the power of blogging

Post on 21-Jan-2015






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The Power of Blogging

Pat Sutton

Why I started blogging.

Remember you should never stop learning!

A little about me

Darren Rowse - Chris Brogan - Mashable - CopyBlogger -

Some of my favourite Bloggers and resources.

My favourite place to go to get ideas for subjects is Project Gutenburg for FREE of copyright books -

My favourite place to go for inspiration is Brainy Quotes -


Writer’s Block

A great title.

Great, original, content.

At least one keyword relating to your business. What would people search for?

A clear succinct signature.

An affiliate link.

My 5 essential rules

More detail to follow

Should contain:1. Keywords2. Value3. A list is good4. Says what it does in the box

1. A Great Title

It’s better to write one good original blog post once a week than to write poor ones everyday!

2. Great original content.

What words do people use to find stuff?

A photographer may look for “a good deal on a Minolta”

The phrase must be exact to draw traffic and to beat the competition.

You can even sell keywords!

3. The importance of keywords

Be clear and concise Contain your full name Contain your e-mail address Contain a link to your main website

It could even contain a short sentence about what you do or news of an event, (be careful).

4. Your signature should…

Only promote something you can truthfully endorse.

Sell to your market, don’t try to sell sand to the Arabs.

Necessities are better than luxuries. Make it clear that you will make a few


People like honesty!

5. Affiliates – my rules

Best – coming out of your personal business website

Second best – a dedicated blog website like Blogger or, Tumblr even Twitwall.

Never – from social sites. You use social sites to drive traffic back to your blog.

What platform should you use for your blog?

Using social media Using keywords Using article submissions Using comments on other blogger’s


See The Blogger’s Bible e-book and portal at

How to drive traffic to your blog

If you want to become an expert in your field. If you want to have a voice. If you want to market your business on the Internet. If you want to give value to your customers. If you want to earn a nice residual income…

BECOME A BLOGGER The only person stopping you is YOU!

Don’t forget to check out

http://www.TheBlogger’sBible.comSpecial today – first 6 people to buy book

Thanks for joining us

A video critique of your blog by me The video uploaded to my channel on YouTube as a

case study


The video, showcased on my website for massive exposure and Tweeted out to all my Twitter followers, 9,000 and counting on The Biz Woman alone plus about another 30,000 on my other Twitter accounts.

Also don’t forget to follow me - TheBizWoman

Will get…

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