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  • 8/12/2019 Assignemt SMU



    Program/Semester MBADS / MBAN2 / MBAHCSN3 / MBAFLEX(SEM 5)


    1. Write Short notes on the following:

    (a) Halo effect:

    The concept of halo effect was given by a renowned psychologist Edward Thorndike. It is a

    type of perceptive bias where perception of one personality trait influences the perception of

    entire personality of a person. In other words, it leads someone to form pre-conception about a

    person or a thing on the basis of overall impression given by the same. For example, if you

    consider a person kind, you may also tend to think that he/she is intelligent, hard-working and


    According to Frank W. Schneider, Jamie A. Gruman, Larry M. Coutts, authors of Applied

    Social Psychology: Understanding and Addressing Social and Practical Problems (2005),"The

    halo effect operates when we draw a general impression of an individual on the basis of a single

    characteristic such as intelligence, sociability, or appearance."

    It implies that people generally get biased with individual characteristics, which usually leads

    them to form a false impression about someone. The impression might be good or bad,

    however, in both cases it becomes a big reason for conflict within a team. For example, if a

    team leader is biased towards particular team member; other members may find the situation

    dissatisfying. Similarly, if a team leader forms a negative impression about a particular teammember, he/she may be discriminated and neglected.

    In an organization, the consequences of halo effect significantly impact professional

    relationships and consequently may hamper the smooth functioning of projects. This is because;

    the management usually develops a halo effect for a few team members as performers. They

    may be given a good raise after their performance appraisals. This may de-motivate and lead to

    dissatisfaction of other performing team members and may lead to conflicts.

    (b) Importance of leadership in project management

    A project comprises of various tasks and activities that need to be performed by different people

    using different resources at different times in the project lifecycle. For successful execution of

    these tasks, it is important to have a leader who is able to strategies, plan and lead the collective

    efforts of the team members for achieving the project goals. A leader is committed towards the

    project, delegates the work, and provides support and motivation to the manpower to perform as

    a team. A leader provides foresight, enthusiasm, imagination and initiative to group the team

    members to have a uniqueness of interests, outlook and action. The significance of leadership in

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    a project management can be recognized by considering the various functions performed by

    leaders from project initiation to closure.

    The functions of a leader that make leadership an indispensable part of project management is:

    Delegate authority to subordinates

    Plan and organize the tasks of projects Guide, train and inspire the subordinates Motivate the subordinates to excel in their performances Influence the subordinates through rewards and punishments Create good work environment to achieve maximum employee efficiency Promote innovativeness Protect team members from operational threats or risks Develop and maintain the skills of subordinates Interact with subordinates and resolves their issues Build and sustain the effective organizational culture Comprehend the expectations and aspirations of subordinates Manage organizational resources Align individual goals of team members with the project Ensure that the right tools and training are provided to the team members to enable them

    to perform to the best of their abilities.

    (c) Goal setting theory:

    Edwin Locke, an American psychologist and a pioneer in goal-setting theory explains that

    specific and difficult goals lead to higher performance than easy goals. It also suggests that

    feedback and commitment lead to higher performance and bridges the gap between the actual

    and expected performance of individuals. It also suggests that for self-improvement, an

    individual should have SMART goals that is the goals that are specific (S), measurable (M),

    attainable (A), relevant (R) and time-bound (T). The goal setting theory is based on the

    following five basic principles:

    Clarity: Implies that the goals of individual should be measurable and unambiguous. Goals

    should also be communicated clearly so that the employees may know what is expected from


    Challenge: Implies that the goals should be a bit difficult to attain. It is important to note that

    the goals must not be neither so challenging that they seem unrealistic, nor should they be non-

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    challenges organizations have started adopting new practices to help project members achieve

    work- life balance. Some of such practices are as follows:-

    Introduction of wellness programmes, yoga and stress buster sessions Running specialized programmes on healthy food habits for project members Empanelment with therapists, counsellors to address growing depression and stress

    among project members Flexible timings and option of work from home Sandwich leave to allow project members spend a decent amount of time at home and

    fulfill personal responsibilities

    Apart from the above mentioned practices organization may also look upon reducing the

    amount of work allocated to the project members. This can be achieved by hiring new project

    members if the cost allows, work process improvements and work-reengineering.

    Q2 . Discuss the stages and challenges involved in developing a project team?


    (a)Stages involved in developing a project teamThe life cycle of a project team has the stages of Forming, Storming, Norming, Performing, and


    Forming (Orientation):It is the first stage in the life cycle of a project team when the team

    members are introduced to each other. In this stage, team members behave very cautiously andtry to understand others. A group is formed where members have high expectations and are

    eager to know their roles and responsibilities. Although the members of the group in this stage

    show low productivity, they are highly committed. Therefore, the project manager should direct

    the team and clearly communicate the project objectives to the team members.

    Storming (Dissatisfaction): In this stage, the goals and objectives of the project are clearly

    communicated to the team members. The project requirements are also specified and

    performance standards are established. The storming stage strives at integrating individual team

    members into a cohesive team. As the project progresses the team members may developfeelings of frustration, disagreement and conflict and may seek more clarity about their roles

    and responsibilities. It is the responsibility of the project manager to resolve contradictions

    among the team members and make them focused towards the accomplishment of project goals

    and objectives. In this stage, power struggle can also occur in the team when team members

    decide the informal leader of the team. This stage is also known as confrontation stage.

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    Norming (Resolution):In this stage the conflicts among the team members and between the

    team and the project manager are resolved. The norming stage strives to bring harmony, hope,

    conviction and respect among the team members. The team members are involved in the

    decision-making process. This motivates them and increases their productivity. The project

    manager supports the team members by providing them proper feedback about their


    Performing (Production): In this stage the team members are committed to accomplish the

    goals and objectives of the project. Therefore, this phase is characterized by high-level

    productivity, confidence and morale of the team members. The team members work

    interdependently and collaborate and coordinate among themselves. Therefore, in this stage, the

    project manager must adopt the delegating style of leadership for the proper development of the

    project team.

    Adjourning (Disassociation or Disbanding):It is the last stage in the life cycle of a project

    team and corresponds to the close-out phase of the project. The adjourning stage ischaracterised by the completion of the project and disassembling of the project team. In this

    stage, the team undergoes disbandment or is reduced to an extent that is essential to carry the

    project activities.

    (b)Chal lenges in way developing an eff icient project team:Type of organization: The biggest challenge in developing a project team depends largely on

    the type of organization. For example, motivating and developing a team/member in a

    functional organization is very difficult as resources are borrowed and it takes time for them toadjust in the project team. Also, their final assessment and growth is assessed by their

    functional manager and not by the project manager. This also creates problem to them in

    developing strong association with the other team members.

    Diversity: Diversity in a team implies that members of the team belong to different

    backgrounds. In todays competitive and global scenario, team composition in an organization

    is more heterogeneous in terms of gender, age and cultural background. The team members

    differ in psychological thinking, values, beliefs, knowledge, skills, experience and

    qualifications. Team diversity leads to generations of different ideas as people belong to diversebackgrounds. However, it also causes conflicts between team members and leads to

    misunderstandings and unclear communication.

    Dissimilar interests: A project team faces tough challenge if team members do not share

    similar skills and interests. This is because dissimilar interests create conflict between team

    members and makes it tough to achieve the purpose of the team.

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    Lack of competitive skills: Selecting a team in which all the members consist of similar

    completive skill sets and abilities is another challenge for a project manager. Identifying people

    with similar skills and knowledge at a same time is a tough task for forming a team.

    Poor communication: When people work as part of a team, they require smooth flow of

    communication during all phases of the project. Lack of communication or communication gap

    is a challenge in the smooth functioning of a project. For example, if a team member completeshis work independently and does not share the results with other team members, it may impact

    the project as the outcome of one process might be an input to another process. The

    communication gap at one level affects the outcome of its successive levels.

    Lack of guidance: For a controlled functioning of a project, the project team requires a leader

    who can give right direction to the project. Lack of effective leadership and correct guidance

    adversely impacts the project development. In addition, the dynamic and composite nature of

    the team demands a decisive leader. Without guidance from a strong leader, the team may lose

    momentum for achieving the target. Finding a strong and decisive leader for managing andguiding a project team is a challenging task.

    Role clarity: Even though a team works collectively to achieve a goal, each team member

    should know their specific role within the team. Incomplete and unclear information about the

    role may lead to confusion and faulty functioning of the project. Providing clear roles and

    responsibility to team members is a challenging task for a project manager.

    Conflict: A team consists of people belonging to different backgrounds, culture and thought

    processes. This difference may generate conflicts. In addition, it is important to know how teammembers deal with conflict. Managing conflicts between team members is a huge challenge for

    project manager.

    Poor work environment: A team requires a specific place to perform the project tasks. The

    workplace should be quiet and conducive in order to produce effective teamwork. Poorly

    managed or unorganized workplace can create deviations in proper functioning of any project.

    Creating an efficient workplace is a challenging task as it is possible only when the team works

    together to accomplish goals with some pre-decided strategies and norms.

    Q 3.Write short notes on. 5-P model of SHRM Barriers to effective communication Financial resources for project Project team members


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    5-P model of SHRM :Randall S. Schuler, Professor of Strategic International Human Resource Management

    and Human Resource Management Strategy at Rutgers University, developed a 5-P

    model of Strategic human resource management (SHRM) that consists of five HR

    practices- Philosophies, Policies, Programmes, Practices and Processes with strategic

    business needs.

    Let us discuss the five HR practices involved in the 5-P model of SHRM in brief:Philosophy: It refers to organizations attitude towards its employees and how they

    should be treated. Apart from this, it also focuses on the roles; the employees should play

    for business success. In other words, HR philosophy discusses how to treat and value

    people in the organization.

    Policies: It refers to the guidelines regarding people management. In other words, HR

    policy emphases on creating action oriented guidelines related to business issues and HR


    Programmes: It refers to coordinated HR efforts that help in initiating and implementingstrategic organizational changes.HR programmes help in facilitating changes in order to

    deal with employee related business issues.

    Practices: It deals with the performance problems and encourages creativity at the

    workplace. In addition, it forms work teams and includes employees in decision making


    Processes: It deals with the identification, creation and execution of HR activities to meet

    the strategic goals of the organization. HR processes define how all HR activities are

    carried out in the organization

    Barriers to effective communication:Communication often suffers due to factors that distort the information or understanding

    of the information. These factors are known as barriers to communication. The barriers

    to communication can be classified as follows:

    Psychological barriers: Some emotional or psychological factors such as prejudices

    impact the perception of information by its receiver. It leads to various consequences

    such as pre-evaluation of information before it is actually received, selective listening,

    selective retention and selective transfer of information.

    Personal barriers: Some factors such as attitude towards superiors, colleagues and other

    team members impact the flow of information. Negative attitude may lead to distortion

    of information and may create barrier to effective communication.

    Organizational barriers: Excessive formality and rigidness in organizational structures

    have a negative impact on the flow of information. The organizational barriers may arise

    because of complexity in the organizational policies and rules and a lack of proper

    communication facilities.

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    Poor communication skills: Absence of communication skills makes the information or

    message very confusing. In addition, lack of proper grammar makes the information


    Fear of high-ranking: Fear makes the person to drop his/her confidence while

    communicating with the manager or departmental head. A person under the influence of

    fear loses his/her balance and it affects the communication skills.

    Stereotyping: It refers to categorizing people into a single class based on some trait. Instereotyping, the receiver compares the sender with some others on the basis of common

    trait and this affects the objectivity of effective communication as the receiver may

    misjudge the intentions of the sender.

    Halo effect: It is a type of perceptive bias where perception of one personality trait

    influences the perception of entire personality of a person. In other words, it leads

    someone to form pre-conception about a person or a thing on the basis of overall

    impression given by the same. For example, if you consider a person kind, you may also

    tend to think that he/she is intelligent, hard-working and generous.Lack of response: Lack of response or inappropriate response from the receiver

    discourages the sender of the information to communicate further.

    Dilution of actual message: Dilution of information takes place when one person gets the

    information and passes it on with an addition or an omission to the other person. The

    actual message gets diluted and its meaning changes.

    Use of jargon: Jargon refers to difficult or special words, which are specific a group or

    profession. Such words are irrelevant and meaningless outside the group and therefore

    adversely impact the communication outside the group.Unfavorable communication environment: If communication takes place in an

    environment full of trust and confidence, it results in a positive response. In a favorable

    environment, if the actual meaning of the message is missing, the receiver manages to fill

    the missing part with favorable understanding. On the other hand, if communication takes

    place under an unfavorable environment, even well formulated and meaningful

    information produces a negative impact.

    Distance: The physical distance between the sender and the receiver may delay

    communication and affect the expectations of both the sender and the receiver. Distance

    creates a major a barrier during communication, especially when done from two different

    locations that are reasonably spaced out.

    Financial resources for project:Finance is the lifeblood of any project. Financial resources refer to the money or fund that

    a business or project requires in the forms of cash, loan etc.

    Following are some the elements of a project for which financial resources are required:

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    specializes in providing innovative project ideas can be involved in planning. On the other

    hand, a team member who is proficient in coding can be involved at execution stage. Therefore

    a project team is the sum total of different personnel who are intended to contribute towards a

    common goal.

    Q4. Explain the process a project manager must follow when estimating manpower



    (a)Listing the steps of the process that the project manager must follow Scanning the environment Developing project objectives and policies Forecasting demand and supply Evaluating the estimation plan Implementing estimation plan Creating manpower estimation plan Identifying surplus/shortage

    (b)The various stages involved in the process of estimating the required manpower

    are explained as below:

    Scanning the environment: The first stage in estimating the manpower is to monitor the

    various external environmental factors, such as political economic, sociological,

    technological, legal and environmental factors. The study of these external factors helpsin estimating the manpower need in a planned manner. For example, there are various

    legal rules and regulations regarding the safety and security of workers during a project.

    A clear knowledge of the relevant regulations will help the project manager to estimate in

    accordance with the rules.

    Developing project objectives and policies: After determining the environmental

    factors, the project manager develops an achievable project objective and policy so that

    the manpower can be estimated based on the goal to be achieved. For example, if a

    project is to be completed within a very short time framework, a project manager will set

    such an objective that can be achieved by the team effectively. Based on the objective

    and the closing date of the project, the project manager will estimate the manpower and

    assign them the tasks.

    Forecasting demand and supply: Demand forecasting is predicting the future

    requirement of manpower in advance. Demand of manpower depends on various factors

    like duration of project, budgetary constraints, technological change and project needs.

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    Supply forecasting is determining the availability of required manpower in future. To

    balance the project performance, the demand for manpower should be supported by

    appropriate supply of manpower.

    Creating manpower estimation plan: At this stage, the project manager scrutinizes the

    gap between the demand and supply of the required manpower for a project. The project

    manager analyses what will be the manpower requirement (in terms of number and skill)

    in future and how that demand can be fulfilled by efficient sources of supply. Suchanalysis helps the project manager to create an estimation plan of manpower demand and


    Implementing estimation plan: After designing the estimation plan, the project manager

    executes it by hiring new personnel or bringing together existing personnel in the project

    team. The project manager also works towards motivating, training and utilizing the

    manpower for fulfilling the project objectives.

    Evaluating the estimation plan: At this stage, the project manager assesses all the

    preceding stages involved in the process of estimating the required manpower. The keypurpose of evaluating the estimation plan is to identify if the entire process is going on as

    per the project plan.

    Identifying surplus/shortage: After evaluating the estimation plan, the project manager

    is able to identify if they actually required manpower is more or less than the estimated

    number. If the actual number is less than planned, the project manager needs to

    reconsider the estimation process and fill the gap by recruiting more manpower in

    required numbers and skills. On the other hand, if there is a surplus, the project manager

    can reserve them for future projects or involve them in the existing project to complete itbefore time.

    Q5 Explain various types of collective bargaining?

    Ans. Collective bargaining develops employees responsibility towards the society and limits

    exploitation of labor during project operations. It can be of four types as below

    Collective Bargaining Distributive Bargaining Supportive Bargaining Productive Bargaining Composite Bargaining

    Distributive bargaining: It is a type of bargaining where both the parties stress on supporting

    their own benefits. Distributive bargaining involves less flexibility and understanding between

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    the parties because it prioritizes the interest of one party over other and leaves no scope for win-

    win situation. For example, the employee union of an organization wants the organization to

    raise their salary. On the other hand, the organization wants to cut its total expenditure budget;

    therefore, it resists the demand of salary raise. Now in such case, if both parties stress on their

    own benefits and prioritize their interest over the other, it would be considered as distributive


    Supportive bargaining: It is a type of bargaining, where the parties focus on supporting the

    benefits of both. Supportive bargaining provides sufficient scope for flexibility, understanding

    and cooperation between the parties. It considers the interests of both parties and finds a mid-

    way to control the loss of both the parties. Take the example of distributive bargaining where

    both the parties (the organization and the employee union) have different interest. Now if the

    parties instead of stressing on their own benefits focus on supporting the benefits of each other,

    (i.e. the management listens to the demands of the union and takes actions accordingly or the

    union reduces its demands by understanding the financial condition of the organization) then

    such bargaining is known as supportive bargaining.

    Productive bargaining:It is a type of bargaining which focuses on increasing productivity so

    that, both employers and employees are benefited from the outcome of negotiation. For

    example, if the union and the management both consider that increased productivity is

    beneficial for both the parties, and then they assimilate their goals towards a single direction

    that aims at increasing the productivity.

    Composite bargaining: It is a type of bargaining where employees/unions bargain to get equity

    in matters, such as work norms and policies, salary level, growth opportunities, working

    conditions, and health and safety issues. For example, when the union, apart from considering

    ways to increase productivity, negotiates on working standards to ensure that the work load of

    the employees do not exceed, it is termed as composite bargaining.

    Q6. What are the key roles played by a project manager? Explain the functional areas of

    a project manager. ?

    Ans. Key roles played by a project manager:

    Facilitator: As a facilitator, the project manager focuses on ensuring judicious use of the

    resources required for a project. In addition, the project manager enables team members to work

    effectively by making them comprehend the objectives of a project and assisting them to fulfil

    those objectives. By performing the role of a facilitator, the project manager keeps the team

    members integrated so that they can perform collectively towards achieving project objectives.

    It also increases the overall productivity and quality of assigned tasks.

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    Communicator: As a communicator, the project manager conveys all the information

    regarding project guidelines, policies, responsibilities to the team members. In many cases

    when team members hesitate to convey their message to the top management, the project

    manager acts as a communicator and bridges the gap between them. This stimulates the team

    members to share their ideas and thoughts regarding project as well as their personal problems

    and helps in developing a sound rapport between the project managers and subordinates. In

    situations where the project personnel are not acquainted with the adaptation of new policies orchanges in project plans, the project manager maintains transparency by communicating all

    required information to the team members. This reduces the scope of misunderstanding

    confusion and controversy in the project.

    Convener: As a convener, the project manager addresses the issues of team members and

    endeavors to manage the conflicts among them. In addition, the project manager listens to the

    personal and professional concerns of the team members and tries to resolve these to avoid any

    barriers in functioning of the project. The project managers role as a convener helps in

    developing a sound understanding with the team members and leaves a positive impact on their

    overall performance and productivity.

    Functional areas of a project manager are as follows

    Planning: It is the basic functional area of a project manager. The project manager makes a

    project plan that covers the objectives and scope of a project and the work breakdown structure.

    Budgeting:It is one of the most important functional areas of a project manager. The project

    manager estimates the required costs and investment to run a particular project. The project

    manager also formulates guidelines for time, cost and resources required for a project.

    Financing:It is the functional area where the project manager determines the various sources to

    raise capital for the project.

    Procuring: It is the functional area where the project manager aims to arrange various non-

    financial resources such as raw materials, machines, technology, land and building and

    manpower to carry out the project.

    Implementing: It is the functional area where the project manager is responsible for putting all

    the planned activities into action. The project manager ensures the proper mobilization,

    utilization and control of resources.

    Controlling: It is the functional area where, the project manager monitors and supervises the

    performance of the project, highlights the loopholes and rectifies them.

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    Terminating:It is the functional area where the project manager compares the actual outcomes

    of a project with its desired outcomes. If the actual outcomes match the desired outcomes, the

    project is considered successful.