the frankfort roundabout. (frankfort, ky) 1906-12-08...

4 I 1 i rv 1 ii H J t I J > J THE FRANKFORT ROUNDABOUT I GEO A LEVLS Publisher A WEEKLY PAPER DEVOTED TO LOCAL AND SOCIETY NEWS TKKMS 100 In 1dvnncet = = = n = = 7 = i YOL XXX FRANKFORT KENTUCKY SATURDAY I DECEMBER 8 1906 No 14 DEXTER LODGE K OF P i ELECTS 0 111 C j RSI Dexter Lodge Knights of pyI thins of this city elected the ¬ i lowing gentlemen to serve nsI tr officers for tho ensuing term on Friday night last C W Brunei1 Chancellor Com ¬ wander W H IcMurtry ViceChan collor T T Bufovd Prolate r T H Crockett Master Work ¬ i matt I Win Cromwell Master of Ex- chequer ¬ 0 N Smith Master of Fi lulnee1V CMarshall Keeper of Re¬ cords tend Seal I T W Tellers MastoratArm- sELCrutehor Inside Guard Davis Harrod Outside Guard Sti Petty and W S Polsgrove Sir Knight Lee A Owen retired irI after filling the ollico of Keeper of Records and firma with credit t r to himself and Dexter Lodge for- r fifteen consecutive years Brother Ernest R Jones was unanimously recommended for the position of Vice Deputy of the lodge FOLLOW THE FLAG When our oldlers went to Cuba and the Philippines health was tho most Important consideration Willis T MorKiuirctirod Commissary Sergeant U S A of Rural Route 1 Concord N H says I was two years in Cuba and two years in the Philippines and being subject to colds I tools Dr iClngs New Discovery for Consump- tion which kept me in perfect health And now in New Hampshire we find it the best medicine in the world for coughs colds bronchial troubles and all lung diseases Guaranteed at all druggists Price Sec and 1 Trial bottle fre- er CHEAP POSTAGE SUItEt PROFITS ARE PH OMI ISED The following novel proposition has been made to tho Postal Corn ¬ t mission r To turn over the postoflice hmiI floss to a 50000000 private cor ¬ r110rntioll under full Government To reduce by onehalf all postalI i rates establish rural ex ¬ press and apply business methods throughout To pay the Government rental for postoilice quartt rs guff charge it regular rates for its postal hus ¬ inessTo place in charge a wellknown railroad trallic expert to whom the place has been ottered at liHO 000 nUll unyi To eliminate all sinecures poli- tics ¬ J and the deficit tro pay the Government nIl pro ¬ 7 per emit on capital J Proposition of W IK Hoyee of Chicago BITSI Are as common in India as are stomach and liver disorders with us For the latter however there Is a mire remedy Electric litters tho great restorative medicine of which S A Brown of Bennettsvllle S C says They restored my wife to per ¬ feet health after years of suffering with dyspesia and a chronically torpid liver Electric Bitters cure chills and rover malaria biliousness lame back kidney troubles and bladder dis ¬ orders Bold on guarantee by all t druggists Price 50c > > f OFFICERS OF UNITED COXI ¬ JOH If Lewis Chapter D C has elected tho following oHicors fur tho ensuing yea- riresideutllrs11lox Grant First Vice President Mrs Lou in 13 Longmoor Second Vice President Miss M E Harrison Third Vico President Miss Lucy Pattie Corresponding Secretary Miss Elizabeth Blanton Recording Secretary Miss Lena Bento- nHistoriatnMrs I Nellie Stead man Co- xIreasurerMrs Eo L Samuel The 100th anniversary of Gen Robt E Leos birthday will he celebrated by this chapter on Jan ¬ nary JO by a suitable address i the era tor at which has not yet Ieen selected i I DEATH FROM LOCKJAW Never follows an injury dressed with Kucklens Arnica Salve Its antiseptic and healing properties pre OswaldI writes It cured Seth Burch of this place of the ugliest sore on his neck I ever saw Cures cuts wounds burns and sores 25c at all druggists ADDS NEW DEPARTMENT The big flour anti feed store of Heiso tl Sons has added a now de ¬ partment to their big store Here ¬ after they will purchase and line ¬ tile country produce f nvls eggs butter etc They propose to pay the highest prices for every th the farmers have to sell and ingI in return sell them Hour grille provisions and seeds at the very lowest possible price This is an enterprising linn and are I building up a big businl8I + IA city to be healthy must keep Its sewer system in perfect order To be well you must keep the human sewerage system in perfect order the only way Father Williams Indian Tea lor Herb Tablets 25 doses for 20c1 In and try a box and be coilS vinced Frankfort Drug Co Drug- gists ¬ ANOTHER PRECINCT HEARD FROM i We recently made mention of cherry trees being in bloom fur the second time in this county this year and now comes tIll in ¬ formation that a pear tree in the yard of Capt 1 T 1estt1p ¬ posite our ollice on Main street not only has bloomed the second time lint that a crop of peaty Yore growing upon the tree when tho freco struck it Next I Dr tadys Condition Iowucra are just what a horse needs when in bad condition Tonic blood purifier nr vermifuge They are not food I f medicine and the best in use to put horse in prime condition Price 3 cents per package For sale by J W Gayle and LeCompte fc Gayle 171000 FOR KENTUCKY tIP Jn the estimates as made by tho War Department for the various works on the rivers of tho State tho Kentucky river is allowed 174000 for extension of the im ¬ provements X r Wevcr Treatment Bjiop for the blood i Cerate for ikin roptlou C fc 1 Jil I J C KAGIN BROS n w ReadytoWear Department Offers Many Excellent Suggestions for Xmas Gifts S Ladies Tailored Suits Ono lot snits worth from 1500 to woo ml need prices 11 25 l500and 1875 These va I tits are extraordinary Ladies Cots Special 850 1000 1250 1500 values Misses Coats 500 750 850 and 1000- Childrens Coats light Skin Plush and Astri kan Coats at 300 400 and 500 Ladies Rain Coats Extra values at 1250 and 1500 Ladies Flannelett KImonas Long Flannelette Kinlou as all colors 1 125 and 150 Short DressingI jtacques DJC THERECIFIERS UP AGAINST I I IT ROD AND HARD A recent order from tIre Com In i8 ¬ sinner of Internal Revenue huts given tlie rectifiers the buck ague and they Imve been task ¬ ing a numlvr of questions as to the order foul collectors kayo re- ferred ¬ th0so questions to the Com ¬ missioner for an answer I More is one of them This ollieo is in receipt of your letter of tho 15th instant in which you refer to Circular OSi directing collectors on or lifter January 1 1007 to decline to is ¬ sue a wholesale liquor dealers stamp fur use Ill filly package not tilled on the premises ofa whole ¬ sale liquor dottier or for use on Lilly unbroken package bearing the marks stumps and brands re ¬ quired by the law You inquire whether this circular applies to a ease where a duly qualified roe ti IHls wholesale and retail dealer takes a package of rectified spirits just filled on his promises immediately outs time slip from the stump for rectified spirits thereto attached total makes ap ¬ plication on Form 12 for a whole ¬ sale liquor dealers stamp to cover till same package with the proof slightly reduced time difference or surplus quantity resulting front the reduction having been disposed of to himself for retail In reply you are informed that said circular is held to apply to such a case Collectors 8hollldI refuse on and after next to issue a wholesale liquor leather who is also a retail liquor I dealer and who desires to dispose r t t 1 hI 4 o I 1tc V R 111li Ladies Furs and Muffs Sable Corey scarfs and cruvats 100 to G 00 Genuine Fox irons 5 750 000 and 1000 upChildrens ¬ ers in solid white and colored stripes 100 Corsets The famous W B Corset with supporters at SOc 100 150 and 200 pair Ladies Union Suits Fleeced Union Suits at GOc 75c and 100 Childrens Fur Sets 1150 250 to 10 Silk Waists Special values in black and blue 325 Plaid Vaists 500 I C KAGIN 8 BRO of spirits to himself at rpt illlnI IIlowld ages containing not loss than live gallons wholesale liquordealers stamps to cover such derived packages The remnant if nll of five wine gallons or more wholetile JOSTI TEn KOIIDED U W Fonts Postmaster att Riverton la rtoarly lost his life and was rohhoiof till comfort according to his letter which says For 20 pal I had chronic t liver omplailltwhich led to such j a severe oust of jaundice that even i my finger nails when my doctor prescribed ElecJ trio Hitters which cured me and have kept me well for eleven years Surf curt for Billions j ness rnlgiu11etkuess and all Stomach Liver Kidney and Bladder derangements A won derful Tonic At all druggists j riO cpu tsI I A rather unexpected llt Impj pened ill time Court of Appeals on Tuesday Attorney V C fetid of Scoitsville Anon county was arguing a Past before that Court when he was attacked with angina pieioris and fell to thou liter Mr load was taken to the Capital Motel where Dr c1- A Fish rendered medical assist fOI- uhllI BUrl the- Bignature of A The Kind You Have Always Bought Pr Warere Syrup and CerateI Succesetnl treatment for blood and IJr J > f I ol1J t e Y Ladies and Childrens Hose Ladies pIoi nand Heel d hose I0e loo and 25c Ladies Wool Hose 25c 3e and 50c Childrens Hose lOc 15c and 25c pairv Ladies Outing Cloth Gowns in white and colors 50c 75c and 1 Infants Caps To match Astrikan Bear Skin and Plush Coats at 75c 100 and 150 Silk Caps 25c 50c and 75c Infants Toques 25 and 50- cLadies Petticoats Black mercerized Skirts beautifully tuckedand ruined X100 Black Silk Petticoats made of heavy rustling silk 5 Stelfrankfort DONT FORGET We hope the teachers of this county will nut forget that Prof g K X Iloiirk President of the Eastern Kentucky State Normal School will deliver an address in the interest of that institution at the Y M C A Rooms this Sat ¬ urday morning at 10250 oclock It is earnestly desired by County Superintendent Jones that there Ilw a full attendance throatI a ¬ tarrh Cure Nothing so surely proves merit as a real actual test and Dr Shoop to prove this earnestly desires that we let you make the test This creamy Snow White healing balm soothes the throat rued nostrils and quickly purities a foul or feverish breath Call and investigate All dealers SELLS INTEREST IX MM HKK BUSINESS Mr OscarC Kenney has sold ills onehalf interest in the big sawmill rued lumber business of Mesrs Kenney Hrosto his brother and partner Mr Thos K Ien UyThis firm have l one and are do ¬ ing a hit business What 110 C Kenney a il1t g ivc his time to inot yet cer ¬ tain Hon the old Llangol Ilfn farm at Woodlake former ¬ ly the home of our riraulfatherr the Into lolls Lewis Esq FOR RENT A cottage of four rooms ten minutes walk to town Also four acres of to ¬ bacco land Apply to Rev Thos N t Arnold at Montrose ° Nov 3Mt r pv r14 <o itK fv

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ELECTS 0 111 C j RSIDexter Lodge Knights of pyI

thins of this city elected the ¬

i lowing gentlemen to serve nsI

tr officers for tho ensuing term onFriday night last

C W Brunei1 Chancellor Com ¬

wanderW H IcMurtry ViceChan

collorT T Bufovd Prolate

r T H Crockett Master Work¬i

matt I

Win Cromwell Master of Ex-


0 N Smith Master of Fi

lulnee1V CMarshall Keeper of Re¬

cords tend SealI

T W Tellers MastoratArm-sELCrutehor Inside GuardDavis Harrod Outside GuardStiPetty and W S PolsgroveSir Knight Lee A Owen retired

irI after filling the ollico of Keeperof Records and firma with credit

t r to himself and Dexter Lodge for-

r fifteen consecutive yearsBrother Ernest R Jones was

unanimously recommended for

the position of Vice Deputy of

the lodge


When our oldlers went to Cuba andthe Philippines health was tho mostImportant consideration Willis T

MorKiuirctirod Commissary SergeantU S A of Rural Route 1 ConcordN H says I was two years in Cuba

and two years in the Philippines andbeing subject to colds I tools DriClngs New Discovery for Consump-

tion which kept me in perfect healthAnd now in New Hampshire we find

it the best medicine in the world forcoughs colds bronchial troubles and

all lung diseases Guaranteed at alldruggists Price Sec and 1

Trial bottle fre-er


The following novel propositionhas been made to tho Postal Corn ¬

t missionr To turn over the postoflice hmiI

floss to a 50000000 private cor¬

r110rntioll under full Government

To reduce by onehalf all postalIi

rates establish rural ex ¬

press and apply business methodsthroughout

To pay the Government rentalfor postoilice quartt rs guff chargeit regular rates for its postal hus ¬

inessToplace in charge a wellknown

railroad trallic expert to whom

the place has been ottered at liHO

000 nUllunyiTo eliminate all sinecures poli-



J and the deficittro pay the Government nIl pro ¬

7 per emit on capital

JProposition of W IK Hoyee ofChicago

BITSIAre as common in India as arestomach and liver disorders with us

For the latter however there Is amire remedy Electric litters thogreat restorative medicine of which S

A Brown of Bennettsvllle S C

says They restored my wife to per ¬

feet health after years of suffering

with dyspesia and a chronically torpid

liver Electric Bitters cure chillsand rover malaria biliousness lameback kidney troubles and bladder dis ¬

orders Bold on guarantee by all

t druggists Price 50c


> f



JOH If Lewis Chapter D C

has elected tho following oHicorsfur tho ensuing yea-

riresideutllrs11lox GrantFirst Vice President Mrs

Lou in 13 LongmoorSecond Vice President Miss M

E HarrisonThird Vico President Miss

Lucy PattieCorresponding Secretary Miss

Elizabeth BlantonRecording Secretary Miss

Lena Bento-nHistoriatnMrsI Nellie Stead

man Co-xIreasurerMrs Eo L Samuel

The 100th anniversary of GenRobt E Leos birthday will hecelebrated by this chapter on Jan ¬

nary JO by a suitable address i

the era tor at which has not yetIeen selected i



Never follows an injury dressedwith Kucklens Arnica Salve Itsantiseptic and healing properties pre

OswaldIwrites It cured Seth Burch of thisplace of the ugliest sore on his neckI ever saw Cures cuts woundsburns and sores 25c at all druggists


The big flour anti feed store ofHeiso tl Sons has added a now de ¬

partment to their big store Here ¬

after they will purchase and line ¬

tile country produce f nvls eggsbutter etc They propose to paythe highest prices for every ththe farmers have to sell and ingIin return sell them Hourgrille provisions and seeds at thevery lowest possible price Thisis an enterprising linn and are I

building up a big businl8I+IA city to be healthy must keep Itssewer system in perfect order Tobe well you must keep the humansewerage system in perfect order theonly way Father Williams Indian Tea

lor Herb Tablets 25 doses for 20c1In and try a box and be coilS

vinced Frankfort Drug Co Drug-




We recently made mention ofcherry trees being in bloom furthe second time in this countythis year and now comes tIll in ¬

formation that a pear tree in theyard of Capt 1 T 1estt1p ¬

posite our ollice on Main streetnot only has bloomed the secondtime lint that a crop of peatyYore growing upon the tree whentho freco struck it

Next I

Dr tadys Condition Iowucra arejust what a horse needs when in badcondition Tonic blood purifier nrvermifuge They are not food I fmedicine and the best in use to puthorse in prime condition Price 3cents per package

For sale by J W Gayle andLeCompte fc Gayle


tIPJn the estimates as made by tho

War Department for the variousworks on the rivers of tho Statetho Kentucky river is allowed

174000 for extension of the im ¬

provementsX r Wevcr Treatment

Bjiop for the blood i Cerate for ikin roptlou

Cfc1 JilI J


w ReadytoWear DepartmentOffers Many Excellent Suggestions for Xmas Gifts S

Ladies Tailored SuitsOno lot snits worth

from 1500 to wooml need prices 11 25l500and 1875 These

va I tits are extraordinary

Ladies CotsSpecial 850 1000

1250 1500 values

Misses Coats

500 750 850 and1000-

Childrens Coatslight Skin Plush and

Astri kan Coats at 300400 and 500

Ladies Rain CoatsExtra values at 1250

and 1500

Ladies Flannelett KImonas

Long FlanneletteKinlou as all colors 1

125 and 150 ShortDressingIjtacques DJC




A recent order from tIre Com In i8 ¬

sinner of Internal Revenue huts

given tlie rectifiers the buck

ague and they Imve been task ¬

ing a numlvr of questions as tothe order foul collectors kayo re-



th0so questions to the Com ¬

missioner for an answer I

More is one of themThis ollieo is in receipt of your

letter of tho 15th instant in

which you refer to Circular OSi

directingcollectors on or lifterJanuary 1 1007 to decline to is ¬

sue a wholesale liquor dealersstamp fur use Ill filly package nottilled on the premises ofa whole ¬

sale liquor dottier or for use on

Lilly unbroken package bearing

the marks stumps and brands re ¬

quired by the law You inquirewhether this circular applies to a

ease where a duly qualified roe

ti IHls wholesale and retail dealertakes a package of rectifiedspirits just filled on his promisesimmediately outs time slip from

the stump for rectified spiritsthereto attached total makes ap ¬

plication on Form 12 for a whole ¬

sale liquor dealers stamp to cover

till same package with the proofslightly reduced time differenceor surplus quantity resultingfront the reduction having been

disposed of to himself for retailIn reply you are informed

that said circular is held to applyto such a case Collectors

8hollldIrefuse on and afternext to issue a wholesale liquorleather who is also a retail liquor I

dealer and who desires to dispose

r t t 1 hI4 o I1tc V R 111li

Ladies Furs and Muffs

Sable Corey scarfs andcruvats 100 to G 00Genuine Fox irons 5750 000 and 1000

upChildrens ¬

ers in solid white andcolored stripes 100


The famous W BCorset with supportersat SOc 100 150 and

200 pair

Ladies Union SuitsFleeced Union Suits atGOc 75c and 100

Childrens Fur Sets1150 250 to 10

Silk WaistsSpecial values in

black and blue 325Plaid Vaists 500

I C KAGIN 8 BROof spirits to himself at rpt illlnI

IIlowldages containing not loss than live

gallons wholesale liquordealersstamps to cover such derivedpackages The remnant if

nll of five wine gallons or more


U W Fonts Postmaster attRiverton la rtoarly lost his lifeand was rohhoiof till comfortaccording to his letter whichsays For 20 pal I had chronic t

liver omplailltwhich led to such j

a severe oust of jaundice that even i

my finger nailswhen my doctor prescribed ElecJtrio Hitters which cured me andhave kept me well for elevenyears Surf curt for Billions j

ness rnlgiu11etkuess and allStomach Liver Kidney andBladder derangements A won

derful Tonic At all druggists j

riO cputsII

A rather unexpected llt Impjpened ill time Court of Appeals onTuesday Attorney V C fetidof Scoitsville Anon county was

arguing a Past before that Courtwhen he was attacked withangina pieioris and fell to thou

liter Mr load was taken to

the Capital Motel where Dr c1-

A Fish rendered medical assistfOI-uhllIBUrl the-


A The Kind You Have Always Bought

Pr Warere Syrup and CerateISuccesetnl treatment for blood and

IJr J >f I ol1Jt e


Ladies and Childrens Hose

Ladies pIoi nandHeel d hose I0e looand 25c Ladies WoolHose 25c 3e and 50cChildrens Hose lOc15c and 25c pairv

Ladies Outing ClothGowns in white andcolors 50c 75c and 1

Infants CapsTo match Astrikan

Bear Skin and PlushCoats at 75c 100 and

150 Silk Caps 25c50c and 75c

Infants Toques 25and 50-

cLadies PetticoatsBlack mercerized Skirtsbeautifully tuckedandruined X100 BlackSilk Petticoats made ofheavy rustling silk 5

StelfrankfortDONT FORGET

We hope the teachers of thiscounty will nut forget that Prof


K X Iloiirk President of theEastern Kentucky State NormalSchool will deliver an address inthe interest of that institution atthe Y M C A Rooms this Sat ¬

urday morning at 10250 oclockIt is earnestly desired by County

Superintendent Jones that thereIlw a full attendance

throatIa ¬

tarrh Cure Nothing so surelyproves merit as a real actual testand Dr Shoop to prove thisearnestly desires that we let youmake the test This creamy SnowWhite healing balm soothes thethroat rued nostrils and quicklypurities a foul or feverish breathCall and investigate All dealers


Mr OscarC Kenney has soldills onehalf interest in the bigsawmill rued lumber business ofMesrs Kenney Hrosto his brotherand partner Mr Thos K IenUyThis

firm have l one and are do ¬

ing a hit businessWhat 110 C Kenney ail1tg ivc his time to inot yet cer¬

tain Hon the old LlangolIlfn farm at Woodlake former ¬

ly the home of our riraulfatherrthe Into lolls Lewis Esq


A cottage of four rooms ten minuteswalk to town Also four acres of to¬

bacco land Apply to Rev Thos N tArnold at Montrose °

Nov 3Mt


pv r14 < o itK fv