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#SDAOM Kristin Runyan Plan, Analyze & Pivot

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Post on 18-Jan-2017




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Kristin Runyan

Plan, Analyze & Pivot


About Kristin




1. Research

2. Collaborate

3. Score

4. Decide

5. Communicate



• Do as much external research as possible • The Marketplace

• Your Competition

• Existing Clients

• Likely Prospects

1. Research

Create a backlog


• Meet with team members and internal clients about priorities and business drivers

• Sales is a customer!

• Marketplace Opportunity must meet business capabilities

2. Collaborate

Groom the backlog


• Take all of the inputs – internal and external

• Balance them against cost / level of effort

• Create a score to aid in prioritization

3. Score

Prioritize the backlog


• Commit to what you can reasonably and effectively accomplish

• Align budget and resources accordingly

4. Decide

Commit to the backlog


• Tell everyone! • Make sure the Marketing team knows:

• What you are doing? • What is the priority? • What is the timeline? • WHY?

• Make sure all other stakeholders are aware too – especially Sales.

5. Communicate

Communicate the backlog




• What do you know?

• What do you think? • Can you find out for sure?

• Data tells the quantitative story…

• Who tells the most relevant qualitative story?



Look at the results

• Are you meeting goals?

• Where are the bottlenecks?

• Where are results less than expected?

• Where are results better?

What do you know?


What do you think?


• Back-up thoughts with data where possible


• Do not stick to your original hypothesis if signs point elsewhere

What do you think?


• Here, qualitative matters too….

What do you think?




• Who is good at Pivoting? • Sailboat Captains

• Airplane Pilots

• Basketball Players

• US??




Example 1

Example 1


• Direct Mail is seldom used

• We have a good partnership with lots of name recognition

• Beautifully designed piece, attention grabbing, clear call to action

Print Campaign


• Sent a list with 9,000 names

• Whittled it down to 3,000 of the most viable

• Sent a Direct Mail piece costing $3/each

• Email follow-up

Print Campaign


• Do a pilot first!

• Send out 1,000 direct mail pieces

• Reduced Costs

• Gave us time to analyze responsiveness

Critical Decision



Surprising Result

• Email worked better!

• Far greater response even on follow-up email to direct mail

• Proceeded with email only to larger group

• Better Response + Less Cost = Win, Win


Example 2

Example 2


Prospect Correspondence


• Results better with text email

• Equally important….

• Sales liked it better



Example 3


Product Evolution

Utility Expense Management Resident Billing Payments


Product Evolution

Analyze Bill Collect


Product Evolution

Analyze Bill Collect


Product Evolution

Analyze Bill Connect




Good stuff too!




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