babo brand book


Upload: sandie-ly

Post on 23-Mar-2016




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My brand book for Babo,enjoy!


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Funny how I’ve always dreamt of doing something like this. Running in a grassy field holding a colourful bunch of balloons with my hair blowing back and a big smile plastered on my face. It was the perfect opportunity to use such a crazy idea. Blowing up 60+ balloons with helium together with my best friend Joe at his flat was the best way to spend a Sunday evening. He even carried the heavy helium tank all the way there. What more could I possibly want?The balloons were the colour of my brand Babo. Where the reddish pink balloons represented ‘playful’, orange was ‘optimis-tic’ and yellow was ‘clumsy’.The idea was to attach a note to each of the balloons requesting the people who

eventually caught the balloon to write about a time, a memory when they were playful, optimistic or clumsy.Initially I planned to ask people to take a picture with the balloon after they has drawn a face onto it. After contemplating this I realised it would have more mean-ing if I asked for them to do the second idea as drawing faces on a balloon would essentially be meaningless.It took a while to blow up 60+ balloons and attach ribbons and notes to it, but eventually we brought it outside.It was so windy and disaster struck when the ribbons got so tangled up we couldn’t separate them. Eventually, I reluctantly let go of the balloons and watched them fly into the distance in a bunch.

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In a short paragraph, write about a time .A memory where you were either optimistic, playful or clumsy.

Plan B, after Plan A failed was to ask my friends to write about a memory when they were optimistic, playful and clumsy. The responses were personal and I felt like including stories in the Babo brand book was a nice idea to portray these values.

When I was younger I suffered from Chronic Fatigue syndrome, it’s widely believed to an illness that is brought on mentally and is closely linked to depression. It can last from 6 months to an entire life time and there is no known cure. After being on antidepres-sants for a year I decided I couldn’t rely on them anymore and to get myself out of it I’d have to be strong. Each day I got up and told myself I was fine and looked at the world from an optimistic stand point. Slowly things got better and I overcome it.

I remember when I was going for my college interview to get on the course I was really nervous, I didn’t have good GCSE grades and my portfolio was weak. It was the day after I got home from holiday and i was tired and nervous, I sat in the car and told my dad I didn’t want to do it. He told me that if I believe in myself other people will as well. If i walked in there optimistic good things would happen. I went in there and did my best. I got onto the course.

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When I was a kid I used to slide every where, I’d slide across the floor on my knees and down the bannisters of the stairs. One time when I was on holiday with my family we were in a second floor apartment and there were stairs right outside our door. On the very first day my mum told me not to slide down the bannister. I didn’t listen. I slid down it when I left the apartment on my own the next morning and slipped. I tried to stop myself from falling but have never had good balance, i twisted my ankle and fell down to the floor. My ankle really hurt and I couldn’t tell anyone what I’d done so I spent the rest of the holiday pretending I was fine even though it really hurt when I walked or swam.

I remember when I was in school and were doing football in p.e, there was this game where you were not allowed to kick it above the height of your own head. It was supposed to teach ball control. It was fine but one time the ball came near me I kicked it and it went so far up that it went over the fence and into the houses behind our school. Everyone was really angry and I felt like the clumsiest person going.

Last time I saw my baby cousins they were staying with my nan and grandad and my nan and grandad were really tired because they couldn’t keep up with all the things they wanted to do. So i took my cousins into the other room and helped them build a fort, and then they made me get in the fort whilst they jumped on me. It hurt but it was fun to play with them. I then picked them both up and helped them pretend they were jumping so high they could touch the ceiling. It was fun



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