audience research survey findings and analysis

Audience Research Survey Findings & Analysis 1. Gender. This Survey has received an equal number of responses from both males and females, a 50/50 split. This means that the responses are equally representative of both males and females, rather than favouring one gender. This will need to be considered when trying to aim my product at a specific target audience. I know from prior knowledge that 5SOS’s main target audience are females, the results of this survey ill either support or challenge that. 2. Age. All responses from this survey were from people ages 16-20. Fortunately, this is around the same as 5SOS’s usual target

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Post on 15-Aug-2015




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Page 1: Audience Research Survey Findings and Analysis

Audience Research Survey Findings & Analysis

1. Gender.

This Survey has received an equal number of responses from both males and females, a 50/50 split. This means that the responses are equally representative of both males and females, rather than favouring one gender. This will need to be considered when trying to aim my product at a specific target audience. I know from prior knowledge that 5SOS’s main target audience are females, the results of this survey ill either support or challenge that.

2. Age.

All responses from this survey were from people ages 16-20. Fortunately, this is around the same as 5SOS’s usual target audience and so the responses will likely be of more use, and relevance to my music video and planning.

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3. Student/Employment Status.

All responses are from fulltime students who are unemployed. This is to be expected as I sent the survey to friends from college who were most likely to respond. Students often listen to music more than others, as well as watch music videos, therefor they are more likely to be of use within this survey.

4. Rate the Following Music Genres.

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Rock appears to be the overall favourite of the listed genres, closely followed by both pop and R&B. My music video is of a song from the pop-rock genre, therefore; I feel that the feedback that I will gain from the rest of the survey will be useful and applicable to my video if desired.

5. Preferred Sub-Genre.

This question was purposely left open to get a more diverse range of answers, which I believe has been the case. ¾ of the answers include different types of pop music and the top answer is exactly the subgenre(s) that am doing.

6. Importance music video features.

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These results show that the each of the areas of my work will be equally important and, must all be of a high standard. Narrative and a Defined Digesis show that the video must be well thought out and planned. Interesting Camera Angles and Artist Close-Ups show a need to be selective and creative when filming. Thought Beats and Pace of Editing show the necessity of good quality editing in postproduction.

7. Most Crucial Part of a Pop-Roc Video.

Again I left this question open to get a better sense of the individual opinions of each of the people surveyed. Each person has answered with something different, giving me more information to work with, and I will be using around 2-3 of these aspects within my own music video.

8. Codes and Conventions.

¾ people would prefer to see my music video challenge the codes and conventions of the ‘pop-rock’ genre, rather than follow the same style. This is something that I hope to be able to include within my video, but will need to take time to plan.

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9. Types of Narrative.

The most popular narrative amongst this group is Linear Narrative, ¾ people chose it, which I have already included within the storyline of my video. ½ of the group selected performance based which is also a significant part of the video already. The same can be said for the interweaving narrative which was also chosen by ½ of the group; my performance side as well as my narrative/story side will both be part of the same in certain parts of the video.

10. Illustrate, Amplify or Contradict the Lyrics.

The majority of the group chose Illustrate, whilst only one person chose amplify. This reflects my own view as I have already decided to illustrate the Lyrics of the song within my video.

11. Awareness of the Band, 5SOS.

All responses show that the band is pretty well known and as a result, my video is more likely to be able to reach its intended target audience.

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12. What Do You Enjoy About Their Music.

As the survey shows, most people think positively of the band and their music. This is a good starting point for me as it means it is more likely to be liked and viewed by my target audience. I will attempt to incorporate some of the elements listed here into my own music video such as the upbeat mood shown through fast paced edit in certain parts as well as a happy, though non-committal, ending.

13. What Do You Enjoy About Their Music Videos.

Unfortunately, only one of the responses to this question is of use to me in making my video. I will try to show the fun loving, caring, non-judgemental, characteristics of the lead singer of the band through the scenes in which he is with the girl, cheering her up; not judging her for the way she uses him or for her bad taste in boyfriends. I will also include various different shots of the lead singers, including close-ups.

14. How Important Is 5 Seconds Of Summer’s ‘Image’ to Their Music Videos.

No matter whether they have like the band’s music or not, the participants in the survey have all agreed that the image that the band have created for themselves is very important within the music video. This is something that I agree with and will try to keep this within my own video, e.g. clothing. However, it will be slightly different in certain aspects, such as their will only be one of the band member in the main storyline, rather than including them all.

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15. Expected Clothing Style in 5 Seconds Of Summer Videos.

All of the survey group have listed clothing that the band are commonly seen wearing, this is because it is the norm for the band and is something which I will try to use within my own video. Due to budgeting, it will only be able to use what my actors already have, therefor this style may not be entirely possible to recreate but I will try to achieve as close as possible with what I have.

16. Expectations of a 5 Seconds Of Summer Music Video.

A couple of these results were inappropriate, but for the most part they were useful. Most of the point are just reiterations of what has been said earlier in the survey, enhancing the point that they are important and most probably necessary within my video, such as close ups of the lead singer, the style of clothing, performance of the band. ‘Toplessness’ is not something that I will be considering for my video as I am against using voyeurism to sell things, even if the voyeurism is juxtaposed.