masina de facut paine breadplus 6430 model: xbm-6430 · aceasta setare este pentru pregatirea...

Post on 07-Sep-2019






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Masina de facut paine

BreadPlus 6430

Model: XBM-6430






Masina de facut paine cu 12 programe, 700W


Culoare: Negru 700W, ~50Hz, 220-240V


Va rugam sa cititi cu atentie instructiunile si sa pastrati manualul pentru informari ulterioare.

Acest manual este conceput pentru a va oferi toate instructiunile necesare referitoare la

instalarea, utilizarea si intretinerea aparatului.

Pentru a opera unitatea corect si in siguranta, va rugam sa cititi acest manual cu instructiuni

cu atentie inainte de instalare si utilizare.



Masina de facut paine + accesorii

Manual de utilizare

Certificat de garantie

Va multumim pentru alegerea acestui produs! 700W, ~50Hz, 220-240V


Utilizarea oricarui aparat electric necesita respectarea urmatoarelor instructiuni minime

de siguranta. Exista riscul ranirii personale si apoi riscul distrugerii aparatului. Aceste

riscuri sunt indicate in manual prin conventiile urmatoare:

ATENTIE: Risc de accidentare personala

IMPORTANT: Deteriorare a aparatului.


1. Va rugam sa cititi cu atentie manualul de instructiuni inainte de a utiliza


2. Acest produs este doar pentru uz casnic. Nu utilizati in scop industrial.

3. Inainte de a conecta masina de facut paine la priza, asigurati-va ca

tensiunea de alimentare este in corespondenta cu informatiile de pe

eticheta produsului.

4. Intotdeauna plasati aparatul departe de marginea spatiului de lucru.

5. Asigurati-va ca aparatul este utilizat pe o suprafata dreapta si stabila.

6. A nu se folosi in aer liber.

7. Pentru evitarea incendiilor, socului electric si altor vatamari, nu

scufundati cablul electric in apa sau in alt lichide.

8. Cablul trebuie sa fie bine intins de la priza la unitatea centrala fara

noduri sau fara sa fie indoit.

9. ATENTIE: Nu atingeti suprafetele fierbinti. Folositi manusi de bucatarie

la scoaterea tavii cu paine. Nu acoperiti orificiile de eliminare a aburilor.

10. ATENTIE: Evitati contactul cu partile in miscare.

11. Fiti deosebit de atent la mutarea aparatului cu continut fierbinte.

12. Nu folositi aparatul de facut paine drept loc de depozitare pentru alte

obiecte si nu introduceti ustensile de bucatarie, deoarece exista riscul

de incendiu sau de soc electric.

13. Nu utilizati aparatul avand mainile ude sau umede.

14. Va rugam deconectati masina de la priza, atunci cand nu este in

functiune si inainte de curatare.

15. Nu utilizati aparatul daca observati deteriorari la nivelul cablului

electric. 700W, ~50Hz, 220-240V


16. Nu lasati cablul electric sa atarne pe marginea mesei, nici sa intre in

contact cu suprafete fierbinti.

17. In timpul functionarii aparatului nu atingeti partile in miscare.

18. Cand doriti sa scoateti aparatul din priza, trageti de stecher, nu de cablu.

19. Returnati produsele defecte la cel mai apropiat centru de service.

Produsul trebuie reparat doar de persoane calificate.

20. In cazul in care cablul electric este deteriorat, trebuie inlocuit de catre

producator ori de catre agentul sau de service, pentru a evita

provocarea unor accidente.

21. Aparatul nu trebuie folosit de persoane (inclusiv copii) cu abilitati

psihice, senzoriale sau mentale reduse, sau cu o lipsa de experienta sau

cunostinta, doar daca acestia primesc supraveghere sau instructiuni cu

privire la folosirea aparatului de la o persoana responsabila de siguranta


22. Utilizarea accesoriilor nerecomandate de producator poate deteriora

aparatul de facut paine

23. Nu plasati aparatul pe sau langa surse de caldura precum aragazuri,

cuptoare, arzatoare etc.

24. Pentru a evita deteriorarea aparatului nu plasati nicio tava de copt sau

obiect deasupra aparatului.

25. Nu curatati cu lavete sau bureti. Nu spalati tava de copt, lama de

amestec, cana de masurat sau lingura in masina de spalat vase

26. Tava de copt trebuie pusa corect la loc inainte de pornirea aparatului.

27. Intotdeauna scoateti cablul din priza ori de cate ori nu utilizati masina,

la atasarea accesoriilor, la curatare sau cand apar defectiuni.

28. ATENTIE: Aparatul necesita o priza cu impamantare

29. Daca siguranta de 13 amp trebuie schimbata trebuie folosita tot o

siguranta BS1362 de 13 amp. 700W, ~50Hz, 220-240V


IV. Inaintea primei utilizari

Inaintea primei utilizari, va rugam sa cititi acest manual si sa il pastrati

pentru o consultare ulterioara. Acordati o atentie speciala instructiunilor de


Cu atentie, scoateti masina din ambalaj.

Stergeti praful care ar putea sa se fi acumulat.

Stergeti tava de copt, lama de amestecare si suprafata exterioara a

aparatului cu o laveta umeda si curata. Tava este tratata astfel incat

ingredientele sa nu se lipeasca. Nu utilizati niciun fel de bureti sau perii

abrazive pe aparat si accesorii.

La prima utilizare, folositi putin ulei, unt sau margarina pentru a unge

tava si puneti la copt tava goala pentru 10 minute (selectati programul


Mai curatati o data.

Plasati lama de amestecare in axul tavii.

In procesul de productie este necesara ungerea usoara a anumitor parti

ale aparatului. Acest lucru poate duce la emiterea unor vapori la prima

utilizare, ceea ce este perfect normal.

V. Despre masina de facut paine

Un beep “Fruit and Nut” (Fructe si nuci) semnalizeaza momentul in care

aceste ingrediente pot fi adaugate, pentru a nu fi sfaramate de lama.

Exista setarea de extra-crust (coaja mai groasa) pentru crearea unei coji

mai groase a painii (numai pentru anumite programe). 700W, ~50Hz, 220-240V


VI. Despre retete

Retetele din acest manual sunt orientative. De preferat sa consultati si

indicatiile existente pe cutia cu faina speciala pentru masina de paine.

1. Intotdeauna adaugati ingredientele in ordinea indicata.

2. Masurarea cu strictete a ingredientelor este vitala. Nu folositi cantitati mari.

VII. Componente

Tavă de copt pâine

paletă de amestec

Timp mai mic

Timp mai mare

Lingură de măsurare

Cârlig Cană


Mărime pâine

Culoare pâine

Meniu 700W, ~50Hz, 220-240V


VIII. Butoane panou de control, ecran si functii


Color: Arata nivelul de coacere (colorare) selectat;

Size: Arata greutatea selectata;

Select: Arata numarul programului;

arata timpul ramas pana la teminarea programului (3:20, de

exemplu, inseamna 3 ore si 20 minute; 0:20 inseamna 20 minute)

Arata atentionarea de temeperatura – vezi capitolul “Rezolvare


Butoane setare timp

Folositi pentru a intarzia inceperea programului de facut paine.

Start: Tineti apasat butonul pentru aproximativ 1 secunda, pana se aude un

bip si pe ecran apare semnalizarea de incepere a programului;

Stop: Apasati pe stop pentru aprox. 2 secunde, pana se aude un bip de


Buton de meniu: Alegerea unuia dintre cele 12 programe de facut paine;

Buton alegere marime: Marimea este setata pentru o paine cu coaja. Pentru o

paine de marime normala (2lb=950g si 2.5lbs=1125g) apasati butonul o data. 700W, ~50Hz, 220-240V


IX. Descrierea programelor

1. Basic white (3:00 si 2:53):

Pentru paine alba si neagra. De asemenea, pentru paine cu

diverse arome, cu ierburi si stafide.

2. French (3:50 si 3:40):

Pentru paine usoara ca painea frantuzeasca, care are o coaja

mai tare si o textura usoara;

3. Wholewheat (3:40 si 3:32):

Pentru coacerea painii integrale;

Aceasta setare are un timp de incalzire mai lung, pentru a

permite graului sa absoarba apa si sa se umfle. Nu este

recomandata folosirea timerului de intarziere a inceperii

programului, acesta afectand calitatea painii.

4. Quick (1:40):

Pentru preparare rapida a painii albe . Painea preparata la

acest program este mai mica si cu o textura mai densa;

5. Sweet (2:55 si 2:50):

Pentru prepararea painii dulci, care are o crusta mai groasa si

mai crocanta, produsa de arderea zaharului;

6. Ultra fast - I (00:58):

Prepararea painii de 950g intr-un timp scurt;

7. Ultra fast - II(00:58):

Prepararea painii de 1125g intr-un timp scurt; 700W, ~50Hz, 220-240V


8. Dough (1:30):

Aceasta setare este pentru pregatirea aluatului, dar nu si

finalizarea preparatului;

Aluatul facut poate fi folosit apoi pentru modelarea gogosilor,

blat pizza etc.

Orice fel de aluat poate fi preparat cu aceasta setare. Nu

depasiti 1kg de ingrediente.

9. Jam (1:20):

Folositi aceasta setare pentru prepararea gemurilor din

fructe proaspete sau a marmeladei;

Nu mariti cantitatea si nu lasati sa fiarba peste capacitatea


Daca acest lucru se intampla, opriti masina. Scoateti tava cu

atentie, lasati sa se raceasca si curatati.

10. Cake (2:50):

Cu aceasta setare, aparatul va mixa ingredientele si apoi va

coace pentru un timp predefinit;

Este necesar sa amestecati separat in doua boluri

ingredientele (vezi retetele), inainte de a introduce in tava.

11. Sandwich (3:00 si 2:55):

Pentru pregatirea painii cu o textura usoara, dar cu o coaja

mai moale si mai groasa

12. Bake (1:00):

Aceasta setare este doar pentru copt si poate fi folosita

pentru a creste timpul de coacere pentru setarile selectate;

Este foarte folositoare pentru pregatirea gemului si a


La pornirea acestei setari, timpul este de minim o ora (1:00)

si se numara in intervale de 10 minute. Va trebui sa opriti

manual setarea, apasand pe butonul de stop, atunci cand

folositi procesul Extrabake;

Este recomandata verificarea starii gemului sau a painii din

10 in 10 minute. Apasand ▲, va creste timpul in unitati de

10 minute;

La selectarea optiunii Extrabake chiar dupa alt program, daca

apare mesajul H:HH pe ecran, scoateti capacul, scoateti

tava si lasati sa se raceasca pentru cateva minute;

Dupa ce s-a racit, puneti la loc tava, ingredientele, setati

programul si apasati start. 700W, ~50Hz, 220-240V


X. Utilizarea masinii de facut paine

1. Scoateti tava:

Ridicati capacul si scoateti tava ridicand manerul,

rasucind in sens invers acelor de ceas si ridicand;

Puneti tava pe suprafata de lucru;

Este important ca tava sa fie umpluta cu ingrediente in

afara masinii, pentru ca sa nu acestea sa patrunda in

masina si sa atinga elementele de incalzire;

2. Atasarea lamei:

Atasati lama de framantare/amestecare, apasand;

3. Masurarea ingredientelor:

Masurati cantitatile de ingrediente necesare si

adaugati-le in tava in ordinea de pe reteta;

La adaugarea drojdiei, asigurati-va ca nu intra in

contact cu apa sau orice alt lichid, pentru ca va incepe

sa dospeasca imediat;

Folositi apa calduta (21-28°C);

4. Plasarea tavii:

Puneti la loc tava de copt in masina, rasucind in sensul

acelor de ceas;

Puneti capacul; 700W, ~50Hz, 220-240V


5. Introduceti stecherul in priza:

Aparatul va fi automat setat la meniul Basic Bread si cu un timp


De fiecare data cand veti apasa un buton veti auzi un bip de


6. Selectati programul:

Alegeti setarea dorita din lista, apasand butonul Menu;

7. Selectati greutatea:

Apasati butonul, pentru a alege intre crocant si mica/mare;

Setarea automata este pe crusty (crocanta) la pornirea aparatului;

8. Selectati culoarea:

Selectati culoarea dorita pentru coaja, apasand butonul Color;

9. Selectati timpul de asteptare (intarziere a inceperii procesului):

Daca doriti ca painea sa fie gata mai tarziu, selectati timpul de

intarziere ca in sectiunea urmatoare;

10. Start:

Apasati butonul Start/Stop pentru pornirea masinii;

Timpul ramas se va numara in unitati de un minut

11. Procesul:

Masina de facut paine va trece automat prin stadiile programate, asa

cum este indicat in sectiunea “Ciclul de coacere”;

Daca masina a fost programata la un al doilea proces de framantare, un

semnal sonor va va avertiza ca fructele sau alunele pot fi adaugate;

Este posibil sa iasa aburi prin orificii in timpul coacerii. Este normal;

12. Terminare:

La terminarea programului, ecranul va arata 0:00 si va aparea semnalul


13. Pastrarea caldurii:

Functia de pastrare a preparatului cald va face ca aerul cald sa circule

pentru inca 60 de minute pentru majoritatea setarilor (vezi sectiunea

“Ciclul de coacere”);

Pentru cele mai bune rezultate, scoateti tava de copt si painea in acest

timp sau in momentul in care programul initial s-a terminat;

10 semnale sonore se vor auzi la terminarea programului de pastrare la

caldura 700W, ~50Hz, 220-240V


14. Scoateti tava:

Apasti stop;

Deschideti capacul

ATENTIE: Folositi manusi de bucatarie la scoaterea tavii (cu

atentie, este foarte fierbinte!).

15. Scoateti painea:

Lasati painea sa se raceasca in tava pentru 15 minute, apoi

rasturnati tava cu susul in jos si bateti usor pana ce painea se


Lasati painea sa se raceasca pe un platou;

Umpleti tava de copt cu apa calda imediat, pentru ca lama sa

nu se intepeneasca in ax.

Din cand in cand, lama va ramane in paine. Asteptati sa se

raceasca painea si apoi indeparati lama cu o lingura de lemn

sau de plastic, pentru a nu zgaria suprafata antiaderenta

16. Intotdeauna scoateti aparatul din priza dupa utilizare:

Nu deschideti capacul in timpul functionarii aparatului, pentru

ca va fi afectata calitatea painii, in special capacitatea de a


Deschideti capacul doar atunci cand in reteta este mentionata

adaugarea ingredientelor aditionale;

Nota: temperatura camerei:

Masina functioneaza bine intr-o gama larga de temperaturi, dar pot exista diferente in

marimile painilor de la temperaturi ale camerei mai mari la cele mai mici;

Temperatura camerei recomandata este intre 15 si 34°C. 700W, ~50Hz, 220-240V


Folosirea cronometrului:

Utilizati timerul cand vreti ca painea sa fie gata mai tarziu, sau sa fie preparata peste noapte si

gata dimineata. Poate fi facuta o setare de maxim 13 ore. Verificati daca functia este

disponibila, consultand sectiunea “Ciclul de coacere”. Nu folositi aceasta optiune pentru retete

care contin ingrediente perisabile precum oua, lapte, smantana sau branza.

1. Hotarati ora la care vreti ca painea sa fie gata si calculati diferenta de timp dintre

momentul actual si acea ora. De exemplu, vreti sa aveti painea maine la ora 8:00,

acum este ora 19:30, diferenta este de 12 ore si jumatate;

2. Introduceti acest timp apasand butoanele “Time T” si “Time S. Sagetile vor selecta

timpul in sus sau in jos, in perioade de 10 minute. Dupa ce ati apasat butonul Start, va

aparea mesajul (:)

3. Daca ati selectat gresit timpul, apasati stop timp de 2 secunde. Timerul va fi resetat si

puteti repeta pasul 1 si 2.

4. Perioada de amanare este de maxim 13 ore. Atunci painea va fi gata de a fi scoasa din

masina, vezi sectiunea “Scoaterea tavii”

Avertizare Sonora:

Se aude un beep atunci cand:

1. Se apasa un buton;

2. in timpul celui de-al doilea ciclu de framantare al anumitor programe pentru a indica

timpul la care alte ingrediente, precum cereale, fructe etc pot fi adaugate;

3. programul se termina;

4. la terminarea functiei de pastrare la cald

Intrerupere curent

Dupa o intrerupere brusca de curent

daca programul nu a atins inca faza 1, apasati Start si programul va continua;

daca a depasit acest punct, procesul trebuie reluat de la inceput. Tava de copt trebuie

golita de ingrediente si inlocuite cu altele;

Felierea si pastrarea painii:

Pentru cele mai bune rezultate, puneti painea pe un suport de sarma si lasati-o sa se

raceasca pentru 15-30 de minute inainte de a o taia;

Folositi un cutit electric sau un cutit manual ascutit pentru felii egale;

Pastrati painea nefolosita intr-o punga bine inchisa la temperatura camerei pana la trei

zile. Daca vremea este foarte calda si umeda, pastrati la frigider peste noapte;

Pentru depozitarea pentru o perioada mai lunga, puneti painea intr-un container

acoperit si puneti-o la congelator;

Daca pastrati painea in frigider, lasati-o cateva minute sa revina la temperatura

camerei inainte de servire. 700W, ~50Hz, 220-240V


Felierea si pastrarea painii:

Pentru ca painea facuta in casa nu contine conservanti, tinde sa se usuce si se

poate strica mai repede decat cea din comert;

Resturile intarite de paine pot fi taiate in cuburi de 1.3 sau 2.5 cm si folosite pentru

prepararea crutoanelor, a budincii de paine sau a umpluturii pentru diverse retete

Curatare si intretinere:

Atentie: Pentru a preveni riscul de electrocutare, scoateti masina din priza inainte de

a o curata!

1. Asteptati sa se raceasca masina;

IMPORTANT: Nu scufundati in apa sau alt lichid si nu stropiti nici corpul

masinii, nici capacul, deoarece exista riscul deteriorarii si/sau al

socului electric;

2. Exterior: Stergeti capacul si corpul masinii cu o carpa umeda sau cu un burete

usor umed;

3. Interior: Folositi o carpa sau un burete umed pentru a curata interiorul


4. Tava de copt: Curatati tava cu apa calda, nu este necesar detergent. Evitati sa

zgariati suprafata anti-aderenta. Uscati complet inainte de a o plasa in

compartimentul de copt;

5. Nu spalati la masina de spalat vase tava de copt, cana de masurat, lingura sau


6. Nu lasati tava prea mult in apa, pentru ca poate dauna functionarii;

7. Daca lama ramane blocata in tava, turnati apa fierbinte si lasati 30 de minute,

dupa care se poate curata usor;

8. Inainte de a depozita aparatul, asigurati-va ca este complet racit;

Nu folositi urmatoarele substante pentru curatare:

Dizolvant de vopsea, benzina , ustensile din metal, pudra de lacuit, lavete impregnate

cu substante chimice.

Ingrijire speciala pentru suprafata non-aderenta:

Evitati deteriorarea stratului non-aderent. Nu folositi ustensile din metal

precum spatule, cutite, furculite etc. Pastrati toate orificiile curatate de praf;

Stratul nonaderent isi poate schimba culoarea dupa o utilizare indelungata.

Acest lucru este cauzat doar de umezeala si vaporii de abur si nu va afecta

calitatea painii sau a functionarii aparatului;

Gaura din centrul lamei de curatat trebuie curatata, apoi adaugati o picatura de ulei si

repozitionati in tava de copt. Acest lucru va preveni lipirea lamei; 700W, ~50Hz, 220-240V


Depozitarea masinii:

Uscati bine toate componentele inainte de depozitare, inclusiv aburul de pe fereastra masinii.

Inchideti capacul si nu puneti nimic deasupra.

Nota: Nu utilizati agenti de curatare abrazivi sau chimici pentru ca vor dauna suprafetei

non-aderente a masinii.

Informatii despre ingrediente

Sfaturi pentru copt:

De multe ori se spune ca a gati este o arta, bazata pe creativitatea bucatarului, in timp

ce coacerea painii este mai mult o stiinta.

Acest lucru inseamna ca procesul combinarii fainei, apei si a drojdiei duce la o reactie a

carui produs este painea. Trebuie sa va reamintiti ca atunci cand ingredientele sunt

combinate, produc un rezultat specific.

Cititi cu atentie informatiile urmatoare pentru a obtine o mai buna intelegere a importantei pe

care fiecare ingredient o are in procesul de coacere a painii;

Nota importanta despre faina

Tipurile de faina, desi arata aproape la fel, pot fi foarte diferite datorita modului in care cerealele

au fost cultivate, macinate, depozitate etc. Este folositor sa experimentati lucrul cu diferite tipuri

de faina, pentru a gasi tipul cel mai bun pentru a face paine. Depozitarea este foarte importanta,

toate tipurile de faina trebuind sa fie tinute intr-un container etans;

Faina obisnuita (pentru orice tip de aluat)

Acest tip de faina este un amestec de faina rafinata de grau fina si faina de grau mai tare

(grea). Este potrivita mai ales pentru prepararea torturilor si a prajiturilor, si pentru


Faina alba concentrata/faina de paine

Faina pentru paine este o faina cu multe proteine/gluten, care a fost tratata astfel incat

aluatul sa poata fi usor framantat. De obicei, acest tip de faina are o concentratie mai

mare de gluten decat faina obisnuia, insa poate varia. Faina obisnuita si faina alba

concetrata sunt recomandate pentru prepararea painii cu acest aparat;

Faina de grau integrala

Faina integrala contine tot bobul de grau macinat, cu nucleul acestuia, tegumentul si

germenii, ceea ce o face mai grea si mai bogata in nutrienti decat faina alba. Painile

facute cu aceasta faina sunt de obicei mai mici si mai grele decat painile albe. Pentru a

remedia acest lucru, puteti amesteca faina integrala cu faina alba sau cea obisnuita

XI. Ingrediente 700W, ~50Hz, 220-240V


Faina care dospeste

Acest tip de faina contine ingrediente de dospire inutile care vor interfera cu

prepararea painii si a prajiturilor. Nu este recomandata pentru folosire.

Faina de tarate

Aceasta faina neprocesata si cea din germeni de grau sunt facute din partea exterioara

mai tare a bobului de grau sau secara, separata de faina obisnuita prin cernere. Acest

tip de faina este, de obicei, adaugat in cantitati mici pentru coacerea painii pentru un

plus de nutrienti si aroma, si pentru a imbogati textura painii.

Fulgi de ovaz (Ovaz macinat)

Fulgii de ovaz provin din ovazul macinat. Acestia sunt folositi pentru imbogatirea

aromei si pentru textura painii

Alte ingrediente

Drojdii (drojdie uscata):

Prin fermentare, drojdia produce un gaz (dioxid de carbon) care face ca painea sa

creasca. Pentru a produce acest gaz, drojdia are nevoie sa reactioneze cu zahar si

carbohidrati din faina. Drojdia granulara rapida este folosita in majoritatea

retetelor in care este nevoie de dospirea aluatului

Sunt trei tipuri de drojdie disponibila pe piata: drojdie proaspata, drojdie

traditionala uscata si drojdie cu actiune rapida. Este recomandata folosirea

drojdiei cu actiune rapida.

Drojdia proaspata nu este recomadata. Depozitati drojdia conform instructiunilor

producatorilor si verificati periodic data expirarii. Daca deschideti un pachet, este

important ca restul sa fie imediat resigilat si pus la frigider pentru utilizari

ulterioare. De multe ori aluatul nu creste datorita folosirii unei drojdii vechi sau

care nu a fost pastrata corespunzator

Puteti folosi urmatorul test pentru a determina daca drojdia este inactiva (statuta, veche):

1. Puneti o jumatate de cana de apa intr-un bol;

2. Amestecati o lingurita de zahar in apa si apoi presarati doua lingurite de drojdie la


3. Puneti bolul intr-o zona calda si lasati 10 minute;

4. Amestecul ar trebui sa produca o spuma si se degaja un miros puternic de

drojdie. Daca acest lucru nu se intampla, aruncati amestecul si incepeti din nou cu

un alt pachet de drojdie uscata. 700W, ~50Hz, 220-240V



Zaharul este important pentru culoarea si aroma painii si este important in

reactia cu drojdia, ajutand-o sa fermenteze. Nu se pot folosi indulcitori

artificiali ca substitut, pentru ca drojdia nu va avea reactie la acestia;


Sarea este necesara pentru a echilibra gustul painii si al prajiturilor si da

culoarea coajei care se formeaza in timpul coacerii. Sarea limiteaza, de

asemenea, dospirea drojdiei, asa ca nu adaugati o cantitate mai mare de

sare decat cea recomandata in reteta. Poate fi redusa insa, pentru motive



Lichidele precum laptele sau combinatia de lapte praf si apa pot fi folosite

la prepararea painii. Laptele da un gust bun, o textura moale si inmoaie

coaja, in timp ce apa simpla produce o coaja mai crocanta. Unele lichide

precum suc de portocale, mere etc. pot fi adaugate ca aroma.

Nota: Pentru majoritatea retetelor recomandam lapte degresat. 700W, ~50Hz, 220-240V



Ouale dau texturii aluatului de gogosi si prajiturii o structura mai

densa si moale;

Ulei de floarea-soarelui

'Scurteaza' sau domoleste textura painii cu drojdie. Se pot folosi

ca substituenti untul sau margarina. Daca se adauga unt sau

margarina scoase direct din frigider, trebuie lasate sa se

topeasca putin pentru ca aluatul sa fie mai bine omogenizat;

Praf de copt

Praful de copt este un ingredient care se foloseste la prepararea

prajiturilor, facand ca acestea sa creasca in timpul coptului. Nu

este necesar ca aluatul sa fie lasat sa se ridice;

Bicarbonat de sodiu

Bicarbonatul de sodiu este un alt agent care ajuta la dospirea

preparatelor si nu trebuie confundat cu praful de copt. De

asemenea, nici bicarbonatul de sodiu nu necesita ca aluatul sa

fie lasat sa dospeasca, pentru ca reactia chimica are loc in timpul

procesului de copt;

Masurarea ingredientelor

Pasul-cheie in utilizarea masinii de facut paine este masurarea

cu precizie a ingredientelor. Este extrem de important sa

masurati corect fiecare lichid si ingredient uscat pentru ca, altfel,

rezultatul procesului poate fi alterat. Ordinea adaugarii

ingredientelor trebuie respectata, de asemenea. 700W, ~50Hz, 220-240V


Masuratorile pentru lichide difera de cele pentru ingredientele uscate si sunt


Masurarea lichidelor

Folositi cana de masurat atasata. La citirea cantitatilor, cana trebuie sa fie pusa pe

o suprafata orizontala dreapta si vazuta la nivelul ochiului (nu intr-un alt unghi).

Nivelul lichidului trebuie sa fie acelasi cu cel inscriptionat pe cana. Utilizarea unor

cantitati “la ochi” nu da rezultate bune

Masuratori pentru ingrediente uscate

Aceste masuratori (in special pentru faina) trebuie facute folosind cana de

masurat atasata. Cana este creata dupa standardul american de 8 fluid oz –

standardul englezesc este de 10fl oz. Masuratoarea pentru ingredientele uscate

trebuie facuta cu atentie, adaugand cu lingurita ingredientele in cana iar la

umplere, niveland cu un cutit. Apasarea cu mana sau cu lingura va duce la

marirea cantitatii si astfel reteta nu va fi respectata. Nu cerneti faina, decat daca

se mentioneaza in reteta;

La masurarea unor cantitati mici de ingrediente lichide sau solide (drojdie, zahar,

sare, lapte praf, miere, melasa etc), trebuie folosita lingura de masurare atasata

Masurarea trebuie sa fie echilibrata pentru producerea celor mai bune rezultate;

Masina dumneavoastra de paine produce foarte usor alimente delicioase. Tot ce

trebuie sa faceti este sa respectati cu atentie reteta. In mod normal, in

activitatea de gatit zilnica, “un varf de asta si un pic de cealalata” dau savoare

mancarii, insa nu si in cazul masinii de paine. In acest caz, cantitatile indicate

trebuie respectate cu strictete.

Temperatura ingredientelor

Toate ingredientele si ustensilele folosite, inclusiv masina, tava si in special

lichidele (apa sau lapte) trebuie sa fie la temperatura camerei (21C - 70F).

Daca ingredientele sunt prea reci, sub 10 C (50 F), atunci drojdia nu va

fermenta. Lichidele foarte fierbinti, peste 40C (104F) pot distruge efectul

drojdiei; 700W, ~50Hz, 220-240V


Glazuri speciale pentru paini

Puteti da un “finisaj” profesional painii. Selectati una dintre urmatoarele glazuri sau toppinguri

pentru a da un plus de savoare painii:

Glazura de ou

Bateti 1 ou mare si 1 lingura de apa impreuna, si aplicati cu o pensula un strat gros

deasupra produsului. Aplicati numai inainte de a pune aluatul la copt;

Glazura de unt topit

Aplicati cu o pensula unt topit peste painea proaspat scoasa din masina, pentru a obtine

o coaja mai moale;

Glazura cu lapte

Pentru o coaja lucioasa si mai moale, dati cu pensula inmuiata in lapte sau smantana

peste painea proaspat coapta

Glazura cu zahar

Amestecati o ceasca de zahar cernut cu 1 sau 2 linguri de lapte, pentru realizarea unei

glazuri mai groase, si puneti-o peste painea cu stafide sau alte paini dulci;

Mac/Susan/Chimen/Fulgi de ovaz

Presarati cu una dintre variantele de mai sus, peste painea proaspat-glazurata

Alte sfaturi

Puneti toate ingredientele in tava de copt, astfel incat drojdia sa nu intre in contact cu

niciun lichid;

Dupa ce ati terminat de facut aluat in masina, atunci cand lasati drojdia sa creasca in

afara masinii, lasati 30 de minute sau pana cand aluatul a crescut dublu fata de

dimensiunea initiala. Aluatul trebuie usor uns si acoperit cu hartie de copt si un prosop

uscat. Trebuie pus intr-un loc cald, departe de curenti de aer;

Umiditatea poate cauza probleme, asa ca umiditatea si altitudini mari necesita ajustari

ale retetei. Pentru umiditate mare, adaugati inca o lingura de faina, daca observati

compozitia fiind prea lichida. Pentru altitudini mari, scadeti cantitatea de drojdie cu

aproximativ ¼ lingurita, si scadeti putin cantitatea de zahar sau/si apa sau lapte;

Atunci cand, in reteta, se mentioneaza “o suprafata tapetata usor cu faina”, folositi 1

sau 2 linguri de faina. Pentru o manipulare mai usoara a aluatului, puteti sa va dati cu

faina pe degete sau pe ustensilele cu care lucrati;

Daca aluatul pe care il intindeti se trage inapoi, lasati-l sa “se odihneasca” pentru cateva

minute inainte de a-l intinde din nou;

Aluatul poate fi infasurat in folie de plastic si pastrat la congelator pentru utilizare

ulterioara. 700W, ~50Hz, 220-240V


Alte sfaturi

Dupa 5 minute de framantare a aluatului, deschideti capacul si verificati consistenta

aluatului. Ar trebui sa formeze o minge moale, neteda. Daca este prea uscat,

adaugati apa. Daca este prea umed, adaugati faina (cate ½ lingura o data)

XII. Retete


Toate retetele urmatoare folosesc urmatoarea metoda:

1. Masurati toate ingredientele si adaugati in tava de copt;

2. Utilizati apa calduta (21-28 grade);

3. Introduceti tava in masina, inchideti capacul;

4. Selectati programul;

5. Apasati butonul de start;

6. Cand painea este gata, scoateti tava, folosind manusi de bucatarie;

7. Scoateti painea din tava (si, daca este necesar, lama de amestec din paine;

8. Lasati sa se raceasca inainte sa feliati

Aceasta metoda este modificata printr-o nota la sfarsitul fiecare retete, acolo unde este

necesar. 700W, ~50Hz, 220-240V


Retete pentru paine

1. Retete pentru paine normala

Paine alba clasica

900g* 1125g

Apa 1+1/4 cana 1+1/2 cana

Lapte praf degresat 3 linguri 4 linguri

Ulei de floarea-soarelui 3 linguri 4 linguri

Zahar 2+1/4 linguri 2+1/2 linguri

Sare 1+1/4 lingurite 2 lingurite

Faina alba de grau 3 cani 4 cani

Drojdie cu actiune rapida 1+1/4 lingurita 1+1/4 lingurita

Program 1Basic 1Basic

* Folosiți setarea de 1125gr pentru pâinea de 900g.

Paine de grau moale


Apa 1+1/4 cana

Lapte praf degresat 3 linguri

Ulei de floarea-soarelui 3 linguri

Zahar 2+1/4 linguri

Sare 1+1/4 lingurite

Faina alba de grau 3 cani

Drojdie cu actiune rapida 1+1/4 lingurite

Program 1Basic 700W, ~50Hz, 220-240V


Paine neagra

900g 1125g

Apa 1 cana 1+1/4 cana

Lapte praf degresat 2 linguri 2+ 1/2 linguri

Ulei de floarea-soarelui 2 linguri 2+ 1/2 linguri

Zahar 2+1/2 linguri 3 linguri

Sare 1+1/4 lingurite 2 lingurite

Faina alba de grau 3 cani 4 cani

Drojdie cu actiune rapida 1+1/4 lingurite 1 +3/4 lingurite

Programul 1 Basic 1 Basic

* Folosiți setarea de 1125gr pentru pâinea de 900g.

Paine italiana cu ierburi


Apa 1+1/2 cani

Lapte praf degresat 3 linguri

Ulei floarea-soarelui 3 linguri

Zahar 2+1/2 linguri

Sare 2 lingurite

Faina alba de grau 4 cani

Maghiran uscat 2 lingurite

Busuioc uscat 2 lingurite

Cimbru uscat 1+1/2 lingurite

Drojdie cu actiune rapida 1+1/4 lingurite

Programul 1 Basic 700W, ~50Hz, 220-240V


Paine cu branza si ceapa


Apa 1 cana

Lapte praf degresat 3 linguri

Zahar 1+ 1/2 linguri

Sare 1/2 linguri

Granule de ceapa 1+ 1/2 lingurite

Branza cheddar rasa 1 cana

Faina alba de grau 3 cani

Drojdie cu actiune rapida 1+ 1/2 lingurite

Programul 1 Basic

Paine cu stafide


Apa 1+1/4 cani

Lapte praf degresat 3 linguri

Ulei de floarea-soarelui 3 linguri

Zahar 2 linguri

Sare 1+ 1/2 lingurite

Scortisoara 3/4 lingurite

Faina alba de grau 3 cani

Drojdie cu actiune rapida 1+ 1/2 lingurite

Stafide* 5/8 cana

Programul 1 Basic

*Adaugati stafidele dupa semnalul sonor 700W, ~50Hz, 220-240V


Paine cu rosii uscate


Apa 1 cana

Lapte praf degresat 2 + 1/2 linguri

Ulei de floarea-soarelui 2 + 1/4 linguri

Sare 1+1/4 lingurita

Mix de ierburi uscate 1 + 1/2 lingurite

Faina alba de grau 3 cani

Drojdie cu actiune rapida 1+1/4 lingurita

Rosii uscate la soare 3/8 cana

Programul 1 Basic

Paine cu malt


Apa 1 cana

Sare 1 lingurita

Ulei de floarea-soarelui 2 linguri

Melasa neagra 1+1/2 linguri

Extract de malt 2 linguri

Faina obisnuita 3 cani

Drojdie cu actiune rapida 1 lingurita

Stafide din struguri de masa* 1/2 cana

Programul 1 Basic

*Adaugati stafidele dupa semnalul sonor 700W, ~50Hz, 220-240V


2. Retete pentru paine frantuzeasca

Paine frantuzeasca

900g* 1125g

Apa 1 cana 1+1/4 cana

Lapte praf degresat 2 linguri 3 linguri

Zahar 1 lingura 1+1/2 linguri

Sare 1 lingurita 1+1/2 lingurite

Ulei de floarea-soarelui 1 lingura 1+1/2 linguri

Faina alba de grau 3 cani 4 cani

Drojdie cu actiune rapida 1 lingurita 1+1/2 lingurite

Programul 2 French 2 French *

*Folosiți setarea de 1125g pentru pâinea de 900g.

3. Retete pentru paine integrala

Paine din faina integrala de grau

900g* 1125g

Apa 1+1/4 cana 1+3/4 cana

Lapte praf degresat 1+1/2 linguri 2 linguri

Ulei de floarea-soarelui 2 linguri 2+ 1/2 linguri

Zahar brun 2+1/2 linguri 3 linguri

Sare 1+1/4 lingurite 1+1/2 lingurite

Faina de grau integrala 3 cani 4 cani

Drojdie cu actiune rapida 1+1/4 lingurite 1+1/2 lingurite

Tableta Vitamina C (zdrobita) 1x100mg

Programul 3 Wholewheat 3 Wholewheat

* Folosiți setarea de 1125g pentru pâinea de 900g. 700W, ~50Hz, 220-240V


Paine din cereale


Apa 1+1/4 cani

Lapte praf degresat 3 linguri

Ulei de floarea-soarelui 3 linguri

Zahar brun fin 2+ 1/2 linguri

Sare 1+ 1/4 lingurite

Faina neagra din cereale 3 cani

Drojdie cu actiune rapida 1+ 1/4 lingurite

Programul 3 Wholewheat

4. Retete cu preparare rapida (programul Quick)

Paine cu banane si nuci

Grup 1 de ingrediente

Unt (topit) 2 linguri

Lapte 1 lingura

Banana zdrobita 1 cana

Ou 1

Nuci (maruntite) ½ cana

Lamaie 1 lingurita

Grup 2 de ingrediente

Faina simpla 1+1/2 cana

Bicarbonat de sodiu ½ lingurita

Praf de copt ¼ lingurita

Zahar ½ cana

Sare ¼ lingurita

Programul 4 Quick


1. Intr-un bol amestecati ingredientele din grupul 1;

2. Intr-un alt bol amestecati ingredientele din grupul 2;

3. Puneti compozitiile din cele doua boluri in tava de copt 700W, ~50Hz, 220-240V


Paine din fulgi de ovaz

Lapte 1 cana

Oua (batute) 2

Ulei de floarea-soarelui 1/2 lingurita

Golden syrup (melasa) 2 linguri

Zahar ¼ cana

Sare 1 lingurita

Faina simpla 2 cani

Fulgi de ovaz 1 cana

Praf de copt ½ lingurite

Bicarbonat de sodiu ½ lingurite

Programul 4 Quick

5. Retete dulci

Baton cu fructe

900g* 1125g

Apa 1+1/8 cana 1+1/4 cana

Lapte praf degresat 3 linguri 3+ 1/2 linguri

Ulei de floarea-soarelui 3 linguri 3+ 1/2 linguri

Zahar 1/4 linguri 1 lingura

Sare 1+1/4 lingurite 1+1/2 lingurite

Faina alba de grau 3 cani 4 cani

Nucsoara ¾ lingurite 1 lingurita

Drojdie cu actiune rapida 1+1/4 lingurite 1+1/2 lingurite

Mix de fructe uscate + ½ cana 3/4 cana

Programul 5 Sweet 5 Sweet

*Adaugati fructele dupa semnalul sonor

+ Adăugați fructele după semnalul sonor 700W, ~50Hz, 220-240V


Paine cu ciocolata


Apa 1 cana

Oua (batute) 1 mediu

Lapte praf degresat 1 lingura

Ulei de floarea-soarelui 1 lingura

Zahar 1/4 cana

Sare 1/2 lingurite

Nuci (maruntite)* 1/4 cama

Faina alba de grau 2+ 1/8 cani

Praf de cacao 1/2 cani

Drojdie cu actiune rapida 1 lingurita

Programul 5 Sweet

*Adaugati nucile dupa semnalul sonor

6. Retete pentru Fastbake

Paine alba mica

Apa 270ml

Faina alba de grau 3 cani

Lapte praf degresat 2 linguri

Sare 1 lingurita

Zahar 4 linguri

Ulei de floarea-soarelui 4 linguri

Drojdie cu actiune rapida 3 lingurite

Programul 6 Fastbake

7. Retete pentru Fastbake

Paine mare alba

Apa 360ml

Faina alba de grau 4 cani

Lapte praf degresat 3 linguri

Sare 1+1/2 lingurita

Zahar 5 lingurite

Ulei de floarea-soarelui 5 linguri

Drojdie cu actiune rapida 3+1/2 lingurite

Programul 7 Fastbake 700W, ~50Hz, 220-240V


8. Retete de aluat

Rulouri de paine alba

Apa 1+1/4 cani

Lapte praf degresat 1 lingura

Unt topit 2 linguri

Zahar 2 linguri

Sare 1+1/2 lingurite

Faina alba de grau 3+1/4 cani

Drojdie cu actiune rapida 1+1/2 lingurite

Programul 6 Ultra fast -1


1. Framantati si formati aluatul in 6 rulouri.

2. Puneti rulourile intr-o tava unsa cu ulei.

3. Dati pe deasupra rulourilor cu o pensula inmuiata in unt topit.

4. Acoperiti pentru 20-25 minute.

5. Lasati sa creasca pana cand se dubleaza ca marime.

6. Puneti la copt pentru aproximativ 15-20 minute la 190°C

Rulouri de paine integrala

Apa 1+1/4 cani

Lapte praf degresat 2 linguri

Unt topit 2 linguri

Miere 2 linguri

Zahar brun 1 lingura

Sare 1+1/2 lingurite

Faina integrala de grau 3+1/4 cani

Drojdie cu actiune rapida 1+1/2 lingurite

Programul 6 Ultra fast - 1


Aceeasi ca cea de la rulourile de paine alba. 700W, ~50Hz, 220-240V


Chifle impletite fierbinti

Apa 1 cana

Unt topit 1/4 cana

Zahar 1/4 cana

Ou (batut) 1

Sare 1 lingurita

Faina alba de grau 3+3/4 cani

Scortisoara 1 lingurita

Nucsoara 1/4 lingurita

Stafide 1 cana

Drojdie cu actiune rapida 1+1/2 lingurite

Programul 6 Ultra fast - 1


1. Divizati aluatul in 8-12 bucati. Dati forma si turtiti putin.

2. Glazurati cu ou si lapte (dar nu si crucea din mijloc).

3. Acoperiti si lasati sa creasca 30 min.

4. Coaceti la cuptor la 375°F (190°C) pentru 16-18 minute

Blat pizza

Apa 1 cana

Unt topit 1 lingurita

Zahar 2 linguri

Sare 1 lingurita

Faina alba de grau 2+3/4 cani

Drojdie cu actiune rapida 1 lingurita

Programul 6 Ultra fast - 1


1. Pre-incalziti cuptorul.

2. Formati un aluat intins si rotund. Puneti intr-o tava unsa. Ungeti putin aluatul cu ulei.

3. Acoperiti pentru 15 minute si lasati sa creasca.

4. Adaugati toppingul dorit.

5. Coaceti la aproximativ 220 grade C pana capata o culoare aurie-maronie. 700W, ~50Hz, 220-240V


9. Retete de gem


Suc de la portocale 3 portocale medii

Coaja rasa de portocala 2

Zahar conservant 1 cana

Apa 1 lingura

Pectina, daca este nevoie 2 lingurite

Programul 7 Ultra fast - 1


Incalziti borcanele inainte de a le umple;

Folositi un timp extra de fierbere daca este nevoie, in functie de marimea

portocalelor si consistenta marmeladei;

Indepartati lama inainte de a turna marmelada in borcane;

Nu ridicati capacul in timpul functionarii masinii;

Portocalele care trebuie folosite pentru prepararea marmeladei sunt cele de

Sevilla, dar acestea nu se gasesc decat in luna Ianuarie. Daca se folosesc alt fel de

portocale, adaugati pectina pentru intarirea gemului.

Aceasta reteta produce un borcan mediu de marmelada (400g)

Gem de zmeura si mere

Zmeura inghetata, masurata inainte de decongelare 2 cani

Bucati de mere (curatate de coaja si cotor) 1 cana

Zahar conservant 1 cana

Suc de lamaie 3 linguri

Programul 9 Jam


Incalziti borcanele inainte de a le umple.

Indepartati lama inainte de a turna marmelada in borcane.

Nu ridicati capacul in timpul functionarii masinii 700W, ~50Hz, 220-240V


10. Retete de prajituri

Reteta de mix clasica

Grup ingrediente nr. 1

Unt topit 3/4 cana

Esenta vanilie 1/4 lingurita

Oua (batute) 3 medii

Suc de lamaie 2 lingurite

Grup ingrediente nr. 2

Faina simpla 1+5/8 cani

Praf de copt 2 lingurite

Zahar pudra 1 cana

Programul 10 Cake


1. Amestecati ingredientele din grupul 1 intr-un bol.

2. Amestecati ingredientele din grupul 2 in alt bol.

3. Combinati cele doua compozitii pana se omogenizeaza.

4. Turnati amestecul in tava de copt

Prajitura cu fructe asortate

Grup ingrediente 1

Unt topit 3/4 cana

Esenta vanilie 1/4 lingurita

Oua (batute) 3 medii

Suc de lamaie 2 lingurite

Fructe uscate amestec 5/8 cana

Grup ingrediente nr. 2

Faina simpla 1+5/8 cani

Praf de copt 2 lingurite

Zahar 1 cana

Scortisoara macinata 1/4 lingurita

Nucsoara macinata 1/4 lingurita

Programul 10 Cake


Urmati metoda de la reteta de mix de prajituri clasica 700W, ~50Hz, 220-240V




Tip paine
















la cald


1Basic 9 20 14* 25 45 60 2:53 60

Clasica, cu coaja 10 20 15* 25 45 65 3:00 60

2French 16 40 19* 30 50 65 3:40 60

Franzela, cu


18 40 22* 30 50 70 3:50 60

3Wholewheat 9 25 18* 35 70 55 3:32 60

Integrala, cu


10 25 20* 35 70 60 3:40 60

4Quick 7 5 8 80 1:40 60

5Sweet 10 5 20* 30 55 50 2:50 60

Dulce, cu coaja 10 5 20* 30 55 55 5:55 60

6Ultra fast-1 12 11 35 0:58

7Ultra fast-2 9 9 40 0:58

8Dough 20 30 40 1:30

9Jam 20 15+ 45+mixing 20 1:20

10Cake 10 5 20 30 35 70 2:50 60

11Sandwich 15 40 5* 25 40 50 2:55 60

Sandwich, cu


15 40 5* 25 40 55 3:00 60

12Bake 60 1:00 60

10. Retete de paine pentru sandwich-uri

Paine de sandwich

Apa 1+1/3 cana

Margarina moale sau unt 2 linguri

Sare 1 +1/2 lingurite

Zahar 3 linguri

Faina alba de grau 4 cani

Drojdie cu actiune rapida 3/4 lingurita

Programul 11 Sandwich

XIII. Ciclu de coacere-timpi

*Semnal sonor, ingredientele pot fi adaugate 700W, ~50Hz, 220-240V


XIV. Intrebari despre performantele masinii si mod de operare

Intrebare nr. 1

Ce ar trebui sa fac daca lama de framantare ramane in paine?

Scoateti lama cu ajutorul unor palete de plastic inainte de a felia painea. Pentru ca lama

poate fi demontata din tava, nu reprezinta o defectiune daca ramane in paine.

Intrebare nr. 2

De ce uneori painea are faina pe coaja laterala?

In unele cazuri, faina poate sa ramana neamestecata in colturile tavii de copt. Daca se

intampla acest lucru, pur si simplu acea portiune poate fi mancata sau indpartata cu un


Intrebare nr. 3

De ce nu se mixeaza aluatul? Aud motorul pornit.

S-ar putea ca tava de copt sau lama de framantat sa nu fie instalate corect. Asigurati-va

ca tava este pozitionata corect si ca a facut “click” pe fundul masinii de facut paine.

Intrebare nr. 4

De ce nu pot folosi timerul atunci cand folosesc lapte proaspat pentru prepararea


Laptele se va altera daca ramane pentru prea mult timp neutilizat in masina. Ingrediente

proaspete precum oua si lapte nu trebuie folosite atunci cand doriti sa amanati

momentul inceperii automate a prepararii painii.

Intrebare nr. 5

De ce trebuie sa adaug ingredientele intr-o anumita ordine?

Acest lucru este necesar pentru ca masina sa amestece ingredientele in cel mai eficient

mod posibil. De asemenea, in felul acesta, drojdia nu intra in contact direct cu lichidele,

ceea ce este esential.

Intrebare nr. 6

Daca am setat masina sa aiba gata painea dimineata, de ce se aud zgomote de la

masina noaptea tarziu?

Masina trebuie sa porneasca atunci cand timpul de intarziere s-a scurt, pentru ca painea

sa fie gata la ora dorita si setata anterior. Sunetele sunt produse de motor, in timpul

framantarii painii. Este o operatiune normala, nu o defectiune

Intrebare nr. 7

Lama este blocata in tava de copt. Dupa ce am copt paine, cum o scot?

Acest lucru se poate intampla. Lasati sa curga apa calda sau fierbinte peste lama, si

aceasta se va debloca. Daca nu se intampla acest lucru, lasati in apa calda timp de 30 de

minute. 700W, ~50Hz, 220-240V


Intrebare nr. 8

Pot spala tava de copt in masina de spalat vase?

Nu. Tava de copt si lama trebuie spalate manual.

Intrebare nr. 9

Ce se intampla daca las painea coapta in masina?

E recomandat sa lasati painea timp de o ora, daca aplicati functia “keep warm”.

Daca depasiti aceasta perioada painea se poate umezi, pentru ca aburul nu are unde sa

se evapore. Scoateti si lasati sa se raceasca pe un suport de sarma.

Intrebare nr. 10

De ce a fost framantat aluatul doar partial? De ce nu a fost mixat complet?

Aluatul poate fi prea greu sau prea uscat. Ingredientele pot sa fi fost introduse in ordine

gresita sau tava si lama incorect asamblate.

Intrebare nr. 11

De ce nu a crescut painea?

Se poate ca drojdia sa fi fost expirata sau sa nu fi fost adaugata deloc. De asemenea,

daca nu s-a realizat mixarea completa a ingredientelor, acest lucru se poate intampla.

Intrebare nr. 12

De ce nu pot seta un timp mai mare de 13 ore de amanare a inceperii programului?

Care e timpul minim cu care poate fi amanat ciclul de pregatire a painii?

Timpul maxim de intarziere este de 13 ore, incluzand timpul de coacere. De ex, setarea 1

(basic small) are un ciclu de 3:20. Acesta poate fi intarziat sa inceapa cu maxim 9:40.

Timpul minim de amanare este de 10 minute.

Intrebari despre ingrediente si retete

Intrebare nr. 13

Cand stiu ca trebuie sa adaug stafide, nuci, etc la restul compozitiei?

Se aude un semnal sonor pentru a semnala faptul ca puteti adauga fructele in timpul

celui de-al doilea ciclu de framantat.

Intrebare nr. 14

De ce painea este umeda? Ce pot face?

Umiditatea poate afecta aluatul. Adaugati inca o lingura de faina. De asemenea,

altitudinile mari pot avea acelasi efect. Scadeti cantitatea de drojdie cu ¼ lingurite si

cantitatea de zahar si/sau lapte/apa. 700W, ~50Hz, 220-240V


Intrebare nr. 15

De ce painea creste si apoi scade brusc sau crapa?

Painea se poate sa fi crescut prea mult. Pentru a reduce aceasta, reduceti cantitatea de

drojdie si/sau cresteti cantitatea de sare.

Intrebare nr. 16

Pot folosi retele mele preferate de paine (cu drojdie traditionala) in masina de facut


Da, dar va trebui sa incercati de mai multe ori pana veti obtine cantitatea optima de

ingrediente.Sa nu depasiti niciodatat cantitatea de 5 cani de ingrediente uscate in total.

Intrebare nr. 17

Este important ca ingredientele sa fie la temperatura camerei inainte de a le introduce

in tava de copt?

Da, chiar daca amanati timpul de incepere al procesului (Apa trebuie sa aiba

temperatura intre 21 si 28 grade C).

Intrebare nr. 18

De ce variaza painile in dimensiune si greutate? Painile integrale sunt intotdeauna mai

mici. Gresesc cu ceva?

Nu, este normal ca painile din faina integrala sa fie mai grele si mai mici de cat painea

clasica sau cea frantuzeasca. Faina integrala este mai grea decat cea alba, deci nu va

creste atat de mult in procesul de copt. Acelasi lucru este valabi.l pentru painea cu

fructe, ovaz, etc.

Intrebare nr. 19

Pot amesteca inainte drojdia cu apa?

Nu, drojdia trebuie tinuta uscata si pusa in tava ultima, deasupra fainii; acest lucru este

deosebit de important, mai ales in cazul in care alegeti sa amanati inceperea procesului.

Intrebare nr. 20

De ce se formeaza o gaura la baza painii?

Gaura se formeaza datorita lamei de framantat 700W, ~50Hz, 220-240V



Poti ajuta la protejarea mediului!

Va rugam sa respectati regulamentele si legile locale: duceti echipamentele electrice nefunctionale

catre un centru de colectare al echipamentelor electrice uzate.

Importator: Network One Distribution

Europolis Logistic Park, Italia Street, 1-7, Chaijna, Ilfov, Romania

Tel: +40 21 211 18 56, ,

HEINNER este marca inregistrata a companiei Network One Distribution SRL. Celelalte branduri,

denumirile produselor sunt marci înregistrate ale respectivilor deţinători.

Nicio parte a specificatiilor nu poate fi reprodusa sub orice formă sau prin orice mijloc, utilizata

pentru obtinerea unor derivate precum traduceri, transformari sau adaptari, fara permisiunea

prealabila a companiei NETWORK ONE DISTRIBUTION.

Copyright © 2013 Network One Distibution. All rights reserved.,

Acest produs este proiectat si realizat in conformitate cu standardele si normele Comunitatii Europene 700W, ~50Hz, 220-240V



BreadPlus 6430

Model: XBM-6430







Bread Maker, 12 programs, 700W

Capacity: 750-1150g

Color: Black 700W, ~50Hz, 220-240V


Please read this instruction manual carefully before using it and kee it for later information

This manual is conceived for ofering you all of the necessary info regarding instalation, using

and maintenance of the machine. For a correctly and safely use of the machine, please, read

this manual before instalation and using.

I. Introduction

II. Package contents

Bread maker machine + accessories

Instruction manual

Warranty card

Thank you for chosing this product! 700W, ~50Hz, 220-240V


The use of any electrical appliance requires the following of basic common sense safety rules.

Primarily there is danger of personal injury and secondly the danger of damage the property

and the appliance. These are indicated in the text by the following two conventions:

WARNING: Danger of personal injury

IMPORTANT: Damage to the appliance

In addition we offer the following essential safety advice.

1. Always locate your appliance away from the edge of a worktop.

2. Do not let the mains lead hang over the edge of a worktop where a child could reach it.

3. Check that the voltage on the rating plate of your appliance corresponds with your

house electricity supply which must be A.C. (Alternating Current). If the socket outlets

in your home are not suitable for the plug supplied with this appliance, the plug should

be removed and the appropriate one fitted.

4. Ensure that the appliance is used on a firm, flat surface.

5. Do not use outdoors.

6. To protect against electrical shock, do not immerse cord or plug in water or other


7. The mains lead should reach from the socket to the base unit without straining the


8. WARNING: Do not touch hot surfaces. Use over mitts or oven gloves when removing

the hot bread pan. Do not cover the steam vent openings under any circumstances.

9. WARNING: Avoid contact with moving parts.

10. Extreme caution must be observed when moving an appliance with hot contents.

11. Do not use Breadmaker for storage purposes nor insert any utensils, as they may create

a fire or electric shock hazard.

12. Do not use use the appliance with wet or moist hands.

13. If the mains lead of this appliance is damaged do not use it.

III. Safety regulations 700W, ~50Hz, 220-240V


14. Do not let the lead run across an open space e.g. between a low socket and table. Do

not let the lead run across a cooker or toaster or other hot area which might damage

the cable.

15. If faulty, please return this unit to authorized service, the repaird must be done by

authorized people only.

16. Never allow a child to operate this appliance. Children are vulnerable in the kitchen

particularly when unsupervised and if appliances are being used or cooking is being

carried out. Teach children to be aware of dangers in the kitchen, warm them of the

dangers of reaching up to areas where they cannot see properly or should not be


17. The use of accessory attachments not recommended by the manufacturer may cause

damage to the Breadmaker.

18. Do not place the appliance on or near heat sources such as gas or electric stove ovens,

or burners.

19. To avoid damaging the appliance, do not place the baking pan or any object on the top

of the unit.

20. Do not clean with scouring pads. Do not wash the baking pan, kneading blade

measuring cup or spoon in a dishwasher.

21. The baking pan must be in place prior to switching on the appliance.

22. Always remove the plug from the socket whenever the machine is not in use, when

attaching accessory parts, cleaning the machine or whenever a disturbance occurs. Pull

on the plug, not the cable.


24. Should the fuse in the 13 amp plug require changing a 13 amp BS1362 fuse must be


25. The plug removed from the mains lead, if severed, must be destroyed as a plug with

bared flexible cord is hazardous if engaged into a live socket outlet. 700W, ~50Hz, 220-240V


IV. Before first use

Before first use, please take a few minutes to read this instruction book and to find a

place to keep it handy for reference. Pay particular attention to the safety instructions.

1. Carefully unpack the breadmaker and remove all packaging materials.

2. Remove any dust that may have accumulated during packing

3. Wipe the baking pan, kneading blade and outside surface of the breadmaker

with a clean, damp cloth. The bread pan is non-stick coated. Do not use

scouring pads or any abrasives on any part of the breadmaker.

4. For first time use use oil, butter or margerine to grease the bread pan and bake

empty for about 10 minutes (select the Extrabake program).

5. Clean once more.

6. Place the kneading blade on the axle in the baking pan

In manufacture it is necessary to lightly grease some parts of the appliance. This may

result in the unit emitting some vapour when first used, this is normal.

V. About this breadmaker

A Fruit and Nut beep signals when extra ingredients can be added so they don't get

chopped by the kneading blade.

There is a crusty setting to create that extra crusty loaf (certain programs only). 700W, ~50Hz, 220-240V


VI. About the recipes

The recipes in this booklet have been thoroughly tested to ensure best results. On the same

time it is recommended to respect the indication from special bread floor package.

1. Always add ingredients in the order they are listed in the recipe.

2. Accurate measuring of ingredients is vital. Do not use large amounts.

VII. Components 700W, ~50Hz, 220-240V


VIII. Control panel buttons, display & functions

Display window

Color: Shows browning level selected;

Size: Shows weight selected;

Program: Shows the program number;

Shows time left before completion (3:20, for example: 3 hours and

20minutes; 0:20 is for 20 minutes)

Show temperature warning - see 'Troubleshooting'”

Timer delay buttons

Use to delay the start of bread for selecting crust colour from light, making (all programs

except Fastbake) medium or dark (certain programs only).

Start: Press to start for approx 1 second, a beep program sounds and the colon (:)

flashes and the program starts;

Stop: Press to stop for approx 2 seconds. When the breadmaker is switched on beep

sounds to confirm;

Menu Buton: For choosing the bread making from the list 1 to 12;

Loaf size button: The loaf size defaults to crusty. For loaves (2lb and 2.5lbs) press loaf

size once.

IX. Program descriptions

1. Basic white (3:00 si 2:53):

For white and brown bread. Also for flavored breads with added herbs and


2. French (3:50 si 3:40):

For the baking of light weight bread such as French bread which has a crisper

crust and light texture;

3. Wholewheat (3:40 si 3:32):

For the baking of bread containing significant amounts of whole-wheat. This

setting has longer preheat time to allow the grain to soak up the water and

expand. It is not advised to use the delay timer as this can produce poor

results; 700W, ~50Hz, 220-240V


4. Quick (1:40):

For white bread that is required in a shorter time. Bread baked on this setting is usually

smaller with a dense texture;

5. Sweet (2:55 si 2:50):

For the baking of sweet type bread which gives a crisper crust than on basic setting. The

crisper crust is produced by the sugar 'burning';

6. Ultra fast - I (00:58):

Kneading rise and baking 2LB bread in a short time;

7. Ultra fast - II(00:58):

Kneading rise and baking 2.5LB bread in a short time;

8. Dough (1:30):

This setting only makes the dough and will not bake the final bread. Remove the dough

and shape it to make bread rolls, pizza, etc. Any dough can be prepared on this setting.

Do not exceed 1kg (2lb) of combined ingredients;

9. Jam (1:20):

Use this setting for making jam from fresh fruits and marmalade. Do not increase the

quantity or allow the recipe to boil over the pan into baking chamber. Should this

happen, stop the machine immediately. Remove the pan carefully, allow cooling a

little and cleaning thoroughly;

10. Cake (2:50):

This setting will mix ingredients and then bake for a preset time. It is required to mix two

groups of ingredients in bowls before adding to the bread maker (see cake recipes);

11. Sandwich (3:00 si 2:55):

This is to bake light textured bread but with a softer and thicker crust;

12. Extra bake (1:00):

This setting is bake only and can be used to increase the baking time on selected

settings. This is especially useful to help 'set' jams and marmalade. When started the

default time is 1 hour (1:00) minimum and counts down in 10 minute intervals. You

will have to manually switch this off by pressing the stop button, when you have

completed the Extra bake process. It is advised that you check the condition of the

bread or jam after 10 minutes and at 10 minute intervals. Pressing ▲ increases the

time in increments of 10 minutes. When selecting Extra bake straight after another

program, if the message H:HH is displayed, open the lid, remove the pan and allow to

cool for 10 minutes. When cool, replace the baking pan and its contents, set program

and press start; 700W, ~50Hz, 220-240V


X. Using your bread maker XI.

1. Take out the pan:

Open the lid and remove the pan by lifting the handle, turning anti-

clockwise and lifting out. Place on the work surface. It is important

that the pan is filled with ingredients outside the machine so that

any accidental spillage is not ignited by the heating elements

2. Attach the blade:

Attach the kneading blade to the shaft, by pushing on;

3. Measure ingredients:

Measure the ingredients required and add them all into the pan in

the order listed. See later section 'Measuring your ingredients');

When adding the yeast to the baking pan, take care that the yeast

does not come into contact with the water or any other liquid, as

it will start to activate immediately;

Use tepid water 21-28°C;

4. Put pan back in:

Place the baking pan back in the bread maker, turning clockwise to

lock into place. Close the lid; 700W, ~50Hz, 220-240V


5. Plug in:

Plug into the power supply. The bread maker will automatically be

set to basic bread menu and normal time;

Every time you press a button you will hear a beep to confirm;

6. Select program:

Choose the desired setting from the list by pressing the Menu


7. Select weight:

Press Loaf size button to choose between crusty and small/large.

The setting defaults to crusty when the bread maker is switched


8. Select color:

Choose desired crust color by pressing color button;

9. Select the delay time:

If you wish the bread to be ready later, set the time delay now, as

described in next section;

10. Start:

Press the Start Stop button to start the machine. The remaining

time will count down in one minute increments;

11. Progress:

The breadmaker will automatically proceed through the

programmed stages as shown in the 'Baking cycle times' section.

If the breadmaker has a program selected that has a second

kneading process, beeps sound to inform that fruits and/or nuts

may be added,

It is possible that steam will escape through the vents during

baking, this is normal;

12. Finish:

When the program is completed and the bread is baked the display

shows 0:00 and the beeper will sound;

13. Keep warm:

The keep warm function will circulate hot air for a further 60

minutes on most settings (see 'Baking cycle times' section). For

best results, remove the baking pan and loaf within this period or

when the initial program is completed. 10 beeps will be heard

when the keep warm period is finished; 700W, ~50Hz, 220-240V


14. Remove the food:

Press Stop. Open the lid. WARNING: Use oven gloves when removing

the baking pan (talking care as it is very hot)

15. Turn out the bread:

Allow the bread to cool in the pan for 15 minutes, then turn the pan

upside down and tap the bread from the pan onto a rack to cool.

Fill the pan with warm water immediately to prevent the blade

from sticking to the shaft. Occasionally the kneading blade will

stay in the loaf. Wait until the loaf is cool and then remove the

blade with a wooden or plastic utensil to avoid damage to the

non-stick surface

16. Always unplug the appliance after use:

Do not open the lid whilst the bread maker is operating as this will

affect the quality of the bread, especially its ability to rise properly.

Only open the lid when the recipe needs you to add additional

ingredients, see recipes;

Room temperature note:

The bread maker will work well in a wide range of temperatures, but there could be a difference in

loaf size between a very warm room and a very cold room. We recommend the room temperature

should be between 15°C and 34°C. 700W, ~50Hz, 220-240V


Using the timer:

Use the timer when you want the bread ready later, or in the morning. A maximum of 13

hours can be set. Check if function is available by consulting 'Baking cycle times' section.

Do not use this function with recipes that use perishable ingredients such as eggs, fresh

milk, sour cream, or cheese.

1. Decide when you want the bread to be ready and calculate the difference in

time between now and then. For example, if you want a loaf at 8am, and it is

now 7:30 p.m., the difference is 12 ½ hours;

2. Enter this time by pressing 'Time T' and 'Time S' buttons. Arrows will move time

up or down in 10-minute increments. After you have pressed Start, the colon will


3. If you have selected the wrong time press stop for 2 seconds. The timer will go

back to the program time, repeat step 1 and 2

4. The timer delay is up to a maximum of 13 hours. This is when the bread will be

ready to be removed from the machine, see page 8 item 14 'Remove the food';


The beeper sounds:

1. when pressing any button;

2. during the second kneading cycle of certain programs to indicate that cereals,

fruit, nuts or other ingredients can be added;

3. when the program finishes;

4. when keep warm finishes.

Power interruption

After a brief power supply failure

If the program has not yet reached rise 1, press start and the program will

continue using the automatic repeat function; If it has gone beyond this point

the process must be started from the very beginning. The ingredients will have

to be discarded and you must start again with fresh ingredients;

Slicing and storing bread:

For best results place bread on a wire rack and allow to cool for 15-30 minutes

before slicing. Use an electric knife or a sharp knife with a serrated blade for

even slices; Store unused bread tightly covered in a plastic bag at room

temperature for up to three days. If weather is hot and humid, store in the

refrigerator overnight;

For longer storage (up to one month), place bread in a tightly covered container

in the freezer;

If you store the bread in the refrigerator, leave it out to bring it to room

temperature before serving 700W, ~50Hz, 220-240V


Slicing and storing bread:

Since homemade bread has no preservatives it tends to dry out and become stale

faster than commercially made bread;

Leftover slightly hardened bread may be cut into 1.3 cm (half inch) or 2.5 cm (1 inch)

cubes and used in favourite recipes to make croutons, bread pudding or stuffing.

Care and cleaning:

Caution : To prevent electrical shock, unplug the unit before cleaning!

1. Walt until the bread maker has cooled;

IMPORTANT : Do not immerse or splash either the body or lid in any

liquid as this may cause damage and/or electric shock;

2. Exterior : Wipe the lid and outer body of the unit with a damp cloth or slightly

dampened sponge;

3. Interior : Use a damp cloth or sponge to wipe the interior of the bread maker;

4. Baking pan : Clean the baking pan with warm water, soap is not necessary.

Avoid scratching the non-stick surface. Dry it thoroughly before placing it back

in the baking chamber;

5. Do not wash the baking pan, measuring cup, spoon or kneading blades in the


6. Do not soak the baking pan for long periods as this could interfere with the

working of the drive shaft;

7. If the paddle becomes stuck in the bread pan, pour hot water over it and allow

to soak for 30 minutes. This will enable you to remove the paddle more easily;

8. Be sure the appliance is completely cooled before storing away;

Do not use any of these when cleaning : paint thinner, benzene, steel wool pads,

polishing powder, chemical dust cloth.

Special care for the non-stick finish:

Avoid damaging the coating. Do not use metal utensils such as spatulas, knives

or forks; The coating may change colour after long use, this is only caused by

moisture and steam and will not affect the performance of the unit or quality

of your bread’

The hole in the center of the kneading blade should be cleaned, then add a drop of

cooking oil and replace it on the spindle in the baking pan. This will prevent sticking of

the blade;

Keep all air vents and openings clear of dust 700W, ~50Hz, 220-240V


Storing the unit:

Be sure to dry all parts before storing including wiping any moisture from the viewing window.

Close the lid and do not store anything on top of the lid.

Note: DO NOT use abrasive or strong household cleaners as these will damage the non-stick

surface of the Bread Maker.

Know your ingredients - Understanding baking:

It is often said that cooking is an art relying on the creativity of the chef while baking

bread is much more of a science.

This means that the process of combining flour, water and yeast results in a reaction

that produces bread. You have to remember that when the ingredients combine

with each other they produce a specific result.

Read the following information carefully to gain a better understanding of the importance that

each ingredient plays in the bread making process;

Important note on flours

Flours, while visibly similar, can be very different by virtue of how they were grown,

milled, stored, etc. You may find that you will have to experiment with different brands

of flour to help you make that perfect loaf. Storage is also very important, as all flours

should be kept in an airtight container;

All-purpose flour/plain flour

All-purpose flour is a blend of refined hard and soft wheat flours especially

suitable for making cake. This type of flour should be used for recipes in the

cake/quick bread section

Strong white flour/bread flour

Bread flour is a high gluten/protein flour that has been treated with

conditioners that give dough a greater suitability for kneading. Bread flour

typically has a higher gluten concentration than all-purpose flour, however,

depending on different milling practices, this may vary. Strong plain flour or

bread flour is recommended for use with this bread maker;

Whole wheat flour/whole meal flour

Whole wheat flour/whole meal flour is milled from the entire wheat kernel

which contains the bran and germ and makes it heavier and richer in nutrients

than while flour. Breads made with this flour are usually smaller and heavier

than white loaves.

To overcome this whole wheat flour/whole meal flour can be mixed with Bread

flour or strong plain flour to produce a high light textured bread

XI. Ingredients 700W, ~50Hz, 220-240V


Self-rising flour

Self-rising flour contains unnecessary leavening ingredients that will interfere with

bread and cake making. It is not recommended for use.


Bran (unprocessed) & Wheat Germ are the coarse outer portions of the wheat or

rye grains separated from flour by sifting or bolting. They are often added in small

quantities to bread for nutritional enrichment, heartless and flavor. They are also

used to enhance the texture of bread.


Oatmeal comes from rolled or steel-cut oats. They are used primarily to enhance

flavor and texture

Other ingredients

Yeasts (active dry yeast):

Yeast through a fermentation process produces gas (carbon dioxide) necessary

to make the bread rise. Yeast must be able to feed on sugar and flour

carbohydrates in order to produce this gas. Fast action granular yeast is used in

all recipes that call for yeast

There are basically three different types of yeast available, fresh, traditional

dry active and fast action. It is recommended that fast action yeast be used.

Fresh or compressed cake yeast is not recommended as they will produce poor

results. Store yeast according to manufacturer’s instructions. Ensure your yeast

is fresh by checking its expiration date. Once a package or can of yeast is

opened it is important that the remaining contents be immediately resealed

and refrigerated as soon as possible for future use. Often bread or dough,

which fails to rise, is due to stale yeast being used

The following test can be used to determine whether your yeast is stale and inactive:

1. Place half a cup of lukewarm water into a small bowl or cup;

2. Stir 1 tsp. of sugar into the water then sprinkle 2 tsp. of yeast over the surface;

3. Place bowl or cup in a warm area and allow to sit for 10 minutes undisturbed;

4. The mixture should foam and produce a strong yeast aroma. If this does not

occur, discard mixture and start again with another packet of dried yeast. 700W, ~50Hz, 220-240V



Sugar is important for the color and flavor of breads. It is also food for the yeast

as it is part of the fermentation process. Artificial sweeteners cannot be used as

a substitute for sugar as the yeast will not react properly with them;


Salt is necessary to balance the flavor of breads and cakes, as well as for the

crust color that develops during baking. Salt also limits the growth of yeast so

the amounts shown in the recipes should not be increased. For dietary reasons it

may be reduced, however, your baking may suffer;

Liquids/ milk

Liquids such as milk or a combination of powdered milk and water can be used

when making bread. Milk will improve flavor provide a velvety texture and

soften the crust, while water alone will produce a crispier crust. Some liquids

call for juice (orange, apple, etc) to be added as a flavor enhancer.

Note: For most recipes we suggest the use of dry skimmed milk. 700W, ~50Hz, 220-240V



Eggs add richness and a velvety texture to bread dough’s and cakes;

Sunflower oil

‘Shortens’ or tenderizes the texture of yeast breads. Butter or margarine can be

used as a substitute. If butter or margarine is used direct from the refrigerator

it should be softened for easier blending during the mixing cycle t;

Baking powder

Baking powder is a raising agent used in cakes. This type of raising agent does

not require rising time before baking as the chemical reaction works when

liquid ingredients are added;

Bicarbonate of soda

Bicarbonate of soda is another raising agent not to be confused or substituted

for baking powder. It also does not require rising time before baking as the

chemical reaction works during the baking process;

Measuring ingredients

The key and most important step when using your bread maker is measuring

your ingredients precisely and accurately. It is extremely important to measure

each liquid and dry ingredient properly or it could result in a poor or

unacceptable baking result. The ingredients must also be added into the baking

pan in the order that they are given in each recipe 700W, ~50Hz, 220-240V


Liquid and dry measurements are done somewhat differently and are as follows:

Liquid measurements

Use the cup provided. When reading amounts, the measuring cup must be placed on

a horizontal flat surface and viewed at eye level (not on an angle). The liquid level line

must be aligned to the mark of measurement. A 'guesstimate' is not good enough as

it could throw out the critical balance of the recipe.

Dry measurements

Dry measurements (especially flours) must be done using the measuring cup

provided. The measuring cup is based on the American standard 8 fluid oz cup -

British cup is 10 fluid oz. Dry measuring must be done by gently spooning

ingredients into the measuring cup and then once filled, leveling off with a

knife. Scooping or tapping a measuring cup will pack the ingredients and you

will end up with more than is required. This extra amount could affect the

balance of the recipe. Do not sift the flour, unless stated;

When measuring small amounts of dry or liquid ingredients (i.e. yeast, sugar,

salt, powered milk, honey, molasses) the measuring spoon which is provided

must be used

Measurements must be level, not heaped as this small difference could throw

out the critical balance of the recipe;

Your breadmaker produces delicious baked goods with ease. This machine

requires only that you carefully follow the recipe instructions. In basic cooking,

normally 'a pinch of this and a dash of that' is fine but not for breadmakers.

Using an automatic breadmaker requires you accurately measure each

ingredient for best results.

Ingredient temperatures

All ingredients, including the machine and pan, and especially liquids (water or

milk), should be warmed to room temperature 21 C (70 F).

If ingredients are too cold, below 10 C (50 F), they will not activate the yeast.

Extremely hot liquids, above 40 C (104 F), may kill the yeast; 700W, ~50Hz, 220-240V


Special glazes to enhance your bread

Puteti da un “finisaj” profesional painii. Selectati una dintre urmatoarele glazuri sau

toppinguri pentru a da un plus de savoare painii:

Egg glaze

Beat 1 large egg and 1 tablespoon of water together, brush generously. Note:

apply only to doughs before baking;

Melted butter crust

Brush melted butter over just baked bread for a softer tender crust;

Milk glass

For a softer, shiny crust, brush just baked bread with milk or cream

Sweet icing glaze

Mix 1 cup sifted icing sugar with 1 to 2 tablespoons of milk to make a glaze

consistency and drizzle over raisin bread or sweet breads;

Poppy/Sesame/Caraway seed/Oatmeal

Sprinkle your choice of these seeds generously over just glazed bread

Other tips

Place all recipe ingredients into the baking pan so that yeast is not touching

any liquid; After completing the process of making dough in your bread maker,

typically when letting dough rise outside the bread maker, allow 30 minutes or

until dough doubles in size. Dough should be lightly greased and covered with

grease proof paper and a dry towel. It should be placed in a warm area free

from drafts;

Humidity can cause problems, therefore humidity and high altitudes require

adjustments. For high humidity, add an extra tablespoon of flour if consistency

is not right. For high altitudes, decrease yeast amount by approximately ¼

teaspoon, and decrease sugar and/or water or milk slightly; When recipes call

for a 'lightly floured surface', use about 1 to 2 tablespoons of flour on the

surface. You may want to lightly flour your fingers or rolling pin for easy dough

manipulation; If the dough you are rolling shrinks back, let it rest covered for a

few minutes before rolling again; Dough may be wrapped in plastic and stored

in a freezer for later use. Bring the dough to room temperature before using;

The DOUGH setting is great for mixing, kneading and proofing (allowing dough

to rise) richer dough like croissant doughs. Use the automatic bread maker to

prepare this dough so all you need to do is shape and bake it according to your


When you let dough 'rest' and 'rise' according to a recipe, place it in a warm,

draught-free area. If the dough does not double in size, it may not produce a

tender product 700W, ~50Hz, 220-240V


Other tips

After 5 minutes of kneading, open the lid and check the dough consistency. The

dough should form a soft, smooth ball. If too dry, add liquid. If too wet, add flour (½

to tablespoon at a time)

XII. Recipes


All of the following recipes use this same general method :

1. Measure ingredients into baking pan.

2. Use tepid water 21-28

3. Insert baking pan securely into unit, close lid.

4. Select appropriate bread setting.

5. Push start button.

6. When bread is done, remove pan from unit using even mitts.

7. Remove bread from baking pan (and kneading blade from bread if necessary).

8. Allow to cool before slicing.


1. Recips for basic breads

Basic white bread

2lb 2.5 lb

Water 1+1/4 cup 1+1/2cups

Skimmed milk powder 3 tbsp 4 tbsp

Sunflower oil 3 tbsp 4 tbsp

Sugar 2+1/4 tbsp 2+1/2 tbsp

Salt 1+1/4 tsp 1 +1/2 tsp

Strong white bread flour 3 cups 4 cups

Fast action yeast 1+1/4 tsp 1+1/2 tsp

Use setting 1 Basic 1 Basic 700W, ~50Hz, 220-240V


Softgrain bread

2 lb

Water 1/4 cup

Skimmed milk powder 3 tbsp

Sunflower oil 3 tbsp

Sugar 2 + 1/4 tbsp

Salt 1/4 tsp

Strong white bread flour 3 cups

Fast action yeast 1+1/4 tsp

Use setting 1 Basic

Italian herb loaf

2 lb

Water 1+1/2 cup

Skimmed milk powder 3 tbsp

Sunflower oil 3 tbsp

Sugar 2+1/4 tbsp

Salt 1 + 1/2 tsp

Strong white bread flour 3 cups

Dried marjoram 1 + 1/2 tsp

Dried basil 1 + 1/2 tsp

Dried thyme 1+1/2 tsp

Fast action yeast 1+1/4 tsp

Use setting 1 Basic

Brown loaf

2 lb 2.5 lb

Water 1 cup 1+1/4 cup

Skimmed milk powder 2 tbsp 2 + 1/2 tbsp

Sunflower oil 2 tbsp 2 + 1/2 tbsp

Sugar 2+1/2 tbsp 3 tbsp

Salt 1+1/4 tsp 2 tsp

Strong white bread flour 3 cups 4 cups

Fast action yeast 1+1/4 tsp 1+3/4 tsp

Use setting 1 Basic 1 Basic

Use 2.5 lb loaf size setting for 2lb loaf. 700W, ~50Hz, 220-240V


Cheese & onion bread


Water 1 cup

Skimmed milk powder 3 tbs

Sugar 1 + 1/2 tbsp

Salt 1/2 tsp

Onion granules 1/2 tbsp

Mature grated cheddar cheese 1 cup

Strong white bread flour 3 cups

Fast action yeast 1+1/2 tsp

Use setting 1 Basic

Raisin bread


Water 1+1/4 cups

Skimmed milk powder 3 tbsp

Sunflower oil 3 tbsp

Sugar 2 tbsp

Salt 1 + 1/2 tbsp

Cinnamon 3/4 tsp

Strong white bread flour 3 cups

Fast action yeast 1 + 1/2 tsp

Raisins* 5/8 cup

Using setting 1Basic

*Add the fruit when beeper sounds

Sun-dried tomato loaf


Water 1+1/3 cups

Skimmed milk powder 3tbsp

Sunflower oil 3 tbsp

Sugar 1+1/2 tbsp

Salt 1+1/2 tsp

Died mixed herbs 2 tsp

Strong white bread flour 4 cups

Fast action yeast 1+1/2 tsp

Sun-dried tomatoes 1/2 cup

Using setting 1 Basic 700W, ~50Hz, 220-240V


Malt loaf


Water 1+1/4cup

Salt 1 tsp

Sunflower oil 3 tbsp

Black treacle 2+1/2 tbsp

Malt extract 3 tbsp

Plain flour 4cups

Fast action yeast 1+1/4 tsp

Sultanas 3/4 cup

Using setting 1 Basic

*Add the fruit when the beeper sounds

2. Recipes for french breads

French bread

2 lb 2.5 lb

Water 1 cup 1+1/4 cups

Skimmed milk powder 2 tbsp 3 tbsp

Sugar 1 tbsp 1+1/2 tbsp

Salt 1 tsp 1+1/2 tsp

Sunflower oil 1 tbsp 1+1/2 tbsp

Strong white bread flour 3 cups 4 cups

Fast action yeast 1 tsp 1+1/2 tsp

Using setting 2 French 2 French

*Use 2.5 lb loaf size setting for 2 lb loaf 700W, ~50Hz, 220-240V


3. Recipes for whole wheat bread

Whole wheat bread

2 lb 2.5 lb

Water 1+1/4 cups 1+3/4 cups

Skimmed milk powder 1+1/2 tbsp 2 tbsp

Sunflower oil 2 tbsp 2 + 1/2 tbsp

Brown sugar 2+1/2 tbsp 3 tbsp

Salt 1+1/4 tsp 1+1/2 tsp

Strong wholemeal bread flour 3 cups 4 cups

Fast action yeast 1+1/4 tsp 1+1/2 tsp

Vitamin C tablet (crushed) 1x100mg 1x100mg

Using setting 3 Whole wheat 3 Whole wheat

* Use 2.5 lb loaf size setting for 2lb loaf

Granary loaf

2 lb

Water 1+1/4 cups

Skimmed milk powder 3 tbsp

Sunflower oil 3 tbsp

Soft brown sugar 2 + 1/2 tbsp

Salt 1 + 1/4 tsp

Granary malted brown bread flour 3 cups

Fast action yeast 1 + 1/4 tsp

Using setting 3 Whole wheat 700W, ~50Hz, 220-240V


4.Recipes for quick setting

Banana and nut bread

Ingredients group1

Butter(melted) 2tbsp

Milk 1tbsp

Mashed banana 1cup

Egg 1

Walnuts(chopped) 1/2cup

Lemon 1tsp

Ingredients group 2

Plain flour 1+1/2cup

Bicarboante of soda 1/2tsp

Baking powder 1/4tsp

Sugar 1/2cup

Salt 1/4tsp

Using setting 4Quick


1. Mix group1 together in a separate bowl.

2. Mix group2 together in a second bowl.

3. Pour mixture into bread pan. 700W, ~50Hz, 220-240V


Porridge oats bread

Milk 1cup

Egg(beaten) 2

Sunflower oil 1/2tsp

Golden syrup 2tbsp

Sugar 1/4cup

Salt 1tsp

Plain flour 2 cups

Porridge powder 1 cup

Baking powder 1/2 tsp

Bicarboante of soda 1/2 tsp

Using setting 4 Basic


Mixed fruit loaf

2 lb 2.5 lb

Water 1+1/8cup 1+1/4cup

Skimmed milk powder 3 tbsp 3 + 1/2 tbsp

Sunflower oil 3 tbsp 3 + 1/2 tbsp

Sugar 1/4 cup 1 cup

Salt 1+1/4 tsp 1+1/2 tsp

Strong white bread flour 3 cups 4 cups

Nutmeg 1/4 tsp 1 tsp

Fast action yeast 1+1/4 tsp 1+1/2 tsp

Dried mixed fruit 1/2 cup 3/4 cup

Using setting 5 Sweet 5 Sweet

*Use 2.5 lb loaf size setting for 2 lb loaf

**Add the fruit when the beeper sounds 700W, ~50Hz, 220-240V


Chocolate bread


Water 1 cup

Egg (beaten) 1 medium

Skimmed milk powder 1 tbsp

Sunflower oil 1 tbsp

Sugar 1/2 cup

Salt 1/2 tsp

Walnuts(shopped) 1/4 cup

Strong white bread flour 2 + 1/8 cups

Cocoa powder 1/2 cup

Fast action yeast 1 tsp

Using setting 5 Sweet

*Add the walnuts when the beeper sounds

6.Recipes for Fastbake I

Fastbake small white

Water 270ml

Strong white bread flour 3cup

Skimmed milk powder 2tbsp

Salt 1tsp

Sugar 4tsp

Sunflower oil 4tbsp

Fast action yeast 3tsp

Using setting 6 Fastbake

7.Recipes for FastbakeII

Fastbake large white

Water 360ml

Strong white bread flour 4cup

Skimmed milk powder 3tbsp

Salt 1+1/2tsp

Sugar 5tsp

Sunflower oil 5tbsp

Fast action yeast 3+1/2tsp

Using setting 7 Fastbake 700W, ~50Hz, 220-240V


8.Recipes for dough

White bread rolls

Water 1+1/4cup

Skimmed milk powder 1tbsp

Butter(melted) 2tbsp

Sugar 2tbsp

Salt 1+1/2tsp

Strong white bread flour 3+1/4cup

Fast action yeast 1+1/2tsp

Using setting 8Dough


1. Knead and shape the dough into 6 rolls.

2. Place on a greased baking tray.

3. Brush lightly with melted butter.

4. Cover for 20-25 minutes.

5. Allow to rise until they are double in size and glaze.

6. Bake for approx 15-20 minutes at 190℃

Whole wheat bread rolls

Water 1+1/4cup

Skimmed milk powder 2tbsp

Butter(melted) 2tbsp

Honey 2tbsp

Brown Sugar 1tbsp

Salt 1+1/2tsp

Strong whole wheat bread flour 3+1/4cup

Fast action yeast 1+1/2tsp

Using setting 8Dough


Follow method given for white rolls. 700W, ~50Hz, 220-240V


Hot cross buns

Water 1cup

Butter(melted) 1/4cup

Sugar 1/4cup

Egg(beaten) 1

Salt 1tsp

Strong white bread flour 3+3/4cup

Cinnamon 1tsp

Nutmeg 1/4tsp

Raisins 1cup

Using setting 8Dough


1. Divide into 8-12 pieces, Shape and flatten slightly.

2. Glaze with egg and milk (but not cross).

3. Cover and allow to rise for 30 minutes.

4. Bake in oven 375℉(190℃)for 16-18 minutes.

Pizza base

Water 1cup

Butter(melted) 1tbsp

Sugar 2tbsp

Salt 1tsp

Strong white bread flour 2+3/4cup

Fast action yeast 1tsp

Using setting 8Dough


1. Pre-heat oven.

2. Shape into a flat round shape. Place on a greased baking tray. Brush lightly with oil.

3. Cover for 15 minutes and allow to rise.

4. Add your desired topping.

5. Bake at approx 200℃ until golden brown. 700W, ~50Hz, 220-240V


9.Recipes for jams


Juice from oranges 3medium

Rind of oranges grated 2

Preserving sugar 1cup

Water 1tbsp

Pectin if needed 2tsp

Using setting 9Jam


Warm the jars before filling.

Use extra bake time if needed according to set of the marmalade and the size of

the oranges.

Remove the paddle with tongs before pouring the marmalade into the jars.

Do not lift the lid during mixing.

Seville oranges should be used for marmalade but are only available in January.

If using other oranges pectin will be needed to firm up the marmalade.

This recipe will fill approximately 1 medium(400g) jar.

Raspberry and apple jam

Raspberries, frozen, measured before defrosting 2cup

Chopped baking apples (peeled and cored) 1cup

Preserving sugar 1cup

Lemon juice 3tsp

Using setting 9Jam


Warm the jars before filling.

Use tongs to remove the paddle before pouring the jam into prepared jars.

Do not open lid during mixing. 700W, ~50Hz, 220-240V


10. Recipes for cakes

Standard cake mix

Ingredients group1

Butter(melted) 3/4cup

Vanilla essence 1/4tsp

Egg(beaten) 3 medium

Lemon juice 2tsp

Ingredients group2

Plain flour 1+5/8cup

Baking powder 2tsp

Caster sugar 1cup

Using setting 10Cake


1. Mix group 1 together in a separate bowl.

2. Sieve group 2 together in a second bowl.

3. Combine group 1 and group 2 together until mixed.

4. Pour mixture into bread pan.

Mixed fruit cake

Ingredients group1

Butter(melted) 3/4cup

Vanilla essence 1/4tsp

Egg 3

Lemon juice 2tsp

Dried mixed fruit 5/8cup

Ingredients group2

Plain flou 1+5/8cup

Baking powder 2tsp

Sugar 1cup

Ground cinnamon 1/4tsp

Ground nutmeg 1/4tsp

Using setting 10Cake


Follow method given for standard cake mix. 700W, ~50Hz, 220-240V


Program no.


Bread type


















1Basic 1.5lb 9 20 14* 25 45 60 2:53 60

Basic 2 lb 10 20 15* 25 45 65 3:00 60

2French 1.5lb 16 40 19* 30 50 65 3:40 60

French 2lb 18 40 22* 30 50 70 3:50 60



9 25 18* 35 70 55 3:32 60

Wholewheat 2lb 10 25 20* 35 70 60 3:40 60

4Quick 7 5 8 80 1:40 60

5Sweet 1.5lb 10 5 20* 30 55 50 2:50 60

Sweet 2lb 10 5 20* 30 55 55 5:55 60

6Ultra fast-1 12 11 35 0:58

7Ultra fast-2 9 9 40 0:58

8Dough 20 30 40 1:30

9Jam 20 15+ 45+mixing 20 1:20

10Cake 10 5 20 30 35 70 2:50 60

11Sandwich 1.5lb 15 40 5* 25 40 50 2:55 60

Sandwich 2lb 15 40 5* 25 40 55 3:00 60

12Bake 60 1:00 60

11.Recipes for sandwich breads

Sandwich loaf

1.5lb 2lb

Water 260ml 1+1/3cups

Butter (melted) 1+1/2tbsp 2tbsp

Salt 1/2tsp 1tsp

Sunflower oil 1+1/2tbsp 2tbsp

Sugar 3tbsp 3+1/2tbsp

Strong white bread flour 3 cup 4cup

Fast action yeast 3/4tsp 1tsp

Using setting 11Sandwich

XIII. Baking cycles

*ten beeps, ingredients can be added 700W, ~50Hz, 220-240V


XIV. Question about general performance and operation

Question about general performance and operation

Question 1

What should I do if the kneading blade comes out with the bread?

Remove it with a pair of plastic tongs before slicing the bread. Since the blade can be

disconnected from the pan, it is not a malfunction if it comes out in your bread.

Question 2

Why does my bread sometimes have some flour on the side crust?

In some cases, the flour mix may remain on the comers of the baking pan. When this

happens, it usually can be eaten or simply trim off that portion of the outer crust with a

sharp knife.

Question 3

Why isn't the dough mixing? I can hear the motor running.

The Kneading Blade or baking pan may not be inserted property. Make sure the pan is

facing the right-way and that it has 'clicked' and seated into the bottom of the bread


Question 4

How long does it take to make bread?

Timings for each setting are outlined earlier.

Question 5

Why Can't I use the timer when baking with fresh milk?

The milk will spoil if left sitting in the machine too long. Fresh ingredients such as eggs

and milk should never be used with the delayed timer feature.

Question 6

Why do I have to add the ingredients in a certain order?

This allows the bread maker to mix the ingredients in the most efficient manner

possible. It also serves to keep the yeast from combining with the liquid before the

dough is started to mix which is essential on the time delay.

Question 7

When setting the timer for morning, why does the machine make

sounds late at night?

The machine must start operation when the time delay reaches the start time of the

program so that the bread will be ready. These sounds are made by the motor when

kneading the dough. It is a normal operation not a malfunction.

Question 8

The kneading blade is stuck in the bread pan. After baking how do I

get it out?

The kneading blade may 'stick' in place after baking. Running warm or hot water over

the blade should loosen it enough to be removed. If still stuck, soak in hot water for

about 30 minutes.

Question 9

Can I wash the baking pan in the dishwasher?

No. The Baking pan and kneading blade must be washed by hand. 700W, ~50Hz, 220-240V


Question 10

What will happen if I leave the finished bread in the baking pan?

Whilst still in the breadmaker for the first hour after baking is complete the bread 'keeps

warm' to prevent it becoming 'soggy'. Leaving the bread in the breadmaker after the

keep warm period may result in a 'soggy' loaf of bread as excess steam (moisture) would

not be able to escape. Remove and allow to cool on a wire rack after baking to prevent


Question 11

Why did the dough only partially mix? Why didn't it mix completely?

The dough may be too heavy or dry. Also the kneading blade or baking pan may not be

inserted properly. Ingredients may have been added in the wrong order.

Question 12

Why didn't the bread rise?

The yeast could be bad past it's sell by date or possibly no yeast was added at all. Also, if

the mixing was not complete rising problems could develop.

Question 13

Why can't the delayed finish be set for more than 13 hours? What is

the minimum time a cycle may be delayed?

The maximum length of delay is 13 hours including the total cycle time. For excample.

Setting 1 (basic small) has a cycle time of 3:20. This start is delayed by a maximum of

9:40. The minimum length of delay for each setting is 10 minutes. The delay clock

increases and decreases in increments of 10 minutes.

Questions about ingredients and recipes

Question 14

How do I know when to add raisins, nuts, etc. to the bread?

There is a beeper tone to signal that you may add raisins, nuts etc. during the second

kneading cycle. Note: See 'Baking cycle times' chart for 'Add nuts & raisins' time.

In some cases, ingredients can be broken up during the initial kneading cycle. Each

recipe indicates the best time to add fruit and nuts to the dough.

Question 15

How come my bread comes out too moist? What can I do?

Humidity may affect the dough. Add an extra tablespoon of flour. Also, high altitiude

may have the same effect. Decrease the amount of yeast by ¼ teaspoon and decrease

the sugar and/or water/milk slightly.

Question 16

Why do I get air bubbles at the top of the bread?

This can be caused by using too much yeast. Decrease the yeast by ¼ tsp 700W, ~50Hz, 220-240V


Question 17

Why does my bread rise and then collapse or crater?

The bread may be rising too much. To reduce the rate of rising reduce the amount of

yeast and/or increase the amount of salt.

Question 18

Can I use my favourite bread recipes (traditional yeast bread) in my bread machine?

Yes, but you will need to experiment to get the right proportion of ingredients. Become

familiar with the unit and make several loaves of bread before you begin experimenting.

Never exceed a total amount of 5 cups dry ingredients (that includes the total amount of

flour, oats, oatmeal, bran). Use the recipes in this book to help determine the ratio to

dry ingredients to liquid and amounts of yeast, sugar, salt and oil/butter/margarine to

use. We advise creating your own bread recipes using the basic mode, then progress to

the others using the Banking cycle times chart as a guide.

Question 19

Is it important for ingredients to be at room temperature before adding them to the

baking pan?

Yes, even when the delay timer is being used. (Water must be between 21 C and 28 C).

Question 20

Why do the loaves vary in height and weight? wheat/whole wheat breads are

always shorter. Something wrong?

No. It is normal for Whole Wheat and Wholemeal breads to be shorter and denser than

Basic or French breads. Whole Wheat and Wholemeal flour are heavier than white

bread flour therefore they don't rise as much during the bread making process. This is

alos true for bread containing fruit, nuts oats and bran.

Question 21

Can I premix the yeast with water?

No, the yeast must be kept dry and put into the baking pan last, above the flour, this is

especially important when the delay timer is being used.

Question 22

Why is there a large hold in the base of the bread?

This hole has been created by the kneading blade. Sometimes this hole is larger than

normal. This is because the dough has rested to the side of the blade after the second

kneading cycle - normal with bread makers. You could position the dough evently in the

base of the pan. 700W, ~50Hz, 220-240V


XV. Trouble Shooting Guide


The Bread Maker Machine Will Not Start

Cause 1: The appliance is not plugged in correctly to power outlet.

Solutions: Always plug appliance correctly into 230-240 volt power outlet.

Note: There is a preheat at the beginning of the wheat cycle. It is

normal for there to be no dough blade activity during this time.


The Bread Maker Does Not Bake the Bread

Cause: The DOUGH program was selected.

Solution: Choose the appropriate program for the recipe you have chosen..


Bread Collapses When Bread

Cause1: Salt was reduced or omitted.

Solution: Measure salt carefully using standard measuring spoons that have been leveled


Cause 2: Too much liquid was used.

Solution: If dough is too wet the bread will collapse. In future reduce water or liquid by

at least 1 tablespoon and up to 4 tablespoons Let the machine knead too dry, add

additional water 1 tablespoon at a time, up to 4 tablespoons.

Cause 3: Warm weather, high humidity or overheated liquid all speed up yeast action

which may cause the dough to rise too fast and the bread to collapse during baking.

Solution: If room temperature is over 27 centigrade degrees try using chilled water. Try

reducing the amount of yeast used by 1/4 teaspoon.


The Bread or Dough Did Not Rise Enough

Cause 1: Not enough sugar was used.

Solution: Measure sugar carefully. Do not reduce amount of sugar or sugar sweeteners in

a recipe. DO not use artificial sweeteners.

Cause 2: Yeast did not activate.

Solution: Make sure yeast is fresh, check “use-by” date.

Yeast should be placed in a little hollow well made in the flour.

Cause 3: Too much salt inhibited rising.

Solution: Use amount specified in recipe and measure carefully.

Cause 4: High altitude.

Solution: For every 1,000 feet over 3,000 feet above sea level, reduce the water by 1

tablespoon up to 4 tablespoons maximum.


The Loaf of Bread is Small or Out of Shape

Cause: Too much flour was used.

Solution: Measure flour carefully. Spoon flour into measuring cup being careful not to

pack down. Level cup off with a knife. 700W, ~50Hz, 220-240V



Bread Rose too high, Touching the Lid

Cause 1: Weather very hot and/or humid.

Solution: Do not bake bread in the machine until the weather is cooler and/or less


Cause 2: Too much or wrong type of yeast used.

Solution: Measure yeast carefully. Active dry yeast is recommended for all recipes in this



Bread Did Not Bake Thoroughly

Solution: Do not open lid during final rising and baking cycle.

Cause 1: Lid was opened during baking.

Cause 2: Ingredients were not measured correctly.

Solution: Measure carefully, remembering to level off all cup and spoon measurements

of dry ingredients.

Cause 3: Machine is being used in a very cold room.

Solution: Only use appliance in warm location.

Cleaning and Storage

Disconnect the machine from power outer and allow it cool down completely before you

start to clean it.

1. Clean the inside of the machine with a damp, slightly soapy dish cloth.

Wipe over again with a clean damp cloth to remove any of the soapy


2. To clean the Bread Pan. Rub the inside and outside of the pan with a

damp cloth. Kneading Bar: If the kneading bar is difficult to remove from

the axle, soak the bread pan in water beforehand.

3. Lid and window: Clean the lid and machine inside outside with a slightly

damp cloth.

Note: DO NOT use abrasive or strong household cleaners as these will damage

the non-stick surface of the Bread Maker. 700W, ~50Hz, 220-240V


Environment friendly disposal

You can help protect the environment!

Please remember to respect the local regulations: hand in the non-working electrical equipment’s to

an appropriate waste disposal center.

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