how to build a team

Post on 29-Dec-2015






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RecruitingHow to build a team

Which benefit are YOU most excited about?

Director Requirements5 active personal team consultants

$750 minimum personal sales

$5000 Personal Team Sales18How many consultants do you need to reach your goal?

What is your GOAL date to reach this Goal?

Why did you DECIDE TO JOIN PAMPERED CHEF? Recruiting is a skill that can be learned by anyone!.There are 3 KEY Skills for Recruiting Successs

The First 3 KEY Steps to Successful Recruiting are:Listen to discover how The Pampered Chef can meet peoples needs.Inform others about the opportunity consistently. Invite others to join you by extending a personal, gracious invitation.3 SECRETS to Recruiting Success


Secret #2



Now lets put it all together!

Recruiting Success is about Listening Informing


Recruiting Success is also aboutHaving ENOUGH!Enough ShowsWith enough guestsTo do the skillsNUMBERS MATTER!ListenTo guests before the show Build Rapport Ask Questions Listen for needs 31Listen for RED FLAGS!

Red Flags are Questions or Comments...My car needed XX repairs.Husband just lost his jobMy daughter is going on a trip with her dance team!Just lost my jobCut my hoursWow you did a great job!How far do you go for a show?How many shows do per week?

Listen when out and aboutbecause remember EVERYONE is a potential recruit!People you meetFamilyFriendsNeighbors Co-workers

You could have the answer

Choose to take ACTIONAsk yourself this question when you hear someone express a need...

What about her/him would make them a good Consultant? orWhat could a pampered chef business do for them?

Respond to needs You start by making a connection. Next, you inform the person about the services you offer. (Guests & Hosts) Then you invite them to join you either as a Consultant, a host or a customer. At the show there are several places to do this...coming up in this training! And then you listen for Yes, No or Maybe.

The second KEY isINFORMThink about the INFORMING you do as the marketing step. Informing is an attention-getter. Remember, most people dont come to the Showlooking for a business opportunity. Informing can present a more complete picture of the business. Many people havea limited or inaccurate perception of direct sales. Informing can create group buzz and excitement about hosting a Show and/orlearning more about the business opportunity. Informing can present a more complete picture of the business. Many people havea limited or inaccurate perception of direct sales. Informing can create group buzz and excitement about hosting a Show and/orlearning more about the business opportunity.40Not getting recruit leads at your shows?

Lets look at a list of what some TOP recruiters do to get leads.Which ones do you currently do?INFORMINGTell Your StorySprinkle recruiting messages throughout your presentation.Why BagDo the Ticket ActivityGo over the Recruiting/Booking SlideShare the Deal of DayShow income potential with the 3 Envelopes ActivityTalk with your host

Think of the business opportunity as just another product!

In order to sell a product you need to talk about it!The business is just another Product!44WITH ENTHUSIASM!

When guests and host understand the benefits of having a pampered chef business you will get leads!

Would you ever think of not talking about...The Deep Covered Baker, or Rock Crock? Manual Food ProcessorSharing your story, and offering everyone the Opportunity Brochure afterwards. Sprinkle recruiting and booking messages throughout your presentation. Thegeneral rule is to mention booking a Show and learning more about the businessopportunity at least three times. Include recruiting and booking messages tied to a product. From activities such as: Why Bag, Drawing Slip, Ticket Activity, Recruiting/BookingSlide. Other?46How to create interest!

Tell Your Story1. What was your situation before joining The Pampered Chef? 2. What were you looking for from the business? 3. What was a concern you had about joining, and how did you solve that? 4. How is your life better because of The Pampered Chef? 5. What do you hope to accomplish in the next 1-3 years with your business?

Sprinkle One-Liners Tie them to a product Have everyone share a few one liners49Use a Prop!WHY BAGSCRAP BOOKPHOTO

INVITEDoris Christopher said...An invitation is a compliment... An invitation is never pushy, pesky, or aggressive. An invitation honors the individual, honors the opportunity, and honors you! An invitation is the height of hospitality. After all, hospitality is what The Pampered Chef is about. Your customers and hosts deserve your gracious invitation.

Ways to Invite Guests & HostsInviting each person individually shows youre sincere in your belief that the opportunity can work for anyone.We do a general invite during the show when we present...Ticket gameAnd other activities

53Full Service Check OutThis is a very important step at your show.

Inviting isnt pushy youre asking simply to find out if theyre at all curious about the business, either for themselves or for someone else. At a Show, the best way to be sure you invite is to do a full-service checkout.Tell them you will be doing this

Kellys Door Prize SlipInviteGo over the Door Prize SlipOffer Full Service Check OutAsk Your Host Several Times

Action Plan What will you differently as a result of this training?Your HostInterview

Training New Consultants72 Hour Difference

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