simply better systems tips for action

Post on 20-Jun-2015






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This is a guide from a short series I've done on the advantage of developing more productive systems in your online business. Get power tips for taking action!


simply better systems tips for action

with Tanya Smith, Online Business

ideas for using this report

use this as a quick start guide

choose one tip and plan an action within the next 24 hrs

dig deeper using Google or another search tool

accept some of the tips as a timely reminder

share with a friend or colleague

3 bucket rule




Systematize your business. First designate your business activities using the 3 bucket rule.

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when to take action

now…even if it’s small or insignificant

create a habit of taking action

the more practice you get, the more intentional you can be about taking actions for the best & highest impact

why we don’t act



analysis paralysis


lack of passion for outcome

don’t know what to do

big, nasty time suckers


lengthy phone calls

internet browsing

social media

…just add “without a purpose” on the end to make these time suckers really offensive.

increase your energy

operate on the important tasks when you’re at your highest level of energy. have none? try:


drinking water

getting sleep

doing something really fun

identify priorities

what’s important to you? make a list of the things you value about your business and your lifestyle

now what things are on your plate that will help you honor these values?

these are priorities for you…you get to choose

create time boxes

JD Meier is my hero. he has a great tip on being more agile by using time boxes:

“A time box is simply a limited set of time to accomplish a result. Think of it as how much work can you get done in a given block of time.”

celebrate action

reward yourself when you do something. you’ll begin to train you mind to enjoy action, not run away from it. my favorite celebrations?

a mani/pedi

chocolate bundt cake

relaxing on the porch

now that you’ve read this

what will you do next? share one action item with me on my Google+ page. just 1 is all you need. keep it simple, remember?

about Tanya Smith

business coach, soccer mom, online geek, gadget girl - digital sharing & productivity resources that help independent service providers leverage the internet to get more done.

learn more about me at

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