project management for entrepreneurs

Post on 07-Aug-2015






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Be A Better Project Manager With Less WorkBy Rico Rodriguez

Create Focus On Your Tasks

Airplane Mode

No Messenger

No Email

No Phone

NO ONE to bother you

The Natural Airplane


Wake Up Early

Get a workout in

No one is awake to bother us

We naturally are more alert in the morning

Simplify Your Task List

Don't React to your tasks!

Organize your task list by highest impacting tasks Whats going to give me the biggest results Whats going to reduce my stress Whats going to make me the most money

Pick the top 3 Tasks on your list


Important Questions To Ask

Who else can I delegate this task to

Can I automate these tasks

Lets Talk About Automation

What is Automation

Find a redundant task

Find a way to do that task easier

Find a way for someone else to do the task for you

How I Automate via Agile

I have someone enter work items based on emails for me

I then go in and assign the tasks I want in the next sprint

Then I prioritize these tasks

After that the Employees pull the tasks by priority and execute

Cool Tools For Automation

Zapier Lets do a quick demo of Zapier

IFTTT Lets do a quick demo of IFTTT

Communcate Without Confusion

A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words

When I notate things on a screenshot there is never any confusion

When I take a video of problems everyone understands

I use the Screencast Functionality to keep things simple

Put Your Projects In The Cloud

My New Best Friend For Tracking Workitems

No membership needed

It just works

The Sky Drive Suite

Microsoft One Drive is all you need

15 GB Disk Space,

OneNote, Word, Excel, Power Point all at your fingertips

I love the ability to share by folder as well as file

Google Drive and Dropbox are also great utilities

Training Your People

Be Very Descriptive

When creating tasks have extremely detailed tasks because you don't' want to waste time.

When you make detailed tasks everyone WINS it reduces

Questions Testing Time Development Time

Pairing Your Team

Why Pair

Is it beneficial?

Isn't it costing me more money?

Tools for the Virtual Pair!

Use Skype

Use Teamviewer

Use Join.Me

GoTo Meeting


Train Efficiently

Training is a money drain.

How can you fire someone quickly.

Have the next newest employee train the new employee and work his way up the ladder.

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