annual report 2014 final!!! - clover ·...

Annual Report for Calendar Year 2014 The Right Reverend Sean Rowe, Bishop The Reverend Elisabeth Fitzgibbons, Priest-in-Charge Cindy Willis, Senior Warden 1070 Dutch Road, Fairview, PA. 16415 (814) 474-5490 [email protected]

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Page 1: Annual Report 2014 FINAL!!! - Clover · Annual Report for Calendar Year 2014 The Right Reverend Sean Rowe, Bishop The Reverend

Annual Report for Calendar Year 2014

The Right Reverend Sean Rowe, Bishop

The Reverend Elisabeth Fitzgibbons, Priest-in-Charge Cindy Willis, Senior Warden

1070 Dutch Road, Fairview, PA. 16415

(814) 474-5490 � [email protected]

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Proposed Agenda for 2015 Annual Mee�ng

2014 Annual Mee�ng Minutes (Mee�ng date January 26, 2014)

Biographies of Vestry candidates

Vestry Ministry Descrip�on


Senior Warden’s Report

Junior Warden’s Report


Parish Administrators’ Report

Nursery School Director’s Report





2014 Year-End Statement

2015 Budget


Altar Guild

Calling and Caring Ministry

Choir and Music

Chris�an Forma�on

Adult Forma�on

Contemporary Bible School

Sunday School

Middle School Youth Group & The Vine

Vacation Bible Study

Young Adults Group/20s & 30s Group

Coffee Hour Committee



Eucharis�c Ministers and Visitors


Helping Hands

Informa�on Technology

Lectors and Readers

Office Angels


Diaper Bank

Parish Life

Prayer Circle


Chandelier Cleaning

Lawn Mowing

Sewing and Needlework Group



Worship Leaders

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St Stephens Episcopal Church

Annual Mee ng

Sunday, February 8, 2015 at 11:15am

Proposed Agenda

Welcome and Call to Order

Opening Prayer and Blessing over the Meal

Reading of qualifica�ons for voters per Canon 5.B.iv, Canon 1.J and Canon 1.K


Senior Warden

Junior Warden

Nursery School Director

50th Celebra�on

Worship Update/Recap

Cer fica on of Quorum for conduc ng business

Thanks to Outgoing Vestry Members

Elec on of New Vestry Members and School Board member

Introduce con�nuing vestry members

Introduce vestry and school board candidates

Process for taking nomina�ons from the floor

Nomina�ons from the floor


Other Business

2014 Financial Review

2015 Budget Presenta�on

Report on Vestry Elec�ons (if needed)

Adjournment and Dismissal

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St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church

Minutes of Annual Mee ng

26 January 2014

The mee�ng was called to order at 1135 am by Sabeth Fitzgibbons, Priest in Charge.

Gretchen Tome read the Canons confirming the requirements for vo�ng members. A quorum is

represented by 25 communicants in good standing. The following were in aDendance confirming that

a quorum was met with 43.

Mary Frances Baugh Dorothy Bloom Donald Eagley Marlene Eagley Nancy Gorman

Jack Gregory Kathie Gregory Melanie Gustafson Ropski Isabel Hodgin Vivian Hutchison

Don Inderlied Marj Inderlied Janet Johnson Ellen Masteller Mark Masteller

Kate Pazder Robert Pazder Cherie Pe�t Karen PeGt MJ Radock

Nathaniel Ropski Steve Ropski Anna May Rose Bill Rose John Rushe

Diana Schaney Ray Schaney Eric SchueDe Susan SchueDe Carlota Slick

Jill Slomski Kaitlyn Slomski Jim Steele Kathy Steele Jess Thompson

Gretchen Tome Kevin Tome Bill Ulrich Sharon Ulrich Cindy Willis

Floss Willis George Willis Mitch Willis

In aDendance but not eligible to vote:

Danielle Bane Amy Biggs Julien Goulet Kris�n Fisher, Preschool Dir

Cindy Willis as Senior Warden provided a report of the Vestry over the past year. She referenced

Vestry goals and a �me table that were set in February 2013 and revisited in the fall. Those goals are

listed in her report and include (but are not limited to) approving policies on alcohol use, receiving of

giHs, and building use; forma�on of the Nursery School Working Group to help them develop a board;

suppor�ng crea�on of the diaper bank; 100% par�cipa�on in the 13th-month pledge campaign;

approved fundraising efforts via Erie Gives, Amazon, and the “Script” program; suppor�ng the

“Dreaming Day”; and encouraging the forma�on of Bible study groups. A Retreat for the newly

formed Vestry will be held on 7 to 8 February at Fairview Presbyterian Church. She encouraged

parishioners to bring ques�ons to the aDen�on of vestry before the retreat. She also asked all, “To

pray for us – vestry, Sabeth, Parish – to hear God’s voice in this space at this �me.”

Bill Ulrich was Chair of the Property CommiDee due to a mid-year vacancy of the Junior Warden

posi�on. He summarized ac�vi�es over the year to maintain our “very good physical plant”. Our busy

hands removed bushes, replaced pipes, replenished the sand box with 5000 pounds of sand, replaced

chains on the swings, placed new carbon monoxide and smoke detectors in the boiler room, and

placed a lock box outside for the fire department so they do not have to bust down the doors. Help

from others allowed us to replace the roof over the kitchen and burn the big brush pile (as a training

exercise for the fire department). Jim Steadman also took a photo inventory of items for insurance


Kris n Fisher is the new Nursery School Director and stated that they are at maximum capacity with

84 students ranging in age from two to five years. On staff there are four cer�fied teachers, five

highly-qualified assistants, one subs�tute teacher, and one subs�tute assistant. There are seven

classrooms during the week with one teacher and one assistant per classroom, with no more than 15

children per classroom. As a member of the Na�onal Associa�on of Episcopal Schools, we also

par�cipate in Pre-K Counts to provide a curriculum that develops the self-confidence of our children.

The Preschool also joined with the parish in various Outreach projects including the diaper bank and

adop�ng a child. Our Open House is set for 9 and 10 February where state representa�ves from Pre-K

Counts will be in aDendance.

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Cindy Willis moved to decrease the number of vestry members from 12 to nine. Seconded by John

Rushe. 100% yes with no absten�ons. Mo�on passed.

Sabeth Fitzgibbons thanked the outgoing vestry members (Ellen Masteller, John Rushe, Gretchen

Tome, Mitch Willis) for serving during this �me of transi�on.

John Rushe offered insight aHer serving on vestry sta�ng the “lay leadership maDers with Sabeth and

we fuse the mission of the church and our ideas.” In terms of St. Stephen’s, we are a room filled with

ministries – not just Sabeth. As a vestry we work on mission and planning as well as communica�on.

We’ve accomplished many things including our love of St. Stephen’s to celebrate 50 years, the diaper

bank, a deeper rela�onship with God, Chris�an forma�on and welcoming new members and new

families, and conversa�on about the giHs that God has given us.

Sabeth Fitzgibbons introduced the remaining current vestry members (Melanie Gustafson-Ropski, Bill

Ulrich, Cindy Willis, and Nicole Buzzard [absent]) and thanked them.

Cindy Willis stated the slate of candidates: Nathaniel Ropski to fulfill a vacancy for one year; Dr. Jim

Steele to fulfill a vacancy for two years; Don Indrelied, Mj Radock, and Kaitlyn Slomski – each on

vestry for a three-year term. There were no addi�onal nomina�ons from the floor. Sabeth Fitzgibbons

called the vote, which was 100% yes with no absten�ons.

Ellen Masteller presented the Treasurer’s report and pointed out the fundraising efforts of the

Murder Mystery Dinner and the Pulled Pork Dinner, which neDed $ 2146.03 (correc�on from the

report that was submiDed).

Mitch Willis presented a Budget Review showing monies that are non-nego�able and other line items

that have been trimmed as much as they can. A breakdown of our current funds (restricted and non-

restricted) indicate that we cannot take any monies from them for the current year. He stated that

when we had to replace the roof and the steeple and the sign, we stepped up and easily covered

those costs. We need to consider that again with the 2014 budget in order to erase our deficit. Any

sugges�ons for fundraising would be greatly appreciated. Isabel Hodgin asked about the Diocesan

assessment and whether it can be decreased. It was stated that the formula is based on a three-year

cycle and is a liDle lower but cannot be decreased any more.

Nancy Gorman reflected on Stewardship as giving of oneself to God and to the church in terms of

treasure, talent, and �me. She pledges treasure in thanksgiving to God in her life and family. She

shares her talent when she can. And God wants our �me – in prayer, worship, and service. “I believe

in St. Stephen’s – a safe, loving place where you can grow in faith. Where you can watch children

grow in the knowledge of God. I encourage you to share �me, talent, and treasure.”

Sabeth Fitzgibbons stated that 18 people went to Second Harvest Food Bank yesterday and packed

480 Senior Boxes, which equated to 7.2 tons of food.

Gretchen Tome demonstrated how to use Online Giving. She also indicated where the Amazon buDon

will be located on our homepage once that is set. If you shop on Amazon and go through our website,

we will get a por�on of the proceeds.

Cindy Willis men�oned the pledge card that was included in the leDer that she as Senior Warden had

sent the week prior. She asked everyone to please consider giving an addi�onal amount or increasing

your pledge. They were placed on the welcome table.

Sabeth Fitzgibbons thanked many – Kathy and Jim Steele for organizing the meal and parish hall – the

providers of nourishment – and the aDendees of the Annual Mee�ng.

The mee�ng was adjourned at 1242 pm.

RespecUully submiDed, Melanie Gustafson-Ropski, Clerk

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Canons to be read at Annual Meeting

The Canons of the Diocese of Northwestern Pennsylvania s�pulate that “when the Annual Parish

Mee�ng is called to order, the qualifica�ons for voters shall be read” (I.5.B.iii).

All person en�tled to vote in this Annual Mee�ng, are “Lay Persons in Good Standing of the

Parish, who are physically present, who are at least 18 years of age, who are regular aDendants at

the services of the local church, and who are regular contributors for the six months preceding

the mee�ng to the support of the local church and to the work of the Diocese and Na�onal

Church as shown on the books of the Treasurer.” (I.5.B.iv)

A “Lay Person in Good Standing” means any Communicant in Good Standing of some

Congrega�on in union with the conven�on of this Diocese who is not prevented from receiving

Holy Communion under the Disciplinary Rubrics of the Book of Common Prayer. (I.1.K)

A “Communicant in Good Standing” is a person whose bap�sm has been recorded in this Church,

who has received Holy Communion in this Church at least three �mes during the preceding year

and who for the previous year has been faithful in corporate worship, unless for good cause

prevented, and has been faithful in working, praying and giving for the spread of the Kingdom of

God. (I.1.J)

So, to untangle all of that church-speak, you are eligible to vote at this mee�ng if you:

• Are physically present

• Are at least 18 years of age

• Have had your bap�sm recorded (either originally, by confirma�on, recep�on, or transfer) in

the records of St. Stephen’s

• Have received Holy Communion at St. Stephen’s at least three �mes in the past 12 months

• Have been a regular aDendant at worship at St. Stephen’s

• Have been a regular financial contributor to St. Stephen’s since at least July 2014

• Are not a vo�ng member of another Episcopal congrega�on in this or another diocese

If you have ques�ons about your personal eligibility to vote, please see Sabeth+.

If you are not eligible to vote this year…

♦ We are glad that you are here as part of our community, and we invite you to par-

ticipate in the meeting in all other ways.

♦ We hope you will continue to worship with us, and become a contributor of record

(connect your name with your giving somehow).

♦ We invite you to officially “join” St. Stephen’s by attending Episcopal 101 (there’s a

class forming now for February and March) and being baptized, confirmed, or re-

ceived (this can happen at Easter!). More information is available from +Sabeth.

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Candidates for Vestry Election ** All are running for a 3-year term **

David Gorman

David Gorman grew up at St. Stephen's Church. He graduated from

Fairview High School and Bucknell University. He was grateful for the

support from St. Stephen's during his year of ministry in Tuy Hoa, Vietnam

in 2013-2014. Now he is pleased to serve as a Sunday School teacher and

to be nominated as a Vestry member.

Nathaniel Ropski

Nathaniel and the whole Ropski family have been regulars at St. Stephens for

almost a decade now. In that span Nathaniel has served as an acolyte, usher,

LEM, and a NWPA diocese youth representa�ve to two Episcopal Youth

Conferences. Outside of church, Nathaniel studies history and poli�cal

science at Gannon University, hoping to graduate with a double bachelors in

2015. He serves on the exec board of 3 clubs at Gannon and has par�cipated

in mul�ple internships while at school as well. These included working for a

Senator, aDending the 2012 Democra�c Na�onal Conven�on, and helping

coordinate the Perry 200 Commemora�on. In his free �me Nathaniel enjoys

watching soccer, hockey, and keeping up to date on all things poli�cal.

Cindy Willis

I have been a member of St. Stephen’s since 1980. While here I have been

involved in a liDle of everything. I have been a Sunday School teacher,

Director of Chris�an Educa�on, Director of Vaca�on Bible School, EFM

student, Coordinator of Volunteers, Bible study par�cipant, Memorial

CommiDee, Eucharis�c Minister, acolyte, choir member, Vestry member,

and even a short s�nt as the assistant to the office administrator.

Currently I am employed as adjunct faculty at both Gannon University and

Behrend College as a chemistry lab instructor.

I have served the past two years on Vestry and look forward to another

Vestry term during this exci�ng �me in our parish.

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Job Description Vestry Member

All vestry members should strive to the best of their abili es to:

• Have a love of God and demonstrate a commitment to following the way of Christ;

• Be ac�ve in and knowledgeable about the congrega�on its programs and governance;

• Be fair, interact well with people and strive to earn the respect of the members of the congre-


• Purposefully strive to “check one’s ego at the door;”

• Purposefully strive to be a servant of the people without the need to be the “most important

person” in the congrega�on or the need to be the one with the right answers to everything;

• Have enthusiasm and vitality for this ministry.

All vestry members should be able to make the following me commitments during a three-year


• ADend 9-12 regular Vestry mee�ngs per year;

• CommiDee work, in the form of, but not limited to, ac�ve par�cipa�on in working task groups

of the vestry;

• Vestry retreat(s) – at least one full day/year;

• Faithful aDendance at weekly worship services (rota�ng occasionally if more than one);

• Congrega�onal events: coffee hours, meals, fundraisers, adult educa�on programs, etc.;

• Diocesan mee�ngs, as necessary;

• Comple�on of Safeguarding God’s Children/People training within the first 3 months of vestry


• Annual mee�ng of the parish.

All vestry members are responsible for:

• Pledging financial support early in the pledge campaign;

• Offering talents to support the congrega�on’s ministry;

• Praying daily for the rector, leaders and members of the congrega�on;

• Being ac�ve ministers of the Gospel in daily life and work;

• Bringing one’s whole self to the table; being present – mind, body and spirit;

• Risking openness with one’s ideas, beliefs, and desires.

Based on The Vestry Resource Guide p. 67 Revised 10/04/2012

Qualifica ons to serve on the Vestry (per diocesan canon II.5.D)

• At least 18 years of age

• Have had your bap�sm recorded (either originally, by confirma�on, recep�on, or transfer) in the

records of St. Stephen’s

• Have received Holy Communion at St. Stephen’s at least three �mes in the past 12 months

• Have been a regular aDendant at worship at St. Stephen’s

• Have been a regular financial contributor to St. Stephen’s for the past 6 months

• Are not a vo�ng member of another Episcopal congrega�on in this or another diocese

• Not a cleric

• Need not be present at the Annual Mee�ng to be elected to the Vestry

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Senior Warden

Descrip on: The Vestry is a group of people elected by the members of the parish and charged with

responsibility for the secular affairs of the parish.

Persons involved in this ministry this year: Nicole Buzzard, Don Inderlied, MJ Radock, Melanie

Gustafson-Ropski, Nathaniel Ropski, Kaitlyn Slomski, Jim Steele, Bill Ulrich, Cindy Willis

Volunteer hours given to this ministry this year: approximately 782 hours

Accomplishments in 2014:

Held a Spring Ministry Fair to acquaint parishioners with the variety of ministry groups and

opportuni�es available in the parish

Finaliza�on and adop�on of the following policies:

Building use fees

GiHs policy

Finaliza�on and adop�on of Nursery School bylaws

Balance of money in the Memorial CommiDee account was moved from that account to the

appropriate GiHs funds as outlined in the GiHs Policy

In an effort to be good stewards of our property and possessions, we authorized the sale of a grass

vacuum in the storage shed which has been unused for several years. The proceeds of the

sale went towards the general opera�ng costs of the parish.

On a monthly basis we wrestled with the financial issues facing the parish as we examined monthly

income and expenditures, aDemp�ng to keep expenditures at a minimum, and looking at ways

to increase income. This was not an easy task as we started with a budget containing no “fat”

and then we faced some unexpected, but necessary building repair costs.

Crea�on of 50th

anniversary commiDee to supervise the celebra�on of this important milestone in

parish history.

Spent seven weeks in discernment concerning our Priest in Charge and the future of our parish.

Assisted Stewardship CommiDee with pledge phone calls.

Finalized the establishment of an Amazon account that allows us to receive a percentage dona�on on

each purchase completed through a link on our website.

Created a Communica�ons and Welcoming CommiDee which placed new signs in the hallways,

designated Visitor Parking spaces in the parking lot, improved our Facebook presence, created

our Instagram account, and is in the process of giving our website a new look.

Goals for 2015:

Work will con�nue on four goals from 2014:

To complete the integra�on of website, Facebook, Instagram.

To develop a marke�ng plan to promote ourselves and invite visitors.

To finish a New Members Packet

To develop a strategy for inten�onal welcoming and follow-up with visitors

When Vestry meets on retreat at the end of February, addi�onal goals will be iden�fied.

Cindy Willis, Senior Warden

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Junior Warden

Descrip on: The Junior Warden is responsible for stewardship of the building and grounds. The

Junior Warden convenes the Property CommiDee to assist with planning, staffing, invi�ng volunteers,

and general maintenance tasks. The Property CommiDee welcomes new members at any �me—if

you have a passion for this ministry, please contact Bill Ulrich.

Persons involved in this ministry: Bill Ulrich (Jr. Warden), Don Meeder, Kevin Tome, Eric SchueDe,

and many other volunteers such as the grass cuDers and weed warriors.

Volunteer hours in 2014: 200

Accomplishments in 2014:


• Held mul�ple cleanup sessions by parish volunteers to wage our perpetual war on weeds.

• Visitor parking spaces were marked.

• Leaves and branches were removed in the spring and fall.

• The first aid kit is in the hallway for beDer visibility and access.

• A lock box for emergency keys (Knox Box) was installed by the front door.

• Signage for the classrooms and offices was installed.

• A photo inventory was made and sent to the Church Insurance Company.

• The Church Insurance Agency Corpora�on inspected our property.

• See addi�onal Property Reports for Chandelier Cleaning and Lawn Mowing.


• Installed AED, donated by the Steele family, in main hallway.

• CO monitors installed in the furnace room and kitchen.

• Fire ex�nguisher signage was improved.


• The flat roof over the kitchen was leaking and has been repaired.

• The dishwasher was overhauled.

• Coffee grounds were augured from the kitchen sink drain.

• Many and various light bulbs were replaced.

• Chandeliers were cleaned.

• The lawn mower was repaired while private mowers cut the lawn.

• All outlets in the parish hall are currently working.

• Heat had to be restored to the chapel and nursery school.

• Most of the soffit and fascia was painted.

Goals for 2015:

There are no major scheduled projects for the upcoming year.

Bill Ulrich

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Treasurer’s Report

Descrip on: The Treasurer reports all financial informa�on to the Priest in Charge, Vestry, and

congrega�on on a monthly basis. Reviews financials, signs checks along with a second signer, chairs

Finance CommiDee, prepares annual budgets, par�cipates in annual Diocesan audit for church and

Nursery School.

Persons involved: Don Inderlied, Susan SchueDe, Mitch Willis, Cindy Willis, Kathie Gregory, Jack

Gregory, George Willis Steve Ropski, Melanie Gustafson-Ropski, John Rushe, Alison Steadman,

Danielle Jones

Volunteer hours given to this ministry: in excess of 500

Financial Informa on:

Pledge income: $211,031 (which includes very successful Erie Gives Day)

Plate: $10,046

Total Income: $272,073

Total Expenses: $253,990

Net Income/Expense: $18,033 (this includes a $23,601 reversal of a prior pension contribu�on.

Without this reversal would have had a $5,518 loss for the year). Very favorable result compared to a

2014 Budgeted loss of $38,357.

Balance sheet, Accoun�ng Fund Balances, Income/Expense statements as well as 2015 Budget will be

reviewed at the Annual mee�ng on February 8, 2015.

Goals for 2015: Con�nue to increase financial well- being of church. Increase Fundraising, Celebrate


Anniversary, establish “Planned Giving” program.

RespecUully submiDed by Don Inderlied, Treasurer


Chris an Forma on Associate

Descrip on: Chris�an Forma�on Associate (25 hours/week) is charged with developing and

promo�ng Chris�an Forma�on programs (ministries, ac�vi�es, and events) for Children and Youth

from birth through High School and their families. She is also responsible for developing and staffing

Young Adult ministry . In 2014, her responsibili�es expanded to include New Member forma�on.

Persons involved in this ministry this year: Please see lists for Sunday School, Vaca�on Bible School,

and Youth Group; Missy Greene, Sabeth Fitzgibbons


St. Stephen’s Chris�an Forma�on programs con�nue to grow and bring vibrant ministry to the church.

In 2014, we offered family-friendly worship on Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday, and Good Friday.

We offered mul�-genera�onal fellowship and forma�on events, like Advent Wreath Making and

Cookies, Carols, and Cards at Advent. Children, youth, and families have been invited to par�cipate

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more fully in worship ministries. Sunday School, Vaca�on Bible School, and a new youth community

for middle and high school are growing. Added Nursery Care at the 10:00 AM service, as a way of

further welcoming families with young children to worship with us. Angie Jeffrey, a mom of 5 and a

former teacher at St. Stephen’s Nursery School, is our Nursery Care Giver.

Goals for 2015:

• Con�nued growth in our programs for all ages.

• More opportuni�es for mul�-genera�onal events and worship.

• Con�nuing to welcome all people into our community and offer engaging programs that promote

life-long faith forma�on.

RespecUully, Missy Greene, Chris�an Forma�on Associate

Music Director

Please see Ministry Report for Choir/Music for the report of our Music Director, Sunny Saunders.

Parish Administrator

In May of this year I joined the St. Stephen’s Team through All Seasons Placement. Training was

provided by Carol Meeder and Megin Hanely who have a wealth of knowledge about office

opera�ons and computer programs. When the employment agency contract ended in October 2014,

I was official hired as St. Stephen’s Parish Administrator (25 hours/week).

The office con�nues to be a very busy place indeed, u�lizing the help of several volunteers to keep up

with the numerous programs and changes. Special thanks to this year’s office volunteers: Kathie

Gregory, Sharon Ulrich, Danielle Bane, Isabel Hodgins. Many thanks to George Willis, who provides

our volunteer Informa�on Technology support, for all the computer help he provides to the church:

without his exper�se and availability we would be dealing with many more expenses. Also, a big

‘thank you’ to Jim Steele and Cindy Willis for working on the worship server schedules and sending

them in to the office every month.

The office con�nues to improve communica�on by u�lizing our website, Facebook, and MailChimp

campaigns. By adding images we hope to catch your eye and draw your aDen�on to the busy life and

ministries of St. Stephen’s. Special thanks go out to Kaitlyn Slomski and the Niche Team for

volunteered to launch our monthly Facebook Calendar.

In the middle of this year, we had a change in our cleaning staff, as Kirk Hardner re�red and his

daughter Leah Hardner-Orlando took his place.

RespecUully submiDed, Danielle Jones, Parish Administrator

St. Stephen’s Nursery School Director

St. Stephen’s Nursery School offers children a place to develop emo�onally, socially, intellectually and

physically in a challenging yet developmentally appropriate seGng and give parents the opportunity

to be involved in their child's first school experience through the family associa�on, volunteering in

the classroom, and aDending programs of interest.

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Our staff and volunteers in 2014 included:

Teachers: Kris�n Fisher (Director), Cindy Cronin, Kim Spriegel, Jamie Dailey, Maureen Trabold,

Sophia French, Karen Borland, Ka�e Baldwin, Kim Wernicki, Sheila Causgrove, Amy Biggs, Leah


Volunteers: Susan SchueDe, Carol Meeder, and too many parent volunteers to name.

Accomplishments in 2014:

• Administra�on files are updated and in order; school paperwork, educa�onal materials, toys,

art & cleaning supplies are organized and labeled.

• There are monthly staff mee�ngs as well as Family Associa�on mee�ngs

• Enrollment has increased and we had wai�ng lists for the 14/15 school year

• We have had successful fundraisers to aid our budget

• The school has partnered with the church on community outreach programs (St. Jude Trike A

Thon, Diaper Drive, Thank You Cards to Heroes, “Adopt A Child,” and Hat & MiDen Tree).

• During the summer the en�re school was given a faceliH with a fresh coat of paint and new

bulle�n boards! Valances for the windows are currently in the works as well.

Goals for 2015:

• To con�nue to build the school as a Center of Excellence for Early Childhood Educa�on for our

current students as well as those to come in the future.

• Pursue professional development opportuni�es for staff to aDend, so we remain up to date on

current educa�onal procedures, techniques and research.

• Director to aDend Gannon University to obtain Director’s Creden�als. Classes began in

January 2015

• Promote the school to increase enrollment numbers.

• Keep the school running smoothly through con�nued organiza�on and upda�ng of per�nent

policies, manuals and handbooks.

• Con�nue to partner with the church on Community Outreach Programs as well as infusing

Episcopal Values into our everyday teachings.

RespecUully submiDed, Kris�n Fisher, St. Stephen’s Nursery School Director


Descrip on: Acolytes help the priest lead worship by carrying the cross, torches, and Gospel book,

and by helping to prepare and clear the Altar at Eucharist.

Persons involved in this ministry this year: Emma Bane, Annika Biggs, Jack Biggs, Baron Denniston,

Kathie Gregory, David Masteller, Morgan Naylor, Caitlyn Pe�t, , Caitlyn Reilly, Lauren Reilly, Emma

SchueDe, , Steven Tome, Ashley Trabinger, Cindy Willis, and Rachel Willis.

Volunteer hours given to this ministry this year: 153 hours

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• Refresher training was offered for all acolytes in the fall

• Robe sizes were checked and new robes assigned as needed

• New robes in needed sizes were purchased

• Six of our acolytes graduated high school moving on to college. Five of those re�red from ac�ve

acolyte ministry.

Goals for 2015:

• Recruitment and training of new acolytes to replaces those who have re�red

• Con�nued refresher training for current acolytes

Cindy Willis, Acolyte Coordinator

Altar Guild

Descrip on: The Altar Guild cares for the altar and all the vessels and linens associated with its use in

services throughout the year, as well as coordina�ng flowers for the sanctuary.

Persons involved in this ministry this year: Isabel Hodgin, Nancy Gorman, Sannie PoDer, Nicole

Buzzard, Carlota Slick, Anna May Rose, Bonnie Miller, Betsy Danowski, Jane O’Lexa, Kathy Steele,

Corky Anderson, Lynda Burrows, Vivian Hutchison, Dorothy Bloom, Cherie Pe�t, Karen Reilly, Danielle

Bane, Martha Sinden, Linda McKean, Marj Inderlied, and Andrea Weschler.

Volunteer hours given to this ministry this year: more than 300 hours


During the course of the year, the various teams set up and took down the altar for approximately

104 regular services as well as funerals and weddings. They decorated the church for Christmas and

Easter services. We lost 4 members from our group, and added 4 new members.

Goals for 2015:

We hope to be able to repeat that process for the coming year. As the outgoing Altar Guild Director, I

would like to thank all our members for their excellent service and comradery throughout the year.

Special thanks to Vivian Hutchison and Bonnie Miller who have graciously agreed to be Co-Directors in


Dorothy Bloom, Altar Guild Director

Calling and Caring Ministry

Descrip on: The Calling and Caring Ministry cares for our church family by keeping in touch with

parishioners through regular phone calls and visits.

Volunteers for 2014: Nancy Gorman, Barb BeaDy, Karen PeGt, Kate Pazder, Dave Danowski, Carlota

Slick, Ellen Masteller, Don Inderlied, and Ben Hill

Volunteer Hours for 2014: 100 hrs

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Monthly mee�ngs from Sept.-May for one hour

Learning and reinforcement of communica�on skills

Prepared dinner for Adult confirma�on class

Guest Speaker Hope Holben

Sent cards to shut-ins, snowbirds, and members we have not recently seen.

Goals for 2015:

To recruit more men

To con�nue to educate the parish about our ministry

To explore new ways to beDer serve our church family.

Nancy Gorman


Description: To provide musical delight and inspiration for worship services.

Persons involved in this ministry this year: Kathie and Jack Gregory, Debbi and Adrian Brandau,

Mary Frances Baugh, Eric Schuette, Jim Steadman, Rachel Willis, Ben Willis, Martha Willis, Matt Hall,

Amy Biggs, Emma Bane, Bill Ulrich, Allan Slovenkay, Stan Bogusz, Ashley Trabinger, Kathy Gustafson,

Cindy Willis, Carol Meeder, and Emma Schuette.

Volunteer hours given to this ministry this year: 260

Accomplishments: provided vocal leadership and instrumental music for worship services, discovered

and invited several musical talents to be shared.

Goal for 2015: to continue to provide musical leadership and inspiration for worship, to welcome

people who want to make a joyful noise to the Lord to choir, to discover more musical talents of our


Sunny Saunders, Choir and Music Director

Chris an Forma on

Chris�an Forma�on is a life-long process of learning about our faith, our tradi�on and God’s holy

Word, and how they relate to our every day life. We are delighted to offer Chris�an Forma�on

opportuni�es for people from preschool through adult years, and even some mul�-genera�onal


Adult Forma�on

Descrip on: Adult Chris�an Forma�on this year has consisted of Sunday Morning Bible Study, and the

Episcopal 101 workshop series. Adult Chris�an Forma�on seeks to engage adults with inquiring

minds in learning and reflec�on about holy scripture, our lived and lively faith, and some�mes even

the sermon of the day. We gather to learn from one another, as co-pilgrims on a holy journey.

Persons involved in this ministry this year: A variety of people led Adult Chris�an Forma�on

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sessions, including (but not limited to) Kate Pazder, John Rushe, Bill Ulrich, Kevin Tome, Sannie PoDer,

Jim Steadman, Melanie Gustafson-Ropski, Steve Ropski, Missy Greene, and the Rev. Sabeth

Fitzgibbons. Par�cipants ranged from age 13 to 96.

Volunteer hours given to this ministry this year: approximately 120 hours.


• Book study about worship (Liturgical Sense by Louis Weil)

• Regular Sunday morning Bible Study following the 8:00 AM service, using Feas�ng on the

Word lec�onary-based curriculum

• 6 session Episcopal 101 workshops, with dinner and childcare provided, aDracted 12

mostly-newer adults—and 7 were received or confirmed as a result

Goals for 2015:

• Offer Episcopal 101 again during Lent, to prepare people for Easter bap�sm, confirma�on

and recep�on

• Iden�fy and support broader lay leadership for Sunday Morning Bible Study

• Inves�gate the viability of in-worship teaching moments

• Invite par�cipa�on and input about possible topics in an engaging way

It should be noted that Episcopal 101 would not have happened without the diligent work of Missy

Greene, our Chris�an Forma�on Associate. If you would like to be involved in planning or presen�ng

topics for Adult Chris�an Forma�on, on Sunday morning or at other �mes, please contact me.

From one inquiring mind to yours,


Contemporary Bible Study

Description: A study of The Message by Eugene H. Peterson began July 21, 2013. Peterson wrote

The Message: The Bible in Contemporary Language to make the original meaning of the Bible easier

to understand and more comprehensible for the modern reader. The study is an open forum in which

those in attendance alternate turns reading from The Message and discussion/conversation is

intermittent as we are reading. Due to scheduling conflicts and lack of participation, the

Contemporary Bible Study ended in 2014.

Persons involved in this ministry this year: 4 participants

Volunteer hours given to this ministry this year: 2

Accomplishments: Involved 4 members of our congregation in reading and discussing holy Scripture.

Respectfully submitted by Gretchen Tome

Sunday School

Descrip on: Sunday School forms and teaches children and youth to be disciples of Christ through

scripture stories, art, games, and fellowship.

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Persons involved in this ministry this year: Amy Biggs, Debbi Brandau, Adrian Brandau, Baron

Denniston, Cheryl Farkas, David Gorman, Julien Goulet, Missy Greene, Kelly Hayes, Anne Martens,

Ellen Masteller, Bonnie Miller, Elizabeth Miller, Cherie Pe�t, Eric SchueDe, Susan SchueDe, Claire

Wachter, Kim Whitman

Volunteer hours given to this ministry this year: approximately 275 Hours


We have 18 Sunday School students in our three classrooms divided by age - Pre-K, K-2nd

, and 3rd



Two dedicated teachers plan and teach the lessons every week, and we have a group of subs�tutes

who help as needed. Sunday School provided several mul�-genera�onal events throughout the year,

including special Lenten services and ac�vi�es; an intergenera�onal service featuring Sunday School

students as readers, musicians, ushers, etc.; and Advent ac�vi�es such as wreath-making and Cookies,

Carols, and Cards. Over the summer, Amy Biggs was brought on as Sunday School coordinator.

Goals for 2015:

Sunday School will con�nue to use the Weaving God’s Promises curriculum. We will add a Sunday

School class as we work to incorporate our increasing age range within the Sunday School program.

We hope to see more families and children get involved in our programs. And most importantly, we

hope that our children and youth con�nue to grow in their rela�onship with Christ and be formed as

loving Disciples.

Amy Biggs, Sunday School Coordinator

Middle School Youth Group & The Vine

Descrip on: Youth Group is a ministry for middle and high school students to come together for

fellowship, forma�on, outreach, and fun.

Persons involved in this ministry this year: Emma Bane, Jack Biggs, Nicole Buzzard, Debbi Brandau,

Sabeth Fitzgibbons, Missy Greene, Kelly Hayes, Caitlin Pe�t, Emma SchueDe

Volunteer hours given to this ministry this year: 75 hours


Started the year off with a focus on Middle School youth and had about 4-5 par�cipants. Highlights in

the spring include a photo scavenger hunt and baking cookies to be delivered to homebound

members of St. Stephen’s. Over the summer, a collabora�ve youth ministry plan was created by adult

leaders from St. Stephen’s, St. Mark’s, and the Cathedral. The Vine was created as a community for

youth in 6th


grade. The Vine meets twice a month for dinner, forma�on, fellowship, and fun; they

met seven �mes at the Diocesan Church Center, averaging about 18 youth in aDendance with 3-5

from St. Stephen’s.

Goals for 2015:

St. Stephen’s will con�nue to ac�vely par�cipate in The Vine community. The Vine will rotate

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loca�ons between the par�cipa�ng churches, having grown too large for the Church Center. It is our

hope to see more youth aDend. Ac�vi�es for 2015 will include serving a community outreach dinner

at the Cathedral, a focus on prayer, an overnight, and an overnight mission trip within the diocese to

Trinity Episcopal Church in Brookville.

Missy Greene, Chris�an Forma�on Associate

Vaca�on Bible School

Descrip on: Vaca�on Bible School is a fun, faith-filled week in the summer that brings children from

St. Stephen’s and the community together for bible stories, arts & craHs, games, and fellowship

around a specific theme. This year’s theme was “Opera�on: Son of God” and focused on discovering

Jesus revealed as God’s Son.

Persons involved in this ministry this year: Amy Biggs, David Gorman, Missy Greene, Kathie Gregory,

Blanche Hill, Vivien Hutchison, MJ Radock, Susan SchueDe, Claire Wachter, Cindy Willis

Volunteer hours given to this ministry this year: 250 Hours


Hosted 34 children, ages 3-11, from St. Stephen’s and the community. Once again, we had a

wonderful, hard-working volunteer staff and a fun group of kids.

Goals for 2015:

It is my hope that we will con�nue to be successful in sharing this fun and forma�ve ministry with the

both children and adults. We hope to con�nue sharing the giHs of the volunteers and the message of

the gospel in fun and crea�ve ways. 2015 VBS theme is “Shipwrecked” and it will be July 13-17—tell

your friends and neighbors! All are welcome!

Young Adults Group/20s & 30s Group

Descrip on: The Young Adult Group is a ministry for 18 – 35 year olds to share in monthly events

that are both social and outreach oriented.

Persons involved in this ministry this year: Adrian Brandau, Debbi Brandau, Nicole Buzzard, Chris

Camilleri, Vicky Camilleri, Baron Denniston, David Gorman, Missy Greene, Emily Shoemaker, Kaitlyn

Slomski, and Ashley Trabinger.

Volunteer hours given to this ministry this year: 20 Hours


The Young Adults group met a few �mes in 2014 for social gatherings. It was decided toward the end

of the year that the group would change its name to 20s & 30s. We also discussed using a Theology

on Tap model to create more consistent gatherings for this group. Brewing Faith was born and will

begin in January of 2015.

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Goals for 2015:

The 20s & 30s Group will meet monthly for Brewing Faith at The Public House for conversa�on about

faith and life. We hope to see this ministry grow and welcome people from the larger community.

Missy Greene, Chris�an Forma�on Associate

Coffee Hour

Descrip on: This ministry provides coffee with or without "treats" aHer Sunday worship services. We

also host recep�ons for bap�sm, confirma�on, funerals, Advent tea, Mother's Day, etc. The

fellowship that happens because of coffee hour is part of the welcoming habit of St. Stephen's. It has

been said that churches with and ac�ve coffee hour are growing churches, and we are ac�ve.We

invite all to par�cipate in this ac�vity. It takes a liDle �me on Saturday to set up for the coffee and

some cleanup aHer the services. It is �me well spent and all benefit.

Volunteer hours given to this ministry this year: 150


The coffee hour provides a forum of conversa�on and friendship. We have been very ac�ve this year

and feel that this �me together helps cement friendship and will con�nue to grow our parish.

Persons involved in this ministry this year: Steele Family, O’Lexa Family, Cindy and George Willis,

Dorothy Bloom, Masteller Family, Nancy Gorman, Ropski Family, SchueDe Family, Hill Family, Ulrich

Family, Carlota Slick , and others whom names are not recorded.

Goals for 2015:

To encourage more people to par�cipate in this fun and rewarding ministry.

We also would like to be able to do more recep�ons and fellowship in the coming year. We thank all

that have made cookies, sandwiches, etc for all the events. It is really appreciated.

Kathy Steele and Ellen Masteller


Descrip on: Our columbarium is a ministry that provides parishioners a church-based op�on for

burial. Parishioners and their families and rela�ves may purchase a niche in our beau�ful

columbarium for a reasonable price as a last res�ng place for themselves and their loved ones.

Persons involved in this ministry this year: The columbarium commiDee consists of nine

parishioners: Don and Maureen Eagley, Jane O’Lexa, George Willis, Don and Marj Inderlied, Shyla

Gunther, and Donald and Carol Meeder. The columbarium grounds have been cared for by Jane

O’Lexa and her family, Shyla Gunther, and Carol and Don Meeder with other parishioners providing

help as needs arise.

Volunteer hours given to this ministry in 2014: 250

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The accomplishments this year have been to keep the columbarium beau�fully maintained and

financially stable. Annuals, geraniums and begonias have been donated to add color to the

flowerbeds. There are 3 families that are considering purchasing a niche . The columbarium account

has a current balance of $ 5,049.99 up from $ 4,609.99 at the end of 2013.

Goals for 2015:

• To keep the columbarium beau�fully maintained for the families of those persons already


• To smoothly transi�on the columbarium opera�ons to Shyla Gunther who will be the next

chairperson some�me during 2015.

• To con�nue this wonderful ministry into the next year and for many years ahead.

Carol Meeder and Shyla Gunther, Columbarium chairpersons

Communica ons

Descrip on: The Church Office disseminates informa�on to all parishioners through all levels of

communica�on; striving to meet the needs of all our parishioners at all levels and abili�es by making

use of several forms of standard and cuGng edge media. Our communica�ons include our Prayer

Circle, Weekly Announcements which are mailed every other week to those not using email, as well

as posted weekly Announcements on the hall bulle�n boards in large print. Our website offers many

ways to find informa�on regarding church programs.

Persons involved in this ministry this year: Jim Steadman, Gretchen Tome, Kaitlyn Slomski, Missy

Greene, Nathaniel Ropski, Debbi Brandau, Danielle Jones, Kris�n Fisher, George Willis

Volunteer hours given to this ministry this year: is es�mated at 170 hours.


• The church’s Facebook profile is being used more frequently to adver�se and celebrate our

ministries and events

• Implemented MailChimp as our distribu�on point for emailed announcements

• Streamlined mailed announcements, now mailed every other week for a cost-savings

• A Public Google Calendar has been created for all to view upcoming events. We added a quick link

from our main webpage to access this calendar easily

• Added an Instagram account for St Stephen’s

• Vestry added a Communica�ons CommiDee to analyze and address changing communica�on

needs as we ac�vely seek to aDract and invite younger families

Goals for 2015: To con�nue to improve our communica�ons by using new technology and mul�ple

media applica�ons to keep our church family and the community updated with accurate Informa�on.

Launch a new website that is easier to navigate with quick links to detailed informa�on you need.

RespecUully submiDed, Danielle Jones, Parish Administrator

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Eucharis c Ministers and Visitors

Descrip on: Eucharis�c Ministers are licensed by the diocese to administer the bread and wine at

communion. Eucharis�c Visitors are licensed by the diocese to take communion to members of our

community who cannot come to church because of illness or infirmity.

Eucharis c Ministers: David Gorman, Cindy Willis, Ashley Trabinger, Andrew Masteller, David

Masteller, Steve Ropski, Mj Radock, Floss Willis, Bill Ulrich, Jim Steele, John Rushe, Nathaniel Ropski,

Ellen Masteller, Vicki Johnson, Don Inderlied, Nancy Gorman, Dave Danowski, Barb BeaDy

Eucharis c Visitors: Barbara BeaDy, Dave Danowski, Nancy Gorman, Ellen Masteller, John Rushe, Don

Inderlied, Bill Ulrich, Jim Steele.

Volunteer hours given to this ministry this year: 220


Eucharis�c Ministers helped share the sacrament at more than 100 worship services in 2014. In 2014,

Eucharis�c Visitors made 49 visits, sharing the Eucharist with 15 members of our congrega�on family.

Goals for 2015: Con�nue to serve the parishioners and the Parish in the coming year.

James R Steele


Descrip on: Finance ministries include collec�on counters, accoun�ng data entry and record-

keeping, preparing financial reports, and cuGng and signing checks. These invisible ministries are

vital to our financial health and integrity.

Persons involved in this ministry this year: Kathie and Jack Gregory, Susan SchueDe, Alison

Steadman, George Willis, Danielle Jones, Eric SchueDe, Cindy Willis, Bill Ulrich, Don Inderlied

Volunteer hours given to this ministry this year: 240


• Clean diocesan audit for 2013 (audit happens in 2014)

• Added new, addi�onal counters

Goals for 2015:

• Clean diocesan audit for 2014

• Recruit a few more counters

Helping Hands

Descrip on: Helping Hands is a caring ministry where church members sign up to serve other

parishioners in a variety of ways when they need help.

Volunteers for 2014: Nancy Gorman and Sannie PoDer

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Volunteer hours: 5 hours

Accomplishments for 2014:

Educa�ng the congrega�on about Helping Hands

Signing up members to par�cipate

New baby meal delivered in December

Goals for 2015:

Con�nue to educa�on new members about Helping Hands

Con�nue to grow the number of members who serve others

To recruit someone who can co-lead this ministry with me

RespecUully submiDed, Nancy Gorman

Informa on Technology (IT)

Descrip on: The IT (Informa�on Technology) ministry keeps the systems and soHware running to

support the church ministry which involves the IT ministry which supports the church ministry….. (for

those who studied FORTRAN this sounds like an infinite “do loop”)

Persons involved in this ministry this year: Everyone who used a computer, copier and/or telephone

at St. Stephen’s. There are many folks who help support by sharing their experiences, understanding

the details of the various soHware packages in use, evalua�ng new soHware and installing

updates. We have some new faces helping this year and bringing their exper�se to this some�mes

mys�cal opera�on. George Willis, Chris Camilleri, and Debbi Brandau, to name a few.

Volunteer hours given to this ministry this year: It was a good year with liDle support needed, a

blessing for sure. If I had to es�mate, probably 80 person-hours

Accomplishments: Several new computers were installed to replace the aging infrastructure. Most

recently a new copier was installed and soHware for the founda�ons of a website upgrade have been


Goals for 2015: The ministry s�ll needs to look at the hardware, server and backup systems to be

sure we are most efficiently running our equipment.

RespecUully submiDed, George Willis

Lectors and Readers

Descrip on: Lectors lead the prayers of the people and the psalm in worship. Readers read the

Scripture lessons during worship.

Persons involved in this ministry this year: Emma Bane, Annika Biggs, Adrian Brandau, Debbie

Brandau, David Danowski, Nancy Gorman, Missy Green, Jack Gregory, Kathie Gregory, Melanie

Gustafson-Ropski, Isabel Hodgin, Don Inderlied, Caitlin Pe�t, MJ Radock, Steven Ropski, Emma

SchueDe, Erie SchueDe, James Steele, Gretchen Tome, Kevin Tome, Sharon Ulrich, Bill Ulrich,

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Terry Warburton, and Cynthia Willis.

Volunteer hours given to this ministry this year: 220


Lectors and readers helped proclaim the word of God and lead worship at more than 100 worship


Goals for 2015:

Con�nue to provide reading of the Holy Scriptures at all services in 2014.

To encourage new members and parishioners of all ages to par�cipate in this


James R Steele

Office Angels

Descrip on: The Office Angel ministry helps the office staff by covering some of the many tasks and

programs the keep the church moving smoothly forward, as well as helping to keep extra office hours


Persons involved in this ministry this year: Kathie Gregory, Sharon Ulrich, Danielle Bane, Isabel

Hodgins, and Susan SchueDe

Volunteer hours given to this ministry this year: 165


Assis�ng with preparing mailings, proof-reading and other helpful tasks, and answering the phone.

Goal for 2015: To con�nue to use office volunteers to help with office tasks and projects in order to

keep staff hours down and church projects on track.

Danielle Jones, Parish Administrator


Description: Through the Outreach ministry, St. Stephen’s parishioners use their time and talents

impact poverty, specifically hunger and tangible necessities, in our community through 4 main

projects: Mother’s Day/Father’s Day Kits, Second Harvest Food Bank, Christmas Outreach, and the St.

Stephen’s Diaper Bank.

Persons involved in this ministry this year:

John Rushe, Judy Jones, Kaitlyn Slomski, Debbi Brandau, Ashley Trabinger, Sharon Ulrich, Kathie

Gregory, Missy Greene, Kathy Gustafson, Barb McLaughlin, Sabeth Fitzgibbons, Melanie Gustafson,

Julien Goulet, Karen Pettit, MJ Radock, Ellen Masteller, Cindy Willis, Nicole Buzzard, Esteban Goulet,

Emma Bane; and a special ‘thank you’ to all those who participated by giving of their time, talents and

treasures to this important ministry.

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Volunteer Hours for 2014: 125 hours, excluding the diaper bank


• Work shift for Second Harvest Food Bank on January 25, 2014

• Gifts for 17 children, plus extra hats/scarves/mittens for Community Shelter Services

• 50 personal care kits plus extra supplies for SafeNet

• 30 toiletry kits for the City Mission

• Partnership with Nursery School on Outreach projects

Goals for 2015:

Outreach’s goals for 2015 is to increase participation in our projects (i.e. having to schedule multiple

work-shifts at the Food Bank to accommodate all those that are interested), grow the Kit collection

programs so that we can have more hands on involvement.

Diaper Bank

Description: St. Stephen’s will collect diapers (funds), keep count of all diapers (funds), have other

organizations have diaper drives on our behalf, purchase diapers with any funds, and distribute to

local agencies.

Persons involved in this ministry this year:

John Rushe, Judy Jones, Kaitlyn Slomski, Debbi Brandau, Ashley Trabinger, Sharon Ulrich, Kathie

Gregory, Missy Greene, Kathy Gustafson, Barb McLaughlin, Sabeth Fitzgibbons, Melanie Gustafson,

Julien Goulet, Karen Pettit, MJ Radock, Ellen Masteller, Cindy Willis, Nicole Buzzard; and a special

‘thank you’ to all those who participated by giving of their time, talents and treasures to this

important ministry.

Volunteer Hours for 2014: 50 hours


• Raised $476 to purchase diapers & wipes (spent $220.93)

• Collected 4,984 diapers & 1,896 wipes

• Distributed collections to SafeNet and Fairview Presbyterian Food Pantry

• Gannon University’s Phi Eta Sigma adopted the Diaper Bank as their project and have donated 666

diapers, 440 wipes and $176

Goals for 2015:

Continue to increase donations, increase our distribution reach, name the diaper bank ministry, make

outdoor signs and work on advertising our good works.

Respectfully submitted, Nicole Buzzard, Outreach Chair

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Parish Life

Holy Smokes BBQs

Descrip on: Holy Smokes is a ministry of hospitality and fellowship, where an open invita�on was

made to come to the church on Tuesday evenings during the summer to share dinner and fellowship.

The church hall, kitchen and pa�o were opened, and the BBQ grill was hot. Par�cipants were invited

to bring their own tableware, food to grill, and beverages, as well as a dish to share. Kids could play

on the playground, adults could visit, and we all could share some fellowship over dinner.

People involved in this ministry: Ben Hill, Blanche Hill and Vivian Hutchinson were key volunteers

who opened and closed the building.

Volunteer Hours contributed: 40

Accomplishments in 2014:

• Offered an event that was open and accessible to all ages of people, solely for fun and


• U�lized resources of church space and buildings at a �me not usually occupied.

• Involved members of the wider community (friends and neighbors).

• ADended by 8-18 people per week, ranging in age from 3-96 years of age.

Goals for 2015:

• Repeat this idea.

• Make the invita�on more explicit and broadcast more broadly.

• Enjoy one another’s company and get to know one another beDer.

Prayer Circle

Descrip on: The Prayer Circle Ministry cares for loved ones (and others) of St. Stephen’s church who

are hurt, sick or have fallen ill by holding them in prayer. Prayer Circle Volunteers are emailed once a

week with a list of individuals in need of prayer. All are welcome to join the Prayer Circle Ministry, just

email the church office. All are welcome to ask for prayer for others or for themselves by contac�ng

the church office.

Persons involved in this ministry in 2014:

Dorothy Bloom, Suzanne Burrows, Ronald Cocke, Nancy Cocke, Pam Dailey, Betsy Danowski, David

Danowski, Danielle Bane, Judith Fair, Sabeth Fitzgibbons, Nancy Gorman, Jack Gregory, Kathie

Gregory, Ben Hill, Blanche Hill, Judith Jones, Andrew Masteller, Carol Meeder, Lane Nelson, Sannie

PoDer, Eric SchueDe, Susan SchueDe, Harry Sinden, Martha Sinden, Carlota Slick, Cindy Slick, James

Steele, Kathy Steele, Gretchen Tome, Sharon Ulrich, William Ulrich, Andrea Weschler, Cynthia Willis,

Floss Willis

Volunteer Hours in 2014: 2235

Accomplishments: This group prayed for over 51 individuals plus families.

Danielle Jones

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Chandelier Cleaning

Descrip on: The chandeliers in the church are cleaned annually.

Persons involved in this ministry this year: Pazders, SchueDes, Brandaus, Ulrichs, M.J. Radock, John

Rushe, Dave Danowski, Don Meeder (thanks especially for use of the scaffold), George Willis (thanks

for the Tim Horton’s goodies), Jill Slomski, Kaitlyn Slomski and Eli Nelson made it light work.

Volunteer hours given to this ministry this year: About 48 person-hours (3 hours one Saturday

morning), and 40 donut holes.

Accomplishments: The church chandeliers were cleaned and no one fell from the ladders.

Goals for 2015: To keep the chandeliers cleaned, avoid aerial mishaps and keep the light bulbs lit

Bill Ulrich

Lawn Mowing

Descrip on: The lawn-mowing ministry keeps the lawn mowed, and the property looking �dy.

Persons involved in this ministry this year: Dave Danowski, Bud Johnson, Julien Goulet, Ellen and

Mark Masteller, Kate Pazder, Eric and Susan SchueDe, Kathy Thayer, Bill Ulrich and George Willis.

Volunteer hours given to this ministry this year: A lot….no really I es�mate 120 hours, or 7200


Accomplishments: The lawn was mowed, mostly. Rain and an early fast growing season were issues

but all worked out in the end.

Goals for 2015: Keep the lawn mowed. With the addi�onal volunteers this year mowing was

reduced to about once every 6 weeks. Thank you to all who helped.

Keeping the fescues healthy and short, respecUully submiDed,

George Willis and the Mowing Team

Sewing and Needlework Group

Description: The sewing and needlework group offers friendship and support while working on

handiwork projects. We meet most Thursdays at 7 pm in library. We are a friendly group and

welcome new members anytime.

Volunteer hours given to this ministry this year: 72

Accomplishments in 2014: We work on personal projects as well as prayer shawls, afghans for

Project Linus, and hats, mittens and scarves for the annual mitten tree.

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Goals for 2015:

• Make 1 or more blankets for Project Linus

• Con�nue to make hats, scarfs, and miDens for outreach

Kathie Gregory


Descrip on: The Stewardship team is appointed by Vestry to lead the parish in educa�on and

inspira�on for stewardship of our spiritual and physical health, environment, �me, talents and

treasures, and to conduct the Fall Pledge Campaign.

Persons involved in this ministry this year: Melanie Gustafson-Ropski and Steven J Ropski

Volunteer Hours in 2014: 150 hours


Leading the Walking the Way Campaign

This campaign was offered by The Episcopal Network for Stewardship (TENS), where the $100

annual membership fee allowed us to use resources available on their website. A reduc�on in

registra�on costs was u�lized by Melanie Gustafson-Ropski and Rev. Sabeth Fitzgibbons to aDend

the TENS annual conference, which was held at Emory University in Atlanta during the summer.

The resources used included various leDers from the stewardship chairs, the priest in charge, the

senior warden, and the thank you notes. The ini�al pledge campaign mailing went to 118 past

and present parishioners who fell into various groups:

• New to our parish and to pledging, or not a regular aDendee , or one who hasn't

pledged in the past four years;

• Non-Giving - one who aDends regularly - they may put money in the plate but they do

not officially pledge;

• Flat - their giH has not changed from the previous year (and possibly longer);

• Percentage - they give a percentage of their income and it has changed from the

previous year;

• Tithe - they give an amount that is known (or guessed) to be a �the.

• Also, a separate group of individuals who had contributed to St. Stephen’s through

Erie Gives Day in 2013 and 2014.

AHer the ini�al mailings, our pledge pool was decreased to 108, which was a beDer indica�on of

possible giHs. Of those, six requested that their names be removed from the roster. Of the

remaining 102 poten�al pledges, we received 74 pledge cards that totaled $198,270. In


• 10 pledges were new - either new to giving or new to turning in a pledge card;

• 36 pledging units increased their giHs from the previous year;

• 24 pledging units remained the same (flat);

• 3 pledging units decreased their giving;

The remaining 29 were called by Steve Ropski, Don Inderlied, and Jim Steele. Of those:

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• 6 cannot place a defini�ve number on a pledge card at this �me but will give in the plate

when they can.

• 3 are s�ll thinking about filling out a pledge card or are a flat giver who doesn't fill out a


• 3 to 4 are very elderly and/or very ill.

• Many were repeated voicemail messages that were not returned.

Even though the number of pledging units decreased by six from 2014, our total monies increased by


Rather than focusing on a dollar goal for the campaign, we set our sights on 100% par�cipa�on

(giving) from the congrega�on, and achieved 71.5% if we only consider the pledging units. If we

include those who cannot officially pledge at this �me, then we are at 76%. We also broke the

par�cipa�on data down into various ministries:

• Vestry - 100%

• Finance CommiDee - 100%

• Music Ministry - 100%

• Outreach - 100%

• Eucharis�c Ministers - 94%

• Ushers - 93%

• Sunday School/Chris�an Forma�on - 88%

• Altar Guild - 88%

• Newly received - 80%

Goals for 2015:

We highly recommend that we remain a member of TENS and u�lize their God the Giver Stewardship

Narra�ve Series and Annual Giving Campaign during the fall of 2015. One or more parishioners and

the priest in charge should also aDend the 2015 Annual Conference at the end of May at Camp Allen

in Navasota, Texas.

RespecUully submiDed,

Melanie Gustafson-Ropski and Steven J Ropski


Descrip on: Ushers greet, distribute and collect worship bulle�ns, collect the offerings, and offer any

necessary assistance to worshipers during church services

Persons involved in this ministry this year: Don Eagley, Domenic Fair, Katherine Gustafson, Vivian

Hutchison, Don Inderlied, Mark Masteller, Katherine Pazder, Robert Pazder, Jim Reilly, Nathaniel

Ropski, William Rose, John Rushe, George Willis, Mitchell Willis

Volunteer hours given to this ministry this year: 130 hours

Accomplishments: Being present to assist with 8am and 10am services every Sunday of the year as

well as two Christmas Eve services and other special services as needed

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Goal for 2015: We will con�nue to recruit and train new members. The number of ushers is small and

several of the members serve in this ministry nearly every Sunday of the year. Ushers may be male or

female and there is no age requirement. Parents and children may usher together.

RespecUully submiDed,

George Willis

Worship Leaders

Descrip on: Worship Leaders and Preachers are ministries licensed by the diocese. Worship Leaders

are able to lead regular worship, like Morning or Evening Prayer for a congrega�on. Preachers do just

that, preach, in congrega�on. These lay ministries celebrate the many giHs of members of our

congrega�on, as we are blessed to have people other than Sabeth+ licensed to do them. By having

licensed lay ministers to lead worship and preach, we are also able to save some money by not always

having a supply priest when Sabeth+ has a planned absence.

Preachers: Missy Greene, Steve Ropski, John Rushe

Worship Leaders: Ellen Masteller, Steve Ropski, John Rushe, Jim Steele, Don Inderlied

Volunteer hours given to this ministry this year: 135 hours

Accomplishments: These lay ministries celebrate the many giHs of members of our congrega�on, as

we are blessed to have people other than Sabeth+ licensed to do them. By having licensed lay

ministers to lead worship and preach, we are also able to save some money by not always having a

supply priest when Sabeth+ has a planned absence.

Goal for 2015: To have lay-led worship at least 4 Sundays during the year, and lay preachers once a

month (on average).

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Bap sms

In 2014, we bap�zed the following people, and welcomed them as our adopted sisters and brothers in


Kelly Lynn Hayes Camryn Nicole Mills Lucas Allan Martens

Emma Grace Kuneman James Ivan Buzzard

Recep ons

In 2014, we welcomed the following adults who had previously made an adult declara�on of faith

(like confirma�on) in another Chris�an denomina�on into The Episcopal Church, through the re-

affirma�on of their faith and bap�smal covenant:

Cheryl Ann Farkas Benjamin Deanne Martens

Confirma ons

In 2014, the following members of our community joined The Episcopal Church by making an adult

declara�on of faith through the re-affirma�on of their faith and bap�smal covenant:

Kelly Lynn Hayes Amy Noelle Biggs Cheryl Saunders

Brian Jeffery Biggs Anne Elizabeth Martens Lance Strasser


In 2014, we bid a final farewell to these members of our parish community as they drew into the

nearer presence of our Lord:

Rosemary Ann Teets Charles Bell Cora Davis Anderson

Richard C. Trabinger C. Michael Annis Lois Sisson Wilson Gordon

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2012 2013 2014


Ac�ve Bap�zed Members 192 221 243


Total ADendance at all Service 5,045 5,397 5,874

Average Sunday ADendance 80 84 82

Type and Number of Services

Sunday Holy Communion 102 100 94

Weekday Holy Communion 25 18 22

Private Communions 52 75 53

Sunday Morning Prayer 2 2 8

Weekday Morning Prayer 0 0 9

Bap�sms 0 6 5

Confirma�ons/Recep�ons 0 5 8

Marriages 1 1 1

Burials 2 4 8

Other Offices and

Private Services and Healing 5 6 33

Pledge Informa on

Pledging Units 70 69 80

Total Amount Pledged $ 151,919 $ 166,721 $ 183,475


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