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May 27, 2016 י״ט ְּבִאּיָר תשע״ו - פרשת בהר

From the


• Rabbi Kalatsky will give his hilchos Shabbos class at 8:35AM, his Shmiras halashon class at 7:25 PM, followed by Pinkei Avos at 7:35 PM.

• Mazel Tov to Rabbi & Mrs. Avigdor & Shaynie Goldberger on the bris of their son, Tovia. Mazel tov to Rabbi Binyamin Friedman and family. May they only have nachas from Tovia!

• Mr. & Mrs. Melvin Graf wish to invite all members of our community who will be in Israel on June 3rd to the wedding of our son Aaron to Miryah.  The wedding will take place in Netanya at Mini Golf, Sderot Nitsa 21, Kabolas  Ponim at 11:00 AM , Chuppah at noon, followed by a Suedah.  If you or any of your children will be in Israel, we will be honored to have you at our simcha.

• Congratulations to Dr. Eitan Yacov Benzaquen (son of Momy Shlomo Benzaquen) on receiving his P.H.D. in Philosophy from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

• Annette Walder invites the community to her wedding!  Annette and Zev Greenfield will be married Wednesday, July 6, at the Minneapolis Yeshiva, 3115 Ottawa Ave. S.  Kabolas ponim at 2:00 pm, chupah at 3:00 pm, buffet reception to follow.  RSVP to Annette,, 952-928-3966. Mazal tov!”

• There will be a tehillim gathering for women this Shabbos at 4pm at the home of Perri Kutoff, at 4200 W. 28th St. This tehillim group is for the welfare of the community, not for any specific need at this time." 

“If you believe breaking is possible believe fixing is possible.

Rabbi Nachman of Breslov”

“AND WHEN YOU SELL ANYTHING TO YOUR FELLOW MAN OR BUY FROM YOUR FELLOW MAN, YOU SHALL NOT CHEAT ONE ANOTHER.” (Vayikra 25:14)Seforno comments that the Almighty is the creator of the buyer and seller and does not want either one to cheat the other. When selling something to another person or when buying something from someone, if you have in mind that the creator of the universe is his G-d you will be careful to not deceive him. If the son of a king or emperor of a powerful nation would purchase something or sell something to you, you would be extremely careful not to take advantage of him. Whether the reason is that you respect his father or the fear of retribution of getting caught, you would not even attempt to deceive him. This should be our attitude in dealing with other people. Continued on page 2

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The Almighty is our father and commands us to be honest with His children. For this week we should find an opportunity to go out of our way to help someone in their business. Whether it be advice, a lead, a connection or sharing ideas. This shows how much we care about our brothers and sisters. Have a meaningful Shabbos!

Rabbi Kalatsky

Dvar HalachaIn this week's Parsha we are told "And in the seventh year the land should have a complete rest..."  (Behar 25:4). From here we learn the mitzva of Shemitah, during which Jewish Israeli farmers cannot plant or sell any harvest. The year of Shemitah officially concluded this past Rosh Hashana. However, there is still produce on the market from last year. Therefore, it is important to be familiar with rules that apply outside of Israel. Shemitah food is prohibited from leaving Israel and consumers are not allowed to purchase it.  If purchased accidentally, all vegetables that grew in the 7th year or grains and rice less than 1/3rd ripe when the year began have the status of "Sefichin" and cannot be eaten under any circumstances. They must be set aside to rot. Fruits or perennial plants accidentally purchased  can be eaten, but only in their most popular form. For instance if a fruit is most commonly eaten raw it cannot be juiced or cooked. Once the majority of people no longer have access to that item it must be taken outside and declared ownerless. Any edible parts including peels must not be wasted or thrown in the garbage. Each food has a specific time when Shmittah law no longer applies based on its growing season and shelf life which can be found at (Rabbi Aryeh Leibowitz Ten Minute Halacha Shiur,,, and Question to ponder: What is the heter of "raised beds" in relation to Shemittah? Answer to last week's question to ponder: (If after making early Shabbos a person realizes he forgot to count the previous day of the Omer, can he still count Friday even though he has already made it Shabbos?)  You should count Friday with a bracha and then count Shabbos once it is nightfall. You would not have accepted Shabbos if you realized you forgot to count Friday and therefore it is as if you never accepted Shabbos and it is still Friday for you. (Nishmas Avraham 489:3)

Kenesseth Israel Congregation Rabbi Mordechai Kalatsky

4330 W. 28th Street Chaim Goldberger, Rabbi Emeritus

St. Louis Park, MN 55416 Jerome Herzog, Rabbi Emeritus

952-920-2183 Ned Kantar-President, Michael Moskowitz-Vice President, Joey Greenberg-Secretary, Yarden Wolfe-Treasurer

Nina Baker, Lili Khabie, Gabe Silverberg, Judy Victor.

The Kenesseth Israel Bulletin is sponsored by Melvin & Miriam Graf

Zmanim May 20 - 27Friday






Sunday Monday Thursday Friday




May/June 27 28 29 30 30 3

Iyar 19 20 21 22 25 26

Shachris 6:30 AM 8:45 AM 8:00 AM 8:00 AM 6:30 AM 6:30 AM

Mincha Early Mincha:

6:55 PM


Halashon: 7:25


Pirkei Avos:

7:35 PM

Mincha: 8:15 PM

8:35 PM 8:35 PM Early

Mincha: 7:00





7:13-7:20 PM

Regular CL:

8:30 PM




Regular CL:

8:36 PM

Havdalah 9:45 PM

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