the moon

Post on 12-May-2015






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The Moon: Our Big Sphere in the Sky

By: Sebastian Powell


What is the moon like?

● 3-d● it’s been in our solar system for billions of

years● it is our closest neighbor● its surface is rocky and hard● theres a dark side of the moon and a light

side of the moon

did you naw

the moon will die in billion in a half year by the sun and the legend of

The man in the moon

The moons phasesall the moons phases are first quarter moon new moon last quarter moon end my favorite moon the great bright full moon

The Tides

the reason we have high tide is because the moon's gravity pulls on the ocean thats why we have tides

How it gets light

the way the moon gets light is from the sun the moon has no light of his own

Neil Armstrong on the Moon.

nasa plans to send neil armstrong to the moon to learn more about it and what it takes to live there . apollo 17 is the last manned mission moon the crew spend 75 hour. look at the tour of the moon

how was it made 2QC 0n8 it was made of rock from earth then as it went to the cold airless space

Fun Fact

the moon is 2.53 billion year old

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