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ANTES DE ABRIR EL CUADERNILLO LEA COMPLETAMENTE LAS SIGUIENTES INSTRUCCIONES GENERALES: El material de examen que va a utilizar consta de este CUADERNILLO DE PREGUNTAS Y UNA HOJA DE RESPUESTAS: 1 El llenado de la hoja de respuestas deberá efectuarse solamente con lápiz del número 2 ó 2 ½ 2 Utilice el CUADERNILLO únicamente para leer las preguntas y las opciones de respuesta 3 Registre con todo cuidado y correctamente en LA HOJA DE RESPUESTAS los datos que se le solicitan, tanto personales como de la aplicación 4 Su nombre completo debe registrarlo en el siguiente orden: APELLIDO PATERNO, APELLIDO MATERNO Y NOMBRE (5) Registre su firma tal como lo hizo en su credencial 5 En cuanto a la MATRÍCULA Y DATOS DE LA APLICACIÓN, anote sólo un dígito en cada recuadro, además rellene completa y firmemente los óvalos que corresponden con los números anotados 6 El CUADERNILLO contiene preguntas numeradas cada una de éstas presenta cuatro opciones de respuesta; de las cuales sólo una es la correcta 7 Es importante poner la mayor atención en cada pregunta y al elegir la respuesta llenar completa y firmemente el óvalo correspondiente Ejemplo: 1

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El material de examen que va a utilizar consta de este CUADERNILLO DE PREGUNTAS Y UNA HOJA DE RESPUESTAS:

1 El llenado de la hoja de respuestas deberá efectuarse solamente con lápiz del número 2 ó 2 ½

2 Utilice el CUADERNILLO únicamente para leer las preguntas y las opciones de respuesta

3 Registre con todo cuidado y correctamente en LA HOJA DE RESPUESTAS los datos que se le solicitan, tanto personales como de la aplicación

4 Su nombre completo debe registrarlo en el siguiente orden: APELLIDO PATERNO, APELLIDO MATERNO Y NOMBRE (5) Registre su firma tal como lo hizo en su credencial

5 En cuanto a la MATRÍCULA Y DATOS DE LA APLICACIÓN, anote sólo un dígito en cada recuadro, además rellene completa y firmemente los óvalos que corresponden con los números anotados

6 El CUADERNILLO contiene preguntas numeradas cada una de éstas presenta cuatro opciones de respuesta; de las cuales sólo una es la correcta

7 Es importante poner la mayor atención en cada pregunta y al elegir la respuesta llenar completa y firmemente el óvalo correspondiente





Las preguntas de esta prueba se basan en el contenido de su libro de texto Inglés, Unidades XXV — XXXII.


Esta parte de la prueba consta de 5 preguntas, de la 1 a la 5.

A continuación se le presentan dos textos que usted deberá leer con atención y, EXCLUSIVAMENTE con base en ellos, contestará las preguntas de esta parte.

The first automobile race in history took place in Chicago in 1895. Henry Ford, who lived in Michigan, had a car and wanted to compete, but he did not have the money to get to Chicago.

Ford did not win that race, but later he achieved some far 5 more important victories. He was an excellent automobile

engineer, but what really made him different from other auto makers were his ideas about the manufacturing process and the

rewards employees should receive for their labor.

Ford’s most famous idea was to standardize the manufacturing 10 process so that large numbers of identical cars could be

produced cheaply and quickly. Ford was certainly not the first person to standardize manufacturing processes, but what he did introduce was the assembly line.

Taken from Reading Structure and Strategy, by A. Zentella Campuzano, P. Ahern and J.



1. According to the article, Ford Henry

A) won some important automobile races.

B) wanted to own a large number of cars.

C) designed a different manufacturing process.

D) was the first to manufacture standard cars.

2. Henry Ford vas different from other car rnanufacturers in that he

A) was the best engineer in his factory.

B) 8) wanted to manufacture the fastest cars.

C) liked to have many ernployees in his factory.

D) had a new concept concerning the production of cars.

3. The word “their” underlined in line 8 refers to the

A) rewards.B) employees. C) auto makers.D) manufacturing process.



Since 1961, the World Wildlife Fund has rescued over 30 mammals and birds from near extinction. It has given more than 40 million dollars to conservation projects around the world. It has created and supported 260 national parks on five continents —a total area almost twice the size of Western Europe. But, there is still much more work to be done. The World Wildlife Fund’s biggest land campaign has been for the conservation of the tropical rain forest. In 1975, the organization began its “Save the Jungle” campaign to conserve key areas of rain forest. One reserve, created in Costa Rica’s Monteverde Cloud Forest, protects more than 1,000 species of plants, 300 species of birds and 100 species of mammals. The Quetzal, sacred bird of the Aztecs, now survives there.

Taken from: Reading,Structure and Strategy byE. Campuzano, J. Taylor, J Shepherd and

P. Ahern.

4. When the author says that “there is still much more work to be done”, he means that the work

A) has not been finished completely.B) has been very unfortunate.C) has not been successful. D) has been inadequate.

5. According to the text, the World Wildlife Fund has

A) traveled around the world setting mammals and birds free.

B) spent great amounts of money in preservation projects.

C) campaigned to save the jungle from the rain.

D) rescued animals from several national parks.




Esta parte de la prueba consta de 43 preguntas, de la 6 a la 48, en las cuales deber elegir la opción que completa correcta y lógicamente las expresiones o diálogos incompletos que se le presentan.

El tipo de pregunta que usted encontrare en esta parte se ilustra con el siguiente EJEMPLO:

6. Mr. Jones __________ living here___________ He ha, moved to Tampico.

A) isn’t / anymore B) is / anymoreC) isn’t / stillD) is / still

7. You have to go home at six, __________________?

A) haven’t you toB) you have toC) don’t you D) you do

8. Sally isn’t pretty; ___________many boys want to date her.

A) moreoverB) thereforeC) furthermoreD) nevertheless

9. __________ Mr. Shaw is a veryold man, he loves modern music.

A) EvenB) AnywayC) WhetherD) Although

10. Harry will not leave the city_________ his car is repaired.

A) asB) until C) whereD) whenever

11. Liz _______ on a broken chair and fell down.

A) sat B) laidC) setD) drew



12. There isn’t a good play near here, _____________

A) is it B) isn’t itC) is thereD) isn’t there

13. ________ the money __________ in the drawer?

A) Was / found B) Has / foundC) Was / findingD) Has / finding

14. Lou bought all the books _____________________

A) whether Phil asked himB) how he needed themC) why he understood themD) where Pat told him

15. Did you pay for the vase ____________________?

A) what you brokeB) that Joan wanted C) how did you buy itD) when did Grace tell you

16. Rudy _______ read my novel___________, but he will do it soon.

A) hasn’t / alreadyB) has / alreadyC) hasn’t / yet D) has / yet

17 The electrical system is __________ in this zone.

A) be fixingB) been fixedC) being fixed D) to be fixing

18. Kens behavior brought _______ a lot of comments about him.

A) up B) onC) forD) over

19. Don’t interrupt _______________ others are speaking.

A) as often asB) as soon asC) sinceD) while

20. Your report has to _________ in all the information about the project.

A) getB) take C) runD) look

A) However it isB) Whichever is itC) However you chooseD) Whichever you choose

22. The problem ______ not ________in the book.

A) is / explainB) has / explainC) is / explained D) has / explained



23. That bill _______ not _______ they’re going to cut the light off.

A) has / been payingB) has / been paid C) has been / payingD) has been / paid

24. The exercise _______ not ______ in pencil. Use your fountain pen.

A) must / be answered B) must / be answeringC) must be / answeredD) must be / answering

25. The magazines _____________ were not in English.

A) which James lost B) what did Joe takeC) what Peter left hereD) which did Samuel read

A) Whom / is mentionedB) Whose / was mentioned C) Who / is mentioningD) Who’s / was mentioning

27. I will attend the exposition __________ Fred _____________ He’s out of town.

A) but / willB) nor / willC) but / won’t D) nor / won’t

28. _____________ was obvious.

A) What was the woman takingB) How was the child cryingC) Which food was Ed cookingD) That Alice was improving

A) How / be playingB) Which / be played C) How / to be playedD) Which / to be playing

30. Don’t forget _________________

A) how should you do the exercise

B) how long must the meat boil

C) where does Nathaniel live

D) what William asked you

31. Could Charlie find out ________________?

A) whom did his wife talk toB) when will their meeting beC) where Marcia hid the bookD) how much money will he need

32. Lewis always speaks as ___________ he knew about everything.

A) if B) forC) soonD) even



33. The local team _________ beat the visitors and we couldn’t _________.

A) could / tooB) couldn’t / tooC) could / eitherD) couldn’t / either

34. Sue is only 15 years old, and in spite _________ her youth, she’s very responsible.

A) of B) fromC) thatD) though

35 All the children were pleased _________________

A) why they won the gameB) when did they go campingC) that they got good grades D) how were they learning trick

36. Traffic is _____________ by traffic lights.

A) controllingB) controlled C) controlesD) control

37. We shouldn’t ask about Marcia, ________________?

A) should sheB) should we C) we shouldn’tD) she shouldn’t

38 Get _____ of my car or I’ll call the police.

A) farB) offC) out D) away

39. Wendy was ______ angry _______ she left the restaurant without paying the bill.

A) so / that B) such / thatC) so / whatD) such / what

40. Tim and Ted _________ been ____________ by their aunt since their childhood.

A) are / educateB) have / educateC) are / educatedD) have / educated

41. The music was good; ___________ everybody danced a lot.

A) so B) yetC) butD) however

42. Dave will graduate this year, __________?

A) will heB) won’t he C) he willD) he won’t

43. Mr. Daniels has been traveling around the world, ___________ ?

A) he hasn’t beenB) he hasn’tC) hasn’t he beenD) hasn’t he

44. Go to bed now; ____________ you won’t wake up early tomorrow.

A) alsoB) besidesC) otherwise D) consequently



45. The clown will ________ out the toys to the children.

A) showB) turnC) hand D) bring

A) When / be leftB) Where / been left C) Where / be leavingD) When / been leaving

47. Martin’s car is new, _________?

A) isn’t heB) it isn’tC) he isn’tD) isn’t it

48. The camet will not __________ in the south.

A) be seen B) be seeingC) going to seeD) going to be seen

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