assignment 11 draft 6 part 1

Assignment 11: Getting Into Groups. Opening Sequence – Final Draft Key Code: Abigail: Gledis: Joanne: Vera: Group Work:

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Assignment 11:Getting Into Groups.

Opening Sequence – Final Draft

Assignment 11:Getting Into Groups.

Opening Sequence – Final Draft

Key Code:





Group Work:

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Teacher Assessment – Draft Four Opening sequence:

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Peer Assessment of Draft Four - Opening Sequence:

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Peer Assessment of Draft Four - Opening Sequence:

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Self Assessment of Draft Four - Opening Sequence:

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Feedback of our forth opening sequence:

•We definitely succeeded in scaring our

audience which was one of our

main aims.

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Feedback of our forth opening sequence:

•All of our audience

feedback was very positive

and many enjoyed our

opening sequence.

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Feedback of our forth opening sequence:

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• From draft four to our final draft, we made a few amendments to our opening sequence idea.

• For this, we had to change the ending as we received feedback stating that it wasn’t exciting and that there wasn’t a good climax.

• This is essential for a thriller opening sequence.

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• This was a challenge, as we were limited for time, however we were able to justify going over 2 minuets as we had to create suspense.

• This change helped us to improve overall because it made our opening sequence more appealing to our target audience, as it became more exciting and scary.


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New Idea.• Drew sits at her desk uploading a video she recorded onto her blog of when books were

falling from her shelf. She has a flashback of this event. Suddenly the door opens slowly.

• Drew gets up to look if there's someone there but there isn't so she closes it. As she walks away it open again more violently and drew shuts it in fright. As she stands against the door the TV turns on by itself, Drew grabs her camera to record this.

• She tries to switch it off with the remote, then she presses the button on the screen but it doesn’t turn off. Suddenly the TV witches off and Drew sees a dark figure walk behind her in the screen reflection.

• She turns to record this but nothing is there. Out of nowhere the closet doors start aggressively moving and banging. She walks towards them still recording. She quickly opens the doors and finds nothing but cloths.

• While filming inside of the closet she hear her necklaces jingle. She turns with her camera and sees them moving. She backs away and runs to the door in an attempt to leave the room but it wont open. Struggling to open the door she feels something behind her and turns quickly in horror and gasps.

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New Storyboard.

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New Script.

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New Script.

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New Script.

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Conventions of Thrillers...Conventions Example Image Use/Develop/


Stalkers/ Obsession

Fatal Attraction

Use- Someone becoming obsessed after a relationship Challenge – using a female as the stalker instead of a male.

The Fan Develop – Instead of being obsessed with a woman and or a family, De Niro is obsessed with his favourite sports star and stalks him.

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Conventions of Thrillers...Conventions Example Image Use/Develop/


Stalkers/ Obsession

The Hand That Rocks The Cradle

Challenge- it does it through using a women as the crazy killer stalker who seeks revenge instead of the normal use of a male

Stir of echoes

Develop – Its more obsession as Kevin Bacon tries to find the answers to an ever haunting mystery


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Conventions of Thrillers...Conventions Example Image Use/Develop/



Eye For An Eye Develop – A woman is used as the person seeking revenge for the crime rather than the typical use of a male character.

The Ambulance Develop – Not giving the audience a clear understanding of what the crime actually is at first.


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(Possible)Conventions of Thrillers...

Conventions Example Image Use/Challenge/Develop


The Others Challenge – In this film they made you aware of the wrong ghost, whereas in regular horrors, the ghostly figure is clear.

House On A Haunted Hill

Use/Challenge – They used the ghost to create fear amongst the audience and for the characters. They challenged it by making the ghost physically scary.


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Conventions of Thrillers...Conventions Example Image Use/Develop/


Misidentification or Wrongful Accusation.

Primal Fear

Use/Develop.The common feature of wrongful accusation was used and it was developed because the character accused was religious, young and didn’t fit the stereotype of who would be accused.

The Usual Suspects

Challenge – It seems to the audience like there has been a wrongful accusation, as the only survivor is then questioned about the incident that occurred and this typically doesn’t happen.

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Convention Explanation Use/Develop/Challenge


Our character is haunted by a ghost in her home.

Using – We’re using this as we are doing possession which can be quite a typical feature.


Mysterious things keep on happening to the character, and as she becomes aware of this, these happenings get worse.

Using– We’re are using this convention by included mystery all the way through the plot.


At the end of film, our character is fully possessed. But during the opening sequence, the character has a close encounter with the ghost.

Developing – We’re developing this because our character is possessed slowly and is aware of this possession.

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Inspirational FilmsThe Hand That Rocks The Cradle

What I found Inspirational about this scene is the kind of lighting they used through out the more dark scenes emphasises the emotions of the actor /actress


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Inspirational FilmsBlack Swan

What I found inspirational from this movie is the use of close up shots which was clearly present in this filmIt gives a clear picture of the characters emotions and helps the audience to connect with the character by seeing their emotions so closely.


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Inspirational Films – The Ring• The film that inspired me most is ‘The Ring’

• I want to use a similar long shot in our opening sequence.• It’s an effective way of keeping the audience’s attention to the

puddle of water whilst showing the character come up the stairs.

• I also want to use a fast zoom in our opening sequence.

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Use of costume and make-up in ‘The Ring’

• Quite frightening to look at and an effective way of scaring the audience.

• The lighting throughout the whole movie is kept more or less the same.

• This creates a very eerie and creepy atmosphere in the movie, common in most horrors and thrillers.

• I want to use dark lighting in our opening sequences .

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Inspirational Films - The Haunting In Connecticut.

• Another film that inspired me was ‘The Haunting in Connecticut ’

• Its paranormal theme has inspired me to make my opening sequence about a haunting.

• Slamming doors…

• It especially inspired me to set my opening sequence in a building that’s haunted. E.g. a haunted house.

• I would like to use old newspaper articles such as this to briefly show the history of the area.

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Inspirational Films – Rosemary’s Baby

• A scene from ‘Rosemary’s Baby’ also inspired me.Close up of hand reaching into crib

Draws the audiences attention to what she's doing.

. Allows imagination to run

wild making the audience uneasy.

It never shows what she sees, only her reaction.

Close up of Rosemary’s faceemphasises her shock, and horror at what she sees.