the superfrog isbi: chapter five

Post on 25-Dec-2014






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The Superfrog ISBI

Chapter Five: Oh, Firetruck

Welcome to Chapter Five of the Superfrog ISBI!

Last time, we saw Star become the Torch Holder, and hold her wedding in the garden. Feeling bad that Joe and Sam weren't running around the place as elders, the family adopted two elderly people – Vamsi and Makoto – who hate each other. Seriously, the house is like a war zone with them two around. As well as the crazy fighting that happens round the place, Sketch, a girl, was born to the family. Generation Three has started to arrive!

So! On with this chapter -->

“Joe...I'm bored...”

“Aren't you supposed to be updating people on the lives of our eldest and her family?”

“ about some rule changes?”

“What kind of rule changes?” Joe smiled, looking away.

“More creatures? I haven't a clue.”

“Well, why not start with the creatures?”

“A different one every generation?”

“Yes! But, count as a generation...what are you going to be?”

“I'll choose a creature later for myself. I want to start the changes right away!” Sam declared.

Joe smiled, discreetly, “Playing SSX3 is not going to get the rule changes on the road, Sam.”

“Shh. Don't rush me.”


We rejoin the family to find Makoto and Vamsi in yet another fight. This is why you shouldn't adopt random old people you find in the street.

“Where is Vamsi? I can't find her in this cloud!”

Don't worry, Makoto, she's there.

As quick as it had started, the fight was over. I don't recall who won.

“Waaah! He's so mean!” Vamsi wailed.

“Not even sorry.”

Outside, Star was meeting a rather strange dog. More of a wolf, really. A wolf with glowing eyes...

...totally appropriate since I just decided on the new creature-a-generation rule. What are the odds? I also haven't had a werewolf for years.

Alan found something to distract him outside, too. This is the first time I've ever had sims sniff flowers autonomously. Strange.

“Mmm, orange scented.”

After sniffing the flowers, Alan decides to sniff his daughter instead. I spent the entire time giggling at how large his nose was in comparison to her face.

I have no idea why.

Later on, Alan and Star had some troubles removing their adopted couple from the master bedroom.

“Do you want to leave? My wife and I would like some alone time.”

“Stay out of this, Artie! I need to slap Makoto some more!”

“My name is Alan!”

“If I turn my back on it, nothing is happening.”


“Come back here, I'm not done slapping you!”

Star sighed, “It's lucky there's a hot tub out back for me and Alan to spend some time in.”

“Only you would decide to wear a wetsuit to couple time, Alan.”

“Stop questioning my fashion sense.”

I still think they're pretty cool as a couple. Bit on the odd side, but that's my entire ISBI for you, really.

I probably had some caption planned that was related to the leftover fireworks, but then I noticed Sketch crawling through the leaves in the back.

I don't even want to know what that child just saw.

“It's okay, Sketch!” Star sets about improving the situation, by patting Sketch on the head.

Maybe she'll pat the things Sketch saw right out of her head?

Star then runs around the house doing everything she normally does, but in her swimsuit.

I know I can control Star and fix the situation, but if everyone else runs around in whatever they want all the time, why should Star be any different?

Meanwhile, Makoto was glowing. Somehow, he worked his way up to maximum enthusiasm for music and dance.

Being 'in the zone' very rarely happens in my game, I didn't expect this.

The next day, the time comes for some Sketch spam.

Star makes an okay mother. When she's not singing time away, she's hugging her daughter or stalking Alan.

Vamsi took a shine to her, as well.

“So your my adopted-granddaughter?”

She then put Sketch down on the floor and left for work.

Sketch promptly passed out in a cloud of her own stink. Probably not a good sign, but it was a nice day, so Sketch was left there for awhile.

Later that day, Vamsi comes home from work with the flu. And because I hate that disease spreading through my sims, Vamsi is immediately locked into quarantine.

She's got all of the necessary things to keep her alive, I promise you I am not trying to kill Vamsi.

By the time the evening rolls around, Star still isn't showing signs of her second pregnancy, despite spending all day with her head in the toilet bowl.

Surely she hasn't caught the flu?

Instead, she sets fire to the kitchen.

That's when I realised there's no fire alarm or sprinkler in the kitchen. Which is bad.

So I instruct Star to call the fire brigade, as she's my Torch Holder. Drops out of queue and she continues to panic. Which is very, very bad.

I try the same thing with the extinguisher. Still dropping out of her queue. Super, super bad.

Especially as there is no one around to come to her rescue. Vamsi is in quarantine, Makoto is asleep in the master bedroom, Sketch is too little...

Alan? Well...

“Fire? What fire?”

Alan is way too busy with the hot tub, where he has been ALL DAY.

Eventually, Alan did work out that there was a fire in the kitchen.

“AH! The bar is almost on fire!”

Completely unable to do anything – Star really wanted to do nothing but fire dance – I sat there, hoping they would be smart enough to stay away from the flames.

But hoping proved pointless. Star caught fire shortly after I'd starting crossing my fingers.

“Is On my butt?”

“Why aren't you doing anything?”

Thing is, I couldn't save Star without breaking the rules of the ISBI. I can't control anyone but her, and she wouldn't move. She was on fire. I couldn't put out those flames.

“This, simmers, is why we always put in a fire alarm when we build a house.”

“Hmm. I'm really hungry, maybe I should order a pizza?”

“You're wife is dead, and you're thinking about take out?”

“It's the smell of burning kitchen. Also, I haven't done anything but hot tub, all day. I think I need some food.”

“Your fridge burned down.”

“Oh. Well, I will just stand here, thinking about food, then.”

Sketch was the only one who seemed upset by the fact that Star was gone.

Well, not the only one completely, but the only one who actually lived with Star.

“Whew, it's hot in here.”

It didn't surprise me when Alan caught fire. I'm not sure why. Of course, it's tragic, but not really surprising.

This was more surprising.

“Wave your arms in the air like you just don't care!”

+1000 for burning to death? Alan, really?

Makoto would wake up in time to express his sorrow for the loss of Alan, rather than Star.

“I have a feeling there is an elderly man in his underwear sobbing behind me. Ugh. I need a new job so badly.”

So. Sketch Super, the orphan. Had her whole family wiped out in one night, pretty much.

According to the rules, the Torch Holder dying means game over.

I'm not sure how to react to that. I mean, I've tried my hardest to stick to all the other rules, it seems a bit unfair to ignore this one. Also, the Torch Holder now would be Sketch, who is just way too young.

I honestly don't know what to do now. Maybe continue with Vogue or Star? Age Sketch up to a teen and carry on? Or play by the rules and announce this as game over?

“Joe, I'm thinking of a word that starts with an F and ends with UCK.”


I think that's where I'll end things this time. Sorry it's such a depressing ending, but I literally have no clue as to what to do now.

Thanks for reading!

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