analysis of westside retail store

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  • 8/19/2019 analysis of westside retail store



    Established in 1998 as part of the Tata Group, Trent Ltd. operates Westside, one of 

    India's largest and fastest growing chains of retail stores. The Westside stores hae

    nu!erous depart!ents to !eet the aried shopping needs of custo!ers. These include

    "enswear, Wo!en#s wear, $id#s wear, %ootwear, &os!etics, erfu!es and (andbags,

    (ousehold )ccessories, lingerie, and Gifts. The co!pan* has alread* established +

    Westside depart!ental stores -!easuring 1,///0+/,/// suare feet each2 in

    )h!edabad, 3angalore, &hennai, 4elhi, Gurgaon, Gha5iabad 6 7oida -to beconsidered as 1 cit*2, (*derabad, Indore, aipur, $olata, Ludhiana, Lucnow,

    "u!bai, "*sore, 7agpur, une, :a;ot, pand rapidl* with si!ilar for!at stores that offer a fine balance between

    st*le and price retailing.

    Trent entured into the h*per!aret business in ?//@ with e!plif*ing

    its A&hota 3udget, La!bi

  • 8/19/2019 analysis of westside retail store


    stocing curios, to*s and other gift ite!s. What separates Land!ar fro! other stores

    of its ind is the range and depth of its stoc.

    This stor* began circa 1998 when The Tata#s acuired Littlewoods a London based

    retail chain. This acuisition was followed b* the establish!ent of Trent Ltd -a Tata

    enterprise that presentl* operates Westside2. Littlewoods was subseuentl* rena!ed


    In a rapidl* eoling retail scenario, Westside has cared a niche for its brand of 

    !erchandise creating a lo*al following. &urrentl*, the co!pan* has + Westside stores

    !easuring 1,///0+/,/// suare feet each across ?/ cities. With a ariet* of designsand st*les, eer*thing at Westside is e>clusiel* designed and the !erchandise ranges

    fro! st*li5ed clothes, footwear and accessories for !en, wo!en and children to well0

    co0coordinated table linens, artifacts, ho!e accessories and furnishings. Well0designed

    interiors, sprawling space, pri!e locations and coffee shops enhance the custo!ers#

    shopping e>perience.

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  • 8/19/2019 analysis of westside retail store



    Objective of the study

    1. To deelop the satisfaction leel for their custo!ers.?. To understand the !areting strategies of west side

    +. To now the strateg* to face the rial co!petition

    1. ri!ar* dataFThe pri!ar* data is been collected b* the onsite store of west

    side and through articles and e!plo*ees of west side


  • 8/19/2019 analysis of westside retail store


  • 8/19/2019 analysis of westside retail store


  • 8/19/2019 analysis of westside retail store


    CHA"TER #

    Reti$ Industry% An Overvie!

    :etailing is the interface between the producer and the indiidual consu!er 

     bu*ing for personal consu!ption. This e>cludes direct interface between the

    !anufacturer and institutional bu*ers such as the goern!ent and other bul 

    custo!ers. ) retailer is one who stocs the producer#s goods and is inoled in

    the act of selling it to the indiidual consu!er, at a !argin of profit. )s such,

    retailing is the last lin that connects the indiidual consu!er with the

    !anufacturing and distribution chain.

    :etail has pla*ed a !a;or role world oer in increasing productiit* across a

    wide range of consu!er goods and serices .The i!pact can be best seen in

    countries lie D.

  • 8/19/2019 analysis of westside retail store


    The retail industr* in India is of late often being hailed as one of the sunrise

    sectors in the econo!*. )T $earne*, the well0nown international

    !anage!ent consultanc*, recentl* identified India as the Asecond !ost

    attractie retail destination# globall* fro! a!ong thirt* e!ergent !arets. It

    has !ade India the cause of a good deal of e>cite!ent and the c*nosure of 

    !an* foreign e*es. With a contribution of 1@C to the national G4 and

    e!plo*ing BC of the total worforce -onl* agriculture e!plo*s !ore2 in the

    countr*, the retail industr* is definitel* one of the pillars of the Indian


    :etail sales in India a!ounted to about :s.B@// billion in ?//?, e>panded at

    an aerage annual rate of BC during 19990?//?. With the upturn in econo!ic

    growth during ?//+, retail sales are also e>pected to e>pand at a higher pace of 

    nearl* 1/C. )cross the countr*, retail sales in real ter!s are predicted to rise

    !ore rapidl* than consu!er e>penditure during ?//+0/8. The forecast growth

    in real retail sales during ?//+0 ?//8 is 8.+C per *ear, co!pared with B.1C for 

    consu!er e>penditure. "oderni5ation of the Indian retail sector will be

    reflected in rapid growth in sales of super!arets, depart!ental stores and

    h*per !arts. pand at growth rates

    ranging fro! ?@C to @9C per *ear during ?//+0?//8, according to a latest

    report b* Euro !onitor International, a leading proider of global consu!er0

    !aret intelligence.

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    ). T. $earne* Inc. places India th on a global retail deelop!ent inde>. The

    countr* has the highest per capita outlets in the world 0 . outlets per 1///

     population. )round BC of the population in India is engaged in retailing, as

    co!pared to ?/C in the Dpenditure is

    on basic necessities, especiall* food0related ite!s. (ence, it is not surprising

    that food, beerages and tobacco accounted for as !uch as B1C of retail sales

    in ?//?. The share of food related ite!s had, howeer, declined oer the

    reiew period, down fro! B+C in 1999. This is not une>pected, because with

    inco!e growth, Indians, lie consu!ers elsewhere, hae started spending

    !ore on non0food ite!s co!pared with food products. pected to continue

    during the ne>t few *ears, with the rapid growth in nu!bers of such outlets

    due to consu!er de!and and business potential. The factors responsible for 

    the deelop!ent of the retail sector in India can be broadl* su!!ari5ed as


    H :ising inco!es and i!proe!ents in infrastructure are enlarging consu!er 

    !arets and accelerating the conergence of consu!er tastes. Looing at

    inco!e classification, the 7ational &ouncil of )pplied Econo!ic :esearch

    -7&)E:2 classified appro>i!atel* /C of the Indian population as low

    inco!e in 199@09 this is e>pected to decline to 1B.8C b* ?//0/B.

    H Liberali5ation of the Indian econo!* which has led to the opening up of the

    !aret for consu!er goods has helped the "7& brands lie $ellogg#s,

    Dnileer, 7estle, etc. to !ae significant inroads into the ast consu!er 

    !aret b* offering a wide range of choices to the Indian consu!ers.


  • 8/19/2019 analysis of westside retail store


    T.=. channels is helping in creating awareness about global products for local

    !arets. )bout @BC of India#s population is under the age of ?/ and this will

    increase to C b* ?/1. This *oung population, which is technolog*0sa*,

    watch !ore than / T= satellite channels, and displa* the highest propensit*

    to spend, will i!!ensel* contribute to the growth of the retail sector in the

    countr*. )s India continues to get strongl* integrated with the world econo!*

    riding the waes of globali5ation, the retail sector is bound to tae big leaps in

    the *ears to co!e.

    The Indian retail sector is esti!ated to hae a !aret si5e of about J 18/

     billion but the organi5ed sector represents onl* ?C share of this !aret. "ost

    of the organi5ed retailing in the countr* has ;ust started recentl*, and has been

    concentrated !ainl* in the !etro cities. India is the last large )sian econo!*

    to liberali5e its retail sector. In Thailand, !ore than @/C of all consu!er goods

    are sold through the super !arets and depart!ental stores. ) si!ilar 

     pheno!enon has swept through all other )sian countries. rgani5ed retailing

    in India has a huge scope because of the ast !aret and the growing

    consciousness of the consu!er about product ualit* and serices. ) stud*

    conducted b* %itch, e>pects the organi5ed retail industr* to continue to grow

    rapidl*, especiall* through increased leels of penetration in larger towns and

    !etros and also as it begins to spread to s!aller cities and 3 class towns.

    %ueling this growth is the growth in deelop!ent of the retail0specific

     properties and !alls. )ccording to the esti!ates aailable with %itch, close to

    ?!n s. ft. of retail space is being deeloped and will be aailable for 

    occupation oer the ne>t +0@8 !onths. %itch e>pects organi5ed retail to

    capture 1C0?/C !aret share b* ?/1/. ) "c$inse* report on India sa*s

    organi5ed retailing would increase the efficienc* and productiit* of entire

    ga!ut of econo!ic actiities, and would help in achieing higher G4

    growth. )t C, the share of e!plo*!ent of retail in India is low, een when

    co!pared to 3ra5il -1@C2, and oland -1?C2.

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    M$$s in Indi

    er the last ?0+ *ears, the Indian consu!er !aret has seen a significant

    growth in the nu!ber of !odern0da* shopping centers, popularl* nown as

    A!alls#. There is an increased de!and for ualit* retail space fro! a aried

    seg!ent of large0for!at retailers and brands, which include food and apparel

    chains, consu!er durables and !ultiple> operators. pected de!and for ualit* retail space in

    ?// is esti!ated to be around @/ !illion suare feet. While preiousl* it was

    the large, organi5ed retailers with their !odern, up0!aret outlets, and direct

    consu!er interface0 who had been a e* factor driing the growth of organi5ed

    retail in the countr*, now it is the !alls which are pla*ing the role.

    %actors such as aailabilit* of ph*sical space, population densities, cit*

     planning, and socio0econo!ic para!eters hae drien the Indian !aret to

    eole, to a certain e>tent, its own definition of a A!all#. %or e>a!ple, while a

    !all in D

  • 8/19/2019 analysis of westside retail store


     7ational &apital :egion -4elhi, 7oida, Gurgaon2 is e>pected to increase to

    oer ?1.1 !illion s. ft. &o!pared to other big cities, $olata and (*derabad

    are relatiel* new entrants in the !all seg!ent, but are witnessing uic 


    &handigarh and Indore, are also e>pected to see a for!idable growth in the

    growth of !alls in the near future. 3ut !alls in India need to hae a clear 

     positioning through the deelop!ent of differential product assort!ent and

    differential pricing, in order to co!pete effectiel* in a growing !all !aret.

    , and the right ti!ing, would Ensure the success of the A!all

    reolution# in India.

    Ch$$en*es of Reti$in* in Indi

    :etailing as an industr* in India has still a long wa* to go. To beco!e a trul*

    flourishing industr*, retailing needs to cross the following hurdlesF

    H )uto!atic approal is not allowed for foreign inest!ent in retail.

    H :egulations restricting real estate purchases, and cu!berso!e local laws.

    H Ta>ation, which faors s!all retail businesses.

    H )bsence of deeloped suppl* chain and integrated IT !anage!ent.

    H Lac of trained wor force.

    H Low sill leel for retailing !anage!ent.H Intrinsic co!ple>it* of retailing rapid price changes, constant threat of 

     product obsolescence and low !argins.

    The retailers in India hae to learn both the art and science of retailing b*

    closel* followingF

    (ow retailers in other parts of the world are organi5ing, !anaging, and coping

    up with new challenges in an eer0changing !aretplace. Indian retailers !ust

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    use innoatie retail for!ats to enhance shopping e>perience, and tr* to

    understand the regional ariations in consu!er attitudes to retailing.

    :etail !areting efforts hae to i!proe in the countr* 0 adertising,

     pro!otions, and ca!paigns to attract custo!ers building lo*alt* b*

    identif*ing regular shoppers and offering benefits to the! efficientl*

    !anaging high0alue custo!ers and !onitoring custo!er needs constantl*,

    are so!e of the aspects which Indian retailers need to focus upon on a !ore

     pro0actie basis.

    4espite the presence of the basic ingredients reuired for growth of the retail

    industr* in India, it still faces substantial hurdles that will retard and inhibit its

    growth in the future. ne of the e* i!pedi!ents is the lac of %4I status.

    This has largel* li!ited capital inest!ents in suppl* chain infrastructure,

    which is a e* for deelop!ent and growth of food retailing and has also

    constrained access to world0class retail practices.

    "ultiplicit* and co!ple>it* of ta>es, lac of proper infrastructure and

    relatiel* high cost of real estate are the other i!pedi!ents to the growth of 

    retailing. While the industr* and the goern!ent are tr*ing to re!oe !an* of 

    these hurdles, so!e of the roadblocs will re!ain and will continue to affect

    the s!ooth growth of this industr*.

    (oweer, as a result of the roadblocs, the industr* re!ained in a rudi!entar*

    stage. While these retailers gae the necessar* a!bience to custo!ers, little

    effort was !ade to introduce world0class custo!er care practices and i!proe

    operating efficiencies. "oreoer, !ost of these !odern deelop!ents were

    restricted to south India, which is still regarded as a A"ecca of Indian :etail#.

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  • 8/19/2019 analysis of westside retail store


    CHA"TER +

    'estside, seson of &ro)otion nd s$e

    #-  Sesons of Reti$in* ,'ESTSIDE

    .A/Su))er Seson

    • It#s usuall* fro! "a* to ul*.

    • Low sales are recorded during this period.

    • This season is good for pro!otions and launching new

    adertise!ent ca!paigns.

    .0/ 1$$ Seson

    • )ugust and

  • 8/19/2019 analysis of westside retail store


    +-  Custo)ers, At 'estside#- Men


    While gu*s tend to prioriti5e fashion to a lesser degree than girls, right0

    looM and the dudeM i!age is still i!portant to the!.


    3o*s tend to spend !ore !one* on electronic gadgets, food, sports goods

    and !usic.

    +- 'o)en


    TweenM girls represent a lucratie opportunit* for retailers. The* are going to

     beco!e the future bu*ers.


    TeenM girls are !ore trend sa*. It#s not ;ust the clothes and accessories, but

    the whole loo that the teen girls aspire to define.


    Aost teenM girls spend !ore on ;ewelr* and household ite!s and thus the*

    contribute a lot !ore in ter!s of reenue.

    2-  Geo*r&hic$ Loction

    The location of the retail store had, for a long ti!e, been considered the !ost

    i!portant A# in retailing. If a retail store was located in the right place, it was

    considered to be adeuate assurance for success. er the *ears, with adentof non0store retailing and the rise in web0based retail, !erel* choosing the

    right location can#t be considered adeuate. (oweer, the retail location is an

    i!portant part of the retail strateg*, as the location of the store cone*s a fair 

    a!ount of its i!age. It also influences the !erchandise !i> and the interior 

    la*out of the store.

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    While a retailer can change his !erchandise !i>, ad;ust prices, i!proe

    co!!unication with consu!ers and offer better serices, once a store co!es

    into e>istence, it is fairl* difficult to change the location. "oing fro! one

    location to another !a* result in the loss of custo!ers and e!plo*ees.

    "oreoer, the new location !a* not alwa*s hae the benefits of the earlier 


    Ty&es of Loctions

    =arious options are aailable to the retailer, for choosing the location of this

    store. The choice of the location of the store again, depends on the target

    audience and the ind of !erchandise to be sold. %or e>, the location of a

    conenience store would not be suitable for that of an e>pensie ;ewelr*

     boutiue. T*picall*, a store !a*be,

    1. %reestandingN Isolated

  • 8/19/2019 analysis of westside retail store


    CHA"TER 2


    Westside has garnered nu!erous accolades 0

    1. 3alanced ceeding the e>pectations of our 


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    It is their polic* to satisf* our custo!ers with the range, ualit* and alue of 

    the products we offer. (oweer, if the* are dissatisfied with an* ite! that the*

    !ight hae purchased the* would tae the necessar* !easures to assist the!.

    The custo!ers are e>pected to return unused !erchandise along with its

    receipt within +/ da*s. We would e>change the returned ite!s or gie our 

    custo!ers a co!plete refund. In the eent that the* do not hae the receipt we

    would offer the! an e>change or proide the! a gift oucher to the current or 

    last nown selling price. We hae co!plete confidence in the ualit* of our 

    !erchandise howeer should our custo!ers hae an* grieances, we would be

    happ* to address the! once the* are brought to our attentionM said an


    panded its range of !erchandise b* offering outfits

    fro! so!e of India#s best0nown fashion designers, a!ong the! Wendell

    :oderics, )nita 4ongre, $rishna "ehta and "ona ali. This is an interesting

    !areting shift, since it !eans !oing awa* fro! the chains onl*0our0own0

     brands concept. 'estside is de&rt)ent$ store hvin* sever$ &roduct

    $ine 5 ccordin* to ET 677 $ist out of to& four reti$ co)&nies Trent

    rn(ed 2rd s

    antaloons retail

  • 8/19/2019 analysis of westside retail store


    Store "ositionin* in 'estside-

    #-  Ground 1$oor

    • &os!etics

    • &hildren

  • 8/19/2019 analysis of westside retail store


    +-  #st 1$oor

    • "en#s

  • 8/19/2019 analysis of westside retail store


    it on the first floor -)ndheri infinit* !all2. In case of isual !erchandising

    all the categor* of clothes of all si5es and arieties are displa*ed and hence the

    consu!ption of space for sheles is reduced. )nd it is conenient for 

    custo!ers to choose and for the attendants to support bu*ing. rofitabilit* of 

    Westside 4elhi is !ore than that in une and 3angalore because *outh here

    hae !uch spending power. It is also drien fro! strong de!and baced b*

    ualit* products and latest fashion-

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    CHA"TER 8

    Services 5 Store At)os&here in 'estside

    re0purchase serices include accepting telephone 6 !ail orders, adertising,

    window 6 interior displa*, fitting roo!s, fashion shows

    It proides post purchase serice including shipping 6 delier*, gift wrapping,

    ad;ust!ents 6 returns, alteration 6 tailoring

    It also proides ancillar* serices including general infor!ation, chec cashing,

     paring, restaurants, repairs, interior decorating, credit etc.

    The 'estside stores !er bri*ht9 festive $oo( nd9 in (ee& !ith the )ood

    of the seson9 hostin* festiv$ bri*ht-

    With the sole ob;ectie of rewarding its lo*al custo!ers for their patronage,

    Westside has lined up a bonan5a of surprise gifts. Eer* shopper gets a

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    scratch0and0win card which entitles the! entr* into a contest. Those !aing

     purchases aboe :s 1,// are also entitled to receie other pleasant surprises

    The trendy househo$d  section has a co!plete new range of bed linen in

    elephant !otifs, floral !otifs and paisle* design. The color palette for the

    festie collection includes fla!ing orange, ro*al blue and other ibrant colors

    to depict festiit*.

    The *ift section has a plethora of gifts O terracotta pots, urns, nic0nacs

    and 4i*a#s in beautiful colors, shapes and si5es. The store has also introduced

    a new range of furniture and other household goods, including cabinets, butler 

    tra*s and !irrors in wood with an antiue finish. )n innoatie range inwrought iron and rope has been introduced in utilit* ite!s which include

    !aga5ine racs, folding stools, ;a! pots on tra*s and Ganesha in brass and


    1cin* the ch$$en*e

    The greatest challenge for Westside in its uest for a place in the retail sun is

    not the co!petition fro! si!ilar organi5ed pla*ers, but fro! the unorgani5ed

    sector -98 per cent of India#s retail gar!ent industr* operates in the

    unorgani5ed sector2.

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    The other challenge for Westside is that the retail fashion business in the

    countr* is beco!ing increasingl* crowded with new pla*ers, Indian and

    foreign. )!ong the new entrants hae been Wills

  • 8/19/2019 analysis of westside retail store


    • "ost attractie rewards shopping

    • Instant use of the card

    • Eas* to operate

    • E>tra conenience

    • =alidit* at all stores

    Westside does its regular brand building through adertise!ents in the !edia

    with brand a!bassador Yuvrj Sin*h  and other *oung !odels !ore

    i!portant are its in0house pro!otions, which pea during the three !ain

    festie seasonsF su!!er, 4iwali and &hrist!as. The pro!otions are !ostl*

    the!e based, with decorations to !atch, lie bands and other attractions.

    +-  1shion Lo*y

    Westside has launched a new ad ca!paign titled '1shion Lo*y'. The ca!paign

    is designed to proide the bu*er with not ;ust clothing, but also guides and aid

    on dressing s!art, st*ling and accessori5ing. The ca!paign sees on0ground

    actiities and pro!otions designed to interact with the consu!er about their 

    st*le. It includes wo!en#s corporate wear, girls wear, and gla! deni!.

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    2- The Three Cs

    &orporate clothing is a !a;or co!ponent of Westside !erchandise. The

    e!phasis here is on the three &sF &o!fort, &rispness and &oordination, and

    the goal is to proide the co!plete corporate loo, where color, clothes andaccessories are !i>ed and !atched in a !anner that creates har!on* between

    the person and the clothes he or she wears.

    Westside e!plo*ees are gien regular training for better interaction.

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    Se$f,se$ection,  &usto!er find own goods, although the* can as for 


      Li)ited Service, Westside also offers serices lie credit, !erchandi5ing


    1u$$ Service0

  • 8/19/2019 analysis of westside retail store


    lo*alt* as related to products and serices -3loe!er and Le!!in, 199?

    3loe!er and $asper, 199 Garfein, 198B $asper, 1988 $raft et al., 19B+2,

    there is little e!pirical eidence to support the e>plicit relationship between

    store satisfaction and store lo*alt* -(u!!el and act

    relationship between store i!age and store lo*alt* has re!ained inconclusie.

    There is both eidence for a direct relationship and an indirect relationship

    whereb* store satisfaction acts as a !ediator -4o*le and %enwic, 19B@

    (ouston and 7ein, 1981 Linduist, 19B@

  • 8/19/2019 analysis of westside retail store


    CHA"TER ;

    "nt$oons A T(eover 0y Adity 0ir$


    antaloons %ashion 6 :etail, one of the top clothing brands in the world, is India's

    fastest growing pre!iu! lifest*le co!pan*. With innoatie designs, concepts

    and products, the co!pan* brings the latest trends in fashion and clothing st*les to

    the apparel !aret. antaloons, preiousl* controlled b* the %uture Group, has

     been recentl* taen oer b* )dit*a 3irla 7uo Li!ited, a D< J@ billion pre!iu!

    diersified conglo!erate and India's largest !anufacturer of linen fabric.

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  • 8/19/2019 analysis of westside retail store


    antaloons offer !ultiple accessories and clothing brands across a spectru! of 

    categories for !en, wo!en and ids. The co!pan* proides an incredible and

    co!plete one0stop shopping e>perience to its bu*ers through its ast collection of 

    !ore than ?// prestigious brands for the discerning fashionista. antaloons, with

    a presence across @9 cities through 1/ aestheticall* designed large for!at stores

    and ? factor* outlets, displa*s a range of class* and trend* !erchandise that

    trul* lies up to antaloons# !a>i! of Afresh fashion#.

    ) t*pical antaloons store co!prises a brand portfolio that runs across a ga!ut of 

    st*les that spell class. The collection includes read*0to0wear western and ethnic

    apparel for !en, wo!en and ids, co!ple!ented b* an e>haustie range of 

    accessories. The ariet* of products and brands has helped propel antaloons to

     beco!e one of the best clothing brands in India.

    A&&re$9 brnds nd ccessories

    antaloons offer its custo!ers a collection of apparels and accessories fro! the

    stables of globall* renowned brands. The priate labels for !en in western wear 

    include Lo!bard, :ig, 3are 4eni!, 3are Leisure,

  • 8/19/2019 analysis of westside retail store


    The wo!en#s section houses the priate labels O 3are 4eni!, 3are Leisure, :ig,

    )nnabelle, (one*, and );ile O in western wear, as well as the choicest ethnic

    wear fro! :ang"anch, Trishaa and )riti. opular brands lie Lee &ooper, 3iba

    and W are also aailable. The for!al wear section offers a range of crisp and well0

    tailored collection b* popular international brands such as =an (eusen, )llen

    clusie brands lie Lee &ooper uniors, &hal, oppers, in 6

    3lue, and , Titan and others.

    Trend* sunglasses fro! olaroid, Guess, olice,

  • 8/19/2019 analysis of westside retail store


    antaloons is an integral part of the prestigious )dit*a 3irla Group, a D

  • 8/19/2019 analysis of westside retail store


    "nt$oons to Invest Rs #+6 Crore This 1isc$< Add =& to 26

    Stores, "ress Artic$e-

    ress Trust of India Q Last DpdatedF )ugust 1, ?/1 1BF?8

    :etail chain antaloons plans to inest :s 1? crore this fiscal as it plans to

    add up to + stores across the countr*.

    In an inestor update, antaloons %ashion 6 :etail's parent co!pan* )dit*a

    3irla 7uo saidF R%inancial *ear ?/101 cape> guidance -for antaloons2

    stands at about :s 1? crore !ainl* towards launch of new stores.R

    RThe co!pan* is targeting to launch +/0+ stores during ?/101 and focus

    will be on e>panding custo!er reach and portfolio enrich!ent,R it said.

    antaloons, which hae oer 1// stores across the countr*, reported net sales

    of :s @++.B/ crore for the uarter, ended une +/, ?/1.

    In "a*, in a !a;or restructuring e>ercise, )dit*a 3irla Group announced

    !erger of all its branded apparel businesses into one entit*, )dit*a 3irla

    %ashion and :etail Ltd.

    Dnder the sche!e of arrange!ent, the apparel businesses of group holding

    co!pan* )dit*a 3irla 7uo and of another group fir! "adura Gar!ents

    Lifest*le :etail would be de!erged into listed fir! antaloons %ashion 6

    :etail Ltd -%:L2. "adura owns and retails brands such as Louis hilippe,

    =an (eusen, )llen

  • 8/19/2019 analysis of westside retail store


    In ?/1?, )dit*a 3irla 7uo had entered into an agree!ent with the %uture

    Group to infuse :s 1,// crore into antaloons and acuire a !a;orit* stae in

    the store chain.

  • 8/19/2019 analysis of westside retail store


    $e*words F :etail strateg* riate Label strateg* =endor !anage!ent

    "erchandise "anage!ent Growth cellence "odel.. ) t*pical Westside store organi5ation

  • 8/19/2019 analysis of westside retail store


    1. To understand the i!pact of celebrit* endorse!ent in !areting brand.?. To understand the sales force through !areting the products b*

    celebrit*.+. &o!petitie adantages oer other retailers.@. To now the brand i!age and i!pact of such indorse!ents in retail.


  • 8/19/2019 analysis of westside retail store



    1. ositioning the brand and its i!age?. "aintaining the pricing strate*+. &atering of upper and !iddle class leel custo!er @. "areting ia ads, brochures, posters, hoardings.

  • 8/19/2019 analysis of westside retail store


    +- To proide a alue to custo!ers eer* isit to the store b*

    co!ple!entar* gifts2- To understand how !e!bership progra!!e gies in effect to brand


    8- Giing corporates offer of dine in or gift card ouchers


    1. &lub !e!bership progra!!e?. &usto!er lo*alt* benefits+. &reating a alue towards eer* purchase

    @. Trent0 Westside pro!otion offers. "areting and pro!otional strateg*. E>clusie shopping hoursB. &orporate tie0up

    :eferenceF httpFNNapee;a*.eduNaits!N;ournalNdocsNa;!st0/1/1/@oct1+.pdf 


    ) critical factor in Westside#s success has been its strateg* to attract

    shoppers 6 eep the! in stores0 the a!ount of ti!e shoppers spend in a

    store is perhaps the single !ost i!portant factor in deter!ining how

    !uch the* will bu*. . In haing understood the pulse of the custo!ers in

    India, Westside has clearl* established itself as a brand with an Indian


    er the *ears Westside has also deeloped and successfull* introduced

    a range of new brands especiall* suited to the Indian palate. These

     brands lie ?% @D hae been a tre!endous success a!ongst the new

    generation. What has also gien Westside a co!petitie edge is that in

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    addition to an e>tensie range of internationall* renowned brands lie

    clusiel* to Wo!en and "en respectiel*. Thus giing the! priac*

    and !ore freedo! to loo into their products.

    Wo!en#s need !ore space and loo for co!fort. The* are less liel* to

     bu* if the place is congested and !aes the! feel unco!fortable. )t

    Westside sofas hae been placed in the wo!en section so as to !ae the

    fe!ales !ore co!fortable.

    Westside has been able to create a brand i!age and is consistentl*

    !aintaining its brand identit* b* new additions in products and catering

    to the !aret need.

    The* are catering to different age groups less than one roof. %or e>. n

    the 1st floor which is !en#s section both for!al and college wear is

    aailable. This wa* the* are able to build a huge custo!er lo*al base.

    Westside caters to not onl* the clothing needs and desires of its

    custo!ers. The* hae bed sheets, itchenware, ;ewelr*, perfu!es, bab*

     products, household ite!s, etc. This wa* a custo!er who enters

    Westside ;ust to bu* one or two ite!s usuall* ends up bu*ing a lot !ore.

    The in0store e>perience in Westside is er* delightful. Their full* silled

    and trained staff caters to the needs of the public in the right wa*. The*

    don#t pounce upon the custo!er as soon as he enters the store. The* wait

    till the ti!e a custo!er starts selecting and then the* co!e and help.

    This wa* the custo!er gets accli!ati5e with the store and the


    rice of brands aailable at Westside is not too high as co!pared to its

    co!petitor#s brands. This is due to their cost effectie suppl* chain

    !anage!ent. The* directl* pic up the goods fro! the !anufacturer 

    thus ensuring low price tag at their store.

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    To increase !ore footfalls !ore pro!otional actiities !ust be carried out.

    %or this Westside can either offer !ore discounts or increase their 

    adertise!ents. Increase in the nu!ber of footfalls will lead to increase in


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  • 8/19/2019 analysis of westside retail store


    There are studies which hae contributed for e>tending the consu!er 

     benefitNlo*alt* fra!ewor to the retail branding conte>t. &usto!er satisfaction

    is an antecedent of word of !outh co!!unication, but custo!er lo*alt* !ust

     be present to !ediate the relationship. This finding is i!portant for theor*

     building in this and other !areting and consu!er conte>ts.

    In the increasingl* co!petitie eniron!ent faced b* toda*'s retailers, the

     pursuit of consu!er lo*alt* is para!ount. In order to be co!petitie, retailers

    !ust identif* the e* ingredients of consu!er lo*alt* and the relationships

     between the benefits deliered to the consu!er and i!portant outco!es -i.e.

    satisfaction, lo*alt*, word of !outh co!!unication2.

    This stud* doesn#t identif* two t*pes of benefits !ostl* desired b* the

    consu!er. :etailers should understand this if the* e>pect to proide utilitarian

     benefits to consu!ers b* wa* of haing the right product on hand at the right

     place and ti!e. In addition, the* !ust recogni5e that the consu!er also desires

    a hedonic benefit in ter!s of the shopping e>perience. The results of this stud*

    doesn#t indicate that consu!ers e>pect the purchase e>perience to offer 

    hedonic ualities such as e>cite!ent, entertain!ent, escapis!, fantas*, and

    fun. :etailers that utili5e the store0as0the0brand strateg* should recogni5e this

    and wor to delier hedonic alue throughout the purchase e>perience.

    )nother i!portant finding not undertaen in this stud* indicates that consu!er 

    satisfaction is lined to attitudinal lo*alt*. )lthough one could argue that other 

    ariables not e>a!ined in this stud* contribute euall* to attitudinal lo*alt*,

    satisfaction appears to be an i!portant antecedent. Therefore, retailers should

    recogni5e that in order to create a lo*al custo!er base, the* !ust satisf* the

    desires and needs of the consu!er. ne wa* that retailers can proide

    satisfaction to the consu!er is through the delier* of alue in the for! of 

    utilitarian and hedonic benefits associated with the purchase e>perience.

    :etailers should recogni5e that the* !ust !eet or e>ceed the consu!er's

    e>pectations in ter!s of the benefits the consu!er is seeing.

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    The e>tant bod* of literature on the consu!er benefitsNlo*alt* fra!ewor is in

    an earl* stage of deelop!ent. The pri!ar* goal for future research should be

    to identif* and e>a!ine the arious t*pes of consu!er benefits that influence

    consu!ers' satisfaction, lo*alt*, and word of !outh co!!unication. In0depth

    ualitatie research in the for! of personal interiews and focus groups would

     proide a better understanding of the benefits desired b* consu!ers. This

    ualitatie research would, in turn, contribute to the deelop!ent of better 

    !easures to capture each t*pe of benefit. In turn, it is i!portant to continue to

    e>a!ine the relationships between consu!er benefits and outco!e ariables

    that are crucial to the success of the retail fir! -e.g. custo!er satisfaction,

    custo!er lo*alt*, and word of !outh co!!unication2. ) particularl* i!portant

    area of inestigation is the role of attitudinal lo*alt* as a !ediator between

    custo!er satisfaction and word of !outh co!!unication.

    %uture research should also focus on replicating this stud* with a different

    target respondent. ) large sure* of consu!ers of arious bacgrounds in

    arious geographic areas could help to !ae the findings of this stud* !ore

    generali5able to the oerall population.


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