anna by julia crane (sneak peek)

Anna by Julia Crane CHAPTER ONE There is a part of me that no one ever sees. I hide behind a mask of heavy make-up and ever-changing hair and clothing. I try to reinvent myself. It doesn't work. There are times when I am bone-crushingly sad. I just want to curl into a ball and hide from the rest of the world. But, I plaster on a smile and play the game for my family and friends. They call me a free spirit. I wish I were free. I feel like I am imprisoned by my own mind. Anna closed the book and leaned back on her fluffy pillow, the words she had written still swirling around inside her. Sometimes when she put to paper her feelings, it helped. Most days, it didn't. Sighing, Anna lifted the heavy plum-colored comforter that covered her bed to tuck her Book of Shadows under the mattress. Hiding the book put her mind at ease. Even though she lived alone—and could theoretically leave the book anywhere—it was a

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Page 1: Anna by Julia Crane (Sneak Peek)

Anna by Julia Crane


There is a part of me that no one ever sees.

I hide behind a mask of heavy make-up and ever-changing

hair and clothing. I try to reinvent myself. It doesn't work.

There are times when I am bone-crushingly sad. I just want to

curl into a ball and hide from the rest of the world. But, I

plaster on a smile and play the game for my family and friends.

They call me a free spirit.

I wish I were free. I feel like I am imprisoned by my own


Anna closed the book and leaned back on her fluffy pillow,

the words she had written still swirling around inside her.

Sometimes when she put to paper her feelings, it helped. Most

days, it didn't.

Sighing, Anna lifted the heavy plum-colored comforter that

covered her bed to tuck her Book of Shadows under the mattress.

Hiding the book put her mind at ease. Even though she lived

alone—and could theoretically leave the book anywhere—it was a

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hard habit to break. Privacy was something she guarded at all


From the moment Anna began studying witchcraft, she had

settled into a routine of writing in her BOS first thing every

morning. She had once read that a person was at their most

creative when they were closest to the dream state. The mornings

were reserved for her personal feelings, in the expectation that

her emotions needed decompression time. She saved witchy things

for when she wrote later in the day.

Sunlight streamed through the crack in the curtains, and

birds were singing outside the window. Her little apartment was

quiet and secluded, and it gave her a sense of serenity.

Do I really want to go to class today? There was no one

around to force her to go—like her mother had when Anna was in

high school. She was completely on her own, which was as equally

terrifying as it was exciting. Anna stared at the ceiling and

thought of all the ways she could spend her day that did not

include going to school. A trip to the art museum...a walk to

the pool...a lazy day with a book in the park...

Eventually, her conscience talked her out of skipping

school. With one last sigh, she swung her long legs off the bed

and stumbled into the bathroom.

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Anna didn't bother to glance in the mirror—she knew she

looked like crap. Instead, she turned on the water as hot as it

would go, shed her pajamas, and climbed into the shower.

As the hot water pelted her skin, Anna tilted her head

upwards. She lifted her hands to the ceiling and envisioned a

white light that poured down from above. The light spread over

her body, from fingertips to toes, and she chanted:

In this morning hour

I call upon the ancient power

I ask the goddess to clean my soul

Help me to feel whole

She repeated the chant three times, and then closed it

with, "So mote it be."

Anna smiled as the energy radiated throughout her body. She

breathed deeply, enjoying the sensation—like a thousand tiny

pinpricks that made her blood flow faster. Between the water and

the energy, she was once again clean. The negativity had washed

away, leaving her with a feeling of peace with which to start

her day.

Anna wrapped a fluffy maroon towel around her torso and

tucked the edge under an arm to hold it up. Her shoulders

relaxed as she left her small bathroom and crossed the tiny

hallway to re-enter the bedroom.

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She loved her bedroom. The light-colored wood floors and

pale yellow walls reflected the daylight that spilled through

the large bay window so that the room was always bright. The

space heater sitting on the hardwood floor by her bed had kept

the room warm so that even her bare feet weren't cold.

It was the silence of her apartment that made her happy,

and not for the first time, Anna felt so blessed to be living on

her own. Between the peace and the ambient light, she felt


She found that she was finally excited about the day—first

day back after winter break. It still amazed her that she was

able to go to school for something she loved—digital arts. As

she dried off, she vowed to shake the negative attitude—there

was too much to be thankful for in life to go through it

consistently pessimistic.

She rummaged through the cubby hole that qualified as a

closet. She got most of her clothes at Goodwill or the Salvation

Army, so her collection was more eclectic than the average

wardrobe. Anna frowned, touching the sleeve of a bright pink

top. "I have no idea what to wear," she murmured.

Nothing in the closet jumped out at her. At times like

this, Anna wished her childhood best friends Keegan and Lauren

were around because they always knew what to wear and when. Anna

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just threw anything together and hoped it looked terrific. She

smiled fondly at the thought of the two of them; not many people

could say they were best friends with an elf and a fairy.

Anna pulled a short, floral dress with a flowing skirt over

her head and looked in the mirror. It's missing something... She

pushed the hangers aside one-by-one until she found what she was

looking for—a black vest with round, silver buttons. Grey tights

from her chest of drawers finished the ensemble.

She stood before her dresser mirror and nodded at her

reflection. Much better.

Anna glanced at the clock; she had twenty minutes before

she needed to leave. She sat at her vanity and carefully applied

her make-up. Instead of dealing with her hair—or even brushing

it—she pulled on a velvet fedora hat. Slipping her feet into

black flats decorated with silver studs, Anna grabbed her bag

and flew out the door.

The Art Institute of Seattle was humongous. It sprawled

over several city blocks as a lush, green oasis of park land

dotted with modern stone and glass buildings. The beauty of the

campus had been one of the selling points to Anna—she envisioned

herself lounging on one of the many stone tables, her laptop

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open to her favorite image manipulation program and a travel mug

of coffee at her side.

She rushed forward, trying not to stare in awe at

everything and everyone. She'd spent an entire semester at the

Art Institute, but each day it seemed to be even better than the

day before. The other students all looked so hip, so much older

than she was as they loitered on campus in their raggedy Chuck

Taylors and chunky jewelry, sipping hot Chai tea lattes. Anna

looked down at her clothes with an inward groan. I look stupid!

What are people going to think of me?

Panic rose in her chest. What had she been thinking, moving

halfway across the country? She didn't fit in with these people!

There was no way she could make it... With a sigh, Anna lifted

her hat and smoothed her pixie-cut hair down before returning

it. She often got these sudden, fleeting doubts, but thankfully

they didn't last long.

Focus, Anna, or you're going to be late for class.

Looking at the map again, she groaned. Even after all this

time, she still needed a map to find her way around for the

first day of the semester. Of course, the English department was

on the other side of the campus. She hurried in the general

direction of the building, rushing past black-clothed students

who stared blankly at Anna as she flew by. If I didn't feel

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awkward before, I do now, she thought, trying to not let it

bother her.

When she reached her classroom, the door was shut. There

was a sign posted that read: Do not disturb. Lateness is not


Anna fought the urge to scream.

With an hour till her next class, she decided to head

across campus so she would be early. She couldn't afford to miss

another class. What a way to start the new year.

Anna took her time on the walk. There weren't many students

around; early morning classes had started. She passed a small,

glass-fronted building with a bright sign that said,"Best

Coffee" and stopped in her tracks. She swiveled on the balls of

her feet and took off towards the coffee shop. A good latte

could salvage the poor start to her day.

It was a hole-in-the-wall, but it smelled incredible. The

lights were dim and the floors and walls darkly-colored,

speckled with overstuffed armchairs and giant, flat pillows on

the floor. The effect was that of a comfortable, old bookstore.

This would be an excellent place to bring the laptop and work,

Anna thought happily.

"What can I get ya?" The girl behind the counter had

stringy, light brown hair and huge, green eyes. The bright red

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apron she wore over her dark tank top was enormous on her thin

frame. She waited for Anna's order, popping her gum.

Anna eyed the chalkboard menu behind the counter. Every

possible incarnation of mixed coffee drink—iced, frozen, or hot—

was listed in blocky handwriting. "A caramel latte, please."

"Good choice. It's my favorite." The girl flashed a quick

smile; it totally transformed her round face into something

beautiful. Her name tag read Morgan. "That's four-fifty."

As she waited on the barista to make the drink, Anna

browsed the bagged coffee and eco-friendly travel mugs on the

store's scuffed, wooden shelves. After a few moments, she

noticed someone watching her from the corner of her eye.

She glanced at the two-seater table in the corner and found

a long-limbed guy with dark, shaggy hair staring right at her.

His faded blue jeans had holes in the knees and a black leather

jacket hung on the back of his chair, along with a khaki-colored

satchel covered in paint splotches. He leaned back in his seat,

crossed his tanned arms over the front of his white T-shirt, and


Anna's heart fluttered. Is he really looking at me?

The guy cocked his head back as if indicating for her to

come over, and Anna's hand shot up to her chest to point at

herself as she mouthed, Me?

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He nodded.

Anna sidled up to his table, brushing her purple bangs back

beneath her fedora nervously. "Hey."

"Hey. I've never seen you before. New?" His voice was like

warm molasses, and his almost-black eyes seemed to see right

through her. He sat forward and rested his elbows on the table,

waiting expectantly for her answer.

"Um, yeah. I'm a freshman. From Tennessee." Ugh, could I

sound like more of a loser?

"Cool. I thought I recognized a fellow southerner." He

touched Anna's hand, and she melted. "I'm from Georgia."

"Right next door," Anna joked, and managed a faint,

slightly-nauseated smile. He was much too hot to want anything

to do with her.

"Why don't you sit down?" He nodded towards the chair

across the table.

Anna pulled on the hem of her dress, absently pressing the

material down against her legs. She couldn't believe this was

happening. "Umm, okay. Let me grab my drink first." 

She turned her back on him and hurried to the bar.

Morgan slid the paper cup across the surface with a knowing

grin and a wink. "Enjoy."

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Anna's hand shook slightly as she set her coffee on the

table and pulled the chair out to sit. To say that she

didn't have much experience with guys was an understatement.

Hoping she didn't sound like a complete idiot, she asked, "What

brings you to Seattle from Georgia?" 

"I'm sure the same thing that brought you." His grin was a

charming, crooked slash. "The rain."

Anna stared at him dumbly. The rain?

He laughed. "Just kidding. The art school, of course. What

are you studying? And what's your name by the way?"

Anna giggled—more nervous than amused—and immediately hated

herself for it. "Oh, yeah names would be nice. I'm Anna and



"Justin. I like that." Anna felt the flush in her cheeks,

but hoped he didn't notice. She met his inky eyes. "I'm not a

hundred percent sure what I want to be when I grow up, but I'm

majoring in digital media for now. How about you?"

"Digital is really what art is these days. I'm stuck in the

past and still use a paint brush. I like to get my hands dirty."

He gave her a small sly smile, and her pulse rate increased. 

They talked for about twenty minutes, sharing stories about

classes and teachers, favorite hangouts and stores, until they

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were interrupted by the chime of the front door bell. A stunning

girl with long, black curls, pale skin, and an hourglass figure

came through the door. She wore a micro-mini over pale grey

leggings and a chic, baggy red sweater. Anna suddenly felt plain

and ugly. The girl tapped over the floor in her spiky, knee-high

boots and straight to their table.

Her smile lit up the room. "Justin," she said, her tones

sultry and smooth. "I've been looking for you." 

Justin nodded at her over his cup. "Just grabbing some

coffee. This is Anna, she's new here." 

The girl held out her long slim hand. Her fingernails were

perfectly shaped claws. "Nice to meet you, Anna."

Anna tried to smile back as she shook the girl's limp hand,

but it probably looked forced.

What happened next shouldn't have come as a surprise. 

Justin slipped his arm around the girl's tiny waist and

said, "Anna, this is Tessa, my girlfriend." 

Anna's heart dropped. Of course he had a drop-dead gorgeous

girlfriend. He was just being nice to her because she was new.

How could I have been so stupid as to think he could be

interested in me? 

Anna glanced down at her watch but didn't see the time at

all. "I have to run. My class will start soon, and I missed the

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last one. It was nice meeting you two." She slung her bag over

her shoulder, grabbed her cup, and rushed out of the building.

She was so humiliated.