bee (earlington, ky.). (earlington, ky) 1906-07-12 [p...

i4 le lbf j r BASE BALL- SUPPLIES CROQUET SET- SHAMMOCKS F y 1 and all kind rf f Sporting Goods Iat M D SISKISM- cullsonvllle Ky SEVENTEENTH YEAR EARLINGTON HOPKINS COUNTY KY JULY 12 1906 No 2811 DEPLORED IN s EARLINGTON r- li Death of Mr John B Earle for Whom town Was Named LONG AND USEFDL U = E v CLOSED SUNDAY MORNING f t Wleksd Pick at Opening of First Corn rncrclaJCoal Mine in Hopkins v County > v fMr JohtvB Enrle of Madi 8 41 vile tiled nt hishtitne Sinn nftorr moro n than twp yenof very fee lo hctt1t11JOsIi tr n l irife offprfli > and helpful jictfvity yardsw 0l1 Mr Earlo vus Jan uar BJ Enrle arid Jane 1Voorlaon Earlo He manjod Miss Kt fid Woolfolk iu48i9 Mrs EtirlcMieil aAim i1 her of yen rs ago F vi Children i survive Missus Liullti lithe t Portia find Auiustii Etirlc of i i MadismivjlJcs uul J nfl ir Luclen Earlo uf Los Angeles Oal Miss Carrie Earlc of Madisonvijle is n sister to the deceased as is Mrs Irving of Greenville both of horn with other relatives were able to attend the funeral Dr Fountain Eurle of Arkansas a brother of the deceased could not make the journey in time and this was the cue with Judge Earle of California Death occurred about 11 oclock Sunday morning The funeral service was held at the t family residence jt 1 oclock Monday afternoon Qq ntfuciteil Ijy Rev P D Tucker Iyl Btor Of the Ouniberland P no shY t oria n church of winch Mr Earlo and r w JOHN B EARLE I all his daughters were members The remain roj 11 tprnHl at I Odd Felows < 7eltthe presence if Jjl111I nllel 1rlwl a119p whom wen1 nuniy of this citizens of LIUI1S0IlVIIi i 11mnnHavll hood only the slight training af forded at the litll < lug school t house he npplied himself dilir gently to stltrly find IVecamp a well educated initiV IJrrougli his r ow n individiial eir orfs He studied law and Was admitted to r the bar at BiadispuvillQ at about the pgeof tventy one Hewas I successful asjv hnYYtr rand it nancier and actively practiced his chosenPrQfessim withhqnpr and in th e strictest intefg itv un 2 tit his health faflsd nitl > e last years Of hlS life 4lr Earle Was f a stanQlt apd left iii Republican t tlt on was elected to thE t oflice of cotuity attorney of Hop akl ig coi tl u te u efullife i evetr heralding B who Vkucwnliini berlt that lip Jtr yery cliarla i table ohU1aJlJh i YC r fjl h Jtto- h xt0nd na helping hiLUl to titO r p 1rtyr J ffis- I that heliddantuay rod piir6oi ire t f a yd young who r 0- co tertained the highest regard for him to the last Mr Earles name is perpet ¬ uated told his memory will al ways be cherished here in Earl ington the busy thirfty in dust rial twn that v was pained for him I when he vais in the prime vigor of manhood its the time of its founding In1 1800 ho is credited with havingstruclc- thotlrst pick into the hillside at theopening of the first commer- cial ¬ coal mine in Hopkins coun ¬ ty the No11 mine ofthe St F Bernard Goal Company at this plac6 He wap largely inter ¬ ested in that company during the early days of its existence xyheii it was a pioneer concern la boring to develop a new iin dustryin a new field against great odds t and withputa market for the coal that had not then been even tested n the railroad locomotives of this section of the country He axJld his hold ¬ imps in that cqmpxny a v number if years ajjio > > DEPUTY ED BARNETT Shoots Ed Berry Colored Twicfk While Resisting Arrest Tuesday night about 11 oclock deputy Ed Burnett and two or three friends wore standing near the passenger depot talking Ed Berry colored came down from the direction of the colored waiting room and said someone had thrown a tap at him No at ¬ tention was paid to him and h ° walked by the crowd again re marking that some oje had thrown ati him and hit Was going toP utsolno lpt lead inftheni I Atvthis lie palled a gun tram his pocket Deputy Barhett saw thug in and told the negro to consider himself under arrest instead of c1oin toh walk oflV Barnett called his at ¬ tention to the star hoc wore and again told him to hault Berry made a quicic turn andsnapped his pistol at Barnett who then shot him in the arm Berry again attempted to shoot but his pistol again missed fire and Barnett shot him in the leg Berry then ran in front of Ar ¬ nold S Withers restaurant and out the back way to his home in the rear of Victorys store where he was found by night policeman Mitchell and deputy Barnett When asked for the pistol he had Berry said he put it under the head of the bed and the officers found it there Ber ¬ ry is not thought to be seriously wounded t iiL A NEGRO i t t iB eaklnjlntoJpiiin focleods Store in Madisonville Sunday morning as Walter Stodglll an employe of Delia Mclseodj wag passing the store a few minutes after one oclock he heard a crash of falling glass He immediately suspicioued sAmotli ib aipiind the square to Hotel Lottiie where he feudd officers Maye andMcary V Irh three men rushed through alley apd found a negro crawling through the open door On tim officers the negro jumped bank and crawled into n1 goods box from wlieretheollicors- pulled him out Sd i g ave his nshvllleTe t t enoof a f rj > Slit traiUf He alfeio clMmed thAtW white nian and a boy xvere liiin but in laa Ini iriiilliejc were fpundJ J lice 9 ffi9q n 1 Vf Ross is one of the gaily svlio has bgen robbing stars fiJmnItc s S bJitii 8 nap d ij rt etW itipat re top c i tothiaworkjjjjjrj BIGGEST EVER Pox Run Mine Loads 2210 Jons Coal Over Single Tipple in t- I One Dayi j t 1 BEST RECORD FORr ANY KENTUCKY MINE ij Management Believes Enthusiastic Work- of Men Cannot be Equalled I Monday was another big days at Fox Run mine the big new1 mine of the St Bernard Mining Company at St Charles on the Illinois Central railroad And the days work proved to bOi truly the record run for a single days coal loading over a single car haul and tjpplo Jnth State of Kentucky jNlanager Gordon believes that but for a bobble which occurred in the early part of the days work which caused a teinporary short- age of coal at the tipple thioy would have loaded twp hundred J tons more As it was there way a total of 2210 tOns loaded on 1 lift seven railroad cars during the days run and it is believed that if the start had been as smooth as the finish they would have loaded sixty cars Somo week sago a r tuwnsl made av the same mine which resulted in loading 1775 tons = but the railroad car supply oh that day was not what it should have been and the management found that they were not so well prepared as they should have been to make the test A short while afterward th0 W G Dun- can ¬ Coal 00 madea test run at its mine at Graham Ky which resulted in loading 1017 tons during the day into fifty railroad cars Later on June 22 an at ¬ tempt was made to make a Bin iliar test at the McHenrV mine of the lnylorOoal Company but a break in machinery prevented a completion of the diy and they stopped with 89 cars loaded It is interesting to note the difference equipment between the Duncan Companys mine and the St Bernard mine because it should wake all the difference in the World in results The gentle ¬ men who managed the Fox Run test call attention to the fact that they accomplished their record over a single car haul and a single cross over tipple They say that the Duncan mine is equipped with a double car haul and double tipple which gives a possible double loading capacity in equipment of course requir- ing a doublet force of glen to handle the mine cars > The run was witnessed by miners and foremen from Earl ington Mortons Gap Barnsley and elsewhere ill Hopkins coun ¬ ty and there were jepro6hta tives from mines ill other coun ¬ ties along the line of the Illi ¬ nois Central railroad Foreman W T SisK and his able assist- ants ¬ led the men through the days performance with skill and enthusiasm The men > were all greatly interested and left noth ¬ t ing undone jopUeup a big days work Whatever may bothep- ossibiliblesofnccomp1ishtneklt at another place with more ex ¬ tensiY equipment the foremen and the management believe that the loyal enthusiasm of the men as exhibited at i the Fox n anyvIL where One of the feats that has been mentioned in this coo aiection is the swift wdrfe of Track Fofetmnii IBrftnnonv YhQ with ijinnllforceil extended the rfti road Jrirpk and ppti Ifl a Jtih cl a tie in tt very hortvtrtrpacer n r in g she track cajjiicity so that now t cf > o h seventy cars can be accom ¬ modated above the tipple Fox Run nine is the only mine in Kentucky ot elsewhere that has been henrdofthat en = 4Ij joys the distinction of producing a bonn fide output of 1000 tons a daily vithiu thirty days after yidea mine loaded 1000 tons daily for itWee successive days within the first monthafter the new plant vas installed Within GO days after the mine was opened the ftiormal daily output reached the ityindsorne figure of 1157 tons in a day DROPS TO DEATH r Maran Montgomery Drops Down the i i I L > i j Sebree Coal Shaft t t A lamentnblenccWent oc furred at the Sebree cOIil mines at that place Monday evening tibout G oclock Marian N iMontgomery an old and trusted ipmploye of the coal company waR lowii in the I mine and wanted to come up in the cage He gage the signal for the cage jbo be raised expecting Engineer Jaxtoij tb start the engine and JKing hiniup But Engineer Paxton was at this time in his nwayfrom b Y- in name Morris Bellwho lives Russellville and has been an employe only a short tine at ¬ tempted to raise the cage As the cage neared the top of the shaft Bell did not know which lever to pull and lost conttorof the engine The cage flew to the top ith terriflic force and smashed through the rooffhe forceof the shock broke the cage loose and It fell to the bottom of the shaft 180 feet killing Mont- gomery instantly A crew fixed uAa block and tackle and brought the body up at 3 oclock Bell was arrested and is held on thft charge of criminal carless tress KENTUCKY EDITORS Will Spend Four Days at Grayson Springs and Bowling Green The coming annual meetiig of the Kentucky Press Association i which will be held at Qrayson Springs and Bowling Green the week beginning July 28 prom- ises ¬ to be a hummer and the most enjoyable gathering in the annals of the association Sec retary W Vernon Richitrdson of Danville and the members of the Executive Committee have been indefatigable in their ef ¬ forts to make everything pleas ant for the press gang when they assembles for the yearly meet and while the business of the body will be of paramount im portancej a rpuud Of pleasure will be cOhibined SO that there sill be something doing every minute of the stay of the quill I drivers LIKES THE ST BERNARD Has Worked for Thirteen Different Min Inj Companies but This Is the Be- stJe Stokes an employe of the St Bernard Mining Oom pany has vrprked for thirteen different mining compames in Alabama Tennessee and In ¬ diana but the St iBernard js the only company he ever Syorked for who cared for their men paid thorn as well anti also give ilienv t is many dividends each year Mr Stokes wishes to publicly express Jus appreci t tio nof the splendid treatment he has received from the St w Bernard Mining Company and thinks arliijgton is the best towns n3 the St Bgrnatd AQ beet COtnpa ypnf3artb l < 0 1 1 Ai BRYANS IN ENGLANDH- AVETEMPORARILY ABANDON ¬ ED CONTINENTAL TOUR They Are Deluged With Invitations and Are Kept Busy With Their Engagements London July 11Mr and Mrs Bryan have temporarily abandoned their planned continental tour and have decided to remain in Great Brit- ain until after the conference of the Interparliamentary union which wit open here July 22 They will spend some time in Scotland leaving Lon don July IB Invitations have been pouring In on Mr Bryan and he and Mrs Bryan are kept busy with their Engagements They were entertained at dinner by Cal C J Bills of Ne braska Monday evening and will dayI Moroton Frewen In Sussex stopping while on their way there to lunch with Mrs George Cornwallis West- They will return here July 12 In time for a luncheon which Ambassador RelI and Mrs Reid are to give them Dorchester house before going to the house of commons to hear War Secretary Haldano speak on army re formSecretary Ridgley Carter of the American embassy and Mrs Carter will give a luncheon July 13 In honor of Mr and Mrs Bryan and Mr Hal dane will give them a dinner the same evrnlng Lord Chancellor s Loreburn will close a week of entertainment With a dinner to Mr and Mrs Bryan ADMIRAL ROJESTVENSKY ACQUITTED BY COURT i Cronstadt Russia July 11AJ halral Rojestvensky whose trial on the charge of surrendering to the en ¬ emy after the battle of the Sea Qf Japan began before a court martlal here Jqly 4 was acquitted Tuesday after the court had deliberated for nearly ten hours Four officers of the torpedo boat de- stroyer Bedovl who were placed on trial with the admiral were found guUt of having premeditatedly sur ¬ rendered the Bedovl and all four were condemned to death by shooting BUT on account of extenuating cir ¬ cumstances the emperor will be re- quested ¬ to commute the sentences of the four officers to dismissal from the service and to be deprived of certain rights which they otherwise enjoy Rojestvensky was taken to Japan nni there nursed back to health be- fore ¬ being sent to Russia after the war was over THE HUDDLESTON WILL CASE Judge Monroe of Springfield Gives Testimony In Behalf of States Attorney Reaugh Springfield Ill July 11A sur- prise was sprung in the presentation of evidence against States Attorney Richard Reaugh of Clay county charged with complicity in an effort to debauch the supreme court in the Hudtlleston will case Judge D B Klonroeof Springfield who represented the executor of the will recalled a tbnyersation he had with Reaugh last March in which he admitted he asked Reaugh to run down certain rumors that had been circulated concerning the giving out of the decision In the will case He said that he considered Reaugh was acting the part of an lion ost procecutor ATTACKING THE BREAKFAST TABLE Chicago July 11 Officials of the Railroads of the Central Freight asso elation and representatives of all thd big hrqakfast food companies in the country were expected to meet li deadlock at the offices of the assocla Hon The cause of the clash it issatdl Is the attempt 6f the railroads to est rahjproducts oopsumers Where Wellington Awaited Blucher Brussels July nThe celebrate farm ot Moat St Jean where Wel ¬ lington awaited Bluchers arrival at the battle r oo notwithstand ing the successive assaults of Napol ons troops hao been sold for 70000 francs U14OO The purchaser is Alfred MadquJc It is feared that the farmhouse will shortly be demolishes > If not bought by public subscription Declared Every 8eat Vacant Peoria Ill July 11The city coun cil of Peoria has declared every seal on the board of school Inspectors ytt cant and called a special election fo August 3 to elect a now board Ta Open Port of toklo J Y 1I U tl Japan will open Dalny to ilufernAtipn al trade the beginning df Septeniber Suocere is > ti think befl7- olne onelelr e d4eir11Ct 1 A Largo Stock 6f Wall Paljerj Window Shades- CURTAIN POLES and PICTURESAT A D SISKS BOOK STORE- Madisonvillo Ky THURSDAY Q- fneighborsti ssbutfriends e1atJerLirlin BTmOLAECAUQHT RAILROADS gamytha NEW TEMPERANCE PUBLICA ¬ TION Chance for Temperance People to Send Hopkins County Ladies on Beauil + rut Trip Mr HE Oleaton one of tie editors of The Kentucky Is ¬ KentuckyAntiSalodn yesterday in the interest of his paper accompanied by Mrs iVy T Anderson and Miss Goldie Walker of Marlisonvilie who are taking up the work of pac- ing ¬ the nosy publication intne hands of temperance people in Hopkins county Miss Walker will undertake to plrl Eone hundred or more subscriptions in Madisonville and Elarlingtcin and Mrs Anderson will endeavor to place a like number in other parts of the county In this connection the pub ¬ offeringa Toronto and Ohatauqua to each solicitor who secures as many as one hundred annual cash sub ¬ scriptions V The party will leave Louis ¬ ville for this trip August 9th TUB BEE beepeaks for these ladies the cooperation of tem ¬ perance people in the work they have undertaken TWO WEEKS REVIVAL 1 r Meeting at DawsonSome Noted Evan- gelists to be There A two weeks revival meeting began at Dawson Springs the first of July Strong preachers of the Baptist church will partici ¬ meetings Rev Tj N 1Ooii1tton + of this county has been the preacher this week and next week Rev Garter Helm Jones and ltd v Lett G Brougli ton will have charge Those are preachers without superiors in the Baptist church or any other church and will doubtless dray large audiences Other promi ¬ nent ministers will be there dur ¬ hug this month and next ANOTHER CAMP MEETING To be Held at theSebree CampGrounds- ThisSummtr At a meeting of the board of managers held at Madisonville last Thursday night it was deter ¬ mined to hold a camp meeting at the Cascade Gamp Grounds at Sebree this summer beginning August 8 and continuing for ten days or two weeks The members of the board present were Rev B F Orr t chairman T M Jenkins secre- tary ¬ John R Wilson Oprydonr Rev J B Adams Madisonville Rev H S Gillett Audubon Miss Annie Ashby Entertains Miss Annie Aehby entertained a few of her friends at Lakeside park Monday with a picnic and fish fry The entire day and partof the night was spent on this outing and everyone en ¬ joyed a delightful time A suf- ficient ¬ quantity of fish were people herselfd an exceptional cook Arm Broken Little Miss Ruth the four yearold daughter of Mrs Gora Peyton tot fall while playing in the yard Friday and break leer right arm Dr Sisk was culled to dress the injured member and life little- llatietitis doing ntalyr i l J Hon A 0 Stanley tope k Ron AO Stanley will ad dfqKs th tobacco groAVers at Ma4isqnville pn the opening JaY Qfrth 4a Cn F airJi lvQlst a J j I IJ Ps J a- a 4 c i <

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Page 1: Bee (Earlington, Ky.). (Earlington, KY) 1906-07-12 [p ] YEAR EARLINGTON HOPKINS COUNTY KY JULY 12 1906 No 2811 DEPLORED IN s

i4 le

lbfj r




1 and all kind rf

f Sporting Goods

IatM D SISKISM-cullsonvllle Ky





Death of Mr John B Earle for

Whom town Was Named



t Wleksd Pick at Opening of First CornrncrclaJCoal Mine in Hopkins

v County> v

fMr JohtvB Enrle of Madi841 vile tiled nt hishtitne Sinnnftorrmoron than twp yenof veryfee lo hctt1t11JOsIi tr n l irifeoffprfli > and helpful jictfvityyardsw0l1 Mr Earlo vus JanuarBJEnrle arid Jane 1Voorlaon EarloHe manjod Miss Kt fid Woolfolkiu48i9 Mrs EtirlcMieil aAim

i1her of yen rs ago F vi Children

i survive Missus Liullti lithet Portia find Auiustii Etirlc of

ii MadismivjlJcs uul J nfl ir Luclen

Earlo uf Los Angeles Oal Miss

Carrie Earlc of Madisonvijle isn sister to the deceased as is MrsIrving of Greenville both of

horn with other relatives wereable to attend the funeral DrFountain Eurle of Arkansas abrother of the deceased couldnot make the journey in timeand this was the cue with JudgeEarle of California

Death occurred about 11

oclock Sunday morning Thefuneral service was held at the

t family residence jt 1 oclockMonday afternoon Qqntfuciteil Ijy

Rev P D Tucker Iyl Btor Of theOuniberland P no shY t oria n

church of winch Mr Earlo and


I all his daughters were membersThe remain roj 11 tprnHl at


Odd Felows < 7eltthepresence if Jjl111I nllel

1rlwl a119pwhom wen1 nuniy of thiscitizens of LIUI1S0IlVIIi

i 11mnnHavllhood only the slight training afforded at the litll < lug school

t house he npplied himself dilirgently to stltrly find IVecamp awell educated initiV IJrrougli his

r ow n individiial eir orfs Hestudied law and Was admitted to

r the bar at BiadispuvillQ at aboutthe pgeof tventy one Hewas


successful asjv hnYYtr rand itnancier and actively practicedhis chosenPrQfessim withhqnprand in th e strictest intefg itv un

2 tit his health faflsd nitl > e lastyears Of hlS life 4lr Earle Was

f a stanQlt apd left iii Republicant tlt on was elected to thE

t oflice of cotuity attorney of Hop

akl igcoi tl u teu efullife i evetr heralding B

who Vkucwnliiniberlt that lip Jtr yery cliarla

i table ohU1aJlJh i YC r fjl h Jtto-h xt0nd na helping hiLUl to titO

r p 1rtyr J ffis-I that heliddantuay rod piir6oi ire

t f ayd young who r0-


tertained the highest regard forhim to the last

Mr Earles name is perpet¬

uated told his memory will always be cherished here in Earlington the busy thirfty indust rial twn that v was painedfor him I when he vais in theprime vigor of manhood its thetime of its founding In1 1800ho is credited with havingstruclc-thotlrst pick into the hillside attheopening of the first commer-


coal mine in Hopkins coun ¬

ty the No11 mine ofthe StF

Bernard Goal Company at thisplac6 He wap largely inter¬

ested in that company duringthe early days of its existencexyheii it was a pioneer concernla boring to develop a new iindustryin a new field againstgreat odds

tand withputa market

for the coal that had not thenbeen even tested n the railroadlocomotives of this section ofthe country He axJld his hold ¬

imps in that cqmpxny a v numberif years ajjio



Shoots Ed Berry Colored Twicfk While

Resisting Arrest

Tuesday night about 11 oclockdeputy Ed Burnett and two orthree friends wore standing nearthe passenger depot talkingEd Berry colored came downfrom the direction of the coloredwaiting room and said someonehad thrown a tap at him No at ¬

tention was paid to him and h°

walked by the crowd again remarking that some oje hadthrown ati him and hit Was goingtoPutsolno lpt lead inftheni


Atvthis lie palled a gun tram hispocket Deputy Barhett sawthug in and told the negro toconsider himself under arrestinstead of c1ointohwalk oflV Barnett called his at ¬

tention to the star hoc wore andagain told him to hault Berrymade a quicic turn andsnappedhis pistol at Barnett who thenshot him in the arm Berryagain attempted to shoot buthis pistol again missed fire andBarnett shot him in the legBerry then ran in front of Ar ¬

nold S Withers restaurant andout the back way to his homein the rear of Victorys storewhere he was found by nightpoliceman Mitchell and deputyBarnett When asked for thepistol he had Berry said he putit under the head of the bed andthe officers found it there Ber ¬

ry is not thought to be seriouslywounded tiiL

A NEGROi t t

iB eaklnjlntoJpiiin focleods Store

in Madisonville

Sunday morning as WalterStodglll an employe of DeliaMclseodj wag passing the store afew minutes after one oclock heheard a crash of falling glassHe immediately suspiciouedsAmotli ibaipiind the square to Hotel Lottiiewhere he feudd officers MayeandMcary V

Irh three men rushed throughalley apd found a negro

crawling through the open doorOn tim officers the negrojumped bank and crawled into n1

goods box from wlieretheollicors-pulled him out Sd i gave his

nshvllleTet t enoof a frj> Slit traiUf Healfeio clMmed thAtW white nianand a boy xvere liiin but inlaaIni iriiilliejc were fpundJ J lice

9ffi9q n 1 Vf Ross is one of thegaily svlio has bgen robbing starsfiJmnItc s S

bJitii 8 nap d ij rtetWitipatre top





Pox Run Mine Loads 2210 JonsCoal Over Single Tipple in t-


One Dayi jt



Management Believes Enthusiastic Work-

of Men Cannot be EqualledI

Monday was another big days

at Fox Run mine the big new1

mine of the St Bernard MiningCompany at St Charles on theIllinois Central railroad Andthe days work proved to bOi

truly the record run for asingle days coal loading over asingle car haul and tjpplo JnthState of Kentucky jNlanager

Gordon believes that but for abobble which occurred in theearly part of the days workwhich caused a teinporary short-age of coal at the tipple thioywould have loaded twp hundred


tons more As it was there way

a total of 2210 tOns loaded on1

lift seven railroad cars duringthe days run and it is believedthat if the start had been assmooth as the finish they wouldhave loaded sixty cars

Somo week sago a r tuwnslmade av the same mine whichresulted in loading 1775 tons =

but the railroad car supply ohthat day was not what it shouldhave been and the managementfound that they were not so wellprepared as they should havebeen to make the test A shortwhile afterward th0 W G Dun-can


Coal 00 madea test run atits mine at Graham Ky whichresulted in loading 1017 tonsduring the day into fifty railroadcars Later on June 22 an at ¬

tempt was made to make a Biniliar test at the McHenrV mineof the lnylorOoal Company buta break in machinery preventeda completion of the diy andthey stopped with 89 cars loaded

It is interesting to note thedifference equipment betweenthe Duncan Companys mine andthe St Bernard mine because itshould wake all the difference inthe World in results The gentle ¬

men who managed the Fox Runtest call attention to the factthat they accomplished theirrecord over a single car haul anda single cross over tipple Theysay that the Duncan mine isequipped with a double car hauland double tipple which gives apossible double loading capacityin equipment of course requir-ing a doublet force of glen tohandle the mine cars


The run was witnessed by

miners and foremen from Earlington Mortons Gap Barnsleyand elsewhere ill Hopkins coun ¬

ty and there were jepro6htatives from mines ill other coun ¬

ties along the line of the Illi ¬

nois Central railroad ForemanW T SisK and his able assist-


led the men through thedays performance with skill andenthusiasm The men >were allgreatly interested and left noth ¬


ing undone jopUeup a big dayswork Whatever may bothep-ossibiliblesofnccomp1ishtnekltat another place with more ex ¬

tensiY equipment the foremenand the management believethat the loyal enthusiasm of themen as exhibited at i the FoxnanyvILwhere One of the feats thathas been mentioned in this cooaiection is the swift wdrfe ofTrack Fofetmnii IBrftnnonv YhQ

with ijinnllforceil extended therfti road Jrirpk and ppti Ifl a

Jtih cl a tie in tt veryhortvtrtrpacer n


in gshe track cajjiicity so that now


cf> oh

seventy cars can be accom ¬

modated above the tippleFox Run nine is the only

mine in Kentucky ot elsewherethat has been henrdofthat en=

4Ijjoys the distinction of producinga bonn fide output of 1000 tons


daily vithiu thirty days afteryideamine loaded 1000 tons daily foritWee successive days within thefirst monthafter the new plantvas installed Within GO daysafter the mine was opened theftiormal daily output reached theityindsorne figure of 1157 tons ina day

DROPS TO DEATHrMaran Montgomery Drops Down the

i i I

L > i j Sebree Coal Shaftt

t A lamentnblenccWent oc

furred at the Sebree cOIil minesat that place Monday eveningtibout G oclock Marian NiMontgomery an old and trustedipmploye of the coal companywaR lowii in the I mine andwanted to come up in the cageHe gage the signal for the cagejbo be raised expecting EngineerJaxtoij tb start the engine and

JKing hiniup But EngineerPaxton was at this time in his

nwayfromb Y-

inname Morris Bellwho livesRussellville and has been an

employe only a short tine at ¬

tempted to raise the cage Asthe cage neared the top of theshaft Bell did not know whichlever to pull and lost conttorofthe engine The cage flew tothe top ith terriflic force andsmashed through the rooffheforceof the shock broke the cageloose and It fell to the bottom ofthe shaft 180 feet killing Mont-gomery instantly A crew fixed

uAa block and tackle andbrought the body up at 3 oclockBell was arrested and is held onthft charge of criminal carlesstress


Will Spend Four Days at Grayson Springs

and Bowling Green

The coming annual meetiig ofthe Kentucky Press Association i

which will be held at QraysonSprings and Bowling Green theweek beginning July 28 prom-ises


to be a hummer and themost enjoyable gathering in theannals of the association Secretary W Vernon Richitrdsonof Danville and the members ofthe Executive Committee havebeen indefatigable in their ef ¬

forts to make everything pleasant for the press gang when theyassembles for the yearly meetand while the business of thebody will be of paramount importancej a rpuud Of pleasurewill be cOhibined SO that theresill be something doing everyminute of the stay of the quill




Has Worked for Thirteen Different Min

Inj Companies but This Is the Be-

stJe Stokes an employe ofthe St Bernard Mining Oompany has vrprked for thirteendifferent mining compames inAlabama Tennessee and In ¬

diana but the St iBernard jsthe only company he everSyorked for who cared for theirmen paid thorn as well anti alsogive ilienv tis many dividendseach year Mr Stokes wishes topublicly express Jus appreci t

tionof the splendid treatmenthe has received from the St


Bernard Mining Company andthinks arliijgton is the besttowns n3 the St Bgrnatd AQ

beet COtnpa ypnf3artb l

< 0

1 1 Ai




They Are Deluged With Invitationsand Are Kept Busy With

Their Engagements

London July 11Mr and MrsBryan have temporarily abandonedtheir planned continental tour andhave decided to remain in Great Brit-

ain until after the conference of theInterparliamentary union which witopen here July 22 They will spendsome time in Scotland leaving London July IB Invitations have beenpouring In on Mr Bryan and he andMrs Bryan are kept busy with theirEngagements They were entertainedat dinner by Cal C J Bills of Nebraska Monday evening and willdayIMoroton Frewen In Sussex stoppingwhile on their way there to lunchwith Mrs George Cornwallis West-They will return here July 12 In timefor a luncheon which AmbassadorRelI and Mrs Reid are to give themDorchester house before going to

the house of commons to hear WarSecretary Haldano speak on army re

formSecretary Ridgley Carter of theAmerican embassy and Mrs Carterwill give a luncheon July 13 In honorof Mr and Mrs Bryan and Mr Haldane will give them a dinner the sameevrnlng Lord Chancellor s Loreburnwill close a week of entertainmentWith a dinner to Mr and Mrs Bryan



Cronstadt Russia July 11AJhalral Rojestvensky whose trial onthe charge of surrendering to the en ¬

emy after the battle of the Sea Qf

Japan began before a court martlalhere Jqly 4 was acquitted Tuesdayafter the court had deliberated fornearly ten hours

Four officers of the torpedo boat de-stroyer Bedovl who were placed ontrial with the admiral were foundguUt of having premeditatedly sur ¬

rendered the Bedovl and all four werecondemned to death by shooting

BUT on account of extenuating cir¬

cumstances the emperor will be re-


to commute the sentences ofthe four officers to dismissal from theservice and to be deprived of certainrights which they otherwise enjoy

Rojestvensky was taken to Japannni there nursed back to health be-


being sent to Russia after thewar was over


Judge Monroe of Springfield GivesTestimony In Behalf of States

Attorney Reaugh

Springfield Ill July 11A sur-

prise was sprung in the presentationof evidence against States AttorneyRichard Reaugh of Clay countycharged with complicity in an effort todebauch the supreme court in theHudtlleston will case Judge D BKlonroeof Springfield who representedthe executor of the will recalled atbnyersation he had with Reaugh lastMarch in which he admitted he askedReaugh to run down certain rumorsthat had been circulated concerningthe giving out of the decision In thewill case He said that he consideredReaugh was acting the part of an lionost procecutor



Chicago July 11 Officials of theRailroads of the Central Freight assoelation and representatives of all thdbig hrqakfast food companies in thecountry were expected to meet lideadlock at the offices of the assoclaHon The cause of the clash it issatdlIs the attempt 6f the railroads to est


Where Wellington Awaited BlucherBrussels July nThe celebrate

farm ot Moat St Jean where Wel ¬

lington awaited Bluchers arrival atthe battle r oo notwithstanding the successive assaults of Napolons troops hao been sold for 70000francs U14OO The purchaser isAlfred MadquJc It is feared that thefarmhouse will shortly be demolishes

> If not bought by public subscription

Declared Every 8eat VacantPeoria Ill July 11The city coun

cil of Peoria has declared every sealon the board of school Inspectors yttcant and called a special election foAugust 3 to elect a now board

Ta Open Port oftoklo J Y 1I U tl

Japan will open Dalny to ilufernAtipnal trade the beginning df Septeniber

Suocere is >ti think befl7-olne onelelr e d4eir11Ct


A Largo Stock 6f

Wall PaljerjWindow Shades-




Madisonvillo Ky










Chance for Temperance People to SendHopkins County Ladies on Beauil

+ rut Trip

Mr HE Oleaton one of tieeditors of The Kentucky Is ¬

KentuckyAntiSalodnyesterday in the interest of hispaper accompanied by Mrs iVyT Anderson and Miss GoldieWalker of Marlisonvilie whoare taking up the work of pac-ing


the nosy publication intnehands of temperance people inHopkins county Miss Walkerwill undertake to plrl Eonehundred or more subscriptionsin Madisonville and Elarlingtcinand Mrs Anderson will endeavorto place a like number in otherparts of the county

In this connection the pub ¬

offeringaToronto and Ohatauqua to eachsolicitor who secures as many asone hundred annual cash sub ¬

scriptions VThe party will leave Louis ¬

ville for this trip August 9thTUB BEE beepeaks for theseladies the cooperation of tem ¬

perance people in the work theyhave undertaken


rMeeting at DawsonSome Noted Evan-

gelists to be There

A two weeks revival meetingbegan at Dawson Springs thefirst of July Strong preachers ofthe Baptist church will partici¬

meetings Rev Tj N1Ooii1tton

+ of this county hasbeen the preacher this week andnext week Rev Garter HelmJones and ltd v Lett G Brougliton will have charge Those arepreachers without superiors inthe Baptist church or any otherchurch and will doubtless draylarge audiences Other promi ¬

nent ministers will be there dur ¬

hug this month and nextANOTHER CAMP MEETING

To be Held at theSebree CampGrounds-


At a meeting of the board ofmanagers held at Madisonvillelast Thursday night it was deter ¬

mined to hold a camp meeting atthe Cascade Gamp Grounds atSebree this summer beginningAugust 8 and continuing for tendays or two weeks

The members of the boardpresent were Rev B F Orr tchairman T M Jenkins secre-tary


John R Wilson OprydonrRev J B Adams MadisonvilleRev H S Gillett Audubon

Miss Annie Ashby Entertains

Miss Annie Aehby entertaineda few of her friends at Lakesidepark Monday with a picnic andfish fry The entire day andpartof the night was spent onthis outing and everyone en ¬

joyed a delightful time A suf-


quantity of fish werepeopleherselfdan exceptional cook

Arm Broken

Little Miss Ruth the fouryearold daughter of Mrs GoraPeytontotfall while playing in the yardFriday and break leer right armDr Sisk was culled to dress theinjured member and life little-llatietitis doing ntalyr i

l J

Hon A 0 Stanley tope k

Ron AO Stanley will addfqKs th tobacco groAVers atMa4isqnville pn the opening JaYQfrth4a CnFairJi lvQlst a J

j I



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