an orderly arrangement of well-known facts: b. f. skinner ...catania/vb/cp vb review acc.pdfan...

An OrderlyArrangement of Well-Known Facts: B. F. Skinner's Verbal Behador It11)r \l\ ( r{tr\ frl,ll\Lii,! ISB\ 0 \i1lI ;!l 1 () iqin.rl Frti.;1/1tir I r.t ur ),i ( rrrt) 19E: 1;\tt. i.lriro p\rerl)r.r rr\t tJrl,lnltrd 19;; rnrrg Lh. (ir iirq n-r.!li r ol l9;i. I Ir1 ,, l]r 1 (l.zcf or {r .11,.f ( . l!,i,lli| Lroll,.{. uinerqrr(lr,,re: i,e \!!Ll\ lor r !rrLii,.u ion,tll co,ilnteJ l)\ L1,n,. llL, 'hr ,,trr,1)f^:,l, f H.lhr f. I r1l S Klllfr .!trI Nilli.u,, \ !( ln)rflr (l l)'r inq ll r hAt ir\rll ,rrrtl.(l L.rsn!r ,n B ll slnfnef. \\'ill rn liiri lcrL,,rf\ rl,i.l, 1,. Ii.!lil.lnarell.,f ll A1rlL. r \, rritr i,i M; E.,.l,rL\sl! lrf \rtlr r lr.r) r,rlr \ nrrL ir\ ri tlf lrr ,ejif f,.,reri1lh .n. .1 rl,. 1i(!k, rrci! l).i" l\,i(alh tler r rore q,e, ' $r. rl,i.l, l.t)t h liof, llrNi,q rhfrh.' iit !rLlci! r!i!l,t l( rll,riir,rrrnF.r rn.tlrcr .,..niif ill\ !hi,Ll)fd do\i, rltl, lLis lFJ,l !Nc(l \\e finnh,{l rnli LLf Lrhrx* !i nerherc nrnlnr\ lh, i!| tl[ .onr!. rltr ji dr l!!,k I,.&LL .f rh ld ,n r h h1l\ l).crf,r rlrrl,r Ttr. tr.,lt,. 1,1 u,bf \.s \iri41 ,9./,/r.,,,: \'l,nl, hrd 1)r rlt,, l)ffr.rL.Lit,i irr rnql,r ( lli \\ \. t,,)grf$fd tl,irLgl, tl* trl) in,e(llni)l ri, hrl ll I el\.u,rrrf !l l,.r iiLqrFa(L tlrc errln, r. lilj. \iLL nLnh Sperlirq.nqagdrrxts ud !tnr' I rrirf rf n) lrt Il,nlrnl D|llrtlnlt !l r'\r,l!,1)q1 r\ ., qn(l,irrr \r (l,r,r rr Ll,r f,Jl ol lrljlr l,,t rlir l!!rr t.trrd ., si,ill fd il r,r. nL ,ir iin,,irl .o,i,.e \uli 11,.!r !Llrrrr'r i!dr nrt.r.n\ l[rl ]r.\erl i .ih.f (l ,!dntrr \\i. L...(l !rjretlnj{ rLort l.niguef ii,,i, r \h${l,r{errs Ii nihrte .t ler lrfo oll li, s',nt rLMnd \rh, at i,st(\. ntLo s.1\f r olh(0nnn rL lnn lfnrt drrir! tllt xcrrleri]n \ei Tl,r ()llut, ni, \r. r.t rbo,,t hir rF\ier tjl \ilml t ,ltriir (lhd!\h. l9;9 nhi(l rl||..d:,] rt nl)out tL. \fLk. tnre ud orf^hdo\f(l otlH jirnr lir.,i)lc r.\nrs |'rrtT ]1r1l.l | l|cnl rn.( .r jitr eii'1rf thore dr\<.n lrr!. brl,rior tn es.. nll d d rli ilrtr l)r.l ni Sln, boul Ltr,til nrin.\f.!s JtFr o,nr I l,r.l .nrl)li.lH] ,,r'.r1 hlni, ,n ,L,r,e n) ,,r rert l, is ll,o Lqh I dnl df\orr lint lNr 1,, C|orrLr: fg (lrtdi.r. t9i: Sn,.( rl,e,, I l,re n\ed \k b)!L n, {orn\es or n\ d\. l).Lhps ., {lor.r Lnrr lln{tlir rr\ eu \lr.(jortru- drl( \ ,1!i0 ]).late(] ,e|1. n) tlh.n,\n: \'l,i,l, rrsued tl,.,frhe h.olL (l il a'lorrlr h (l niNfft\ii ror rfJl\ stnnrr\ tt,. ffl,l\ L.{ll)ffr r,.if.nrl lr La!ntlt the irrn.J tht L.!l url)lisheJ (llr.nNn.s f- rrd\ .ne |rrr .i \r r(:.!!.d.Jr\ hf nr! Llrit (rlrorslr: rriti.i\rA n1n.' rfut to tlr IQDiL( tlnl)nes .1 ( I H,,ll rrtl,e, tlLrn n) skrnnFf5 1k. c!rr. rhe .ontrf(.i ol !ln!rcr! \ork ritlr \\'iLLgrrnrnr'i tr.!ti!.rt oi rnqu.rge (r!n\ l)\ Dr\ illl6ll . rts r\tens .. L.lo rtn b\ S n (l 1965 $!r trsil( rlnri. ...r!.f,l ,4$csufil{ ol SLrr.r's l)!ok u cl,D,rk\'\ r.\ier eg. Antl,esen, l!9i)r i f.irnca iitrrrfn nr tL( n)l{ rf dq tltr .1!(Lri\itn,r ofLnguqr l)\ .hidf.n i ,r. llat$ & Eliirxir lul6r Ilrrt & H(le\ M9;iIIdrf&Lo\r 1!!61 \loerk l!!l , fd r qr.(in! L!d\ !i r\ luninJ,trl \.rt.n \ e,brlbchr|or i5tf !i.{lh n, dn. 1,,,1,1 ,i rr' /at,rr.r/.I .{rd1r/!i! rI E,/4 n, dd a rel.rtne r ner xr lil. .!d/rri! ,t \'',rd1 E,l,i,.r,r \ir!r ferFill\. il tll nrIt uftl,. \t)nng *,jjiester ot llfri rfd 10 !.rri Ju.n t,) dr. dd snrce I lix(lrftenrle{lr1r.1l{r rL.rr nr! !ftl,c i0rnlu t|.rt nrtrorhrr{l fie t. \, i\,1 7]Llt,:n, I \.Jk..l n,to rf ,ii{lo Pl,.b Il 'lln 1.,.1 lrurrl,t\ .i \1]il.nnl r\r\t.rtt , jr ll,, t r lt\ 96i

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Page 1: An Orderly Arrangement of Well-Known Facts: B. F. Skinner ...catania/vb/cp vb review acc.pdfAn Orderly Arrangement of Well-Known Facts: B. F. Skinner's Verbal Behador It11)r \l\ (

An Orderly Arrangement ofWell-Known Facts: B. F. Skinner'sVerbal Behador

I t11)r \ l \ ( r { t r \ f r l , l l \L i i , !ISB\ 0 \ i1 l I ; ! l 1 () iq in.r l

Frti.;1/1tir I r.t ur ),i

( r r r t ) 19E: 1; \ t t . i . l r i ro p\rer l ) r . rr r \ t tJr l , ln l t rd 19;;

rnrrg Lh. ( i r i i rq n-r . ! l i r o l l9; i .I I r1 , , l ] r 1 ( l .zcf or { r .11, . f ( .

l!,i,lli| Lroll,.{. uinerqrr(lr,,re: i,e\ ! !L l \ lor r ! r rL i i , .u ion, t l l co, i lnteJ l ) \L1,n, . l lL,

'hr , , t r r ,1) f^: I i . i l , l , f H. lhr

f . I r1 l S Kl l l f r . ! t r I Ni l l i .u, , \! ( ln)r f l r ( l l ) ' r inq l l r hAt i r \ r l l

, r r r t l . ( l L.rsn!r ,n B l l s lnfnef. \ \ ' i l l rn

l i i r i lcrL, , r f \ r l , i . l , 1, . I i . ! l i l . lnarel l . , fl l A1r lL. r \ , r r i t r i , i M; E., . l , rL\s l !l r f \ r t l r r l r . r ) r , r l r \ nrrL i r \ r i t l f l r r,e j i f f , . , rer i1 l h .n. .1 r l , . 1 i ( !k, r rc i !l ) . i " l \ , i (a lh t ler r rore q,e,

' $r .r l , i . l , l . t ) t h l iof , l l rNi ,q rhfrh. ' i i t! rL lc i ! r ! i ! l , t l ( r l l , r i i r , r r rnF.r rn. t l rcr. , . .n i i f i l l \ !h i ,L l ) fd do\ i , r l t l , lL is lFJ, l!Nc( l \ \e f innh,{ l rn l i LLf Lrhrx*

! i nerherc nrnlnr\ lh, i ! | t l [ .onr! .r l t r j i dr l ! ! ,k I , .&LL . f rh ld ,n r hh1l \ l ) .cr f , r r l r r l , r Ttr . t r . , l t , . 1,1u,bf \ .s \ i r i41 ,9. / , / r . , , , : \ ' l ,n l , hrd1)r r l t , , l ) f f r . rL.Li t , i i r r rnql , r r . l r( l l i \ \ \ . t , , )gr f$fd t l , i rLgl , t l * t r l )in,e( l ln i ) l r i , hr l l l I e l \ .u,rrr f ! l l , . r

i iLq rFa(L t l rc err ln, r . l i l j . \ iLL nLnh

Sperlirq.nqagdrrxts ud !tnr'

I r r i r f r f n) l r t I l ,n l rn l D| l l r t ln l t ! lr ' \ r , l ! ,1)q1 r \ . , qn( l , i r r r \ r ( l , r , r r r L l , rf ,J l o l l r l j l r l , , t r l i r l ! ! r r t . t r rd . , s i , i l l

fd i l r , r . nL , i r i in, , i r l .o, i , .e \u l i11, . ! r !L l r r r r ' r i !dr nr t . r .n\ l [ r l ] r . \er li . ih. f ( l , !dntrr \ \ i . L. . . ( l ! r j ret ln j {

rLort l .n iguef i i , , i , r \h${ l , r {errs I in ihr te . t ler l r fo ol l l i , s ' ,nt rLMnd\rh, at i ,s t ( \ . ntLo s.1\ f r o lh(0nnnrL lnn lfnrt drrir! tllt xcrrleri]n \eiTl , r ( ) l lut , n i , \ r . r . t rbo, , t h i r rF\ iertjl \ilml t ,ltriir (lhd!\h. l9;9nhi( l r l | | . .d: , ] r t n l )out tL. \ fLk. tnreud orf^hdo\f( l ot lH j i rnr l i r . , i ) lcr . \nrs | ' r r tT ]1r1l . l | l |cnl rn.( . rj i t r e i i '1r f thore dr\<.n l r r ! . br l , r ior

tn es.. nll d d rli ilrtr l)r.l ni Sln,i . rs boul Ltr , t i l nr in. \ f . !s JtFr o,nr Il , r . l .nr l ) l i . lH] , , r ' . r1 hlni , t r . t r ,n,L,r ,e n) , , r rer t l , is l l ,o Lqh I dnl df \orrl int lNr 1, , C|orrLr: fg ( l r td i . r .

t9 i :

Sn,.( r l ,e, , I l , re n\ed \k i i . f i b) !Ln, {orn\es or n\ d\. l).Lhps ., {lor.rLnrr l ln{ t l i r r r \ eu \ l r . ( jor t ru-dr l ( \ ,1! i0 ] ) . late(] ,e|1. n) t lh.n, \n:\ ' l , i , l , r rsued t l , . , f rhe h.olL ( l i l a ' lorr l rh ( l n iNff t \ i i ror r fJ l \ stnnrr \ t t , .ffl,l\ L.{ll)ffr r,.if.nrl lr La!ntlt the

irrn.J tht L. ! l ur l ) l isheJ ( l l r .nNn.s f -r rd\ .ne | r r r . i \ r r ( : . ! ! .d.Jr \ hfnr! L l r i t ( r l rors l r : r r i t i . i \ rA n1n. r . l t . 'r fut to t l r IQDiL( t ln l )nes .1 ( l l .dk IH,, l l r r t l ,e, t lLrn n) skrnnFf5 1k. c!rr .rhe .ontr f ( . i o l ! ln!rcr ! \ork r i t l r\\'iLLgrrnrnr'i tr.!ti!.rt oi rnqu.rge(r !n\ l ) \ Dr\ i l l l6 l l . r ts r \ tens . . L. lor tn b\ S n ( l 1965 $!r t rs i l ( r lnr i .

...r!.f,l ,4$csufil{ ol SLrr.r's l)!oku cl ,D,rk\ ' \ r . \ ier eg. Ant l ,esen,l!9i)r i f.irnca iitrrrfn nr tL( n)l{ rf dq tltr .1!(Lri\itn,r ofLnguqr l)\.h idf .n i , r . l lat$ & El i i rx i r lu l6rI l r r t & H( le\ M9; i I Idr f&Lo\r 1! !61\ loerk l ! ! l , fd r qr . ( in! L!d\ ! i r \

luninJ, t r l \ . r t .n \ e,br lbchr|or i5t f!i.{lh n, dn. 1,,,1,1 ,i rr' /at,rr.r/.I. { rd1r/ ! i ! r I E, /4 n, dd a rel . r tne r ner

xr l i l . . !d/rr i ! , t \ ' ' , rd1 E, l , i , . r , r\ i r ! r ferFi l l \ . i l t l l nr I t uf t l , . \ t )nng

*, j j iester ot l l f r i r fd 10 ! . r r i Ju.n t , )dr . dd snrce I l ix( l r f tenr le{ l r1r .1 l{ r rL.rrnr! !ftl,c i0rnlu t|.rt nrtrorhrr{l fie t.\ , i \ ,1 7]Ll t , :n, I \ .Jk. . l n, to r f , i i { lo

Pl, .b I l ' l ln 1. , .1 l rurr l , t \ . i \1] i l .nnl

r \ r \ t . r t t , j r l l , , t r l t \ 96i

Page 2: An Orderly Arrangement of Well-Known Facts: B. F. Skinner ...catania/vb/cp vb review acc.pdfAn Orderly Arrangement of Well-Known Facts: B. F. Skinner's Verbal Behador It11)r \l\ (

gr.dulte.l$s rith a c.ty of tl,. rcpriited

.djt on and bcgan talking u,t it. I knew

that it sould be le$ {ccessible to these

shxlents than i more conteiporary text,

and dso that I .ould l,ardlv mdrge sith

30 odd ofthen \!hal three facultl nenl

bls had rco plished witlr lr.lf a do?en

or ! Furtliermore. r'icn I took rrr

course wc liad all had Kel].'ri i rodu.ton

co,rrsc ud had rerd Kcller .nd scl,odl

lild\ LI9;0r Lookjrnrt if not all ofus had

dso read shDneri i1935) ?tt Behadr.J

O/Idnirr' -\_ot so lbr lnt students: Someuere psvcliologr mdjus {itb n back

sround ofsereral courscs ancleven one or

hi) of ine, but othcrs had tiker onlv

n,ttuhctoa t\cl'olop ilrt I rvert ahead

!D)a\N In th-- c\aluatrons tlft m\'str

{lcrts $,bnitte.l aronvnrn$l} near the

cnd of tle coune. most sdil tliat thelr

teiboot i]nd the (nnci was hard, l,ut

most dso sijd thft tl,er lalued what th.l

'tdlkiDg pointsI l.anred tuD thc couse, too. For e{an}

ple, it rernnd.d nre ot )ou shouldkiov beforc reading l'e,t"l Bchaxttr. rtil

\i hft 'r,u

diould eatch out ibr The *ritnig

n drtcd in stle, ud thotrgh Shmcr le

crnic diligent rl,out expnnging such us

rges in his lrter writings, iN toda)\ stan-

dards it is oft.n sexist Considcr the rcry

tirsi senter.., "Men act upon the world.

and.l'!rgc it, an.l re .Langed in h,n' by

the of ther actioD" lp l).

Skinner rpedcd to jrst r few basjc

.on.e!ts. for eliniple, reintur.dlent, dis'

.rnninati\€ stnnulus, nxfi\ ltnni. a\trsive

ontrol. His t.inN lrovided r taonom) ol

lu.ctnm rrtl.r than *mcturc ilor e\,r!'

ple. tltev idcntjlied \erbal .la$es b) tl,eir

eifects rather ih,n lr tLcir topog{hi.s)FIe rpplled this tuodest aPPrrrtus to a

broid range of ph.romen,, rnd pointe'1

ont eartthrt thc book \dld b. inte?rc_

uve rdtler thar exPenmertal:

llr rniphris is upon an o erlv Mu[.n'ent.1 n?ll tnowi fa.h nr arcordancc \tl, a fo.nnnrtiod of\io. d€rircd frm an erPen_rie.i.j rntrlF\ of i

'nor rigon)ur solt Th.

pr.vrt cxtension to rcrhd tJeha\ior is thus ar.\ci1\se nr i.teryrctrhn' fier tn.n a

'lu!rb-tahve ertqDLhor ofrigorcus c\tn'nrientar rc

Bcc.use tle brsi. concetts $dc lirst

instantiated thc laboDt{n. it is too eas}

to i ew tl,em\rlv But renilbrcem€nt

in Slincrs liaids wrs tiu.I Do.e tl,rn

tfesentniq a bit of food or some other

tangibl. itenr 'ILe opportunrtv to cnter

motli.r room cr r.nrlorce tLeopeningof


r door and a $!il. or i nod can tuinlorce

something sd.l. tnv co$e,tucn.cs ol he

havior tlat keep the behNi(r gonig

,s reinfo(fn \\'hen Skimcr (onsnlered

how onc {orl iiN clttge (he likelil,ood

ofsa)nrg aD.ther tu {od as$ciltion atd

rcldted processes, he trrote. Tlc nrtrder

bal relatnntr ni anv ddt rcpcnoire rre

tbe renLlt ol Lundreds oftl,ousaids ol re

nrlorcetucnts under a rarieh ol ni

consist.nt aDd often conilichrg ..ntingcn

cies (!. ?a). He coul.l hardlr La'c beerwriting abotrt \1&N{! Ar rp.opriate

'€'sponse n) lrnctiinrg sai.l is usuilh s,ffi_

cient, ald ,rost olns tdk erough iogener

ate thosc tliousands ulon thonsands ofn,

Thc rolei of n0tnalion ind rvcsne

coDtrol iaronlarce lrd punidnrertl rere(raiqhtfo'r crough Thoscof dis.rim_

in.tive stnruli nr the thr.e tcrnr c.nti!-

gen.ywerc.rucial tthetiir.c ienn.o.tirgencl \us llie n outnrr rat

sep&rt.d Skinner I;onr stnrdus rc

sFms. iheonsts) h a three-terur contnr

gcr.\r a ./is.nnird,i|. rtrrrl,r s.ts the

oc..slon on \!lii.h a rs/),rb-r sith some

lrolrabilit! produces nns.q'.tt.ct \ns$hen thc .ons.qrlences ol steppnrgon u'.

g'\ pedal depend onwh.ther a tMf6.light

is qrc.n or redl. TLc three tem contnr

gercy does much ol the $0* in \'./ral

B.ido,o' (e.g.. as \ hen v,n'esihdtion sets

the oc.r{n 1or sa)ing inkthing thnt

soFeone eLs. can act on)The suprflclal snnlli.lty ol Skinrcrs

{rpdratLs can hif tlic reader xP. IIe

neMt il \*er he srid that I t/.t tcse.tilll)t h,s tenn lbr discriunratcd re

sponding as it in \erl)d b.h.rior)

Dust .c.u ni tlie lreterc. of the ta.ted

stjmrlur. Sairg aftle or seelnq rn

ipple is r t!.1. blt srtn,g it on hNing secn

one d liorr aso is nol hhe shxlert 01'

mclio4 who tfeats a rlire{t resPons. to

sonrc eknt N diilcr.nt fmm ur cn<odrng

of the e\dt rnd its later rc.all $ill {r_precint€ tlif dhtjn.tnnr Tlie term taf

must lot bc read ar if it inplied ni,,'n,g

or ref€rdrce or Rrne other est$lisl,cd

Snrilar (irutnms hokl f.r othcr tubtle

ti.s ,nd qrrlrns.s For exrdplc. lhe em_

plidis on tlre productnn ofr.rbal trehx\ _

ior meatu that there is riu.h about th

beLNnr of the spe*erard relatnehlittl.about tlre beh.vior of the lhtene. (bxt scc

Shrn.r, 1969)j tl,erc are units ofrcrb.l

bchavior but tlB are o{noPr.icular siTe

ini \ocal \erlJ beha\nrt ti,L\ can range

liom tl,orclres io enlire t.xls, t,ch r

Hamleti soliloqu'lj engagnrg in textudl

behNior or vocll verbil .esp.ndn,g tli.l

h$ ponit io pon,t corcslon{lences {ilh

witter ycrlr.l slinnrli i\ rot re.dnrq or is

rt brn onhasm lcouponeit ol FrLUnql

and 'crlralbehi\nr

is noL delined l)r !,o

diljt! iif .m l)e lnttcn as stll $ spoken.

and rot.rll 'ocrl

bchnor reed bc ' crbal)

\\Len )ou ftad Skn er \ou ,!u* t&e

Th. li,hre no d.ubt h.r.lett to colre

to terms with is Skintrci\ .onsisteut bcat

Nent of\ords is behdn)r uther than isv€hi{les l;r sonre(hi,rg els. Tl,t !.^anreinet.{r|or nr ereNlr luqulse ls.lsr \

{s lrri.s .l thouql,ts or dert or ttu

nrqs ithe co,duit r!'t.thor, .f. L.Lhli &

Johnsnr, t!301. blt \token or {rltten do not ronlain .th-"r crtitnT irvlrere$n,ld tl,osc enliiies l)e $1i.. nob.d\ is

lirtelntg to lhe wod\ or r.adiig then,:l

E\er .licr skinner Las prsudded tltf

reldd to qtrestnD tlir (rttF of tLougiits

or ideas o. ileunigs, il rs {rnnrt.rirtuitne

to treat $ords this sari lt is rot to

talk rLout sit|out rfierring n)

them!slortanringnlers thouqlr skirnrer:\

arcourt sho$\ tl,rt .loniq so h;L\ tot.rt

So id I ltlve nranrlr ddrc$ed sonre of

the problcrs and ptcrti.l lltlilk Btrt it

i u)rc nnpofrt $4,at \oL should

erpc.t to get otrt ofdre book on.e uL qel

lrn thenr. bu rtrst not e\rect t0 find a

lot ab.ut grdnla. Thotrgh Skin.r

sionallv uertioned ir. he $rs riu.l, more

concen,cd $ilh the in,ltions ol\F,brlb.havior than he $as \itli the strn,tlre 01

ptrIti.uldlane,rq.sorol hnqurge {crerdl: .\s lilntehrs sdid, \\'hen wnr .r. to

\uite (o Iotrr fncnd. gfumnufi]]t.ll)oulos lo \.itej])ut sheiher vrrr drc to \riie

1o \our fri.rd at all, gr{nmar sill noi tell

\.ri " rp. ,1,11 Cen,inh Sl:inner nerer rr

tnl)trtrd qr.nrmticd stru.loe to serltrcr

tiJ dflendencies uisnrq lmm stinr us

rcsponse .lui!\. lle $n\ $ell oi

Lashlev\ il95I argonrerts tltt Lrehavror

se.l, could become nttcqrated unitsin their oNi rigfit. Sknnrcr\ tdononl of

rerl,,rl L,choior inchrdctl'erbal rclnrscs

trttributalrle n).I'dftrg.s onlron. ol so

crLrl dlstnr.t furctional cLsses ol 'trbrl

Li.harior this \crbil til\.norN rtiglt be

called iloduldr anii{itatn,q ! Ponhontaken mLrL later br Clodskr cl (llrDr

skt 11]30) I I. labeled tircn' resfoDses tr

trztrlalt (eg cor,flcinrs i Inre ofpo

etrv gifer ihe fnn ic\ $!,.1s, rey',.ling''lbui' ro hlo plL6 x\o"), distn,g shing

them iio,n otlid lerb:J classts thal cam€

shntcr did not dress Chomsln\ !rgnncrt liom rhe pr.rt.'" ol ihe stnnnLLr.

LUNIT tP'h\ t \ In, l ' l 'L l

r r4- \ .1 2\u

Page 3: An Orderly Arrangement of Well-Known Facts: B. F. Skinner ...catania/vb/cp vb review acc.pdfAn Orderly Arrangement of Well-Known Facts: B. F. Skinner's Verbal Behador It11)r \l\ (

$fi{.h ndltdn.d tLlt tlic childi lerbrlenrironlrot docs dot nclude thc reqr-tne iugrlxnuti.a| fhat tlnnrl{lh tlcrc to suppo{ fhe.ihildr &,luisitnn,of .onftence t|rou(hleanr nq,l l)e comtcrc.l tl[t ip6iLn e ndrn.e of on. l;.n canbe r negrtnc natar.c ol inoiher ie q.,

frssnc roir. h a ieg.fiF instan.e ol acI \r roi.el tlnt j,*t f(tr tl,. sak. ol arq!n,ent, i,|tnxr tht grannnatn iI unrleralso$tr{ininq the hles of senten.e nmrLures il,rt {,hil(}rcn cr lc& do inn. 50Nhrt:r Ey.r if rc dro$ ed th.l huDrn hn-gu!g. n l, ied in its {nrrh,rrl fropcrlrF\. irn.tnr (ttr.stnnrs nL.L is Skliferi\0 (1 nill rcnanr iboul ihe {jmnn'stin.cs in \h.h FrbJ l)el,r\ior o..ursand fhe effe.t\ it I$. Ln i..oul iimiledo \ nr nrucrrre hrB little tosa\ abori nn h \Frhl fu,ctnrs

One oftl,c ',aju

ronbill'uliois of\tr,d/ B.l?rior h ils elahorition of m,ltifleca,srr,.f, r ubnl,innr\ trof.rtr rot junof\erbrl l)el,r\nr but ol Lchlrior n gen.ruI A pann ! hf \ erl l r rttemn.e is likcl)lo be determi,,ed ion,tlr b! di\crnrnritne\tnnuli frior \.rbal i$poises, ptsil)le(nr lb( inq or. \F6ne.onsequerre\ , t lc.on(litnn, of tl,e spcakd, ard the nat,,reof tlt listcncr S.le.tirq lmnr these.rte-qorics. SliiNref .ondu.te(l the r.rdcr ot,n entetdfirg tou tlirouqh liter.hrreId pu lrd \o gai,es. demonfrtn,qho\r ini.h n.her rn urhais of Lrulitiod.rn l)e tl,m is su(qc(.d b\ oth.r o,e

Lye.t to 6r(l otl,er ig topns.n,!1, rs tl,c wa\s nr Nh,ch n.rel Frl),]t'.La\ior.ii e'nerge film irter{ctnrr ofbasn. |nn.este\ ic f . Cat ln i i & Cerut l i .1'JE6 ..r drs to ho(. ii e.hoic beha\n)rlni(litions .J he \h,fd b\ tl,€ir {,c!l.on\ lr \oft ol ontogeni( an.loguf ol ..turil sele.tlon, {,1 (iatri{

l9t).1. Hisle\: l9til. But,bovr allthis booki\ rlnmt hoslfdq.. and espe.i.llv selt:k.ovledqe rlo$do\e come n)]nxN oursel*s? \irral Afl,rior lddascs lheseis$t\ ni hro .oDplenrentxtr .ontertsOne n in ftlunt oftl,e ongn$ old nidi\nl,Ldl\ lo.dlulan ol lrn.te ereits (as nrrpods olpai,r or.the.lieln,qsjr the otl,crk , trertme,,t of wht Skinnfr.allcd artocliti. pro.c$.s, nr $hich so'ne leftr.esol lerb.l behNor de;end on Lo* r'clls})erLk-".s di\.nrftL,tr otlicr lcatures 01thcn orui rcrb.l behavior irs $hen rorfi.d,i Nhrtn, h,\e sltid sltl, rrcgltioror NitL r stltc rnt of\olr degree ol .oD

?ubli. speali.g land prnate eve.ts)\\th regr n) |n\te e\e.ts tl. issrc isnot tlri distc(r rathcr. il h hor $e

lern, t{) trll about thcd Skinner (19.15)

l,ad tr.scnt.d his ar_qlnents on Un\ateerorts ..rln'r, but lhat classic llti.le wa\l,nddFl with hr\ renrnciatnn ol oporitionhnrj lhe rrgrments de nure hd.l in|obnl lttluxior Tl,c lrobldn s ho$ aFrbrlronn!u!it\ c8 ctuatc and oranrtanrwrld rrl,orscs rvhen n does not hN? to tL. r.le\ant stinNli I'nrentr cmt.r.h .hildrei .olor nnmes lecabe thevcan a'c thc colo6 lhar the {,Lild sees ard&r (ai ,espord iptmlrftely to tl,c.liild\(onect dd in.ore.t color turinig. With

tnute erents Lo$cv-, the \o..bulaN.rn le truglrtonL throtrghe\ten$on lionr.\flts to wli.h th. \erhaLconrNmit\ h$acccs (. Jt., larenh can onl) ie,.h trrlildwo s lbr pai,r hecause thev lNe rccesto o\trl mnrifestrti.rn sdr $ th. e\rntthat c,used inj,N or tli. .liikl\ .qnrqlther c,nnot leel tl,c rlildi painl.

\!e ordi nh drink 01 lriv.te erenis$,.1, $ our Icclings a.d tioushts d5 onerto rhnli s. ha\e pn\ileged a.cess. Bxtni th. phenomeron ol referred pain. r bldti'oth n ihe ldrer jauutlre relort.d asa toothxche in tl,e uppor jasi in tlis .ase.ihe denu\t is r bctt.r judge than the patient of shd.' tlie pan reall) is \velcan,cd th. rc]e\aft $ods lion othe$lnd allthe) had r..ess to in,g tl,crlnr us $ere ihe fubllccorehtes. IfFc.!nbe nrisidken e\en ilout tl,c lo.atior of afoothrLe, rlhat Nurarcc do w. ha\ e lhalorr ot|er repofts ofou !.nate elenh are

Slnrner ol t lned rhe fdr wNs n,shnL a reinlbr.irg .ommunih wit| roa.cess to , lnute (nlulb rrr gercratc\ erhdl bel,rntr \ ltl, resprct to it (p.13L)

The \Frl){l counu tl rrN diilerentiall)res|ouln) rctons ol prirat..\ents basedon ul cotulon public dcc.nrtaninrents.Lbl .ollateral beharior, tc) slured proper-ln{ ol publi.nndt.ilrte elents, $ in extensnn,. m.l (.1) qeneralizatior

hom public to pn\atc b.harior along the{lin,e!\nn, of rcspona' da.qnil !de. Iror ex{npl.. i.hild\ repod ol tain iai md tol-lo* something ptrblic th,t tmduced it

re.g , r cri). lb) it m$ Jv) be accoripanied bv heha\ntr (e.g.. .ryirgJ. Fudliern(,rc. icl th. vo.alulary ol paiD denvesfnnn prcpcfticsol public ohjecis ihaipr..luc. |jnds 01 pan (e g, sh,T edqer fro-du.c sharp pajnsl !nrall\: tlr r.e|oft oftalkjtrg io oneself can gererrlizc liorr.des nr whnrh the tdkilq is orcrt tothose n, wii.l, it is ro longer ol public

Iji more llian hal' a cenh,n, no otherplalsibie alienratnet l re lEen added tosknn,er\ lnr lLe list qrvcs ir.c to Skinnerl\ (incl,$nrb It is olll tlfouqh the

gradMl giNth ofa v.rbal .ommuitl rhaltle nidividual bc.omes conscious' lft.101, ard It is becalse our behalr.f isnnpodanl to oihers ihat it evenhullr be'(onres r.rlort.nt nr ns' | 3lill

But arother frt of tirc accotr.t is tliltnn|oltmt fetrhres of v.rbdl Lclllior depen.l or rvl,ctlilr indn kluak c.n dis.iinnate prupcnics oftheirovr beh.vor \ntr.annot sal $'helier \.u are ple;rsed orsorn lbout soDethjngiou aF $ort n) sa!ules \ou knorv Nhrt \ou sill be sr\n,gr'.,idl drlrarnr deJs *ltl srch pl,cnoDena in tenn\ ofhierurclLicil lro.cscs thalre .rJled dtrtocliti. dnd that nodili theeffects of othcr rdbll Lrelavioron the hstcn.r (as lr r.spondnrg dillerendr to rlicssace depeiding on rvhether tllespcaker begDs rith I'm $ne thit . .or "l in not slre tI:Lt l. ]\gain, tL. {upnse is i,r hov far tl,e rryuDcrt .!n bct,ken Even *ords ]ik. is oi ror tvlicrlvhtrre atrkr.liti. lur.tion

Tli! anahss ol .!lociii,. frocesses isan isn,c ol beha\ior and not logn,. S,\ing''Thls is so" or "Thrtr frcbrble or "It

.an't be" is F.bal behr\nr witL re\Prctto .ther verbrJ belNlor To rcdn.c to trrLoli.logl. or th. malhelutics ofprob.Lrility nrN Lre useluiin sohnig problens ol loqic or mathemdtnr, btrttlic rrduclion is irrele!,nt to the discriri'naljo.s of.ur osn l)elrnr tl,rt dre trtrequisr ies lo or r reflul l)el,d\n,r \\'. on rthose discnn,n,rlio* n, tlic rcrbrl .onrnu b: l,ut our verlal L.hi\ ior \o!klakobc nnpor.rislird $ilhout thern. in |d, dlargc part ol it \voukl be inrpos,ble

I nranqed to co\er tLc topics rr.ntiorcderlier md ruorc. in th. .ouse I taughtl$t sprirg. I cvcn Lad so e tnre (. considcr topics lhat Shnner had not tre:tedin l s book, n,ch ns whft $€ noF hxNabout the sars n, which \?rl)al mtcccdents sn.h N n$tmdnnr cd 0rcrridc$me of tl,o lonr.rlal (ontingcncnT thalnxintdn hunran bchalior. and tbe nrtlication ol hjgher order hehauor classesa.d their nested stfn,trre ir Shnner'srelbal txononi ie q, Catmia. 199;1.

Ltrte in the cousc, our disrusionned to tlr. \!ord rr.Lrndr./rig: lts

cotulon usaqcs, its Detafhoic.l origirs,a.d the dilierent $as in $hich it htn.-tioned lbr differeni students. t.. vnne,votr trnderstand s'nethn,g il it srcr,svnnesht finiliar u.l\ou c.r sav.littlc$otrt itr 1or otlicrs. it docs not .o(trt asun&stlrding unle$ \ou ire .onli(lenr

)otr .an ans$er \artnallr anr qtrestnn orthe topic ihat nright d)me rl ir rn ex0r.

LONTENIOR\R\ P\\rHnIoC\ t lc i \ i , t +t \ l t 969

Page 4: An Orderly Arrangement of Well-Known Facts: B. F. Skinner ...catania/vb/cp vb review acc.pdfAn Orderly Arrangement of Well-Known Facts: B. F. Skinner's Verbal Behador It11)r \l\ (

Fof soD,e. tuu can mddstand snnetLntg

but not bc able n) put it into wor.lsr lbr

oihers, undeNiandn,g and adequate ver

bal l,clia"ior are n*cparable $re talked

rl)out the di{Te.ent hh(ones tlat nrighi

hle shaped tlicse diflerert usages aul

some ofthen po$ible cons€qucnces (one

is that differcnt judgmeDts ofwhen a shl

dent h,s undcstood srrething afie.t th

stu.lent's j grent of whcn it is okrv to

stop shrdvnig it) TLe analvsis of Ddd

str.hrg {as a good.xample oltl,c sbap

iI,{ ol verbal pn.ticcs bv dillereat rerbal

corlruniiies dd oftheir Pra.tical rmpli

cdtions. trter on, some of tL. students

told me thdt tler $n d rcver agdl be

able to thn* abotrt $1rds lnd thei ,nder

standing of them the wal lhe) lsed to.

!'or tlrn at least, I Ldd .hose! the right

Andre$n, J T il990) Slin.€r and (il,omsLthiilv tean L!te. l/iJrrtoqr4rrlztinq ,_li.d, 17. 115 165\. 8.. & Eln.n, l ir996i lFannrgredisor€r.d S.,tJ.., ,i!, lslg 1350

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alqtung jv.n.dn.hiL\ftt lrd nor€: Parl

Hon,-- PJ. & linv,:. (i rr il996l ol the..ini.s olnrnn'q dd otlr.r \r,l,olicbeiM.t tnnnl ol nv Eelnln ntalAn.lU\^ t)J Lt.h.ri4 6s, 135 211

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.ili.r .e\ie\5 flP ^n,/y\il


Ldkoli. (;. & Johnson, v ir93o) v.rat,/.,^r'r lne l,u chrlso Lh €'5ih ol (llilrgo

t,^sll.\: K i. r!r51_ Th. F,u;n ols..dlrder in b.hN.. h L A itid.r,a:tn lntl na.honis,* ,1 l).hoti.r, Th.llix,n sl,t,rr,, iPp Ill 1.16r Nc\

Irrcarorlrriirn. K i19i0l On cl,o,nst\'s!!a,,il slrinr.,\ lirr,/ ri/[ri.t

l.tnt.l itt( 1'\rtitiat)t.l \turtri: oJ

Moeif E L lrggtr ]]l'sl lnnlng tinr4hl,n./ rz'rad. !.ltrnrft Prul 11 lrookr\

Itnl€\ T B il97il 'fhe d.\rl,)prHt andnrntend.e ol l3ngrage: A. opcrxrirodel. ln B (: riLel J \1 li lllarr, &D \'l B&r iltds ). \lrL 1,0Lp,knir

'll).lMrnrral i\,rrl Lpp 8l l0llHrlkd.,le. \l Er bNni

s|jmer B F (]938) 1h. b.h6tu 4.r(u"rvr^ \€N lbrL: Attlcto. Cenh,l,

s|jner. n. F ilg$] fhe oD.rainn':l rul}sn.f |s\d$logj..l krnis l!v./',l,Ci..llr.Li.tL. 52 2 t-\l 2ii .

Skinn,:. B rl r 1g5 il r'/rr,l l,.ldrn, \"rnlnrk: iDnl.ton cenlur Cdt\

Shnnri (19tlr A [,!hfe on hrnig" aD@n In B l] Ctr,n ,ttD."l

-1,I!.315 fisl \er \brlr,

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sn'ith. ts H ll!68r t r/i../ow,z (llicigo:(lhi.:Lgo€Nt Pres

Dannemiller Appointed Editor ofDevelopmental P sycholo g, 1999-2004

The Publications and Connunications Board of the American Psychological Associationannounces the apPoirtment of James L. Dannemiller, PhD, University of Wisconsin' aseditot of Derelopnental Pstcholoey fot

^ 6-ye te'r.l beginning in I 999.

Effective January l, 1998, manuscripts should b€ direcled to

James L. Dannemiller, PhDDevelopmental Psychology Joumal OfficeRoom 555 waisman centerUniYersity of Wiscoosin-Madison1500 Highland AvenueMadison, wI 53?06-16ll€mail: [email protected]

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