presentation e-procurement

Post on 18-Nov-2015






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  • SwitzerlandScotlandSwedenPresented by:Caraman ElenaRomania

  • The Green Paper on expanding the use of e-Procurement


  • 6,152,000 internet users in 2011, 80.5% of the population2 710 160 35 % Facebook users in the Switzerland 72% checking email daily55% checking the news46% using social networks 27% using gaming tools 21% doing admin and 12% shopping online

  • The aim of this portal is to facilitate business relations between the contract-awarding authorities, the bidders and the public sector and provide related services such as information, consultancy and training under the supervision of theassociation

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  • broadband in Romania accounts for 67% of the population17% use the internet to access local government websites.This suggests that e-governance is not widely used within Romania

  • The service allows routine purchases to be processed electronically from requisition to payment, and interacts with finance systems. A national e-Procurement programm team was set up across Romania Number of public sector bodies using ePS continues to grow on a yearly basis.

  • Penetration of population: 49,58%

    Internet Usage Statistics:Internet users: 8,397,900 92,5% of the population

    Sweden ranks 5th among top countries for internet penetration in the world.

    At least 3.8 million internet users in Sweden are using a broadband connection which represents 45.2% broadband penetration in terms of the internet population and 40% in terms of the total population


  • Structure of e-procurement in the private sector: Public e-Procurement differs from the private sector in various aspects mainly because of its economic and social responsibilities.

    Over 20 large private companies use OPIC tendsign

    Private sector is not as developed as the public sector so it could be benefited from the public one by adopting SFTI (the results of this work can be used for B2B e-procurements.

    OPIC tendsign is the leading e-Procurement system in Sweden, with more then 60 customers from the public sector.

  • The most common SFTI standard being used today is the SwedInvoice. A simple XML-invoice based on OASIS UBL (Universal Business Langauge).

    SFTI: It establishes and recommends standards for e-procurement

    identify user requirements, agree on standards and take part in development of standards on international and national level

    specifications and guidelines recognized among various industries

    SFTI (single face to industry) project. A joint venture from 3 levels

  • AgressoRaindanceAxaptaSAPOracleVisma

  • "Better government to make life better for people""In the future all governments will be e-government"Greater ChoiceMore ConvenienceFaster, More Efficient and Better Quality Goal: promote the use of knowledge management within local authorities to support sharing and learning, e-governance and business re-design

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