analytical exposition miko maheswara

UNIT 1 Analytical Exposition Task 1. Answer the following questions ! 1. Do y ou have ani mal s at ho me? What a re t hey ? 2. Do y ou th ink the y ar e pe t or cat tle ? 3. Wha t do peopl e usuall y use the c att le for? Task 2. Look at the pictures an nae each of the! 1. …………. 2………….. 3……….. Task "# $ea the following sentences an ientify the nouns! 1. Some f armers have beef cat tl e 2. Do y ou think a cow is a kind of cat tle ? 3. he woman milks the c ow o nce a week !. " lio n is the kin # of the $un#le %. he chi ldr en a lwa ys l ove r abbi ts Task %# $ea the following text an answer the questions that follow! &attle play a ma$or role in modern society. 'roadly speakin#( there are four ma$or cate#ories for the use of cattle) food( work( commercial products and sports. *ver fifty  percent of the meat we eat is beef or veal( and more than ninety+five percent of the world,s milk supply is from cattle. -n developin# countries like thiopia( cattle play a role in a#riculture by pullin# plows and cart s. -n cou nt ri es li ke Sudan and &had( catt le ar e of te n used as a pack animal. "dditionally( many commercial products are derived from cattle. /lue for instance( is made from their bones( leather #oods such as ba#s and shoes( from their hides. &ertain type of carpets and blankets( and even brushes are made from cow hair. -f that is not enou#h( one popular spectator sport in *klahoma in the 0nited States is the rodeo( where cattle play an important role. -n Spain and eico( their task is #ruelin# as they provide entertainment for the bullfi#hter.

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8/18/2019 Analytical Exposition Miko Maheswara 1/11


Analytical Exposition

Task 1. Answer the following questions !

1. Do you have animals at home? What are they?

2. Do you think they are pet or cattle?3. What do people usually use the cattle for?

Task 2. Look at the pictures an nae each of the!

1. …………. 2………….. 3………..

Task "# $ea the following sentences an ientify the nouns!

1. Some farmers have beef cattle

2. Do you think a cow is a kind of cattle?3. he woman milks the cow once a week 

!. " lion is the kin# of the $un#le

%. he children always love rabbits

Task %# $ea the following text an answer the questions that follow!

&attle play a ma$or role in modern society. 'roadly speakin#( there are four ma$or 

cate#ories for the use of cattle) food( work( commercial products and sports. *ver fifty

 percent of the meat we eat is beef or veal( and more than ninety+five percent of the world,smilk supply is from cattle.

-n developin# countries like thiopia( cattle play a role in a#riculture by pullin# plowsand carts. -n countries like Sudan and &had( cattle are often used as a pack animal.

"dditionally( many commercial products are derived from cattle. /lue for instance( is madefrom their bones( leather #oods such as ba#s and shoes( from their hides. &ertain type of 

carpets and blankets( and even brushes are made from cow hair.

-f that is not enou#h( one popular spectator sport in *klahoma in the 0nited States isthe rodeo( where cattle play an important role. -n Spain and eico( their task is #ruelin# as

they provide entertainment for the bullfi#hter.

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We can conclude that cattle are obviously useful in modern life.

1. What is this article about?2. What are the uses of cattle in thiopia and Sudan?

3. -s there another use of cattle? What is it?

!. &attle are also used in sport. /ive an eample%. What is the purpose of the tet?

Task &# 'oplete the following ta(le a(out the uses of cattle (ase on the text you ha)e

hear! *ne of the has (een one for you#

No Ethiopia +uan 'ha *klahoa +pain an


1. Pack animal

Task -# .ase on the propt a(o)e/ construct its oral text in pair! No 2 has (een one

for you#

1. hesis

2. "r#ument 1 In countries like Sudan and Chad, cattle are

often used as a pack animal.

3. "r#ument 2

!. 4eiteration

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3. What mi#ht cause air pollution in your environment?

Task # 3ill in the following sentences with the wors a)aila(le in the (ox!

harmful &orrode emit decompose

dump -nsulator  

1. "cid can ……… most metals.

2. Doctors have warned a#ainst the ………..effects of smokin#.

3. 'arry had to drive si miles $ust to …….her #arden waste.

!. aterials that do not conduct heat well are called ………%. "n avera#e car …………..five lun#ful of poisonous carbon monoide #as per mile

5. " dead fish in the a6uarium will …………..rapidly

Task 14# $ea the text carefully an answer the questions that follow!

"ir pollution is one of the harmful  substances that cause dama#e to the environment(human health( and 6uality of life.

-t makes people sick like havin# breathin# problems and cancers. -t also harms

 plants( animals( and ecosystems in which they live. Some air pollutants return to earth in theform of acid rain and snow 7 which corrode  statues and buildin#s 7 dama#e crops and

forests( make lakes and streams unsuitable for fish and other plant and animal life.

8ollution is chan#in# earth,s atmosphere so that it lets in more harmful radiation

from the sun. "t the same time( our polluted atmosphere is becomin# a better insulator, preventin# heat from escapin# back into space and headin# to rise in #lobal avera#e

temperature. Scientists predict that the temperature increase called ( #lobal warmin#( willaffect world supply( chan#e sea level( make weather more etreme( and increase the spreadtropical disease.

ost air pollution comes from one human activity) burnin# fossil fuels + natural #as(

coal and oil 7 to power industrial processes and motor vehicles."mon# the harmful chemical compounds put into the atmosphere are carbon

dioide( carbon monoide( nitro#enoides( sulfur dioide and tiny solid particle( called

 particulates. 'etween 19:: and 19;:( motor vehicle use epanded rapidly( and emissions of 

nitro#en oides increased 59: percent. When fuels are incompletely burned( variouschemicals called volatile or#anic chemical <=*&s> also enter the air. 8ollutants also come

from other sources. or instance( decomposing  #arba#e in landfills and solid waste disposal

sites emits methane #as and many products #ive off =*&s.Some of these pollutants also come from natural sources. or eample( forest fires

emit particulates and =*&s into the atmosphere. =olcanoes  spew out sulfur dioide and

lar#e amount of lava rock called volcanic ash. " bi# volcanic eruption can darken the skyand affect the earth,s atmosphere. he 1991 eruption of ount 8inatubo in the 8hilippines(

for eample( dumped   enou#h volcanic ash into the upper atmosphere to lower #lobal

temperatures for the net two years. 0nlike pollutants from human activity however( natural

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 pollutants tend to remain in the atmosphere for a short time and do not lead to permanent

atmosphere chan#e

1. What is the best title of the tet above?

2. What is the main idea of the tet?

3. What does the word “It” ” in “It makes people sick@ <para#raph 2> refer to?!. What is the writer,s position on the tet?

%. ind an ar#ument that supports the writer,s position

5. What kind of tet is it?

Task 11#

Aet,s take a look a#ain at another followin# eample of analytical eposition in a form of

interview. -n #roup( write the interview into this tet or#aniBation

-nterviewer ) Cey #uys ice to see you a#ain. Welcome back a#ain in the EFoun#

Aearners@ pro#ramme. his time -,d like to interview a hi#h school

student named( elisa./ood mornin# elisa.

elisa ) /ood mornin#. ice to see you-nterviewer ) Well #uys. -n this occasion we,d talk about an interestin# topic. /uess

what it is….uhh……it is C*W*4G.

*key. elisa. Do your teachers always #ive you homework to do athome?

elisa ) ost of the time

-nterviewer ) Cm……really? "nd what do you feel about that? -s it effective or 

ineffective?elisa ) Well( - think that homework is ineffective in developin# student,s skill

-nterviewer ) *h..that surprises me. ell me about that

elisa ) Well( firstly homework is a burden( because you are $ust forced to dotasks that you already know how to do.

-nterviewer ) ow( that,s an interestin# point. "nd then?

elisa ) Cmm….secondly ( homework is ineffective because the task you doseems like memoriBin#. ost of the tasks you must do have already

 been known and therefore you don,t discover anythin#

-nterviewer ) "ha…… there any other reason?

elisa ) Fes( another way in which homework is ineffective is because whenmost kids come home from school they,re usually tired from all the

work that they have done durin# the day.

-nterviewer ) hose are #ood reasons( elisa. So what is your conclusion then?elisa ) y conclusion is that homework is ineffective and is not the best way

to develop student,s skills.

-nterviewer ) Well( thank you elisa. See you.elisa ) See you #uys.


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"r#ument <1>

"r#ument <2>

"r#ument <3>


Task 12#Now ake your own analytical text# These are aitional persuasion topics

that you ay consier to write

1. Fou persuade the readers that a person should not be allowed to have a hand #un

unless he is a law+enforcement a#ent.

2. Fou persuade your friends not to activate their mobile phones durin# the class.3. Fou persuade the society to be in line with anti porno#raphy code.

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I# Listen to the following text an coplete the (lank spaces!

'ars +houl .e .anne in 'ities

&ars should be banned in the city. "s we all<1> . . . cars<2> . . . pollution( and <3> . . . alot of road <!> . . . and other accidents.

irstly( cars( as we all know( <%> . . . to most of the pollution in the world. &ars <5> . . .

a deadly #as that cause illness such as <;> . . . ( lun# cancers and tri##ers of <H> . . . . Some

of these illness are so bad that people can <9> . . . from them.

<1:> . . . ( the city is very busy. <11> . . . wander everywhere and cars commonly hit pedestrians in the city( which causes them to die. &ars today are <12> . . . roads bi##est <13> .

. . .hirdly( cars are very noisy. -f you live in the city( you may find it is <1!> . . . to sleep

at ni#ht( or <1%> . . . your homework( and especially talk to someone.

-n<15> . . . cars should be banned from the city far the reasons listed <1;> . . . .


ell why cars should be banned in your city


4ead the tet carefully and answer the 6uestions that follow

"ir pollution is one of the harmful  substances that cause dama#e to the environment(human health( and 6uality of life.

-t makes people sick like havin# breathin# problems and cancers. -t also harms

 plants( animals( and ecosystems in which they live. Some air pollutants return to earth in theform of acid rain and snow 7 which corrode  statues and buildin#s 7 dama#e crops and

forests( make lakes and streams unsuitable for fish and other plant and animal life.

8ollution is chan#in# earth,s atmosphere so that it lets in more harmful radiationfrom the sun. "t the same time( our polluted atmosphere is becomin# a better insulator,

 preventin# heat from escapin# back into space and headin# to rise in #lobal avera#e

temperature. Scientists predict that the temperature increase called ( #lobal warmin#( will

affect world supply( chan#e sea level( make weather more etreme( and increase the spreadtropical disease.

ost air pollution comes from one human activity) burnin# fossil fuels + natural #as(

coal and oil 7 to power industrial processes and motor vehicles.

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"mon# the harmful chemical compounds put into the atmosphere are carbon

dioide( carbon monoide( nitro#en oides( sulfur dioide and tiny solid particle( called

 particulates. 'etween 19:: and 19;:( motor vehicle use epanded rapidly( and emissions of nitro#en oides increased 59: percent. When fuels are incompletely burned( various

chemicals called volatile or#anic chemical <=*&s> also enter the air. 8ollutants also come

from other sources. or instance( decomposing  #arba#e in landfills and solid waste disposalsites emits methane #as and many products #ive off =*&s.

Some of these pollutants also come from natural sources. or eample( forest fires

emit particulates and =*&s into the atmosphere. =olcanoes  spew out sulfur dioide andlar#e amount of lava rock called volcanic ash. " bi# volcanic eruption can darken the sky

and affect the earth,s atmosphere. he 1991 eruption of ount 8inatubo in the 8hilippines(

for eample( dumped   enou#h volcanic ash into the upper atmosphere to lower #lobal

temperatures for the net two years. 0nlike pollutants from human activity however( natural pollutants tend to remain in the atmosphere for a short time and do not lead to permanent

atmosphere chan#e

1. What does the tet tell you about?2. What is the topic sentence of the first para#raph?

3. What does the word Iit’ in “it lets in more harmful radiation from the sun@ refer to?!. What is purpose of the tet?

%. "fter readin# the tet( what is your conclusion?


Write an analytical eposition based on the topic below

• 4ubbish is a serious problem to our city.

 Note) consider the #eneric structure on your composition

en#etahuiGepala S" % Surabaya 8en#a$ar  

C$. Sri Widiati( S.8d.( . Dra. Sri Wach$u mbun Waty( .pd

  8embina tin#kat - 8embina -8. 195211:919H%122::% -8. 195::!2:19H%:32::!

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;en<ang =eniikan 7 +,A NE5E$I & +U$A.A8A

,ata =ela<aran 7 .ahasa Ingggris

>elas ? +eester 7 9I ? 2

5enre? Teks 7 Analytical Exposition

Tahun =ela<aran 7 241&?241-

*leh 7

  @ra# +ri :ach<u E(un :aty/ ,#=#

"nswer the followin# 6uestions based on the tet.


J 1.

" laptop is a kind of computer unit which has the same function as a 8& <personal

computer>( but it is smaller( li#hter and of different siBes. owadays( most people choosesource of electric ener#y. So if we prefer usin# a laptop( it means that we support the#overnment pro#ram to save ener#y.

hat,s why a laptop has become very popular recently.laptop for several reasons.

" laptop is a portable device. his portability is very helpful for our work( study andother activities. We do not need complicated cable installations to activate a laptop( and with

a laptop( we can do our work anytime (anywhere.

oreover( a laptop allows us to acces the internet in public places which provide freeaccess called hot spot areas. Some people like to use this facility to carry out their tasks.

inally( a laptop consumes ener#y more efficiently than a 8& does. his device uses

a rechar#eable battery as a source of electric ener#y. So if we prefer usin# a laptop( it means

that we support the #overnment pro#ram to save ener#y.hat,s why a laptop has become very popular recently.

1. " public place where we can have free access to the internet is aKan . . . .

". ree access'. Cot spot

8/18/2019 Analytical Exposition Miko Maheswara 10/11

&. -nternet installation

D. Aaptop facility

. Cot spot area

3. " laptop has become very popular because . . . .

". it is portable

'. it allows us to access internet

&. it #ives several benefits to the user D. it does not need complicated cable installaons

. we can do our work with it anytime anywhere

3. rom the tet we know that . . . .". " laptop is usually more epensive than a 8&

'. ore people like a laptop better than 8&

&. ore people like a 8& better than a laptop

D. or a mobile person a laptop is more handy than a 8&. " laptop is more sophisticated and useful than a 8&

!. So if we prefer usin# a laptop( it means that we support the #overnment pro#ram to

save ener#y.

he underlined word has the same meanin# as . . . .". like very much

'. like best

&. like better 

D. like than. like so much


%. he purpose of the writer to write the tet is . . . .". to persuade the reader that there is a problem

'. to show that the problem is very important

&. to analyse the problem of the use of the computer D. to eplain about the problem of laptop

. to let the reader solve the problem themselves


J 2.

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