was originally created by the Office of Government Commerce (OGC) in London, which was under a mandate by then-Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher to improve IT efficiency throughout the government. In 1991, ITIL became a formal process that defines service desk, release management, configuration management, capacity management and other IT areas. Sponsored by: Page 3 of 16 4. Benefits of the ITIL Approach to IT Service Management ITIL, A Data Centers Yellow Brick Road As European organizations have adopted ITIL, it has jumped to their American subsidiaries and now other interest- ed parties as well. ITIL is being used worldwide, by dozens of corporations. The major ITIL-related user organiza- tion in the United States is called the IT Service Management Forum (IT-SMF), and its board of directors reads like a Who's Who of Corporate America. Representatives from American Express, UPS and Proctor & Gamble, among others, are listed. ITIL is also continually being refined and updated. Some 34 different ITIL books were published between 1992 and 1998. The eight current core titles are available in three different versions: CD-ROM, book and intranet license. Standardizing on geek speakSid Finehirsh, founder and CEO of the CMX Group, a consultancy in New York that helps clients sort through and implement ITIL, said he feels the framework's greatest value is in enforcing precision for how ITers speak about and understand the infrastructure. "ITIL offers a lot of precision in vocabulary that we've been using for years. In ITIL, an 'incident' is different from a 'problem,' which is different from a 'known error.' We've commonly used these terms interchangeably, but I find it very appealing that there are definitions for what these terms mean, how they're dif- ferent and how they're linked." Still, as Finehirsh pointed out, that precision carries a cost. "It's one of the challenges of ITIL: If you're going to do it, you need a critical mass of ITIL speakers. Just training one person isn't going to get you any results -- you need to understand the language and processes needed to improve the IT infrastructure." Vendor hypeAnother caution, according to observers, is to beware of vendor hype. While there are many products around that are "ITIL-friendly" or "ITIL aware," there is no single ITIL standard to adhere to. So anyone that claims to be "ITIL- adherent" is stretching the truth, at best. The best way to get started, most agree, is to educate yourself about ITIL. The OGC and IT-SMF sites, among oth- ers, have some good primers. Another possibility is to take an ITIL-foundations course, being offered by many con- sultancies, software vendors and others. It's also helpful to understand how ITIL is different from other quality-improvement processes. Unlike ISO 9000, ITIL is not a standard. And where Six Sigma is a top-to-bottom activity for pretty much all the piece-parts of a company, ITIL is specific to IT. As Finehirsh said, ITIL "doesn't require you to re-engineer everything in the organi- zation." What ITIL does provide, he added, is "an approach. It's a starting point, a guideline. It has a ways to go" before every single piece of the IT infrastructure is fully defined. "But I think it's hugely valuable, beyond a lot of the pre- viously hyped things we've been doing. ITIL is a substantial and mature approach to improving cost containment and service delivery." Sponsored by:Page 4 of 16 5. HP SETTING THE EXAMPLE IN ITSM LEADERSHIP AND COMMITMENT. HP is one of the key organizations that helped shape ITSM starting nearly a decade ago. HP professionals helped define ITIL, and today, we have more than 5,000 ITIL-Certified Professionals and over 500 Master ITIL-Certified Professionals worldwide. We even proved ITSMs value to ourselves, implementing it across our own worldwide organization before offering ITSM solutions to our customers.HPS ITSM LEADERSHIP HP ITSM Software: Installations in all Fortune 50 enterprises HP ITSM Reference Model: Based on ITIL and 12 years experience HP ITSM Education: Over 100,000 professionals trained on ITSM and HP Software HP Services: Over 14 years experience in ITSM Co-author of the ITIL V3 material Learn more at 2007 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. 6. Benefits of the ITIL Approach to IT Service Management ITIL version 3: Perfecting processes to solve problems ITIL version 3: Perfecting processes to solve problems July 01, 2006 | James Connolly, Contributor, SearchCIO.comThere's a sense of momentum surrounding the Information Technology Infrastructure Library, commonly known as ITIL. The third release of the library is due out by year's end. The International Standards Organization (ISO) is aligning its new standard for IT service management, ISO/IEC 20000 with ITIL. Consultants and vendors are pro- moting ITIL certification. And an estimated 200,000 people in the U.S.many of them midlevel IT managershave taken basic ITIL training. In the end, ITIL is a bunch of books. Version 2's eight books are being reworked into five but will be supplemented by sources such as Web pages and CD-ROMs. The books, training programs, certifications and consulting services are designed to define how IT should approach services such as help desk, problem resolution and change and release management. ITIL gives you a structure for setting up processes, and it gives you a sense of the order in which you are going to develop your processes if you are going to have an effective delivery model for your customers. It doesn't tell you how to do any of those processes. It says that this is the process you need to have, and basically forces you to come up with a method for doing that process, said Don Rolph, associate director of information services at Amgen Inc. in West Greenwich, R.I. Rolph began using ITIL almost four years ago. Rolph said one example of ITIL's benefit is how it guided his organization to a comprehensive system for tracking incidents. One result is that Amgen Rhode Island is comfortable with an average 2.5-day backlog for problem reso- lution. Filling in the gapsYet, the first two ITIL versions had some holes that the coming revision is intended to address. Consultant David Pultorak, CEO of Pultorak and Associates Ltd. in Seattle, contributed to the first two ITIL versions, which continue to be owned by the Office of Government Commerce in the U.K. Pultorak outlines some of the gaps in the previous versions. ROI. There's an assumption that it's self-evident that if you implement best practices you will reduce costs and gain efficiencies. That's obviously faulty because you can't get off the ground in getting things done unless you can point to the value of a discrete initiative. You need to be able to show on an ongoing basis that you are saving money or increasing the business's capability, Pultorak said. He also says the new release will emphasize the need to prove ROI on an ITIL or other IT project, and will feature case studies showing how others have done it. Sponsored by:Page 6 of 16 7. Benefits of the ITIL Approach to IT Service Management ITIL version 3: Perfecting processes to solve problems Inconsistencies. Version 2 of ITIL suffered from inconsistent definitions for key terms, leaving IT staff in different groups to interpret terms in conflicting ways, according to Pultorak. The books in version 2 also lacked consistency in depth of coverage from topic to topic. They are addressing it by being explicit in the way stuff is written, having oversight editing and giving a clear mandate to the authors to say, 'These are the structures we are looking for; here is the depth of coverage we are looking for, three pages on this, and two pages on that.' Changes in IT. The content in the first two versions of ITIL was static, and didn't easily reflect the dynam- ic changes in the IT community, Pultorak said. In Version 3, the books will contain what is seen as timeless, more general content, while Web vehicles, CD-ROMs and special publications will address more dynamic issues. For example, the core principles of change management are unlikely to change, so those can be covered in the books, while some emerging techniques may be addressed on the Web or in a special publi- cation. Lifecycle. The concepts in the previous books didn't follow the lifecycle formats commonly used in IT, such as a progression through strategy, design, transition/production, operation and continuous improvement, according to Pultorak. He cites the example of Version 2's coverage of service support and service delivery but not service development, which should be a precursor to delivery and support. ITIL should help IT syn- chronize its services with business services, and better support the business, he said. New audienceThe new release is expected to serve a growing audience. Peter O'Neill, an analyst at Cambridge, Mass.-based Forrester Research Inc., said ITIL, which is already well established in Europe, is drawing more attention from U.S. companies that want to be compliant with ISO/IEC 20000. Emphasis on process, not technologyITIL can also help companies look at how work gets done in IT by breaking the workflow out of the traditional silos of technology in the IT group, according to Don Casson, president of management consultancy Evergreen Systems Inc. in Robesonia, Va. You can't look at the work from an efficiency or execution of quality standpoint if it's buried in a silo-to-silo hand pass. That's the gist of the problem,'' Casson said. He added that managers who take the day and a half of basic ITIL training become advocates for ITIL because they see that process matters more than technology. Many of those advocates are middle managers and directors who bring the message back to their company. You get it going up the organization instead of down; it's a grassroots thing that starts to put pressure on as it goes up,'' Casson said. Sponsored by: Page 7 of 16 8. Benefits of the ITIL Approach to IT Service ManagementITSM measurement in vogue in the enterprise ITIL resistanceBut ITIL has to be kept in perspective. Casson points out that ITIL typically starts at the help desk and problem resolution, where managers can measure success. However, when they extend it into areas such as release management, some companies encounter resist- ance from departments that may be set in their ways, including their compensation and rewards systems. It's very common for these people to say, 'Hey, things are already working fine in my area,' Casson said. Rolph warns that one danger in how people think of ITIL is they lose sight of why they are using it. It's easy in ITIL land to get focused on process at the expense of realizing that the purpose of this process is to solve a problem, Rolph said. Don't put in place a process flow that shows how we are going to solve the problem if, at the end of the day, the problem still remains after we execute the process. James M. Connolly is a freelance writer based out of Norwood, Mass. He can be reached at [email protected]. ITSM measurement in vogue in the enterprise July 24, 2006 | Maxine Kincora, Contributor, SearchCIO.comIT service management (ITSM) has been embraced as an effective and efficient way to manage enterprise-level IT stacks and the services they provide. Unfortunately, too many companies' ITSM implementations underperform because they're not audited well, if at all. Naturally, companies want to get plenty of bang for their ITSM buck, so they're seeking measurement disciplines and tools. Suddenly performance metrics are back in vogue, like 'flared trousers,' said Ian Clayton, president of the IT Service Management Institute in Elk Point, S.D., a consulting and training firm. Unfortunately, there seems to be no single performance management framework for us all to use. ITSM methodologies focus on the results produced for customers, a departure from the traditional IT systems-cen- tric management. ITSM is really about the shift from managing IT as stacks of individual components to focusing on delivering end- to-end services defined by specific service-level agreements and based on best practice process models such as ITIL, said Mary Turner, vice president/practice manager at Summit Strategies Inc. in Boston. Sponsored by: Page 8 of 16 9. Benefits of the ITIL Approach to IT Service ManagementITSM measurement in vogue in the enterprise Effectively using ITSM standardsIT Infrastructure Library (ITIL), a set of best practices for IT management, is known as the de facto standard for IT management. Some organizations use other frameworks, such as Control Objectives for Information and related Technology (CobiT) or the Microsoft Operations Framework. The most common mistake made in trying to measure ITSM success, said Brian Brouillette, vice president of HP Technology Services, is focusing on IT practices rather than the ITSM goal of improving business operations and customer results. In general, good customer results are born of IT practices that ensure high system and end-to-end application availability and performance, as well as low total lifecycle cost of IT operations. These IT deliverables improve cus- tomer service and satisfaction, reduce business and security risks, cuts operational costs and enable compliance with multiple regulations. Our general guideline is 5-10% improvement in operational efficiency in the targeted areas in year one for an expenditure of no more than 25% of the savings, Clayton said. Year two is same improvement for 20% of savings. ITSM measurement targetsWhat areas are typically targeted when measuring ITSM success? Our sources pointed to growth and value, costs, risks and communications. Marina Stedman, marketing director at ITSM solutions vendor Touchpaper Software PLC, describes the attributes of these key performance indicators (KPIs): Growth and value: Track revenue growth against IT investment and utilization, and examine the link between IT investment and business strategy. Costs: What costs were avoided or reduced? Did you adhere to your budget? How well did you re-use and share services related to infrastructure, architecture such as networks, customer databases, hardware, service desks, servers, middleware and security? Did you adopt and use standard IT principles? Were assets used, tracked and kept well? Risks: Determine the results of risks taken or avoided, in terms of IT continuity and availability; access management; security management; integrity and accuracy of information; people risks, staff turnover and retention; and disaster recovery processes. Communications: Gauge the value and volume of your communications, looking at customer satisfaction and feedback; customer awareness and knowledge. Sponsored by: Page 9 of 16 10. Benefits of the ITIL Approach to IT Service ManagementITSM measurement in vogue in the enterprise In-house ITSM auditingIdentifying KPIs was an important step in developing an in-house ITSM auditing process, said Sherri Young, director of service management at hosting firm Data Return LLC in Irving, Texas. With those, we have created a manage- ment dashboard, a very quick way for an executive and management to look across our business and see the measurements for the key performance indicators across each functional area and service area. From this, they can determine which processes are in a green, yellow or red status area. Identifying KPIs and acquiring the tools to measure and analyze them requires in-house expertise. Young recom- mends that ITSM team leaders get ITIL Foundation certifications, regulated by the ITIL Certification Management Board (ICMB). A company can't be certified, only individuals, Young said. However, an organization that has implemented ITIL guidance in ITSM may be able to achieve compliance with ISO/IEC 20000, which Clayton describes as a rapidly maturing international standard for ITSM. Third-party ITSM auditing optionsData Return didn't get its ITSM analysis game together overnight. The company has hired Hewlett-Packard Co., its ITSM solutions vendor, for two audits and learned much from that experience. They analyzed our management processes in all the ITIL areas and gave us the score card, Young said. HP ranked Data Return's ITSM on a process maturity chart with a one to five scale Their assessment gave us specifics about what we needed to correct and told us where we were getting better. Most ITSM software vendors, such as IBM, HP, BMC Software Inc., Touchpaper, and CA Inc., have created suites of ITSM analytics, dependency mapping and service-level monitoring tools and services, Turner said. Each company has its own approach. Beware of product bias when dealing with third-party ITSM audits, Clayton said. Vendor tools usually work best with their own products. Some are more limited than others, he noted. Future of ITSM auditsA lot of the guesswork in ITSM audits will be gone in a couple of years, our sources say, thanks to the maturation of ISO 20000 and ITSM standards, as well as the development of automated, policy-based IT management automa- tion systems. In the meantime, Clayton said, work slowly to build in-house ITSM evaluation metrics and improve KPI ratings, and don't let great expectations derail your ITSM programs. Maxine Kincora is a technology writer in Berkeley, Calif. She can be reached at [email protected]. Sponsored by: Page 10 of 16 11. Benefits of the ITIL Approach to IT Service ManagementFive steps to creating an ITIL-friendly corporate culture Five steps to creating an ITIL-friendly corporate culture October 01, 2006 | Brian Johnson, Achieving ITIL success is just as much about people as it is about technology. ITIL expert Brian Johnson offers advice on how to get employees to positively embrace a new ITIL culture. Organizations that want to embrace change in processes and performance must also often initiate changes in cul- ture. Managers that seek to champion change must therefore be empowered to make relevant changes in attitudes, values and behaviors if they are going to achieve lasting, tangible results. What does all this have to do with IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL)? Everything. ITIL adoption is all about embracing changewhich means cultural change is a common prerequisite for success. While technology certainly helps automate ITIL processes, it can't ensure a successful and sustained ITIL imple- mentation. Neither can the mere definition of those processes. A shift in organizational culture is necessary so that stakeholders and employees modify their behaviors and actions as appropriate to implement the best practices described by ITIL and make them an intrinsic aspect of day-to-day operations. Actually, the cultural change required for ITIL success is often a much greater challenge than the implementation of any supporting technologies. But a few tried-and-true methods can help foster acceptance of the changes required to effectively roll out ITIL processes across an organization composed of people with widely divergent personalities and attitudes. These methods include:1. Assess your culture as part of your overall assessment of your ITIL readiness: In addition to evaluating your organization's ITIL maturity from a process and technology perspective, do an assessment of the cul- ture to pinpoint possible hurdles and barriers to cultural change.2. Gain C-level support for ITIL initiatives: Present ITIL from a business perspective rather than a strictly IT perspective. If you can show the CEO and other C-level executives that ITIL is a catalyst for business advantage and benefitrather than just another IT projectyou will gain the support to drive the cultural changes you need for ITIL adoption and business success.3. Use an adopt and adapt approach to ITIL, instead of forcing a letter of the law ITIL implementation. As pointed out in the article A practical approach to implementing ITIL practices, by-the-book adoption of ITIL isn't practical. In fact, an inflexible and singular approach simply exacerbates resistance to change. ITIL can help any organization make better use of its IT resources. But when implementation of ITIL becomes some sort of dogmatic end in itself, it consistently fails. The real winners are those who use ITIL as a catalyst for change, adapting it to the needs of their organization as much as they adapt the culture of their organization to its principles. Sponsored by:Page 11 of 16 12. Benefits of the ITIL Approach to IT Service ManagementA practical approach to implementing ITIL practices4. Present your ITIL initiative as a means of achieving some agreed-upon goal, such as the creation of a more customer-focused IT organization. If you present ITIL as some ideology that everyone has to accept, you run the risk of alienating the entire group. But if you focus on something everyone can agree upon, there is no reason for anyone to push back. This is one of the keys to winning over both your team players and your Lone Rangers.5. No train, no gain. A variety of training programs promote ITIL support and willingness to change. For example, one CIO whose organization went through an ITIL training program that used a role-playing sce- nario involving the rescue of the Apollo 13 crew said his team gained a personal epiphany that change and doing things a different way can be very productive and goodrather than a negative experience. In the training, the team was able to see all different phases of the process and get a different respect for the needs of the IT customers. Always remember, ITIL is about people as much as it's about technology and processes. Change the way people think and react, and you're much more likely to develop a culture that's conducive to ITIL success. Brian Johnson is one of the original authors of the first ITIL books. He has also authored more than 15 additional books on ITIL or related topics and is the founder of the IT Service Management Forum, a professional organi- zation focused on IT service management and ITIL. A practical approach to implementing ITIL practices August 23, 2006 | Brian Johnson, Contributor, Since the mid-1980s, organizations have been turning to IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL) to achieve IT service excel- lence for their businesses. Over the years, it has become clear that some approaches for implementing ITIL are more successful than othersespecially when it comes to delivering long-term benefits to the business and achiev- ing staying power within the IT organization. Ideally, a successful ITIL implementation means the people in the organization have embraced ITIL-guided process- es and procedures into their corporate culture. The new way of operating becomes infectious to the entire organi- zation and spreads virally, like a common cold. However, unlike the typical cold, ITIL should never go away. The cult approachOne approach to ITIL is to implement it by the book in what could be considered a cultlike fashion that attempts to implement ITIL to the letter. This path to ITIL implementation typically means you read every book, hire a con- sultant who can translate the books into indigestible bits of process and procedure and then disseminate those processes and procedures throughout the organization. But is that a practical approach? Is it one that will readily be embraced by the typical corporate IT organization? Perhaps by the book is indeed one way to go about implementing ITIL. But before taking that draconian approach, one should focus on several often-overlooked facts about ITIL: Sponsored by: Page 12 of 16 13. Benefits of the ITIL Approach to IT Service Management A practical approach to implementing ITIL practices Fact One: The books themselves are meant to guide; they are not steadfast laws. None of the authors, contribu- tors or publishers ever expected organizations to adhere to every word of their publications. Fact Two: You can't implement ITIL with just processes and technology. You must address the people involved as well. ITIL demands attention to three components: people, process and technology. Changes in process improve efficiency and effectiveness. Changes in technology reduce costs and accelerate responsiveness. But you ultimately have to change people to develop the culture you need to better support the business and optimize availability of critical IT services. Paying close attention to the people element of ITIL and embedding cultural change in the organization ensures that IT improvements are widespread and lasting. If you neglect the people and use the cult approach of throwing a pile of books (or processes based solely on the books) at a workforce that doesn't have a proper understanding of what to do with them, you're wasting time and money. That 'cult approach' to ITIL fails to deliver a method of sus- taining itself in the organization. The practical approachThere is a much more practical approach to implementing ITILone that offers a far greater likelihood of effective, sustained adoption. It is to first assess the needs of the organization and then integrate and automate ITIL, consid- ering all three elements: people, process and technology. This approach to ITIL is more customized to the unique needs of the organization. Because it considers the people and issues of cultural change, this approach makes it easy to spread and sustain ITIL processes throughout the organization. As ITIL becomes the default way of doing things, ITIL processes are selectively chosen from the ITIL canon and adapted appropriately to the organization's environmentso they become part of the culture. The cult approach only works for as long as the cult leader has influence; the practical approach works long term because ITIL is seen as a way of creating a common understanding of customer service. When an ITIL implementation begins with an assessment of the organization's business needs and a plan is devel- oped to help implement ITIL to address those needs, everyone benefits. The IT organization can be assured that the need to invest in ITIL is well-understood and that the implementation will be supported by the business. The business itself benefits because the IT organization is focused on its requirements, rather than the minutiae of implementing procedures. In the end, the cure for the common cult of ITIL by the book is ironically practical ITIL, successfully implemented. Brian Johnson is one of the original authors of the first ITIL books. He has also authored more than 15 additional books on ITIL or related topics and is the founder of the IT Service Management Forum, a professional organi- zation focused on IT service management and ITIL. Sponsored by: Page 13 of 16 14. Benefits of the ITIL Approach to IT Service Management The FAQs on ITIL version 3 The FAQs on ITIL version 3 November 06, 2006 | Brian Johnson, Contributor, SearchCIO.comA new version of the IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL) is on its way. This third iteration of the ITIL guidelines will draw upon lessons learned from earlier ITIL efforts to help IT organizations further improve efficiency, effectiveness and business alignment. Here are some frequently asked questions and answers about the soon-to-be-released ITIL version 3. How will ITIL version 3 differ from ITIL version 2? According to the Office of Government Commerce (OGC), the version 3 books will deliver ITIL with an emphasis on IT service strategies, design, transition and continuous service improvement. In the next version, five books will replace the current nine books, and the focus will be positioning ITIL processes at appropriate, multiple points in the development of IT services and their subsequent release to customers. The OGC has also stated that guidance for currently implemented ITIL processes will be part of the new volumes. How will I be able to migrate from one strategic approach (process-led, as in version 2) to another (service design-led, which is the focus of version 3)? The scoping documents and the new books will address how to best migrate from a process approach to a service approach. However, the real question is why should you have to migrate to the new design if the current process-led approach already meets your goals for IT/business alignment. ITIL is not a rule book or instruction manual; it is more like a map or street directory thats designed to allow IT organizations to achieve IT service excellence by following a variety of routes or guidance depending on which process improvement initiatives they have set as their goal or destination. Should I wait for the templates and process models that will be published in version 3? The short answer is no, dont wait. Generic templates are like ITIL booksguidance. They still require the organiza- tion to define its business and IT requirements. If those requirements are not defined, no template or version of ITILwhether its one, two or threewill help. The best approach is to get together with trusted colleaguesfrom both the business and IT sidesand brainstorm what the business needs and how IT can support it. A generic template is a guide and is no substitute for critical thinking. Process models are best derived from modeling your own as is processes and analyzing them for improvement. Thus, a useful member of the brainstorm team would be an analyst with modeling skills. Above all, remember that using the ITIL guidance and processes sensibly depends on the IT organization itselfnot the ITIL authors, publishers, educators or other third parties. Sponsored by:Page 14 of 16 15. Benefits of the ITIL Approach to IT Service Management The FAQs on ITIL version 3 Since the ISO/IEC 20000 standard, which defines the requirements for an IT service management sys- tem, now exists and is based on ITIL version 2why bother with a version 3? The ITIL version 3 development team is required to ensure that ITIL version 3 continues to support ISO/IEC 20000. The current ITIL guidance successfully puts IT organizations on the path to ISO/IEC 20000, so dont abandon cur- rent projects or become concerned that IT will not reach its goals with the arrival of ITIL version 3it will support this standard. Of course, good practice theory (like the processes implemented in an organization) will continuously be improved over time, so it is not unreasonable to consider updating guidance such as ITIL or ISO/IEC standards periodically. ISO/IEC 20000 will transition over time based on requirements of the international community. Brian Johnson is one of the original authors of the first ITIL books. He has also authored more than 15 additional books on ITIL or related topics and is the founder of the IT Service Management Forum, a professional organi- zation focused on IT service management and ITIL. Sponsored by:Page 15 of 16 16. Benefits of the ITIL Approach to IT Service ManagementResources from HP Resources from HP Guide to Operational IT Service Management This white paper details an approach to significant and lasting improvements in service management outcomes. Learn how to improve day-to-day service activities, achieve consistent, high-quality service, and develop a service improvement plan. IDC: Deploying a Best Practices Approach to Integrated IT Service Management Discover a comprehensive and fully integrated IT service management approach based upon the processes and best practices of ITIL. See how 11 surveyed companies decreased operational costs and increased ROI. IDC: Gaining Business Value through IT Services Management IT organizations are continuously working to improve IT operations and to better align IT with business needs. Read about three HP customers that are implementing solutions that improve IT compliance, increase ROI and support higher availability. HP is a technology company that operates in more than 170 countries around the world. We explore how technolo- gy and services can help people and companies address their problems and challenges, and realize their possibili- ties, aspirations and dreams. We apply new thinking and ideas to create more simple, valuable and trusted experi- ences with technology, continuously improving the way our customers live and work. No other company offers as complete a technology product portfolio as HP. We provide infrastructure and business offerings that span from handheld devices to some of the world's most powerful supercomputer installations. We offer consumers a wide range of products and services from digital photography to digital entertainment and from computing to home printing. This comprehensive portfolio helps us match the right products, services and solutions to our customers' specific needs. Sponsored by:Page 16 of 16