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  • 8/8/2019 Astrophysics Repaired)


    HSC Physics Option Module: Astrophysics


    Robert Lee Chin Page | 1

    1. Earth-based observations Discuss Galileos use of the telescope to identify features of the Moon

    Galilei Galileo did not invent the telescope, but he improved its design. He built refracting

    (lens) telescopes, which formed upright images and also covered the edges of his telescope toreduce spherical aberration and form clearer images.

    Galileo identified and gather evidence on:

    -the moons of Jupiter

    -the phases of Venus

    -sunspots on the sun,

    -many new stars

    -the rings of Saturn

    -features of the moon

    In particular, he was able to make qualitative and quantitative observations of geographicalfeatures of the moon. This included mountains, craters and lava flows which he called seas.

    This provided evidence against the (then) popular view that all heavenly objects were perfect

    and unchanging.

    Discuss why some wavebands can be more easily detected from space

    Almost all information from space comes in the form of EMR. The EMR spectrum is divided

    into wavebands. Each particular waveband covers a specific range of wavelengths in the

    EM spectrum. The Earths atmosphere absorbs, diffracts and scatters some wavebands more

    than others.

    The high energy gamma and x-rays ionise molecules and are therefore strongly absorbed by

    the upper atmosphere. Most UV radiation is absorbed by the ozone layer while some

    penetrates to the ground. Water vapour and gases in the atmosphere reflect most of the

    infrared radiation. Visible light and most radio waves are able to fully penetrate to the ground

    This limits ground-based astronomy to the visible and radio wavebands. In order to study the

    other EMR effectively, one must go above the atmosphere. Infrared radiation can be studied

    by placing infrared telescopes on mountaintops above the densest regions of the atmosphere.

  • 8/8/2019 Astrophysics Repaired)


    HSC Physics Option Module: Astrophysics


    Robert Lee Chin Page | 2

    Absorption of EMR wavebands by the Atmosphere:

    Define the terms resolution and sensitivity of telescopes


    Resolution aka resolving power is a measure of a telescopes ability to clearly distinguishbetween two very close objects in space. When this occurs, the objects are said to be resolved.










    Ozone layer




    e RadioInfrared



    Altitude (km)




  • 8/8/2019 Astrophysics Repaired)


    HSC Physics Option Module: Astrophysics


    Robert Lee Chin Page | 3

    Telescope resolution is limited by:

    -imperfections in the lens/mirror

    -diffraction i.e. bending of light around objects or through gaps

    Resolution is quantitatively defined by the angle of separation between two light wavefrontse.g. a binary star. It is measured in radians or arcs seconds. The resolving power of a

    telescope is given by. The smaller the angle of resolution, the greater the resolving power.

    Hence, a smaller wavelength and larger diameter size improve resolution.


    Sensitivity is a measure of the light gathering power of a telescope i.e. its ability to clearly

    detect photons from sources in space- the more light that can be detected, the fainter the

    object that can be seen. The sensitivity of a telescope is the minimum intensity of light that

    needs to be detected to form a suitable image. Quantitatively, sensitivity is proportional to the

    surface area of the aperture. Telescopes with large apertures are nicknamed light buckets

    Discuss the problems associated with ground-based astronomy in terms of resolutionand absorption of radiation and atmospheric distortion

    Atmospheric Distortion

    Ground-based telescopes view space from beneath the dynamic mixture of gases, dust and

    water vapour of the atmosphere. Variations in temperature and pressure with altitude cause

    corresponding changes in the refractive index, causing stars to twinkle. Or more correctly,

    the object shimmers in and out of focus, lowering the resolution of the telescope. The true

    colour of images is altered due to variations in absorption with wavelength. Objects lower in

    the sky are even more susceptible because the light has to travel through more atmosphere to

    reach the ground. The atmosphere also scatters unwanted light from nearby cities and vehiclesinto the telescope.

    Absorption of radiation

    Gamma rays, x-rays, UV, some infrared and the longer wavelength radio waves are absorbed

    and scattered by the atmosphere. This means the intensity of these EMR reaching the ground

    is very low, so ground-based astronomy is very difficult. Furthermore, much light from the

    violet end of the visible waveband is scattered (making the sky blue) so optical astronomy is

    impossible during daytime.

    Outline methods by which the resolution and/or sensitivity of ground-based systemscan be improved, including:

    Two light sources that have been

    resolved have separate diffraction

    Two light sources with overlapping

    diffraction fringes cannot be resolved

  • 8/8/2019 Astrophysics Repaired)


    HSC Physics Option Module: Astrophysics


    Robert Lee Chin Page | 4

    -adaptive optics


    -Active optics

    The easiest approach to reduce atmospheric distortion is to place the telescope as high in the

    atmosphere as possible. This means placing telescopes on very high mountaintops, above thedensest regions of the atmosphere. Another advantage is the remoteness means there are no

    unwanted light sources from human activity.

    Active Optics

    Active optics aims to increase sensitivity by compensating for imperfections in the telescope

    mirror. Sensitivity is proportional to the surface area of the mirror; however, larger mirrors

    are more susceptible to distortion and the thicker it needs to be. Active optics uses many

    small composite mirrors, each controlled by its own actuator which pushes or pulls on the

    back of the mirror to actively adjusting its shape accordingly. The mirrors are adjusted about

    once a minute.

    One of the best examples is the Keck observatory, at the top of an extinct Hawaiian Volcano,

    Mauna Kea. It comprises of 36 hexagonal mirrors to give the same sensitivity as a 10m

    diameter mirror.

    Adaptive O

    Adaptive optics aims to increase resolution

    by measuring and compensating for atmospheric

    distortion. Similar to active optics, adaptive optics

    uses actuator-controlled composite mirrors but has much faster

    response speed. It involves sampling part of the incident light using a wavefront

    sensor to measure the amount of atmospheric distortion. The system relies on a bright

    reference star or artificial laser pulse to detect this distortion. The mirrors are adjusted using

    actuators, up to 1000 times per second, effectively neutralising atmospheric changes.

    The Keck


    telescope mirror

  • 8/8/2019 Astrophysics Repaired)


    HSC Physics Option Module: Astrophysics


    Robert Lee Chin Page | 5


    Resolution depends on the diameter of the

    aperture. Interferometry uses the principle of

    several small telescopes linked in an array to

    give a higherresolution

    . The device

    used is called



    meter and is most


    y used in radio telescopes because they can be linked over

    great distances.

    Radio interferometry works by combining the same radio sources (which are slightly out of

    phase due to time differences) electronically, so that they interfere by superposition.

    Radio telescopes in different continents (and even satellites) can be linked to from a very long

    baseline (up to 3 times the Earths diameter). This technique is called very large baseline

    interferometry (VLBI) and it used to produce extremely high resolutions.

    Optical interferometry aims to produce a brighter image by using constructive interference of

    the incoming wavefronts. It is mainly used for determining stellar distances and diameters.

    Gather, process and present information on the next generation optical telescopes

    The next generation telescopes are designed to have lighter, larger mirrors than before. This

    allows astronomers to view fainter objects with higher resolution and ensures stability in the


    Spin casting and rotating mercury

    The shape of the mirror constantly changes to

    keep the rays of light at one focal point Diameter x

    Resolution of two mirrors in interferometer

    mode separated by x is equal to a single

    mirror with diameter x

  • 8/8/2019 Astrophysics Repaired)


    HSC Physics Option Module: Astrophysics


    Robert Lee Chin Page | 6

    Lighter mirrors can be made by spinning the glass into a hyperbolic shape as it cools.

    A new generation of parabolic mirrors uses rotating liquid mercury and gallium alloys. The

    layer is only 2mm thick and they are low cost compared to conventional mirrors. They are

    restricted to facing only directly upwards and objects cannot be tracked.

    Thin and replica mirrors

    A recent development in mirrors is the production of 1mm thick mirrors made from curved

    sheet-glass attached to a honeycomb backing structure. A prototype has already been

    fabricated for the HSTs successor, the James Webb Space telescope, expected to be launched

    in 2014.

    Another technique involves replicating pre-existing mirrors by applying a graphite reinforced

    honeycomb composite (GRHC). When the GRHC cures, it is used as a template for new


    Extremely large telescopes: The Giant Magellan telescope (GMT), Thirty Meter

    Telescope (TMT) and European-Extremely large telescope (E-ELT)

    The largest, the E-ELT has a diameter of 42 metres and is predicted to be 15 times more

    sensitive than the current largest 10 metre Keck telescopes. The TMT has a 30 metre diameter

    and the GMT has a 24.5 metre mirror. They are expected to be completed by 2020.

    All rely on adaptive optics to make their resolution as powerful as any space based


    Identify data sources, plan, choose equipment or resources for, and perform aninvestigation to demonstrate why it is desirable for telescopes to have a larger

    diameter objective lens or mirror in terms of both sensitivity and resolution

    Investigation: Aperture size and its effect on sensitivity and resolution

    Aim: To demonstrate why it is desirable for telescopes to have large diameter aperture in

    terms of sensitivity and resolution


    The following table summarises data on a range of telescopesTelescope Primary mirror

    diameter (m)

    SA primary

    mirror (m2)





    gain in


    Human eye 0.007 0.001 17 0

    6 inch refractor 0.15 0.02 0.8 7



    2.0 3 0.06 12


    an telescope

    3.9 12 0.03 14

    Keck telescope 10 79 0.01 16

  • 8/8/2019 Astrophysics Repaired)


    HSC Physics Option Module: Astrophysics


    Robert Lee Chin Page | 7

    Note: The gain in magnitudes is related to the sensitivity. A more sensitive telescope can

    detect objects many magnitudes fainter than the human eye.

    Describe the relationship between sensitivity and mirror diameter.

    As mirror diameter increases, the sensitivity increases.

    Plot the theoretical gain in magnitude against SA primary mirror and describe the


    As the SA increases, the gain in magnitude (i.e. the sensitivity) increases.

    Plot the theoretical resolution vs. Aperture diameter and describe the relationship

  • 8/8/2019 Astrophysics Repaired)


    HSC Physics Option Module: Astrophysics


    Robert Lee Chin Page | 8

    It is observed that as the mirror diameter increases, the angle of theoretical resolution

    decreases i.e. as diameter increases, resolution increases.

    2. Parallax

    Define the terms parallax, parsec, light-year

    Parallax is the change in apparent position of a nearby object viewed along two different lines

    of sight. Quantitatively, it is measured as the angle between the two lines. Trigonometric

    parallax is half the annual parallax.

    A parsec is an astronomical unit of distance. It is defined as the distance away a star would

    need to be in order for its annual parallax to be 1 degree. In terms of annual parallax, a parsec

    is the distance at which the radius of Earths orbit subtends and angle of 1 degree.

    Definition of a parsec:

    Viewpoint A

    Viewpoint B

    Viewpoint BViewpoint A

  • 8/8/2019 Astrophysics Repaired)


    HSC Physics Option Module: Astrophysics


    Robert Lee Chin Page | 9

    A light year is an astronomical unit of distance. It is defined as the straight line distance light

    travels in a vacuum in 1 year. .

    Converting AU to parsecs

    Explain how trigonometric parallax can be used to determine the distance to stars

    Trigonometric parallax is half the angular shift of a star (in arc seconds) as observed from

    Earth over a period of 6 months i.e. half the annual parallax. Because even our closest stars

    are so distant, a considerable change in the observers position is required to notice any

    change in the stars relative position. By observing parallax in 6 month intervals (from

    opposite points of the Earth), the change in the observers position becomes twice

    Earth-to-Sun distance or 2 Astronomical Units (AU). Observing 6 months apart maximises

    the parallax angle by maximising the baseline and neutralises the slight eccentricity of Earthsorbit

    1 AU

    1 arc second

    1 parsec

  • 8/8/2019 Astrophysics Repaired)


    HSC Physics Option Module: Astrophysics


    Robert Lee Chin Page | 10

    Using trigonometry,, dis the unknown distance from the Sun to the Star andp is the

    trigonometric parallax angle. Therefore dcan be calculated by .

    Solve problems and analyse information to calculate the distance to a star given itstrigonometric parallax using:

    Using the above example, when the parallax of the star (p) is 1 arc second, then the distance d

    in parsecs is given by . Remember:


    1) The star 40-Eridini is 5 pc away. Calculate its parallax in:

    a) Arc seconds.

    b) Degrees

    c) A star has a parallax of 0.3 arc seconds. Calculate its distance from the Earth


    a) parsecs


    2 AUp

    = Sun

    = Earth

    = nearby star

    = distant star

  • 8/8/2019 Astrophysics Repaired)


    HSC Physics Option Module: Astrophysics


    Robert Lee Chin Page | 11

    b) light years

    Discuss the limitations of trigonometric parallax measurements

    The seeing or shimmering effect of Earths atmosphere limits the precision of parallax

    measurements. The smallest parallax that can be observed from Earth is 0.01 arc seconds.

    This means only about 700 of the closest stars (within 100 pc) can be measured by

    Earth-based telescopes. The limitations can be lessened by using space-based telescopes

    above the atmosphere or by using a larger baseline for the annual parallax e.g. placing a

    satellite in orbit around the sun at a distance from Earths orbit.

    Gather and process information todetermine the relative limits to trigonometric parallax distance determinations using

    recent ground-based and space-based technologies

    Resolution of ground-based telescopes is currently limited to 0.01 arcseconds (100 pcs), due

    to atmospheric distortion. Only about 1000 stars within 20 parsecs can be accurately


    Space based telescopes do not suffer atmospheric distortion, so parallax measurements are

    determined by the quality and size of the aperture. In 1989, the European Space Agency

    (ESA) launched the Hipparcos satellite, which has catalogued accurate parallax

    measurements down to 1 milli-arcsecond (mas) for distance measurements of 120 000 stars

    out to about 1000 pcs.

    Future space telescopes include Gaia and the Space Interferometry Mission (SIM). GAIA has

    an accuracy of 10 micro arcseconds (10-5 arcsec) and will catalogue over 1 billion stars

    within distances of 100 000 pcs while SIM will use optical interferometry to give parallax of

    4 micro arcseconds within 10% accuracy of distances up to 25 000 pcs. The data collected

    will allow for a dynamic 3D map of the Milky Way.

    Using a satellite to give a

    larger baseline

  • 8/8/2019 Astrophysics Repaired)


    HSC Physics Option Module: Astrophysics


    Robert Lee Chin Page | 12

    3. Spectroscopy

    Account for the production of emission and absorption spectra and compare thesewith a continuous blackbody spectrum

    Emission Spectra

    Emission spectra of a chemical element/compound consist only of radiation of a discrete

    number of wavelengths. It appears as bright lines against a dark background. This radiation is

    produced by hot diffuse gases, such as in a gas discharge tube.

    Electrical/heat energy supplied to the atoms/molecules raises the energy level of the electrons.

    As the electrons fall back down to their ground state, they emit a quantum of energy which

    corresponds to one of the observed wavelengths. The bright lines of emission spectra

    correspond to all of the possible energy transitions. The relative intensity of each line depends

    on the composition of the gas.

    Emission Spectra for Hydrogen:

    Absorption Spectra

    Absorption Spectra

    consist of a

    continuous range of

    wavelengths, with

    discrete gaps at particular wavelengths. It appears as dark lines on a continuous background

    of colours. It is produced when a continuous spectrum of light passes through cool gas e.g. in

    the Sun, the dark lines result from specific wavelengths being absorbed by cooler gases in the

    outer layers.

    Atoms/molecules in the gas absorb quantum of energy which corresponds to specific

    wavelengths of light. This causes the energy level of the electrons to jump before falling

    back to ground state, remitting absorbed wavelengths in all directions. Thus, the intensity of

    light transmitted at these wavelengths is reduced. The relative intensity of the lines depends

    on the size and density of the gas cloud.

    Hot gasSpectrograph

    Wavelength (nm)

    Each element has its own unique emission spectra

  • 8/8/2019 Astrophysics Repaired)


    HSC Physics Option Module: Astrophysics


    Robert Lee Chin Page | 13

    Absorption spectra for hydrogen:

    Continuous Blackbody Spectrum

    Blackbody spectrum consists of a continuous range of wavelengths with no lines. It appears

    as a continuous rainbow of colours. It is produced by thermal emission of hot substances

    e.g. the surface of the Sun acts as a blackbody at high temperatures.

    The higher the temperature, the shorter wavelength of peak intensity emission i.e. the

    maximum intensity is inversely proportional to the temperature of the hot surface. This is

    shown by: where, is the wavelength (nm) and T is the temperature (K). This

    is also why hotter stars appear blue and cooler stars red.




    Wavelength (nm)

    Wavelength (nm)

  • 8/8/2019 Astrophysics Repaired)


    HSC Physics Option Module: Astrophysics


    Robert Lee Chin Page | 14

    Emission Spectra Absorption Spectra

    Continuous Blackbody


    Consists of radiation of only

    a discrete wavelengths

    Consists of a continuous

    range of wavelengths, with

    gaps corresponding to

    discrete wavelengths

    Consists of a continuous

    range of wavelengths, with

    no gaps

    Appears as white linesagainst a dark background

    Appears as dark lines againsta continuous background of


    Appears as a continuousrange of colours

    Produced by hot diffuse


    Produced when light from a

    hot source passes through

    cool gas

    Produced by thermal

    emission from. solids, liquids

    & high-pressure gases

    Wavelengths emitted depend

    on electron energy

    transitions of gas atoms

    Wavelengths absorbed

    depend on electron energy

    transitions of gas atoms

    All wavelengths produced at

    varying intensities

    Intensity varies with

    wavelength, depending ongas composition

    Intensity varies with

    wavelength, depending ongas composition and density

    Intensity varies smoothly

    with wavelength. The peakemission is inversely

    proportional to the


    Describe the technology needed to measure astronomical spectra

    A spectroscope is a device used to visually observe spectra. A spectrograph is a device

    mounted onto a telescope used to record and measure spectra and the recorded photograph is

    called a spectrogram.

    A spectrograph or spectroscope consists of three parts:

    Intensity of



    Wavelength (nm)

    30001000 2000IRUV


    4000 K

    5000 K

    3000 K

  • 8/8/2019 Astrophysics Repaired)


    HSC Physics Option Module: Astrophysics


    Robert Lee Chin Page | 15

    The collimator uses a narrow slit and mirrors or lenses to form a parallel beam of light from a

    light source.

    The second part disperses the light into its component wavelengths to produce the spectra. It

    consists of wither a triangular prism or a diffraction grating which can be further subdividedinto transmission or reflection gratings. Diffraction gratings consist of thousands of parallel

    slits per cm which cause the light to spread out into a spectrum. Most modern spectroscopes

    use diffraction gratings because they scatter less light and give better resolving power than


    The third part allows the spectra to be viewed or recorded. It consists of either a telescope, a

    focusing mirror with a photographic plate or an electronic image device such as a charged

    couple device (CCD). Fibre optics may be used to simultaneously obtain multiple spectra.

    Prism spectroscope:


    on grating:

    Reflection grating:

    Identify the general types of spectra produced by stars, emission nebulas, galaxiesand quasars


    Stars act as blackbodies and therefore produce spectra that depend on their surfacetemperature according to Planks Blackbody radiation. Absorption spectra are produced as the

    result of the radiation passing through the stars cooler atmosphere.

    Emission nebulas

    Emission nebulae are regions of hot gas (mainly hydrogen) and dust that become heated by

    radiation from nearby hot stars. As the electrons in the nebulae drop back to their lower

    energy level, they produce emission spectra in the UV, visible, infrared and radio bands

    (depending on the nebula composition).


    Galaxies consist of up to billions of stars, nebula and planets all circling a common centre.Therefore, the spectra for galaxies combine the spectra of all these celestial objects. They





  • 8/8/2019 Astrophysics Repaired)


    HSC Physics Option Module: Astrophysics


    Robert Lee Chin Page | 16

    emit light from the entire EM spectrum, particularly infrared and radio. Absorption lines of B

    and K type stars are common, along with emission lines for hydrogen, nitrogen, carbon and

    silicon. Almost all galaxies are moving radially away from the Milky Way, so the spectra are


    QuasarsQuasars are distant point sources producing vast amount of radiation across the entire EM

    spectrum, but mostly in the radio band. The spectra consist of broad, high-intensity emission

    lines that are extremely red-shifted. There are only 1-2 LY across and are believed to be

    formed by gas being swallowed up by black holes,

    Describe the key features of stellar spectra and describe how this is used to classifystars

    A stellar spectrum is the spectrum of radiation emitted by a star. Stellar spectra consist of a

    black body spectra superimposed with absorption lines characteristic of the elements in thestars atmosphere.

    The shape of the curve, particularly the position of the peak emission wavelength and the

    absorption lines for specific elements indicates the surface temperature.

    To produce lines for hydrogen, the temperature must be in the range of 4000-12000K while

    helium must be in the 15000-30000K range. Too low temperatures and the electrons will

    produce faint absorption lines, too high and the atoms will be completely ionised, again

    resulting in no absorption lines.

    When different stars are compared, there is a change in colour as luminosity increases. Thecoolest stars are red, then orange, yellow, white and blue for the hottest stars.

    Stars can thus be classified into spectral class: O, B, A, F, G, K, M (mnemonic: Oh Be A Fine

    Girl Kiss Me) from hottest to coolest. There are 10 further subdivisions from hottest to

    coolest: A0-A9.

    Spectral Class Colour Surface


    Absorption line Spectral Features

    O Blue

  • 8/8/2019 Astrophysics Repaired)


    HSC Physics Option Module: Astrophysics


    Robert Lee Chin Page | 17

    F White-yellow 10 000-7000 K Weakly neutral H

    Stronger neutral Mg, Si, Fe, Ca, Ti

    G Yellow 7000-5000 K Strong metals esp. Ca

    Weak H

    Many single lines ionised and neutralmetals

    K Orange 5000-4000 K Strong metals

    Molecules e.g. CH, CN

    Almost nonexistent H

    M Red 4000-3000 K Strong molecules esp. TiO

    Spectral Class Example Star

    O5 Naos

    B3 Achermar

    A7 Altair

    F0 Canopus

    G5 Capella

    K2 Arcturas

    M1 Autares

    Describe how spectra can provide information on surface temperature, rotationaland translational velocity, density and chemical composition of stars

    Surface Temperature

    The surface temperature can be determined by observing the position of the peak wavelength

    emission. According to Wiens Displacement law, where

    peak wavelength is inversely proportional to the surface temperature. Therefore stars that are

    blue are hotter than stars that are red.

    Translational Velocity (relative motion)

    The proper velocity of a star relative to the sun is made of two components: the radialvelocity and the translational velocity. The radial velocity is a measure of whether the star is

    moving towards us or away and how fast it is moving. Translational velocity is a measure of

    the motion of a star across our line of sight.

    The radial velocity obtained by observing the Doppler shift of a star, compared to

    laboratory-measured spectra. If a star is moving towards us, the wavelengths will contract and

    there will be a blue-shift. Conversely, if a star is moving away the wavelengths will stretch

    out and there will be red-shift. A red-shift indicates the star is moving away while a

    blue-shift indicates a star is moving towards us. The faster the radial velocity, the greater the

    Doppler shift.

  • 8/8/2019 Astrophysics Repaired)


    HSC Physics Option Module: Astrophysics


    Robert Lee Chin Page | 18

    The translational velocity is measured by determining the change in position of the star over

    long time periods. The distance of a star obtained from parallax measurements is used to

    determine the translational velocity.

    Velocity components of a star:

    Rotational velocity

    If a star is rotating,

    then one edge is moving

    towards us while the other

    is receding. One edge will

    therefore be red-shifted and

    the other side will be

    blue-shifted by the same amount. The centre will not exhibit Doppler shift. Individual

    spectral lines are broadened by an amount dependant on the rotational velocity of the star- the

    faster it rotates, the more the lines broaden.

    In the case of binarystars, the rotational

    velocity around their

    centre of mass can be determined using the Doppler Effect. The two stars periodically

    approach and recede; hence the spectral lines will be alternately blue-sifted and red-shifted.

    From this, the speed of approach and recession can be calculated, which is then used to

    determine orbital periods and rotational velocities.


    The surface density and therefore surface pressure of a star broadens the spectra lines.

    Increased gas pressure produces more rapid collisions between atoms during emission orabsorption of radiation. These collisions result in electrons shifting energy levels, hence

    Proper Velocity





    Radial Velocity




    Increasing wavelength (nm)

    Laboratory measured

    Red shift spectra

    Blue shift spectra

    Non-rotating spectra

    Increasing wavelength (nm)

    No Doppler



    Star Earth

    Combined blue and red shift broaden the spectral lines

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    HSC Physics Option Module: Astrophysics


    Robert Lee Chin Page | 19

    producing broader spectral lines. Dwarf stars with high density produce the broadest spectral

    lines whilst super giants produce narrow spectral lines.

    Chemical Composition

    Each element, ion or molecule has its own characteristic emission lines which represent the

    various electron energy levels. These lines are in the same position in a stars absorptionspectrum. Comparing a stars absorption lines with the emission lines for known elements

    allows the stars composition to be determined.

    Perform a first-hand investigation to examine a variety of spectra produced bydischarge tubes, reflected sunlight or incandescent filaments

    Investigation: Using a CD as a Spectroscope

    Aim: To observe and examine a variety of spectra produced by discharge tubes, reflectedsunlight or incandescent filaments.


    For the spectroscope:

    -a silvered CD

    -cardboard box

    -cardboard tube

    -craft knife

    -aluminium foil

    -sticky tape

    -digital camera

    -computer, for analysing spectra images


    1/ At night stand 20m from the light source and holding the CD 40cm in front of your

    chest look at the reflection of the light on the silvered side of the CD. The bright and

    dark lines or regions are emission and absorption lines respectively.

    2/ Take a picture of the reflection for later analysis and comparison


    Light source Spectra Features

    Tungsten filament light

    bulb (argon gas)


    Light sources:

    -tungsten filament light bulb

    -Neon light sign

    -Yellow-orange street light (sodium vapour lamp)

    -Mercury vapour lamp

    -Halogen car light

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    HSC Physics Option Module: Astrophysics


    Robert Lee Chin Page | 20

    Neon light sign

    Sodium vapour lamp Strong peaks in yellow,

    Mercury vapour lamp Strong peaks in yellow,

    orange, yellow-green

    Halogen car light (xenon




    Analyse information to predict the surface temperature of a star from itsintensity/wavelength graph


    1) The graph shows blackbody radiation curves for three temperatures:

    Energy radiated (K) vs. (nm)

  • 8/8/2019 Astrophysics Repaired)


    HSC Physics Option Module: Astrophysics


    Robert Lee Chin Page | 21

    a) Define a black body

    A black body is an object that is emits or absorbs radiation perfectly i.e. it emits or absorbs

    radiation across the entire EM spectrum, at varying intensities.

    b) Explain the relevance to astrophysics of black body radiation

    The black body radiation curve can be used to determine the surface temperature of stars.

    c) Explain how Wiens law is used to determine the temperature and composition

    of a star

    Wiens law states that the peak wavelength emission of a blackbody is inversely proportional

    to its surface temperature i.e. Rearranging, It can be used to predict the surface temperature

    of a star:. From the surface temperature and the colour of the star, the stars

    chemical composition and spectral class can be predicted.

    4. Determining distance using photometric measurements

    Luminosity is the measure of the power emitted by a star and depends upon the size (radius)

    and surface temperature of the star. Given the same temperature, large stars are more

    luminous than small stars and given the same radius, hotter stars are more luminous than

    cooler stars.

  • 8/8/2019 Astrophysics Repaired)


    HSC Physics Option Module: Astrophysics


    Robert Lee Chin Page | 22

    Brightness (I) of a star is a measure of the intensity of radiation reaching Earth from a star.. It

    depends on the intrinsic luminosity (L) of the star and its distance (d) away.


    Define absolute and apparent magnitude

    Apparent magnitude (m) is the brightness of a star as observed from Earth. Brighter stars have

    lower magnitude and an increase in 1 represents a decrease in apparent brightness of 2.512.

    Absolute magnitude (M) is the brightness a star would have when observed from a distance

    of 10 parsecs. Absolute and apparent magnitude use the same scale, therefore, more negative

    number correspond to higher luminosity. It is estimated by comparison with reference stars of

    the same spectral class and known distance (from parallax).

    Explain how the concept of magnitude can be used to determine the distance to acelestial object

    If a star is closer than 10 pc, m is larger than M and if it is further than 10 pc., the reverse is

    true. The amount by which the absolute magnitude (M) and apparent magnitude (m) differ

    depends on the star. If both m and M are known, the difference modulus can be used to

    calculate the distance to a star:

    For stars closer than 10 pc, the distance modulus is negative, while for stars further than 10

    pc, it is positive.

    Solve problems and analyse information using and

    to calculate the absolute or apparent magnitude of stars using data and a reference



    1) Our Sun has an apparent visual magnitude of -26.5 and an absolute visualmagnitude of +4.83. Explain why these magnitudes are different

    Apparent magnitude is a measure of the intensity as viewed from Earth whereas absolute

    magnitude is a measure of the intensity when viewed at a distance of 10 parsecs. The more

    negative the value for absolute or apparent magnitude the more negative the value. Therefore,

    because we are closer to the Sun than 10 pc, the apparent visual magnitude of the Sun is

    negative while its absolute magnitude is positive i.e.

    2) A star of the sixth magnitude is located 40pc from the Sun. Calculate its absolute


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    A star has an apparent magnitude of +8 and an absolute magnitude of 0. Calculate the

    parallax of them star.

    3) Use the table to answer the following questions

    Star Apparent magnitude (m) Absolute magnitude (M)

    Arcturus 0.00 -0.3

    Betelgeuse +0.41 -5.6

    Hadar +0.63 -5.2

    Sirius -1.51 +1.4

    Vega +0.04 +0.5

    a) Identify which star is the brightest to an observer on the Earth. Explain your


    For an observer on Earth, we use the apparent magnitude. The more negative the value, the

    brighter the star appears. Therefore, the brightest star to an Earth observer is Sirius, with


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    b) Calculate the distance to Vega

    c) Calculate how much brighter Betelgeuse appears than Hadar

    d) Calculate how much brighter Betelgeuse actually is compared to Hadar.

    Outline spectroscopic parallax

    Stereoscopic parallax is a technique used to determine the distance to a star by comparing the

    absolute and apparent magnitude. The term parallax is simply an analogy for distance.

    A stars spectrum indicates its spectral class or temperature, which are located on the

    horizontal axis of a Hertzprung-Russel diagram and its luminosity, located on the vertical

    axis. By finding the position where the lines intercept, the absolute magnitude (on verticalaxis) can be determined. The apparent magnitude can be directly-measured using photometry.

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    The distance modulus equation can then be used to determine the distance in pc. This method

    is not precise, but is useful as an estimation of distances to stars.

    Explain how two-colour values (i.e. colour index, B-V) are obtained and why theyare useful

    Colour index values are useful because they allow the surface temperature of starts to be

    determined without spectra.

    Stars may have 3 different magnitudes depending on the instruments used to view them: the

    human eye, a photographic emulsion (light-sensitive colloid) or a photocell. The eye is most

    sensitive to yellow-green light; photographic emulsions are most sensitive to blue-violet light;

    photocells perform well at all wavelengths. Hence, a blue star would appear brighter on a

    photograph than to the eye.

    Blue or photographic magnitude (B) is the magnitude of a star measured through a blue filter

    so it only allows wavelengths of ~440 nm to pass through. The visual magnitude (V) is

    measured through a yellow-green filter which allows wavelengths of 550 nm to pass


    The colour index is the difference between the photographic and visual magnitude i.e. . It

    follows that if is positive (, then the star will be redder and therefore, cooler. If is negative (,

    then the star will be bluer and therefore, hotter.

    Colour Index: Relative size of


    Relative Colour Relative



    Spectral Class

    More positive redder Cooler Towards O

    More negative bluer Hotter Towards M

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    In the above graph, the star emits more energy in the B waveband than the V waveband.

    The colour index is calibrated so that a (white) main sequence star (spectral class A,

    luminosity class V) has a CI of 0.00. The CI for hotter stars will be negative CI while forcooler stars it will be positive.

    Describe the advantages of photoelectric technologies over photographic methodsfor photometry

    Photographic photometry

    Photographic photometry uses visual comparison of star images on photographic plates.

    Brighter stars appear larger and denser on the plate and it is possible to obtain photometry for

    thousands of stars using a single image, using a laser to scan and produce a digitised image. It

    B intensity

    (440 nm)V intensity

    (550 nm)

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    does not calibrate stars accurately; however, it provides higher resolution than photoelectric


    Photoelectric photometry

    Photoelectric devices include: photomultiplier and charged-coupled device (CCD).

    A photomultiplier (vacuum tube technology) converts weak light into stronger electrical

    current. It consists of an evacuated tube, with a thin glass window that allows photons to enter

    and hit a photo-cathode. Electrons are emitted in proportion to the light intensity (termed

    secondary emission) and a series of 9-14 electrodes (dynodes), of increasing voltage are

    used to accelerate the electrons. Secondary emission creates an increasing the number of

    photoelectrons and hence, a larger measurable current.


    A CCD (solid-state technology) uses an array of millions of light-sensitive pixels on a

    silicon chip to measure current. The pixels act as capacitors, storing charge proportional to

    the light intensity. The accumulated charge in each capacitor can be rapidly scanned and

    analysed via computer.

    Advantages of photoelectric over photographic technologies

    -Objects can be scanned extremely quickly with quick response time (due to electronic


    -More uniform response across the entire visible spectrum

    -Sensitive to a wider range of wavelengths esp. infrared and can be altered to increase

    sensitivity for different wavelengths

    -Give more accurate measurements of magnitude

    -Data can be collected remotely and transmitted digitally

    -Data is processed more easily

    +100+200 V

    +300 V

    +400 V+500 V

    +600 V

    +700 V

    Thinwindow Photo-cathode

    Anode to





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    e) Predict the likely spectral class for Betelgeuse. Explain.

    The colour index for Betelgeuse is positive, meaning that it emits more energy towards the

    red end of the visible spectrum than the blue end. Red stars are cooler than blue stars; hence

    it is a cool red star. Betelgeuse is most likely to be M-type, A1 spectral class.

    2) A star is observed to have an apparent magnitude of 6.0 and is 20 parsecs from

    Earth. Calculate its absolute magnitude.

    3) Use the table below to answer the following questions

    Star Apparent visual


    Absolute visual


    Spectral Class

    Acturus 0.00 -0.3 K2

    Betelgeuse +0.41 -5.6 M2

    Hadar +0.63 -5.2 B1

    Sirius -1.51 +1.4 A1

    Vega +0.04 +0.5 A0

    a) Predict which star is hottest. Explain.

    Stars with a spectral towards O are hotter. The spectral classes, in order of temperature are O,

    B, A, G, K, M. Therefore, Hadar is the hottest star.

    b) Predict the colour of Arturus. Explain.

    Artucus is spectral class K2, which corresponds to a relatively cool star which emits the

    orange waveband of the visible spectrum most intensely.

    c) Predict which star is the faintest when viewed from Earth. Explain.

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    Viewed from Earth refers to the apparent visual magnitude. More positive values for

    magnitude correspond to fainter stars. Thus, Hadar is the faintest star when viewed from


    d) Calculate the distance to Hadar.

    Perform an investigation to demonstrate the use of filters for photometricmeasurements.

    Aim: To observe the effect of various coloured filters on the brightness of a light source


    -Red, Blue and yellow-coloured filters-data logger with light intensity probe attachment


    1/ Place light meter on flat table in a well-lit room (fluorescent lighting)

    2/ To simulate a red star,


    Identify data sources, gather, process and present information to assess the impactof improvements in measurement technologies in our understanding of celestial


    Space technology has allowed telescopes to overcome atmospheric distortion. However, these

    telescopes are expensive to launch and usually only last several years before falling back to

    earth due to orbital decay.

    Hubble Space Telescope (HST)

    The HST purpose was to photograph nearby stars and distant galaxies to improve ourunderstanding of the universe. It carried 5 scientific instruments:

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    Instrument Name Purpose/description Observed


    Wide Field and Planetary

    Camera (WF/PC)

    2 optical cameras, each with 4 CCDs

    WF: wider viewing angle

    PC: greater magnification


    Goddard High resolution

    spectrograph (GHRS)

    Record spectra in high resolution UV

    High speed photometer (HSP) Measure brightness of fast-moving


    UV, visible

    Faint object camera (FOC)

    faint object spectrograph


    High-resolution imaging devices. Used

    photon-counting digicon rather than



    The impact of these technologies has been:

    -to constrain the value of the Hubble constant the rate of expansion of the universe.

    --However, by observing distant supernovae, it found that the rate of expansion of the

    universe may be accelerating

    -It demonstrated the connection between galaxies and their central black holes

    -High-resolution images of the collision of comet shoemaker-Levy 9 in 1994 were

    crucial in developing an understanding of the dynamics of comet collisions with

    Jupiter-Discovery of proplyds (dense gas discs surrounding newborn stars) and the optical

    sources of gamma-ray bursts

    - the Hubble-deep and ultra-deep space field images, which utilised the sensitivity of

    the HST to obtain optical images of galaxies billion of years away, which has

    generated a wealth of scientific papers.

    Cosmic Background Explorer (COBE)

    COBEs purpose was to measure the cosmic microwave background radiation (CMB) and

    provide measurements to shape our understanding of the cosmos. It carried 3 instruments:

    Instrument Name Purpose/description Observed


    Differential Microwave

    Radiometer (DMR)

    Microwave instrument designed to map

    variations in the CMB.


    Far-Infrared Absolute



    Spectrophotometer designed to measure the

    spectrum of the CMB


    Diffuse InfraredBackground Experiment

    Multi-wavelength infrared detector designed tomap dust emission


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    The DMR provided data on the structure formation of the Universe, indicating cluster so

    galaxies and vast empty regions. DIRBE detected 10 new IR-emitting galaxies, which were

    able to provide data on very cold dust (VCD). It was also able to collect data on interplanetarydust (IPD) and concluded it originates from asteroids. DIRBE was also able to model the

    Galactic disc of the Milky Way, indicating it is not a thick disc. COBE provided important

    constraints on the star formation rate, although it was unable to resolve the exact star

    formation history, so future observations are necessary.

    Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP)

    WMAP purpose was to measure temperature variations in the CBM to study the geometry,

    content and evolution of the Universe; to test the Big Bang model and cosmic inflation

    theory. To achieve this, it had to create an accurate map of the CMB.

    Instrument Purpose/description Observed


    Primary mirror:

    Pair of Gregorian

    1.4 x 1.6 m

    reflecting mirrors

    Opposite facing; focus signal into secondary




    Pair of 0.9 x 1.0

    m reflecting


    Transmit signal to receivers

    Radio, microwave


    tive differential


    A set of 20, divided into groups, using 5 discrete

    frequencies; Measure differences between two

    telescope beams





    Amplify weak incoming signal n/A

    WMAPs measurements have been key to establishing our current model of the cosmos.Among its achievements include:

    -mapping the CMB and producing the first microwave high-resolution map of the sky

    -determining the age of the universe to be 13.73 0.12 Billion years

    -determining that normal atoms called baryons only compose 4.6% of the universe,

    23.31.3% is dark matter and 721.5% is dark energy

    -narrowing down the possibilities of what occurred during the first trillionth of a

    trillionth (10-24) s, ruling out well-known textbook models

    Chandra x-ray telescope

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    Chandras purpose was to observe x-rays from high-energy regions of the universe, such as

    supernova remnants

    Instrument Purpose/description Observed


    Wolter telescope Consists of nested hyperbolic andparabolic surfaces coated with

    iridium/gold, to absorb x-ray photons.

    Advanced CCD Imaging

    Spectrometer (CIS

    10 CCDs

    High resolution camera


    Has two micro channel plates used to

    detect particles and radiation

    High- and low-energy

    Transmission grating


    Provides high-resolution spectroscopy

    over a wide range in the x-ray


    Data gathered the Chandra has greatly advances the field of x-ray astronomy:

    -Images of supernova remnants revealed neuron stars and black holes

    -showed for them first time a smaller galaxy being cannibalised by a larger galaxy

    -x-ray emissions from main sequence stars

    -strong evidence for existence of dark matter

    -Observations of neutron stars, pulsars, gamma ray bursts, black holes and possible quark


    5. Binary and variable stars

    Describe binary stars in terms of the means of their detection: visual, eclipsing,spectroscopic and astrometric

    Perform an investigation to model the light curves of eclipsing binaries usingcomputer simulation

    Binary stars consist of a pair of stars revolving around a common centre of gravity. They are

    grouped according to their method of detection.

    Visual Binaries

    Visual binaries can be resolved directly via telescope as ellipses traced out relative to

    background stars. The mutual separation of the stars is from 100-10 000 AU with an angle of

    separation arc seconds. Observations must be made with telescopes of at least 15cm diameter

    and a micrometer is used to measure the angle of separation.

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    Eclipsing Binaries

    Eclipsing binaries cannot be

    resolved via telescope and aredetected by fluctuations in brightness when one star moves in front of the other, and vice


    When the brighter star (blue) moves completely in front of the duller star (red), there is a

    slight dip in brightness called a secondary eclipse. When the duller star moves completely in

    front of the brighter star, there is a larger dip in brightness, called a primary eclipse.

    Light curve for total and partial eclipses:

    A similar situation occurs for a partial eclipse, with the dips being a V-shape, rather than


    Spectroscopic binaries

    More massive star

    follows a smaller

    elliptical orbit


    Secondary eclipse





    Secondary eclipse Primary




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    Spectroscopic binaries cannot be resolved via telescope and are detected by the Doppler shift

    of their spectra. When one star is approaching, it will produce blue-shift while the other is

    receding from the observer and will produce red-shift. The combination of both broadens the

    spectral lines. This technique only works when the motion of the stars is transverse to the

    observers line of sight (will not work if motion is perpendicular). This method is preferred

    to visual binaries as there are more distant stars than near stars and because their speeds areeasily measured using Doppler shift.

    Astrometric binaries

    Astrometric binaries cannot be resolved properly because only one star is bright enough to

    see. The presence of a companion star is inferred by the oscillation or wobbling of the

    visible star from the mean path of motion due to the gravity of its companion.



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    Explain the importance of binary stars indetermining stellar masses

    Binary stars provide virtually the only means of directly

    measuring the masses of stars other than the Sun. The

    mass of a star is key to determining the processes it

    undergoes during its lifecycle and endpoint and is

    therefore vital in refining our model of stars.

    Applying Keplers Laws for a binary system where the

    masses of the two stars are similar:

    -the stars orbit each other in ellipses with a common centre of motion called the barycentre-the line joining the two stars (radius vector) covers equal area in equal periods.

    -The square of the period is directly proportional to the cube of its radius:

    Radius of individual star (if M and R are known)By definition, at the barycentre:

    Path of mean

    proper motion





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    Deriving the formula for total mass of system:

    Total mass of systemIf T and R are known, use

    If T is given in years and R is in AU, use

    Individual masses (given M, R and radius of mass)

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    Other useful identities

    Solve problems and analyse information by applying:


    1) Two stars in a visual binary system have an orbital period of and are

    determined to be apart. Calculate the combined mass of the system.

    2) [from Question 30, 2004]

    An astronomer made regular measurements of the intensity of a star over the course of several

    days and obtained the light curve shown below.

    (i) Describe the features of this light curve that suggest the astronomer is

    observing an eclipsing binary system.

    The light intensity of the system varies periodically with time. The dip in luminosity

    represents when one star moves completely in front of the other, resulting in a decrease in the

    intensity or amount of light coming from the system.

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    (ii) If both starts have equal masses of determine the separation of the two stars.

    3) From 2006, Question 30


    (i) Describe the spectroscopic observations that would determine whether a

    particular star is really a binary system

    The spectra of the system would be observed to show both red-shift and blue-shift as one star

    recedes while the other approaches, leading to a broadening of the spectral lines. This would

    only occur, however, if the system was viewed transverse to the observers LOS.

    (ii) The graph represents the variation in brightness of a binary star systemGiven that the mass of the system is determined to be kg, calculate the average distance

    between the stars within the system.

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    Classify variable stars as either intrinsic or extrinsic and periodic or non-periodic

    Variable stars are stars whose brightness, colour or other property varies with time. They are

    classified according to the cause of the variation and the periodic nature of the variation.

    The brightness of non-periodic variables varies irregularly with time. These include novae

    and supernovae

    Intrinsic variables are stars whose variation in luminosity is due to physical changes within

    the properties of the star itself. Intrinsic stars may be divided into two main subclasses:

    *periodic variables

    *non-periodic variables (novae and supernovae)

    Periodic variables are variables that expand and contract fairly regularly with a defined

    period. They can be further subdivided into two main groups:

    *cepheids: those that have short, regular periods of days to months (generally blue

    stars towards spectral class O)

    *long period (Mira Ceti) variables: those with longer, more irregular periods

    (generally red giants of spectral class M) and large variations in luminosity

    Other examples include RR Lyrae and RV Tauri variables

    Irregular period or non-periodic variables can be subdivided into three main groups:

    *semi-regular variables: mainly red stars, giants or supergiants which display small

    variations in luminosity and constant brightness

    *Irregular variables: include most red giants. They have short periods and display

    rapid, although small variations in luminosity (include red giants, white dwarfs)

    *Eruptive variables: include the novae and supernovae, which display sudden bursts

    in luminosity (typically include giants and supergiants, which emit vast quantities of

    energy due to their large mass)

    Other examples include flare stars, T-Tauri stars and R Coronawe Borealis variables

    Extrinsic variables are stars whose variation is due to external properties. They can be dividedinto two main subgroups:

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    *Eclipsing variables: periodic changes in luminosity are due to an eclipsing


    *Rotating variables: whose variability may be caused by a misalignment of the

    rotational axis with the magnetic axis, leading to thermal hotspots on the surface. It

    may also be caused by irregularities in the stars chromosphere or an ellipsoidal shape.

    Explain the importance of the period-luminosity relationship for determining thedistance of cepheids.

    Cepheids are periodic intrinsic variables whose periods of pulsation are proportional to theirluminosity. As they expand, surface temperature increases while luminosity decreases and as

    they contract, their surface temperature increases while luminosity decreases.

    Typical light curve for a Cepheid:

    It has been

    found that the maximum intensity occurs just after the minimum radius. Thus, the steep rise

    in luminosity is due to the increase in temperature after the star contracts. In 1912, Henrietta

    Leavitt discovered the period- luminosity relation, by plotting the luminosity values of

    cepheids on a log-log graph.

    The period-luminosity relation is given by the equation: , where



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    L is the luminosity, in magnitudes

    A is the gradient of the graph

    T is the period, in days

    B is the y-intercept

    Period-Luminosity graph of cepheids:

    For cepheids, a definite

    relationship exists

    between its period of

    pulsation and luminosity.

    There are two types ofcepheids: Type I

    (classical cepheids) and

    Type II (younger stars

    with lower metal content)

    Hence, if we know the

    period of pulsation we

    can graphically determine

    the absolute magnitude. Combining with the apparent magnitude, we can use the distance

    modulus to determine the distance.

    Cepheid variables are also observed in other galaxies well beyond the scope of parallax

    measurements. Thus, if other galaxies contain cepheids, the distances to those galaxies can be

    accurately measured. Cepheid variables have been vital in determining the cosmic expansion

    of the Universe.

    6. Stellar Evolution

    Describe the processes involved in stellar formation


    Type I (classical


    Type II

    Period, T (days)








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    Gravity causes interstellar nebula of gas and molecules to collapse. These nebulas have

    diameters of LY and masses of solar masses. If the mass exceeds the Jeans mass gravity

    overcomes any outward thermal pressure and the clouds begin to collapse.

    During contraction gravitational potential energy converts into heat- a protostar. The star

    begins to faintly emit visible red and infrared radiation. The temperature is too low for

    nuclear fusion to begin yet but its vast size means it is luminous, placing at the top RH corner

    of the H-R diagram.

    Outline the key stages in a stars life in terms of the physical processes involved

    Pre-main sequence

    Increased temperature increases thermal pressure, opposing gravity and slowing down

    contraction. Eventually the protostar reaches a temperature where hydrogen molecules

    decompose into atomic hydrogen, allowing further compression and heating to occur. As the

    protostar collapses, it rotates and several stars may form by fragmentation to form a cluster.

    Surrounding gas and dust are blown away. When maximum luminosity is reached, it is called

    a pre-main sequence star.

    The mass and composition of interstellar medium determines when and where the star entersthe main sequence (called the Zero-age main sequence). The lower the mass, the longer it

    takes the star to enter the zero-age main sequence- stars of less than 0.08 solar masses never

    reach the temperatures to begin nuclear fusion.


    GPE heat

    Pre-Main Sequence: dust

    and gas are removed by

    the stellar wind

    Main Sequence:

    Gravity and

    outward thermal

    pressure are

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    Main Sequence

    Once temperature and pressure are high enough for nuclear fusion, the star enters the main

    sequence. Outward pressure and gravity are balanced, so the star is stable. Dust and gas not

    accreted to the core are removed by the stellar wind. The star begins the process of hydrogen

    fusion in its core for energy. It becomes slightly hotter and more luminous as radiation andparticles radiate into space in a stable manner.

    Describe the types of nuclear reactions involved in Main-Sequence and

    post-Main Sequence stars


    Main sequence stars produce energy from the conversion of hydrogen to helium in its core.

    There are two nuclear fusion reactions involving hydrogen:

    -the proton-proton chain

    -the carbon-nitrogen cycle

    In both cases, the net effect is the same: 6 protons are involved, two of which are regenerated

    while the other four are converted into two helium nuclei, two neutrinos, two positrons and

    gamma radiation. The net reaction is:

    Proton-Proton (PP) Chain

    The PP chain occurs in lower mass, cooler MS stars (less than 20 million Kelvin) and takes~7 billion years. There are three steps involved:

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    1. Fusion of two protons (hydrogen nuclei) into a deuterium (rare isotope of hydrogen)

    nucleus. One proton decays into a neutron, releasing a positron and a neutrino.

    Positrons (positive charge) readily ionise, emitting gamma radiation. Neutrinos have

    no mass or charge and pass out of the core.

    2. Fusion of a deuterium nucleus and a proton to form a helium-3 nucleus, with energy

    in the form of gamma rays also emitted.

    3. Fusion of two helium-3 nuclei to form a stable helium-4 nucleus and two protons.

    These protons may strike other protons and begin the chain reaction again.

    The Carbon-Nitrogen (CNO) cycle

    The CNO cycle occurs in higher mass, hotter MS stars (more than 30 million K) and takes 7million years to complete. There are six steps involved:

    1. Fusion of a proton and a carbon nucleus to form a nitrogen-13 nucleus and 2 MeV of

    energy I the form of gamma radiation.

    2. Nitrogen-13 is unstable and decays into Carbon-13, releasing a neutrino and a

    position. The positron annihilates itself when it meets an electron, releasing 1 MeV of


    3. Fusion of a proton and Carbon-13 to form nitrogen-14, releasing 8 MeV of gamma


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    4.Fusion of a proton and Nitrogen-14 to form Oxygen-15 and & MeV of gamma


    5.Oxygen-15 is unstable and decays into Nitrogen-15, releasing a neutrino, a positron

    and 1.7 MeV of energy

    6. Fusion of a proton and Nitrogen-15 to regenerate the carbon nucleus, a helium nucleus

    and 0.5 MeV of gamma radiation.

    Post-Main sequence

    Over time, hydrogen-fusion in main sequence stars produces a helium core and an outer

    hydrogen-burning shell. When the hydrogen in the core is depleted, hydrogen fusion cannot

    occur and gravity causes the core to collapse. GPE is converted into heat, causing the outer

    layers to expand. The brightness of the star gradually decreases as the surface area expandsfaster than energy is produced so the star becomes a red giant.

    As the core continues to collapse and temperature increases, helium fusion begins explosively

    in the helium flash. This causes the star to contract.

    Triple Alpha process

    End of MS: inner helium

    core and outer

    energy-producing hydrogen


    Core collapses due to

    gravity: GPE heat

    Heat causes outer layers

    to expand- the star

    begins the Red Giant


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    In Red Giants, three helium nuclei fuse to form a carbon nucleus in the triple alpha process:

    When the core is mainly carbon, helium fuses with carbon to produce an oxygen core. Further

    exothermic reactions in the outer hydrogen shell form heavier elements up to iron.

    Discuss the synthesis of elements in stars by fusion

    The heat of the Big Bang synthesised only hydrogen and helium. All other elements have

    been created by stellar nucleosynthesis.

    Further helium is produced in MS stars via hydrogen fusion (PP chain in cooler stars, CNO

    cycle in hotter stars).Helium fusion produces carbon, oxygen, neon and magnesium in post-MS stars via the Triple

    Alpha Process i.e. fusion of the product nuclei with alpha particles.

    Beyond iron, the reactions are endothermic and occur in the stages beyond Red Giants,

    although elements up to lead may be formed by the slow capture neutron process (S-process)

    in red giants. All the elements heavier than gold are produced by the rapid capture neutron

    process (R-process) in supernova explosions.

    explain how the age of a globular cluster can be determined from its zero-age

    main sequence plot for a H-R diagram

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    Stars in a globular cluster are approximately the same age as they were formed by the same

    nebula. This means the stars in the cluster have similar chemical compositions and cover the

    entire range of stellar masses. The zero-age main sequence plot shows the stars when they

    have just begun the main sequence stage.

    Globular clusters are observed to be missing high-mass stars (spectral class O and B). This isbecause high-mass stars use their hydrogen more quickly than smaller stars and move off the

    main sequence. As a cluster ages, it appears to form a knee, bending upwards from the right

    of the MS. The absolute magnitude at this turn-off position is a function of the age of the


    Thus, the age of a globular cluster can be determined by the position of the massive stars. If

    the cluster is:

    -old, there will be less of the high-mass stars on the MS

    -young, there will be more high-mass stars on the MS

    Explain the concept of star death in relation to:

    -planetary nebula


    -white dwarfs

    -neutron stars/pulsars

    -black holes

    Star death occurs when nuclear fusion in the core of stars ceases and the outward thermal

    pressure due to radiation is overcome by the inward force of gravity. The processes that occurnext depend on the mass of the star.

    Low mass stars (2-5 solar masses)

    After low-mass stars have begun the helium-burning stage, oxygen and carbon accumulate in

    the core. In order to remain stable, the outer hydrogen burning shell moves outwards, ejecting

    shells or rings of ionised gas around the core, forming what is known as planetary nebulae.

    The core temperature is too low for fusion of oxygen and carbon into other elements, so the

    core simply contracts, supported only by the quantum effect called electron degeneracypressure which prevents further core collapse. It is now called a white dwarf. Its high mass

    and low surface area means it is hot (~105 K), but low luminosity (therefore very faint). It is

    now called a white dwarf.

    White dwarfs have no energy source as such, simply relying on residual heat from the core.

    Eventually, all this heat is radiated into space and the white dwarf is thought to become a cold

    brown or black dwarf. However, no black dwarfs are believed to exist as they would take

    longer than the age of the Universe to reach this stage.

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    Robert Lee Chin Page | 49

    High mass stars (5-8 solar masses)

    In more massive stars, nuclear fusion in the core forms elements up to iron. The electron

    degeneracy pressure, which prevents electrons from being forced into the nucleus, is

    overcome by the inward gravitational force. This causes electrons to be forced into protons,forming neutrons. The core resists further collapse due to the quantum neutron degeneracy


    Any further collapsing matter simply bounces off the core with an ejection of subatomic

    particles called neutrinos, resulting in a supernova explosion. Supernova explosions are

    only relatively brief and cannot be seen on an H-R diagram as they are too hot and luminous.

    Elements heavier than iron are synthesised during supernova. What occurs next depends on

    the core mass of the original star

    Neutron stars

    If the supernova core mass is 1.4 3.0 solar masses, the neutron degeneracy pressure preventsfurther core collapse, forming a neutron star. Neutron stars are extremely dense, small (10-20

    km in diameter), with powerful gravitational and magnetic fields. They emit radiation in the

    gamma and x-ray wavebands. Most known neutron stars are called pulsars, which emit beams

    of radio waves from their magnetic poles as they rotate (light a lighthouse). When the beams

    sweep past the Earth, we detect them as regular radio pulses, hence the term pulsar.

    Neutron stars obtain their energy from either from angular momentum from the supernova

    explosion which created them, from their intense magnetic fields or from the accretion of

    matter from companion stars

    Black Holes (>8 solar masses)

    For stars that begin greater than 8 solar

    masses, the supernova remnant core will be greater than 3 solar masses. At this stage, gravity

    completely overcomes even the neutron degeneracy pressure and the core continues to

    collapse into a singularity. The gravity is so powerful that not even light can escape its

    surface- a black hole is formed!


    Core mass of 1.4 - 3.0 solar masses:

    Electrons stop further collapse

    Core mass 1.4 - 3.0 solar masses:

    Electrons forced into protons,

    forming neutrons i.e. electron

    capture. Neutrons prevent


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    Robert Lee Chin Page | 50

    Present information by plotting Hertzprung-Russell diagrams for: nearby or

    brightest stars, stars in a young open cluster, stars in a globular cluster

    Core mass > 3 solar masses:

    Gravity overcomes neutron

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    Robert Lee Chin Page | 53

    Open Cluster Globular cluster

    H-R diagrams vary greatly for different

    clusters i.e. some are sparse, others are

    densely populated

    H-R diagrams are all similar

    Giants and supergiants present No supergiants

    Giant branch at zero absolute magnitude Giant branch at -3.5 absolute magnitude

    Giant branch separate from MS Narrow band connects giant branch with MS

    Stars have varying ages Low turn-off point, indicating they are old


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    Robert Lee Chin Page | 54

    Globular Clusters

    Globular clusters are generally composed of hundreds of thousands of old, low-metal stars.

    As a result, there are no supergiants and few dust and gas clouds, as all the stars have

    surpassed this stage. All the stars are about the same distance away from us, so the apparent

    magnitude and the absolute magnitude for all stars differs about the same amount. Bymatching up H-R diagrams for absolute and apparent magnitude and using the distance

    modulus gives an estimate of the age of the cluster.

    All the stars in a globular cluster fall upon a well-defined curve. As each star on an H-R

    diagram varies with age, this can be used to estimate the age of the star. The highest mass

    stars are the most luminous and the first to become red giants. As the cluster ages, lower mass

    stars also begin entering the red giant stage- this forms a turn-off point on the diagram. The

    absolute magnitude at this turn-off point is a function of the age of the cluster, so an age

    scale can be plotted parallel to the magnitude.

    If the main sequence contains O-type stars, the cluster is less than 10 million years old

    because this is the amount of time it takes for an O-type star to deplete its core hydrogen. If it

    contains A- or B-type stars, the cluster is older than 10 million years old.

    Open Clusters

    Stars in an open cluster are approximately the same age, mass, chemical composition and the

    masses of the stars vary greatly.

    Present information by plotting on a H-R diagram the pathways of stars of 1, 5

    and 10 solar masses during their life cycle

    A star of 1 solar mass e.g. the Sun, enters low on the MS (spectral class M). It remains here

    for most of its life, slowing moving up the MS to spectral class F. Once it has depleted

    hydrogen in the core, it becomes brighter and moves horizontally right to the Red giants

    (spectral class K). Once all its nuclear fuel is depleted, its outer layers are radiated off, leaving

    a small, hot core. This makes it spectral class F, towards the bottom LH corner of the


    A 5 solar mass star enters higher on the MS (spectral class F). It spends less time here beforebecoming a red supergiant (spectral class G). Eventually, it moves off the H-R diagram as it

    forms a supernova explosion, which is too hot and luminous to graph. The neutron star that

    forms next is also too hot and luminous to be graphed.

    A 10 solar mass star enters even higher on the MS, for an even shorter time period. There are

    two possible stages which occur next:

    -the star can become a blue supergiant (spectral class B-A) which forms a supernova

    directly before forming a black hole

    -the star many become a red supergiant (spectral class G), before becoming a

    supernova, and the a black hole

    In both cases, the star simply moves upwards off the H-R diagram

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    HSC Physics Option Module: Astrophysics


    Massive stars (e.g. 10 solar masses) will enter high on the MS and will spend a relatively

    short period of time there. Next, it will move to the supergiants (spectral class G) before

    moving up off the H-R diagram

    Analyse information from a H-R diagram and use available evidence todetermine the characteristics of a star and its evolutionary stage