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Florian JULIEN SAINT AMAND – Besançon Octobre 2008 Florian Julien-Saint-Amand Doctorant CIFRE – Géographie et Aménagement du territoire LISST – CIEU Université de Toulouse II – Le Mirail [email protected] Patricia Le Moënner PhD Chargée de R&D en écologie industrielle, Société Systèmes Durables [email protected] Industrial Ecology, an Innovative Approach Serving Spatial Planning: the Example of the Tool PRESTEO © (A Program to Research Synergies on a Territory)

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Sixth annual International Conference of Territorial Intelligence "Tools and methods of Territorial Intelligence"


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Florian JULIEN SAINT AMAND – Besançon – Octobre 2008

Florian Julien-Saint-AmandDoctorant CIFRE – Géographie et Aménagement du territoireLISST – CIEUUniversité de Toulouse II – Le [email protected]

Patricia Le Moënner PhDChargée de R&D en écologie industrielle,Société Systèmes [email protected]

Industrial Ecology, an Innovative Approach Serving Spatial Planning: the Example of the Tool PRESTEO© (A Program to Research Synergies on a Territory)

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Florian JULIEN SAINT AMAND – Besançon – Octobre 2008

Systèmes Durables

SARL Systèmes DurablesZ.I. La Pradelle31190 Auterivewww.systemes-durables.com

L’ Ecologie industrielle L’Evaluation environnementaleRecherche et développementRéalisation d’étudesFormation / SensibilisationLogiciel Prestéo

Eco-conceptionAnalyse du Cycle de VieBilan CarboneFormation / SensibilisationLogiciel Carbon Report

• La société Systèmes Durables offre un transfert de technologie et de compétences de la recherche vers les industriels, les collectivités, les chambres consulaires et les aménageurs de zones d’activités.

• Son expertise est axée autour de deux thématiques complémentaires :


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Florian JULIEN SAINT AMAND – Besançon – Octobre 2008


• Le Centre Interdisciplinaire d'Etudes Urbaines ( CIEU ) est une composante de l'UMR 5193, Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire Solidarités, Sociétés, Territoires (LISST) hébergé par l’université de Toulouse le Mirail.

• Thèmes de recherche :Axe 1 - Villes et systèmes urbains. Axe 2 - Ancrage territorial des systèmes économiques Axe 3 - Recomposition des territoires Axe 4 - Analyse des processus de différenciation et de ségrégations Axe 5 - Habiter dans la ville Axe 6 - Gouvernance et développement durable des villes

Université Toulouse - Le MirailUMR-5193 LISST-Cieu5, allées Antonio Machado, 31058 Toulouse Cedexhttp://w3.cieu.univ-tlse2.fr/


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Florian JULIEN SAINT AMAND – Besançon – Octobre 2008

The biosphere-technosphere analogy

• Nature operates without any waste products. What is rejected by some organisms provides food for others.

• Processes for creating technomass are quite similar to processes for creating biomass

• Societal and technological systems can be viewed as particular ecosystem

Natural ecosystem

Artificial ecosystem


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Florian JULIEN SAINT AMAND – Besançon – Octobre 2008

The industrial Ecology concept

"why would not our industrial system behave like an ecosystem, where the wastes of a species may be resource to another species?”

Frosch, R.A.; Gallopoulos, N.E. (1989) "Strategies for Manufacturing“ Scientific American

“The organisation of industry on this principle (…) means in effect using natural processes as a model, for in them the resolution of all

arising contradictions is the motive force of progress.”Davitaya, F. (1977) "Changes in the atmosphere and some problems of its protection“ Society and the Environment: A Soviet View; Progress Publishers.


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Florian JULIEN SAINT AMAND – Besançon – Octobre 2008

From Industrial Ecology to territories

Geographical and territorial systems can be viewed as ecosystems

There is evident analogy between the functioning of natural ecosystems and the interactions between firms,

actors, territory portion, geographical area etc....


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Florian JULIEN SAINT AMAND – Besançon – Octobre 2008

Towards territorial sustainability

• Considering territories as complex but coherent ecosystems in interaction with other natural and/or artificial ecosystems, industrial ecology :– provides new guidelines to break into the territories complexity– seeks global balance between territories and the biosphere– helps them to evolve towards sustainability

• Industrial Ecology applications have a large rangeSource: Chertow, 2000


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Florian JULIEN SAINT AMAND – Besançon – Octobre 2008

Operating Industrial Ecology

• An important part of the emerging field of industrial ecology is the development of industrial symbiosis.

• Symbiosis means co-existence between diverse organisms in which each may benefit from the other.

• In the context of industrial ecology, the term is applied to the industrial co-operation between a number of companies and municipalities when they exploit each other’s residual or by-products or when they operate mutually.


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Florian JULIEN SAINT AMAND – Besançon – Octobre 2008

Industrial Metabolism

• Metabolism is a term inherited from the study of living organisms.

• Industrial metabolism is nothing much than this principle applied to an artificial system

• A key tool to operate Industrial ecology as it helps to understand the physical flows that constitute the basis of the economy of a system (a territory for instance)

• It can reveal potential for new economic activities and / or industrial symbiosis development.

Biological metabolism

Industrial metabolism


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Florian JULIEN SAINT AMAND – Besançon – Octobre 2008


• A Client/server tool

• Allows to match industrial metabolism (from factories, industries, collectivities…)

• Helps to find eco-industrial symbiosis opportunities

Company A

Company B

Company CAdministator


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Florian JULIEN SAINT AMAND – Besançon – Octobre 2008

Output mutualisationOutput mutualisation


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Florian JULIEN SAINT AMAND – Besançon – Octobre 2008

Input mutualisationInput mutualisation


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Florian JULIEN SAINT AMAND – Besançon – Octobre 2008

Eco-industrial synergyEco-industrial synergy


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Florian JULIEN SAINT AMAND – Besançon – Octobre 2008

PRESTEO’s users

• Canton de Genève• Ville de Lausanne• Conseil Général de l’Aube• Association Ecopal• Communauté d’agglomération de

Marne et Gondoire• Université de Lausanne• Université de Technologie de Troyes


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Florian JULIEN SAINT AMAND – Besançon – Octobre 2008

New perspectives

• Understanding of the territorial systems and integrated approach of the territories is critical to enhance industrial ecology’s tools and methods.

• Thus, new researches involving “Systèmes Durables” and the “Université de Toulouse II – Le Mirail” started on April 2008.

• Their goal is to have a fresh look at the concept of territory from the angle of in order to reach an operational definition that resituates territory inside the biosphere’s bounds. This will also lead to a third version of the software PRESTEO.

• The cross-over between industrial ecology and social sciences such as spatial planning will create new knowledge and open innovative perspectives of research in both disciplines.


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Florian JULIEN SAINT AMAND – Besançon – Octobre 2008

Thank you for your attention


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Florian Julien-Saint-AmandDoctorant CIFRE – Géographie et Aménagement du territoireLISST – CIEUUniversité de Toulouse II – Le [email protected]

Patricia Le Moënner PhDChargée de R&D en écologie industrielle,Société Systèmes [email protected]