the fourth sunday of easter the celebration of the lord s …

Post on 10-Apr-2022






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If possible, please print this bulletin, so that you can more fully participate in Sunday worship. • The Zoom site will open to worshipers at 9:50 am, to give you opportunity to prepare for 10 am worship. • To dial in by phone, call: 1-646-558-8656. When prompted, enter this meeting ID: 892501398. • To link by computer or smart phone, click on the link in the email invitation or at If necessary,

download Zoom App. and enter the meeting ID listed above. All worshipers will be muted, whether you have entered worship by computer or call. We think that we’ve now mastered “Mute All!” You can sing or speak responses, without anyone else able to hear you.

Prayer requests can be texted to Pastor Dennis at 201.390.5548

throughout Sunday morning, preferably prior to worship. Where possible, they will be incorporated into the Prayers of the People.


PRELUDE The Lord Is My Shepherd arr. Wilbur Held


The Lord is my shepherd, I need nothing more. You set me near calm waters, where you revive my spirit. You guide me along sure paths, you are true to your name. You spread a table before me, my cup is more than full. Goodness and love will tend me every day of my life, I will dwell in the house of the Lord as long as I shall live. from Psalm 23 Glory and honor, dominion and power be to God forever and ever. Christ is risen! Alleluia! Amen!

HYMN 332 As We Gather at Your Table BEACH SPRING



SUNDAY, MAY 3, 2020 – 10:00 AM

We celebrate the Lord’s Supper in our worship this morning. If able, have a bread or similar item…and grape juice, wine

or similar fruit juice with you for worship. Please see the communion instructions later in this bulletin.

We seek to be a dynamic community of faith committed to spiritual growth, following Christ’s example and God’s Word . . . with diverse worship, education, mission and compassionate care for all.



PEACE In Jesus Christ God walks with us along the roads of life, speaking into our silence, entering into our fears and hopes. This is our God. This is the wonder of God’s risen grace. God who commanded the light to shine out of darkness shine in your hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. The peace of Christ be with you. And also with you.


SOLO Tender Mercies Travis Boyd

WORDS OF NEW LIFE Shepherd Song (Psalm 23) Word with the Children The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures; he leads me beside still waters; he restores my soul. He leads me in right paths for his name’s sake. Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I fear no evil; for you are with me; your rod and your staff— they comfort me. You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; you anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I shall dwell in the house of the LORD my whole life long.

all sing, twice:


The word of the Lord. Thanks be to God.


FCC members and friends are urged to continue giving and fulfilling pledges to FCC during this time, so that we do not fall further behind in our church budget: • Mail your checks to the church, 109 Continental Ave., River Edge, NJ 07661, or • click on EITHER “Donate” button on the homepage in order to contribute by credit

card or PayPal account. • Offering - We are deeply grateful to those who have stepped forward to support our church in recent days.

We need and appreciate every donation. Please consider joining our group of ‘prime movers,’ and giving the church an extra boost during this time of unusual challenges. We need our church more than ever just now.

Offertory Doxology

Alleluia, alleluia! Glory to the God of joy; Alleluia to the Savior who has gained the victory! Alleluia to the Spirit, fount of love and sanctity; Alleluia, alleluia to the Triune Majesty!

Prayer of Dedication


HOLY COMMUNION THE INVITATION THE GREAT PRAYER OF THANKSGIVING God be with you. And also with you. Lift up your hearts. We lift them to God. Let us give thanks to God Most High. It is right to give God thanks and praise.

(Communion Prayer) SANCTUS LAND OF REST


(The prayer continues, including intercessions.)


THE COMMUNION All Christians who wish to know the presence of Christ and to share in the community of God’s people

are invited to receive the sacrament of communion. Worshipers are encouraged to have bread, or a similar food item, available,

as well as grape juice, wine…or a similar available fruit juice. At the time of partaking, you are invited to partake of the elements available to you.

If you do not have suitable elements available, you might consider a “Communion of Empty Hands”:

raising your empty hands toward your mouth, as if you were receiving the bread and the cup. Baptized children are welcome at the Lord’s Supper,

at the discretion of their parent/guardian.


HYMN 247 My Shepherd Is the Living God CONSOLATION (See next page)


POSTLUDE The King of Love My Shepherd Is arr. Emma Lou Diemer If you wish, you may stay for a 10-Minute Fellowship Time.

After the postlude, we will unmute those who wish to remain and allow any to use their camera in order to greet one another.

Assisting God’s people in worship this morning are Pastor Dennis L. TeBeest, Worship Leader; Betty Hogan, Lay Reader, Nadia Orendain,Soloist, accompanied by Louie Frani, Gene Hammerle, Technician, and Pam Weiler, Accompanist.

Alleluia, by Norah Duncan IV copyright 1987 GIA Publications. Inc. Used by permission OneLicense #A-700435.




Family Promise virtual Hike for Hope As we deal with the coronavirus, many things have been cancelled but homelessness and hunger have not. In fact, while we cannot physically get together to participate in the “Hike for Hope”, local working, homeless families need us to “walk” with them more than ever.

Please join our Team, “~~First Congregational Flyers~~” to raise money for Family Promise. You can go directly to the Family Promise site

and follow the prompts. If you’re donating or joining, don’t forget to indicate our Team!

More details and links on our website

If you do a Hike with your family, please take a video or picture so it can be posted (if you have an FCC T-shirt, consider wearing it for the picture.)

If you prefer, mail a check (payable to Family Promise) directly to the address below by May 17th: (and please put the team name “First Congregational Flyers” on the check.)

Family Promise of Bergen County Hike for Hope 100 Dayton Street, Ridgewood, NJ 07450

A message from our Leadership Council Moderator, Russell Van Wetering:

The Leadership Council has called a Congregational Meeting of the Congregation and Corporation of First Congregational Church of River Edge for Sunday May 17, 2020 immediately following the morning service via Zoom conference for the purpose of electing our Church Clerk, Don Huggett. Thank you, Russell Van Wetering Moderator

A note from the church office:

By Leadership Council action, the church office and building are not yet open to the congregation or public. However, all of our staff members are fully working. Some are working at the church on a rotating basis.

A couple of hopes and needs from Nicole, our Minister for Faith Formation:

The Education Team encourages all church school families to continue to participate by working on lessons at home. All families should be receiving an email each Saturday that includes the week’s bible story or scripture, activities and videos to help each child continue on this journey of faith. Contact Nicole with any questions, concerns or suggestions at If you are not on her list, but would like to be, please let her know! She would also love to see what the children are working on, so please share.



Prayer Concerns – May 3, 2020

Prayers for Those with Health Needs

June Morris, Ruth Bailey, Janet Layer, Evelyn Fialko, Victor Babington Sr., Arlene Rudd, Richard Smith, Joanne Hernandez, Hilma Albrecht, Chris Egner, Diane Pra, Chet Price, Doris Price, Tom Rushforth, Karnig Thomasian, Marie Herrick, June Seilheimer, Barbara Christiansen, Joan Sullivan, William Brewer, Rev. Muriel (Mimi) Hatchfeld, Edwina Arena, Barbara Carr, Frank Mills, Karen Coffey, Michael Cirillo.

Those Homebound, in Assisted Living Residences or Nursing Homes Barbara Schmidli, Phyllis Malley, Joan Jones, William Spencer, Mildred Alderdice, Joan Sullivan.

Serving in the Military

Michael Shuler, Michael Riabov and Bob Bailey

CHURCH OFFICE INFORMATION 109 Continental Avenue, River Edge, NJ 07661

Phone (201) 261-1712 Website –

Church Office e-mail –


OR ANNE COOPER (201-951-6100)


Dear FCC Friend,

I hope this finds you and your family safe and well. So many changes have occurred recently during these unprecedented times. As members and friends of the FCC of River Edge, the Stewardship Team would like to update you on what we are doing to assist our congregation in continuing to provide critical services to our community. This is truly a test of faith and stewardship.

In March, we were mandated to close the physical church doors to our congregation by Executive Order of the Governor. The substantial economic impact of this closure has greatly added to the financial challenges we already face as a non-profit organization.

Since our commitment is first and foremost to our community and families, thanks to the collaboration and teamwork of many at FCC of River Edge, we have been able to serve those in need and offer worship services via Zoom. On the positive side, we are facing this virus with amazing, inexpensive and accessible technology. We have discovered new and different ways of serving in this digital world and have incredible tools for communication and the dissemination of information and encouragement. Had this terrible pandemic fallen upon us even 20 years ago, how would we communicate? So, thank the Lord for that! This shutdown has become our “new normal”. When we may congregate again is still a question. What will that look like exactly? What we do know is that it is a major global event that will leave an indelible mark. In the midst of this fluid situation, our churches and ministries will be radically impacted. But one thing is clear: every ministry, every congregation, and every leader should be prayerfully thinking about Stewardship in this Age of Coronavirus. It is obvious, if only from a stewardship and budget point of view, that we cannot do nothing. To hunker down does not mean to go into hiding.

Despite “stay at home”, there is still much we can do. Many of you have so kindly reached out and asked how you can help during this time. In fact – believe it or not – now is the exact right time to put into action some important and far-reaching work. We’re calling it our “community care campaign.”

As a response to the impact this pandemic has had and will have on FCC of River Edge, we initiate The COVID Fund: A Church Offering a Vision to Illuminate the Dawning of a healed world.

With our income severely impacted, these donations will help us through this uncertain time. It is important that we maintain our building, while remembering our ministry happens outside of the church doors. It will enable us to sustain our church while we continue to provide life-changing services to our local community (food pantry, Family Promise, Care Ministry and more), as well as our global community.

Please consider upping your 2020 pledge, making a pledge if you have not done so, fulfilling your pledge ahead of schedule, or simply making a donation to The COVID Fund by using the enclosed envelope, or donating online at

Our congregation and the beneficiaries of our mission work are so fortunate to have your support. We look forward to the days ahead when we will once again be together to celebrate the word of God. Three important values of our church are faith, hope, and love. We must remember that.


A tree that can stand firm through all seasons has strong, deep roots. The roots go down so deep that they are nourished by deep sources of water even in seasons of drought. It is truly amazing to see trees that grow, prosper, and bear fruit in the midst of incredibly difficult, seemingly defeating, circumstances. I pray that we all become strong and sturdy trees as the days come. Deep roots are often deepened by seasons of drought, but only if there is a river to draw from. There is! Until we can meet in person, I wish you and yours well! Stay safe, healthy and strong and keep the faith. We all thank you for your steadfast support, now and always.

With extreme gratitude,

Jane Silane Leader, Stewardship Team

The COVID Fund A Church Offering a Vision to Illuminate the Dawning of a healed world.


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