location report

Post on 16-Feb-2016






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Barry TuriLocation Report

For my Film Studies portfolio, I have produced a textual analysis on how antagonists were represented in The Dark Knight (2008) and Kingsman: The Secret Service (2014), relating closely to all technical aspects and how they were used to present specific people in a particular way. This is a produced Location Report including two different locations that are both internal. I will be using these locations to ultimately aid me in filming my two-minute sequence of my action film. The locations I will be using link to my textual analysis. The lighting of the locations fit nicely with the action genre, and the atmosphere the rooms have generate a sense of isolation. I am making this Location Report because I will be making a short film sequence influenced by the two texts I have studied, and the pictures shown in this document are those that I will be considering to use in the production stage.

Location #1 – DT WarehouseI will be using the DT department to film a majority of my artefact. The first location I will be using is the warehouse they have in the DT department to film the interrogation between Lynch and The Mob Boss. The warehouse has tools, which can create a realistic scene, looking as if someone has been hit with them. I will be using short-reverse-shot between the Mob Boss and Lynch, as well as using low-angle shots looking up to the antagonists of the scene to show dialogue and the inferiority of the protagonist. As well as this, the size of the warehouse itself can create a claustrophobic feeling for the audience and the characters, and the lighting can be adjusted to connote the gory and darkness behind the characters and their lack of remorse for killing. I will also be filming a short fight scene in this small room, in which the size can help create suspense as the characters fight within a confined space. Along with the natural light being created, I can also use different plug-ins in my editing software Sony Vegas such as colour correction, saturation adjust and Magic Bullet Looks. I chose this location to film an interrogation as the interrogation scene in The Dark Knight is similar; it is filmed in a confined space, and that scene begins with dark lighting. A safety issue may be the equipment inside the workshop itself. There are saws, big planks of wood, sawdust, etc… which can prove to cause fatal injury if not taken into consideration.

Location #2- DT Department CorridorMy second location I will be using is the DT Department corridor, which is just outside of the warehouse. This is where the main character The Cowl will be as he listens through the door, and he will burst through the door and kill all the henchmen. As he listens in through the door, I can use close-ups to show The Cowl’s facial expressions, and show him listening in through the door. These shots can also prove useful, as there will be parts of the DT

Barry Turidepartment that the audience will not want to see. (eg; the classrooms, display boards) The two different scenes can enable me to use parallel editing/cross-cutting to show the different perspectives that relate to the same situation, eg; the conversation I will create between the Mob Boss and Lynch, and I can use cross-cutting to show The Cowl listening to the conversation outside. It will be easy to access as it is directly next to the first location, and also because it is in my school I can easily get to it whenever the time may be. There aren’t any obvious signs of hazard in the corridor as it’s just a simple hallway in comparison to the DT Warehouse where there are quite a few issues such as the equipment and surroundings. The actors might need to be careful when bursting through the door however, as it could damage the door and anything/anyone behind it.

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