media evaluation question 4 - technology 2

Post on 21-Jun-2015






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I used a Panasonic Video Camera to film the production section of my media coursework. This allowed me to easily film all of the shots

within the narrative of the film trailers on location. I filmed each of the sections of the trailer in separate sections as

when I have uploaded the film, I can edit the film trailer together in the style of footage that I want to. This also means that I did not have to film each of the scenes in a direct order which made the work easier. This is because we could film the scene when we

reached any area that we thought would be effective in the production and also we could film when all of the personnel was

available to film the production section of the coursework.

Another feature of the camera that was useful in the production of my coursework was that the screen could be rotated. This means that I could when I had filmed a section we could both watch the

scene together in playback mode in order to check that it matched with the conventions of the Thriller film genre.

Sony Xperia TThis had the ability to take the images in a high quality so that they looked professional. Additionally, it had the software in which to edit the image in terms of hue and saturation, face glow and face tan. Therefore, this technology gave me the ability to take and edit the photography of the magazine and poster and improve the quality of the final images.Through the use of this I have learnt that the skills required for editing a photograph professionally does not have to be done on the computer and this therefore makes it more mobile. Additionally, the skills in which I have developed in this in which to stage a photography including mise-en-scene to connote a certain meaning to the image.

Microsoft Word-Notebook Layout

I used the notebook layout in Microsoft word in order to list the key features of my film trailer production plan.This allowed me to present my ideas in a visual manner that I could upload to my blog.

Mac bookThis had the software in which to edit the footage that I had taken together so that I could present it in a professional and conventional

looking manner. It also had the software to edit the images further and research other magazine and posters. This included the research into the conventions which allowed me to create a magazine which matches the magazine’s which are currently on the market.

Through this I have further learnt how to work with other Apple Products. Additionally, I have developed my skills in research and design on a different computer format.

EDITINGTo edit my film I used iMovie as this allows me to edit my filming in a professional looking manner and then upload my film to YouTube in

HD. It also allows me to annotate any film trailer that I have downloaded in the process of my coursework in order to identify any conventions of the genre and form.

Once I had uploaded the footage onto my computer I was able to replay the footage as I had on the camera in order to check that all what we wanted to present within our coursework trailer was within our filming. Once we had uploaded the footage, I optimised the clips in order for them to look as professional as possible.

Once the clip was optimised this means that it will not skip when in playback mode. This is a necessary feature within the production as I need to ensure that the film is as conventional as possible and sticks to the style of the genre and form.

Having optimised the film production features I was able to upload the footage in an ordered layout that was in the correct style of the film trailer format. In order to do this I selected the section of the footage that I wanted to add a trimmed this to the direct section of the scene that I wanted to feature in the trailer.

Once I have selected the scene that I want to upload to the film trailer I can then upload it to the finalised version of the trailer which has a ordered layout. I do this by dragging the section of the filming that I have chosen to the top in the place within the trailer that I want it to add.

If I have uploaded a clip into the top finalised section of the coursework and I find this to be too long for the conventions of the film trailer I can trim the clip to my selected. I did this by cutting the clip to the size that I want to feature in the trailer and left clicked in order to show the option to trim the scene to my selection. This therefore allows me to make the film trailer as conventional as possible.

When I added captions to my film trailer I added a black screen in front of the clip with the caption written on it in order for the text to fade in. I have done this in order for the film to be as conventional as possible. In order to do this I had to get the timings of the clip correct so that it is presented in a correctly placed manner. I did this by editing the timings of the black background and the timings of how this faded into the next scene.

Once I have edited all of my footage together and ensured that the scenes flow together in a conventional way I can then edit the sound to the footage. Once we had chosen the soundtrack that we intended to use I then uploaded the soundtrack to iTunes this means that it easily links to iMovie in order to add it to my finish film trailer. Once I have uploaded all of the tracks to iTunes that I am going to use on my film trailer I can then link the sound to the video. This can either me done through adding one track the whole length of the film trailer or through taking sections of the different tracks and adding them together in the finalised film trailer. I order to do this I dragged the individual sound to the video and then edited it in order for the sound to match the action.

In order to edit the sound I opened the precision editor as this allows me to match the sound with the action in a accurately. I can drag the sound clip so that it only plays the sections of the soundtrack that links directly to the genre of the film. Once I have done this I can then move the sound clip to the correct place within the trailer. Having done this to one sound clip I can then add another sound clip and can repeat any clip that I feel would work on a longer scale through the trailer.Once the precision editor I can also choose to fade the sound in or out and this makes the trailer conventional to the Thriller film trailer.

When I have finished all of the sections of my film trailer I can then upload it to YouTube. This allows me to embed the video to my blog and therefore it is placed alongside my media coursework.

I preparation for designing my media ancillary product I used the internet and various Microsoft in order to look into the conventions of magazine and poster design. I did this by looking at features such as the colour scheme and images

that would be conventionally used within my media coursework. This therefore allowed me to make sure that my products match these conventions.

Black connotes power, death, evil and mystery all of which are conventional themes within the Thriller film genre. It is often associated with a fear of the unknown with a negative representation of what could happen next. When characters are often associated with the use of black mise-en-scene features they conventionally symbolise fear and power. However, it is also used to symbolise grief and this could signify that there is something such as this that has driven the antagonist to take on the feared role in the production. Black is also a feature in magazine design that is bold and lets the information clearly stand out against the background.

White is often associated with light, innocence and purity. It is a conventional colour scheme to use in the representation of the protagonist who is normally linked to the themes of isolation and vulnerability in the Thriller film genre. It is strongly apposed to the black colour scheme conventionally used to represent the antagonist. It is also a key symbol of faith and this links to the antagonist wearing a religion symbol as part of the mise-en-scene on my magazine front cover.

Colour Scheme

Red is used to connote danger, power, fear and determination. It is conventionally used to tell people to stop and warns anybody of any danger ahead. This is a conventional theme within Thriller films as it warns individuals of the dangers that await them. However, it can also be used to represent the protagonist as it is a colour that conventionally represents courage. In the ancillary production it is also conventionally used to make any key features of the magazine stand out on the front cover.

Grey is conventionally used to represent mystery and uncertainty. Within Thriller film it is often used to depict a misty background as this represents an uncertainty of what awaits the antagonist. It is conventionally used as a background colour alongside black cover lines as this allows the information on the magazine to clearly stand-out.


I used Adobe Firework within my ancillary production task to initially edited the key images within the magazine’s production. On the image of the antagonist I used Firework to make the image darker as this is conventional to the magazine design. I did this through changing the colouring of the image. I then sharpen the character so that he stood out better against the background.This allowed the image to clearly stand out when placed on the poster alongside the image of the protagonist.

In the original image of the protagonist that I took I capture the picture against a plain white background. This meant that the background would be easily removed in order to make it more conventional to

the magazine design.

After I had removed the background of the image I then needed to edit it for it to look more conventional. I did this on Adobe Fireworks. One of the features I added was making the protagonists eyes look darker underneath as this gives a more tired and stressed appearance which is a conventional representation of the character type in the Thriller film genre. Image A was the image that I used for my magazine. However, I edited the image further for the poster to give a darker appearance I did this my changing the brightness settings of the image on fireworks for my poster. Therefore the image that I used on the poster was image B.



I created my ancillary products using Adobe Fireworks. This allowed me to edit all of my images and add all of my features of my magazine and poster together in order to make a conventional looking product.

When I first loaded Fireworks I choose a size that was appropriate for a magazine style. Once, I had chosen this I selected a background to use for the magazine in my ancillary production.I selected a misty background in a grey colour scheme as this is conventional of the Thriller film genre representation.

Once I had chosen and added the basic background I then faded an image of a tree that I had taken in our trailer location into the background image. This therefore directly links the magazine to the woodland location and also give the magazine a thrilling appearance. From the magazine’s that I have studied this is a conventional layout.

The next feature of the magazine that I added was the image of the protagonist in which I have cropped the background out of. It is conventional to feature the protagonist on the front cover of the magazine, it is also conventional to place the image between the centre and right third of the magazine section.

Having added the main image on the magazine front cover I then added the masthead. This means that the magazine is easily recognisable and I have placed the masthead at the top of the route of the eye which is a conventional placement of the masthead.

Having added the masthead the next key feature that I added was the main cover story. This is written in a different font to the others that I intend to use on the front cover of my magazine and is also a larger size to the other cover lines that I am going to use.

Once, I had added the main cover line and image I added a section at the bottom of the magazine. This is a picture of a film reel and in each magazine the contents of these three spaces can alternate to match the cover story. Due to the film I made being of the Thriller film genre I featured snapshots of iconic Thriller films.

I then added the images of the Thriller films to the spaces in the film reel. These are all of easily recognisable film in the Thriller genre and therefore makes the magazine stand out as the target audience can easily recognise the snapshots. This is also effective as the image is placed at the bottom of the route of the eye and is therefore the last piece they see when scanning through the information on the magazine’s front cover.

In order to make the magazine conventional and have a distinct ordered layout I then added a title above the images of the Thriller film to signify their placement on the front cover of the magazine.

Having added all of the previous sections of the magazine I then added the cover lines to the magazine. This is a conventional style for the magazine as it attract the audience to all of the additional features contained within the magazine’s layout.

Once I had finished all of the sections of the magazine and ensured that the magazine is conventional to the layout of magazine productions I then uploaded the image to the blog. I did this by saving the image as a JPEG file and then uploading this through the section of the blog that allows image files to be uploaded. This means that the magazine is placed alongside

all of the other sections of my coursework.


I created my poster using fireworks with a black background. This works as a good background layout and is a conventional colour scheme for the Thriller film format. Additionally, I set the layout of the design so that it is the correct size for the conventional poster format.

Once I had set up the basic features of the fireworks file I then added three separate split sections in order to break the space up. This is a conventional layout of poster design as it means that I can add the caption, title and film production company information in separate sections.

Having set out all of the basic layout features of the poster design I then added the images. The first image that I uploaded was an image of the location. This image that I took shows a empty and isolated environment that is conventional of the Thriller film genre.

The second image that I loaded was one depicting the antagonist of the production. This is a shot that I took as I believed that it was strongly linked to the title of the production and is conventional of the Thriller film genre.After adding the image of the antagonist I then added the image of the protagonist to the same frame. This links the two characters together and the dark mise-en-scene creates a mysterious atmosphere. Additionally, when designing the poster I ensured that the antagonist took over the main section of the image. This represents the theme of power and the antagonists control over the situation.

Once I have uploaded all of the pictures to the posters design I then added the title. This is a conventional representation as the font is the same brand identity as the film trailer and magazine production. I added this to the top of the page so that it is the first feature that the audience see’s.

The second feature that I added to the magazine was the captions. I used the captions that I used within the film trailer production as this links the products together. I added the caption to the middle of the poster as it links the isolated woodland location to the image of the antagonist and the protagonist.

The final feature that I added was the production company information. This ensures that the poster looks professional as it presents all of the key information such as the release date and the stars of the production.

Once I have finished all of the key features of the poster production I can then add it to my blog. In order to do this I change the saved file to a JPEG image as I did with the magazine. Once I have done this I can then upload the image

to the blogger post section.

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