ultratech afr presentation (2)

Post on 02-Jun-2018






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8/11/2019 UltraTech AFR Presentation (2)

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8/11/2019 UltraTech AFR Presentation (2)

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Lin#a$e coa "or Cement sector

(ata !ased on CMA mem!er companies(ata !ased on CMA mem!er companies

No ne' Coa aotment to Cement industry & Coa materiai)ation thru

in#a$e has come do'n "rom *+& , mi T in -. /0 to **&1 in -. **

Aternate "ue use in Cement #ins

Country 2 TS3 !y A-3 Country 2 TS3 !y A-3

Netherlan! 83 "#een 29

"#it$erlan %8 &u'em(ur) 25

*u!tria %6 C$ech +epu(lic 2%

Nor#a, 35 apan 10

rance 3% /nite !tate! 25

el)ium 30 nia &e!! than 1

erman, %2

Source4 CEM5U3EAUSource4 CEM5U3EAU

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Waste $eneration in India

Type o" 'aste 6uantity Mi T 6uantity Mi T

Municipal #a!te 58. %

a$arou! #a!te *44C 6.21

* rec,cla(le 3.08 3.08

&an filla(le 2.72 2.72

C ncinera(le 0.%1 0.%1

Total 6%.61

Nationa Inventory o" 7a)ardous Wastes 8eneratin$ Industries 9

7a)ardous Waste Mana$ement in India -e!ruary ://1; CPC5

Nationa Inventory o" 7a)ardous Wastes 8eneratin$ Industries 9

7a)ardous Waste Mana$ement in India -e!ruary ://1; CPC5

Municipa 'aste aone can $enerate 1 mi T o" 3(- to repace +& < Mi T o" coa E=uivaent to

:: 2 o" current coa re=uirement "or cement pant operation & (oes not incude other non

ha)ardous 'aste

Incinera!e 'aste $eneration in India

State 7a)ardous 'aste incinera!e

Mahara!htra 36.75

uarat 26.12

* 7.61

+aa!than 5.5%

/. 3.78

una( 3.57


TN 2.68

Tota Incinera!e 'aste $eneration /&+*MTA

Tota Incinera!e 'aste capacity /&>: MTA

(e"icit o" Incineration capacities /&/1MTA

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UtraTech ? Leadin$ Indian Cement Manu"acturer

has ta#en this Chaen$e as Technoo$y Mission&

UtraTech ? Leadin$ Indian Cement Manu"acturer

has ta#en this Chaen$e as Technoo$y Mission&


The advanta$es o" co processin$ o"

aternate "ue in cement pant

• Co proce!!in) ran! hi)her in the #a!te proce!!in) hierarch, .

• i)h flame temperature :2000°C; < en!ure! complete e!tructionof harmful pollutant!

• +e!ience time of com(u!tion )a!e! a(o=e 1000°C in e'ce!! of 3-%!econ! < en!ure! complete e!truction of pollutant!.

Complete e!truction of or)anic compoun!.• Total neutrali$ation of aci )a!e!> !ulphur o'ie! an h,ro)en

chlorie> (, the acti=e lime in the iln loa> in lar)e e'ce!! to the!toichiometr,.

• ?m(ein) of the trace! of hea=, metal! in the cliner !tructure#ith =er, !ta(le lin! :metallic !ilicate! formation;.

• No prouction of (,-prouct! !uch a! a!h or liqui re!iue from )a!cleanin).

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The advanta$es o" co processin$ o"

aternate "ue in cement pant

• rouce! o=erall en=ironmental (enefit! (, reucin) relea!e! to air>

#ater an lan.

• Ma'imi$e! the reco=er, of ener), #hile en!urin) their !afe i!po!al

• "a=in) of non rene#a(le fo!!il fuel!. "u(!titution of coal #ith

#a!te. "a=in)! are mae throu)h re!ource con!er=ation an

a!!ociate C@2 emi!!ion!.

• +euce (uren on T"A

• mmo(ili$ation of to'ic an hea=, material

+euce N@' emi!!ion! #hen u!in) certain t,pe! of #a!te

UtraTech Cement in India

• 3a%asthan? Three nte)rate /nit!: *it,a Cement #or!> Botputli cement #or! anirla #hite cement plant;

• Chhattis$arh? : irmi Cement or!> +a#an Cement or!;

• Maharashtra? :*#arpur Cement or!> ot)i cement or!> +atna)iri Cement or!;

• Madhya Pradesh? : iram Cement or!;

• @arnata#a? :+a!hree Cement or!> ini)era Cement or!;

• Tami Nadu :+eipala,am Cement or!> *raonam Cement or!;

• 8u%arat ? uarat Cement or! > Narmaa Cement afra(a or!> Ma)alla Cementor!

Andhra Pradesh : *nhra rae!h Cement or!;• Uttar Pradesh? : Aaari Cement or!> *li)arh Cement or!;

• 7aryana? : anipat Cement or!;

• Pun%a!? : athina Cement or!

• West 5en$a : e!t en)al Cement or!;

• Orissa : har!u)ua Cement or!;


Inte$rated Units?*:

8rindin$ Units ?**

5u# termina ?+


Cin#erisation Units?*

8rindin$ Units ?>

8rindin$ Units 5an$adesh ?*

5u# termina Sri an#a ?*

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Industria Wastes We Co?Process

Automo!ie Industry B aint "lu)e> ho!phate "lu)e> ?T "lu)e> "pent

Catal,!t> a!te @il;

Tetie Industry B ?T "lu)e> a!te @il;

Pharmaceutica 9 5u# (ru$ Industry :"pent Car(on> ?T "lu)e> "pent

Catal,!t> Mother &iquor> a!te @il> "till ottom +e!iue> "pent an

i!tillation +e!iue;

So"t (rin# Industry : ?T "lu)e> "pent Car(on;

Petroeum 3e"inery

Pesticide Industry

Paint and (yes Industries

A$ro Waste and 5iomass : +ice u!> "o,a u!> Mu!tar u!> roun Nut

u!> "a# Au!t etc;

Tyre Chips; 3u!!ers; Pastics and poythene


Overa A- Consumption

















2 A- Wei$ht 2 TS3 6ty Bin Lac MTF

:/*/?** :/**?*: :/*:?*>G

Tar$eted 2 TS3 "or -. :/*:?*>

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Overvie' o" A- Usa$e in UtraTech

B5ased on MateriaF

7a)ardous 'aste +>2 ;Non 7a)ardous 'aste *<2

5iomass "ue +:2

Aternative 3a' Materia

/tili$ation of l, a!h> "la) a! "u(!titute material! for Cement

rouction . otential to u!e &A !la) > !pent pot liner! > lime !lu)e .

16.81 million tonne! of rec,cle material u!e urin) ,-10-11 an


*lternati=e +a# Material! +ate : total ra# material! for cement

prouction; 1%.10 an 13.75 urin) ,-10-11 an ,-11-12.

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Stora$e .ard 9 -eedin$ System at 3(CW

e ha=e a #ell co=ere !tora)e ,ar #ith )oo

=entilation> concrete floor an leachate collection

raina)e !,!tem.

* !pecial an full, mechani$e feein) !,!tem #ith

hopper> (elt con=e,or> #ei)h feeer etc.

ull, eicate hanlin) =ehicle lie o$er.

"pecial manpo#er for pre-proce!!in)> hanlin) an

monitorin) of #a!te fuel feein).

ump for feein) liquiD!emi !oli material lie !lu)e.

la!tic an #oo !hrein) machine for !i$e reuction.


Aternate -ue -eedin$ System at 3(CWAternate -ue -eedin$ System at 3(CW







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Aternate -ue -eedin$ System at 3(CWAternate -ue -eedin$ System at 3(CW


Stora$e .ard at 3(CW With (i""erent Wastes

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Municipa Soid Waste Pant at Haipur B 3a%asthanF

B-uture pan and Support re=uired F

• olic, to encoura)e #a!te )enerator! to i=ert incinera(le

#a!te to cement plant.

• To inclue Eco proce!!in) Fin 7a)ardous 'astes

BMana$ement; 7andin$; and Trans !oundary Movement F

3ues;://, and pace it a!ove incineration &

• To Create a cla!! of a!te proce!!in) facilitie! for fuel

homo)eni$ation an preparation for nu!tr, .• olluter! pa, principle to (e enforce .

• Nee for (etter coorination (et#een re)ulator, authorit,>

T"A operator! an cement inu!tr,.

• nter "tate! mo=ement permi!!ion.

• ermit import of non ha$arou! #a!te !uch a! T,re! an +A


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