reverend john kha tran, pastor reverend michael pham, crm, … · reverend john kha tran, pastor...

THE MOST HOLY BODY AND BLOOD OF CHRIST……….June 14, 2020 Reverend John Kha Tran, Pastor Reverend Michael Pham, CRM, Parochial Vicar Deacon Dennis Hayes Deacon Bob Henkel Deacon Steve Klak Deacon John Naber Deacon Matt Rust Deacon Joe Weir EUCHARISTIC CELEBRATION (MASS): Saturday: 5:00 PM Sunday: 8:00 AM, 10:00 AM and 12:00 PM Weekdays: 8:30 AM (Monday through Saturday) RECONCILIATION (CONFESSION): Saturday from 3:30 - 4:30 PM, and at other times by appointment ANOINTING OF THE SICK: Someone who is seriously ill, at home, or in the hospital, or who is about to undergo major surgery, should call the parish office, and arrange for a Priest to celebrate with them the sacrament for the ill. BAPTISM: ADULT BAPTISM: Adults who are preparing to become Catholic, will participate in the Rite of Christian Initiation at Easter. INFANT BAPTISM: We celebrate infant Baptism on the 2nd Saturday of each month, except during Lent. Parents and Godparents of infants to be baptized should attend Baptismal classes, preferably before the child is born. CONFIRMATION: Adults and older youth who have not been Confirmed should contact the Parish office. MARRIAGE: Couples who are considering marriage should contact the parish office, at least six (6) months before the couple's projected wedding date. PRAYER: Rosary: Wednesday at 6:30 PM in Immaculata Chapel Evening Prayer: Wednesday at 7:00 PM in Immaculata Chapel Eucharistic Adoration: Daily in Immaculata Chapel Chaplet of Divine Mercy: Saturday at 4:30 PM in Church Rosary: Sunday following 10:00 AM Mass PARISH STAFF Mary Alice Greaney—Music Director Dana Henkel—Parish Stewardship Director Jennifer Henkel—Youth Ministry Director Beth Jones—Parish Business Manager Eileen Mace—Kolbe Kids EC Program Director Lupe Mendez—Custodian Yvette Neider—Parish Night Clerk David Nguyen—Custodian Sister Vinflora Onije—Pastoral Assistant Miguel Perdomo—Maintenance & Handyman Phyllis Schoelman—Parish Secretary Molly Smith—Director of Evangelization and Catechesis Diana Thomas—Faith Formation Assistant PASTORAL COUNCIL Anna Cardona Jason Donat Madelyn Henderson Judy Quinn Christian Munoz (Recorder) Pam Munoz Mitch Reece (Facilitator) Esteban Teron Paul Simon Eileen Torres Jorge Torres Chuck Woodruff Paul Yim Ken Zavatsky 10135 West Road Parish Office: (281) 955-7324 Office Hours: Houston, TX 77064 Fax: (281) 955-7328 Monday—Friday 9:00am-5:00pm Kolbe Kids: (281) 970-0979 Flocknote: text StMaxChurch to 84576 Or FINANCE COUNCIL Martha Alvarado Sean Kennedy Wilfred Krenek (Facilitator) David Ricke Bob Charnock Mark Kohlschmidt Evie Ornelaz

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Page 1: Reverend John Kha Tran, Pastor Reverend Michael Pham, CRM, … · Reverend John Kha Tran, Pastor Reverend Michael Pham, CRM, Parochial Vicar Deacon Dennis Hayes Deacon Bob Henkel


Reverend John Kha Tran, Pastor ● Reverend Michael Pham, CRM, Parochial Vicar Deacon Dennis Hayes ● Deacon Bob Henkel ● Deacon Steve Klak

Deacon John Naber ● Deacon Matt Rust ● Deacon Joe Weir


Saturday: 5:00 PM

Sunday: 8:00 AM, 10:00 AM and 12:00 PM

Weekdays: 8:30 AM (Monday through Saturday)

RECONCILIATION (CONFESSION): Saturday from 3:30 - 4:30 PM, and at other times by appointment ANOINTING OF THE SICK:

Someone who is seriously ill, at home, or in the hospital, or who is about to undergo major surgery, should call the parish office, and arrange for a Priest to celebrate with them the sacrament for the ill.

BAPTISM: ADULT BAPTISM: Adults who are preparing to become

Catholic, will participate in the Rite of Christian Initiation at Easter. INFANT BAPTISM: We celebrate infant Baptism on the 2nd

Saturday of each month, except during Lent. Parents and Godparents of infants to be baptized should attend Baptismal classes, preferably before the child is born.

CONFIRMATION: Adults and older youth who have not been Confirmed should contact the Parish office. MARRIAGE:

Couples who are considering marriage should contact the parish office, at least six (6) months before the couple's projected wedding date.

PRAYER: Rosary: Wednesday at 6:30 PM in Immaculata Chapel Evening Prayer: Wednesday at 7:00 PM in Immaculata Chapel Eucharistic Adoration: Daily in Immaculata Chapel Chaplet of Divine Mercy: Saturday at 4:30 PM in Church Rosary: Sunday following 10:00 AM Mass


Mary Alice Greaney—Music Director Dana Henkel—Parish Stewardship Director Jennifer Henkel—Youth Ministry Director Beth Jones—Parish Business Manager Eileen Mace—Kolbe Kids EC Program Director Lupe Mendez—Custodian Yvette Neider—Parish Night Clerk David Nguyen—Custodian Sister Vinflora Onije—Pastoral Assistant Miguel Perdomo—Maintenance & Handyman Phyllis Schoelman—Parish Secretary Molly Smith—Director of Evangelization and Catechesis Diana Thomas—Faith Formation Assistant

PASTORAL COUNCIL Anna Cardona Jason Donat Madelyn Henderson Judy Quinn Christian Munoz (Recorder) Pam Munoz Mitch Reece (Facilitator) Esteban Teron Paul Simon Eileen Torres Jorge Torres Chuck Woodruff Paul Yim Ken Zavatsky

10135 West Road Parish Office: (281) 955-7324 Office Hours: Houston, TX 77064 Fax: (281) 955-7328 Monday—Friday 9:00am-5:00pm Kolbe Kids: (281) 970-0979 Flocknote: text StMaxChurch to 84576 Or

FINANCE COUNCIL Martha Alvarado Sean Kennedy Wilfred Krenek (Facilitator) David Ricke Bob Charnock Mark Kohlschmidt Evie Ornelaz

Page 2: Reverend John Kha Tran, Pastor Reverend Michael Pham, CRM, … · Reverend John Kha Tran, Pastor Reverend Michael Pham, CRM, Parochial Vicar Deacon Dennis Hayes Deacon Bob Henkel


I would like share this message with the Youth of our parish for reflection, renewal, understanding, heal-ing and opened hearts for unity: The National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry (NFCYM) Board of Directors would like to share the following statement on racism, a systemic issue receiving more attention due to protests around the country after the death of Mr. George Floyd. Beloved, let us love one another, because love is of God; everyone who loves is begotten by God and knows God. Whoever is without love does not know God, for God is love. (1 John 4:7-8) Open Wide Our Hearts: The Enduring Call to Love, a pastoral letter against racism released by the Unit-ed States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) in 2018, states, “Almost every day, news headlines demonstrate that our country’s “original sin” of racism continues to impact the lives of many Americans, many of them Catholic—particularly those who belong to the African American, Hispanic/Latino, or Native American communities. There are signs that racism’s legacies remain prevalent in many systemic ine-qualities that have deep impact on people of color.”

Racism is a sin. It is still very present today, demonstrated in the recent deaths of Mr. George Floyd and Mr. Ahmaud Arbery, among many other African Americans. We share in the deep grief and just anger felt by so many upon witnessing these horrendous acts. As Christians, we are called to love and respect the dignity of each person. Racism, in any form, is in direct opposition to our call to follow Christ and we stand against this injustice. The vision of NFCYM refers to a future where the “diverse realities of young people are welcomed in Catholic faith communities.” To create this future, we must first listen to the experiences and perspec-tives of those who experience racism. Open and honest dialogue can be difficult, but it is the only way forward. As an organization that has influence on the lives of young Catholics, we stand with our mem-bership to model Christ to the young as we join in with their voices, and the voices of their peers to eradi-cate all injustices, specifically racism, in the world. Once we gain the perspective of our brothers and sisters experiencing racism, we need to look closely at ourselves, our families, and our immediate ministry settings. We must reflect on how we are loving and respecting the dignity of others, especially our black brothers and sisters. And we must be willing to step out boldly and ask our community to hold us accountable when we are not. Finally, we must ask God where we are being called to act. As Pope Francis stated, “we cannot tolerate or turn a blind eye to racism and exclusion in any form and yet claim to defend the sacredness of every human life." We must discern how we can help defend our brothers and sisters in Christ when we wit-ness injustice and racism. And we must ask what discussions we need to have or plans we must put in place to prevent racist acts in the future. We reject the sin of racism, in all its forms, within our organization, and we stand with our brothers and sisters who have felt marginalized and ignored inside and outside of our Church. We commit ourselves, as an organization, and call on our members to dive into the process outlined above to continue our indi-vidual pursuits of sainthood and the collective pursuit of unity. We pray for and will work towards an end to the systemic issue of racism in our country, and the whole world. For our world, but most importantly, for our young people, we pledge to be faithful witnesses of Christ's hopeful light in a world eclipsed by darkness, beginning with listening to our members. Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and enkindle in them the fire of your love. For (Christ) is our peace, he who made both one and broke down the dividing wall of enmity, through his flesh…that he might create in himself one new person in place of the two, thus establishing peace." (Eph 2: 14-15) Visit for resources against racism.

Page 3: Reverend John Kha Tran, Pastor Reverend Michael Pham, CRM, … · Reverend John Kha Tran, Pastor Reverend Michael Pham, CRM, Parochial Vicar Deacon Dennis Hayes Deacon Bob Henkel


We are the Christian Community of Saint Maximilian Kolbe, a Catholic parish of the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston. Embracing our many and diverse gifts, we are united in Christ Jesus. Challenged by the teachings of Our Lord, and inspired by the example of our Patron, we strive to serve God, and to minister to others, in prayer, sacrament, faith formation, and charity.

Monday, June 15 11th Week in Ordinary Time Joseph Ky Nguyen † 8:30am

Tuesday, June 16 Alveraize Saizan, Intentions 8:30am

Wednesday, June 17 Jeanette Coury, Intentions 8:30am

Thursday, June 18 FSSP 8:30am

Friday, June 19 The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus Joseph Gallagher, Intentions 8:30am

Saturday, June 20 The Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Cao Thi Ngat † 8:30am Thomas Farris † 5:00pm Freddy Chacon † and Fernando Narvaez †

Sunday, June 21 12th Sunday of Ordinary Time Parishioners of St. Maximilian 8:00am Lindsay Bowker †, Mary Grosskopf †, and

Virginia Xavier † 10:00am Cresencio Arcos † 12:00pm


TODAY’S READINGS First Reading — Never forget the LORD your God, who brought you out of slavery (Deuteronomy 8:2-3, 14b-16a).

Psalm — Praise the Lord, Jerusalem (Psalm 147).

Second Reading — Because the loaf of bread is one, we who partake of it, though we are many, are one body (1 Corinthians 10:16-17).

Gospel — Jesus said, “I am the living bread; whoever eats this bread will live forever” (John 6:51-58). The English translation of the Psalm Responses from Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved.

Father Francesco (Frank) Iacona of Cross Catholic Outreach is here with us this weekend, June 13 and 14th. He will be preaching at all the Masses about helping the poorest of the poor with “food, shelter, and hope”, trans-forming their lives and the lives of those who help them as well. Let’s all welcome him to the wonderful St. Maxi-milian Kolbe community in the glorious fashion that we are known for.


It has been our great pleasure to have Father Michael Pham with the St. Maximilian Kolbe Catholic Community for the past two years. So now we send him off to his next assignment. We wish you well Father Michael! You will be missed here at St. Maximilian. Please keep us in your prayers as we will you!

Good-bye to Father Michael

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Monday: 1 Kgs 21:1-16; Ps 5:2-3ab, 4b-7; Mt 5:38-42

Tuesday: 1 Kgs 21:17-29; Ps 51:3-6ab, 11, 16; Mt 5:43-48

Wednesday: 2 Kgs 2:1, 6-14; Ps 31:20, 21, 24; Mt 6:1-6, 16-18

Thursday: Sir 48:1-14; Ps 97:1-7; Mt 6:7-15

Friday: Dt 7:6-11; Ps 103:1-4, 6-8, 10; 1 Jn 4:7-16; Mt 11:25-30

Saturday: 2 Chr 24:17-25; Ps 89:4-5, 29-34; Lk 2:41-51

Sunday: Jer 20:10-13; Ps 69:8-10, 14, 17, 33-35; Rom 5:12-15; Mt 10:26-33

Power Hour Prayer Time Need a spiritual boost? Join us at 7pm on Monday nights in the St. Maximilian Kolbe Immaculata Chapel. One hour of prayer includes the Rosary, Divine Mercy Chaplet, conse-crations and litanies to Jesus and Mary along with medita-tion music and hands on healing prayer. Inspired by a mes-sage given by Our Blessed Mother to a Medjugorje vision-ary to “form and make prayer groups through which we will pray for your healing and the healing of this nation to come closer to God and to me”. A special hour of adoring Jesus will bring peace and healing as promised by Our Lady. Call Jeanette Coury at 281-914-3676 for more information.

Please subscribe to our parish YouTube


An Act of Spiritual Communion My Jesus, I believe that You are present in the Most Holy Sacrament. I love You above all things, and I desire to receive You into my soul. Since I cannot at this moment receive You sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace You as if You were already there and unite myself wholly to You. Never permit me to be separated from You. Amen.

Saturdays in June the Family Life Ministries through the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston will host virtual healing retreats and reflections: The New Landscape of Mourning for those who have lost a family member or a special person during this time of pandemic. COVID-19 has changed how we attend funerals, and has changed how we mourn our loved ones. This graced filled time will allow us to bring comfort to those who mourn dur-ing this crisis. Virtual Healing Retreat and Re-flection: Saturday mornings at 9:30am: June 13, June 20 and June 27 For more information please visit the Family Life Transitions area at the Office of Family Life Ministry site:


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Have You Moved? Changed your Phone Number or Email Address? If you have it is important to let us know in the parish office. Please call 281-955-7324 to update your information. Thank you!


⇒ Join FLOCKNOTE! Sign-up online or text: STMAXCHURCH TO 84576

⇒ Subscribe to the parish YouTube Channel: ‘SAINT MAXIMILIAN KOLBE CHURCH’

⇒ Facebook: Visit us on Facebook for our Live stream of liturgical events.

⇒ Check our parish website for up-to-date infor-mation.

PARISH FOOD PANTRY— *If you need food assistance PLEASE contact us, we are here to help you! Best contact is via email at:

[email protected] List of current needs: boxed cereals / canned fruit canned chili / dried beans instant mashed potatoes gravy packets jelly / jam paper towels / toilet paper shampoo / deodorant


COVID-19 has been a challenging time for many of us.

HOPELine here to listen and offer hope.

If you are feeling overwhelmed, please call the Hope Disaster Recovery HOPELine at

832-793-8583. Please share this number with others.

Summer begins Saturday, June 20th!

The Catholic Daughters of the Americas, Court 2493 Blessed Mother Immaculata is please to announce the 2020 Father John Francis Ulm Scholarship winners. They are: • - Anna Smith • - Emma Chestnut • - Jessica Henderson Congratulations to each of you! We wish you much success on your future.

Today is Flag Day

Sunday, June 14th!

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We offer our condolences to Richard and Mary Perez at the passing of his sister, Gloria Bolanos. Eternal rest grant unto Gloria O Lord, and let per-petual light shine upon her. May Gloria’s soul, and the souls of all Your faithful departed, by Your loving mercy, rest in peace.

Kolbe Kids’ Early Childhood Program! We will be accepting enrollment appli-cations for the 2020-21 school year. Kolbe Kids’ accepts children 18 months through 4 years old. If you are interested in enrolling your child or taking a tour of our school, please contact Eileen Mace @ 281-970-0979.


KOLBE KIDS 2020-21

VBS has gone VIRTUAL! Volunteers (Youth and Adults) are needed! Invite your friends from anywhere in the country -- July 13-17. Grades -- Preschool to 5th. Rocky Railway, Jesus’ Power Pulls Us Through is the theme for this year. Join in on the FUN!

There is a second collection this weekend for the St. Mary Seminary. Please be generous.


Registration is open for Summer CCE (homeschool for grades 1-8), with Zoom meetings for high school starting July 12th. We will be holding Virtual VBS (Stay-cation Bible School) the week of July 13-17 and will be coordinating with other parishes. We are offering the CLOW (Children’s Liturgy of the Word) ministry at home. You may sign up at


BANNS—Rite of Institution as Candidate for DAVID PERSICH

It is herewith announced that DAVID PERSICH, is a candidate for the order of deacon, Diaco-nate Class 2023. If any persons knows of a se-rious reason why this candidate should not be called to this ministry, please notify:

Deacon George Silva Director of Formation

Office of the Permanent Diaconate Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston

713-686-4345 [email protected]

Please keep DAVID in your prayers as he is in-stituted in to the ministry of candidate.

This announcement is in compliance with Can-on 1051:2 of the Code of Canon Law.

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My help is from the Lord...Psalm 121:2

Online Weekly Offertory Giving As Catholics, we believe that all we have is a gift from God. Our response in faith is to offer these gifts back to God in gratitude. With gifts of prayer, we pray for our nation, Church and

our parishes. With gifts of treasure, we support our parishes even when we cannot be there in

person. Each gift is extremely appreciated and will support our parish bills, outreach efforts, as well as the staff and their families. 3 Ways for you to give to our parish: 1. Online at; You may easily schedule a monthly offertory; or make a one-time donation to St. Maximilian Kolbe Church using Faith Direct; our parish code is TX625. 2. Deliver envelopes with cash or checks to the parish office during office hours. 3. Mail checks (do not mail cash) to the parish office: St. Maximilian Kolbe Catholic Church; 10135 West Road, Houston, TX 77064.

OUR PARISH DEBT Original Loan, October 2010: $5,200,000 Amount to be paid: $138,650.15


BRING YOUR GREATEST GIFTS TO THE LORD DSF 2020 Parish Goal: $138,000.00 Pledged: $ 85,629.28 Paid: $ 66,213.58 Percent Paid: 47.98% Pledged Under Goal: $ 52,370.72 Paid Under Goal: $ 71,786.42 Number of Participants: 282 Average Participant Pledge: $ 303.65 Total Number of Households: 1,995

IGNITE: Our Faith, Our Mission Parish Goal: $1,442,331.00 Pledged: $690,440.00 Paid: $299,217.39 Percent Paid: 20.75% Percent Pledged: 47.87% Pledged Under Goal: $751,891.00 Paid Under Goal: $1,143,113.61 Number of Participants: 213 Total Number of Households: 1,995

Mass Attendance for June 6 and 7, 2020 5pm 123 8am 128 10am 258 Noon 153 Total: 662

Sunday Collection for June 6 & 7, 2020 Offertory: $9,441.00 Debt Reduction: $320.00 St. Vincent de Paul: $20.00 Collection Total is: $9,781.00

That we answer God’s call to build his kingdom on earth and help each other get to Heaven! “Because there is one bread, we who are many are one body, for we all partake of the one bread.” 1 Corinthians 10:17 As disciples of Jesus, we are called to lead ho-ly lives and invite others to join us. Living a stewardship lifestyle, being grateful and gener-ous with our gifts, serves a twofold purpose. One, it helps build God’s kingdom here on earth. Two, it helps us strengthen each other’s relationship with God the Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. It becomes our roadmap to Heav-en. Let’s help each other get there!

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JUNE: Prayer Intention for evangelization—The Way of the Heart We pray that all those who suffer may find their way in life, allowing themselves to be touched by the Heart of Jesus.


Benjamin Bellami, Bill Carew, Michael Cartafalsa, Patricia Carter, Denise Caskey, Patria Cillo, Emilio Chavez-Cody, Kayson Clay, Patricia Crim, Martha Dardnel, Deacon Fred Dinges, Mark Durocher, Jearald Dyer, Bobby Embesi, Aurora Enciso, Karen English, Dora Enriquez, Linda Everest, Jennifer Foty, Missy Fouts, Sheri Friecke, Joseph Gallagher, Carol Ann Geary, Eric Gensch, Richard Geveshausen, Beatriz Gonzales, Kenny Gordon, Adria Gould, Francisco Grados, Ofelia Guevara, Rudy Guevara, Mack Harper, Mitzi Harper, Charles Hebert, Rachel Huebel, Irma Jacinto, Linda Johnson, Monsignor Milam Kleas, Corine Konvicka, Laurine Krejci, Della Kubeskie, Tommy Kubeskie, Mrs. Hoang Le, Neveah Leger, Rachele Marchisio, Ashley

Mueller, Mark Neagli, John Oggero, Father Roy Oggero, Kristen Ornelaz, Richard Ornelaz, Carmen Ortiz, Jerry Pendlum, Vic Pennell, Stan Petty, Drake Pope, Chris Raggio, Oralia Ramirez, Robert Reue, Carol Rodriguez, Kent Rogers, Nelda Ruiz, Alveraize Saizan, Maria Senjudo, Ernest Sepulveda, Doug Shepherd, Tony Sliva, Grace Smith, Lance Smith, Nancy Snyder, Irma Sosa, Marilyn Stocker, Christine Swiech, Ken Switzler, Diana Thomas, Vick Anthony Todaro, Ruth Tolentino, Annette Triska, Father John Ulm, Meghan Urbanski, Janet Vasko, Megan Waggoner, Jerelyn Walker, Linda Webb, and Adam Wendel.

The Chapel Sanctuary Candles and Flowers at the Altar of the Blessed Sacrament for the week of June 15th are in loving memory of Jesse Guevara †

If you would like someone added to our Parish Prayer List, please contact the parish office @ 281-955-7324. Going forward the Prayer List in the bulletin will be reviewed periodically and names on the list over 90 days will be removed unless we receive notification to retain them. May God bless you, protect you and please keep all those on our list in your prayers. Thank you.

FOOD FROM HEAVEN God sustained the people of Israel for forty years in the desert with manna sent down from heaven, and Moses does not want them to forget it. God brought forth water from stone for them to drink, and Moses does not want them to forget this, ei-ther. And Moses tells them—twice—that the food that God sent was a food that neither they nor their ancestors before them had ever experienced be-fore. Jesus too speaks of food come down from heaven, food that the Jewish people had never experi-enced before. Recalling the manna in the desert, Jesus does not want them to forget it either, ex-plaining that he is the food and drink of eternal life. And Paul reiterates to the Corinthians and to all of us that in the bread and in the cup, we share in the body and blood of Christ. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.

Ladies, let your S.O.S. sisters help you find the perfect summer read! Bring your favor-ite faith-focused or inspirational book to the S.O.S. Zoom online meeting this Thurs-day, June 18th at 7pm. We will share page-turners that have influenced us spiritu-ally; taught us valuable lessons; and made us laugh, cry, and say Aha! If you do not have a favorite already, join in the fun to find one. Watch for the S.O.S. Flocknote email that includes the Zoom link, or check out the St. Max S.O.S. or ACTS Facebook pages to access it. Contact Deena Everest at [email protected] or Mayra Wade at [email protected] with questions. See you there!

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ACTS Retreat Ministry Apostolate Alex Garcia (Men’s); [email protected] Josie Arredondo (Women’s); [email protected] Adult Faith Formation Molly Smith, Director of Evangelization & Catechesis [email protected]; (281) 955-7324 x103 Altar Servers Randy Adolph; [email protected] Art & Environment Committee Liz MacFarlane, Coordinator; [email protected] Baptism Preparation Yvette Neider, Baptism Coordinator [email protected] (281) 955-7324 x 111 Boy Scouts Matthew Podraza, Leader [email protected]; (281) 739-9893 Catholic Daughters of the Americas Mary Ann Harvey, Regent; [email protected] Children's Liturgy of Word Molly Smith, Director of Evangelization & Catechesis [email protected]; (281) 955-7324 x103 Choir/Music Ministry Mary Alice Greaney, Music Director [email protected]; (281) 955-7324 x 126 CMG Connect/Safe Environment Beth Jones, Parish Business Manager [email protected] (281) 955-7324 x 104 Couples for Christ Katrina Tulod, Coordinator [email protected]; (713) 240-4799 Devotional Prayer Ministry Barbara Mueller, Coordinator [email protected] (281) 955-8827 ESL Classes Thomas Mace, Facilitator; [email protected]; 281-923-2783 Eucharistic Adoration Ministry Susie Charnock, Coordinator [email protected] (281) 813-1492 Fall Festival Joy & John Onorato, Coordinators [email protected]; (713) 856-9609 Fellowship Ministry Ellen Mayer, Coordinator [email protected]; (281) 772-3386 Finance Council Wilfred Krenek, Facilitator; [email protected]; (713) 466-0878 Food Pantry/Social Concerns Barbara Dillon Coordinator; [email protected] Dorothy Geveshausen, Manager; [email protected] Greeters/Liturgical Patty Hayes, Coordinator, [email protected] (832) 477-7729 Grief Ministry Louise Widacki; [email protected]; (281) 970-2770 Helping Hands Ministry (Funeral Receptions) Anna Cordona; Parish Office (281) 955-7324 Knights of Columbus Michael Gallagher, Grand Knight [email protected]; (832) 545-7878 Kolbe Kids Early Childhood Program; (281) 970-1979 Eileen Mace, Director; [email protected] Kolbe Seniors [50 +] Becky Keels, Coordinator; [email protected]

Legion of Mary Dan Gallagher, Coordinator; [email protected] Liturgy Dana Henkel, Parish Stewardship Director [email protected] (281) 955-7324 x 117 Marriage Preparation/Wedding Coordinators Parish Office; (281) 955-7324 Office Volunteers Ministry Phyllis Schoelman, Parish Secretary; [email protected]; (281) 955-7324 x100 Parish Library Gayle Shearer, Coordinator; [email protected] Parish Ministries/Stewardship Dana Henkel, Parish Stewardship Director; (281) 955-7324 Parish Missions Father John Kha Tran, Pastor [email protected] (281) 955-7324 x 101 Parish Nursery Open to families during 10 a.m. & 12 p.m. Mass Dana Henkel, Parish Stewardship Director Parish Social Outreach Ministry Dana Henkel, Parish Stewardship Director; (281 955-7324 Pastoral Care Sr. Vinflora Onije; [email protected] (281) 955-7324 x 129 Pastoral Council Mitch Reece, Facilitator; [email protected] Prayer Blanket Ministry Elsa Garcia, Coordinator; [email protected] Prison Retreats Patty Hayes, Coordinator [email protected] (832) 477-7729 Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults Deacon Matt Rust, [email protected] Red Cross-Disaster Relief Ministry Deacon Dennis Hayes, Coordinator [email protected] (713) 591-0217 Respect Life Ministry Karen Comstock, Coordinator; [email protected] Rosary Making Ministry Barbara Sextro; [email protected] Sponsor Couple Ministry Phyllis Schoelman; [email protected] (281) 955-7324 x100 That Man Is You Ministry (TMIY) Tom Comstock, Co-Coordinator [email protected] (281) 380-0403 Ushers/Liturgy Jude Wiggins, Coordinator; [email protected] Vocations Committee David Everest; [email protected] We Are The Church Retreat [W.A.T.Ch.] Deacon Dennis Hayes; [email protected] Deacon Steve Klak; [email protected] Young Adult Ministry Francis Bailey, Facilitator [email protected] Youth Faith Formation Molly Smith, Director of Evangelization & Catechesis [email protected]; (281) 955-7324 x103 Youth Ministry Jenn Henkel, Youth Ministry Director [email protected]; (281) 955-7324 x 108


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Please only print 600

copies of

the June 14, 2020

Bulletin For

St. Maximilian #515265

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