anatomy finals review semester 1 sfhs a&p 2011-12 0

Anatomy Finals Review Semester 1 SFHS A&P 2011-12 1

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Page 1: Anatomy Finals Review Semester 1 SFHS A&P 2011-12 0


Anatomy Finals ReviewSemester 1

SFHS A&P 2011-12

Page 2: Anatomy Finals Review Semester 1 SFHS A&P 2011-12 0

Question Number .2

Anatomy is the study of _____, while physiology is the study of ______.

a) Life; cellsb) Life; tissuesc) Function; structured) Structure; function

Page 3: Anatomy Finals Review Semester 1 SFHS A&P 2011-12 0

Question Number .3

If a person is injured in their thoracic region, this would be near their…

A. ArmsB. HeadC. AbdomenD. Chest

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Question Number .4

The transverse plane divides the body…

A. Into left and right B. Into top and bottomC. Into anterior and posteriorD. Into medial and lateral

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Question Number .5

The cell organelle that performs cellular respiration to make ATP is the

A. NucleusB. Endoplasmic ReticulumC. MitochondriaD. Golgi apparatus

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Question Number .6

The cell membrane is made up of aA. Phospholipid bilayerB. Semipermeable protein coatC. Phospholipid unilayerD. Osmotic barrier

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Question Number .7

The type of cell membrane transport that does not require energy is

A. Protein PumpB. EndocytosisC. ExocytosisD. Diffusion

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Question Number .8

The type of tissue found lining the respiratory and digestive tracts would be

A. Epithelial B. ConnectiveC. MuscularD. Nervous

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Question Number .9

The type of tissue found in cartilage, ligaments, and tendons would beA. Epithelial B. ConnectiveC. MuscularD. Nervous

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Question Number .10

The type of tissue found in fat, blood, and bones would beA. Epithelial B. ConnectiveC. MuscularD. Nervous

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Question Number .11

The type of tissue that contracts voluntarily would beA. Smooth muscleB. Cardiac muscleC. Skeletal muscleD. Epithelial tissue

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Question Number .12

What is the most superior layer of the skin?A. EpidermisB. DermisC. HypodermisD. Endodermis

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Question Number .13

Which structure in the skin secretes oil?A. Hair follicleB. Sweat glandC. Sebaceous glandD. Arrector pili

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Question Number .14

What is the most dangerous type of skin cancer?A. Squamous cell carcinomaB. Basal cell carcinomaC. MelanomaD. Non-melanoma

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Question Number .15

What is the longest, strongest bone in the body?A. FemurB. PatellaC. CraniumD. Coccyx

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Question Number .16

The ends of long bones are known asA. Medullary cavitiesB. Epiphyseal platesC. DiaphysesD. Epiphyses

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Question Number .17

The connective tissue covering surrounding the diaphysis of long bones is called theA. Medullary cavityB. Yellow marrowC. Articular cartilageD. Periosteum

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Question Number .18

When a bone is fractured, which cell makes new bone tissue?A. OsteonB. OsteocyteC. OsteoclastD. Osteoblast

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Question Number .19

A disease which lessens the bone density and makes bones brittle isA. MelanomaB. Rheumatoid arthritisC. OsteoarthritisD. Osteoporosis

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Question Number .20

Ligaments connectA. Bone to muscleB. Bone to boneC. Connective tissue to boneD. Muscle to muscle

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Question Number .21

Sliding filament theory states that ____ is needed for muscle to contractA. CalciumB. ActinC. ATPD. All of these

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Question Number .22

Which process produces the most ATP energy for muscle contraction?A. Creatin phosphateB. Anaerobic respirationC. Aerobic respirationD. Fermentation

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Question Number .23

Which ion is released from the sarcoplasmic reticulum to start contraction?

A. CalciumB. SodiumC. PotassiumD. ATP

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Question Number .24

The end of the muscle attached to a non-moving bone is called theA. OriginB. InsertionC. DeletionD. Tendon

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Question Number .25

Which muscle structure is the smallest?A. FascicleB. Muscle fiberC. SarcomereD. Actin

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Question Number .26

Flexors muscle cause joints toA. StraightenB. BendC. TetanyD. Atrophy

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1. D 2. D 3. B 4. C 5. A 6. D 7. E 8. B 9. B 10. C

11. A 12. C 13. C 14. A 15. D 16. D 17. D 18. D 19. B 20. D

21. C 22. A 23. A 24. D 25. B