the parish of resurrection-ascension...2020/02/23  · the parish of resurrection-ascension 85-25...

Post on 21-May-2020






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The Parish of Resurrection-Ascension 85-25 61st Road, Rego Park, New York 11374

(718) 424-5212

Mass Schedule

9:00am Monday-Saturday

Saturday 5:00pm, Sunday 8:00am, 9:30am, 11:00am, 12:30pm (Spanish)

Ash Wednesday is this Wednesday, February 26th.

Ashes will be distributed in church at the following times:

9:00am Mass 3:30pm Prayer Service 7:30pm Prayer Service

Monday, February 24th 9:00am Max A. Garcia, req by his family

Tuesday, February 25th 9:00am Philomena O’Brien, req by Rosemarie Phelan

Wednesday, February 26th 9:00am Patrick Tully, req by his wife Ann

Thursday, February 27th 9:00am Philomena O’Brien, req by Ann Ruebenacker

Friday, February 28th 9:00am Margaret Murray, req by her niece Kathleen and family

Saturday, February 29th 9:00am-For the People of the Parish -for the health and intentions of Candy Giraldi, Alexander Dunne, req by Eileen Dunne -for the health and intentions of Gladys and Dr. Romell, req by Eileen Dunne -Joseph Loughnane, req by Jane Donlon -for the health and intentions of Kathleen Jones, req by Angela McCarthy 5:00pm deceased members of the Malley and Twomey families, req by Brenda and Tom McCabe and family

Sunday, March 1st– First Sunday of Lent (22: Gn 2:7-9; 3:1-7 Ps 51:3-6, 12-13, 17

Rom 5:12-19 Mt 4:1-11)

8:00am John Curran, req by Margaret McCafferty and family 9:30am Matty Maher, req by Bill and Bozena Hickey 11:00am Richard S. Pribyl, req by Rita and Ed Geraghty 12:30pm for the health and intentions of Iris Holguin and Lilian Nacer, req by all ministers


Today is the Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time (A). The read-

ings may be found at #1127 in the parish hymnal.


The Sick and/or Hospitalized: Vahide Atlas, Colleen Brehe-ny, Peggy Brennan, Stephanie Bojarski, Kurt Burger, Richard DeNardo, Kathleen Fallon, Ida Fernandes, Steve Ferrugio, Msgr. Vincent Fullam, Jackie Hanley, George J. Harms, George M. Harms, James Leung, Mary Loughnane, Saverio Lunetta, Mary Ellen Lustberg, Nora Lydon, Mary May, Brian McCabe, Patrick McCabe, Paula Narva, Dolly Serna Ocampo, Brendan Phelan, Grace Radonicic, Frank Rahill, Maureen Rahill, Barbara Ravert, Susan Richards, Joel Rivera, Madeline

Silecchia, Jason Swinburne, Rose and Carmela Tantillo.


The Wine and Hosts will be used this week for the intentions of our faithful parishioners.

A Glimpse at your contributions… February 15/16: Sunday Collection: $5,676 Contributions made via Online Giving: $748 Total Sunday Collection: $6,424 Society of St. Vincent Collection: $847


Black and Indian Missions


The Marian Rosary Group will begin the Lenten season with

a recitation of the rosary in honor of our Blessed Mother. We

invite all parishioners to join us as we travel with Mary the

journeys from Ash Wednesday to the Crucificaton. Father

Richard Conlon will join us with a brief reflection. Our meet-

ing on Thursday, February 27th will be at 9:45am in the Gar-

den Room of Fr. Feely Hall. Morning refreshments will be

served. We look forward to seeing you. Mary, Mother of Sor-

rows, pray for us.

Prepare for Holy Week and Easter with Scripture!

Reading, discussion, and prayer about the Scriptures of the

Mass for the following Sunday. All are welcome. Come

when you can. Bring a friend. Facilitator: John Cleary (718)

662-6069. Tuesdays from 10-11am in Fr. Feely Hall.

(February 25; March 3, 10, 17, 24, 31; April 7)

Lenten Morning Reflection will take place every Wednes-day during Lent at 8:45am in Church

Stations of the Cross in English will take place every Friday at 9:30am in the Church.

Stations of the Cross in Spanish will take place every Tuesday evening at 6:30pm in the Chapel in Fr. Feely Hall

FEBRUARY 23, 2020

Dear Friends,

We are just a few days away from the beginning of Lent on Wednesday. So, what will make this Lent different? Will we take the time each day to do something extra for God, for our brothers and sisters in need, for ourselves? The Bridge to Life “baby bottle campaign” invites us to sacrifice for those who make the choice for life. We are distributing “Lenten Little Books” (in English and Spanish) to encouage some prayerful meditation each day of Lent. There are other oppor-tunities for prayer and reflection through the season, including a Parish Mission retreat. Maybe we could each take a little time in these coming days to listen to God, to see how God is calling us to journey with Jesus this Lent on the path to Holy Week and Easter.

This week’s Gospel is one of the most challenging. Jesus says “offer no resistance to one who is evil.” He asks much more of his disciples than did the old law of retaliation (“an eye for an eye…”)—he is expecting greater maturity of us, greater moral progress. Jesus teaches us that living justly, and the passive resistance to evil, is the greatest source of moral persuasion. He knows this is not easy for us, that this is not the “way of the world.” But, as with some of his par-ables, this teaching of Jesus invites us to use our imagination. He wants us to both imagine and create the possibility of a different world. Some have taken this seriously (like Martin Luther King, Jr.) and made a great difference in the lives of others. May we let this Gospel challenge us to follow Jesus more closely, that his teaching may rule our hearts!

Peace and blessings,

Father Tom

Queridos amigos,

Estamos a solo unos días del comienzo de la Cuaresma este miércoles. Por lo tanto, ¿qué hará que esta Cuaresma sea diferente? ¿Nos tomaremos el tiempo cada día para hacer algo extra por Dios, por nuestros hermanos y hermanas necesitados, por nosotros mismos? La "campaña del biberón" de Bridge to Life nos invita a sacrificarnos por aquellos que eligen y protegen la vida de un bebé. Estamos distribuyendo “Cuadernillos cuaresmales” (en inglés y español) para fomentar la meditación y oración cada día de Cuaresma. Hay otras oportunidades para la oración y la reflexión durante la temporada, incluyendo un retiro para los ministros y líderes hispanos patrocinado por la oficina de asuntos hispanos de la Diócesis. Además, podríamos tomarnos un poco de tiempo en los próximos días para escuchar a Dios, para ver cómo Dios nos está llamando a caminar con Jesús en esta Cuaresma hacia la Semana Santa y la Pascua.

El Evangelio de esta semana es uno de los más desafiantes. Jesús dice "no ofrezcas resistencia a quien es malo". Él les pide a sus discípulos mucho más que la antigua ley de represalias ("ojo por ojo ..."): Él espera una mayor madurez de nosotros, un mayor progreso moral. Jesús nos enseña que vivir con justicia, y con resistencia pasiva al mal, es la mayor fuente de persuasión moral. Él sabe que esto no es fácil para nosotros, que estos no son los "caminos del mun-do". Pero, al igual que algunas de sus parábolas, esta enseñanza de Jesús nos invita a usar nuestra imaginación. Je-sús quiere que imaginemos y que construyamos la posibilidad de un mundo diferente. Algunos lo han tomado en serio (como Martin Luther King, Jr.) y han marcado una gran diferencia en la vida de los demás. ¡Ojalá que permitamos que este Evangelio nos desafíe a seguir a Jesús más de cerca, para que su enseñanza pueda gobernar nuestros corazo-nes!

Paz y bendiciones, Padre Tom +++++++++++

Día de reflexión en cuaresma para los ministros y líderes hispanos, patrocinado por la oficina de asuntos hispanos de la Diócesis. Fecha: Sábado, 4 de abril del 2020 (Por favor marque su calendario) Hora: 8:00am – 4:00pm Lugar: Centro de la Inmaculada Concepción, Douglaston. La ofrenda será $30. Para inscribirse con el grupo de nuestra parroquia: contactar Jewsin Munoz 646-619-7137

Rectory Hours: Weekdays 9am-noon & 1-5pm Saturday 9am-1pm Rectory Address: 61-11 85th Street, Rego Park, NY 11374 (718) 424-5212 Pastoral Staff Very Rev. Thomas G. Pettei, Pastor Rev. Richard Conlon, Parochial Vicar Msgr. Robert J. Thelen, Parochial Vicar Rev. Basilio Monteiro, Weekend Presider Mr. Emanuel Bologna, Director of Music Mrs. Joann Heppt, Academy Principal Mr. Jason Velazquez, Faith Formation/Pastoral Outreach Mr. James Shearer, Youth Minister

Rectory Staff Debbie Gross, Receptionist, or ext 10 Heather Belon, Bookkeeper, or ext 12 Cathy Mesa, Tuition Officer/ Receptionist, or ext 16 Carmen Chang, Receptionist en español

Rite of Reconciliation Saturday 11:00-11:30am (enter by Blessed Sacrament Chapel), or by appointment

Resurrection-Ascension Catholic Academy (718) 426-4963 To register with the parish, please visit the Rectory office.

The Sacrament of Baptism takes place once a month. Please call the Rectory for schedules and information on registration. Upcoming Baptism Dates In English Sunday, April 19 at 1:45pm Bautismos en español sábado 18 de abril @ 1:00pm

The Sacrament of Marriage- please call the Rectory for schedul-ing. According to Diocesan policy, arrangements must be made six months in advance.

Pastoral Outreach- please contact the Director of Pastoral Out-

reach (ext. 28 at rectory) for information regarding Communion

calls, Food Pantry, Care of the Homebound, etc.

Religious Education & Faith Formation– kindly call Jason

Velazquez at (718) 424-5212, ext 28 or email



Monday, February 24th -Food Pantry 10-12noon PCC -Basketball Practice 5-9pm Gym -Music Commission Meeting 7pm CMR -Yoga 6pm FFH Garden -NA 7:30pm PCC Tuesday, February 25th -Lenten Scriptures 10-11am FFH Main -Children’s Choir 3-4pm Church -Track Practice 4-5pm Gym -Basketball Practice 6:30-9:30pm Gym -No English Classes -Spanish Prayer Group 7-9pm FFH Chapel Wednesday, February 26th—Ash Wednesday -Toddler Time 9:30-10:30am CMR -Food Pantry 10-12noon PCC -Prayer Service with Ashes 3:30pm Church -Prayer Service with Ashes 7:30pm Church -Spanish Choir 6pm, English Choir 8:30pm Church -No Basketball Practice -NA 7:30pm PCC Thursday, February 27th -No Spanish Support Group -Marian Rosary 9:45-11am FFH Garden -Diocesan Choir 7:30pm Church -No English Classes -Basketball Practice 5-9pm Gym Friday, February 28th -Student of the Month Assembly 8:15am Gym -Stations of the Cross (English) 9:30am Church -CODA 10am PCC -Spanish Bible Study 7-9pm FFH -Twirling 3:30-6:45pm, Girl Scouts 7pm FFH Main -Paint Night 7pm Gym, No Basketball Practice Saturday, February 29th -OCA 10am PCC -CYO Basketball -Spanish Classes 3-5pm PCC -Spanish Service 5-7pm PCC -Divine Mercy 4:15pm Blessed Sacrament Chapel Sunday, March 1st—First Sunday of Lent -Children’s Liturgy at the 9:30am Mass -Sunday School 10:45-12noon School -Youth Group 10:30-12noon FFH Garden -Divino Nino 1:30pm Church & Reception 2pm FFH -CYO Basketball Gym

English Classes will resume on Thursday, March 5th

in the Pastoral Care Center from 6-8pm. Classes

meet every Tuesday and Thursday.

FEBRUARY 23, 2020

Mark your calendars!!!

March 16-18 we are having a PARISH LENTEN MISSION!!


Conducted by Fr. Kevin Cronin, OFM

Franciscan Friars Ministry of the Word

Monday, March 16th: God’s Love in Jesus Brings True Joy!

9am Mini Mission at Mass, 7:30pm Mission Talk

Tuesday, March 17th: God’s Mercy Restores the Joy of Our Youth!

9am Mini Mission at Mass, 7:30pm Mission Talk

Wednesday, March 18th: God’s Healing Brings New Hope!

9am Mini Mission at Mass, 7:30pm Mission Talk


Registration for the 2020-2021 School Year is

Going On Now!

To have a tour of our building or to register

your child, please contact the school office at

718-426-4963 for an appointment.

For registration, please bring the following:

Birth certificate

Baptismal certificate

Immunization records

Social Security Card

Copy of report card (Grades 1-8)

Standardized test results (Grades 3-8)

$150 registration fee (non-refundable)

Application for the Pre-K For All program has also begun. Visit to apply. The deadline is March 16, 2020.


February 28th in the RA Auditorium. Presented by RA Catholic Academy’s Home Academy Association. Painting begins at 7pm. $45 and includes all supplies. To purchase tickets visit, go to “News and Links” and click on “RA Catholic Academy PaintNite”. Contact with any questions. Coffee and des-serts included, wine, soda and water will be available for purchase (you also may bring your own snacks). Adults only. No tickets will be sold at the door.


Sunday, March 8th from4-8pm $40 per person

Children 12 & under free

DJ playing Irish and contemporary favorites

Buffet dinner, beer, wine, soda,

water (BYOB), Coffee, tea, dessert, party give-aways

We will be honoring our 4th Annual

Irish Person of the Year… Jane Donlon!

For tickets call (718) 424-5212, email or visit the rectory No tickets will be sold at the door.

Bridge To Life Baby Bottle Campaign… please take home a baby bottle (available at all entrances to the church, and fill with your daily pocket change, offering, or whatever you can during this Lenten season. Bottles will be returned to the Bridge To Life offices, which is an organization providing in-formative, honest and compassionate counseling to empower pregnant women to choose life, while serving these families with support, guidance and material assistance in order for them to raise their children in a loving and secure environment. Please return all bottles by Sunday, March 8th. Thank you for your generosity!

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