animals - Животные


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Page 2: Animals - Животные

What is an animal?It's a simple enough question, but the answer requires an understanding of some of the more obscure characteristics of organisms—characteristics such as multicellularity, heterotrophy, diploidy, and eukaryotic cells.

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What is an animal?Although it's easy to say, for instance, that a giraffe, a whale, or a dog is an animal, it's more challenging to explain precisely why they are animals.

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What is an animal?We'll explore the basic characteristics that are shared by all animals – from snails and zebras, to mongooses and sea stars. These characteristics help us to declare that, for example, sea anemones areanimals, not plants (even though sea anemones superficially resemble flowers).

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Key Characteristics1. All animals are multicellular, which means that their bodies are made up of multiple cells.

2. In most animals, cells are organized into different tissues that perform different functions.

3. All animals are eukaryotes which means they are made up of complex cell that have membrane-bound nuclei and organelles.

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Key Characteristics4. Most animals undergo sexual reproduction.

5. Most animals are capable of movement.

6. Most animals are diploid.

7. All animals are heterotrophs which means they ingest plants and other organisms as a way to get their carbon the energy they need to live.

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About AnimalsAnimals (Metazoa) are a group of living organisms that include more than one million identified species and many millions more that have yet to be named.

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About AnimalsScientists estimate that the number of all animal species – those that have been named and those that have yet to be discovered – is somewhere between 3 and 30 million species.

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About AnimalsAnimals: estimated 3-30 million species||--Invertebrates:  97% of all known species|   `--+--Sponges:  10,000 species|        |--Cnidarians:  8,000-9,000 species|        |--Molluscs:  100,000 species|        |--Platyhelminths:        13,000 species|        |--Nematodes:               20,000+ species|        |--Echinoderms:            6,000 species|        |--Annelida:     12,000 species|        `--Arthropods|            `--+--Crustaceans:  40,000 species|                 |--Insects:  1-30 million+ species|                 `--Arachnids:  75,500 species|`--Vertebrates:  3% of all known species     `--+--Reptiles:  7,984 species          |--Amphibians: 5,400 species          |--Birds:  9,000-10,000 species          |--Mammals:  4,475-5,000 species          `--Ray-Finned Fishes:  23,500 species

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The Basic Animal Groups

Invertebrates Reptiles

Fishes Mammals

Amphibians Birds

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About AnimalsAnimals range in size from microscopic animals known as plankton to the massive blue whale.

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About AnimalsAnimals inhabit virtually every habitat on the planet – from the poles to the tropics and from the tops of mountain tops to the deep dark waters of the open ocean.

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