the big, bold life & biz you have always wanted is available to … · 2019-04-21 · the big,...

Post on 19-Jun-2020






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The Big, Bold Life & Biz You Have Always Wanted Is Available to YOU….right now!

Your Clients are Waiting for YOU to find THEM.

Here are a variety of strategies to communicate, connect, become visible, and make sure you clients SEE you, HEAR you and want to

HIRE you.

Remember, not everything in this document or in the training video may apply to you.

You have to remember, your job is KNOWING where you clients are hanging out. AND sometimes it changes.

Pick from this huge selection of ideas. Come up with your personal biz schedule and TRACK what is working for a good 30-60 days. How

is it working? Do you need to test something new? Test. Test.Test. This is one of the main things most business owners

do not want to do!

Clients want to work with an expert. They want a leader.

Part of being the business owner and leader is KNOWING HOW TO FIND HER! Right now, wait, and right now, wait, and RIGHT NOW…your next client is thinking about YOU!

She is wondering how to find you. She is looking. It is YOUR job to find HER




ALREADY “HANG OUT”? 9. DO YOUR “where are you my perfect ideal





13. YEAR LONG STAY IN TOUCH SYSTEM: Here is the simple system for being organized with your client communication 503-387-5598

14. Recycle, Repurpose, Reuse: 15 Ways to Make More Money with Your Signature Program

15. How To Promote Your Blog With Email 16. How To Use Twitter To Promote Your Blog: as

an example. Remember, find out where your ideal client is hanging out.

17. How To Use Google+ To Promote Your Blog 18. How To Promote Your Blog With Facebook 19. How To Use LinkedIn To Share Your Blog 20. How To Promote Your Blog With Pinterest 21. How To Use Automated Content Pushes To

Promote Your Blog 22. How To Use Outreach And Partnerships To

Promote Your Blog 23. How To Use Search Engine Optimization

(SEO) To Promote Your Blog 24. How To Optimize Your Blog Posts To Increase

Your Social Shares And Track 25. How To Repurpose And Improve Your Blog

Posts 503-387-5598


1. Your past clients.

2. Previous people you didn’t close…create a new offer tailored to them. This does not mean DISCOUNTED to them. It still must be a win for YOU.

3. People you know who don’t know what you do.

Make a list right now of:




WHAT TO DO WITH YOUR LISTS. Your goal with creating these lists is to actually get on the phone with them. This is always the FIRST MODE of engagement! Your goal is to always call people. Every single coach I have ever heard says, “I made a list and then called the people I really wanted to work with.”

Who have you called lately?

Who have you talked with lately?

Your goal is to make the sale, period. 503-387-5598

If you are wondering why you haven’t made money lately, then look at what you wrote above.

Yes, you are here to help people, but your first goal is to be a business in business. And in order to be a business you have to have clients.

And being in business is about making money, period.

And being in business and making the sale means you have the tools in place to ensure you can receive a client.

Do you have a biz account? In other words, are you organized?

How do you take payment? In other words, are you organized?

How does she reach you? In other words, are you organized?

How does she schedule with you? In other words, are you organized?

Do you have certain days you meet with clients?

Do you have certain days you do your social media?

Do you have certain days you are on the phone?

Do you have certain days you are networking?

Do you have certain days you are doing your research???

Scheduling is key when you are building your biz and “looking” for clients. It is easy to get all caught up in the busyness of your business.

In other words, are you organized? 503-387-5598

A GET TO THE POINT INTRO CALL SCRIPT: Hi Sally, I wanted to give you a call and tell you about a project I have been working on and couldn’t help but to think of you. Is now a good time to chat for a few minutes or so?

IF she says, NO, you need to schedule a time when you can talk with her for about 15 minutes or so.

It is, great. As you know, I work with (niche), and I have a new program that, frankly, I thought you could really benefit from. There are only a few spots and when I thought about who I really wanted to work with, you popped into my mind right away.

I know you have been (describe her situation and problem) and this program address it.

What it is is this, (now describe you program/process)

FOR EXAMPLE: What it is is a 90 program where you and I would work one on one to move you being stuck into your business to have systems, support and accountability. These three things are the keys to having success in business. We would also get really clear on who you want to serve, how you are going to price things, get an organized plan in place and wrap it all up with some serious mindset work around your confidence and making more money.

I only have 3 spots available and I would love tell you even more.

Then you can go into a conversation about it. This call is different than THE ART OF THE ASK because it is more direct and is targeted at people you know.

BUT, sometimes we feel like we need an introductory to the call. Here it is, and only use it if you “really” need it. Here are a few examples of email 503-387-5598

introductions telling people what you have been up to. Of course, modify this to your personal style of talking.


Subject line: (insert their name), thinking of you.

Hey (name), How’s life treating you? You came to my mind recently and I couldn’t help but reach out because this is something you may be interested in. A big problem I’ve noticed lately is (insert the BIG PROBLEM you help people with), and people don’t see that the solution is actually right in front of them. They get so caught up in trying to find the “right” answer of what they should do and get themselves into a place of overwhelm that they miss out on REAL opportunities.

You know me and what I do, and it really is supporting women just like YOU! So I have created a 30 minute (name your closing the deal call) to help (bullet point, bullet point). For a limited time only, I have decided to give away these sessions to some of the people in my circle. Right now, I have 5 open spots. Thinking about who would benefit from this call, I thought about all the women you know who could use some support. This may or may not be for you, too and that is no problem. If someone you know would benefit from this call because they (insert problem) then click here for my online calendar link.

This email is personal so it will opened. You are sharing with sincerity but also bottom lining it. You easily describe the problem with a few bullet points and then SHE can decide if it is a fit for her, or whether someone 503-387-5598

she knows comes to mind. You are being real, sharing you want to be of service and tell her about your (CTD CALL NAME). Then you have the push pull of it may or may not be for her, so no pressure there. Then the invite with exact next steps.

Example #2

SUBJECT LINE: I have some exciting news!!

Hi (name), Something exciting has happened lately. (if you are NEW use this: I have started a new business that is totally in alignment with all of the things I have done for years and I am now putting it all together. I wanted to share this with you because I know you probably know people I don’t know who may benefit from it.) or (if you are EXPANDING your business use this: I wanted to share with you how my business has expanded because I know you probably know people I don’t know who may benefit from it.)

Here’s what is going on: (now describe BRIEFLY how you are expanding your business along with pain points: for example)

Here’s what is going on. As you know I have been working with woman business owners and entrepreneurs all around having a plan and having breakthroughs. Women today have the opportunity to create a BIG, BOLD LIFE & BIZ, I know you agree. And yet, sometimes they get stuck or in a place of overwhelm because they don’t have a concrete system to put into place and then they get all in their heads about their confidence and the worth. After years of working as a psychotherapist and then as an elite sales trainer, I realized it is time to put all of these pieces together so I am officially (expanding my business and offering a few new programs OR starting my business as a success and biz coach). Here’s what that means, I work 503-387-5598

directly one on one with my clients to determine what their exact next steps are to develop a program, obtain clients, close more sales, launch and market their business and utilize the single biggest marketing strategy I use, giving free talks. I also work on the mindset piece (aka: psychology) because, I’m sure yu would agree, the reality is, you can have a perfect business plan BUT if you don’t work on your head stuff you will not succeed. Here’s what I am offering you: so I can (jumpstart or expand) my business, I am giving away 30 minutes BOLD LIFE, BIG PROFIT strategy sessions to my inner circle over the next month. What you will learn in 30 minutes is: 1. The exact steps you need to move your business forward 2. What is the main blind spot or block that is keeping you from reaching the next level of success and 3. How to create a strategy for income based on what you want in your life. It may or may not be for you, but I know you know people I don’t know. Here is my online calendar: Mary’s Calendar.

Thank you for supporting me so more women allow themselves to want it all and have it all, unapologetically! Here’s to more women having a BIG, BOLD LIFE & BIZ!


Mary 503-387-5598

Email LIST BUILDING: There are several ways to build your list and get active and become known.

1. Giving live talks

2. Networking

3. Asking for referrals

4. Facebook/Social Media engagement/groups

5. Building an OPT-in and running ads for it

6. Running a telesummit or expert panel

7. Getting traffic to you blog

8. Writing articles and get them published on websites

9. Being a guest writer

10.Being on a podcast/radio show

11.Being a guest on television or someone’s YouTube chanel.

12.Getting into your local paper.

13.Writing for your industry association.

14.Interviewing someone you find “famous” in your industry so they share it with their people.


16.Linked-in Groups 503-387-5598

17.Create a workshop and give it locally

18.What can you do that would be a before and after?

There are several ways to get the word out there about who you are without you even having to say a word.


2. Email Signature line (offer your opt-in)

3. Email (make sure you are not using a Yahoo or Gmail)

4. Voicemail (what is the problem you solve)

5. Business cards

6. Fliers

7. Referrals

8. Opt-ins

9. Testimonials –giving one and getting one 503-387-5598

TESTIMONIALS: Ask for them. When a client or someone you have helped says something positive…ask if you can use that as a testimonial.Why? Because they get exposure and you get the good words.Ask for them by an email.

Sally, I know we have done good work together. I would love to highlight you on my website and social media, by using your comments, photo and website name if that is okay with you. Or at least your comments and initials. Because you are busy, here is a little blurb I put together. Please modify as you see fit.Working with Mary has been a wild ride. I have had my first 10K week, more than doubled my fees and am on track to make more this year than I even thought I could. She is a kickass mentor who truly has my best in mind and is completely open and transparent, and I needed that so I didn’t feel like I was alone in building this business! Thank you, Mary

BENEFICIAL BRAGGING! Post this everywhere! I have made over 10K in one comment alone. AND post your clients accomplishments. I have had clients GET CLIENTS FROM MY POSTS!!

(Remember this, your clients want to work with an expert, your clients want to work with someone who knows what they are doing. Your JOB is to assist them in feeling solid about hiring you/working with you.) So share with me what you have done so I can post it on my social media! 503-387-5598

OPT-IN’s TO BUILD YOUR EMAIL LIST: This is the “thing” you use to grab people’s attention and give them a piece of helpful tips, tricks and advice. In exchange, they give you their name and email. You want to make it so juicy that the feel they must get the information or they will be missing out!! You want them to feel that by getting the “gift” from you, they are closer to their CRAZY BIG DREAM. And they will begin to look at YOU as their resource.

So, remember. As you are designing an opt-in, it is to take the person from where they are to where they want to go. From their BIG PROBLEM to their CRAZY BIG DREAM.


1. Free Reports

2. Video Demos

3. Mindmaps

4. Quiz

5. Assessments

6. Checklist

7. Tips Series

As far as conversion statistics, MISTAKES convert higher. For example:

The 3 biggest mistakes (your ideal client) make when they are (what is she doing) and how to stop.

The top 10 Mistakes to Avoid When….

But you do not have to use the mistake idea.

How discover if you are (problem or goal?). Take this quiz. 503-387-5598

The 5 stop process to (problem or goal?)

The 21 day ___________ challenge.

Then add a line making it juicy.

For example:

The 21 Day Video Challenge. How to get Massive Exposure On Social Media by Posting 21 Days of tips….learn how to become “The Go-To” EXPERT. Simple, easy system to start today so you don’t get overwhelmed, but what you DO GET IS TONS OF EXPOSURE!

What are some of the opt-ins YOU signed up for? 503-387-5598

Review them here: What was interesting about it?

What was the format of the title?

Pain? 503-387-5598


Steps? 503-387-5598


Why did you feel compelled to enter your name? 503-387-5598

Did it satisfy you?

Did you feel like you wanted more from this person? 503-387-5598

What are 3 different types of opt-ins you want to create?

What is the pain?

What is the pleasure/tip? 503-387-5598

Why should they sign up for this?

Create your opt-in HERE: what is the big pain? What is the crazy big dream? 3 bullet points. 503-387-5598

You can use your auto responder ie Mail Chimp, Infusionsoft to build an opt-in, but the no brainer is LEADPAGES.

WHERE DOES YOUR PERFECT CLIENT ALREADY “HANG OUT”? Go to the places our perfect client hangs out and is already gathered in large numbers!

Here are some ideas:

• What association or organization do they belong to?

• Where can you find them in loads?

• Which social media outlets?

• Do they like FB groups? 503-387-5598

• Live and in person groups?

• Do they attend specific classes?

• What online groups are they in?

• Where do they network?

• What meetup groups are they in?

• What fairs, trade shows or summits do they listen to or attend?

• What social club or personal activity do they participate in?

• How are they like you and where do you hang out?

List here 10 places you could start looking today:






6. 503-387-5598





Why not ask your current clients or people you believe would be your perfect client?

Call them or email me them.

Hey Sally,

You know what, you are really my perfect client! And since I am growing my business I want to find more clients just like YOU!! (as a reminder to her, describe your perfect client).

So saying all of that, Sally, would you share:

Where do you hang out?

In person and online?

What professional organization are you involved in?

Do you belong to networking groups, if so, which ones?

Where do YOU suggest I meet more people like you? 503-387-5598

Where would be a great place for me to give a free talk about what I do to support women just like you?

Thank you so much, Sally! You ROCK!!









DO YOUR “where are you my perfect ideal clients?” RESEARCH: There are so many places YOUR perfect client is hanging out! There are over 7 billion people in the world. Don’t you think you could find a few to get started? (have you really broken down your goal numbers on how much income you want/need and then looked at your pricing structures in your biz to get an HONEST and ACTUAL number of clients you need?? Check out the bonus BOLD LIFE, BIG PROFIT MONEY MAP) 503-387-5598

There are thousands of associations all across the world!! One resource you can find at your library is called the ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ASSOCIATIONS. There are nearly 25,000 national and international associations! The directory is broken into categories. You can go there or you may be able to access this online.

Another cool one is the BOOK OF LISTS. You can target by industry, or by women owned businesses.

Google is your best friend when looking up where your perfect client is hanging out and what networking event, or trade show etc you could locate her.

Here are just a couple of quick “get you started” links: U.S. Societies & Associations Association Directory LIST HERE 10 PLACES YOU ARE GOING TO CALL OR LOOK TO SEE if they have a conference you could speak at. Your job is to investigate if you should go there in person and check out who is there:1.







8. 503-387-5598



NETWORKING: YOUR “ELEVATOR” OR “HOT HOOK” OR “INTRO GRABBER” Okay so you have done your research, you have a list of places to go, NOW what do you say to them??

Your goal is to create interest. It is not just to tell them what you are doing as though it has been written out on a 3x5 card.

But first, how do you show up at an event?

Your first impression is critical. Yes, this is where the pressure can come in a little.

Care enough to PREPARE.

What do you look like? Are you on BRAND? Are you pulled together?

How are you arriving? 503-387-5598

Have you gotten centered?

Did you rehearse what you are going to say?

Did you rehearse and get into the energy of who you want to show up as? 503-387-5598

HOW TO TELL SOMEONE WHAT YOUR BIZ IS ABOUT: The goal here is to get engagement, have the person you are talking with understand what you do, want to know more or NOT, self select that they could be your perfect client or NOT, plant a seed so if they know someone or come across someone YOU come to mind.

3 “INTRO GRABBERS”: What to say when someone asks you “what do you do”?

1. Use “help” in your description. “I help women biz owners get out of being stuck so they can make feel more confident, make more money and have more time so they can actually hit the next level of success in the life & biz”. OR “I help women design their lifestyle first and then build a biz around it. We live in a world today where there is no reason why a woman isn’t making as much money as she wants and having all the free time she desires so she can spend it”.

2. Use the “perfect client” description. “You know, Sally, I think the easiest way to tell you what I do is to tell you who my perfect client is (describe her briefly with 2-3 bullet points).

3. Use the “let me ask you a question” response. “Sally, let me ask you, do you know anyone who (insert big problem and perfect client descriptors)”? 503-387-5598

You want to engage.

You want to say what you “DO” differently than the other people in the room.

You want to not have her blank out with boredom.

You want to plant a seed so her brain is scanning, is this for me or for someone I know.


I am Susie Smith and I am a financial broker and I make sure people have enough money for retirement.


Who do you know who is up at night thinking, “Oh my God, maybe I should start smoking, I am so healthy, I wonder if I am going to outlive my money.” This will get a chuckle and is engaging and opens up a conversation.

Now Compare this:

I am Mary Bicknell and I am a biz coach.


“I help biz women make sh*t tons of money in less time”.

Yes, I have said that before. Sometimes I like to push the envelope and see who responds….why?


Stand out!


You are not going to do it by playing safe.

You are not going to do it by being vanilla.

You are not going to do it by worrying about the exact words to say.

You can’t say the right thing to the wrong person or the right thing to the wrong person….period!!! 503-387-5598

Start being YOU!!

That is what clients want….they want the REAL YOU!


The single most frequently asked question I get

How often are you emailing them now?

Do know what the “industry” standard is?

It is ___________ newsletter and _____________solo mailers ______________________. 503-387-5598

How does that feel to you?

What are your thoughts about that?

What are the top reasons to send your emails out with that frequency?

How do you feel if people opt out? 503-387-5598

YEAR LONG STAY IN TOUCH SYSTEM: Here is the simple system for being organized with your client communication.It all starts with your product. And then it is all about BRAND STRATEGY.


Once you have, say a 5 step product. You now have 5 topics to talk about.

Using THE BIG, BOLD LIFE & BIZ PLAN as your example.

Let’s start by looking at my sales page.

Here’s the KEY important piece.

Once you KNOW your ideal client.

What their pain/pleasure/big dream and big problems are, you can figure out your process to help them.

When you have that down, you can design a program to sell.

Each one of the lessons/modules/trainings have bullet points under them to be able to sell the process. 503-387-5598

Those bullet points and those modules are EVERYTHING YOU NEED to develop your social media or marketing strategy.

You can write about one topic a week.

In a year, that would be just 10 blog posts/newsletters on each step.

Right now, write out 10 BLOG POST TITLES for just one of your steps:


2. 503-387-5598









Decide what you will share on social media about each weekly blog post.

For example:

Monday: Tip

Tuesday: Blog Post

Wednesday: Quote

Thursday: Powerful Woman

Friday: Personal Share

There are several ways you can post and get on a schedule. You can do it all yourself! You can use the scheduling link on FB. You can use Hootsuite, Buffer, Edgar. 503-387-5598

You can pay your VA to do it all.

Consistency is the KEY!


You can do this.

You can have the biz you always wanted.

Keep in touch on the FACEBOOK GROUP and ask questions, share ideas…don’t be alone, don’t hide behind your computer!


Recycle, Repurpose, Reuse: 15 Ways to Make More Money with Your Signature Program “Time is money.” Benjamin Franklin

How much time are you investing in coming up with new, creative copy,

trainings, titles, blog posts, Facebook quotes……and on and on and on!

Yes, exhausting.



The more time you spend in “creation” mode, the more it costs you.

Your Signature Program is the MONEY MAKING FOUNDATION for

everything in your business. 503-387-5598

Here are the 15 Ways To Make More Money by TRULY Utilizing Your

Current Content!

1. Signature Talk: The complete flow is your system

2. Opt-In: You can easily come up with several freebies from you


3. Blog Posts: It is easy to come up with 52 blog posts JUST by

utilizing your program. The process for the 52 topics shouldn’t take

more than a half hour to come up with. You can have a year done in

no time!

4. Private Program: Your Signature Program is the taster, the Private

Program is the whole meal.

5. Other Talks: Each Module within Your Program is a talk.

6. In Person Workshop: Maximize a single Module or expand one for a

day workshop.

7. E-book: Record your Program and have it Transcribed.

8. Thank You Page: Pull a single exercise out of the Program and

record it, have a worksheet and create this as an upsell on your

Thank You page when people opt-in.

9. Social Media: Every day you can have a post. This coordinates

PERFECTLY! With the 52 blog posts. 503-387-5598

10.Interviews: Easy to provide questions for your to be interviewed,

look like the AUTHORITY in your field, and always be prepared. Your

answers go back to you program.

11.Talk One Sheet: DONE. Just use 3-7 bullets. One from each module.

12.Free Teleclasses: Pick a single topic out of one of the modules.

13.Sales Page: No more wondering what copy to use, simply utilize the

results & benefits you are giving from each module.

14.Bonus for your Private Program: Give the recordings to your Private

Clients and/or allow them to participate for “free”.

15.The Spring Board for Your NEXT BIG SIGNATURE PROGRAM!:

Perfect right! Leverage you current program for the next big one!

What is your process? Here is mine:

if you do a blog post or a video, or a FB live (or whatever is the current

“thing” you are doing) what is your process for sharing it?

Here’s my example:

FB live video.

Download video

Upload video to YouTube

Write a short blog and embed the YouTube video code.


Share within the blog to Google plus. 503-387-5598

Send out an email with the blog link.

Post the video to ALL of my various outlets: LinkedIn, FB, FB groups, my

group etc.

Create 3-5 static pictures of the FEELING OR TOPIC within the video.

Push out those pictures based on the marketing schedule with the blog

link for some and the YouTube link for some. (your goal is to allow the

content to seem fresh and getting several pictures set up saves time in the


Pull audio off of the video. Add to the blog post.

Upload the audio to SoundCloud and iTunes for a Podcast.

Use the various pictures and just add the audio.

Ask for sharing.

Ask for comments.

Include an opt-in.

If using an automated scheduler, make sure that is all synced up.

Below you will find more help on promoting with your email list

There are a lot of supportive software programs out there to help you get some great ideas.

Here is a list from the website for CoSchedule. CoSchedule allows you to set up and automate a lot of your sharing. 503-387-5598

Their list is LONG. Go through it, find a few ideas, implement and then come back and pick a few more things.

What you will notice is they have chosen a few of the social media outlets.NOT all are represented…that doesn’t matter. You can pick a few that you do want to promote on and use this list as inspiration.

Be organized.Plan ahead.Follow a system.That is the key.Show up. Stand up. Speak up!

How To Promote Your Blog With Email 1. Build your email list.

2. Send your emails at the absolute best times for opens and clickthroughs. (this takes experimenting. Make sure you try different times and track the numbers)

3. Send emails to launch your new posts.

4. To send plain text emails or visual emails?

5. Send an email newsletter.

6. Check your stats, make sure to send them out the next day to those who did NOT open the first email. Tweak the subject line.

7. Nurture your email subscribers with marketing automation

I use Infusionsoft because it has everything I need including landing pages and shopping cart. Create an automation series of emails to send to those readers to get them deeper into your marketing funnel.

8. Enable social shares directly from email 503-387-5598

9. Include links to your blog and your posts in your email signature.

10. Participate in sharing communities if appropriate. (Please note, some of these maybe out of date as this is constantly changing)

Share your content on sites like reddit, BizSugar, Boxnutt, Product Hunt, Hacker News, DataTau, Lobsters, Triberr,, and Growth Hackers.

11. Answer questions with your blog posts in forums.

Write a Q&A post, then share it on sites like Quora.

Find a forum in your niche to share your content by searching in Google: “intitle:forum” + [your niche keyword].

12. Get your blog on social bookmarking sites.

Share your content on sites like AllTop, StumbleUpon, and Digg.

13. Build your inner circle.

14. Share your content in many places.

Share your content on every social network you can.

15. Include your blog link in your social media profiles.

Make sure there’s a link to your blog in every social profile for your business.

16. Rock the power of 100 rule.

Set a goal to make 100 new contacts every day.

17. Clean up your open graph data.

Get the NextGEN WordPress plugin to optimize the messages your readers share on Facebook, Google+, Pinterest, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

18. Share your blog posts on social media right when you publish them.

Schedule initial social shares for your blog posts to all of your networks with CoSchedule. 503-387-5598

19. Share your brand new posts more than once.

Schedule social shares for the day after, three days after, one week after, and two weeks after you publish your blog posts.

20. Repromote your older, most successful content.

Set up a social queue to promote your old evergreen blog posts.

21. Who said you could only share one blog post at a time?

Share your category and tag pages.

Use a social media calendar to share any Web page or file on your website.

22. Connect to emotion.

Write messages that connect to causes, building relationships, connection, or entertainment to get more social shares.

23. Only sharing your headline? There’s a better way.

Share your meta description.

Share subheadings.

Share the messages in your Click To Tweet boxes. Share quotes.

Share the big takeaways.

24. Stand out with visuals.

Include visuals like images, graphics, GIFs, and videos in your social shares.

25. Help employees promote your blog posts.

Ask your co-workers to share your blog posts with their networks.

26. Thank readers for sharing.

Respond to all social shares with a thank you message and a link to a related post on your blog. 503-387-5598

27. Stop sharing already.

Review your data to understand when to stop sharing certain blog posts so you don’t accidentally lose followers.

How To Use Twitter To Promote Your Blog: as an example. Remember, find out where your ideal client is hanging out. 28. Tweet at the best times.

Tweet on Wednesdays at 12 p.m. and 5–6 p.m.

Tweet on Mondays–Fridays at 12–3 p.m. and 5 p.m.

Tweet any day of the week from 2–3 a.m., 6–7 a.m., and 9–10 p.m.

29. Tweet 15 times a day.Tweet 15 times a day to maximize your clickthroughs.

30. Tweet helpful tips to stand out on Twitter.

Tweet advice to capture audience interest on Twitter. Use 70-100 words per tweet.

31. Use hashtags to reach a larger audience.

Use one to two hashtags per tweet.

Find popular hashtags with What the Trend,, and Twitonomy.

32. A/B test your headlines to improve your clickthroughs.

Write 25 headlines for every blog post.

Choose your best two headlines to share to Twitter: one at publish and one an hour later.

Review the clickthroughs between the two tweets, and change the headline to the one that performs best. 503-387-5598

33. Twitter cards “drive tra c to your website.”

Explore Twitter cards to include video and other robust content right in your Tweets.

34. Pin tweets to the top of your profile to get more retweets.

Review your top-performing tweets, then pin the best one to the top of your profile.

35. Place links 25% of the way into your tweet.

Use your link 25% of the way into your tweet to increase clickthroughs.

36. Host or participate in Twitter chats to share your knowledge and recommend blog posts.

Participate in Twitter chats in your industry and share your advice with links to your content.

Host a Twitter chat for your own audience using your most successful content as the basis for a conversation.

37. Try promoted tweets to share your most successful tweets with a larger audience.

Boost your reach by paying to promote your most successful tweets.

How To Use Google+ To Promote Your Blog 38. Post at the best possible times.

Post on Wednesdays at 9 a.m. Post Monday–Friday at 9–11 a.m.

39. Know how often to post on Google+.

Share two posts every weekday on Google+.

40. Optimize your messages with technical information.

Share tech-savvy, in-depth, fact-driven, how-to content that includes videos and GIFs. 503-387-5598

41. Use hashtags to help people outside of your circles find your content.

Use 2-3 hashtags per Google+ post.

42. Try +Post Ads to promote your blog posts.

Try +Post Ads to reach a larger audience even beyond Google+ users.

How To Promote Your Blog With Facebook 43. Post on the best days, at the best times.

Post Saturdays–Sundays at 12–1 p.m. Post on Thursdays–Fridays at 1–4 p.m. Post on Wednesdays at 3 p.m.

44. Post the optimal amount of times every day.

Share one post every day.

45. Use Facebook to entertain your audience.

Share entertaining content to increase your shares and clickthroughs. Write messages about 100 characters long.

46. Use popular hashtags to increase your reach.

Use the Trending feature in Facebook to strategically choose popular hashtags to use in your messages.

47. Pin to the top of your Facebook wall to increase your reach.

Look through your Facebook Insights to find the posts that are getting the most clickthroughs, then pin those to the top of your Facebook profile.

48. Tap into the fans in your Facebook Group.

Create a Facebook group for your biggest fans. Share your blog posts with your Facebook Group.

49. Pay to increase your reach with boosted posts and Facebook ads. 503-387-5598

Find your most successful posts through Facebook Insights, then boost them.

Target a very specific audience using Facebook Ads, then promote the blog posts you’ve seen be most successful on Facebook.

How To Use LinkedIn To Share Your Blog 50. Post on LinkedIn at the best possible times.

Share on Tuesdays at 10–11 a.m.

Share Tuesday–Thursday at 7:30–8:30 a.m., noon, and 5–6 p.m.

51. Share the perfect amount of posts every day.

Share to LinkedIn four times a week, nearly one every weekday. Skip Fridays.

52. Help your audience build skills with LinkedIn.

Share case studies, success stories, business inspiration, and skill building messages. Include infographics, info-images, memes, and videos.

53. Promote your blog to your LinkedIn Group.

Start a LinkedIn Group for your audience.

Ask those group members questions and get their feedback to turn into helpful content. Share that content with the group.

54. Try LinkedIn sponsored content to promote your blog posts.

Micro-target your audience and boost the posts you’ve already seen be successful on LinkedIn.

How To Promote Your Blog With Pinterest

55. Pin at the best times. 503-387-5598

Pin on Saturdays at 8–11 p.m.

Pin any day from 2–4 a.m. and 2–4 p.m. Pin on Fridays at 3 p.m.

56. Pin multiple times a day.

Pin at least nine times a day.

57. Write appealing Pin descriptions to inspire clickthroughs.

Use keywords in your Pin descriptions and make them positive sounding. Write descriptions that are slightly more than 300 characters long.

58. Use unique hashtags to help Pinners discover more of your blog posts.

Develop your own hashtag unique to your blog. Use 2-3 hashtags per Pin.

59. Optimize your blog post visuals to encourage more Pins.

Use faces in your Pins to get 23% more Repins. Use red and orange in your Pins.

Embed Pins in your blog posts to get more Repins.

60. Grow your following with Pinterest group boards.

Join existing group boards to expand your reach. Start a Pinterest group board for your own audience.

61. Promoted Pins increase engagement rate by 2–5%.

Pay to promote your Pins to increase your engagement.

How To Use Automated Content Pushes To Promote Your Blog 62. Set up your RSS feed and tell your audience about it.

Set up your RSS feed (if you use WordPress, it’s your domain, then /feed).

63. Reach your email haters with Web push. 503-387-5598

Set up the free Roost Web push plugin for your blog.

64. Use push notifications to reach your mobile audience.

Set up the free Pushbullet app for your blog.

How To Use Outreach And Partnerships To Promote Your Blog 65. Share your blog posts with peeps who’ve shared similar content.

Find people who have shared similar content through hashtags or Moz’ Open Site Explorer.

66. Share with those who’ve written similar content.

Find content similar to what you just wrote, and share your blog posts in the comments.

Use Ahrefs Content Explorer to find popular content in your niche, then get in touch with those authors.

67. Mention influencers in your posts and let them know.

Use, BuzzStream, or Empire Kred to find influencers you mention in your blog posts and email them.

68. Get on round-up posts to reach new audiences.

Find blogs that do round-up posts in your niche to get on their newest posts by searching for this in Google: “intitle:roundup” + your industry/keyword.

69. Get on round-up emails to expand your reach.

Find people who do round-up newsletters in your niche by searching for this query in Google: “intitle: roundup email” + your industry/keyword.

70. Ask partners and affiliates to share your content. 503-387-5598

Review your list of partners and a affiliates, then ask them to share your content with their networks.

71. Try cross-marketing, content trades, sponsored messaging, co-marketing—whatever you wanna call it.

Create a list of blogs you respect in your niche.

Reach out to the editors on those blogs to establish a co-marketing partnership.

72. Write a guest post to share your thoughts with a new audience.

Create a list of awesome blogs in your niche.

Prepare a pitch specific to each blog and email the editor.

73. Rock a guest posting campaign to share your thoughts with several new audiences.

Develop a new method or custom research.

Create a list of blogs that would like content of that type.

Write a pitch to the editor of each blog specifically detailing why their audience will love your new idea.

74. Use remarketing to re-engage 84% of your visitors.

Use Adroll or marketing360 to show your ads to people who have already visited your blog.

75. Rock some search engine marketing with Google AdWords and Bing Ads.

Promote your content with Google AdWords and Bing Ads targeting similar keywords to those you used in your content itself.

76. Promote your blog posts with recommended content advertising.

Use Outbrain, Taboola, or Zemanta to promote your blog posts in other blogs’ content recommendation areas. 503-387-5598

77. Look into discovery site advertising.

Promote your blog posts with reddit ads or StumbleUpon’s Paid Discovery Service.

How To Use Search Engine Optimization (SEO) To Promote Your Blog 78. Target one keyword per blog post to increase your #1–3 SERP rankings by 248%.

Choose a keyword for every blog post you publish.

79. Optimize your posts for the keyword.

Use your keyword at the beginning of the page title, and in the meta description and H1. Use the keyword throughout the blog post, along with synonyms.

80. Link to your best best posts from your new posts.

Include internal links to your top content from your new blog posts.

81. Submit to search engines when you publish to get your content indexed quickly.

Get the Google SML Sitemap plugin or use Ping-O-Matic to give your content to search engines immediately after you publish.

82. Focus on link building to build trust with search engines.

Ask your customers to link to your blog.

Publish valuable, informative, and entertaining content. Create content that inspires viral sharing and natural linking. Be newsworthy. 503-387-5598

How To Optimize Your Blog Posts To Increase Your Social Shares And Track

83. Publish your blog posts at the best times to reach your goals.

Get blog tra c on Monday 9-10 a.m., 11 a.m. ET

Get blog comments on Saturday 9 a.m. ET

Get inbound links on Thursday 7 a.m. ET

Improve social reach on Saturday and Sunday 9 p.m.-midnight ET, Thursday 9-10 a.m. ET

84. Focus on practical utility to get more social shares.

Give actionable advice, back up your advice, and tell the story using real numbers.

85. Write comprehensive blog posts.

Write long-form content to increase your social shares and tra c.

86. Choose the best headline type to get tra c, shares, and search results.

Use list, how to, or question headlines.

87. Include a number in your headline to double your social shares.

Include numbers in your headlines beyond just lists—percents, ranks, and time also work to improve social shares.

88. Write emotional headlines to get more social shares.

Use emotional words and a very clear value proposition in your headlines to increase your social shares.

89. Hook your readers with a powerful blog post introduction.

Start with a fact, put the conclusion first, or ask a question to captivate the audience who only reads 100 words and then shares your posts. 503-387-5598

90. Ask for shares to get 94% more acceptance for your call to action.

End your blog posts with a clear call to action asking your readers to share your content.

91. Optimize your images to be shared.

Minimize your file size, optimize the file names, and use real images with smiling faces.

92. Embed infographics in your blog posts to get more shares.

Tell the story in your blog post in a visual way with an embedded infographic.

93. Drive more traffic to your blog with image sharing buttons.

Get SumoMe’s free Image Sharer plugin to increase the number of social shares from your blog post images.

94. Use Click To Tweet to get more... well... tweets.

Get Click To Tweet for absolutely free to encourage more social shares right inline within the context of your blog posts.

95. Help your readers email your blog posts to their friends.

Install the WP-email or Email This Page plugin to help your readers email your blog posts to others.

96. Place your social media sharing buttons somewhere prominent to increase your shares.

Place your social media buttons on the top left side of the page. Remove low share counts and underused social buttons.

97. Get SumoMe’s Highlighter to get more tweets.

Install SumoMe’s Highlighter to encourage more social shares of your readers’ favorite quotes.

98. Include links to new posts from your most popular posts. 503-387-5598

Find your most popular pages by page views and social shares, and add links from those posts to your newest posts.

99. Link to related articles at the end of your blog posts.

Install the Related Posts, Contextual Related Posts, or Yuzo Related Posts plugin to show recommended content at the end of your blog posts.

How To Repurpose And Improve Your Blog Posts 100. Syndicate your content in with your 20 spare minutes.

Republish your blog post on Medium, Business2Community, or LinkedIn Publisher.

101. Turn your blog into a vlog to reach a larger audience.

Record your blog post as a video to share on YouTube and embed into your post itself. Record a Vine, then share it with Twitter.

102. Turn your vlog into a podcast.

Grab the audio from your video and turn it into a podcast.

Embed the podcast in your post with Blubrry PowerPress, then share it on iTunes and Stitcher.

103. Include content upgrades in your blog posts to increase your email subscribers.

Write a checklist, template, guide, worksheet, or infographic to include with every blog post. Share that resource on Slideshare, Scribd, and Pinterest.

Now You Know How To Promote Your Blog To Get Social Shares, Search Results, And Tra c

104. Publish quality content regularly to grow your list.

Publish great content consistently to keep your readers coming back for more.

105. Repeat it all again. 503-387-5598

Choose the best tactics that have worked for you from this list and continue doing them for every post you publish.

106. Turn your blog posts into an ebook.

Identify 5 to 10 blog posts from your blog that are related. Organize each blog post into chapters.

Use Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing to distribute your ebook.

107. Repeat it all again.

Use Google Analytics to find old blog posts that are no longer receiving traction.

Improve the content on those posts by updating outdated information, adding more content, and making them more resourceful.

Wow! How was that list for you?? It really was just to help you realize there are many options so you don’t ever have to feel stuck! Test. Test. Test.!

When you are ready, let’s chat about building a talk for you so you can show up in front of an audience of your perfect ideal client!

I believe in YOU!!

Mary 503-387-5598

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