readytalk for hubspot user guide...3 readytalk | | 303.209.1600 | 800.843.9166 |...

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ReadyTalk | | 303.209.1600 | 800.843.9166 |

ReadyTalk for HubSpot User Guide

Revised 07/29/2013


ReadyTalk | | 303.209.1600 | 800.843.9166 |

Table of Contents

Overview ....................................................................................................................................................... 3

Configuring ReadyTalk & HubSpot ................................................................................................................ 4

Setting Up Your Event in Conference Center ................................................................................................ 6

Setting Up Your Event in HubSpot ................................................................................................................ 8

Importing a Meeting ................................................................................................................................. 8

Link a Recording for Follow-Up Emails................................................................................................ 10

Archiving a Webinar ............................................................................................................................ 11

Webinar Checklist ............................................................................................................................... 12

Creating Your Content ............................................................................................................................ 13

Creating a Landing Page ...................................................................................................................... 13

Creating a Confirmation Email ............................................................................................................ 16

Creating an Invitation Email ................................................................................................................ 21

Creating a Reminder Email Smart list & Content ................................................................................ 24

Creating Follow-up Email Smart lists & Content ................................................................................. 27

Viewing Contact Records ............................................................................................................................ 34

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) ............................................................................................................. 36


ReadyTalk | | 303.209.1600 | 800.843.9166 |


Save time and drive better results with ReadyTalk. Our easy-to-use webinar solution seamlessly

integrates with HubSpot so you can send emails, capture registrations, manage activities, and view key

metrics right from HubSpot.

Speed Set-Up

Save valuable time by instantly creating content that can be used for webinar invitations,

confirmation, reminder, and follow-up emails sent out of HubSpot.

Send Webinar Emails and Capture Registrations through HubSpot

Take advantage of HubSpot’s customizability, deliverability, and reporting capabilities when you

send all event-related emails from HubSpot.

Quickly create and customize a polished webinar registration page using your own HubSpot

landing page template. Once a prospect completes the form, they will be automatically

registered in ReadyTalk and instantly receive a confirmation email from HubSpot.

Increase Webinar Attendance

Drive higher attendance rates by making it easy for prospects to add the event to their calendar.

Include an ICS file with all of the information people need to join the event (including their

unique ‘Join Meeting’ link) in confirmation and reminder emails sent from HubSpot.

Follow-Up Faster

Timely follow-up is essential for driving higher conversion rates. Automatically capture

attendance, polling response data and the recording link in HubSpot so you can send post-event

emails to attendees and non-attendees immediately after the webinar.

The ReadyTalk for HubSpot application enables webinar registration, attendance, polling and recording

information to be automatically passed between ReadyTalk and HubSpot.


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Configuring ReadyTalk & HubSpot

Before you can begin using the ReadyTalk for HubSpot integration, you must configure your ReadyTalk account with your HubSpot account.

1. Begin by clicking on the following link and logging into the ReadyTalk for HubSpot application with your HubSpot Email Address and HubSpot Portal ID:

Note: You may wish to bookmark this address as this URL is what provides you access to the ReadyTalk for HubSpot Application.

Additional Note: Your HubSpot ID can be found at the bottom of your Dashboard in HubSpot. Select the Click Here to Find Out link located on the login page for more details.

2. After clicking Sign Up, you will be prompted to allow ReadyTalk to access your HubSpot data. Select the Authorize button to allow ReadyTalk access.

3. After authorizing access to your HubSpot account, you will be redirected to the HubSpot login screen where you will need to login with your HubSpot credentials. This will link your HubSpot login with the ReadyTalk for HubSpot application.

4. Once you are successfully logged into the ReadyTalk for HubSpot application, the Default Settings tab will be displayed. Enter your Conferencing Toll-Free Number, your Access Code, and your Passcode and then click Test Credentials.


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a. Toll Free Number – The phone number you use to connect to ReadyTalk.

i. This is your On-Demand Toll-Free Conferencing Phone Number (ie.


b. Access Code – Your ReadyTalk access code.

c. Passcode – Your ReadyTalk passcode.

5. After your credentials have been validated, choose the Default Registration Fields that you would like to include on your form.

a. When you import a webinar using the ReadyTalk for HubSpot application, we will automatically create a form within HubSpot that can be displayed on a landing page. The Default Registration Fields will be displayed in the form.

6. Click the Save Settings button near the bottom of the page.

Note: You can also adjust your Default Registration Fields from the Default Settings tab. The checked Registration Fields will appear on your form in HubSpot. Registration fields can also be updated on a per webinar basis during the import process.


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Setting Up Your Event in Conference Center

1. From the ReadyTalk for HubSpot application, select the Conference Center tab.

2. Once logged in, click on the Schedule a Meeting button.

3. Fill out the Meeting Details form with the Title, Host, Host Email, Date, Time and Duration of the event.

4. Select the Registration Type of Pre-register before the meeting and ensure that the Automatically Confirm All Registrants option is selected from the drop-down menu.

5. Select the Meeting Type and the Audio Type for your meeting.

6. Add a Description. The meeting description will populate the registration pages, invitations, and emails associated with the webinar. If this information is not completed in Conference Center, it will be blank in the generated text for various registration pages and emails.

7. If you would like to setup additional security for your meeting (This is not a required step), you can do so by selecting the Set Security Passcode. Check the box below the Security section and entering a 4-9 digit code.


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a. Attendees will need to enter this passcode to gain access to your webinar

b. Note: If a security passcode is enabled for your webinar, you must enter the same

passcode when importing the webinar into HubSpot.

8. Click the Save and Next button at the bottom of the screen

Note – Operator Assisted Events must be scheduled with our Events Team before they are scheduled in your Conference Center. Click the Request Event Services link located on the left side of your Conference Center home screen to schedule an event with our Events Team.

The following options are not required, but are strongly encouraged:

Under Advanced Options

Standard Registration Questions (Within Registration Form Option): To ensure all registration

information that is collected on a HubSpot registration form is also captured in Conference Center,

you must select the same standard registration questions in both Conference Center and the

HubSpot app, including the same designation for optional vs required questions.

Presenter Information: Enter the presenter name and bio information for each presenter on your

webinar. This information will be pulled into the email content that the app generates on your


o Note: Use HubSpot’s existing functionality for inserting images into an email if you would

like to associate an image with the presenter(s) information

Custom Branding: This includes a header image, alignment options and the header web link

o Note: These branding elements will be included on the post-event survey page and post-

meeting archive page, which are not included as part of your webinar templates in HubSpot.

Presenter Photos: These branding elements will be included on the post-meeting archive page,

which is not included as part of your webinar templates in HubSpot


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Setting Up Your Event in HubSpot

Importing a Meeting

Once you have scheduled your meeting in your ReadyTalk Conference Center, you can import the meeting into the ReadyTalk for HubSpot application and setup your registration form.

1. Click on the Webinars tab in the ReadyTalk for HubSpot application near the top of the screen and then click on the Import Webinar button.

2. A list of your meetings that are available for import will begin to load below the Select a Webinar to Import section.

Note: If you would like to import a meeting from a different access code than your default access code, enter your alternate ReadyTalk credentials below the Chairperson Login Credentials section and then click Refresh.

3. Once the list of available webinars loads, click on the title of the meeting you want to import.


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4. From the Webinar Details screen, you can add a Security Passcode for your meeting if you desire additional security (If you did not already add this to your scheduled meeting in your ReadyTalk Conference Center, you will need to do so before entering the passcode into the Security Passcode field ).

5. You can also setup additional Webinar Registration Fields for your HubSpot form from this screen.

Note: Be sure you setup your form before importing your meeting. Once you import the meeting, you will be unable to adjust your registration fields.

6. Once your meeting is configured to your liking, select the Import button to begin the import process.

7. Once the meeting has successfully imported, you will be automatically directed to the Webinar Details screen.


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Webinar Details

The following fields are populated based on what you entered for the specific webinar in

Conference Center:

o Host Name

o Start Date, Time, Time Zone, and Duration

o Audio Join information (ie. Dial-In numbers and Chairperson Access Code)

o Link to webinar details in Conference Center

o Link to recording playback url

To include a playback recording link in your follow-up emails to attendees and

non-attendees after your webinar is over, click on the Link Recording button

Note: The ReadyTalk for HubSpot application automatically syncs once an hour. You can also initiate a

manual sync at any time by clicking the Sync Webinar button.

Link a Recording for Follow-Up Emails

After the webinar is over, you can link the applicable recording to the webinar to automatically include it

in follow-up emails to attendees and non-attendees.

Click on the Link Recording button.

Use the Search box to locate the title of the recording associated with your webinar

o Note: If you need to edit your recording, access the Manage Recordings section of

Conference Center


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Select the applicable recording to link with your webinar. Hit OK.

The Recording URL will appear in the webinar details and will be automatically included in the

follow-up emails to attendees and non-attendees.

Archiving a Webinar

The Webinars Dashboard and the Contact Record will show all webinars, regardless of status (scheduled,

closed, canceled) for up to 6 months after the webinar start date. If you would like to manually archive a

webinar, click on the applicable webinar from the Webinars Dashboard. On the webinar details page,

select the Archive Webinar button.

You will then be asked to confirm twice that you would like to archive the webinar. The webinar will then

be moved to the Archived Webinars Dashboard.

Important Note: Archiving a webinar cannot be undone. It will delete the corresponding property

group and webinar information on the Contact Record within HubSpot.


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Webinar Checklist

The Webinar Checklist is a comprehensive list of recommended next steps to ensure you have a

successful webinar.

Request Operator-Assisted Services

You need operator-assisted services if:

o You expect more than 150 attendees for your webinar

o Require Broadcast Audio so your participants can listen to the webinar through their

computer speakers

o You want personalized operator services, like custom greetings or Q&A Support

o Learn more about the services offered with ReadyTalk Operator-Assisted Services

All operator-service require a five-hour turnaround. Requests received after 12pm Mountain

Time (Monday-Friday) will be processed on the next business day.

o After requesting operator-assisted services, you will receive an email that includes audio

join details such as toll and toll-free dial-in numbers for any requested phone numbers.

o You will need to manually update the confirmation and reminder emails to include the

correct audio join details.

Additional items in the Webinar Checklist will be covered in the following section.

The webinar will also appear within the list of Current Webinars under the Webinars tab. To view the Webinar Details, click on the title of the meeting.

Note: If you make any changes in your ReadyTalk Conference Center, you will need to update your meeting details in the ReadyTalk for HubSpot application by selecting the Sync Webinar button. Updates will not occur automatically.

Operator-assisted services must be requested prior to sending out invitations and promoting

your webinar.


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Creating Your Content

Once your meeting has been successfully imported into the ReadyTalk for HubSpot application, you will need to begin setting up your Content in HubSpot.

Note: We strongly recommend that you setup your webinar assets in the following order:

Create landing page

Create confirmation email

Update Confirmation Email Workflow

Create and send invitations

Setup Smart list of webinar registrants for reminder emails

Create and Schedule Reminder Emails

Setup Smart lists for follow-up emails

Link the Recording

Create and send follow-up emails to attendees and non-attendees

Creating a Landing Page

1. To begin creating a Landing Page, login to your HubSpot account, select the Content tab near the top of the screen and then select the Landing Pages option from the drop down menu.

2. Select the Create a New Page button.

3. Select a template, type in a name for the new Landing Page, and then click Create.

Depending on the landing page template you have chosen, you may need to add a module, which will be used to insert the Registration Form Fields that were selected during the import process. If your landing page template already includes a Form Module, skip to Step 7.

4. From the Content section of the Landing Page, select the Add Module button.

5. Select the Form option from the Choose a Module list and then click the Select button.


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6. Select the Add Module Here box to add a generic form to the Landing Page.

Note: It may take a minute for the generic form to appear on the Landing Page template on the right side of your screen.

7. A form option should then appear near the left side of the screen. Select the title of your

meeting from the Form drop-down menu (It may take a minute to update the registration form

fields). Your updated form should then appear on your Landing Page template on the right side

of the screen.

Note: These are the form fields that were created during the import process. If you would like to use

your own custom form on the landing page for registrations, make sure to update the Webhook


8. Select an option below the “What should the person see after submitting the form?” section.


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9. You will need to update the landing page to include all of the information about your webinar, like the title, date/time, description, presenter information, etc. The ReadyTalk for HubSpot application does not provide content for the Landing Page. Once your Landing Page is configured to your liking, select the Publish button.

Note: If a number appears in a red circle above the Publish button, it means that you have not filled out all of the required fields for your Landing Page. Hover your mouse over the Publish button to view what still needs to be completed.

10. Once you have published the Landing Page, you will be directed to the Landing Page details

screen. Near the bottom of this screen is the URL to your Landing Page. This URL will need to be

placed into your Invitation Email so that your invitees can access your Landing Page and

register for your meeting.


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Creating a Confirmation Email

1. To begin creating a confirmation email, click on the Content tab near the top of your HubSpot screen and then select the Email option.

2. Select the Create a New Email button.

3. Select an email template, name your email, and then click Create.

4. Once the email editor window is open and you have filled out the Basic Information for your

email, you will need to add Main Content to your email. To ensure that the appropriate

Personalization Tokens, URLs, and webinar details are added to your email, use the template

found on the Webinar Details page within the ReadyTalk for HubSpot application.

5. Navigate to the ReadyTalk for HubSpot application and click on the title of your meeting from the Webinars tab.

6. Scroll down to the Email Content section and copy the content below the Confirmation Email section, including the subject line (ie. [Webinar Confirmation] Test Meeting (HubSpot).

7. Navigate back to your confirmation email in HubSpot, select the Tools tab located below the Main Email Body section, and then select the Source Code option.


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8. Paste the content you copied from the ReadyTalk for HubSpot application into the Source Code box and then click OK.

9. Content should then appear in the body of your confirmation email along with a unique Personalization Token, a unique web login URL, unique Add-To-Calendar URLs, and webinar details. Feel free to edit or remove portions of this content as necessary. Note: The unique web login URL and Add to Calendar URLs for Google and Outlook will be populated by information that is stored on the Contact Record after the contact registers for the webinar.


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10. After your confirmation email is configured to your liking, select the Sending tab near the top of the screen and then select the Send email with automated workflows option and then click the Save for Automation button.

Note: If you send yourself a test confirmation email from this page, it will not include the unique web login link. Unique links are only generated and sent in the confirmation email after registration.

11. Select the Confirm button to publish your automated email.

Updating the Confirmation Email Workflow

1. On the automation confirmation screen, select the Add Workflow button. This can also be accessed by selecting the Contacts tab near the top of the page and then selecting the Workflows option from the drop-down menu.

2. Two workflows should already be setup and available for you within the workflows list. The first workflow is simply the title of your meeting. The second workflow is labeled [WEBHOOK] and is followed by the title of your meeting.


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The first workflow is responsible for sending your confirmation emails to your registrants after they register. This workflow will need to be edited.

In the example below, the second workflow appears as [WEBHOOK] Test Meeting (HubSpot). This workflow is responsible for sending registration data to ReadyTalk and receiving data back from ReadyTalk in order to create a unique web login link and a unique add to calendar link.

o Note: This workflow should only be edited if you are using your own custom form on the registration landing page.

3. This step is only applicable if you are using your own custom form; otherwise, please skip to step 4

If you are using your own custom form to take registrations on the webinar landing page, you will need to update the selected Form Name on the [WEBHOOK]. In the example below, the workflow appears as [WEBHOOK] Test Meeting (HubSpot).

i. Click the name of the workflow, then Edit Workflow. ii. Select the second drop-down to search and update the form. Now, when

this form is completed, the registration information will be sent to ReadyTalk to create a unique web login link and unique add to calendar link.


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4. To edit the first workflow, click on the title of the meeting from the workflow list.

4. Click on the Add Step option. From the Select an Action drop-down menu, select the Send an Email option.

5. After selecting the action, select the confirmation email you want to be sent to the meeting registrants from the Send an Email drop-down menu. Click on Save Workflow.

6. Before moving onto the next section, be sure that all of your workflows are live by clicking on the title of the workflow from the workflow list and looking in the top right corner of the screen for the Workflow is Live option. If it is not live, use the drop-down menu to activate the workflow.

Note: During testing, you may want to allow individuals to run through your workflows multiple times. To adjust this setting, click on the title of your workflow from the workflow list and then click on the Workflow Settings link on the left side of the screen. Select the Yes, anytime they are eligible option from the Can the same contact enroll section… and then click the Save Changes button.


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Creating an Invitation Email

1. To begin creating an invitation email, click on the Content tab near the top of your HubSpot screen and then select the Email option.

2. Select the Create a New Email button.

3. Select an email template, name your email, and then click Create.

4. Once the email editor window is open and you have filled out the Basic Information for your email, you will need to add Main Content to your email. To ensure that the appropriate Personalization Tokens and webinar details are added to your email, use the template found on the Webinar Details page within the ReadyTalk for HubSpot application.

5. Navigate to the ReadyTalk for HubSpot application and click on the title of your meeting from the Webinars tab.

6. Scroll down to the Email Content section and copy the content below the Invitation Email section, including the subject line (ie. [Webinar Invitation] Test Meeting (HubSpot)


ReadyTalk | | 303.209.1600 | 800.843.9166 |

7. Navigate back to your email invitation in HubSpot, select the Tools tab located below the Main Email Body section, and then select the Source Code option.

8. Paste the content you copied from the ReadyTalk for HubSpot application into the Source Code box and then click OK.

9. Content should then appear in the body of your email invitation along with a unique Personalization Token and webinar details. Feel free to edit or remove portions of this content as necessary.

10. Don’t forget! Be sure to add the Landing Page URL to the body of the email to ensure that your invitees can access your registration form online. The email content from the app includes a placeholder for two Landing Page URLs.


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11. After you have selected your invite list and you are ready to send your email out, select the Send Email button near the bottom of the screen or select the Sending tab near the top of the screen and choose the Send Email at a Scheduled Date and Time option.

Note: Do NOT send out your email invitations until your webinar has been imported into the ReadyTalk for HubSpot application and the Confirmation Email and Workflows have been configured.


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Creating a Reminder Email Smart list & Content

An email can be sent to webinar registrants to remind them to attend your event. Before creating the

reminder email, a smart list must also be created to ensure a registrant receives the applicable email.

The smart list will include a rule that adds contacts based on their registration confirmation status for

the applicable webinar.

Creating a Smart list for Reminder Emails

1. Click on the Contacts tabs near the top of your HubSpot screen and then select the Lists option.

2. Select the Create New List button

3. Name the list and choose Smart List for the type of list you would like

a. Note: Use the webinar title in the list name. For example, if the name of your webinar is

Webinar Best Practices, name the list Reminder Email: Webinar Best Practices

4. Under Which Contacts should be in this list, select the following:

a. 1st Dropdown: Contact Property

b. 2nd Dropdown: [Name of Webinar] – Registration Status

c. 3rd Dropdown: Is Equal To

d. Update value field to CONFIRMED

5. Hit Save List


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Creating a Reminder Email

1. To begin creating a reminder email, click on the Content tab near the top of your HubSpot screen and then select the Email option.

2. Select the Create a New Email button.

3. Select an email template, name your email, and then click Create.

4. Once the email editor window is open and you have filled out the Basic Information for your

email, you will need to add Main Content to your email. To ensure that the appropriate

Personalization Tokens are added to your email, use the templates found on the Webinar

Details page within the ReadyTalk for HubSpot application.

5. Navigate to the ReadyTalk for HubSpot Application and click on the title of your meeting from the Webinars tab.

6. Scroll down to the Email Content section and copy the content below the Reminder Email section, including the subject line (ie. [Webinar Reminder] Test Meeting (HubSpot))

7. Navigate back to your email invitation in HubSpot, select the Tools tab located below the Main Email Body section, and then select the Source Code option.


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8. Paste the content you copied from the ReadyTalk for HubSpot application into the Source Code box and then click OK.

9. Content should then appear in the body of your email reminder along with unique Personalization Tokens. Feel free to edit or remove portions of this content as necessary.

10. When you are ready to send your email out, select the Sending option near the top of the screen and choose the following options:

a. Send Email at a Scheduled Date and Time i. Recommendation: Send a reminder email 1 week, 1 day, and 1 hour before the

start time of your webinar ii. If you choose to send multiple reminder emails, you will need to setup an email

for each scheduled date and time b. Select the existing Smart List you created for the reminder email by searching for the

name in the search box. 11. Select Schedule email send at the bottom of the screen


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Creating Follow-up Email Smart lists & Content

After the webinar is over, immediate follow-up is imperative. With the ReadyTalk for HubSpot

application, the following data is automatically updated on the Contact Record in HubSpot so you can

send tailored follow-up emails from HubSpot:

Attendance Status (Attended or Did Not Attend)

Attendance Duration (In Minutes)

Up to 5 Poll Questions and Responses

Creating a Smart list for Follow-up Emails

Follow-up emails can be tailored to a registrant based on attendance status, how long they attended the

webinar, how they responded to a poll question, or a combination of the various properties.

The following example is based on attendance status (attended or did not attend). Two smart lists

should be created to accommodate both statuses and follow-up emails.

Smart List 1: Follow-up to Attendees

1. Click on the Contacts tabs near the top of your HubSpot screen and then select the Lists option.

2. Select the Create New List button

3. Name the list and choose Smart List for the type of list you would like

a. Note: Use the webinar title in the list name. For example, if the name of your webinar is

Webinar Best Practices, name the list Follow-up Email to Attendees: Webinar Best Practices

4. Under Which Contacts should be in this list, select the following:

a. 1st Dropdown: Contact Property

b. 2nd Dropdown: [Name of Webinar] – Attended Status

c. 3rd Dropdown: Is Equal To

d. Update value field to TRUE

5. Hit Save List


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Smart List 1: Follow-up to Non-Attendees

1. Click on the Contacts tabs near the top of your HubSpot screen and then select the Lists option.

2. Select the Create New List button

3. Name the list and choose Smart List for the type of list you would like

4. Note: Use the webinar title in the list name. For example, if the name of your webinar is Webinar

Best Practices, name the list Follow-up Email to Non-Attendees: Webinar Best Practices

5. Under Which Contacts should be in this list, select the following:

a. 1st Dropdown: Contact Property

b. 2nd Dropdown: [Name of Webinar] – Attended Status

c. 3rd Dropdown: Is Equal To

d. Update value field to FALSE

6. Hit Save List


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Creating a Follow-up Email to Attendees

1. Before creating the follow-up email to attendees, you should take the following actions from the

ReadyTalk for HubSpot app. From the Webinar Details page:

a. Click on the Sync Webinar button to ensure all of the attendance and polling data has

been pulled into HubSpot

b. Click on the Link the Recording button. When you link the recording, it will automatically

insert the playback URL into the follow-up emails to both attendees and non-attendees.

2. To begin creating a follow-up email, click on the Content tab near the top of your HubSpot screen and then select the Email option.

3. Select the Create a New Email button.

4. Select an email template, name your email, and then click Create.

5. Once the email editor window is open and you have filled out the Basic Information for your

email, you will need to add Main Content to your email. To ensure that the appropriate

Personalization Tokens are added to your email, use the templates found on the Webinar

Details page within the ReadyTalk for HubSpot application.

6. Navigate to the ReadyTalk for HubSpot Application and click on the title of your meeting from the Webinars tab.


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7. Scroll down to the Email Content section and copy the content below the Follow-up for Attendees Email section, including the subject line (ie. Thank You for Attending the Webinar: Test Meeting (HubSpot))

8. Navigate back to your email invitation in HubSpot, select the Tools tab located below the Main Email Body section, and then select the Source Code option.

9. Paste the content you copied from the ReadyTalk for HubSpot application into the Source Code box and then click OK.

10. Content should then appear in the body of your email reminder along with unique Personalization Tokens. Feel free to edit or remove portions of this content as necessary.


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11. When you are ready to send your email out, select the Sending option near the top of the screen and choose the following options:

a. Send email immediately or Send Email at a Scheduled Date and Time b. Select the existing Smart List you created for the follow-up email to attendees by

searching for the name in the search box. 12. Select Send email or Schedule email send at the bottom of the screen


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Creating a Follow-up Email to Non-Attendees

1. Before creating the follow-up email to attendees, you should take the following actions from the

ReadyTalk for HubSpot app. From the Webinar Details page:

a. Click on the Sync Webinar button to ensure all of the attendance and polling data has

been pulled into HubSpot

b. Click on the Link the Recording button. When you link the recording, it will automatically

insert the playback URL into the follow-up emails to both attendees and non-attendees.

2. To begin creating a follow-up email, click on the Content tab near the top of your HubSpot screen and then select the Email option.

3. Select the Create a New Email button.

4. Select an email template, name your email, and then click Create.

5. Once the email editor window is open and you have filled out the Basic Information for your

email, you will need to add Main Content to your email. To ensure that the appropriate

Personalization Tokens are added to your email, use the templates found on the Webinar

Details page within the ReadyTalk for HubSpot application.

6. Navigate to the ReadyTalk for HubSpot Application and click on the title of your meeting from the Webinars tab.

7. Scroll down to the Email Content section and copy the content below the Follow-up for Non-Attendees Email section, including the subject line (ie. Sorry We Missed You: Test Meeting (HubSpot))


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8. Navigate back to your email invitation in HubSpot, select the Tools tab located below the Main Email Body section, and then select the Source Code option.

9. Paste the content you copied from the ReadyTalk for HubSpot application into the Source Code box and then click OK.

10. Content should then appear in the body of your email reminder along with unique Personalization Tokens. Feel free to edit or remove portions of this content as necessary.

11. When you are ready to send your email out, select the Sending option near the top of the screen and choose the following options:

a. Send email immediately or Send Email at a Scheduled Date and Time b. Select the existing Smart List you created for the follow-up email to non-attendees by

searching for the name in the search box. 12. Select Send email or Schedule email send at the bottom of the screen


ReadyTalk | | 303.209.1600 | 800.843.9166 |

Viewing Contact Records

The ReadyTalk for HubSpot application will create a Property Group within each Contact Record when a webinar is imported. Each Property Group is stored as the Webinar title and will have individual Properties that will be populated based on the Contact Record’s webinar activity.

The following properties are added to the property group when a webinar is imported through the ReadyTalk for HubSpot application:

Join Meeting Link

Add to Calendar (Outlook)

Attendance Status

Registration Status

Duration in Minutes

Add to Google Calendar

The above properties will be populated depending on the contact record’s registration and attendance activity. In addition, if the Contact Record responds to any poll questions during a webinar, the question and answer will be displayed.

Note: If someone registers for your meeting who is not an existing contact, a new contact record will be created.

1. To view the webinar data, select the Contacts tab near the top of the page and then select Contacts Home.

2. Click on name of contact from your list of available contacts. 3. To view contact webinar information, select the Properties link on the left side of the screen.

4. Select the title of the Webinar (Property Group) below the Properties section.


ReadyTalk | | 303.209.1600 | 800.843.9166 |

5. The webinar info will then be displayed and will include the following information: Join Meeting Link, Add To Calendar Link, Attended Status, Registration Status, Duration Attended, and Polling Information (If applicable).


ReadyTalk | | 303.209.1600 | 800.843.9166 |

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

1. Can I have multiple access codes tied to the ReadyTalk for HubSpot application?

Only one default access code can be tied to the ReadyTalk for HubSpot application at one time. However, you can change the default access code at any time, or you can adjust which access code is used on a per meeting import basis. See the Importing a Meeting section for additional details.

2. Why is my scheduled meeting not appearing in the list of available meetings to import?

If you already imported the meeting, it will not be available within the list of meetings to import.

In addition, if you imported the meeting already and archived the meeting, it will not appear in your list of available meeting to import nor will it appear in your list of already imported meetings.

3. Why did the webinar property group disappear from the Contact Record?

Each webinar is stored as a property group on the Contact Record, with several properties associated with the property group. If you are running several webinars, this can start to ‘crowd’ the Contact Record. To alleviate this, there are two options:

o The user can manually archive a webinar.

o Webinars are automatically archived after 6 months from the webinar start date.

Important Note: Archiving a webinar cannot be undone. It will delete the corresponding

property group and webinar information on the Contact Record within HubSpot.

4. Can I use HubSpot and the ReadyTalk for HubSpot application at the same time?

Yes, we recommend that you keep both HubSpot and the ReadyTalk for HubSpot app open in two different tabs so that you can toggle in between the two when creating your webinar content, like your landing page and emails.

5. How do I import data from past webinars into HubSpot?

At this time, you can only import webinars and their associated data that are scheduled in the future.

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