genocide official cameron p

Post on 05-Dec-2014






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  • 1. The Genocide In Rwanda
    By: Cameron Ping
    10A World Literature/Composition
    7Th Period
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  • 2. Thousands
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  • 3. Disaster
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  • 4. This image is used under a CC license from:
  • 5. Death
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  • 6. Divided
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  • 7. Ignored
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  • 8. Global Effects
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  • 9. Reaching Out
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  • 10. healing
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  • 11. This image is used under a CC license from:
  • 12. "She screamed with every fiber of her body. She screamed in place of her brother as he died. No one came to her." Hannah Jansen
  • 13. New Perspective
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  • 14. Works Cited
    Boujou, Marc. On This Day: Rwandan Plane Crash Sparks Genocide.SIRS.Sirs Researcher. Ed. Finding Dulcinea Staff. Web. 14 Oct. 2010. . This article tells of the plane crash. It tells of the different views that Hutu and Tutsi took, and how it affected the country. I evaluated this by again, using the other articles. All the articles I have read have mentioned a plane crash. Obviously this has event happened. This increased my understanding because it provided the major spark to the genocide. It also showed the different attitudes of the Hutu and Tutsi.
    International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda.Wikipedia. Wikipedia, 10 Oct. 2010. Web. 19 Oct. 2010. . Wikipedia provided both as a comparison article and provided some new information. It was mix of things: from politics to culture. It told basically everything about Rwanda that would be important. Since this article was towards that end, I compared the information within the article to the other articles I already had. However, I did do some investigation into the new material on Google. This gave me a look into some of the culture of Rwanda. It showed me how it has changed over time, and also some views of its government, attempts to help the country, and economy.
    International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda.Wikipedia. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Oct. 2010. . This article told of the Tribunal that the UN Security Counsel developed. It told the goals and reason behind the Tribunal. It also told where it was and how many of the major players in the genocide had been to trial. I evaluated by looking up the numbers of the people who had been tried. I also looked up the dates of when to Tribunal were supposed to be finished with investigation, and the location. This increased my knowledge by telling that there was something being done to bring people to justice. This was showing the attempts to clean up the disaster of the genocide.
    Jansen, Hanna.Over a Thousand Hills I Walk with You. Trans. Elizabeth Crawford. Minneapolis: Carolrhoda Books, 2002. Print. This novel tells the story of an eight year old girl who experienced the genocide first hand. She managed to survive while her family did not. She experienced many obstacles and almost died in her struggle to stay alive. At the end of the war, Jeanne was able to be adopted by a family in Germany that allowed her to rebuild her life. While you cannot really evaluate a novel, the event within the novel corresponded with the events that our group researched. Therefore, the novel was very accurate. This helped my research because it showed a first hand account of the actions that took place. It also helped show me the devastation and horror of the genocide. And it inspired me to understand the genocide on a deeper level.
    Longman, Timothy. Rwanda: Genocide and Crimes against Humanity.Enotes. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Oct. 2010. . This article tells specifically of the politics in Rwanda before and during the genocide. This article goes farther into depth than the article did, but shares the same basic events. It tells of the presidents reign before Habyarimana, and how Habyarimana helped smooth ethnic tensions. I evaluated it by using a previous article and comparing basic points in history that were similar. Then I looked up the author since his name was present. He is well qualified as a professor in Africana Studies at Vassar University. He has made numerous trips to Rwanda and other countries. This helped because it provide a very good ideas of what was happening in Rwanda. It showed all of the political struggles in a simple way that was easy to understand, and how it affected the people.
  • 15. Works Cited
    Rieff, David. An Age of Genocide: The Far-Reaching Lessons of Rwanda.NEW REPUBLIC. 27-36.SIRS Researcher. Web. 6 Oct. 2010. . This article out of SIRS is about the start of the ethnical issues in Rwanda. It tells of the German and Belgian colonization that started the tensions between the Hutu and Tutsi by elevating the Tutsi higher than the Hutu. It then tells of all the political transactions that took place, and the shifts in power. I evaluated the source by looking up the author, David Reiff. He is a well-known writer on the issues of third world countries. He has many books already published. I then, of course, looked up the power shifts on Google search engine, and found all the information accurate. This helped me in my research because it showed how the political shifts in power effected the Tutsi. The government was a major reason the Hutu/ Tutsi conflict happened despite their attempts to fix it at the last minute.
    Rwanda Genocide.Gale Global Issues in Context. Detroit.Global Issues in Context. Web. 29 Sept. 2010. . The article, Rwanda Genocide, gives the basic information of Rwanda. It then goes on to tell of its attempts to settle the disagreement between the Hutu and Tutsi. Next, it speaks of the plane crash and other events that led to the Genocide, and what transpired during the war. By this time I had looked up many other articles. I used the information off of those articles and checked them against this one. The facts were the same and matched up with all the other information, but they had more detail. This article enhanced my increasingly expanding knowledge by providing me with an idea of what was done to help prevent this genocide. It told me that all the bordering countries that had the same problem that Rwanda did, were trying to make it better. Unfortunately, it did not turn out that way.
    Rwanda Genocide- the Real Story.Uganda Mission. CSNGlobal, n.d. Web. 20 Oct. 2010. . This article about how the Rwandan population has switched their religion. Instead of Roman Catholic, which they were before, they have becom Anglican. Theyve done this becuase the Roman Catholic church played a major part in the genocide. I evaluated this source by looking up the author, and checking him. I also looked for some bias becuase this is an article about relgion. Finally, this helped me understand how some peple justified the reasons for the genocide. It showed me that sometimes what you think is perfect, is really corrupt.
    Rwanda: The Wake of the Genocide.Rwanda: The Wake of the Genocide. N.p., 2005. Web. 20 Oct. 2010. . This article is about non-profit organizations that are interseted in helping Rwanda recover from the war. Avega-Agahozo is the main one mentioned, and list just what Avega-Agahozo does to help. I evaluated this web site, by looking up the organizations and seeing if they ar actual organizations. I also looked at the links on the side of the page. They all related back to the main subject and were from reliable sources. This article helped my understadingbecuase it showed me that people to care. They are working hard, and also what needs the most work over in Rwanda. It put the situation into context.
  • 16. Works Cited
    PBS, comp. Frontline: Rwanda Chronology.Frontline. PBS, 1995. Web. 19 Oct. 2010. . This article was a chronological order of events that transpired during the Rwandan war. The dates were towards the end of the war, and showed how other countries started helping Rwanda stop the genocide and recover. I evaluated this by looking up the dates and seeing if they corresponded. I used Triangulation, and found three articles that matched. This let me know that all of the worlds leading countries were trying to help. Rwanda was not being ignored, and efforts were being made to reform Rwanda.
    Rainer, Hennig. Rwanda Background:the Cross and the Genocide.AFROL. AFROL, 2001. Web. 20 Oct. 2010. . This article is how the church had a major impact on the genocide. It tells of various bishop and how the pope encouraged the Hutu attacks on the Tutsi. I evaluated this article by looking up the author. The fact that the authors name was present helped convince me that this article was factual. Hennig Rainer is an avid researcher on how religions have affect genocidal events in history. This added to my research because it showed how the church was involved in the genocide. It also showed that genocide really started within and slowly ate its way out.

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