auction saturday. august - rockcastle county public …ins all scouts iind leadei* ari urged to...

t>AGE FOUR THE MOUNT VERNON SIGNAL. MT. VERNON. KV. ~THUKSIV\Y, AUGUST^rW*-. The Mt. Vernon Signal PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY — - " At.No. 10 Church Strfet, Mt. Vernon. Ky c tntered at Mt. Vernon, Ky., Post Office as Second Class Matter. Scout Camporee At Lake Cumberland A giant ciiipporec for all scouts ana laders. in the Lake Cumberland District will be -r Aug..-.17 through 19 liew Bucnside School Cumberland.. Tin lativ Mr. and Mrs. Bob French and to make their home. family anil children .spent 5atuida>:_n!cht_. JLasa Cromer and Mrs. Irene head. with hex lather. Mr. Matt Sin-.Cromer of Somerset visited- *"-• gleton and Barbara Joan.' ~ Bettv"CfOTrwr Tiicsday ewniag.» Several attended' church at after a visit wilt . HUMMEL Pongo Church, ot .Christ Sun- Indiana.. , _ ^ .... As,er McGuire ,..f Richmond. Mr., and Mrs. J. T. Boone are. |„,... deal lake '"d-. am ' Willie grid Keiih-Mc- spending a vr? ,-k in Ohio" — of New Paris. Ohio. Brod- Cummins, and family. .. ' . We hope to hear 1 soon that- Holland....ftP-'L-MiU-iUMlMrs. B.-adlcy Powell's . . riltlC1 _— Ir. Rockcastle County.. $2.00 ,, Rockcas'le County $2.30, William C. Frith MRS. HILTON.NEW Buried At Piney-Grove CLUB PRESIDENT , William C. frith. 50, died at Mrs. O. V. Hilton of Mt. Ver- Good Samaritan Hospital. Cin- non has teen elected president cinHati" Ohio, Friday after an of the Mt. Vernon Woman's illness of several months. Club to serve.for - the coming Mr. Frith was the son of C. H. .year. 9 . - -and Amy Pike Frith. He mar- Mrs. Hilton replaces Mrs. ried Dorothy Koebbe of Cin- Howard Ray. who resigned re- cinnati. Ohio. Two sons survive: cently. "William C Trlth ^nd Uobeit The-chib's-program for the Lewis Frith. coming year also y-as discussed He is also, survived by his at the meeting and all standing, wife, his mother: five sisters: committees were appointed with Mrs. D. H. Grav, Brodhead; the approval of the Board. - Mrs:-Wr-Tr Brooks, Anchorage; -AstarittR* to • « « >*VS Mrs. Charles Stewart. Louis- bie protect of the year is spon- vjlle; Mrs. Tony Jacobs. Ft. soring the landscaping of the Thomas: Mrs. Larry McQuaide. new hospital grounds. "Anyone Cincinnati. Qhio: two brothers: who would like to have a tree C. E. Frith and J. L. Frith, both or shru.h planted in remember- cf* t3uisville. ance of a relative or friend may Funeral services were con- do so .by contacting me. The ducted Sunday at the Brodhead club- would.- like to eel as much "Baptist Church, where he was done _ as possible before the a member, with "the Rev. Arthur opening of the hospital.'; Mi's. Johnson officiating.'assisted by Hilton said. R$v. R. L. Roth. He was buried" "•» • "— :—; lc- spending'a ,. - , Ti.„ ic ivv. uuire ui new i"aiis. win.* relatives and irieiiua,. Cumborlsnd., The c\cnt i> CN L„_,- . , i , i \i . > M,..' 1 Baker. iisiitng. rel , niond, Ind. Pauline McGui; •al fri . and' isiting I guests of M Mink. Dathma Mink 1 Livingston. Martiia'Mink the same. Miss Verlene Waddle working in Ohio. Vernje Boone reni&ins All scouts iind leadei* ari urged to ' start making plan- , lu u ,» .. now to' join the district at the j,cE. sister. Mts B.-rt Harper meeting. Scouts from Mt. \ e i - Harrison cliik at Livings nop arc expected to attend. was here on business-Monda Every scoutmaster \ft the dis- Norma Kav( , and Sue CI; trict should make- immediate am| Ru , h . A n n p | a of Ht . plans to see that every boy has wcrc SMnday KUCsl> % an opportunity to attend, t har- Ju ,. c j, ffey . •!es Adams, Somerset, chairman several from here attended of the Cam']»ree Committee. |he singinK at - Rcnfro Valley sai'd today. Scoutmasters are Sa , nrdav niKht niK) Sunday. urged to contact• their troop Mf a|)d MrIS W i l h a m Abney this linn- We hope she.wrll s. committee and other leaders to ;md , jn(ja shorv | and Claude be Well again. 'miMr arrangements. he-mMeflr Abnev"SJ—CovTiiglon"""vrsit.M - "JamosTlwrre waT home" over Adams asked that all scout- , hejr Mr an,i Mrs the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. masters notify him of the num- char | je .\hnev. over the week- j, m Boone. . , ber of boys who expect to at- en(| , - tend from each troop. - Brindle Ridge provided DTTJV WTT.i. with tents and foods for. five ' " Our Ti'vival'cl.isM Were Frr-" meals. Adams said. They should DELAYED d nv „j Rht with seven new -nem- also have cookine utensils, toilet Mr. and Mrs Bobbv Taylor |„. rs f, v, for baptisim and two articles, flashlights and. other and "ion' Billy, visited her pa- bv letter. Bro. Ira Dean preach- y camping equipment. rcn is. y ; . an d Mrs. B'entley Spi- ,.<| f.,r us Sunday. ; •_ ve.v and family Sunday. . Mr an d Mrs. Bobbv Marrum Mr. and Mrs. Lovell Kirbv an( j children of Richmond. Iitd . "KurTi dent, i£-betters Eugene Buiditte and ArnoUI Mink spent Sunday' »!teiin«>n witli. Shirley and Be'nt.yi Minlf. Mis Ada Coffey a -.t sons spent Fi iday with Mr. and Mrs. • i Mr- KnvnesI"*Ow.h Burdette. and children. *.f Indiana |vnt Mr. and Mrs., Nick Chasteen -last Tu.-dav night with - Mr. and jon of Indiana vi-.:.M 'el- and Ml - - I.. C. Burdette anil Ut-'ativf* over the week.-i;;! tended ijiurch litre. -Mrs. Iva Bindette w H tliq Misses Flearv.Mae and Edna.Sick list. Fave Aoney - Spent . Thursday Little Michael " Burdette > is night with Kathleen BOrd'-tte. Very sick. . Ml. and Mis. Gilbert Smith .—— .. spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs Bro Edd Holt of Al ibama . Harrison Mink. w ill begin a gospel himrtmif at about Mr..and Mrs. Emmitt Cum- Providence Church of Christ mins of Berca'spent the week- Wedjiesday night. ABP, ''' 1S ' ehd with their son. Mr C harlie Everyone is :r.vited . . RED HILL nd a Cannery Wants Patrons To Bring Food Early T ... . ky Memorial Hall." Because of the large number , •« ...» the ' ur "" n 0J one oi Lowell Baugh Griffin, of Mt. Vernon, received a commission ; in. the U.. S. Army last Satur- , day* during, ceremonies conduct- e d at the University of-Kcntuc- 18 U nivei . GOP MEET (Continued from page 1) . of. persons wanting to use uic. ROTr - ad . ls canhery at the Mt.;Vernon High ^ R ° T ^ jr commit,ons School, no food will be dur!og~re Cerem6iJyrHe was a ed for c ^ nn ' n R a(,er noon ' ., member of the. Sigma Alpha Epison.' social fraternity. . with."®? J us j"«r » e " KStucky"^Maitary" TnTtitute. canning facilities than ever be- Colle} , e - Arl5 and k' • J- . •»._ s^frncaFGriffin is the son of According to Mrs. Barbara Mr and w Grifll Mt Coyle, people come -in -a« all Vernon -hours with food to can-. -She re- L . . quests everyone to get there as — . early as possible. L*oes Overseas Pvt. Virgil C. Blankenship.. son of Roscoe Blankenship. Route ! . Brodhead. Was sched- There is no session of the uled (<j leave the United States Legislature, "between now and Wednesday for Europe as, part the end of Mr. Lambert's term „f Operatioo GvroscoDe. the (16 months), but should Gover- Army's unit rotation plan, nor Chandler call a special ses- He is a member of the 8th In- sion of the Legislature, which fnntry Division which is re- he might do. the county com- placing 'the 9th Infantry Divi- mittee wants a nominee oh the .-jon m Germany. November ballot. If there were Blanltenshio. a gunner iri none on the ballot, the district r^mpanv H of the division's would not have a Representa- juth - Regiment, entered the ttve-in the assembly. Army last February-and com- The committee also desig- pleted basic training at Fort nated Lcvell Clontz as GOP Carson. Colo. . campaign chairman for the j n civiliyi life he was Krad- countv for the November elec- uated froifi Franklin (Ohio) tion, and Mr. Lambert as chair- High School and worked for the mair of the speak**'* bureau. Armco St/>el- Coro_ in Middle- Handling publicity - will be town. Ohiq. Clarence Carter, G. W. Murphy, '•* "visited, parent-. J .... „ . " i Mrs. McKTnley Kirby.. Mr. and Mrs. Riley Kok and AVet , kend Mjss Kva u . na Pjl yne son and Mr and Mrs. Charles aecompanie<1 u ^ m ho-ro to Rose of Richmond. Ind.. spent babv sj , ,+ last w«-k with Mr. an<I» Mrs. Mr. Bill Taylor visited: his- EarUPhiUtp»-arrf_famvl>- - - mot h e - Mra;.»_-: - -s-Ta\tor A>o- • Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Mullms div and familv of Hamilton. Ohio y"r. r an£, Mrs. Everett Hal- returned home Sunday after comb and (am , h . v llwi ,h,.,r spending a week with ws-pa- parcn ts. Mr. and Mii'McKinley rtnts. MK and Mrs. Ben ?ful- Kirby and Mrs. I.awrence llal- Iin . s - ,.. ' comb.arid familv A Mrs. Albert .Ward of Rich- Mrs. Rubv Halcoinb and Carol mond. Ind.. and Miss Alma Hil- An[) vlsju . d her |>aren ,s. Mr. and lard-of Sand Gap were >aiur- Mrs, Bob Sowder. and family ^day afternoon visitors of Mr. c., lurf i av and Mrs. Ollie Mullips "X!r. and Mrs. Bill Taylor and- family. r .. children. Barbara Jean and lev A. a . Keith 9f Corbin JIIOTO!#NW4 . ^ l^nv;i.l.l«, Allen, Wflt f/fAPit « "•*/"' - - - . Vt> y ' * • J* A. «. . _- «• . . School at Red Hill Aug. 20. chUdren"visited-Sarah Barneti Mrs. Annie .Robertson of s '^ ndav aftern<)0n CoatV'ilie. Ind .s here visiting Mr and MrS . Jesse j^rley Rev; anu Mrs. H. L. Ponder and vfajled Mr and Mrs B ,„ Ta> .| or other .relatives.. Saturday. Mr- and M rs - J , cpp . Fre " c ^ Mr. and Mrs.'Walter Sowder Red Hill held a family reunion-^ Djanna were m Bt . r( . a s „. at thtSr home Sunday, due to urd to. spe lHf doctor . Mr. French entenng'the T. B. Tnt ,. r Hospital at London this week.. Mr. Mrs B o » y Taylpr Those oicsent were' Mr. and and «">• Billy, vjsitcd his pa- Mrs. Donald French and "baby rf ^ U T; Bl " Ta - vlor and Mrs. Mary " French ' and and family Saturday. t daughter. Jean and boy friend . Tr*rrp . . of Brush Creek: Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Thomn of Crooked Thls corT, mun i t y was slacked Creek: Mr. and Mrs- Gdbe h>a r of .he death of Sherman Parker ancf Mr. John L Robert- ^ Qur sympathy ^ " the family. Friday gue: Like Finding Hidden. Treasure of Mr. and Mrs, Elmei Bus- tle. John Crom< er. Virgil Sowder and Mr. and Mrs. Edtl Roberts. Dr. R. G. Webb, Charlie Clark, LLOYD CAIN TRAINS D. A. Robbins and Roy Brown. .1 . Looking to finances will be ROTC Cadet Lloyd"'L. Cain Clyde Barnett, E. E. Bullock, a student at the University of Lewis M. Miller. Carl B. Wil- Kentucky, has returned home liams, John W. Griffin and N. from si* weeks of ROTC Sum- M. Smock. mer Camp at Fort George G. In charge of transportation Meade. Md. will be: District 1, W. W. Sow- Cadet Cain, son of Mr, and der: District 2, I. L. Anglin: Dis- Mrs. Robert Cain, Conway, is trict 3. Sam Hoskins: District one of over 1.500 cadets from - 4. D. B. Saylor; District,5, C. W. 40 Colleges and universities who * Phillips. has successfully completed sum- • In charge of registration will mer training camp. "* i be: Dewey Ballinger, T. J. Parsons. Taft Bullock. Sam SOTT' R A N K PAY - Hoskins. Hobert Griffin, Lewis Miller ar.d Asa' Mink. Each pre- N E ^ R FIVE MILLION cinct ..chairman will see that every voter is registered- to vote Kentucky" "farmers " vilT * re- and assist Mr. Ballinger. SCENIC CUMBERLANDS (Continued from page 1) ' Julv 20. The deadline for signing the 'agreements as Julv 27, a spokes- scores of; Midwestern newspap- man of the Department of Ag- ers President Mike Layman, r i cu]ture states. The soil-bank Somerset, said. These counter- under which farmers acted the elimination of an in- receive federal payments for tensified advertising campaign j withdrawing land from the pro- frdm the budget, he said. .auction of cortain crops, was •'We can also pointy tc the set up car | j e r t h i s year by Con- virtQal assurahce of a $2,000.- "ro^- . 000 state park on Bunker-Hill" Farmers sjgned 12.128 agreo- island near Burn side that will menls lnr wl , hdrawing 143.- be of tourist-attracting value to 632 acres from corn production the entice region and is only ari a vviu ret . eive S4 483 893. one of manv' other similar pro- Nine - hlIndred and forlv jects in mind for the future and ,-1(.r(,ls w.thdrawing 877.19 on which preliminary work is acre , r , purley |obacCo Iand 1 - 3 >" rnan ^ dcd - • fr/rm production will net farm- What will happen if the funds ers S130.146. Total payments of are not raised by the last of S93.644 will"be received by 599 August. Layman said. WeJ1 farrner}i f cr withdrawal of 779.- keep the offices open as lonp as 46 acre8 of dark fire<urcd to- there are funds to do so. We baCCO and 632 acreement- for cant operate in the red withdrawal of 407.4 acres from He stressed his belief that, .^.once the tourist operators and retail businessmen realize- the seriousness ef SCl's financial condition, they will take necesr safy steps to keep the organi- zation going. Willie French of Louisville; Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Shepherd and children of. Richmond Ind.; Mrs. Bell ilullms of Withers and Mr. and Mts. Bob Trench and children. Mr. George Hurley, who. is employed in Richmond. Ind., spent tne weekend with his wife ana boys. Mr. Jesse and Rby Motilev- of Petersburg spent the weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Mobley. Misses Margaret Moble? and Helen Isaac, accom- panied them, back home after spending a week here. DELAYED Kennon Raye Lakes wa. able to come home from Good Sam- aritan" Hospital. Lexington last week after undergoing surgery. He is much improved. Miss Juanita Smith of Rich- mond. Ind.. is visiting her. pa- rents. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Smith and son. . Miss Ifciith and Mable Martin and Enima Lee Lakes were in Berea Monday of last * week lo have denial work done. Kenneth "Ponder-was-at home 3»ith hk& parent*. Mr. nwd Mrs. "Sherman Ponder, and family part of last week. Weekend Visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Mobley and boys were Mr. and Mrs. Bob Adams of Earlanger. Mr. and - Mrs. George Mobley and daughter. Miss Helen Isaacs. Jess and Margaret Mobley all of Peters- burg. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Johnson and sons of "Dayton. Ohio were weekend guests of her sister. Sirs. Freda Lakes, and family. dark air-cured tobacco were signed for total payments of S6.795. Wheat Hgreemnts totaled 236. covering 4.196.5 afres and pro- viding payments #f S19.245. The State's rc)'"'"Hv 'few cotton farmers -'--led 113 to v-' ,k J raw 181.6 from production, to re- $9,542. Beautiful miniature* from your prtcclcu old photographs! Though they ire crushed, lorn, or stained by the years, modem phoiographic restoration methods can work miracles with.them . . . don male from them beautiful colored akircs you'll beiproud to if.»pby in r'^^e of lonor fh >r >r MATTSON STUDIO Short Street Berea. Ky. AUCTION Saturday. August ]] AT 2 P. M. C.S.T- Lula%V. ( romor's IBOI SUflOI II (i(KHh LOCATION: On town hill just off of highway 150 across from Charlie Nicely's store. " r I Good refrigeraior 1 Coal Meal Master cook stove 1 Utility cabinet 1 Kitchen Cabinet , 1 Utility table 2 Innerspring mattresses, good 2 Beds and springs 1 New roll-a-way bed, complete 2 Dressers 1 Library table Some end tables 1 Porch set, 3 pieces Quilts and beddings Lots of dishes, pots and pans and ^ther things too numerous to mention. Mr. and Mrs. Maude Brown are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Clar- ence Eastham and family at Lawrenceburg. Rroilhead. Ky. Tues"., Thurs.. Sir. Crjb Orchard, Ky. Mon., Fri. DR. CONRAD H. FEY Doctor of Chiropractic X-Ray Neurocalomctcr Air Conditioned Office Hours 9-4 Brodhead, Ky. Crab Orchard, Ky. TERMS: Cash. Laswell Realty Co., Agents Delberl Laswell, auct. Olney Sutton, Clerk Brodhead. Ky. Phone 65 Licensed and Bonded SELL WHAT YOU GROft ...AT LOUISVILLE PRODUCE TERMINAL Louisville Produce Terminal is located »!..'ng the main -Juw_ut.sw>;ai. JH-1 * <y. ST. t.he.iu-uuiiui ..utmutj Louisville- anS » rainy"i.-arr.*-a cy aiT-rt^3i»^v teadwie- Ui the city. It i» a (.lie place !m - I^ lo sc.! what he Soulhern Aailwajr is proud of'its part in coop*rai»r.i; thf builder? of thn rrfark^Cnhat farmt rt.m.KM havt J p * of tale for their fruits and vegetable* • It's good busmtts lor ui ar.d for you. » the market. SCI-t.'vHAT YOl' CK&lr. SOl'THERN RAILWAY SYSTEM HHAKi; UMM. Special! Al l. PARTS INCI.L'DFD IN THIS PK.lCt Repair-Wheel CylindAi. Line all 4 wheels with top grade lining. Fill'Master Cylinder.* Adjust Emergency Brake. Cheek How and l.inct for Leaks. This includes all Ford, Chevrolet. Dodge Plynmuth and one-half ion trucki. No e*tra charge if. your car has bonded, lining. Gentry's Garage Richmemd -Stfeel -— Mt. -Vernon For Higher Net Prices Bring Your Stock To Garrard Co. Stockyards "Where Every Member of the Firm i< Working For Your Interest." We have lor Sal* DAILY 500 CHOICE BLACKFACE NORTHWEST YEARLING EWES (Special)—The Carrai'd County Stockyards told 3.0S2 head ol livestock at aucjion Friday. Receipts and quotations follow. CATTLE—Receipts. 711; steers. SIOOS 20.80; heifers. $9.20 <i 1S.70: best baby beeves. [email protected]; others. $16 down; fat cows. $9.40 n 12.30; canners and cullers. SB <i 9.10: milk cows. $57® 107; slock cows. $47®84; cows and calves, $73£ 164: butcher bulla. $10.20® 13.60; slock bulla. $54 ® 122; slock cattle. S21&83. . CALVES—Receipts. 289; lops. S2I.65; seconds and butchers. SI8.45®20.90: heavies. S16.40®'19.50; mediums. $16.10 a 17.30; others. $14 down. » HOGS—Receipts. 767; packers. SIS® 18.35; mediums. $14.70 ft 15.30; lights. $14.20; tows. $11®13.50; sows and pigs. $21 'd'74: best shot«, SU®18.20. SHEEP AND LAMBS—Receipts, 1.274; best lambs, $21.SOft 23; good lambs. $18®20.80; medium lambs, $5.10; slock ewea. S7J0® 20.75. HORSES AND MULES—Receipts. 11: no quotations. SALES OF ALL CLASSES Oft LIVESTOCK EVERY FRIDAY. Under U.S. Government Supervision and Bond- ed for your protection. Garrard County Stockyards Kirby Tester Hogan Teater J.L. Teatcr LANCASTER, KENTUCKY Listen to our daily market quotations Over W H I R at 11:45 A.M.

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T h e M t . V e r n o n Signal PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY — - "

At.No. 10 Church Strfet, Mt. Vernon. Ky • c tntered at Mt. Vernon, Ky., Post Office as Second Class Matter.

Scout Camporee At Lake Cumberland

A giant ciiipporec for all scouts ana laders. in the Lake Cumberland District will be -r Aug..-.17 through 19 liew Bucnside School Cumberland.. Tin

lativ Mr. and Mrs. Bob French and to make their home. family anil children .spent 5atuida>:_n!cht_. JLasa Cromer and Mrs. Irene head. with hex lather. Mr. Matt Sin-.Cromer of Somerset visited- *"-• gleton and Barbara Joan.' ~ Bettv"CfOTrwr Tiicsday ewniag.»

Several attended' church at after a visit wilt . H U M M E L Pongo • Church, ot .Christ Sun- Indiana.. , _ ^

.... A s , e r McGuire ,..f Richmond. Mr., and Mrs. J. T. Boone are. |„,... deal lake '"d-. a m ' Willie grid Keiih-Mc- spending a vr?,-k in Ohio"

— of New Paris. Ohio.

Brod- Cummins, and family. .. ' . We hope to hear1 soon t h a t -

Holland.... ftP-'L-MiU-iUMl Mrs. B.-adlcy Powell's . .riltlC1_—

Ir. Rockcastle County.. — $2.00 ,, Rockcas'le County $2.30,

William C. Fri th MRS. HILTON.NEW Buried At Piney-Grove CLUB PRESIDENT ,

William C. f r i th . 50, died at Mrs. O. V. Hilton of Mt. Ver-Good Samaritan Hospital. Cin- non has t een elected president cinHati" Ohio, Friday after an of the Mt. Vernon Woman's illness of several months. Club to serve.for - the coming

Mr. Frith was the son of C. H. .year. 9 . --and Amy Pike Frith. He mar- Mrs. Hilton replaces Mrs. ried Dorothy Koebbe of Cin- Howard Ray. who resigned re-cinnati. Ohio. Two sons survive: cently. "William C Trl th ^nd Uobeit The-chib's-program for the Lewis Frith. coming year also y-as discussed

He is also, survived by his at the meeting and all standing, wife, his mother: five sisters: committees were appointed with Mrs. D. H. Grav, Brodhead; the approval of the Board.

- Mrs:-Wr-Tr Brooks, Anchorage; -AstarittR* to • « « >*VS Mrs. Charles Stewart. Louis- bie protect of the year is spon-vjlle; Mrs. Tony Jacobs. Ft. soring the landscaping of the Thomas: Mrs. Larry McQuaide. new hospital grounds. "Anyone Cincinnati. Qhio: two brothers: who would like to have a tree C. E. Frith and J. L. Frith, both or shru.h planted in remember-cf* t3uisville. ance of a relative or friend may

Funeral services were con- do so .by contacting me. The ducted Sunday at the Brodhead club- would.- like to eel as much

"Baptist Church, where he was done _ as possible before the a member, with "the Rev. Arthur opening of the hospital.'; Mi's. Johnson officiating.'assisted by Hilton said. R$v. R. L. Roth. He was buried" "•» • "— :—;

lc- spending'a ,. - , Ti .„ ic ivv. uuire ui new i"aiis. win.* relatives and irieiiua,. Cumborlsnd., The c\cnt i> CN L„_,- . , i , i \i . > M,..'

1 Baker.

iisiitng. rel , niond, Ind.

Pauline McGui; •al fri

. and'


I guests of M Mink.

Dathma Mink 1 Livingston.

Martiia'Mink the same.

Miss Verlene Waddle working in Ohio.

Vernje Boone


All scouts iind leadei* ari urged to ' start making plan- , l u u ,» .. now to' join the district at the j,cE. sister. Mts B.-rt Harper meeting. Scouts from Mt. \ e i - Harrison cliik at Livings nop arc expected to attend. w a s here on business-Monda

Every scoutmaster \ft the dis- N o r m a K a v ( , and Sue CI; trict should make- immediate a m | R u , h . A n n p | a „ o f H t . plans to see that every boy has w c r c S M n d a y KUCsl> % an opportunity to attend, t h a r - J u , . c j , f f e y . •!es Adams, Somerset, chairman several from here attended of the Cam']»ree Committee. | h e s i n g i n K a t - R c nfro Valley sai'd today. Scoutmasters are S a , n r d a v n i K h t niK) Sunday. urged to contact• their troop M f a | ) d M r I S W i l h a m A bney this linn- We hope she.wrll s. committee and other leaders to ; m d , j n ( j a s h o r v | a n d Claude be Well again.

'miMr arrangements. he-mMeflr Abnev"SJ—CovTiiglon"""vrsit.M - "JamosTlwrre waT home" over • Adams asked that all scout- , h e j r M r a n , i Mrs the weekend with Mr. and Mrs.

masters notify him of the num- c h a r | j e .\hnev. over the week- j , m Boone. . , ber of boys who expect to at- e n ( | , -tend from each troop. - B r i n d l e R i d g e provided DTTJV WTT.i. with tents and foods for. five ' " Our Ti'vival'cl.isM Were Frr-" meals. Adams said. They should DELAYED d n v „jRht with seven new -nem-also have cookine utensils, toilet Mr. and Mrs Bobbv Taylor |„. r s f ,v , for baptisim and two articles, flashlights a n d . other and "ion' Billy, visited her pa- bv letter. Bro. Ira Dean preach-

y camping equipment. r c n i s . y ; . a n d Mrs. B'entley Spi- ,.<| f.,r us Sunday. — ; •_ ve.v and family Sunday. . Mr a n d Mrs. Bobbv Marrum

Mr. and Mrs. Lovell Kirbv a n ( j children of Richmond. Iitd .

"KurTi dent, i£-betters — —

Eugene Buiditte and ArnoUI Mink spent Sunday' »!teiin«>n witli. Shirley and Be'nt.yi Minlf.

Mis Ada Coffey a -.t sons spent Fi iday with Mr. and Mrs.

• i Mr- KnvnesI"*Ow.h Burdette. and children. *.f Indiana |vnt Mr. and Mrs., Nick Chasteen

-last Tu.-dav night with - Mr. and jon of Indiana vi-.:.M 'el-and Ml -- I.. C. Burdette anil Ut-'ativf* over the week.-i;;! tended ijiurch litre. -Mrs. Iva Bindette w H tliq

Misses Flearv.Mae and Edna.Sick list. Fave Aoney - Spent . Thursday Little Michael " Burdette > is night with Kathleen BOrd'-tte. Very sick. .

Ml. and Mis. Gilbert Smith . — — .. • spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs Bro Edd Holt of Al ibama

. Harrison Mink. w ill begin a gospel himrtmif at about Mr..and Mrs. Emmitt Cum- Providence Church of Christ

mins of Berca'spent the week- Wedjiesday night. ABP, ' ' ' 1S' ehd with their son. Mr C harlie Everyone is :r.vited . .


Cannery Wants Patrons To Bring Food Early

— T . . . . „ ky Memorial Hall." Because of the large number , •« ...» the ' u r " " n 0 J one oi

Lowell Baugh Griffin, of Mt. Vernon, received a commission

; in. the U.. S. Army last Satur-, day* during, ceremonies conduct-e d at the University of-Kcntuc-

18 U nivei

. GOP MEET (Continued from page 1)

. of. persons wanting to use uic. R O T r - a d . l s canhery at the Mt.;Vernon High ^ R ° T ^ j r commit,ons School, no food will be dur!og~re Cerem6iJyrHe was a ed for c ^ n n ' n R a ( , e r n o o n ' . , member of the. Sigma Alpha

Epison.' social fraternity. .

w i t h . " ® ? Jusj"«r » e " KStucky"^Maitary" TnTtitute. canning facilities than ever be- C o l l e } , e - A r l 5 a n d

• k' • J- . •»._ s^frncaFGriffin is the son of According to Mrs. Barbara M r a n d w Grifll M t Coyle, people come -in -a« all Vernon

-hours with food to can-. -She re- L . . quests everyone to get there as — . early as possible. L*oes O v e r s e a s

Pvt. Virgil C. Blankenship.. son of Roscoe Blankenship. Route ! . Brodhead. Was sched-

There is no session of the uled (<j leave the United States Legislature, "between now and Wednesday for Europe as, part the end of Mr. Lambert's term „f Operatioo GvroscoDe. the (16 months), but should Gover- Army's unit rotation plan, nor Chandler call a special ses- He is a member of the 8th In-sion of the Legislature, which fnntry Division which is re-he might do. the county com- placing 'the 9th Infantry Divi-mittee wants a nominee oh the .-jon m Germany. November ballot. If there were Blanltenshio. a gunner iri none on the ballot, the district r^mpanv H of the division's would not have a Representa- juth - Regiment, entered the ttve-in the assembly. Army last February-and com-

The committee also desig- pleted basic training at Fort nated Lcvell Clontz as GOP Carson. Colo. . campaign chairman for the jn civiliyi life he was Krad-countv for the November elec- uated froifi Franklin (Ohio) tion, and Mr. Lambert as chair- High School and worked for the mair of the speak**'* bureau. Armco St/>el- Coro_ in Middle-

Handling publicity - will be town. Ohiq. Clarence Carter, G. W. Murphy,

'•* "visited, parent-. J . . . . „ . " i Mrs. McKTnley Kirby.. Mr. and Mrs. Riley Kok and A V e t , k e n d M j s s K v a u . n a P j lyne

son and Mr and Mrs. Charles a e c o m p a n i e < 1 u ^ m ho-ro to Rose of Richmond. Ind.. spent b a b v s j , ,+ • last w«-k with Mr. an<I» Mrs. Mr. Bill Taylor visited: his-EarUPhiUtp»-arrf_famvl>- - - m o t h e - Mra;.»_-:--s-Ta\tor A>o- •

Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Mullms d i v and familv of Hamilton. Ohio y"r. ran£, Mrs. Everett Hal-returned home Sunday after c o m b a n d ( a m , h . v „ l l w i ,h,.,r spending a week with ws-pa- p a r c n t s . Mr. and Mii'McKinley rtnts. MK and Mrs. Ben ?ful- K i r b y a n d Mrs. I.awrence llal-Iin.s- , . . ' comb.arid familv A

Mrs. Albert .Ward of Rich- Mrs. Rubv Halcoinb and Carol mond. Ind.. and Miss Alma Hil- A n [ ) v l s j u . d h e r | > a r e n , s . Mr. and lard-of Sand Gap were >aiur- Mrs, Bob Sowder. and family

^day afternoon visitors of Mr. c . , l u r f i a v and Mrs. Ollie Mullips • "X!r. and Mrs. Bill Taylor and-family. r . . children. Barbara Jean and

l ev A. a . Keith 9f Corbin J I I O T O ! # N W 4 . ^ l̂ nv;i.l.l«, Allen, W f l t f/fAPit « " • * / " ' - - - . Vt> y ' * • J* A . «. . _- «• . .

School at Red Hill Aug. 20. chUdren"visited-Sarah Barneti Mrs. Annie .Robertson of s ' ^ n d a v a f t e r n < ) 0 n

CoatV'ilie. Ind .s here visiting Mr a n d M r S . J e s s e j^r ley Rev; anu Mrs. H. L. Ponder and v f a j l e d M r a n d M r s B , „ T a > . | o r other .relatives.. Saturday.

Mr- and Mrs- J , c p p . F r e " c ^ Mr. and Mrs.'Walter Sowder Red Hill held a family r e u n i o n - ^ D j a n n a w e r e m B t . r ( .a s „ . at thtSr home Sunday, due to u r d to. s p e l H f d o c t o r . Mr. French entenng ' the T. B. T n t , . r Hospital at London this week.. Mr. Mrs B o » y Taylpr Those oicsent were' Mr. and and «">• Billy, vjsitcd his pa-Mrs. Donald French and "baby r f ^ U T ; B l " T a- v l o r

and Mrs. Mary " French ' and and family Saturday. t daughter. Jean and boy friend . T r * r r p . . of Brush Creek: Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Thomn of Crooked T h l s c o r T , m u n i t y was slacked Creek: Mr. and Mrs- Gdbe h> ar of .he death of Sherman Parker ancf Mr. John L Robert- ^ Q u r s y m p a t h y ^

" the family. Friday gue:

Like Finding Hidden. Treasure

of Mr. and Mrs, Elmei Bus-

tle. John Crom< er. Virgil Sowder and Mr. and Mrs. Edtl Roberts.

Dr. R. G. Webb, Charlie Clark, LLOYD CAIN TRAINS D. A. Robbins and Roy Brown. .1 .

Looking to finances will be ROTC Cadet Lloyd"'L. Cain Clyde Barnett, E. E. Bullock, a student at the University of Lewis M. Miller. Carl B. Wil- Kentucky, has returned home liams, John W. Griffin and N. from si* weeks of ROTC Sum-M. Smock. mer Camp at Fort George G.

In charge of transportation Meade. Md. will be: District 1, W. W. Sow- Cadet Cain, son of Mr, and der: District 2, I. L. Anglin: Dis- Mrs. Robert Cain, Conway, is trict 3. Sam Hoskins: District one of over 1.500 cadets from

- 4. D. B. Saylor; District,5, C. W. 40 Colleges and universities who * Phillips. has successfully completed sum-

• In charge of registration will mer training camp. "* i be: Dewey Ballinger, T. J . —

Parsons. Taft Bullock. Sam SOTT' R A N K P A Y -Hoskins. Hobert Griffin, Lewis Miller ar.d Asa' Mink. Each pre- N E ^ R F I V E M I L L I O N • cinct ..chairman will see that every voter is registered- to vote Kentucky" "farmers " vilT * re-and assist Mr. Ballinger.

SCENIC CUMBERLANDS (Continued from page 1) '

Julv 20. The deadline for signing the

'agreements as Julv 27, a spokes-scores of; Midwestern newspap- m a n o f t h e Department of Ag-ers President Mike Layman, ric u]ture states. The soil-bank Somerset, said. These counter- under which farmers acted the elimination of an in- receive federal payments for tensified advertising campaign j withdrawing land from the pro-frdm the budget, he said. .auction of cortain crops, was

•'We can also pointy tc the s e t u p c a r | j e r t h i s year by Con-virtQal assurahce of a $2,000.- "ro^-

. 000 state park on Bunker-Hill" Farmers sjgned 12.128 agreo-island near Burn side that will m e n l s lnr w l ,hdrawing 143.-be of tourist-attracting value to 6 3 2 acres from corn production the entice region and is only a r ia vviu r e t . e i v e S4 483 893. one of manv' other similar pro- N i n e - h l I n d r e d a n d f o r l v jects in mind for the future and ,-1(.r(,ls w.thdrawing 877.19 on which preliminary work is a c r e , r , p u r l e y | o b a c C o I a n d

1-3>"rnan ^ d c d - • fr/rm production will net farm-What will happen if the funds e r s S130.146. Total payments of

are not raised by the last of S93.644 will"be received by 599 August. Layman said. WeJ1 farrner}i f c r withdrawal of 779.-keep the offices open as lonp as 4 6 a c r e 8 o f d a r k f i r e < u r c d to-there are funds to do so. We baCCO a n d 6 3 2 acreement- for cant operate in the red withdrawal of 407.4 acres from

He stressed his belief that, .^.once the tourist operators and

retail businessmen realize- the seriousness ef SCl's financial condition, they will take necesr safy steps to keep the organi-zation going.

Willie French of Louisville; Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Shepherd and children of. Richmond Ind.; Mrs. Bell ilullms of Withers and Mr. and Mts. Bob Trench and children.

Mr. George Hurley, who. is employed in Richmond. Ind., spent tne weekend with his wife ana boys.

Mr. Jesse and Rby Motilev- of Petersburg spent the weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Mobley. Misses Margaret Moble? and Helen Isaac, accom-panied them, back home after spending a week here.

DELAYED Kennon Raye Lakes wa. able

to come home from Good Sam-aritan" Hospital. Lexington last week after undergoing surgery. He is much improved.

Miss Juanita Smith of Rich-mond. Ind.. is visiting her. pa-rents. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Smith and son. .

Miss Ifciith and Mable Martin and Enima Lee Lakes were in Berea Monday of last * week lo have denial work done.

Kenneth "Ponder-was-at home 3»ith hk& parent*. Mr. nwd Mrs. "Sherman Ponder, and family part of last week.

Weekend Visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Mobley and boys were Mr. and Mrs. Bob Adams of Earlanger. Mr. and - Mrs. George Mobley and daughter. Miss Helen Isaacs. Jess and Margaret Mobley all of Peters-burg.

Mr. and Mrs. Keith Johnson and sons of "Dayton. Ohio were weekend guests of her sister. Sirs. Freda Lakes, and family.

dark air-cured tobacco were signed for total payments of S6.795.

Wheat Hgreemnts totaled 236. covering 4.196.5 afres and pro-viding payments #f S19.245.

The State's rc)'"'"Hv 'few cotton farmers -'--led 113

to v-' ,k J raw 181.6 from production, to re-$9,542.

Beautiful miniature* from your prtcclcu old photographs! Though they ire crushed, lorn, or stained by the years, modem phoiographic restoration methods can work miracles with.them . . . don male from them beautiful colored you'll beiproud to if.»pby in r'^^e of lonor fh >r >r

MATTSON STUDIO Short Street Berea. Ky.

AUCTION Saturday. August ]]

AT 2 P. M. C.S.T-

Lula%V. ( r o m o r ' s IBOI SUflOI II ( i (KHh LOCATION: On town hill just off of highway 150 across from Charlie Nicely's store.

" r I Good refrigeraior 1 Coal Meal Master cook stove 1 Utility cabinet 1 Kitchen Cabinet , 1 Utility table 2 Innerspring mattresses, good 2 Beds and springs 1 New roll-a-way bed, complete 2 Dressers 1 Library table Some end tables 1 Porch set, 3 pieces Quilts and beddings

Lots of dishes, pots and pans and ^ther things too numerous to mention.

Mr. and Mrs. Maude Brown are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Clar-ence Eastham and family at Lawrenceburg.

Rroilhead. Ky. Tues"., Thurs.. Sir. Cr jb Orchard, Ky. Mon., Fri.

DR. CONRAD H. FEY Doctor of Chiropractic — X-Ray Neurocalomctcr

Air Conditioned Office — Hours 9-4 Brodhead, Ky. Crab Orchard, Ky.

TERMS: Cash.

Laswell Realty Co., Agents Delberl Laswell, auct. Olney Sutton, Clerk Brodhead. Ky. Phone 65 Licensed and Bonded


Louisville Produce Terminal is located »!..'ng the main - Juw_ut . sw>;a i . JH-1 * <y. ST. t.he.iu-uuiiui ..utmutj

Louisville- anS » rainy"i.-arr.*-a cy aiT-rt^3i»^v teadwie-Ui the city. It i» a (.lie place !m - I^ lo sc.! what he

Soulhern Aailwajr is proud of'its part in coop*rai»r.i; thf builder? of thn rrfark^Cnhat farmt rt.m.KM havt J p

* of tale for their fruits and vegetable* • It's good busmtts lor ui ar.d for you. »

the market. SCI-t.'vHAT YOl' CK&lr.


HHAKi; U M M .

Spec ia l ! Al l. PARTS INCI.L'DFD IN THIS PK.lCt

Repair-Wheel CylindAi. — Line all 4 wheels with top grade lining. Fill'Master Cylinder.* Adjust Emergency Brake. Cheek How and l.inct for Leaks.

This includes all Ford, Chevrolet. Dodge Plynmuth and one-half ion trucki. N o e*tra charge if. your car has bonded, lining.

Gentry's Garage Richmemd -Stfeel - — Mt. -Vernon

For H igher N e t Prices Bring Your Stock T o

G a r r a r d Co. Stockyards "Where Every Member of the Firm i< Working For

Your Interest." We have lor Sal* DAILY 500 CHOICE BLACKFACE

NORTHWEST YEARLING EWES (Special)—The Carrai'd County Stockyards told 3.0S2

head ol livestock at aucjion Friday. Receipts and quotations follow.

CATTLE—Receipts. 711; steers. SIOOS 20.80; heifers. $9.20 <i 1S.70: best baby beeves. [email protected]; others. $16 down; fat cows. $9.40 n 12.30; canners and cullers. SB <i 9.10: milk cows. $57® 107; slock cows. $47®84; cows and calves, $73£ 164: butcher bulla. $10.20® 13.60; slock bulla. $54 ® 122; slock cattle. S21&83. .

CALVES—Receipts. 289; lops. S2I.65; seconds and butchers. SI8.45®20.90: heavies. S16.40®'19.50; mediums. $16.10 a 17.30; others. $14 down. »

HOGS—Receipts. 767; packers. SIS® 18.35; mediums. $14.70 ft 15.30; lights. $14.20; tows. $11®13.50; sows and pigs. $21 'd'74: best shot«, SU®18.20.

SHEEP AND LAMBS—Receipts, 1.274; best lambs, $21.SOft 23; good lambs. $18®20.80; medium lambs, $5.10; slock ewea. S7J0® 20.75.

HORSES AND MULES—Receipts. 11: no quotations. SALES OF ALL CLASSES O f t LIVESTOCK EVERY FRIDAY. Under U.S. Government Supervision and Bond-ed for your protection.

Garrard County Stockyards Kirby Tester Hogan Teater J.L. Teatcr

LANCASTER, KENTUCKY Listen to our daily market quotations

Over W H I R at 11:45 A.M.