audience research my findings

My Findings By Callum Richardson

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Post on 13-Jan-2017




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Page 1: Audience research my findings

My Findings By Callum Richardson

Page 2: Audience research my findings

What is the overall trend ? A very gradual and slight growth

from 2003-2014, but always evens out/ goes back to close to the original point

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Who watches films in the UK Mainly white males aged 15-24 and

mainly non disabled viewers

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Which audience groups are under represented

Those aged under 7 and 45-55 as they are less mentioned and not

shown as much on graphs this is the same with Gender groups and Ethnic

groups, they are not compiled together .

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How/where do people watch films ? The main place people watch films

appears to be : at the cinema or at home/ via streaming services.

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What type of films are most popular

The most popular type of films appear to be animation as it had the highest percentage of the box office, 21.4% and had 246.6 million in box office despite having fewer releases and

percentage of releases than the rest of the market.

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The role of technology in consumption today ? The role technology plays in

consumption of films today makes films easier to watch for cheaper and means audiences don’t need to leave their own home and have access to hundreds, if not more, of films on demand at their fingertips, this also means however that films are easier to pirate and illegally download.

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Which audience group is most Lucrative? Able bodied Males aged between 15-

24 seemed to be the most lucrative or profitable audience group, especially in terms of viewing/consumption via cinema

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How should films be advertised ? Due to the age of the audience

which is most profitable being 15-24, films should be advertised via social media and via television/ mobile adverts as well as on places such as Netflix as these are the ways an audience of this age is most likely to find/see the film and will be made seen to a large majority of them.

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The importance of technology now and in the future?

The importance of technology now and in the future is very high as now the way films are consumed are less on DVD,VHS and even in the cinema, and more on TV and through streaming services such as Netflix and now things such as amazon fire and even now TV and sky Movies meaning audiences now begin to rely on these to watch movies more than any other way, this technology is likely to sustain the film industry as these other methods are very likely to die out as they are more expensive and less convenient for audience members.