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  • 5/28/2018 AT-SWM-unit(5&6)



    M.Sc Environmental Design


    January 25, 2014

    Muhammad Abid

  • 5/28/2018 AT-SWM-unit(5&6)


    Solid Waste Management - History

    Waste treatment and disposal has been motivated by concern for

    Public Health.

    Migration of People started due to Industrial Revolution between

    1750 and 1850.

    Massive expansion of the population living in towns and cities,created high volume of domestic, commercial and industrial

    waste i.e. broken glass, rusty metal, food residue and human

    waste, which was dangerous to human health.

    Waste attracted flies, rats and other vermin, which in turn posedpotential threats through the transfer of disease. This led to an

    increasing awareness of the link between public health and the


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    Solid Waste Management - History

    SWM is potential threat to human health, legislation wasintroduced on a local and national basis in many countries.

    Waste treatment and disposal has been motivated by

    concern for public health.

    Introduction of Acts (UK 1875/1936) - Removal andDisposal of Waste and into Water

    In USA Acts were introduced in 1795, 1856

    Purpose built municipal waste Incinerators were introducedin the UK in the late 1870s and by 1912 there were over 300

    waste incinerators in the UK, of which 76 had some form of

    power generation

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    Solid Waste Management - History

    Incineration plants reached the end of their operationallifetime, they tended to become scrapped in favor of


    Environmental implications of merely dumping the waste

    in open sites and later with increase waste began to beburied.

    Burying the waste had the health advantages of reducing

    odours, and discouraging rats and other vermin. Series of incidents in the late 1960s and 1970s highlighted

    waste as a potential major source of environmental


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    Solid Waste Management - Pakistan

    In Pakistan SWM, need increased for using disposableitems i.e. plastic bags etc., which cause drainage


    In Karachi - 50% of the citys daily generation of 7,000

    tons of rubbish - Collected by the Municipal service,

    while the rest remains at collection points and on Dump


    Urban environment in Pakistan continues to deteriorate,there is growing recognition of the need for a Sanitation

    policy with sound operational strategies.

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    Solid Waste Management - Pakistan

    Informal Recycling of Domestic WasteTwoCategories:

    Waste picking in streets, communal bins, transfer

    points and disposal sites.

    Waste separation at the household stage and selling

    onto itinerant waste buyers.

    Above waste passes through a #of dealers in trading

    and recycling, before it reaches the recycling industry.

    The SWM system starts from the Households and ends

    with the disposal or reuse of the materials

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    Solid Waste Management - Pakistan

    Informal Sector

    There are independent operators dealing in waste collection,

    purchase, separation, restoration, and resale and recycling

    Kabaris are large-scale waste dealers who operate from

    shops and warehouses. There are approximately 1,000 inKarachi and most specialize in just one type of waste, which

    they buy at auctions or from middle dealers and resell to

    recycling plants, or recycle themselves.

    Waste Busters collect rubbish from households and charge

    about PKR 200 a month

    Few Local NGOsCrush vegetables to produce liquid

    concentrate for pesticides, fertilizer and Bin designs

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    Solid Waste Management - Pakistan

    Recycling Waste Materials

    Waste Material Common Reuse and RecyclingBroken glass Glass bottlesBottles Washed and used againBread Livestock feedNewspapers Various types of packingFerrous metal Recycled in re-rolling millsPaper Cardboard etc.Aluminium Re-melt in moulds for various industriesPlastics Uses/recycling depends upon type: toys, shoe soles, shopping bags, sandals

    etc.Plastic bags Buckets and other household containersMagazines, books Sold again at reduced prices

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    Cleaner Production Opportunity for

    the Industrial Sector of Pakistan Industrial Sector in Pakistan accounts for 18% of GDP

    Environmental Degradation due to the uncontrolled and

    inefficient use of natural resources, low industrial

    productivity, excessive generation of hazardous waste and

    the uncontrolled release of solid wastes, air pollutants anduntreated wastewater into the natural environment has

    become a major problem in Pakistan.

    The major Polluting Industries are tanneries, textile,

    petroleum, pesticides, fertilizer etc.

    Majority of the multinational companies in Pakistan are also

    now going for certification due to their corporate policy.

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    Cleaner Production Opportunity for

    the Industrial Sector of Pakistan Till now 20 to 25 companies have achieved ISO 14000

    certification, mostly multinationals, whereas remaining are

    exportbased industries.

    Most of the Local Companies are still reluctant towards due

    to wrong perception that environmental solutions cannot beeconomically viable.

    Lack of expertise available locally, there is a critical need

    for capacity building program for pollution control,

    promotion of environmentally sustainable development and

    creation of awareness

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    Cleaner Production Opportunities

    for Industries Cleaner Production Opportunities for Industries

    Cleaner production (CP) is a strategy for enhancing productivity and

    environmental performance for socio-economic development.

    Application of Appropriate Techniques, Technologies and

    Management Systems to produce environmentally compatible goodsand services.

    Improvements in productivity and environmental performance

    achieved through CP bring bottom line savings, profit/efficiency.

    In-house improvements and CP technologies will not only result inthe improvement of economic and environmental performance of the

    unit, but will also reduce the cost of end-of-pipe treatment.

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    Cleaner Production Opportunities

    for Industries Cleaner Production Opportunities for Industries

    Cleaner Production technologies already used in the country


    Dust Filters


    Vacuum Cleaners

    High Pressure Cleaning Devices


    Grease Trap


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    Cleaner Production Opportunities

    for Industries Waste

    The definition of waste can be very subjective; what represents waste to one person

    may represent a valuable resource to another

    Definition of 'Waste' Production or consumption residues not otherwise specified below.

    Off-specification products.

    Products whose date for appropriate use has expired. Materials spilled, lost or having undergone other mishap, including any materials, equipment etc. contaminated as a

    result of the mishap.

    Materials contaminated or soiled as a result of planned actions (e.g. residues from cleaning operations, packing

    materials, containers etc.).

    Unusable parts (e.g. reject batteries, exhausted catalysts etc.).

    Substances which no longer perform satisfactorily (e.g. contaminated acids, contaminated solvents, exhausted tempering

    salts etc.).

    Residues of industrial processes (e.g. slags, still bottoms etc.).

    Residues from pollution abatement processes (e.g. scrubber sludges, baghouse dusts, spent filters etc.).

    Machining or finishing residues (e.g. lathe turnings, mill scales etc.).

    Residues from raw materials extraction and processing (e.g. mining residues, oil field slops etc.).

    Adulterated materials (e.g. oils contaminated with PCBs etc.).

    Any materials, substances or products whose use has been banned by law. Products for which the holder has no further use (e.g. agricultural, household, office, commercial and shop discards etc.).

    Cl P d i O i i

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    Cleaner Production Opportunities

    for Industries Types of Waste

    Controlled Waste

    Household Waste

    Industrial Waste

    Commercial Waste Clinical Waste

    Special Waste

    Un-Controlled Waste

    Inert Waste

    Hazardous Waste

    Municipal Solid Waste

    Cl P d ti O t iti

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    Cleaner Production Opportunities

    for Industries Waste Classification Systems

    Origin, e.g., clinical wastes, household or urban solid wastes, industrial wastes,

    nuclear wastes, agriculture;

    Form, e.g., liquid, solid, gaseous, slurries,


    Properties, e.g., toxic, reactive, acidic,alkaline, inert, volatile, carcinogenic;

    Legal definition, e.g., special, controlled,

    household, industrial, commercial.

    Properties of Waste

    Series of descriptors for different types of


    Code DescriptionHI ExplosiveH2 OxidizingH3A Highly flammable

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    Cleaner Production Opportunities

    for Industries Subdivisions of General HHs, Commercial and Industrial Waste Category:

    General household, commercial and industrial waste

    Separate components of general waste

    Vegetable matter

    Animal matter

    Animal or vegetable oil, fat, wax, grease Sewage

    Subdivisions of the Organic Chemical Wastes Category:

    Paints, resins and adhesives

    Inks and dyestuffs

    Cosmetics, Surfactants and Chelating Agents

    Monomers and Precursors, Tarry wastes

    Pharmaceuticals , Pesticides

    Organic Chemical Process Wastes, Additional Codes

    Cl P d ti O t iti

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    Cleaner Production Opportunities

    for Industries Typical Composition and Properties of Sewage Sludge

    PropertyTypical value

    Calorific value 21.3

    MJ/kg (dry, ash free)Ash content

    37%Composition of combustible fraction (dry, ash free)Carbon





    0.8%Organic composition (dry, ash free)Crude protein


    Crude fat

    13.0Crude fiber

    33.0Non-fibrous carbohydrate 24.0

    Cl P d ti O t iti

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    Cleaner Production Opportunities

    for Industries Physical form of the Waste

    Physical form of the waste i.e solid, liquid or sludge etc:

    F1 Solid - composite of materials

    F2 Solid - mixed materials

    F3 Solid - bulky

    F4 Liquid - containerized F5 Liquid - bulk

    F6 Sludge/slurry - in a solid container

    F7 Sludge/slurry - bulk

    For Textiles

    F8 Clean textiles F9 Dry textiles

    For Metals

    FI0 Metal rod F11 Metal swarf F12 Metal wire

    For Plastic

    F 13 Plastic bottles F14 Plastic film F15 Plastic - rigid

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    Cleaner Production Opportunities

    Waste Containers and Collection System

    Type of container used to store the waste generated from households, commercial and

    industrial premises depends on i.e. frequency, efficiency of collection, amount of waste,

    type of housing, density of collected wastes, collection vehicle type, vehicle usage and

    manpower and economics relating to container and the collection system.

    The correct size of waste container is important, since it has been shown that the use of

    non-standard containers is the greatest cause of litter. Household waste containersinclude traditional metal or plastic dustbins, wheeled bins and plastic sacks. The capacity

    of the household waste storage container depends on how many collections are made per


    With a general increase in the amount of waste generated, there has been a response to

    use bigger or more containers, which also has the potential to reduce manning costs byless frequent waste collections.

    Another factor dictating size of container and frequency of collection is climate; in

    cooler areas such as Northern Europe, where odour from the degradation of the waste

    occurs more slowly, the frequency of collection may be once or twice per week.

    Consequently the container must be able to store a full week's volume of waste.

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    Cleaner Production Opportunities

    Waste is dumped un-segregated and collected by three methods:

    Hauled Container System,

    Stationary Container System and Bull Carts,

    The containers are mostly transported from one place to another with help of a truck or

    tractor, which is overflowing and not covered properly. The waste spills out of the

    container and a lot of it falls in the streets before reaching the landfill site. Similarly, in

    certain areas bull and donkey carts are used to collect the MSW. The cart goes from

    street to street picking up the waste and is again not a proper system for waste collection.

    A fact sheet on Municipal Solid Waste Management (MSWM) has been developed by

    WWF-P with a viewpoint to facilitate the readers on efficient practices of SWM.

    The government has initiated a plan to privatize the MSWM in the country. This could

    be done using the present network of recyclers and scavengers to collect and processgarbage. It would be in their interest to make arrangements with individual households

    and industries to segregate different recyclable at the source. This interest of the private

    collector in segregated garbage could be translated in payment in terms of free garbage

    collection or cash payment for the segregated material.

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    Cleaner Production Opportunities


    Landfilling is the technical term used to Fill large holes in the ground with waste.

    This process is also known as land-raising. Landfill sites produce landfill gas (55%

    methane and 45% carbon dioxide) which can be partly captured for energy production.


    Friends of the Earth opposes landfill for the 80% of municipal solid waste that can berecycled or composted for the following reasons:

    It wastes valuable resources.

    It exacerbates climate change because when materials are buried, more fossil fuel energy

    is used to replace the products through mining, manufacturing, and transportation around

    the world. It produces methane, a potent greenhouse gas that contributes to climate change.

    It creates water pollution through leaching.

    It can lead to the contamination of land.

    It gives rise to various nuisances including increased traffic, noise, odours, smoke, dust,

    litter and pests.

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    Cleaner Production Opportunities

    Major Advantageswith Landfillingof wastes are the low costs of landfill

    compared to other disposal options and the fact that a wide variety of wastes aresuitable for landfill. It should also be remembered that ultimately, many other waste

    treatment and disposal options require that the final disposal route for the residues

    requires landfill.

    Disadvantages with Landfill. Older sites, which in some cases are still in use or

    have long been disused, were constructed before the environmental impacts ofleachate and landfill gas were realized.

    Landfill gas, in particular, can be hazardous, since the largest component, methane,

    can reach explosive concentrations.

    All Landfill sites are required to be monitored for landfill gas, and the gas from

    operational sites must be controlled via proper venting. Landfill methane gas is alsoa 'greenhouse gas', leading to the problems of global warming but with about 30

    times the effect of carbon dioxide.

    Selection of a site for a waste landfill depends on a wide range of criteria, including

    the proximity of the site to the source of waste generation, suitability of access

    roads, the impact on the local environment of site operations, and the geological andh dro eolo ical stabilit of the site.

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    Cleaner Production Opportunities

    Main aim of the landfill site assessment investigation is the identification of the

    possible pathways and receptors of landfill gas and leachate in the surroundingenvironment and the environmental impact of site operations Site assessment

    involves appraisal of geological and hydrogeological conditions at the site.

    This may include the use of existing surveys, aerial photography, boreholes,

    geophysical investigations, geological mapping and sampling etc. The information

    allows an assessment of soil and bedrock grain sizes, mineralogy and permeabilitys,and ground water levels.

    Inaddition, the previous use of the site, meteorological data, transport infra-structure

    and planning use designations, and the planning strategy of the area would also be


    For large landfill sites an environmental assessment is also required to determine theimpact on the environment. Environmental assessment involves a description and

    assessment of the direct and indirect effects of the project on human beings, fauna,

    flora, soil, water, air, climate and landscape, material assets and the cultural heritage

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    Cleaner Production Opportunities

    Considerations for Landfills

    A waste landfill is a major design and engineering project and there are a number ofpoints to be considered as part of the process.

    Final Landform Profi le

    Site capacity


    Waste density

    Mater ials requirements


    Operational Practice

    The typical modern landfill site consists of a secure, fenced, landscaped site with

    access routes for waste transport vehicles. The sequence of operations for an

    incoming waste vehicle may include the weighing of the lorry on a weighbridge

    document inspection and waste inspection. Once cleaned, the lorry would move to

    the waste disposal area where the waste is tipped, the wheels of the lorry are cleaned

    and the lorry is weighed out if the site to determine the weight of waste deposited.

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    Cleaner Production Opportunities

    Types of Waste Land Filled

    Inert wastes

    Bio-reactive wastes

    Hazardous/industrial or special waste

    Factors Influencing Waste Degradation in Landfills

    Site characteristics

    Waste characteristic

    Moisture content of the waste



    Major Stages of Waste Degradation

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    Major Stages of Waste Degradation

    in Landfills

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    Landfill Design Types

    Attenuate and disperse landf i l ls

    Containment landfi l ls

    Schematic diagram of water balance for an attenuate and disperse landfill site.

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    Landfill Gas

    Gases arising from Bio-degradation landfills consist of hydrogen and carbon dioxide

    in the early stages, followed mainly by methane and carbon dioxide in the laterstages. What is known as 'landfill gas' is a product mainly of the methanogen stage

    of degradation of biodegradable wastes.

    Landfill gas is produced from household and commercial wastes, which contain a

    significant proportion of biodegradable materials however, certain industrial and

    commercial wastes, which have been estimated to contain 62% and 66%biodegradable components.

    The major constituents of landfill gas, methane and carbon dioxide are odorless, and

    it is the minor components such as hydrogen sulphide, organic esters and the

    organosulphur compounds, which give landfill gas a malodorous smell. Landfill gas

    contains components, which are flammable, and when mixed with air can reachexplosive concentrations in confined spaces.

    Some of the trace components of landfill gas have a toxic effect and may be

    hazardous if high enough concentrations are reached; for example, hydrogen

    sulphide Aromatic hydrocarbons are in low concentration but may potentially have

    an adverse effect on the workforce of the landfill site.

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    Landfill Gas

    The major components of landfill gas, methane and carbon

    dioxide, are 'greenhouse gases'. The greenhouse effect is

    produced by certain gases in the atmosphere, which allow

    transmission of short wave radiation from the sun but are

    opaque to long wave radiation reflected from the earth'ssurface, thereby causing warming of the earth's atmosphere.

    A molecule of methane has approximately 30 times the

    greenhouse effect of a molecule of carbon dioxide.

    The quantities of gas produced from waste depend on the

    biodegradable fraction of the waste, the presence of

    microorganisms, and suitable aerobic and anaerobic


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    Landfill Gas Migration

    Gases generated in the landfill will move throughout the mass of waste in

    addition to movement or migration out of the site. The mechanism of gasmovement is via gaseous diffusion and advection or pressure gradient.

    That is, the gas moves from high to low gas concentration regions or

    from high to low gas pressure regions.

    Movement of gas within the mass of waste is governed by thepermeability of the waste, overlying daily or intermittent cover, and the

    degree of compaction of the waste. Lateral movement of the gases is

    caused by overlying low permeability layers such as the daily cover and

    surface and sub-surface accumulations of water.

    Vertical movement of gas may occur through natural settlement of the

    waste, between bales of waste if a baling system is used to compact and

    bale the waste, or through layers of low permeability inert wastes such as

    construction waste rubble. Where landfill gas extraction is practiced to

    recover the gas for energy use, the gas is collected in gas wells, and

    Possible Landfill Gas Migration

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    Possible Landfill Gas Migration

    Pathways for a Closed Site

    Management and Monitoring of

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    Management and Monitoring of

    Landfill Gas

    With the recognition of formation of landfill gas and its associatedhazards, and the potential to utilize the energy content of the gas,

    the modern landfill site is designed to trap the gases for flaring or

    use in energy recovery systems.

    However, the priority is for control of the gases to protect theenvironment and prevent unacceptable risk to human health rather

    than utilization, and therefore where energy recovery is practiced,

    there would also be a control system alongside.

    Three types of system used to control landfill gas migration: Passive venting;

    Physical barriers;

    Pumping extraction systems.

    Management and Monitoring of

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    Management and Monitoring of

    Landfill Gas

    Passive Venting Systemsare only recommended for oldsites in the late stages of gas generation where gas

    generation rates are low, or where inert wastes are landfilled

    and similarly low, or where negligible rates of gas

    generation are found.

    The passive venting pit consists of a highly permeable vent

    of gravel material encased in a geotextile fabric to prevent

    ingress of fine material and reduction of permeability. Construction of the passive venting system may be as

    emplacement of the waste proceeds or afterwards by drilling

    or excavation into the mass of waste. Typically the vents are

    placed at intervals of between 20 and 50 m.

    Management and Monitoring of

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    Management and Monitoring of

    Landfill Gas

    Physical barr iersuse low-permeability barriers of, for example, flexible polymericgeomembranes, bentonite cement or clay, to contain and restrict the gas migration.

    Whilst these barriers might form part of a leachate containment system, they are less

    effective in containing gas. Coefficients of permeability for gas containment are required

    to be lower than 10-9 m/s. Efficiencies of barriers are improved if they are combined

    with a means of removing the gas by either passive venting or pumped extraction.

    Pumping extraction systemspump the gas out of the landfill. The gas migrates to gas

    pits or wells within the waste, which consists of highly permeable gravel, stones or

    rubble with a central perforated plastic pipe. The gases pass through the high-

    permeability vent to a plain unperforated pipe, which draws the gases through to the

    pump. Leachate vapour may also be pumped out with the gas, and because this vapour

    has a high moisture content a leachate condensation trap is required. Figure shows atypical pumping extraction well. The gas pumped to the surface is either flared by self-

    sustaining combustion or the use of a support fuel, utilized in an energy recovery system,

    or if the gas concentrations are sufficiently low it is discharged to the atmosphere. Where

    flaring is used to dispose of the gas minimum flame temperatures between 850 and 1100

    C are recommended to destroy any hazardous trace components.

    Typical combined Leachate and

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    Typical combined Leachate and

    Landfill Gas Collection Well

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    Landfill Leachate Leachate represents the water, which passes through the waste, and water

    generated within the landfill site, resulting in a liquid containing suspendedsolids, soluble components of the waste and products from the degradation

    of the waste by various microorganisms. The composition of the leachate

    will depend on the heterogeneity and composition of the waste and whether

    there is any industrial/hazardous waste co-disposal, the stage of

    biodegradation reached by the waste, moisture content and operationalprocedures.

    The decomposition rate of the waste also depends on aspects such as pH,

    temperature, aerobic or anaerobic conditions, and the associated types of

    microorganisms. Associated with leachate is a malodorous smell, due mainly

    to the presence of organic acids.

    The characteristics of the leachate are influenced by the waste material

    deposited in the site. For example, inert wastes will produce a leachate with

    low concentrations of components, whereas a hazardous waste leachate

    tends to have a wide range of components with highly variableconcentrations.

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    Landfill Capping Final cover or capping of the landfill site is required after the final waste has been

    deposited. The purpose of the cap is to contain and protect the waste, prevent

    rainwater and surface water from percolating into the site and influencing the

    generation of leachate, control the release of landfill gas, and prevent ingress of air

    and disruption of the anaerobic biodegradation process. In addition, the final cover is

    landscaped and provides a soil for the establishment of the restored site plant

    materials. The design of the cover system of lining materials used to cap the site

    depends on the nature of the waste, for example, whether they are inert orbiodegradable.

    Overlying the main body of waste may be the gas collection layer, depending on the

    nature of the waste. The gas collection layer is a porous material such as geotextile,

    geonet or coarse sand through which the gas can easily permeate to the gas

    collection and control system.

    A barrier layer is a low permeability layer such as a plastic polymer geomembrane, a

    geosynthetic clay liner of bentonite/geotextile fabric, or compacted natural clay. The

    barrier layer serves a two-fold purpose: to prevent ingress of water and the egress of

    landfill gas. The barrier layer may have a protective geotextile layer above and


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    Components of Landfill Capping System

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    Landfill Site Completion and Restoration

    At the end of the life of a landfill, the landfill operator must

    demonstrate that the site has physically, chemically and biologicallystabilized and no longer poses a risk to the public or the local

    environment. When a site is deemed complete, post-closure pollution

    controls and leachate and landfill gas control systems would no longer

    be required. Stabilisation is defined in terms of the quantity andcomposition of the leachate and landfill gas produced at the site.

    Assessment of completion depends on the type of landfill site. For

    example, sites, which have taken only inert wastes, pose a low risk to

    human health and the environment since, only low or zero levels of

    leachate and landfill gas are likely to be generated. For biodegradable

    wastes such as municipal solid waste, then a full assessment of the

    leachate composition and gas volume and the potential future

    generation rates, together with an assessment of the waste settlement,

    would be required

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    Energy Recovery

    The development of larger and larger landfill sites throughout many countries has

    provided for economies of scale and the economic viability of utilization of landfillgas. The modem site is seen in this context as a 'bio-reactor', used to stabilize waste

    and produce landfill gas for energy recovery. Therefore, whilst landfill sites exist

    which are used for disposal without energy recovery, the modem purpose-built site

    would normally incorporate a landfill gas extraction system for the recovery of


    Estimates of the amount of landfill gas generated throughout the lifetime of a

    landfill site are highly variable, with estimates of between 39 and 500 m3/tonne.

    Annual rates of gas production have been estimated for a typical municipal solid

    waste landfill at between 6 and 8 m3/tonne/year, but much higher rates of over 20

    m3/tonne/year have been recorded.

    The energy recovery technology is based around the gas collection system and the

    pre-treatment and power generation technology. Gas collection is via either vertical

    gas wells or horizontal well collection systems, depending on the type of site, site-

    filling techniques, depth of waste and leachate level. The gas is collected in a series

    of perforated gas pipelines connected to a central pipeline.

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    Waste Treatment Technologies


    Recycling is the collection and separation of materials from waste and subsequentprocessing to produce marketable products.


    Recycling basic materials in order to make new products has several benefits:

    It reduces the demand for raw materials by extending their life and maximising the

    value extracted from them.

    It reduces the habitat damage, pollution and waste associated with the extraction of

    raw materials.

    It reduces transport costs and pollution from transporting raw materials and

    manufacturing new products.

    It saves energy in the production process when compared with the energy consumed

    in using raw materials.

    It reduces emissions to air and water in the production process.

    It reduces disposal impact (if more waste is recycled, less waste goes to landfill or


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    Waste Treatment Technologies


    The process of composting is one of biological decomposition under aerobic (openair) and thermophilic (at or above 70C) conditions, which breaks down organic

    material to leave a humus rich residue, the compost. Compost is a valuable soil

    conditioner for both agriculture, gardening and forestry.


    Composting is an excellent method of managing solid waste with a high organiccontent (i.e. biodegradable waste) such as garden waste, kitchen waste, park waste,

    and even scrap paper and cardboard. 60% of municipal solid waste can be


    Composting techniques

    Home composting Compost can be made at home using a traditional compost heap,

    a purpose designed container or a wormery.

    Community composting

    Open/Open air windrow

    Enclosed/Covered windrow


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    Waste Treatment Technologies

    Incineration Ration

    Incineration is the combustion of waste at high temperatures. It uses a wide variety ofcombustion systems developed from boiler plant technology and also more novel techniques

    such as molten salt and fluidized bed incinerators.

    Incineration of waste has a number of advantages over landfill

    Incineration can usually be carried out near the point of collection. The number of landfill

    sites close to the point. of waste generation are becoming scarcer, resulting in transport of

    waste over long distances.

    The waste is reduced into a biologically sterile ash product, which for municipal solid waste

    is approximately one-tenth of its pre-burnt volume and one-third of its pre-burnt weight.

    Incineration produces no methane, unlike landfill. Methane is a 'greenhouse gas' and is a

    significant contributor to global warming.

    Waste incineration can be used as a low cost source of energy to produce steam for electricpower generation, industrial process heating, or hot water for district heating, thereby

    conserving valuable primary fuel resources.

    The bottom ash residues can be used for materials recovery or as secondary aggregates in


    Incineration is the best practicable environmental option for many hazardous wastes such ashighly flammable, volatile, toxic and infectious waste.

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    Incineration - Disadvantages

    It generally entails much higher costs and longer pay back periods due to the high capital investment

    The incinerator is designed on the basis of a certain calorific value for the waste. Removal of materials such as

    paper and plastics for recycling may reduce the overall calorific value of the waste and consequently may affectincinerator performance.

    The incineration process still produces a solid waste residue which requires management.

    It destroys valuable resources.

    It exacerbates climate change because when materials are burned, more fossil fuel energy is used to replace the

    products through mining, manufacturing, and transportation around the world. Energy from burning waste is not

    renewable. It undermines councils recycling schemes by demanding long-term waste delivery - Because it takes 15-25

    years for a waste management company to make a return on their capital investment, the contract between a

    council and a waste management company requires the council to provide an agreed amount of waste for at least

    25 years.

    It produces emissions of nitrogen oxides, particulates, heavy metals and dioxins, all of which are potentially

    dangerous to human health.

    It produces bottom ash, which may contain heavy metals and dioxins present in the waste burnt, such as

    batteries. Bottom ash represents one-third by weight of the original waste and still has to be land filled.

    It also produces fly ash (the fine particles and gases caught in the chimney by filter systems), which is

    undisputedly toxic, containing pollutants such as heavy metals and dioxins. Fly ash is classified as special waste

    (i.e. hazardous waste) and has to be landfilled in very careful circumstances.

    It creates very few jobs. The recycling industry however offers enormous potential for substantial job creation.

    It is a much more capital-intensive and costly approach than recycling. It creates more noise and traffic. Incinerators can also be re arded as e esores.

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    Incineration - Disadvantages

    The modern incinerator is an efficient combustion system with

    sophisticated gas clean-up which produces energy and reduces the wasteto an inert residue with minimum pollution. Incineration plants may be

    classified on a variety of criteria, for example, their capacity, the nature

    of the waste to be combusted, the type of system etc. However, a broad

    division can be made between mass burn incineration and other types.

    Mass burn incineration:Large scale incineration of municipal solid

    waste in single-stage chamber unit in which complete combustion or

    oxidation occur Typical throughputs of waste are between 10 and 50

    tonnes per hour.

    Other types of incineration:Other types of incineration involve smallerscale throughputs of between 1 and 2 tonnes per hour of wastes such as

    clinical waste sewage sludge and hazardous waste. Typical examples of

    such systems include fluidized bed, cyclonic, starved air or pyrolytic,

    rotary kiln, rocking kiln, cement kiln, and liquid and gaseous


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    Incineration - Disadvantages

    Incineration in Pakistan

    June 12 was the first World Incineration Day that was observed in Pakistan - whose record onenvironment, solid waste management, health and hygiene of its citizens, is dismal and

    pathetic, with the added dilemma that, since its coffers are depleted, whether to invest in such

    a contentious technology!

    Currently, the majority of hospitals in Pakistan are dumping their waste, which includes both

    hazardous and non-hazardous waste, in open grounds just like the municipal waste. This

    allows the scavengers to take advantage of anything they may deem valuable, such assyringes, blood bags, catheters, scalpels etc, which they may sell or recycle/ re-use to

    deleterious effect. To compound our problem, Pakistan does not have a single sanitary

    engineer and in general has been unable to dispose of even the municipal waste with any

    worthwhile success. In the light of such an alarming situation, the practice of dumping

    hospital waste in open fields is extremely dangerous and hazardous for the health and life of

    human beings and nature. Currently, the landfills in Pakistan are just open dumpsites whereanimals graze or scavenge for food and the poor earn their livelihood.

    There are 24 incinerators in Pakistan. Only six are operating and that too not according to the

    international standards. Resultantly, the process of incineration is not being carried out

    properly and the waste is not being detoxified. At the same time, poisonous fumes, like

    dioxins, are being emitted into the atmosphere through the chimneys of these incinerators,

    which only adds to the plight of people of Pakistan.

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    Incineration - Disadvantages

    Incinerators, when operating properly burn at extremely high temperatures - in access of

    1100 degrees Celsius, thereby only emitting carbon dioxide and water vapor into the

    atmosphere. Conversely, the incinerators in Pakistan also emit a lot of smokea direct

    indicator of low temperature burning and pose a direct threat to human life. Therefore, it

    is essential to address the technology of incineration and the management aspect of it in

    Pakistan. Whereas, the very same technology has been a success and is widely used in

    the developed countries, where landfills are now discouraged due to the scarcity of

    barren lands. Pakistan's case is not all that different. We have an agro-based economyand our land is extremely precious to waste it on dumpsites, which would ultimately

    contaminate our other scarce commodity - water!!

    The chimneys of incinerators should only emit carbon dioxide and water, and planting

    more trees - nature's filtering agents - may solve this rise in 'green house' gases

    Furthermore, the heat generated from incinerators may be used to produce steam, whichin turn could be used to drive turbines and generate electricity and at least supply a small

    community with the much-needed resource to enhance development. In a country like

    Pakistan where such resources are scarce, large-scale industrial incinerators could help

    address the use of renewable energy and help in solving the crisis besieged in the rural

    areas. Such endeavors have been successfully implemented throughout the developed


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    Anaerobic Digestion

    Anaerobic digestion is a biological process in which organic

    material is broken down by the action of microorganisms.Unlike composting, the process takes place in the absence of

    air. The residue remaining after digestion can be used as a

    soil conditioner and the process generates a gas, which can

    be used as a fuel for domestic or industrial use. The

    anaerobic digestion process is very similar to anaerobic

    breakdown of organic waste in landfill sites but under

    controlled conditions. Friends of the Earth supportsanaerobic digestion for sorted organic waste.

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    Gasification is where carbon based wastes are heated in the

    presence of air or steam to produce fuel-rich gases. Thetechnology is based on the reforming process to produce

    town gas from coal, and requires industrial scale facilities.

    From the end of 1998, the dumping of sewage sludge at sea

    has been prohibited. Friends of the Earth opposes

    gasification for the 80% of municipal solid waste that can

    be recycled or composted because it wastes valuable

    resources, contributes to climate change and provides veryfew jobs.

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    In this treatment, carbon based wastes are heated in the

    absence of air to produce a mixture of gaseous and liquidfuels and a solid inert residue (mainly carbon). Pyrolysis

    generally requires a consistent waste stream such as tyres or

    plastics to produce a usable fuel product. Currently, there is

    only one facility established in the UKtaking in tyres .

    This has been shut because of operational problems. Friends

    of the Earth opposes pyrolysis for the 80% of municipal

    solid waste that can be recycled or composted for the samereasons that it opposes gasification.

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