mcdonald’s crisis management and crisis communication plan · 2014. 12. 1. · ronald mcdonald...

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McDonald’s Crisis Management and Crisis Communication Plan

Deanna India, Daniela Lerma, Briana Saltess,

Tonya Slater, and Amanda Tednes


Table of Contents Part One Introduction………………………………………………………………………………………3 Crisis Team’s Mission and Purpose……………………………………………………………...4 Vulnerability Analysis…………………………………………………………………………...5 Crisis Management Team………………………………………………………………………..6 Key Publics and Stakeholders…………………………………………………………………...7 Crisis Preparation and Prevention Plan………………………………………………………….8 Media Audit……………………………………………………………………………………...9 Social Media Strategy…………………………………………………………………………..10 Third Party Supporters and Credible Experts…………………………………………………..11 Immediate Response Checklist…………………………………………………………………12 Communication Channels Worksheet…………………………………………………………..13 Key Messages Worksheet………………………………………………………………………14 Press Release Template………………………………………………………………………....16 Backgrounder…………………………………………………………………………………...17 Media Log Sheet………………………………………………………………………………..18 Crisis Team Contact Sheet……………………………………………………………………...19 Testing and Evaluation Plan……………………………………………………………………20 Part Two Crisis Response Strategy………………………………………………………………………..21 Press Release……………………………………………………………………………………23 Key Messages…………………………………………………………………………………...24 Social Media Strategy…………………………………………………………………………...26 References…………………………………………………………..…………………………...30  









McDonald’s crisis communication plan is a guide made to help assist the organization to quickly and effectively respond to a crisis. This prepares both internal and external parties to know how to react to a crisis based on the step by step procedures. These procedures can include:

• Fast communication between internal and external parties as well as a quick response to the public

• An effective way to prepare, plan and respond to a crisis • Strong social media strategies • Strong communication skills • Strong team ethics

By following these procedures, this plan provides McDonald’s with an effective way to respond to a crisis. This allows the organization to be prepared for any type of risk, problem, issue or crisis that they could encounter in the future. With McDonald’s team keeping their publics and stakeholders in mind, the crisis management plan is used to help keep or save the organizations reputation.


The McDonald’s crisis team’s mission is to be proactive in the event of a crisis. This team is dedicated to protecting McDonald’s employees, properties, and customers. The crisis team strives to continuously combat negativity surrounding the organization. Procedures are routinely updated, analyzed, and practiced to continue improving the crisis communication techniques. McDonald’s crisis team is essential because it becomes the face of the company during a crisis. McDonald’s is a global company, which makes it vulnerable to many different types of crises.


The purpose of the McDonald’s crisis management plan is to provide detailed instructions on how to handle crises and who to contact during those crises. The crisis management plan is user-friendly to eliminate any confusion during a crisis. McDonald’s established these documents to remain prepared in order to respond to crises appropriately.

The crisis management team has many benefits, one of which is maintaining a positive reputation before, during, and after a crisis. When stakeholders view McDonald’s positively, they will be more inclined to support the company and remain loyal customers. Another benefit of a crisis management team would be the open line of communication between internal and external parties. Transparency is essential in responding to any crisis and the crisis management team is highly trained to handle intense situations.


Vulnerability Analysis

Crisis Category Potential Crises

*Unlikely yet highly impactful situations will be highlighted in Yellow

Natural Disaster Any of the following causing damage to restaurant locations, or the surrounding communities:

• Earthquake • Tornado • Hurricane • Forest Fire • Flooding

Workplace Violence • Employee to employee violence

• Employee to customer violence • Customer to employee violence • Customer to customer violence

Rumors • Web based rumors on food quality/ services/ employee conduct/ management practices

Malevolence • Arson • Vandalism • Bomb threat • Terrorist attack • Food tampering

Challenges • Power outage • Employee strike • Web-based criticism • Protests against corporation

Technical-error accidents • Down POS systems • Improper credit card charges

Technical-error product harm • Improper refrigeration causing foodborne illness

Human-error accidents • Kitchen fire causing damage to property, employee, and/or customers

Human-error product harm • Improper quality control inspections

causing foodborne illness Organizational misdeeds • Hiring employees with questionable

backgrounds • Poor sanitation practices in restaurants


Crisis Management Team

President- Daniela Lerma

The president will be in charge of overseeing the company. They will be in charge of making final decisions acting as the team leader. The president will also be seen as the spokesperson of the company. They will hold the responsibility of speaking out to the public and media during a crisis.

Public Relations- Deanna India

A representative will be in charge of keeping the companies positive image and reputation during a crisis. This job requires informing the public in a timely manner. In order to inform the public, they will write press releases and communicate to the public through social media by keeping information up to date.

Human Resources- Amanda Tednes

Human Resources will mainly be used to contact employees during a crisis. They will also be responsible for updating employee contact lists every six months to keep every contact current and up to date. This will eliminate any confusion on who to contact in future crises.

Global External Communications- Tonya Slater

A representative will be in charge of communicating with all franchises and companies overseas. This position is to primarily keep everybody on the same page ensuring everything is running smoothly throughout the world.

Legal Advisor/Safety- Bri Saltess

The legal advisor will deal with any legal questions that could arise for the company during a crisis. They will also have the role of being in charge of making sure all safety codes are up to date ensuring all employees and customers are safe.

*All crisis management team members will be trained by attending and completing multiple training sessions. There will be an orientation which will give everyone an overview of the crisis management process. From there, drills will take place which will be supervised giving each member the opportunity to become accustomed to their job. A tabletop will then be executed which will be led by a facilitator leading each team member through their role in a crisis and what they should do. Finally, a functional and full-scale exercise will be used. A functional exercise will allow each team member to work with each other while a full-scale exercise will demonstrate a real life crisis.


Key Publics and Stakeholders


Theme: safety/value reassurance

Customers are an organization’s most valuable asset; if the customers are not happy, the organization will not be happy. During a crisis, customers will be reassured of the quality that our brand is known for and transparency will be utilized in all communication.


Theme: security

Employees need to feel secure and stable in their positions, and McDonald’s will reassure and support them throughout a crisis situation. Employees are part of the McDonald’s family and they will be properly informed about hours of operation during a crisis.


Theme: profit

Investors are extremely important to a company’s worth and McDonald’s investors know that they stand behind a quality organization. Investors will have access to information that is necessary to them during a crisis situation and will have open lines of communication.

Food Distributers

Theme: food quality

Food distributers are essential to McDonald’s and it is important that the organization selects high quality and respectable companies to supply the food to each restaurant. Food distributers will be monitored during a crisis and communicated with as needed.

Ronald McDonald House Charities

Theme: philanthropy

McDonald’s is proud of the work that they do for the Ronald McDonald Foundation. The foundation is the company’s main philanthropic organization and it is extremely important that their image does not get tainted during any crisis situation.


Preparation and Prevention Plan

In the event of a crisis within the McDonald’s Corporation the safety of the customers and employees is the main priority. All employees must work together to minimize the impact of the crisis on key publics and stakeholders, as well as maintain the reputation of the corporation. A crisis communication team that is well organized and dedicated will aid in the creation of the best possible outcome in the event of a crisis.

Prevention of a crisis relies heavily on environmental scanning. Keeping on top of the conversation about the organization will alert us of any potential threats. The vulnerabilities of the organization must be identified, this will maximize the potential to identify and have knowledge to potential threats to the organization. Issues management will be best served with thorough environmental scanning; this will allow our organization to keep any negative threats to our stakeholders and key publics to a minimum. Social media and other online resources including news sites and popular blogging sites will need to be constantly monitored as well as traditional media.


Media Audit

• Traditional • Major Newspapers such as the Chicago Tribune • Community Newspapers • Radio Talk Shows • Broadcast News such as ABC News • Talk Shows such as The View • Magazines such as US Weekly

• New Media • Social Networking such as Facebook and Twitter • Online News such as Huffington Post • Blogs • Online Discussion Groups

Media Contact List for National News Papers

Media Outlet Name/Outlet Contact Information BBC Cara Burton

Chicago Tribune Timothy Connor Houston Chronicle Kyle Jensen (763) 352-7256 Los Angeles Times Amanda Cain (288) 973-5070 New York Times Matt Thomas


Social Media Strategy

The decision to use social media as a communication tool will depend on an analysis of the crisis. In certain situations, social media will not be an appropriate channel to communicate messages. The social media crisis team wilfl make this decision (see next page). When social media is used during a crisis, always provide a link to the McDonald’s website for official statements. This will keep messages consistent and located in one place.

If needed, messages will be translated into multiple languages. Based on the severity of the crisis, social media for promotional use might be suspended until a more appropriate time. The social media crisis team will determine when it is suitable to turn McDonald’s accounts back over to the individuals who are regularly in charge.

• Keep messages consistent and accept responsibility immediately • Do not post information unless it has been verified • Post updates in a timely manor • Post updates at appropriate times during the day • Keep tone positive and sympathetic • Do not engage with negative responses • Identify if promotions should be suspended • Keep in mind the feelings of victims and families • Schedule updates – if there is no new information at the time but be honest and transparent by

telling the public there is no new information • Do not make up information or speculate just for the purpose to posting an update • Keep target audience in mind

Best times to post: Weekends and daily from 1pm- 3pm Worst times to post: Daily from 8pm-8am Keep tweets short and provide a link to McDonald’s website

Best times to post: Weekdays from 6am-8am and 2pm-5pm Worst times to post: Weekends and daily from 10pm-4am Avoid Facebook posts during work hours Keep posts between 100-250 characters and provide a link to McDonald’s website


Third Party Supporters/Credible Experts

Ronald McDonald House Charities One Washington Drive Oak Brook, IL 60523 Phone: 633-626-7008 Fax: 633-626-7468 E-mail: National Agricultural Library Food and Nutrition Information Center 19981 Raven Avenue Beltsville, MD 20705 E-mail: ABC Inc., WLS-TV/DT Chicago 177 West Spring Street Chicago, Illinois 60601 Phone: 312-787-9877 E-mail:


Immediate Response Communication Checklist

Situation: Start description of problem/situation here.

DIRECTION: (Step 1) Verify Situation • What happened? • To whom did it happen? • When did it happen? • Where did it

happen? • How did it


Notices: Start text for notification plan here.

Notify  Person/Group   Phone  No.     Should  be  Contacted  by   Contact  Made  On  

Tonya  Slater   630-­‐623-­‐7293      

Bri  Saltess   309-­‐633-­‐9639      

Deanne  India   309-­‐633-­‐8696      

DIRECTION: (Step 2) Conduct Notifications

• As soon as a situation is verified, essential leadership, authorities and partners must be notified.

• Who must be notified (internally and externally)? • How should they be contacted and by

whom? • When should they be notified?

Crisis Level – Communication Response Required: Start text for crisis level description and communication response here.

DIRECTION: (Step 3) Assess level of crisis.


The public’s perception of the level of a crisis and the actual threat to public health are not always the same. Assess the actual public health risk and the level of communication response needed.

Tasks for Team Leaders: Start text for assignments here.

DIRECTION: (Step 4) Make Assignments. • Alert the leadership of each communication team. • Make clear projects

Spokesperson Preparation Required: 23

DIRECTION: • Who is the best person to create trust and project credibility on this issue? • What must be done to help the spokesperson prepare (background, facts, and review

risk communication principles, Q /A prep)?

Target Audience(s): Start text for describing target audience here.

DIRECTION: (Step 5. Prepare Information.) • How are different segments of the population affected or potentially affected? • What audiences and subgroups must be addressed?

====Likely Audiences-Concerns====

• Public in the disaster, for whom action messages are intended—personal safety, family safety, pet safety, stigmatization, property protection

• Public immediately outside the disaster, for whom action messages not intended— personal safety, family safety, pet safety, interruption of normal life activities

• First responders—resources to accomplish response and recovery, personal safety, family safety, pet safety

• Public health and medical professionals responders—personal safety, resources adequate to respond

• Family members of victims and first responders—personal safety, safety of victims and response workers


• Health care professionals outside response—vicarious rehearsal of treatment recommendations, ability to respond to patients with appropriate information, access to treatment supplies

• Civic leaders: local, state, and national—Leadership; response and recovery resources, and quality of response and recovery planning and implementation; expressions of concern; liability; international relations

• Trade and industry—business issues (protection of employees, loss of revenue, liability, business interruption)

• National community—vicarious rehearsal, readiness efforts

• International neighbors—vicarious rehearsal, readiness efforts

• International community—vicarious rehearsal, exploration of readiness

• Stakeholders and partners specific to the emergency—included in decision making and access to information

• Media—personal safety, access to information and spokespersons, deadlines   Communication Objectives by Target Audience: Start text for communication objectives here.

DIRECTION: • What are the specific objectives for each audience and subgroup? • What will help manage the public health threat? • What do you need to accomplish? • What do the audiences need to accomplish?

Audience: ___________________________________________________________________ Objective: ___________________________________________________________________

Audience: ___________________________________________________________________ Objective: ___________________________________________________________________

Audience: ___________________________________________________________________ Objective: ___________________________________________________________________

Audience: ___________________________________________________________________ Objective: ___________________________________________________________________


Communication Channels Worksheet: Start text for selection of communication channels here.

DIRECTION: • What delivery channel(s) must be used to reach each audience? Each subgroup? • Who is responsible for delivery and in what timeframe?


• Face-to-face — health care professional to patient, or your organization’s staff member to state partner agency or individuals in the community

• Group delivery — small group meetings or public meetings • Organizational — constituents of influential community organizations • Mass media — radio, television, newspaper, or direct mail • Community — employers, schools, malls, health groups, or local government

agencies • Combination — a combination of any of the channels listed above

DIRECTION: • Alert review and clearance teams. • Streamline processes so information release can be completed as quickly as possible. • Provide subject matter experts to review content • Facilitate clearance of printed materials • Maintain multiple clearance channels • Distinguish between previously cleared and new information for timely release

Audience Materials: Start text for identifying audience materials, by target audience, here.

DIRECTION: • What materials are needed to deliver messages to target audiences? For example. • Web pages • Telephone contacts • Briefings • Small group meetings • Public meetings • Presentations • Fact sheets

• What special requirements must be considered for materials for any subgroups


Key Messages

Spokesperson: Deanna India


Phone: (309) 633-8696

Three key messages to be communicated during the crisis:

Message 1: McDonald’s has healthy options and has been continuously developing new menu items to give people lighter choices. Supporting Points: McDonald’s recently introduced the “Favorites Under 400” Menu and is working with the Alliance for a Healthier Generation to develop a meal plans. There has been an increase in the promotion and advertising of water, milk, juice, as well as providing reduced fat dairy options. McDonald’s ensures that 100% of advertising directed at children includes fun nutrition or children’s well-being messages. The Global Advisory Council (GAC) is helping guide McDonald’s with meeting specific needs of various cultures and governments (such as nutrition labeling, children’s well-being platforms, and approaches for motivating children to eat more fruits and vegetables). Audience: Brazilians (non-customers and customers), Olympic sponsors, and the Olympic community (athletes, staff, and viewers) Message 2: McDonald’s will continue to fight for its right to be a part of the games the way it has for the past 46 years. McDonald’s is aware of the criticism and is taking necessary steps to address questions and concerns. Supporting Points: McDonald’s has been involved with the Olympic Games since 1968 and has been the official restaurant sponsor for the past 10 games. There will be an on-going Question and Answer on Facebook, as well as press conference. There is a FAQ section located on the website that addresses nutrition concerns, where food comes from, and how food is made. Audience: Brazilians (non-customers and customers), Olympic sponsors, Olympic community (athletes, staff, and viewers), and McDonald’s customers worldwide


Message 3: McDonald’s is dedicated to global corporate social responsibly and keeping customers satisfied. Supporting Points: McDonald’s serves 70 million people each day. There are more than 1.8 million individuals in more than 100 countries employed by McDonald’s and they are the leading global foodservice retailer. In 2009, McDonald’s created the Global Women’s Initiative, which supports recruitment, development and advancement of women at all, levels of the company while creating a culture where women have the opportunity to succeed and grow. The corporation also works with Greenpeace to develop and maintain a moratorium on soybean production in the Amazon. Audience: Brazilians (non-customers and customers), Olympic sponsors, Olympic community (athletes, staff, and viewers), McDonald’s customers worldwide *Information retrieved from McDonald’ Provisions for Releasing to Public: Contact Information:


[Company/Individual] [Contact info]

[Business] Offers [Product, Discounts, Event, etc.]


[City, State] – Local business [name of business] is please to offer [product, discounts, event, etc.], for [reason], beginning [date]. [Details about what the small business is offering]. [More details, if necessary, perhaps including what benefit this offer will give to consumers]. [Possible quote from someone in the business, and/or a customer benefitting from this offer] [Boilerplate – Company Info].

[Boilerplate – Company Info].


For more information contact:

Deanna India

Public Relations


McDonald’s History and Values

Since 1955, we’ve been proud to serve the world some of its favorite food. McDonald’s has been a history maker and has a bright future of continuing to create and live within history.

Our founder, Ray Kroc wanted to build a restaurant system that would be famous for food of consistently high quality and uniform methods of preparation. He wanted to serve burgers, buns, fries and beverages that tasted just the same in Alaska as they did in Alabama

Through Ray Kroc’s brilliant franchising, he created a unique type of restaurant that thrives on uniformity. Ray Kroc’s slogan was to be, “In business for yourself, but not by yourself.”

McDonald’s Values

We place the customer experience at the core of all we do. Our customers are the reason for our existence. We demonstrate our appreciation by providing them with high quality food and superior service in a clean, welcoming environment, at a great value. Our goal is quality, service, cleanliness and value (QSC&V) for each and every customer, each and every time.

We are committed to our people. We provide opportunity, nurture talent, develop leaders and reward achievement. We believe that a team of well-trained individuals with diverse backgrounds and experiences, working together in an environment that fosters respect and drives high levels of engagement, is essential to our continued success.

We operate our business ethically. Sound ethics is good business. At McDonald’s, we hold ourselves and conduct our business to high standards of fairness, honesty, and integrity. We are individually accountable and collectively responsible.

We give back to our communities. We take seriously the responsibilities that come with being a leader. We help our customers build better communities, support Ronald McDonald House Charities, and leverage our size, scope and resources to help make the world a better place.

We grow our business profitably. McDonald’s is a publicly traded company. As such, we work to provide sustained profitable growth for our shareholders. This requires a continuous focus on our customers and the health of our system.


We strive continually to improve. We are a learning organization that aims to anticipate and respond to changing customer, employee and system needs through constant evolution and innovation.


Media Log Sheet

Crisis Situation: _______________________________________________________________

Date: ______________________________ Time of Call: ______________________________

Caller: _______________________________________________________________________

Organization: _________________________________________________________________

Phone number(s): _____________________________________________________________

Fax: ________________________________________________________________________

Address: _____________________________________________________________________

Inquiry: ______________________________________________________________________

Return call by/Deadline: _________________________________________________________

Person who responded to Inquiry: __________________________________________________

Reply made by: ________________________________________________________________

Date/Time: ____________________________________________________________________

Reply: ________________________________________________________________________

Further action needed? ___________________________________________________________

Crisis Communications Team Contact List

Mobile Work Home

Crisis Administrator _______________ _______________ _______________

Crisis Manager _______________ _______________ _______________

National/State Director _______________ _______________ _______________

Chairperson of Board _______________ _______________ _______________

Regional Office Contact _______________ _______________ _______________

McDonald’s HQ Contact _______________ _______________ _______________


CCT Member _______________ _______________ _______________

CCT Member _______________ _______________ _______________

CCT Member _______________ _______________ _______________

CCT Member _______________ _______________ _______________

CCT Member _______________ _______________ _______________

List may need to be altered depending on McDonald’s program and event.


Testing and Evaluating Booklet

• Every employee will receive a booklet developed by the crisis management team that lists every person’s specific roles and responsibilities during the crisis

• Includes evaluation plans, shelter-in-place instructions, and media guides Training

• All employees, including upper management and the crisis management team, will participate in a mandatory training center

• Includes media response training • Every training session will be followed by a question and answer session and employee

feedback session to gauge questions and concerns about the crisis management plan • Required once a year


• Continuously make revisions and updates to the crisis management plan • Continuously update vulnerabilities • Hold a meeting with the crisis management team once a year to conduct an in-depth

review Alert Test

• Told random notifications tests – email, line of succession, intranet an text Stimulation

• Hire a third party organization to come a run a crisis stimulation with the crisis management team, management and executives

• Hold once a year  


Crisis Response Strategy

Our team will utilize our time properly, we as an organization will need to respond quickly to establish our presence within this crisis. As a worldwide organization, being present during this crisis is crucial to the reputation management for our organization. The strategies of apology, reminding, justification, and compensation will be utilized in our response.

Potential victims:

• Brazilian people getting their culture and health undermined • Olympic Committee may receive backlash

A partial apology will be issued first and foremost. It will acknowledge the crisis at hand and address the victims. The apology will be aimed at the situation itself being unfortunate and not an admission of guilt, as McDonald’s corporation has a legal right to operate its restaurants. The apology will express McDonald’s respect for both the Brazilian people and the Olympic Committee.

Our team will be open with our response, reminding the stakeholders and key publics of the good the organization actually does. Our key messages worksheet will be used to downplay the stigma attached to McDonald’s being unhealthy and showcasing our healthy options and differences in regional menus. The McDonald’s brand is recognized globally and is enjoyed by millions every day, the goal of our organization is not to contribute to the obesity epidemic, but to give quality food products to diners all over the world. Our spokesperson will highlight our dedication to the world, and its athletes by our desire to support the Olympic Games. The McDonald’s brand is confident in their products and the strides the organization has made in providing healthy options for our consumers. By being open, stakeholders and key publics will see improvements made within the organization.

McDonald’s will justify their position by noting the legal right our organization has to operate our restaurants, and the opening of our restaurants will pose a choice to the people of brazil and not force them to practice unhealthy eating habits. By opening more locations in Brazil, McDonald’s will bring more jobs to the communities the restaurants are located in and thus stimulating the local economy.

McDonald’s will provide compensation to the people of Brazil by offering a multimillion dollar donation to the city of Rio de Janeiro, if the McDonald’s restaurants are allowed to be built in the

country. The donation will be given to ensure the completion of the Olympic stadiums and Olympic Village, as well as support the local community. With the city struggling to stay on


schedule for the completion of the massive undertaking of creating the necessary venues, any monetary incentives will accepted

Our responses will be consistent, coming from a single spokesperson, a single Twitter handle, and a single Facebook page. The messages will be uniform and the written messages will be previewed by the spokesperson before they are posted. Our employees will be encouraged to make minimal statements if approached by members of the media, such as, “information on this situation will be reported by our spokesperson.”


For Immediate Release May 1, 2014 Contact: Deanna India Email: McDonald’s donates millions to Brazil

Oakbrook, IL – (May 1, 2014) –The white flag has been waived and the multimillion dollar deal will be made if all lawsuits are dropped. McDonald’s agrees to donate millions to Brazil if they agree to drop all lawsuits and discrepancies on McDonalds’s building sites. The 2016 Summer Olympics being held in Brazil are set to start on August 5, 2016. McDonald’s has been a supporter of the Olympic games since 1968. McDonald’s takes tremendous pride in their 38-year partnership of the Games, and share in the International Olympic Committee’s passion for bringing the world together. ”Our commitment in this part of the world and everywhere is to deliver a modern and exciting restaurant experience with delicious food and drinks, at the convenience our customers expect from McDonald’s. We want our restaurants to be places within the communities they serve where friends and families can enjoy a special McDonald’s experience made memorable by fresh, great-tasting food, fast and friendly service, and a comfortable and welcoming environment.” Said Don Thompson, McDonald’s President and CEO. McDonald’s will donate a new children’s playground to the city of Rio de Janeiro. The playground is designed to meet the needs of children with disabilities, enabling all children to play, learn and be active together. About McDonald’s and the Olympic Games McDonald’s commitment to the Olympic Movement began in 1968, when the company airlifted hamburgers to U.S. athletes in Grenoble, France, after they reported being homesick for McDonald’s food. Since then, the company has served its menu of choice and variety to millions of athletes, their coaches, families and fans. Brazil 2016 marks the eleventh consecutive Games with McDonald’s as the Official Restaurant, serving Olympic athletes and fans at the Games. Tonya Slater 630-623-7293 McDonald’s Global External Communications.


Key Messages

Spokesperson: Deanna India


Phone: (309) 633-8696

Three key messages to be communicated during the crisis:

Message 1: McDonald’s has healthy options and has been continuously developing new menu items to give its customers lighter choices. Supporting Points: McDonald’s recently introduced the “Favorites Under 400” Menu and is working with the Alliance for a Healthier Generation to develop a meal plans. There has been an increase in the promotion and advertising of water, milk, juice, as well as providing reduced fat dairy options. McDonald’s ensures that 100% of advertising directed at children includes fun nutrition or children’s well-being messages. The Global Advisory Council (GAC) is helping guide McDonald’s with meeting specific needs of various cultures and governments (such as nutrition labeling, children’s well-being platforms, and approaches for motivating children to eat more fruits and vegetables). Audience: Brazilians (non-customers and customers), Olympic sponsors, and the Olympic community (athletes, staff, and viewers) Message 2: McDonald’s will continue to fight for its right to be a part of the games the way it has for the past 46 years. McDonald’s is aware of the criticism and is taking necessary steps to address questions and concerns. Supporting Points: McDonald’s has been involved with the Olympic games since 1968 and has been the official restaurant sponsor for the past 10 games. There will be an on-going question and answer on Facebook, as well as press conference. There is a FAQ section located on the website that addresses nutrition concerns, where the food comes from, and how the food is made. Audience: Brazilians (non-customers and customers), Olympic sponsors, Olympic community (athletes, staff, and viewers), and McDonald’s customers worldwide


Message 3: McDonald’s is dedicated to global corporate social responsibly and keeping customers satisfied. Supporting Points: McDonald’s serves 70 million people each day. There are more than 1.8 million individuals in more than 100 countries employed by McDonald’s and they are the leading global foodservice retailer. In 2009, McDonald’s created the Global Women’s Initiative, which supports recruitment, development and advancement of women at all, levels of the company while creating a culture where women have the opportunity to succeed and grow. The corporation also works with Greenpeace to develop and maintain a moratorium on soybean production in the Amazon. Audience: Brazilians (non-customers and customers), Olympic sponsors, Olympic community (athletes, staff, and viewers), and McDonald’s customers worldwide.


Social Media Strategy for Specific Crisis

McDonald’s is present on numerous social media sites. During this specific crisis, Facebook and Twitter are the two sites that will be continuously updated and linked back to McDonald’s website. Social media efforts will be tailored to Brazilian culture in order to be as cohesive as possible. McDonald’s does not want to offend anyone’s culture or beliefs and will act in ways that are consistent with its mission and purpose. McDonald’s is a well-known company that strives to produce quality food and experiences, and it strives to provide useful information to its customers via social media.


McDonald’s social media team will be responsible for managing and updating the Facebook page. Appropriate messages will be posted that are specific and direct. Since this crisis is occurring in Brazil, the social media team will be cognizant of the time of posts to ensure that the message is reaching everyone that it can. McDonald’s will remain transparent with their posts on Facebook and respond to posts personally and respectfully. Question & Answer sessions will occur frequently so that consumers know that their opinions and questions are continuously valued. McDonald’s will also attempt to get customers involved by facilitating contests and sweepstakes that offer customers a free trip to the Olympics in Brazil. Since McDonald’s is a global presence, they need to be aware of the millions of people that are accessing their information. This crisis not only affects Brazilians and supporters of the Olympics, but it also affects worldwide supporters.


McDonald’s social media team will also be responsible for keeping their Twitter page updated with correct information. Since there is a 140 character limit for posts, there will be links available that connect the Twitter user to the McDonald’s website where the full versions of the press releases will be available. Since this crisis is deeply concerning with the Brazilian citizens, Twitter may not be the most appropriate outlet of information for people to access. Relying

solely on Twitter could convey a lack of caring on McDonald’s part. The social media team could also start their own hashtag in order to gauge consumer concerns, such as

#McDonaldsInBrazil. That way, McDonald’s could be more of a proactive presence on Twitter, instead of just reacting to all of the negative tweets and hashtags.



Coombs, W. T. (2012). Ongoing crisis communication: planning, managing, and responding (Third ed.). Los Angeles : SAGE Publications.

McDonald's (n.d.). Values in action. Retrieved April 26, 2014, from

Panja, T. (2014, April 29). Rio Olympic Preparations 'Worst Ever,' IOC Vice President Says. Retrieved April 29, 2014, from 04-29/rio-s-olympic-preparations-worst-ever-ioc-vice-president-says.html

Valliere, S. (2014). McDonald's Announces Eight-Year Extension of Top Olympic Sponsorship Through 2020. Retrieved April 25, 2014, from McDonald's Global Newsroom website:

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