lean ux: building a shared understanding to get out of the deliverables business

Post on 17-Aug-2014






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This is the latest iteration of the Lean UX conversation as given at UX LX (Lisbon) in May of 2012. Many thanks to Jeff Patton for the opening imagery.


Lean UX: Building a shared understanding…and getting out of the deliverables business

UX LXLisbon, PortugalMay 18th, 2012

A tale of two cities……it was (definitely not) the best of times

#LeanUX | @jboogie

Building (digital) bridges…turned out to be fairly effective

#LeanUX | @jboogie

Aligning corporate strategy with a UX focus…many (expensive) ways to bring awareness

#LeanUX | @jboogie

Or the team can spend some time visualizing…to, at least, start from the same point

#LeanUX | @jboogie

And we made it easy……to keep the conversation going

#LeanUX | @jboogie

And we made it easy……to keep the conversation going

#LeanUX | @jboogie

http://www.agileproductdesign.com (Jeff Patton)#LeanUX | @jboogie

http://www.agileproductdesign.com (Jeff Patton)#LeanUX | @jboogie

Visualizing our ideas reveals inconsistencies…between designers, developers, product owners and customers

http://www.agileproductdesign.com (Jeff Patton)#LeanUX | @jboogie

Regular discussion leads to iteration…with each iteration leading to broader buy-in

http://www.agileproductdesign.com (Jeff Patton)#LeanUX | @jboogie

Ultimately leading to shared understanding…and team alignment

http://images.wikia.com/currencies/images/6/65/Euro_coins_and_banknotes.jpg#LeanUX | @jboogie

Shared understanding is the currency of Lean UX…it’s worth its weight in paper, time & productivity

Lean UXInspired by Lean Startup and Agile development theories, it’s the practice of bringing the true nature of design work to light faster, in a collaborative, cross-functional way with less emphasis on deliverables and greater focus on the actual experience being designed.

#LeanUX | @jboogie

Agile values:

Individuals and interactions over processes and tools

Working software over comprehensive


Customer collaboration over contract negotiation

Responding to change over following a plan#LeanUX | @jboogie

#LeanUX | @jboogie

#LeanUX | @jboogie

Lean StartupThe Lean Startup has as a premise that every startup is a grand experiment that attempts to answer a question. The question is not "Can this product be built?"

Instead, the questions are "Should this product be built?" and "Can we build a sustainable business around this set of products and services?"

This experiment is more than just theoretical inquiry; it is a first product.

#LeanUX | @jboogie

These are philosophies, not methodologies.

It goes a little something like this…Do this. Quickly. Many times.

Concept Prototype

Validate Internall


Test Externally

Learn from user



Just the UX process

#LeanUX | @jboogie

#LeanUX | @jboogie

“Go that way. Really fast. If something gets in your way, turn.”

-Charles DeMar (Curtis Armstrong) to Lane Myer (John Cusack) in “Better Off Dead”


In fast-paced environments, traditional UX is a bottleneckWe’re getting in our own way

#LeanUX | @jboogie

With interactive experiences evolving rapidlyThe traditional design deliverable is an inefficient obstacle

#LeanUX | @jboogie

We have to change perspective on how to “do” UXToday’s markets require a new way of looking at our processes

#LeanUX | @jboogiehttp://offroadinghome.blogspot.com/2011/04/geo-tography-forced-perspective.html

Designers can’t hide behind their monitor any more!This is a designer-led initiative

http://www.flickr.com/photos/yamagatacamille/4799648425/sizes/l/#LeanUX | @jboogie

Get design work out there. Fast.In public. Yep, where others can see it.

#LeanUX | @jboogie

OK. I’m intrigued. But how does it really work?First 5 things you need to do…

#LeanUX | @jboogie

Solve the problem togetherAs opposed to implementing someone else’s solution

#LeanUX | @jboogie


SketchingIt’s all the rage!

#LeanUX | @jboogie

2It’s Bieber!

Example of sketching at workV1 of the UI

#LeanUX | @jboogie


Sketching brings experiences to life fasterLaunched UI

http://www.flickr.com/photos/mims/326748812/sizes/l/#LeanUX | @jboogie


Prototype it!Build an experience, not a document.

http://justaddwater.dk/#LeanUX | @jboogie


Once validated, demo to the team.…and get everybody started.


No additional deliverables are needed!

#LeanUX | @jboogie


Pair up!But do it, cross-functionally

#LeanUX | @jboogie



Pairing saves timeBuilds a common language

#LeanUX | @jboogiehttp://hoveringartdirectors.tumblr.com/page/2


Pairing sets designers free, man…and empowers developers!

#LeanUX | @jboogiehttp://www.clydekellerphotos.com/images/AP_Kesey_HippiesDancing_GALLERY_CGW.jpg


Style guides!The cause of, and solution to, all your UX problems

#LeanUX | @jboogie


They’re good for developers too!Creates a reusable asset library and point from which to start

#LeanUX | @jboogie


“Speed first. Aesthetics second.” – Jason Fried, 37Signals.com

#LeanUX | @jboogie

“Going for the bronze.” – A Creative Director I used to work with

#LeanUX | @jboogie

“It’s not iterative if you only do it once.” – Stu Eccles, Technical Director, Made By Many

#LeanUX | @jboogie

Every design is a hypothesisDon’t design things people don’t want

#LeanUX | @jboogiehttp://deggan.blogspot.com/2011/01/three-giant-paper-airplanes-and.html

Validate your hypothesis with customersKeep it light and cheap.

http://www.flickr.com/photos/forakerdesign/3657336793/sizes/l/#LeanUX | @jboogie

Use data to settle subjective issuesA/B testing can settle these “Pepsi challenges”

http://2.bp.blogspot.com/__3p5_gzemps/TLpuaIolhlI/AAAAAAAAA-o/smDfmM8xqQM/s1600/Coke-vs-Pepsi.jpg#LeanUX | @jboogie

Form factor is ultimately irrelevantThere are many ways to validate hypotheses

Informal and quick is better than….Delayed feedback loops

It’s not “The Spec” that gives controlLead with conversation, trail with documentation

http://talkingtraffic.org/wp-content/images/stack_documents.jpg#LeanUX | @jboogie

This is the goal…Moving towards parallel path development and design.


What Lean UX is NOT

#LeanUX | @jboogie

Lazy.Sorry. This is not a shortcut.


“…the best part … is that the team is doing a F@&K-TON of UX. They document a ton of stuff explicitly on the walls and implicitly in shared understanding among team members.”

- Austin Govella commenting on Whitney Hess’s “Why I Detest the Term Lean UX”http://whitneyhess.com/blog/2011/02/27/why-i-detest-the-term-lean-ux/

#LeanUX | @jboogie

The only thing being removed is waste.Leave the toolbox intact. Use the tools as necessary.

http://www.flickr.com/photos/mims/326748812/sizes/l/#LeanUX | @jboogie

This is NOT design-by-committee!That never leads to anything pretty.

http://www.flickr.com/photos/mims/326748812/sizes/l/#LeanUX | @jboogie

Can I make this happen in my organization?Short answer: Yes. Long answer: Yessssssssss!

#LeanUX | @jboogie

You’re an in-house designer…Start small and internal. Ask for forgiveness.

http://sarah.theworkexperiment.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/think-big-start-small1.jpg#LeanUX | @jboogie

You are in the problem-solving business and you don’t solve problems with design documentation.

You solve them with elegant, efficient and sophisticated software.

#LeanUX | @jboogie

StartupsThis is the only way to work…

http://militarytobusiness.blogspot.com/2010/12/start-ups-at-hbs.html#LeanUX | @jboogie

#LeanUX | @jboogie

The interactive agency and services world.Tougher sell. Worth it in the end.

Agencies are in the deliverables business.

#LeanUX | @jboogie

(Focus is on output rather than outcome)

Recapping the “in-house” Lean UX process….Remember?

Concept Prototype

Validate Internall


Test Externally

Learn from user



Just the UX process

#LeanUX | @jboogie

For services agencies it looks slightly differentGive your clients the power. They like that.

Concept Prototype

Validate w/client Learn

from user


IterateValidate w/client

#LeanUX | @jboogie

Distributed teams do it remotely!If they’re a part of you, it’s on! If not, it ain’t bloody likely.

http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2361/2076450897_be1b8ace7c.jpg#LeanUX | @jboogie

Is this good for every project?Use it where it makes sense.

http://manayunkdrinkspecials.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/11/45559121.jpg#LeanUX | @jboogie

Functional, task-flow projects work well.There’s a clear end goal.

#LeanUX | @jboogie

Highly experiential marketing projects will struggle.Time to ideate and create options is essential.

#LeanUX | @jboogie

What about content heavy experiences?Some up front planning is necessary.

#LeanUX | @jboogie

Designers are used to being heroes. Lean UX is distinctly, anti-hero.

http://www.abegoodman.com/Images/greatest-american-hero.jpg#LeanUX | @jboogie

#LeanUX | @jboogie

Lean UX brings Design Thinking to a broader audience.

Which creates empathy for:- The customer- The problem space- The design discipline

This is an evolution. Not a revolution.Designers must evolve to stay relevant.

http://www.flickr.com/photos/freejay3/2387714157/sizes/l/#LeanUX | @jboogie

Thank you@jboogiejeff@proof-nyc.comwww.leanuxbook.comwww.jeffgothelf.comslideshare.net/jgothelf

I’m writing a book! Pre-order here

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