dj issue 29

Post on 17-Mar-2016






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July 2011


plusIssue 29June 2011

BusinessFatin Bundagji

DiningThe Best Burgers In Town!

FashionThe Absolute Man

Burger WarsMay The Best Burger Win

Mob: +966-540576639. Tel: +966-2-6923215 Location: Prince Sultan St. Al-Zahrah Dist. Across the street from the Big Fist

Grand opening on Rawdah St. Toby Part 2 between Ultimate Power Gym & Domv. On June 15th

by Hatem Alakeel


EDITORIALEditor-in-ChiefEnas Hashani

Editorial DirectorDilara Hafiz

Creative DirectorMaha Alkhalawi

Graphic DesignersLina MalaikaMohammed Rashad KK Yousef Kurashi

EditorsDina Ismail Silwan Eshki

Editorial AssociatesSwalah Eshki

PhotographyLina MalaikaSilwan EshkiYousef Kurashi

Contributing WritersSerene FeteihHans SjoeholmMariam NihalRima MokhtarYousra Elwi

Fathers, husbands, brothers, sons…friends. Where would we be without the men in our lives? This issue is dedicated to ALL the special men out there – I know that I wouldn’t be where I am today without the love

and support of my men. So this issue is a big ‘Thank-you’ and small show of appreciation to all the supportive men out there – I hope you enjoy reading it as much as the DJ Team enjoyed putting it together.

From the Absolute Man Blog to the Best Burgers in Jed-dah, it’s clear that men have their priorities in the right place. Looking good, eating healthy, and staying current on all the latest tech toys is easy if you follow the tips we’ve put together this month. Building and maintain-ing strong inter-personal relationships also takes center stage with our ‘Father-Son Bonding’ suggestions as well as fun, male-only getaways. Life is all about working hard and playing hard – the trick is finding the perfect balance between the two.

It’s often said that behind every successful man…is his wife or his mother! But who is behind a successful woman? Read about Fatin Bundagji, our latest ‘Who’s Who’ profile for the story behind this remarkable woman. A thriving society is one in which the accomplishments of ALL its citizens are celebrated, without consideration of age or gender. The sky is the limit when one dares to dream big.

Of course we can’t neglect the national treasure which lies at our doorstep – the Red Sea. Pictures can only convey the miracles to be found under the sea and it’s shores but take the plunge to explore and experience this marvel of nature for yourself, rare, beautiful and exotic birds currently thriving on our shores.

At the end of the day, the heart of any city is its people.Jeddahwis are fun-loving, family-oriented, and open-minded…I hope you’ll enjoy this marvelous city I feel so blessed to call home.

Enas Hashani Editor-in-Chief

PUBLISHERDestination MagazineUK, Coventry, CV14DHN5719

*Destination Jeddah Magazine is a Rumman Company Publication.

License No. 7862 - 8/8/1431Tel: +966-2-6060291P.O. Box 6707 Jeddah 21452

SALES & ADVERTISINGsales@destinationjeddah.comTel: +966-2-6060291Mob: +966-563578291Hashim Eshki Mob: +966-569857673




All Things To All Men...

Travel Trend: Cruise

Dining: Vera Pizza Arts & Entertainment: Father/ Son






ORY 33 Arts & Entertainment

48 Fashion & Shopping 59 Beach Resorts & Dive Shops 70 Restaurants77 Religious 80 Travel 86 Health & Beauty92 General



Useful InformationReaders’ Feedback, Poll, & City Facts

Arts & EntertainmentYoung Saudi Lenses, It’s a Man’s World

Dining Around TownVera Pizza, Spears, Jeddah’s Best Burgers

BusinessFatin Bundagji, Nestle

In The SpotlightRabigh Wings

Travel TrendsCruise

Time BustersTV Shows, Youtube & Book review, Useful Arabic Words

Fashion & ShoppingSotra, Fatima Abid, Tarhati, The Absolute Man

Red Sea CoastDive for Earth Day, Open Skies

Healthy LivingStay Healthy, Wellness 2011, Green Living












Haute CoutureTahlia Street.

Le Chateau,

Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

Tel: +966-2-2611382, +966-2-554369993

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Reader’s FeedbackWe’re always happy to hear from you! Opinions, stories, comments, feedback and suggestions from our readers are what made DJ what it is today.

Dear Nadine,Thanks so much for the clarification - we always strive to provide the most accurate, up to date information possible. In this case, we took our information from the official website.Sincerely,DJ

Dear Randa,We try our best to deliver the magazine in the first week of each month, but unfortunately our May issue was delayed due to printer issues outside of our control.We sincerely hope that you have received it by now, and once again, our apologies for this delay.Sincerely, DJ Team

Dear Destination Jeddah,It is always a pleasure to read your magazine. The team frankly does a great job in producing the materials of every issue.To maintain the magazine’s reliability, I wanted to point out a mistake in the article ‘The Basics of Bills’ which explained the different channels where people can pay their bills: Pay in Person, Online Banking, Pay at ATM, and SADAD Payment System.As a banker, I wanted to point out that there is no difference between Online Banking, Pay at ATM, and SADAD System because any bank is a gateway to SADAD. If you use your bank’s online banking channel to your bill, you’re actually paying to SADAD thru your bank. One cannot pay directly to SADAD because the government tailored it this way; and the people who go thru a mo3aqeb to pay their bills don’t realize that these individuals have bank accounts and do the payments under their name for people thru their bank in return for a fee.Thank you,Nadine

I would like firstly to thank you about the amazing, knowledgable and informative magazine...that made me immediately subscribe to it with after reading one or two issues.We’ve been subscribed since September 2010...and unfortunately we’re receiving the issues most of the time after one week of the starting of the today is the 8th of May and untill now we didn’t receive our issue which is a pity since we miss function or events that take place in the first week.I wish that this thing changes so that we can enjoy it like before.Appreciate your prompt regards, Randa Dawoud

Please send to


Next Month’s Question:Q: Whom would you rather travel with?To participate in next month’s poll, visit the Destination Jeddah Magazine page on Facebook.

Q: What is the most important factor when buying a car?


Word on the street

Useful Information








d N









Thoughts to Ponder


Application of Saudization

Any effort of a country to provide jobs for its people is a positive initiative and should be commended. However, when that effort is mishandled or applied improperly, it all goes to waste. Saudization has been in the works for the past few years and it seems to have done little good. Only 10% of the private sector workforce are Saudi (681,000 out of 7 million) and in 2011, the amount of expat workers in the Kingdom has actually increased by 5%. Saudization aims to reduce unemployment when what it should be working on is improving employability. Providing more training programs, particularly in technical industries, would be invaluable to the cause. Saudis need to enter fields of work that they might have previously disdained such as service-oriented fields, for example. English is essential to survive in today’s labor market and should be a priority in government schools. Allowing younger Saudis to engage in co-ops and internships opens their eyes to the reality of the workplace and better prepares them for their later career. Not everyone can be a manager but everyone can contribute to the solution rather than complaining about the problem. Saudization may be that solution...if and when it is applied properly and addresses the underlying issue rather than the symptoms.

Thumbs down to... Thumbs up to...Royal Decree: Increase of Minimum Wage

In a televised announcement in March of this year, King Abdullah outlined the new social spending package (SR500 billion) which included many benefits for government workers and Saudi citizens at large. One of the most positive initiatives in the package is the increase of the minimum wage for Saudi government employees to SR3,000. Many Saudis are stuck in jobs that pay very little and provide very little financial or professional incentive. For bathroom attendants, gardeners, janitors, etc., their monthly salary is what determines their living conditions and they are not always compensated appropriately. This royal decree is a step in the right direction for the Kingdom; increasing the minimum wage promotes Saudization, which is a top priority for the Saudi government. The package also included many programs aimed at addressing living conditions, housing shortages, unemployment benefits, and the stimulation of the Saudi labor market. The increase of the minimum wage seems to be a herald of great things to come for the Kingdom. Hopefully the next step will be

For many of us, our biggest work-related concern may be as simple as making that deadline or meeting this month’s sales target. However, for a large portion of the Kingdom’s workers, that concern is much more basic - how to stretch out their meager wages to last the month.

Many of the country’s menial labor force, such as bathroom attendants, janitors, and gardeners receive less than SR1000 a month in compensation. In one incident, a DJ employee encountered a bathroom attendant in the Jeddah airport who receives a mere SR600. When considering the brutal work hours (many of

these are not typical 9-5 jobs), the state of compensation for many workers in the Kingdom is dismal. The royal decree setting a minimum wage for Saudi government workers is a step in the right direction but how about the millions of foreign laborers stuck in thankless positions and receiving very little compensation for their work?

This is a problem that we can solve from the ground up - if these workers are unable to defend their rights, than it falls to the more fortunate to speak up on their behalf. The next time you encounter an individual whom you suspect may be being paid much less than he or she deserves, why not help them out? A small tip or gift may be negligible in your greater financial scheme but may prove to be invaluable for those people. Helping out a little is actually helping out a lot.

Give A Little


Fact Sheet

City& Country

City: JeddahHead of Region: Prince Khalid Al-FaisalLocation: West coast of Saudi Arabia, on the Red SeaDistance between Jeddah & Makkah: 80kmDistance between Jeddah & Madinah:405kmInhabited Area: 1,500 sq. km - Largest urban center in the Makkah provinceJeddah Population: 3.4 million and the 2nd largest city in Saudi Arabia.

Official Language: Arabic. English is the second official language.

Country: Kingdom of Saudi Arabia - KSACapital: RiyadhHead of State: King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz Al-SaudCrown Prince: Prince Sultan bin Abdul Aziz Al-SaudPopulation: 29،207،277 (72% Saudi, 27% foreign)Population Growth: 1.75% (approx. 2% per year) (55% are under the age of 20)Birth rate: 28.29 births/1,000 population (2010 est.)Area: 2,149,640 sq. kmMajor Cities: Riyadh, Jeddah, Dammam.Holy Cities: Makkah, Madinah.International Airports: Jeddah: King Abdul Aziz Int’l. Airport (Airport Code: JED)Madinah: Prince Muhammad Bin Abdul Aziz Airport / Riyadh: King Khaled Int’l Airport / Dammam: King Fahad Int’l Airport.

Important Dates: National Day: September 23, 2011Ramadan (The Holy Month of Fasting): August 1 - August 29, 2011Eid Al-Fitr (The Feast of Fast-Breaking): August 30, 2011Eid Al-Adha (The Feast of Sacrifice): November 6, 2011 Calendar: The Hijri lunar calendar is the traditional measure of time and the Gregorian calendar is used as well in business. (1432/2011)

Major Arabic Newspapers: Al-Watan , Al Hayat, Al-Iqtisadiya, Al-Madinah.Major English Newspapers: Saudi Gazette, Arab News.

Useful Information


Emergencies :Ambulance...................................997Electricity Emergency...............933Fire Fighters..................................998Natural Disasters.........................988National Security........................989Nijm “ Insurance Company for Car Accident “.........................920000560Road Security..............................996Traffic Accidents.........................993Water Emergency......8004411110


Information/ Maintenance:International Information.......905Telephone Maintenance.........904Telephone Directory.................905Speaking Clock.........................1222

Electricity: 110V and 220V

Telephone, Mobile & Internet:The main telephone service provider is STC – Saudi Telecom Company. The Main mobile service providers are STC, Mobily and Zain. They also offer mobile Internet solutions*STC: *Mobily: *Zain: www.zain.comTo block commercial SMSs for STC users: Call 800-2444455 toll-free (24 hr service Sat-Wed) or e-mail: Service Providers: * Orbit Satellite internet: *, *, *, *, *, *, *Nesma:

City Codes: Riyadh: 01 Jeddah and Makkah: 02 Dammam, Dahran, Alkhobar and Jubail: 03 Madinah and Yanbu: 04 Abha and Najran: 07 Transportation:Air: Saudi Arabian Airlines - Nas Airlines Land: Bus: SAPTCO: National Bus Company offering transportation between most Saudi cities. Inside the city: Taxis and Chauffeur companies. Railroad: Only one passenger train service between Riyadh and Dammam.

Business & Banking Hours: 8/9AM - 4/5PM Sat-Wed, some are open on Thursdays for half a day 8/9AM - 1/2PM. Weekend: Thursday- Friday.Shopping Hours: 10AM - 1PM 5PM - 10/11PM

RadioStations FM Channel TypeRotana 88.0 Arabic popQuraan 89.9 Religious Jeddah Radio 92.6 National NewsAFN 93.7 Western MusicPanorama 102.0 Arabic PopMBC FM 103.0 Khaliji Music 103.9 Western Music 107.0 Techno MusicMix FM 105.5 Westren & Arabic PopAlif alif 101.0 Arabic mix

Currency: Saudi Riyal (SR) - divided into 100 Halalas; Notes printed in 1 (one), 5 (five), 10 (ten), 20 (twenty), 50 (fifty), 100 (one hundred), 200 (two hundred), 500 (five hundred) Riyal denominations.

1.00 US Dollar (USD) = SR3.751.00 Euro (EUR) = SR5.231.00 British Pound (GBP) = SR5.941.00 Indian Rupee (INR) = SR0.0791.00 Pakistan Rupee (PKR) = SR0.0471.00 Phillippines Peso (PHP) = SR0.08

Currency Exchange Rates:





Time Zone: GMT+3

TVNational TV: Saudi Channel 1/ Saudi Channel 2 (English)/ Saudi Channel 3 (Sports)/ Al Ekhbariya NewsSatellite TV: Thousands of free channels from across the Middle East, Asia and Europe can be viewed using a satellite dish and receiver.Premium Satellite Providers:Showtime Arabia: Premium Arabic and Western Entertainment. www.showtimearabia.comOrbit: Premium Arabic and Western Entertainment. www.orbit.netART: Premium Arabic, Western, and Asian Entertainment

Country Code: 966

Cut this out and keep in your wallet


For men experiencing our fair city for the first time, Jeddah may be seem like a daunting maze to navigate. Interactions between men and women in this part of the world are a delicate matter and it is in your best interest to understand the do’s and don’ts!

Women. Yes, they’re everywhere you go - malls, restaurants, traffic lights, the list goes on. However, it is considered offensive to make any physical contact with a women you do not know, or to initiate conversation unless they approach you first. All women in Saudi Arabia, foreign and otherwise, wear abayas, and many conceal their faces behind the thick veils of the niqab. Avoid excessive staring, consider the wisdom of the Quran and ‘lower your gaze’ - it’s safer for you to avoid any unnecessary contact with women you do not know, as you may find yourself in the midst of an misunderstanding.

Do not be offended if some malls refuse entry to single men on weekends. Although this is a controversial issue, be aware that this is mall policy and intended to minimize unnecessary mingling. Some malls have a more relaxed policy and may grant you entry - but this is purely at the whim of the mall security so don’t any chances and plan your mall trips during the middle of the week, a less crowded time. Similarly, the ubiquitous “Singles” and “Family” sections of the

restaurants may leave a foreigner perplexed. These signs are not pertaining to your marital status - in this context it’s not relevant. If you are accompanied by your wife or daughter, for example, you will be seated in the family section. If it’s night out with the boys (regardless of whether those “boys” are related to you), than it’s the singles section. Keep in mind that these measures are taken to ensure the comfort of both men and women in restaurants. The same rules apply to women-only malls, female checkout lines at grocery stores and the like. Be familiar with the approved men’s public spaces and you’ll do just fine.

As for office etiquette, common sense applies in this arena. Most offices have areas designated for female employees - this is not to say that men never enter these areas but avoid situations where you may find

It’s A Man’s World... Or Is It?

Settling In

Useful Information



yourself alone with a female colleague. Don’t be offended if a woman doesn’t hold the elevator for a male colleague, particularly if she is alone in the elevator. It is also best for men in Jeddah to avoid driving a female in their car unless she is an immediate family member. Many companies have drivers designated just for this purpose - to transport female employees.

Don’t be intimidated by these seemingly complex standards of behavior - a few weeks in Jeddah and many of these habits become second nature for new residents. Jeddah is a wonderful city that offers entertainment for both single and married men, so take advantage of your time here! Take a drive down to the Corniche and you will find Saudi families and groups of friends picnicking and enjoying the weather. Jeddah boasts world-class malls and restaurants, so single or married, take a trip into Jeddah’s unique “mall culture” or become a dedicated foodie. Beaches are a welcome weekend destination and Jeddah’s Obhur offers activities such as parasailing, paintballing, and windsurfing. Part of the thrill of moving to a new city is exploring foreign cultures so be sure to take advantage of the historical attractions of Jeddah, such as Balad (old Jeddah) which offers souks and open air markets.

Jeddah is often known as the ‘Bride of the Red Sea’...but that doesn’t mean that men can’t enjoy all the city has to offer!


Profile CheckDestination Jeddah would like to recognize the challenges and rewards foreign workers face working in KSA. In this section, we will feature expats from all walks of life who share their stories with us. Watch this might be next!

Name: Sammy TayoAge: 42Nationality: FilipinoOccupation: Chief Cook at Al-Ahlam Marina and Tourism Dream DiversYears of stay in Jeddah: 6

What do you miss most from your country? Riding on a jeepney while eating our local delicacies.

What do you love most about Jeddah? Satisfying the wishes of my customers – the Jeddahwis.

Is there anything you can find in Jeddah that you don’t have in your country?Camels, khubus, and the unique khabsa rice.

Describe Jeddah in one word: Amazing!

Do you have any suggestions to improve Jeddah as an ideal workplace?I suggest to the leaders of Jeddah to make a big change by giving equal job opportunitiesfor males and females. In addition, please establish free Arabic language learning centers for foreign workers, even non-Muslims.


Profile:AccomplishmentsBoard Member in The Jeddah Chamber of Commerce; Owner & President of Think N LinkCorporation; Founding Member of Baladi OrganizationQualifications:BA 1994 & MA 1999, King Abdul-Aziz University; PhD, Columbus UniversityFamily:Married to Hassaan Omar Attar and blessed with 2 children: Zakeya & Sultan

Fatin Bundagji: A Lady With A


Jeddah’s Who’sWho

Passionate, enthusiastic, and devoted to both her family and her country – Fatin Bundagji is a woman with a mission. She’s an exemplary Saudi who truly believes in change for all the right rea-sons. Her support for women’s rights, education, and expanding opportu-nities for Saudi youth are all causes worth supporting.

Her trajectory from traditional wife/mother to successful businesswoman may not be the standard route for a woman anywhere in the world, but Fatin accepts her evolving role with grace and dignity. “It all came by coinci-dence, it’s simply fate,” she modestly states. Her early life seemed to follow the path of a typical young Saudi girl; upon finishing high school - marriage, children, and social obliga-tions kept her busy and fulfilled for the next 10 years. Although she was sent to boarding school in Switzerland and her family was con-sidered quite moderate, Saudi traditions were important in her upbringing. “I was raised in a house that cherished and upheld the role of women. This is a value held above all in most Saudi families,” says Fatin.

As rewarding as this stage was for her, how-ever, she believed she could take on further roles…and she was right. Fatin returned to university in order to pursue a BA in English Literature and Linguistics in 1994 from King Abdul-Aziz University, followed by an MA in the same discipline. She is currently pursuing her PhD degree in Management at Columbus University. “I remain interested in knowledge and self-development more than the actual degrees. Research is the key that unlocks the million answers that are out there for the million dilemmas posed,” says Fatin. Naturally




intellectually curious, she is continuously researching, whether it is for her academic requirements, work needs, or her own personal knowledge. Aside from specialized applied research, Fatin is also an avid reader; her shelves are filled with books ranging from self-development to literature.

Fatin’s former position as the Director of the Women’s Empowerment and Research Department at the Jeddah Chamber of Com-merce and Industry allowed her the unique opportunity to both observe the challenges facing women in Jeddah as well as strategize solutions to their unique needs. “I feel like I was meant to serve the community and take part in the social development of my country, and this is where my career led itself,” she explains. A born social activist, she credits her success to the people who challenged her along her career path, as every challenge was an unforeseen opportunity. Fatin stresses the importance of both education and experience in order to succeed in enacting change on a societal level. Saudi youth in particular can benefit from internships and mentoring from business leaders in order to achieve skills in the global arena. Her motto can be summed up by the phrase ‘Lead by example.’

The intense exposure on Saudi Arabia follow-ing the events of September 11, 2001 came as an alarming wake-up call to Fatin. Her love for her country motivated her to get involved with the 2004 Municipal Council Elections. Although women were unable to participate due to ‘logistical challenges’, as was stated by the authorities, she is currently actively engaged with women across the country in a campaign called “Baladi” that aims to create awareness on the citizen participation in this year’s Municipal Council elections. She is not alone in her desire to make a positive contribution to her country – the patriotism of Saudi women like Fatin Bundagji is beyond question.

As the founding member of MUWATANA, Fatin spearheaded the ‘Save Corniche Jed-dah’ campaign in 2007. The goal of this project was to highlight the rights of “man”,

“place”, and “the rule of law” by revamping the waterfront. This was done by lobbying with the Municipal Council and the Municipality to clean up and beautify the waterfront to ensure that it is pedestrian friendly, recreational and void of any violations.

Other socially-oriented initiatives are on her impressive ‘To-Do’ list, including supporting civil groups with different causes, especially those which touch upon pressing issues for minorities. A recent hot topic is the discus-sion over women in KSA having the ability to drive themselves, an issue which Fatin sup-ports 120%! Her concern lies in the manner in which some activists chose to enact their campaigns . . “Confrontation and defiance do not usually work, so the challenge here is for women to understand the system of the country and work within it in a manner that maintains order yet pushes the issues system-atically and consistently.”

The driving issue is of major concern in Saudi Arabia, as there are limited public transporta-tion systems in KSA. In answer to the state-ment “Saudi society is not ready for women to drive,” she calmly answers, “the opinion of the majority should never undermine the rights of the minority.” In such cases, she believes that it is the duty of the authorities to protect those rights so that social upheaval does not occur.

Fatin Bundagji…a Saudi patriot who believes in the innate abilities of the women of her na-tion. She believes in the strength behind self-empowerment, in her own words, “It allows you to discover your own potential in ways that you may have thought was impossible!”



Nestle Sets The Trendin Expanding Operations in KSA

Nestlé Middle East announced the creation of a direct sales and distribution operation in Saudi Arabia, making Nestlé one of the first FMCG multinationals to have a direct operational presence in the Kingdom. Nestlé Saudi Arabia will be headquartered in Jeddah, with branch offices in Riyadh and Khobar. The company is determined to exceed the local Saudization targets and is already at 30% as of Day 1.

Roger Meguerdichian, Country Manager, Nestlé Saudi Arabia, said, “Nestlé’s commitment to young Saudi talents goes beyond meeting the Saudization targets as we are looking to partner with key universities and institutions in the Kingdom through the establishment of the Nestlé Centre Of Excellence, which is composed of a sales training academy, Nestlé female Nutrition Development Program, and our Graduate Development Program for young Saudi graduates. These initiatives will not only ensure a continuous flow of local talent to the organization, but will contribute to the development and training of external Saudi

national graduates by allowing them to benefit from the Nestlé expertise.”

Nestlé has been operating in Saudi Arabia since 1955, and the company has since built a strong presence in the domestic market. Nestlé Middle East has invested more than $400 million in the region since its formal inception in 1997, owning and operating 17 factories and 37 offices, employing more than 7,000 people. These capital investments have contributed heavily to creating local jobs, enhancing technological and manufacturing capabilities, and fostering national economies around the region.

Left to right: Ayman Tamer , Khaled Al Olayan, Yves Manghardt (CEO Nestlé Middle East) Emad Al Muhaidib, Roger Meguerdichian.




Brash Brands & Alireza Holding Co – A Strategic AllianceBrash Brands, a creative consultancy, are pleased to announce their strategic alliance with Alireza Holding Co. This collaboration will create an office for Brash Brands in Jeddah that marks the culmination of a series of successful assignments with King Abdullah Economic City, Savola Group, Kinan, Reza Investment Company and Emaar. Brash Brands will be offering a variety of services including brand strategy, design, advertising and digital services including SEO and social media strategy. Founded by John Brash in Dubai in May 2007, Brash today has a world-class team with a genuine passion for branding.

“We have been working in Saudi Arabia for a number of years and we believe that it is time to move forward and create an office - it was clear to me that Alireza Holding Co would be a perfect fit,” said John Brash.

Bandar Alireza, CEO and Chairman of Alireza Holding Co adds, “We are pleased to have Brash Brands working with us. They fit perfectly within our brand portfolio alongside our franchise operations with I.ZONE (Apple Premium Resellers), Tokyo Games stores as well as our core technology distribution brands including Monster, Jawbone, Built NY, Zagg and Zound Technologies.”

“We believe that great brands touch people, they deliver powerful experiences that people tell stories about.” John Brash, Founder & CEO of Brash Brands


Events &Happenings


ROSEWOOD CORNICHE WINS 2 WORLD TRAVEL AWARDS:The Rosewood Corniche won 2 industry ‘Oscars’ at the World Travel Awards Ceremony - KSA’s ‘Leading Hotel’ for the 3rd consecutive year and KSA’s ‘Leading Business Hotel’ for the 2nd consecutive year. “It is a tremendous honor,” said Hans-Peter Leitzke, MD of Rosewood Corniche. “The win is especially meaningful as travel industry professionals worldwide have voted, bringing global recognition of our well-deserved reputation as the top ultra luxury property in the Kingdom.”

SUNSHINE SCHOOL EARTH DAY TOY PROJECT:The Sunshine School observed Earth Day with a school-wide toy recycling campaign. Teachers stressed the 3 R’s (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle), as well as utilized recycling bins at the school. The recycling bins were then dropped of at the Jeddah Recycling Center.


HELP CENTER’S ARTIST’S BAZAAR:The Help Center’s Annual Artisan’s Souk showcased a variety of unique home gift items including wonderfully scented soap chains, exquisite pottery pieces, colorful and unique candles, plate settings, and an array of original artwork.

NURSING STUDENTS VISIT INDOMIE FACTORY:Students from Dr. Soliman Fakeeh Nursing College were invited by Pinehill Arabia Foods Ltd. to visit their Indomie factory and learn about the production process, quality control of the products, hygiene levels, security, safety measures, and the healthcare services provided to their employees. Engineer Abdulgader Bawazeer, Public Relations Manager at Pinehill, said, “Our goal is quality, excellence and a safe working environment.”

YOUR BABY CAN READ:The launch of the ‘Your Baby Can Read’ Program attracted families interested the revolutionary early reading program which encourages infants and toddlers (children ages 0-5) to naturally learn the skill of reading. Ms.Laila Taiba, a guest speaker, highlighted early learning intervention facts in which the earlier and more frequent the infant and child’s brain is challenged, the stronger and smarter it becomes. Moreover, the earlier a child is introduced to the world of books the better his well-rounded growth is stimulated.


Events &Happenings


ADIDAS SPRING SUMMER COLLECTION:Adidas organized an exclusive aerobic class at the Evania Spa, Park Hyatt for female media to enjoy a specialized training session with a personal trainer while viewing the Adidas Spring/Summer 2011 Women’s Sport Performance collection. The new range includes stylish cuts and elegant silhouettes, plus the latest Adidas technology to help women perform 365 days a year.

INTERNATIONAL JEWELRY SALON:International and local jewelry designers exhibited their products during a three day event at the Jeddah Hilton under the sponsorship of Princess Lolowah Al-Faisal. Haia Al Sinaidi, head of the organizing committee, prepared a competition between 15 young Saudi designers to help them showcase their talent and stunning creations.

SALMA REDWAN LATEST 2011 SUMMER COLLECTION:Fashion Designer Salma Redwan revealed her latest 2011 Summer collection at Baccarat. Titled “Le Cirque Blanc” meaning “The White Circus”, her designs were a celebration of textures, ruffles and form, all in white. Set off by the colorful fun 19th century circus background, the vintage-inspired pieces portrayed the feminine, playful side of a woman.


“ BEYADI” BAZAAR:Abjad, a center that provides training and rehabilitation programs to female special needs students, hosted a bazaar to raise money for their non-profit organization at the Jeddah Westin Hotel. “ Beyadi”is Arabic for “ handmade” – the two day event included local talents and designers who rented 51 booths to display their items ranging from fashion and jewelry to food. Mahasen Khashoggi, founder of Abjad, said, “ We want our students to show their talents and let them earn money by selling their products.”

SAMSUNG SAUDI ARABIA’S “SAMSUNG NAFFORA TECHNO VALLEY”:Samsung Saudi Arabia (SSA) celebrated the opening of the new engineering complex “Samsung Naffora Techno Valley,” (SNTV) located in the heart of Jubail Industrial City. The multi-purpose, state-of-the-art engineering center was funded, developed and constructed by SSA with the extended support of the Royal Commission for Jubail and Yanbu in order to train future Saudi engineers.

EARTH DAY:Al-Nabta Environmental Awareness NPO organized an Earth Day Festival sponsored by MEPCO, SLEEP HIGH and SAES. Over 500 mothers & children enjoyed the friendly competitions, attractive bazaar section, storytelling and informative lectures.

Events &Happenings

SAUDI ART COMPETITION:Saudi artist Safeyah Binzagar organized a children’s art competition which attracted over 60 participants from ages 10-15. The budding artists were encouraged to harness their creativity in order to envision historical and cultural interpretations of art.

STITCH (CONNECTING SAUDI LIFESTYLE DESIGNERS): Al Sawani, in league with Design Magazine and the Jeddah Young Business Committee, joined forces to give young Saudi designers a chance to shine. The first event was held at Sawani in the Red Sea Mall - some of the participating designers included Khalid Zahid, Lina Malaika, Mashael Alfaris, & Salma Redwan.

NEW C AND CLS CLASS FROM MERCEDES –BENZ:Juffali Automotive Company, the exclusive dealer of Mercedes -Benz cars in KSA, celebrated the launch of the new C-Class and CLS – both with a dynamic design and highly efficient engines that cut fuel consumption by 25-31%. Safi Qubaisi, GM of Juffali Automotive, said, “The new generation C-Class offers the same comfort and safety as our luxury models, along with 2000 new components and basic equipment including a leather steering wheel.”


The renowned German Pianist Olivia Trummer, together with Percussionist Bodek Janke, ‘Jazzed the Hijaz’ with their exciting fusion of Jazz and Classical Music at the Italian Cultural Center. Proving that music appreciation crosses cultural boundaries, these talented musicians held the audience enthralled with their interpretation and creation of new sounds.

A born improviser, Olivia Trummer began studying music at the age of 4. Her talents in composition and improvisation led her to study both classical piano and jazz piano at the University of Music in Stuttgart, Germany, where she graduated with distinction in July 2008. As a performer, she almost exclusively presents original compositions to appreciative audiences around the world.

Jazzing The Hijaz

Bodek Janke also began his professional musical career from an early age. He studied classical percussion, music theory education, jazz-drums and jazz-composition in Cologne, Germany and New York, USA. In 2008 he was awarded the “German Records Critics’ Award” with Olivia Trummer’s CD “Westwind.”


Events &Happenings


MISSONI HOME OPENING:Under the auspices of Princess Jawaher bint Majid bin Abdulaziz, the first ever Missoni Home in the Middle East launched its opening on 21-22 May. The event brought together designers and interior decorators as well as other media personalities to witness the opening of the store at its Majr Al Sel location. Missoni Home, the home furnishings and accessories line of Italian brand Missoni, brings together a riot of color and hand-woven quality for unique home style and furnishings. Everything from bathrobes to headboards to candles presented with the distinctive Missoni flair for bold color and pattern. Missoni is a reputed Italian fashion house based in Varese, Italy and is famous for its patterned weaves and colorful patterns.

TOBY PEACE PEOPLE AT ATHR GALLERY:Hatem Alakeel and the ATHR Gallery held a photography exhibition hosted by Sheikha Lulu Al Sabah and followed by a silent auction to raise funds for schools devastated by the January 2011 Jeddah floods. “The Toby PEACE People” series included works donated by celebrated Middle Eastern photographers.

Mark Your Calendar2011June

Jun 9Come enjoy the visions of Al-Andalus brought to life through live performances, documentaries, bazaar, and demonstrative work stations. Buffet lunch included. Members SR30, non-members SR60Venue: Islamic Education Foundation (IEF)Contact info:

Al-Andalus: Era of Enlightenment

Send us information about your upcoming event and we will gladly announce it.

May 31 - Jun 1Dar Al-Hekma’s graduating senior class graphic design exhibition displays the talents of Jeddah’s new-est graphic designers!Venue: Dar Al-HekmaFacebook: Spring 2011 Graphic Design Senior Exhibition.

Graphic Design Senior Exhibition


Jun 1 - Aug 1Photographs as an expression of the artist’s vision...a unique exhibition of photography as art. Venue: Courtyard / Prince Sultan St.Contact info: art@thecourtyard.coFacebook: The Courtyard Urban Art Show

The Courtyard Urban Art Show

Jun 11 - Jun 13Cityscape Jeddah will bring together real estate investors, developers, consultants, architects and other senior-level real estate professionals to create joint venture partnerships and discuss the op-portunities and challenges in KSA’s real estate industry. Venue: Al Harithy Company for Exhibitions (Jeddah’s Center for Events and Forums)For more info: Contact: Majd Sayyaf +966-2-6625757

Cityscape Jeddah

Jun 19 - Jun 21Fully licensed by the Ministry of Trade and Industry, Future Makkah is the perfect opportunity for professionals involved in all types of utility provision to showcase their projects, products and services to an audience of business people with a specific interest in the ongoing and future development of the Makkah region.Venue: Jeddah Hilton HotelFor more info:

Makkah International Urban & Infrastructure Development

Jun 19 - Jun 21The 2nd annual Jeddah’s International Urban Development and Real Estate Investment Conference to explore issues linked to the field of Urban Development and Real Estate Investment.Venue: Al Harithy Company for Exhibitions (Jeddah’s Center for Events and Forums)For more info:

International Urban Development & Real Estate Investment Conference

Jun 9Come watch expert drivers demonstrate the technique of controlled skidding around corners known as ‘drifting’ - a combination of speed, control, and thrills.Venue: Red Sea Mall Parking LotFor more info:

Red Bull Car Park Drift 2011



In TheSpotlight


Whether you’re looking for a commercial pilot training program, or a way to pursue a hobby of aviation, or even just for a weekend getaway with your family, Al-Rabigh Wings Aviation School provides all of these options and more. DJ explores the concept behind the aviation academy, a pioneer in its industry as the first civil aviation flight school in the Kingdom, and one of the more unique ways to experience the country.

Rabigh Wings Aviation School: A Passion For Flying

The Rabigh Wings Flight School was born out of a single passion. The enthusiasm and love of aviation of Prince Turki bin Mugrin Al-Saud (CEO) manifested itself when Al-Saud established a flight school in Lebanon. This dream later took hold in the Kingdom with the inception of the Rabigh Wings Aviation School in Jeddah.

“We’d like to introduce the concept of private aviation to the people,” explained Al-Saud. “Many people are unaware of the advantages of holding a Private Pilot’s License (PPL) or even of owning your own small aircraft. It’s not as impossible as you might think.”

By Dina IsmailPhotography by Mokhtar Chahine



The aviation academy, which is among the first of its kind in the Kingdom and the region, is a pioneer in its industry - aiming not only to train individuals for commercial aviation but also to reach another market segment: those looking for a private aviation qualification without having to leave Saudi Arabia. Everything from the instructors to the Rabigh Airport (about an hour outside of Jeddah) is held to the highest global standard. Applicants can enroll in the GACA/FAR Part 141 or GACA/FAR Part 61 programs depending on their area of their interest (commercial or private aviation, respectively). With 118 students currently registered at the academy, Camille Aboujaoude (General Manager) commented that the students were almost equally distributed among the two programs, with perhaps a slightly higher percentage enrolled in the commercial aviation program. The academy also offers a comprehensive English program to trainees in order to prepare them for the ground school training.

Available Programs:

Rabigh Wings prides itself on offering state of the art training for would-be pilots in the commercial arena. The accredited training school for Saudi Arabian Airlines, Rabigh offers a Commercial Pilot License (CPL) program which is overseen by highly qualified flight instructors from all over the world. The Private Pilot License (PPL) offers an entry into the world of aviation for those who are either pursuing a hobby of flying or for those who are simply interested in learning how to fly an aircraft. For those interested in buying an aircraft, Rabigh facilitates the purchase process with their knowledge, expertise, and experience in the arena.

Weekend Getaways: Discovery Flights

For an unforgettable tour of Jeddah and a exhilarating chance to take control of an aircraft. Rabigh holds Discovery Flights every Thursday; a perfect opportunity to gather your family and show them a different side of Jeddah – a bird’s eye view from the sky! The Discovery Flights are the ultimate present, whether it be a birthday, anniversary, or just a way to show someone special that you care.

Rabigh Wings Aviation School is a one of a kind experience for everyone: the would-be commercial pilot, the adventurous family, or even just the individual with a deep passion for flying.






Young Saudi Lenses Snapshots of Hearts and Minds

92 young Saudi photographers contributed 315 pictures to create this multi-faceted book. Kamil Hawa, the inspiration behind this collection, states, “The book’s message is not, ‘This is the Kingdom, but rather, these are the youth of the Kingdom.”

This book tells a story of Saudi Arabia as viewed from the streets, avenues, schools and mosques around KSA. Contributors included Mesleh Jameel,

By Rima Al-Mukhtar


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A glance inside this newly released book Young Saudi Lenses is actually a glimpse inside the minds of the talented young photographers who set about capturing their beloved country through their camera lenses. And what a glimpse it is…not the customary landscapes and sunsets, although there are some beautiful shots of these traditional subjects too; instead the book focuses on the snapshots captured by the next generation of up and coming photographers who convey the dreams of a generation in flux.


Arts &Entertainment



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Fatima AlEsayi, Haifa’a Almotawea, Tariq Abdullah, Abdulrahman Kamal, Ahmed Mater, as well as Prince Sultan bin Salman, President of the Saudi Commission for Tourism and Antiquities (SCTA) and many more local talents. The pictures were selected based on the quality of the photos as well as the variety of submissions. “The goal was to choose photos that leave impressions of excitement and curiosity,” said Hawa. The book truly reflects the dreams and aspirations of Saudis; it is a unique window into a culture unknown to much of the world.

The book’s concept is far from traditional, according to the photographer Zaki Ghawwas. “The photographers were warned not to take the customary pictures of the desert at sunrise and sunset. Instead, they were encouraged to take pictures of people in schools and shopping centers.”

Lujain Zahed, another photographer who contributed to the book, said, “Taking pictures in public is very challenging because people sometimes attack the photographer. I had to get permission from the Ministry of Culture and Information, but sadly it didn’t always convince people in cities like Makkah and Madinah.” But all the photographers rose to the challenge and this book is a testament to their talent in capturing the pulse of Saudi society. Beauty lies in the eye of the beholder…but Young Saudi Lenses captures the fleeing moments of beauty as visualized by Saudis themselves…and the camera never lies.


Football:Jeddah offers football lovers a variety of football fields that they can rent; prices range from SR250-450/hour. Fields like Kaaki, Bin Mahfooz, Jantaneyya and Triple M are the perfect place to enjoy your favorite sport. Cafes:Saudi men often gather with their friends at coffee shops and lounges to play cards; one of the most popular game is Baloot. Cafes are also the perfect place where they can gather to enjoy their shisha and male camaraderie. Water Sports:Jeddah’ s beaches are open for everyone to enjoy, but water sports are the main attraction for Jeddawi men. They can rent a jet ski, jet boat or even a yacht to enjoy the open water. Rentals begin at SR500 at the Marinah in Obhor, North Jeddah. Dune Drifting:Head to Bahra in east Jeddah in a 4x4 for the experience of your life! You will find lots of other jeeps ‘dune drifting’ along the piledsoft sand and showing off their daring driving skills. But be careful; only try this with experienced drivers for your safety and the safety of others. The base of a sand dune can be a lot more solid than it looks…

Diving & Snorkeling:The Red Sea has so much to offer for divers and water enthusiasts; rich marine life, big waves, deep diving waters, colorful sea life. Take a boat out to the reefs/wrecks on the Red Sea and prepare to be amazed! Fishing:The Red Sea has so much to offer fishermen of all skill levels. The most popular places for fishing are Khaleej Salman, north Jeddah and Al-Khomra in south Jeddah.. Body Building:Most Jeddawis love to hit the gym for extensive training sessions. Gold’ s Gyms, amongst others, hold social competitions like arm wrestling, weight lifting and numerous other fun gym activities too, so it’s not all work. Weekend Away:Jeddahwis are truly spoilt for choice – there are so many interesting destinations just a short plane ride away. Popular spots include Cairo, Beirut, Dubai, or Istanbul where men can enjoy doing the things they want to do without women hijacking the day. Visit museums, restaurants, and outdoor activities with the full freedom of men on the move – no handbags or shopping bags in sight! Check out DJ’s Travel section for some great destination suggestions.

Women enjoy coffee mornings, shopping excursions, and spa dates…so what’s left for men? If you think women have all the fun, think again. Jeddah is actually a man’s world, if you know where to look. DJ presents a thought-provoking list of activities inspired by all the special men they know...because they’re worth it.

IT’S A MAN’S WORLDBy Rima Al-Mukhtar

Arts &EntertainmentFamily Fun


Monthly Spa Day/ Barber Shop Outing

Visit one of Jeddah’s many outstanding spas for a day of exercise and relaxation, away from the stresses of school and work. Go with your sons and nephews to negotiate a group discount as well as enjoy some manly bonding in a different setting. Sharing a haircut and shave may seem trivial, but choose an upscale barber shop where your monthly chore becomes a shared pleasure. Plus it’s a great opportunity to share the family style secrets with the younger generation!

Extreme Sports

Never been scuba-diving, deep-sea fishing, jet-skiing, or dune-bashing with your boys because your wife is too scared about the safety of the men in her life? Now is your chance to seize the day – get out there and share some thrills with just your sons, no matter their ages, you can tailor the activity safely for them. The memorable adrenaline rush will power you through the rest of the month, plus it’ll give them amazing stories to share with their friends – you’ll be the hero of the month!

Coffee Break/ Bookstore Browsing

Even if you are too busy to devote a whole day to manly pursuits, just sitting down for a cup of coffee with your son (instead of with your friends) may become a weekly ritual which you treasure in the years ahead. It’s all about some quality time with each other – you’ll never regret the shared conversations over the issues that matter to you and your loved ones. Enjoy a time-out in Jarir or Bridges – they both have in-house snack bars for a quick bite and drink, with plenty of non-coffee alternatives for the little ones.

Bowling/ Laser Tag/ Arcades/ Video Games/ Go-Karting

If your sons are under 16, then there are many great activities which you can all enjoy together – try some of these favorites to bring out your inner child too! Make it a ‘Boy’s Night Out’ monthly adventure and keep track of your scores to inspire some healthy familial competition with each other.

Father/ Son Bonding for UnforgettableMemoriesNo one enjoys being stereotyped, but society’s stereotypes about men can trickle down to young boys without their families ever realizing the pressures these young men are facing. Men are supposed to be ‘manly’, but what does that mean? It’s important for the younger generation to have strong role models, and for most boys, their natural hero and role model is their father. Fathers can be friends too…simply sharing time away from the usual environment can create powerful bonding memories, so check out DJ’s list for creating some special moments to remember.

By Dilara Hafiz




Pure Crafts Arts and crafts Al-Zahra Dist.


Al-Fayha’a Dist.

Al-Shati Dist.

Al-Rawdah Dist.

Khaldiya Dist.

Al-hamra Dist.

Red Sea Mall

Alnahda, behind Hera’a Ave.

Al-Salama Dist.

Khaldiya Dist.

Alnahda, behind Hera’a Ave.



Reading, story telling, arts & crafts, etiquette & drama

Music, arts & crafts, english & phonics, trips & cooking.

Arts & crafts, songs, cooking & so much more.

Interior Design

Graphic skills using Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator

Arts & crafts, fashion, spa, science

Oil on canvas, photograpy

Variety of activities sports & dancing, english conversation

Jungle theme; carpentry, first aid, book club, Tae Kwando, French, Islamiyat & Fun Games

3 - 13 0503352506












7 - 13

4 - 12

9 - 14

3 - 13

3 - 9



7 - 13

2 - 10

3 - 8 boys 3 - 12 girls

4 +

Enchanted Garden

Kids Designers


Al-Rawdah Dist.Variety of activities indoor and outdoor

05053400022 - 8Green Leaves Playgroup

Serafi Megamall & Gold Moor Branch

Focus on better health, stamina and thinking skills, along with drawing and fun activities

66944668 - 12Kai Fitness Centers

Grow to Glow

Ebdaa GalleryCenter

Ebdaa GalleryCenter

Rose Garden

My Library

Jack N Jill

Bear Hugs

Color Kids Center



BOREDOM!Kids of all ages will find something to interest them, there’s lots to do in Jeddah if you’re not traveling during the school holidays. From arts/crafts to exercise to computer skills, make some phone calls and book yourself into a fun class now. It’s a great opportunity to make friends, learn a new skill, and keep boredom at bay!

Arts &Entertainment

By Serene Feteih


Al-HokairTel: +966-2-6836666Al-Shallal Theme ParkTel: +966-2-6063993Bowling CityTel: +966-2-6690800Bowling WorldTel: +966-2-6744545Chucky CheeseTel: +966-2-6062608Color Me MineRed Sea MallTel: +966-2-2180081Funtime PizzaTel: +966-2-6555992Fun DayTel: +966-2-2635487Ice Land Tel: +966-2-6626666IN10SOTel: +966-2-2844992Jeddah LanesTel: +966-2-6636381/ 6690343Jungle LandTel: +966-2-2881111Kid’s CafeTel: +966-2-2634888Mob: +966-555651653Kid’s CastleTel: +966-2-2634760Moon ToonTel: +966-2-2844855OceanicaTel: +966-2-2150723Smart Kid (Al-Hokair)Tel: +966-2-4202370SparksTel: +966-2-6162144Stationery FantasiesTel: +966-2-6827730Vi Kids ClubTel: +966-2-2616899VortexTel: +920009550

Bookstores LibrariesFun &Recreation

Al-Alamia GalleryTel: +966-2-6635107Al-Tayebat International City Museum for Sciences & KnowledgeSitteen St.Tel: +966-503601376 Art Frame Trading Est.Macarona St.Tel: +966-2-6722339ATHR GalleryTel: +966-2- Darat Safeya BinzagrTel: +966-2- 6571030www.daratsb.comEbdaa Gallery CenterTel: +966-2- Jeddah Atelier Tel: +966-2-6530812Mansoojat Rochan GalleryTel: +966-2-6655630 Ext.236Saudi Center for the Fine ArtsTel: +966-2-6696786Basmoca Virtual Museum



Fun & Recreation Museums & Art Venues


Arts &Entertainment

Museums &Art Venues

CBA LibraryTel: +966-2- 6900671Effat Library Tel: +966-2-6364300Jeddah Public LibraryTel: +966 2-6363920Mirza LibraryTel: +966-2-6721063My LibraryTel: +966-2-2631709


Al-Fanous BookstoresTel: +966-2-6553897Al-Khair BookstoresTel: +966-2-6936318 Al-Maktaba Stores Tel: +966-2-2562187Al-Obeikan BookstoresTel: +966-2-6927018 / 920020209Dar Al-Mareekh Bookstores Tel: +966-2-6524682Jarir BookstoresTel: +920000089Little BookRoshana Center Tel: +966-2-2634817Stars AvenueTel: +966-2-2754689Madina Bookstores Tel: +966-2-6659045Mamoun Bookstores Tel: +966-2-6446614Tihama BookstoreTel: +966-2-6970690Rawaea Al-MaktabatTel: +966-2-6827730VirginTel: +966-2-2633886


To add your business to the listing, please e-mail the name and number to


Fashion &Shopping


For some women, the abaya is not simply something to be thrown on. For some

women, the abaya is not the afterthought of the much more meticulously created

outfit underneath it. For some women, the abaya is an extension of their personality, an expression of their taste, a statement of their

style. Ladies, welcome to Haal Inc.

First launched in Ramadan of 2010, Haal Inc. is the result of collaboration between several

young Middle Eastern designers. The name of the line is derived from “heil”, which means

cardamom, the ubiquitous spice found in many an Arabian dish and drink. Cardamom encapsulates the flavor and spice of the East,

just as haal inc. represents an icon of the Gulf world: the abaya. However, the abayas of Haal

Inc. are not your typical every day black cloaks.

The second collection, now available at Sotra in Ana Special Mall, is a contemporary swirl of color, shape, and cut - a statement for any fashionista. Haal Inc. incorporates runway trends into the pieces for some truly unique styles - military inspired, tuxedo accents, dramatic shoulders, color blocking are all used to great effect. Made in a variety of fabrics and textures, Haal Inc. prides itself on providing an abaya for every occasion and for every type of

wearer. Many of the pieces are offered in both crepe and cotton, to ensure maximum wearability without compromising style. Each abaya is sold with an accompanying plain tarha or veil, in your choice of cotton or georgette.

What is appealing about Haal Inc. is the level of customization that is already built into the pieces. While many of the abayas are offered in the voluminous wraparound style, clients have the option of adding hooks for ease of wear or even of simply wrapping it differently to show/hide color and design accents as required. Contemporary interpretations of traditional styles combine simple embellishments, accent fabrics, and contrasting textures to make every abaya a style statement, rather than just an afterthought.

Convenience, style, accessibility, and flair. These are the aspects on which Haal Inc. was established. Haal Inc…your abaya will never be the same again.

The haal inc. 2011 collection is now showing at Sotra in Ana Special Mall.

Style Statements: Haal Inc.


With millions of fashion websites and blogs out there, it appears as though everything is covered, photographed, analyzed and written about. But have all the ‘I’s’ been dotted and all the ‘T’s’ really been crossed? When it comes to catering to the Middle Eastern gentleman’s needs, there was something missing. This void was filled by ‘The Absolute Man’ – a luxury men’s lifestyle and fashion blog which provides a Middle East-orientated, centralized hub where men’s luxury and style form its very ethos.

This is the online place to enliven your know-how and expand your cool. The selection of online retailers featured in the Shopping Guide brings readers strong product choices, styling tips for everyone, and a competitive customer service. Everything is obtainable in the ultimate endeavor to make the worldly and well-traveled gentleman ‘The Absolute Man.’

White Cotton T-shirt styled necklinevsilver YSL emblemby Yves Saint Laurent at MrPorterLight Blue Super Wash 519 carrot slim fit by Levi’s at My-WatdrobeJet Cotton Lounge shoes by Harrys of London at MrPorter


Men's Fashion and Lifestyle Blog from the

Middle East

Fashion &Shopping

Scan barcode to acces website!


Navy Cotton unlined Jacket by Alexandar McQueen at MrPorterThin Fin Dark Washed Ripped and Repaired Slim Jeans by Nudie Jeans at My-WardrobeOrange Polo by Marc Jacobs at MrPorterTailored Pleated Shorts beige by Mr. Roland Mouret at MrPorter Checkred Shirt Cross Grain Collar by Lanvin at MrPorterBlack Steve McQueen sunglasses by Persol at My-WardrobeBlack Leather Sandals by Balenciaga at MrPorterBattista Long sleeve blue mix by Missoni at Boutique 1

A selection of favorites from this season’s essentials, this is not about how to sport a runway look. Instead, it’s about focusing on wardrobe essentials that translate the expression of luxury. From specialist denim innovators and nerds, to luxury, not-so-basic essential tees, The Absolute Man examines every detail with a promise to give those gentlemen their edge. The Absolute key to this spring/summer wardrobe is versatility, in style no matter what attitude you wish to convey. With a few golden rules to go by; Match distressed with clean cut, Brights with Neutrals, and never doubt the sharpness of a lightweight summer blazer or a masterpiece pair of moccasin shoes crafted with decades of know-how.




Fashion &Shopping

Fatima Abid: LoSpazio to London

Photography by Silwan Eshki


Fashion &Shopping

Vera Wang, Jean Paul Gaultier, Balmain, Missoni…the list of exclusive, high-end designers is one any Hollywood star or world-famous celebrity is familiar with. LoSpazio Boutique carries these names and many more, including talented Saudi designer Fatima Abid. Known locally as the designer for special event dresses of style and sophistication, she’s recently been invited to partner with a well-known British Company to showcase her designs internationally. Her designs will soon be available at Harrods in London.Fatima’s flagship store in Le Chateau on Tahlia Street is the hub of her brand, but she released her latest Haute Couture collection Glamor at LoSpazio Boutique on Malik Road. Her ready-to-wear items and her latest collection can be found both at her store and at LoSpazio. Women in search of that one-of-a-kind design can browse the extensive collection at LoSpazio in addition to augmenting their look with brand-name accessories. The exclusive café on the 2nd floor provides a relaxing respite where shoppers can ponder their next purchases.

Fashionistas of all ages in search of classic styles or cutting edge brands know that LoSpazio is a definite stop on their shopping agenda. With designers such as Fatima Abid to carry the flag of Saudi fashion abroad, it’s no secret that well-dressed women are familiar with her name, but now her secret is out and the global fashion scene will soon welcome her sense of drama and elegance.

Location: LoSpazio (Etoile / King Rd.) Fatima Abid (Le Chateau / Tahliah St.)Tel: +966-2-2611382, +966-2-554369993 P ROMOTION DESTINATION JEDDAH 39


Fashion &Shopping


Tarhati is the veil brand that offers you an impressive assortment of elite tarhas. Their collection ranges from casual/practical to elegant/fancy headscarves plus all the complementary accessories for hijab fashionistas, including matching handbags.

Photography by Silwan Eshki& Jawaher Abbar

By Rima Al-Mukhtar

My Veil, My Pride



Although black is the most common tarha color worn by Saudi women, stepping into Tarhati opens up a colorful world of possibilities limited only by your imagination. Tarhati’s motto is “Cover up with style.” Rayyan Jamjoom, the owner of the store, says that opening the store was done after a long process of research and planning. “I noticed that whenever I travelled with my female family members, they would always target stores that sell tarhas and scarves…even though they already owned dozens. They would claim that they couldn’t find a decent store in Jeddah that offered the same style and quality,” he said. “That made me think of starting a business dedicated to selling tarhas for people like my family, who are looking for colored tarhas.”

Tarhati started in bazaars; Rayyan participated in over 40 local bazaars and built up a loyal fan base of 2,000 customers before opening Tarhati in the Red Sea Mall in August 2009. They now offer shoppers more than 3,000 colored tarhas under one roof! “We get our merchandise from Turkey, China, Egypt and Pakistan. We offer our customers more than 20 kinds of fabrics including cotton, pure silk, satin, chiffon and more,” said Rayyan. “You don’t have to be dull just because you’re wearing a veil; you can look stylish and well-dressed by mixing and matching your tarha with your clothes, handbag, or abaya,”

Location Red Sea Mall, Khan Al Khaleeli Area.Facebook: Tarhati



Gifts & SouvenirsJeddah is truly a shopper’s paradise, IF you know where to look. While most people check out the main malls...let DJ introduce you to the hidden gems of Jeddah where you can discover unique gifts, memorable souvenirs, and one-of-a-kind handmade treasures.

AnaqeedAn upscale gift store which is more like a celebration of the Arabian/Islamic cultural heritage, their items are perfect for tasteful gift-giving when you are out to impress! This eye-catching wood/glass ‘Seal of the Prophet Muhammad’ is SR195, while the unique coffee urn turned into an incense holder is SR75. They also have a variety of exquisite oudh bottles in different sizes ranging from SR40-60.

Location: Red Sea MallTel: +966-2-6684913

Fashion &Shopping

By Silwan Eshki


Alshumookh Al-Shumookh is THE place for quality, traditional Saudi Arabian men’s clothing. Their range of thobes (robes), shemag (headress), meshlah (sheer robe worn over thobe), madaas (leather sandals), and subha (prayer beads) is

simply amazing. The colorful sandals are priced from SR150-600 and are available for both men and women.

Location: Red Sea Mall Tel: +966-2-2150730

Tel: +966-2-6649202 Fax: +966-2-6649201

Prince Sultan stAna special mall - 1st floor



Zahrat Al MadinahThese gorgeous, one-of-a-kind prayer beads are handmade by a talented Frenchwoman in Madinah. Jeddahwis can find her creations at Dadu Boutique. The black/beige prayer beads are made from fine stones from Iran, with silver accents for SR1300, while the blue prayer beads with pearls are SR770.

Belkin iPod Classic 80GB / 160GB Sport Armband Plus Cable Capsule Storage - Midnight Blue (1 Case) - SR 75The ultra-comfortable sport Armband Plus is hand-washable and gives you full protection with easy access to your iPod during

Powermat Home & Office Mat (Black) [Doors Sold Separately]- SR 419A sleek, simple way to keep all those personal electronic devices charged, without a mess of cables. Simply choose a mat and the matching receivers for the devices you want to charge. Each mat includes a Universal Powercube receiver that allows you to charge hundreds of devices.Available at: Virgin Megastore

ALPHA UWCP - Underwater Cellular Phone - SR 3,899Use a cell phone while diving - this new form of communication from and to divers is now possible with the ALPHA UWCP. Breakthrough technology makes it possible for communication between two divers, or diver to surface, at a distance of up to 20,000 km away!Available at: memega

Highland Space Master Soft Sided Organizer - SR 80This multi-purpose organizer is perfect for groceries, sports equipment, picnics and more! The heavy duty,yet lightweight bag is flexible and includes 3 large main compartments and 7 side


Kikkerland Magnetic Triangle Flasher Emergency Safety Light - SR 99An absolute essential at hazard and accident scenes - keep it in your car. You never know when it’ll come in handy!Available at: Radio Shack

Fashion &Shopping By Swalah Eshki


L.A. NOIREL.A. Noire is a gritty, single player detective game set on the infamous streets and smoke-filled back rooms of post-war Los Angeles. Designed in the classic film noire movie genre, L.A. Noire blends crystal clear graphics that bring the iconic look and feel of the era to life, allowing you to solve crimes through interrogation and investigation. L.A. Noire utilizes state-of-the-art facial recognition software to give extraordinary detail to facial expressions, allowing players to enter another digital dimension devoid of the tired “run and gun” that have become all too familiar in today’s gaming market.

Both games available on the Xbox 360®, PlayStation 3, and PC

MORTAL KOMBATMortal Kombat is the most accessible and competitive game coming to the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. It extends the brutal experience with a visually striking story mode that will rewrite the ancient history of the Mortal Kombat Tournament. Faced with extinction, Raiden has one last return to the past in order to impact the present.

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Al-Jadila BoutiqueTel: +966-2-2841249Baby FityaniTel: +966-2-6673971CuginiTel: +966-2-6612099DADUTel: +966-2-6633699Jasmine BoxTel: +966-2-6685533Jungle BlueTel: +966-505660175LollipopTel: +966-2-6643295Life Tel: +966-2-2844266Nawal Al-MaimaniTel: +966-2-6606502SabineTel: +966-2-6651572The Neverland CircusTel: +966-500398181Pink or BlueTel: +966-2-6634452The Wedding ShopTel: +966-2-6690808

Afaf BaflahTel: +966-505325251Amal Engawi Tel: +966-503613314 Basma AbuljadayelTel: +966-506634000Basma Al-MouawadTel: +966-533653333Eman JoharjyTel: +966-535687773

Fashion Designers

BoutiquesAl-Khidra LandscapingTel: +966-2-6913946Alwan Tel: +966-2-6837239 Arabian FlowerTel: +966-2-6644403Azhar Rima Tel: +966-2-2564001Eshrak Tel: +966-2-6643035Florina Tel: +966-2-6670719 Flowers CenterTel: +966-2-6607391 Flowers Queen Tel: +966-2-6621779Gardenia Tel: +966-2-6609220Jannati Tel: +966-2-6984852Orkidia Tel: +966-2-6833136Nargis Flowers Est.Tel: +966-2-6673008PetalsTel: +966-2-6642519Rabya Tel: +966-2-6602856 Spring FlowerTel: +966-2-6519684Sendian FlowersTel: +966-2-6835679Sultan Garden CenterTel: +966-2-6686666

Florists, Plants Furniture


Fashion & Shopping

Fatima AbedTel: +966-554369993Gardenia HafezTel: +966-506666230Hanaa SammanTel: +966-505350958Maha GhalayeniTel: +966-506661634Manar Al-RawiTel: +966-569169923Meriam ArabTel: +966-503333128Mona AbulfarajTel: +966-505652018Nawal MaimaniTel: +966-2-6606502NiyaahTel: +966-500545455Rania KhogeerTel: +966-555532571Rana IsmailTel: +966-556666881Rotana AlhashimiTel: +966-554598449Sahar SerafiTel: +966-505622515Salma RudwanTel: +966-504627012Shaza KhayaliTel: +966-500909321Thanaa AddasTel: +966-504664288Turki JadallahTel: +966-506677800Wed BogaryTel: +966-504634001

BazerkaanTel: +966-2-2560044HMTel: +966-2-6828064Lomar Tel: 920000554Omar Azure Tel: +966-2-6921773SAB ThobeTel: +966-2-6100009SindiTel: +966-2-6678587Siraj SanadTel: +966-2-6979720TasmeemTel: +966-2-6519014TobyTel: +966-540576639

Custom Thobes

Fashion Designers Shopping MallsFlorists, Plants Furniture




Abdul Latif Tel: +966-2-6913750Al-AlameyaTel: +966-2-6915188Al-AmerTel: +966-2-6977767Al-FakhamaTel: +966-2-6355043Al-SabbanTel: +966-2-6919900American GalleryTel: +966-2-6676031Batal DesignTel: +966-2-6983288Bin ShayhoonTel: +966-2-2574815Bo ConceptTel: +966-2-6141418 DimosTel: +966-2-2830302DomvsTel: +966-2-6611447EstikbalTel: +966-2-6687511HabaTel: +966-2-6687084Home PlazaTel: +966-2-6913659IKEATel: +966-2-6633000KareTel: +966-2-6901443La Maison ColonialTel: +966-2-2616800Ligne RosetTel: +966-2-6634158MazarTel: +966-2-6642626MourastarrTel: +966-2-6980498 MilaDoraTel: +966-2-6615152NVTel: +966-2-6684686OptionsTel: +966-2-6824888Roche BoboisTel: +966-2-6647272 VisionnaireTel: +966-2-6988591 WahatTel: +966-2-6636267


Al-Khayat CenterTahlia St.Tel: +966-2-6655558Shops: BOSS, Burberry, Chanel, Christian Dior, Coach, DKNY, Dolce & Gabbana, Emporio Armani, Fendi, Giorgio Armani, Gucci, Jacques Dessange Salon, Jamalouki, Louis Vuitton, Roberto Cavalli, Rubaiyat, Sergio, Tiffany & Co. & Co., Tods, Yves Saint Laurent

Ana Special Prince Sultan St.Tel: +966-2-6649155Shops: Al-Mohra, Almayass, Basics, Buttons, Diva, Fox Fibre, I Love Hishma, Kash Kash, Vaniti, Lilies, Only For You, Set Al-Hoson, Tefa

Aziz MallPrince Majed Rd.Tel: +966-2-6162222Supermarket: Panda Shops: Accessorize, Adams, Al-Maghrabi, Al-Sawani, Aldo, Aldo Accessories, Ann Harvey, Athletes Foot, Aussino, B.Bush, Baby Shop, Barratts, Bata, Behavior, Bershka, Bhs, Camieu, Celina, Celio, Charles & Keith, City Max, Claire’s, Damas Jewelry, Dorothy Perkins, Etam, Faces, Femi.9, Gap, Giordano, Howard, Kids, Kotton, La Senza, La Senza Girl, La Vie En Rose, Mango, Mexx, Mikyaji, Milano, Miss Selfridge, Mothercare, Naomi, Nectar, New Look, Next, Nine West, Okaidi, Orchestra, Pans & Co, Paris Gallery, Pom Cherry, Promod, Pull & Bear, Pumpkin Patch, River Island, Riyadh Bank, SGT Major, Showtime, Sports City, Starbucks, Stradivarius, Swatch, Tape A L’Oeil, Terranova, The Body Shop, Urban, Vero Moda, Xanka, Zara, Zoppini

Al-Haddab CenterTahlia St.Tel: +966-2-6942888Shops: Centrepoint (Baby Shop, Splash, Shoe Mart,

Lifestyle), Home Center, Koton, Mobily, Natuzzi, Sedar, Warde

Badriyah TowersRawdah St.Tel: +966-2-6062777Shops: Babooche, Basket of Pearl, Blend, Boutque Mix, BSX, Denim, Diesel, DKNY, Entra, Free Days, Hawanim, Infiore, Kurta Boutique, Le Style, Levi’s Store, Nowar, Optics2020, Pharmwacy, Samuel and Kevin, Suite 966, T Shirt & Jeans, Tony G’s, U Right, Zearuci

Basateen Center Tahlia St. Tel: +966-2-6611721Shops: Al-Ghazali, Al-Moalim, Al-Sawani Department Store, Anne Klein, Baby Fitaihi, Bakhashwain, Bali, Benetton, Betty Barkley, Esprit, Courier, Glitter, Guess, La Perla, Max & Co., Max Mara, Noon, Opticals, Replay, Rubaiyat, Swish, XOXO

Coral MallTahlia St.Tel: +966-2-6607624Shops: Adawliah (Yamaha), Armani Jeans, Beach & Beyond, Calvin Klein, Color Be Mine, Ecko, Ed Hardy, FCUK, Geox, Killah, Lacoste, Lindex, Lola et moi, Marlboro Classic, Miss Sixty, Patch Work, Primo, Quick Silver, Serb, St.Dupont, Sun Spot

EtoileKing Rd.Tel: +966-2-6973428Shops: Al-Romaizan, Boss, Canali, Come As You Are, Emad Rizq, Fitoshi, Gentle Man, Lomar, Lo Spazio, My Fair Lady, Rawasy, Rubaiyat, The Wall

Hera’a AvenueHera’a St.Tel: +966-2-6942236Shops: Adams’ Kids, Aldo, Alhomaidhi, Barrats, Bershka, Camieu, Charles & Keith, Faces, Early Learning Center, Jennyfer, La Senza, La Senza Girl, La Senza Shop, La Vie en Rose, Marks & Spencer, Mikyaji, Mansoon, Nayomi, Nine West, Sergent Major, Sports City, Spring, Swatch, Tape A Loeil,


The Body Shop, Wallis, Zain, Zara Kids.

Hera’a Intl. SouqHera’a St.Tel: +966-2-6540097Supermarket: Danube.Shops: Adams, Al-Attar, Al-Dahham, Al-Humaidi, Al-Maghrabi, Al-Mualim, Barkley, Benatton, Bershka, Bhs, Celio, Claire’s, Diesel, Esprit, Faces, Giordano, Guess, Health Lines, Jacadi, La Moda, La Senza, Mango, Milano, Mothercare, Naomi, Nectar, Next, Next Kids, Nina, Nine West, Panasonic, Paper Moon, Promod, Quick Silver, River Island, Sisley, Sony, The Body Shop, U2, Zara, Zain, Zimas

Jama’a PlazaJama’a Dist.Tel: +966-2-6024580Shops: Adams, CamaieuCharles & Keith, Giordano, Guess, La Senza, Mikyaji, Nayomi, Promod, Sergent Major, Tape A Loeil

Jeddah MallTahlia St.Tel: +966-2-6678666Shops: Al-Musali & Al- Raies, Barakat Jewellery, Damas, Elite, Eye2eye, Faces, Gosh, Karen Millen, Kipling, Luxury, Maria Pino, Naomi, Swatch, Trussardi, WAIPAI

La Promenade Tahlia St.Tel: +966-2-6688737Shops: Budget, Chic Boutique, Chole, Femi.9, Lerre, Lifestyles, Mavi, PaperMoon, Quik Sliver, Roxy, Sport Look

Le Mall Tahlia St.Tel: +966-2-6600111Shops: Accessorize, Claire’s, Fitaihi Jeweley, Karen Millen, la Senza, Musalli, Nine West, Rizq Jewellery, Rosyblue, Rubaiyat (Bags & Shoes), Showtime, Springfield, Swatch, The Body Shop


Mall of ArabiaAl-Haramein Rd.Tel: +920009550 Supermarket: PandaShops: Abu Sharaf, Accesorize, Adams, Adidas, Ahmad Abdulwahed, Alpha Opticals, Alshaya, Balad, Bershaka, Blue Age, Bonia, Boots, Brics, BSB, BSX, C&B, C&K, Cameui, Camille’s Sidewalk, Carters, Celio, Chad Valley, Coast, D-F-P-T, Debenhams, Diesel, Desigual, Dorthy Perkins, Forever21, Evans, Exit, Faces, Gap, GBK, Girls, H-Flow, H&M, Hokair, Hush Hush, I Style, Jennyfer, Kikik, La Senza, La Senza Gril, La Vie En Rose, Lady Bird, Life Kids, Limited Too, Liz Claiborne, Lynnes, Mango, Maghrabi Kids, Mini Modu, Miss Selfridge, Miss Whatever, Mothercare, Nectar, New Yorker, Next,Nike, Nil Yarz, Nose, Oasis, Okaidi, Opt. Centre, Party Princess, Pride of Kashmir, Principle, Pull & Bear, Puma, Pumpkin Patch, Quiz, Ribbon, Rina, Salhiya, School, Sgt.Major, SIA,Spring, Stradivarius, Sun & Sands Sports, Swiss Corner, Tally Wejil, TCF, Terranova, Terranova Kids, The Museum, TPC, Twaila, Vero Moda, Vertbaudet, Viss, Wallis, Warehouse, White Company, Zahoor Al-Reef, Zara, Zoppini, ZYNG

Nojoud CenterTahlia St.Tel: +966-2-2571217Shops: Adidas, Al-Badr Optical, Alcott, Alhomaidhi, Bonia, Cortefiel, Emad Rizq, Faces, Feni 9, Gerry Weber, GS Big & Tall, I Zone, Pumpkin Patch, Lora Lina Sfera, Magrabi, Mango, Mobily, Women’s Secret, Sarafia, Shalky , Smash,Tanagra, Vincci

Red Sea MallKing Rd.Tel: +966-2-2151551

Supermarket: DanubeShops: Adidas, Aigner, All Star Converse, Al-Mussali, Al-Refaie, Al-Sawani, Axiom, Barove, Beach & Beyond, Benetton, Bhs, Body Action, Body Shop, Bomby, Bonia, Boroue, Boss, Burberry,Calvin Klein, Change, Claire’s, Coach, Coast, Diesel, Diorucci, Divisage, Dorothy Perkins, Early Learning Center, Elaf (Travel Agency), Escada & Loriel, Esprit, Etro, Evans, Eye Fashion, Faces, Faith, Fanateer, Fashion Top, FCUK, Ferragamo, Fetaihi, Foot Locker, Giordano, Givenchy, Go Sport, Guess, Guess Accessories, Guess Kids, G2000, Izzue,Lacoste, La Perla, Lazourdi, Levis, Life Line, Life Styles, Limited Too, MAC, Mac PC’s, Maghrabi, Maghrabi kids, Mikyaji, Milano, Mommy Me, Montblanc, Mother Care, Naomi, Next, Noon, Nokia, Oasis, Obaji, Occasions, Occulis, Optic Center, Panasonic, Paris Gallery, Patchi, Puma Watches, Replay, Rubaiyat, Rolex, Rouj, S & K (Samuel & Kenvin), Samsonite, Sephora, Sergio Rossi, Sony, Sports Wear, Swatch, Tea Gschwender, Tiffany & Co., Tihama (Stationery), Top Shop, Top Man, Versace, Vision Express, XOXO, Zuhur, Zoopini,

Roshana CenterTahlia St.Tel: +966-2-2634899Shops: 4U4Ever, Abo Moammar, Adolfo Dominguzs, Aire Barcelona, Al Homaidi Watches, Al Naghi Jewellery, AMH, Armand Basi, Baby Fitaihi, Bayana, Biggie Best,Bimba & Lola, Blanco, ByBasi, Comfort Zone, Dandara, Diktons Barcelona, Extra Ordinary, Fairooz,

2011 Summer Collection

www.libraboutique.comLe Chateau on Tahlia St.



Fityani, Gara Roufa, Her Majesty, Jade Jewellery, Jounah, La Femme Chic, Lights, Linen Chest, Little Book, Lolaetmoi, Lorina, Majed Saleem Jewellery, Mario Zegnoti, Memories Gifts, Mr. Mohammad Rizq, My Fair Lady, Nail Spa, Nof Jewelery, On Time Plus, Pretty Shoes Yalghi Couture, Reem Spoosa,Ruben Perlotti, Sabaya, Samsung, Sarwat, Scholl, Seasons Perfumes, SID, Virgin Megastore

Roshan MallMalek Rd.Tel: +966-2-6226720Supermarket: Hyper Panda Shops: Abdul Samad Al-Qurashi, Axiom, Bonia, Callem, Cavlo Rino, Cell Com, Cinnzeo, Claire’s, Colombia Sports Wear, Fendi, Gerry Weber, Giordano, Grand Optics, Gucci, Herffy, Ikks, It’s Mine, Jacqueline Riu, Kashmir, Lingo, Lush Fresh Handmade Cosmetics, Maghrabi, Mango, Mikyaji, Miss Fashion, Missha, Mothercare, Nayomi, Nectar, Panda, Royal Mandaina, Samuel & Kevin, Sayadyah Express, Sensi, Show Time, Stadivarious, Sun & Sand Sports, Swatch, The Body Shop, Timberland, Tom Tailer, Toys R Us, U-Qote, Vavavoom, Versace

Serafi Mega MallTahlia St.Tel: +966-2-2844886Supermarket: DanubeShops: Al-Sawani, Baleno, Claire D K, Claire’s, Faces, Go Sport, Life Style, Maghrabi, Pepe Jeans, Samuel & Kevin, Sensi, Swatch, Voyage

Stars Avenue MallMalek Rd.Tel: +966-2-2754522Super market: Carrefour.Shops: Agatha, Al-Ghazalo,

Al-Humaidi, Al-Mutahajibah, Al-Othaim, Al-Shayiya Accessory, Arabian Oud, Argeterie, Art of Idea, Axiom, Baby Fitaihi, Batteel, BCBG, Benetton, Body Shop, Bonpoint, Borbonese, Breil, Carolina Herrera CH, Champion, Coach, Cole Haan, Collci, Courier, Cream, Custo Barcelona, Cute, Derby X, Destination Maternity, Faces, Faith Connexion, Farsi Jewelry, Fayandra, Fityani, GBK, GC Watches, Geox, Guess Accessory, Guess by Marciano, Hang Ten, Issam Jamal, Jarkas, Jasmine Box, Jimmy Choo, Kanz Al-Sahra, Karen Millen, Khider Rizek, Kohar, Kurt Geiger, La Perla Palace, Lacoste, Lide X, Little Book, Liujo, L’ Occitane, Love Sac, Lyne’s, Magrabi, Majesty, Mama’s and Papa’s, Mango, Marc by Marc Jacobs, Masagh, Max Mara, Mikayaji, Mimosa, Moschino, Mutamiez, My Accessory, Nayomi, Nectar, Newbury, New Look, Odd Molly, Oliver and Company, Painegonda, Patchi, Paul and Joe, Paul Smith, Penny Black, Petit Bateau, Pomellato, Paul Frank, Pucci, Quick Silver, Replay, Rubaiyat, Rumaizan, Saks Fifth Avenue, Samuel and Kevin, Sensi, Shalky QQ, Space Toom, Stella McCartney, Swarovski, Swatch, Tara Jarmon, Teen2Teen, The Counter, Tiffany, Tipity Toes, Tumi, Vertu, Victoria Casal, Voila, Waed, Wahat Al-Jalabiya, Wazer Pharmacy, XOXO, Zanotti

Sultan MallPrince Sultan St.Tel: +966-2-2758992Dining: Al-Baik, Baskin Robbins, Capo Grillo, Casper & Gambini’s, Coffee Maker, Conton, Hot & Crispy, Kudu, Sayadiyah expressShops: Al-Mashat, Al-

Saadami, Al-Dham Watches, Athlete’s Foot, Attitude, B-Bushh, BGN, Bossini, Cardial, Casa Rossi, Cerruti 1889, Chin Chin, Coton, Cute Make Up, Dadida, Dearson, Eyat, F&F, Fashion Shop, Feel Free, Giordano, Go Bo, i2 Telecom, International Styles, R&R, Kodak, LA Lanidar, Lamar, Life Style, Lolet, Lora Lina Paris, Mag, Majed, Majesty, Manash, Mastiha Mikyajy, Nayomi, Orbit, Paris Gallery, Parkadello, Passion De Mode, Pierre Cardin, Pretty Fit, Rieker Antistress, Riyadh Lady, Samsonite, Sayadyah, Simi, Skin Bijoux, Soccer Scene, Spring Field, Teen o Teen, The Body Shop, Tokyo Games, U-mark, Vincci

Tahlia CenterTahlia St.Tel: +966-2-2634662Shops: Al-Humaidi, Al-Rayes, Armani Exchange, Bakhsh Jewellery, Birkenstock, Coach, Claire’s, Cope Copine, Daniel Hechter, Du Pareil Au M’em, Emad Rizq, Esprit, Evans, Giordano, Lacoste, La Moda, Laura Ashley, LoraChilli, Laurel, Limited Too, Longines, Make Up Forever, Mac, Mikyajy, Milano, Moawad, Naoumi, Nectar, Omega, Paris Gallery, Pierre Cardin, River Island, Rolex, Rubaiyat,Sanrio, Sephora, Swarovski, Swatch, T.S. Dupont, Terranova, The Body Shop, Tiffany &Co., Tina Tailor,Top Shop / Top Man


To add your business to the listing, please e-mail the name and number to


Dive for Earth DayEarth Day 22 April 2011 Celebration

How deep is your LOVE? Real men dare to care about the cleanliness and health of the coral reef community.It is cool and macho to give a helping hand to remove ghost nets, fishing lines, boat anchors and plastics from the seafloor. Deft manipulation of sharp scissors and knives in the cleanup effort requires concentration and determination from a real, dedicated man.

Earth Day is a day that is intended to inspire awareness and appreciation for the Earth’s environment. This year Earth day has marked its 41st anniversary event that was celebrated by millions in more than 175 countries around the world. The focus worldwide was on different topics such as recycling, tree-planting, and reef cleaning-ups. Since more than 70% of our blue planet is covered with water, here we will focus on the submarine environmental effort.

Dive for Earth Day is an extraordinary opportunity to take action and help address the underwater issues that concerns you most. This is an event that connects East with West. We walk under the same sun, breathe the same air and share the water around our globe. I cannot think of any better place to be on this day than just here in Jeddah in the Middle East.

By Hans Sjoeholm

Red SeaCoast


This year’s Dive for Earth Day Jeddah event was a marvelous success. Its success was thanks to the many efforts of all the wonderful divers from many countries and many businesses who generously donated their time, efforts and resource. Divers came from across Saudi with many repeat volunteers from the Makkah region. Internationally, Asia, Europe and North America were all well represented. In terms of businesses. The Jam Joom Group sponsored this event, along with Desert Sea Divers who made this day possible by lending us staff and three boats to support this important Dive for Earth Day. It was great to see so many families and young children participate in these events as well. The Red Sea is today one of the last coral seas that so far hasn’t suffered from coral bleaching and pollution to the same extent as other major

oceans. It is crucial to keep it this way, as it is to make sure that we live next door to a healthy marine environment. Otherwise this marvelous resource will be tragically lost to all future generations.

The reefs themselves are wonderfully efficient and environmentally friendly. These solar powered reefs use light to power their photosynthesizing processes, producing life sustaining oxygen and absorbing ocean acidifying carbon dioxide. To keep our reefs in tip top shape it is important to conduct the cleaning operation correctly. It is important to carefully remove plastic bags, nets and fishing lines without causing more damage. Otherwise these fishing implements kill and trap shells, turtles, and reef fish long after we above water have forgotten about them. A good pair of scissors is a necessary tool to facilitate the removal of these old nets. Fish baskets are another high priority to be removed as they trap and kill ornamental fish. The clean up process is an after-the-fact approach to environmental protection. This must be coupled with the source of the problem. Small changes in our attitudes and life style can have dramatic before-the-fact impacts on our environment. For example, reduction or elimination of the use of plastic bags can make a huge difference. The next time you go out shopping, consider taking a shopping bag with you or reuse ones already in your custody. Accepting a plastic bag very time we buy small items like chewing gums etc. will increase the bags in circulation, many of which end up strangling the life out of tree branches on land or delicate coral formations underwater. While you are at it, consider recycling aluminums cans, glass and plastics. Jeddah has recycling drop off locations where you can take many recyclables. Plastic bags specifically are very dangerous to the marine environment. In addition to suffocating corals, they are sometimes mistaken for jellyfish by turtles and whales, plastic bags invariably die a painful death. So don’t forget, cleanliness and environmental awareness above and below the water are both very macho attributes. Carry yourself with this in mind and everyday can be an earth day.



Open Skies, Life in The City Time OUT!

Discoveries along the Shores of Jeddahby Hans Sjoeholm

Unplug the MP3, mute the mobile, and put the laptop aside. Take a walk and pull out the earpods and listen to the original “twitter” from the transient visitors that are currently sharing our space in the Kingdom. Whole communities of birds are taking a short break in Jeddah to refresh and replenish among earthbound creatures for the long haul north.

Demoiselle Cranes Anthropoides virgo

Red SeaCoast


Shore Crab Grapsus albolineatus


Shore Crab Grapsus albolineatus The visitors arrive in quantity and perch, flutter and squabble anywhere that offers a scrap of food, a perch and perhaps some shade. Gardens, a popular resort for the travelers, suddenly abound with flashes of yellow, green and a rainbow of feathers as, braced with a grub or two and a break from flying, the migrating birds cheerfully infiltrate and share our airspace and environment for a few weeks.

A little concentration and a few minutes stillness on your part will be rewarded with captivating glimpses of wildlife close up - a touch of raw nature in our material world. Give yourself a break from the cyber-realm by turning off your mobile and turning down the iPod; treat yourself by recognizing the aviancommunities.

El Viva the life in the City- Vivacity!

Spring has sprung and it’s time to change your outlook on life and reconnect with the community of nature that surrounds us.Flocks of birds are cheerfully integrating in our cluttered city, they use Jeddah as a pit-stop for rest and refueling on their journey north for the Eurasian summer. Tear yourself away from the flickering computer screen and pause for a moment to look at nature in all its bounty around you.

Cheerfully integrating in our cluttered and Start with your garden and admire the colorfulWeaverbirds building their nests; listen to twittering sparrows; enjoy the song from the yellow vented Bulbul , and the


common Myna that is not only a master singer but also displays a beautiful pair of wings whilst in flight. Whilst relaxing and sipping your tea out in the garden, you may be lucky enough to see migratory Demoiselle Cranes circling leisurely in

the sky as they have done for millennia. At the other end of the avian spectrum, the Common Swift deserves attention. Superb fliers, they frequent populated areas, sleep and mate during flight and nest in buildings. Their screaming calls are particularly

Turnstones Arenaria interpres

White-eyed Gull (Larus leucophthalmus)



noticeable at dawn and dusk as they often gather in small parties, wheeling around buildings and catching insects. Other times they are seen flying high up in the sky above Jeddah. These are true airdwellers as they almost never land on ground or perch on

wires; they spend almost all their lives on the wing. Slightly out of the city, the North Corniche is the haunt of seagulls, terns and herons among the wide variety of birds to be seen strutting their stuff. The White-eyed Gull (Larus leucophthalmus), that takes its name from its white eye-crescents, is a small gull endemic to the Red Sea. A distinctive feature of the White-eyed Gull is its long slender bill; on adults it is deep red with a black tip. Its closest relative is the Sooty Gull. The little Green Heron shares the gulls’ space, perched on the rocks grooming itself. It is well camouflaged and sits perfectly still watching out for fish to come close enough to become its next meal. The eponymous Turnstones meander along the water’s edge flipping over small rocks and debris to find food, occasionally in the company of a Curlew with its long, curved beak. Forever engaged in either amorous pursuit or feeding, the Rock Dove, common and beautiful with shimmering colors of green and purple around his neck, jerkily patrols the strand. The male struts around with his feathers fluffed up to impress the

Rock Dove Colomba livia

Curlew Open Beak - Numenius arquata Common Myna



females. Terns, with rapidly moving wings, hover over the water, dive-bombing into the water to catch their prey. The cause of all the avian excitement is the rocks, covered with shells and barnacles. The tiny Rock Skipper, a small fish, crawls on the rocks above the water line sharing space with colorful crabs that frequent these areas, a ready meal for an

alert seabird. Take a deep breath, slow down, enjoy life and engage in some non-pixelized living creatures and

W--elcome nature back into your life!

Crested Honey Buzzard

Striated Heron Butorides striatus & White Eyed Gulls



AL-KHORAYEF YAMAHA MARINE EQUIPMENTLocation:King Rd. next to Auto Mall Tel: Opening hours: Sat - Wed: 8 AM - 12.30 PM, 5.30 PM - 9 PMThu: 8 AM - 1.30 PMFridays closed!

BLUE REEF DIVERS Location:Behind Danube, off Tahlia St.Tel: +966-2-6613931 Opening hours:Sat - Wed: 9 AM - 11 PMThu - Fri: 7 AM - 11 PMBranch: Durrat Al-Arous (50km north of Jeddah)Tel: +966-546154356

Dream Beach: +966-2-2342266Al-Nakheel Village: +966-2-6562101

Beach Resorts

Dive Resorts

Jeddah Marinas

Andalus Resort: +966-2-6561444Bahadur Resort: +966-2-2344400Blue Beach: +966-2-2341900Coral Beach: +966-2-6561343Crystal: +966-2-6563032Dive Village: +966-2-6561980Durrat Al-Arous: +966-2-6180000Fal: +966-2-656 0033Movenpick: +966-2-6555550Nakheel: +966-2-6066644Obhur Resort: +966-2-6563030Remal: +966-2-6561880Reem Riviera: +966-2-2342332Sheraton: +966-2-234 2264

Dive Village: +966-2-6561980Dream Beach: +966-2-2342266Durrat Al-Arous: +966-2-6180000Fal Diving: +966-2-6560033 Ext. 624Red Sea: +966-2-6562199

DESERT SEA DIVERSLocation:On North Obhur Rd. (Creek), near Rose Village CompoundGPS: N21°43.685’, E39°06.449’Tel: +966-2-6561807Fax: +966-2-6561288info@desertseadivers.comwww.desertseadivers.comOpening hours:Sat - Wed: 10 AM - 8 PMThu - Fri: 7 AM - 8 PMMondays closed!

DREAM DIVERSLocation:King Rd. next to Auto MallTel: +966-2-2150019Fax: (for boat trips) Opening hours: Sat - Thu: 9 AM - 11 PMFri: 6 PM - 11 PM

RED SEA DIVERSLocation:Opposite Danube, off Tahlia St.GPS: N21°32.743’, E39°09.727’Tel: +966-2-6606368Fax: hours: Sat-Wed: 9 AM - 11 PM Thurs & Fri: 7.30 AM - 11 PM

NATLUS DIVERSLocation:Behind Danube, off Tahlia St.GPS: N21°32.790’, E39°09.802Tel: +966-2-6651304Fax:

Dive Shops & Dive ResortsDirectory

Hans SjoeholmDive Coordinator

Looking for the basics or instructor level courses? Hans, a 25-year-veteran diver, is the most qualified in the Kingdom for you to learn from.

PRO UW Photo and VideographerContact:


Opening hours:All week: 9 AM - 10 PM

Jeddah’s dive shops are the city’s resource for water sports and activities. They are in the know about the latest rules and regula-tions, do’s and don’ts and offer sound safety advice with a smile.


DiningAround Town

Bite Into Jeddah’s Best Burgers

Selecting the best burger in Jeddah is not an easy task. This month DJ put their restaurant reviewers to work tasting and judging hamburgers all over town. All those calories were consumed for a good cause; the seasonings were evaluated, the patties were scrutinized, and the toppings were rated. Although taste buds may differ, you can have fun sampling from our list and see if you agree or disagree. All’s fair in love and burger wars…so let the best burger win!

Ratings are based on a scale from 1-10. Explanation below:Presentation: This rates how the burger is presented on the plate. Is the layout well thought out, how are the burger and bun presented, and how is it accessorized?

Toppings: Toppings are very important in the hunt for the perfect burger. Is the salad crisp or limp, how melted is the cheese, how fatty is the bacon, is the egg overcooked? No matter what the burger is topped with, it is rated for how well it combines with the meat.








One of the bestaround, they maintain

American standards andquality. The only burgerhouse with a self-serve

toppings bar.

Andalus St. & Tahlia St.









meat…you can

never haveenough.

Stars Ave









and creativity,but really

heavy andgreasy!

Rawdah St. &Stars Ave








Their fresh, premium Quality ingrediets make them one of

our favorites!

Rawdah St. &Baghdadeya








BBQ burgersare amazing.High qualityingredients.

Rawdah St.






Ambiance/ Cleanliness

Overall Rating



Fuddruckers ToastedGBK Joe’s Diner Big Bite


* A quick DJ question on its Facebook page showed that our readers’ favourite burger by a landslide is Fuddruckers, followed by a tie with Jan & Sultan burger in 2nd place and Hot Waves in 3rd.








Creative with good quality.

Located off of Tahlia in Danube Plaza 02- 261 3194








A bit healthierthan other fast

food chains.Good relish.

All Over Jeddah








Karbooj burgers are tiny yet

satisfying… don’t miss them!

Corniche &Rawdah Dist.& Malik Rd.








The Arabianversion of


All Over Jeddah








Tastes good, but of lower quality when compared

to others.

All Over Jeddah








Simple burgers grilled on charcoal.

Heraa St.,Souq Shati,


Mc Ds Herfy BK JanBurger



Bread: The bun is the all too often overlooked aspect of a burger. Sadly most restaurants see this as an afterthought, but I rate on how well the bread stays together, how fresh it is, and how dry/moist it is.

Meat: Obviously the core of any good burger is the meat that goes into it. I’ll be rating how it’s cooked, consistency, flavor, quality, and taste.

Plate Accessories: How the plate is accessorized, but I don’t rate how good the chips are, or the range of salad.



Spears, a southern Brazilian-style steak house, is located in the Intercontinental Hotel in Jeddah. It is less of a restaurant and more of a sizzling theme park of meat, a carnivores delight, a quarter acre of sword-wielding gauchos and smoldering logs. It is a land of razor-sharp knives and double-weight forks, great sauces, and all the dripping, smoking flesh you can eat carved off swords at your table (all you can eat for SR150 per person). Refuse to leave until you get double portions of the grilled ostrich and desert - no man would settle for less.

Spears: A Meat-Lover’s Delight

DiningAround Town


The price is very reasonable for the amount of meat provided. The staff is friendly and helpful, but make sure you tell them how you prefer your meat cooked or you might get it extremely well done. Most locals like the meat well done, so they usually serve the meat dry unless you ask otherwise. The food is always incredible – we return almost every week since we tried it for the first time.

The quality of the meat is excellent and well deserving of 4 stars. The ostrich and chicken were our two favorite meats, both extremely tender and juicy! Everything else including the soup, rice, salad, and mixture of fries and onion rings were delicious. Be careful not to fill yourselves with too much of the side orders, it’s worth saving the space for that extra piece of meat.

The service is excellent. A stick sign placed on each table alerts waiters to replenish your meat supply as and when you choose, however they are sometimes too quick to respond! They instantly react when seeing the “Go” green stick, so you have to remember to turn your stick to “Stop / Break” whenever your plate starts to get full.

Although the pros definitely overshadow the cons, a couple of things need to be improved. The ambience and décor are a bit dull and basic. Additions to the six different varieties of meat might be a good idea, as long as there is no compromise on quality or taste.

All in all, a great place for super hungry carnivores! Location: Intercontinental Hotel, South Corniche Tel: +966-2-6611800



DiningAround Town

Style. Quality. Fresh Taste. Ambience. Friendly staff. These are the qualities for a perfect dining experience. Vera Pizza has succeeded in all these categories from Day 1, even though they’re still in their soft opening.What makes this place so unique? A traditional wood oven plus the simple retro, yet modern décor gives a cozy and warm feeling as soon as you enter the place.

Vera Pizza has an authentic Italian style and feel to it due to the friendly faces which abound in the restaurant. If you don’t have time to eat in, they provide efficient take-away or delivery, plus offer catering for your events.“The wood oven gives it that extra delicious taste, ”says the chef. “Using only the freshest and best ingredients is what makes Vera Pizza stand out.” With a variety of appetizers to choose from, make sure you don’t skip sampling their salads; the Grilled Seafood Salad appetizer is perfect to open up those taste buds. Next try the Lasagna Alfornowhich is also baked in the wood oven and comes straight to your table while the cheese on top is still bubbling from the heat! If you are into spicy dishes, the Benotta pizza is topped

with jalapenos, while the Penne Arrabiata hits all the right notes. If you’re not into red tomato sauce, then the Monte Bianco is for you… a pizza with white cream sauce topped with rocca leaves, turkey slices and shredded parmesan. Don’t forget to leave some space for the famous Vera Tella; basically it’s a Nutella pizza that is folded in a half moon shape and eaten while it’s deliciously melty and hot.

One more thing you won’t want to forget is to leave a note on the fan wall. Grab a pen and write what you like most about Vera Pizza. Ifyou have your kids along, encourage them to leave their signatures too…especially if you agree that your meal was ‘Molto Squisito’ (‘Very Delicious’.)

By Serene FeteihPhotography by Silwan Eshki

Location: Batterjee St.Tel: 920003213 Website:

Vera Pizza ….Molto Squisito!!



DiningAround Town

Crowne Plaza: The Truly Unique Place To Meet By Mariam Nihal


“Our aim is to deliver unique products and services among our customers and clientele and to uphold our company’s vision to become One of the world’s Great Companies, Rafique Izhiman, General Manager of Crowne Jeddah” says during an exclusive interview with Destination Jeddah. He also spoke about the recent renovation of the hotel and its added facilities, the preparation undertaken for the summer, Ramadan & Haj seasons and Crowne Plaza Jeddah’s community activities.Rafique Izhiman continue saying that Crowne Plaza Jeddah is one of the very first 5 stars hotel in Jeddah and had been in operation and leading the 5 stars market for 30 years now and will continue to re-enforce it with a totally new modern look of the hotel to continue its competitive edge in the market with the addition of nine totally new meeting rooms with the latest high technology equipment, private concierge and an independent coffee break area. As part of the major renovation of the hotel, they have extended the lobby area with 42 seats capacity and one new Café “Mashrabia”. Addtionally, Crowne Plaza Jeddah have a totally new executive floor and the famous new duplex penthouse to its facilities consisting of 323 rooms hotel.The research revealed that Jeddah is in need of a true grill restaurant yet unique in its concept and quality of meat served. Crowne Grill restaurant was created and is one of the pride of Crowne Plaza Jeddah now serving prime meat. It is not only a restaurant, it’s a unique dining experience. The relocation of the hotel Sakura Restaurant, the first Japanese Restaurant of its kind to open

in Jeddah 1984 is now on its final touches located on the ground floor accessible from the hotel and from the road to give it a modern look with imported equipment directly from Japan. All preparations are done with kitchen and services brigades already available on site and ready to deliver and serve a truly authentic Japanese restaurant with its grand opening scheduled on the first day of Eid AlFitr.Rafique Izhiman spoke about the vibrant tourism culture in Saudi Arabia and how Crowne Plaza Jeddah is ready and set for the forthcoming Summer, Ramadan and Haj Seasons. “We have a mixture of seasons and different types of clients. We have corporate guests, an influx of guests for religious obligations, local and of course the tourists. It is a real challenge to assess and to cater to every category but we strive for excellence. We only want to make sure we maximize guest satisfaction, and this is already a job well done”.Crowne Plaza Jeddah ethos and operations area aligned with its mission statement where they deem prime objective is to be part and to help contribute to the community and environment as much as they can. They participated in events with Help Center for children with special needs and Autism Conference that took place in Jeddah this year. They have also won numerous awards from InterContinental Hotels Group Europe/Meddle East & Africa Region such “2010 Torchbearer” for the last 3 consecutive year 2008, 2009 and the recent one 2010.Rafique Izhiman summed up the reverie of Crowne Plaza Jeddah in four words that are key to the integrity of Crowne Plaza Hotels & Resorts “Great Hotels Guests Love”.



Preparation Method:

Ingredients 1 onion, chopped1 tomato, chopped1 tbsp minced garlic1 Maggie Cube1 cup of lamb fresh liver, cut into medium pieces 1 tsp black pepper1 tbsp fresh chopped coriander1 tbsp vegetable oil

Kebdah (Lamb Liver with Tomato)

Local Recipe

Saute the onion in oil over a medium heat for 2 minutes, then add garlic and saute for approxi-mately 7 minutes.

Then add tomato, black pepper and Maggie cube and stir for 10 minutes, then add the liver and cook for 2-4 minutes, stirring continually until the liver is just pink inside. If you want it to be totally cooked, then you have to cook it for an additional 2-3 minutes.

Garnish with coriander and serve.

Tucked away in District 3 Rawdah, right next to the Farm Superstore, is a little gem of a sandwich shop that caters to all tastes; offering a good selection of snacks and fresh juices, all presented with an extra touch of diversity to convey its Lebanese origins.

The Ribal Sandwich Bar makes an interesting contribution to the wide variety of local fare by offering Ribal plates and Ribal Shawerma sandwiches which allow you to savor red (beef/lamb) and white (chicken) meat in any combination, along with fries and a selection of pickles. The Ribal Donar sandwiches are also worth trying and served in delicious, paper thin wrappers. In addition, the menu is supplemented with cheeseburgers and excel-lent Philadelphia Beef sandwiches. Hummus and stuffed grape leaves are also available - enough variety to keep the whole family happy.

Don’t forget to try the Ribal Fruit Cocktail, a delicious concotion of tastefully blended fresh fruits. All their fruit juices and salads are temptingly fresh. So if you are in the vicinity, do drop in to this modest, but satisfying local eatery, You will not be disappointed!

Location: Hamad Al Jasser St., RawdahTel: +966-2- 639 5277

Ribal Sandwich Bar


Kebdah (Lamb Liver with Tomato)


Mystery Diner

We want to get your feedback on the places you love or love to hate. Send us an e-mail at:

I visited Bert’s three times in the past month…and I had three vastly different experiences. I met two friends for coffee and dessert on the first visit. It was very crowd-ed, with most people just smoking nargeela (shisha) and drinking coffee. The experience was nothing spectacular since the service was slow and confused. We had three dif-ferent waiters trying to take our order at various times. I figured it was busy and they wanted to make sure we weren’t forgotten. The coffee was mediocre and the desserts, (chocolate lava cake and apple tart), would have been perfect if they had been heated first. I left enjoying the time I had with my friends, but feeling underwhelmed by the eating experience.

The second time was for lunch a week later. I ordered the Bert’s club sandwich, my cousin ordered the chicken wrap, and we split the Greek salad. All three items were amazingly good! The sandwich had the per-fect amount of each ingredient, especially the beef bacon, and the fries were scrump-tious. The wrap was equally tasty, perfectly made and presented. The salad was fresh and yummy, not authentically Greek, but it was a good attempt. I have to mention our amazing waiter, Mike, who made the experi-ence especially pleasant. He steered us away from certain items and made helpful recom-mendations. This time around I left with a full stomach and a positive experience.

The third go around was unfortunately a very, very bad experience; it was on a Friday for lunch. I went with my fam-ily and there were six of us, ranging in age and palette sophistication. Of the six entrees ordered, five were substandard. The only one who lucked out was my ten year-old cousin who ordered the spaghetti Bolognese; I guess you really can’t mess this dish up. My cousin’s husband had the rib eye steak and what came out was a sorry excuse for a piece of meat. It was small, overcooked, and very salty. My other cousin’s dish, the penne arabiata, had a hair in it! We complained and while they did replace the dish, they offered no explanation, no apology, and no discount on the bill. My aunt’s husband received a pathetic salmon club sandwich. It came in typical club sandwich fashion, cut in fours, however only one of them had any salmon! While my Greek salad on my prior visit was fantastic, comparatively speaking, my Caesar salad left much to be desired. The lettuce was wilted, it had too much dress-ing, and the croutons were stale.

So what kind of review can you give a restaurant with three vastly different expe-riences? In a city with hundreds of dining options, a place like Bert’s cannot afford to have such an off day. When they first opened, they were known for the French cafe experience and somehow they lost their vision along the way…


What’s Up With Bert’s??



Al PinaKing Rd. Tel: +966-2-6905885AnooshSari St.Tel: +966-2-6832209Bon BonAndalus St.Tel: +966-2-6697655Chocolate CornerRawdah St.Tel: +966-2-6630449Chocolate SenseTahlia St.Tel: +966-2-2847740Chocolate StudioSari St.Tel: +966-2-6985222GanacheRawadah St.Tel: +966-2-6601390 CaramelRawdah St.Tel: +966-2-6688527 ChocolineTahlia St.Tel: +966-2-2842846DactyliferaPrince Sultan St.Tel: +92008182Miss ChocolateRawda St.Tel: +966-2-6638989Nesma ChocolatesPrince Sultan St.Tel: +966-2-6947790Red Sea MallTel: +966-2-2150141Arafat St. Tel: +966-2-2845820PatchiTahlia St.Tel: +966-2-6695858Voila Chocolate Millenium Ctr. Tahlia St.Tel: +966-2-6684343Stars AvenueTel: +966-2-2754411




Americano Burger Prince Sultan St.Tel: +966-2-6728488American Corner Khalideya St.Tel: +966-2-6060188 Applebees Andalus St.Tel: +966-2-6610012Chili’s Andalus St. Tel: +966-2-6634760 Flap Jacks Rawdah St. Tel: +966-2-6681191 Fuddruckers Andalus St.Tel: +966-2-6686330 Manhattan Hilton Hotel Tel: +966-2-6590000Muchos Tahlia St.Tel: +966-2-6613111Mugg & Bean Serafi MegamallTel: +966-2-6573333 ext. 334RossopomodoroTel: +966-2-6926318Ruby Tuesday Andalus St.Tel: +966-2-6501999 Steak House Malek Rd.Tel: +966-2-6829955T.G.I Friday’s Andalus St.Tel: +966-2-6529330The Texan Meridien HotelTel: +966-2-6633333Tony Roma’s Mall of ArabiaTel: +966-2-6123534Uno’s Prince Sultan St.Tel: +966-2-6221320


Avezzano CafeSerafi Mega MallTel: +966-595122266Best CupKhalideya St.Tel: +966-2-6063619Book CafePrince Sultan St.Tel: +966-2-66831830Campioni Sports CafeBatarji St.Tel: +966-2-6395695 Cilantro CafeTahlia St.Tel: +966-2-2611191 Chai & Ba Khalideya Dist.Tel: +966-2-6642084 Coffee Bean &Tea Leaf Al-Shate’e Dist.Tel: +966-2-2753914Coffee Republic Corniche St.Tel: +966-2-6637575Costa Coffee Sari St.Tel: +966-2-6067741

Coffee & Tea Shops


Hanviv Sultan MallTel: +966-594276234 SpearsIntercontinental HotelTel: +966-2-6611800

Baytote Chinese Dlv.Rawdah Dist. Tel: +966-2-6164442China Gate Sari St.Tel: +966-2-6970672 China HutPrince Sultan St.Tel: +966-2-6625898ChopsticksPrince Sultan St.Tel: +966-2-6907575Durrat ChinaPrince Abdullah St.Tel: +966-2-2616885 Golden PalaceTahlia St.Tel: +966-2-6690377Gulf Royal Rawdah St.Tel: +966-2-6653335NoodlesRosewood CornicheTel: +966-2-2578888SoyRawadah St.Tel: +966-2-6643414Toki Laylati,Malek Rd.Tel: +966-2-6060606 Xian GongSheraton HotelTel: +966-2-6992212

Craze Rawdah Star CenterTel: +966-2-6653065 Deera Cafe King Rd. Tel: +966-2-2754491 Joffrey’s Coffee Tahalia St.Tel: +966-2-6677234Melange Tahlia St.Tel: +966-2-6695619MoonMilk Al-Shatee, Prince Naif St.Tel: +966-2-2886229Soleil Rosewood HotelTel: +966-2-2578888Tea AmoTahlia St./ Coral MallTel: +966-2-6601738TeaGschwendnerRed Sea MallTel: +966-2-2150695 Tea RoseAndalus St.Tel: +966-2-6688233Teayana Andalus St.Tel: +966-2-6681660 Uromshi CafePrince Sultan St.Tel: +966-2-6066668

BateelTahlia St.Tel: +966-2-6630373Kingdom of DatesHera’a St.Tel: +966-2-6590838SalheyaPrince Sultan St.Tel: +966-2-6973281Talah DatesSari St.Tel: +966-2-6837887TamratyAl Murjan St.Tel: +966-2-2902385


Fast FoodAl-TazajTahlia St.Tel: +966-2-6683371Big Bite Rawdah St.Tel: +920001219Burger King Sari St.Tel: +966-2-6394375Prince Sultan St.Tel: +966-2-6836062


Be OneMaa’adi St. Tel: +966-2-6143753


Capo GrilloKhalideya Dist.Tel: +966-2-69829152Domino’s Pizza Shate’e Tel: +966-2-6065633Obhur Tel: +966-2-6561888Forn Wa SajRawdah Dist.Tel: +966-2-2574747Gado GadoAndalus St.Tel: +966-2-6514774ObhurTel: +966-2-6560787Hardee’s Tahlia St.Tel: +966-2-6613360 HerfyCorniche Rd.Tel: +966-2-6829276 Hot WavesCorniche Rd.Tel: +966-2-2757241Jan BurgerHera’a St.Tel: +966-2-6924679 Joe’s DinerKhalideya Dist.Tel: 920005637JollibeeKhalideya SouqTel: +966-2-6984043Jeddah Intl. MallAl-BaladAl-Qetar SquareKayyal St.KaddouraPalestine St. Tel: +966-2-6683844KFC Tahlia St.Tel: +966-2-6613356Kudu Tel: +8001240061 Little Caesar’s Hera’a St.Tel: +966-2-6823018Tahlia St. Tel: +966-2-6749687McDonald’sRawdah St.ObhurTel: +966-2-6560017 Mister BurgerAl-Rawdah St.Tel: +966-2-6822223New York Cab Pizza Mohammadyah Dist.Tel: +966-2-6947972

Panino’sObhur Tel: +966-2-6561911Arafat St. Tel: +966-2-6654264Khalideya Dist.Tel: +966-2-60647171Tahlia St.Tel: +966-2-6676991 Papa John’s Hera’a St.Tel: +966-2-2568116 Peruvi Shate’e Dist.Tel: +966-2-6923393Philly’sKayyal St.Tel: +966-2-6394146Pizza Hut Hamra Dist.Tel: +966-2-6513113Al-Naeem Dist.Tel: +966-2-6548890ObhurTel: +966-2-2341962Quiznos Sub Sari St.Tel: +966-2-6068014 Subway Khalideya Dist.Tel: +966-2-6063493Wonder Burger DeliveryTel: +966-2-2830808

French Bert’s Rawdah St.Tel: +966-2-6606633Black & White Palestine St.Tel: +966-2-6610611Cafe Lenotre Tahlia St.Tel: +966-2-2611222 Champs-Elysées Andalus St.Tel: +966-2-2845454 Crêpe Café Roshana MallTel: +966 -2-2634989Stars AvenueTel: +966-2-2754522Delifrance Prince Sultan St.Tel: 920009950La Cuisine Palestine St.Tel: +966-2-6630363Le CielAndalus St.Tel: +966-2-6525354


Location: Batterjee st.Tel: 920003213


InternationalAl-AmwajHilton JeddahTel: +966-2-6590000Al-SafinaHilton HotelTel: +966-2-6590000Al-Shurafa Al-Hamra Dist.Tel: +966-2-6602743Al-Shurafa Lounge Qasr Al-SharqTel: +966-2-6599999Andalusia Prince Sultan St.Tel: +966-2-6063210Barnie’s Tahlia St.Tel: +966-2-6696201Beaux Arts Tahlia St.Tel: +966-2-6983028Black Rose Rawdah St.Tel: +966-2-6672953 Blue Diamond Rawdah St.Tel: +966-2-6605301/6605310 Bubbles Andalus St.Tel: +966-2-6697655Café Aroma Al-Hamra Dist.Tel: +966-2-6605160Cappuccino Grand Cafe Hamra Dist.Tel: +966-2-2891009Casper & Gambini’s Andalus St. Tel: +966-2-6672020Cast & Crew Rawdah St.Tel: +966-2-2616770 Gelato Palestine St.Tel: +966-2-6635524 Chilli Grill Khalediya St.Tel: +966-2-6928383Fratelli Prince Sultan St.Tel: +966-2-6907217 Green IslandCorniche Rd.Tel: +966-2-6941234/6940999Harley Café Tahlia St.Tel: +966-2-6651010 Habsburg Rosewood HotelTel: +966-2-2578888Java Lounge

Baskin RobbinsMusaediyyaTel: +966-2-6640574 GelatoPalestine St.Tel: +966-2-6635524MovenpickCorniche St.Tel: +966-2-6823366StickhouseTel: +966-2-6927878Mob: +966-515047184

Ice Cream

Andalus St.Tel: +966-507533090 JooossCorniche St.Tel: +966-2-2757090Le Chalet Rawdah St.Tel: +966-2-6642330 Le Notre Coffee ShopAlhamra Dist. Tel: +966-2-6517527Lolita Café ObhurTel: +966-2-6562369 Lost City Alhamra Dist.Tel: +966-2-6655773MabuAndalus St.Tel: +966-2-6604300Montarosa Prince Sultan St.Tel: +966-2-6391393Pearls Rawdah St.Tel: +966-2-6642233Salad Boutique Alhamra Dist.Tel: +966-2-6515656Shadow Lounge Rawdah St.Tel: +966-2-2614777Tche Tche Cafe Prince Sultan St.Tel: +966-2-6223091TenidorZahra Dist.Tel: +966-2-2754144Toasted Rawdah St.Tel: +966-2-2616747Baghdadia Dist.Tel: +966-2-6517883Vertigo Andalus St.Tel: +966-2-6633241WhiteSari St.Tel: +966-2-6068171Zodiac Palestine St.Tel: +966-2-6607548

Marina Hyatt.Next to Cappuccino Grand Cafe.

Al Hamra Corniche. JeddahTel:+966-2-6501089



Abu Shakra Al-Hamra Dist.Tel: +966-2-6645111 Abu ZaidHera’a St.Tel: +966-2-6936633 Al-Dawwar Al-Masri Red Sea MallTel: +966-2-2150390


Benihana Sands Hotel / Tahlia St.Tel: +966-2-6686014Ginza i chome Rosewood HotelTel: +966-2-2578888Le Japonais Westin JeddahTel: +966-2-6588200 MabuAl Andalous Dist.Tel: +966-2-6604300OhayoAl-Kayyal St.Tel: +966-2-6836789OsakaRawdah St.Tel: +966-2-6645956Sushi Yushi Attallah CenterTel: +966-2-6997854 Wakame Rawdah St.Tel:+966-2-6682003Zn LoungeRoshana Mall, Tahlia St.Tel: +966-2-2634889 Mob: +966-535598855


Angelicos PizzeriaHamad Al Jaser St. in Rawdah DistTel: +966-2-6622964Aldente Sari St.Tel: +966-2-6970220Amore Tahlia St.Tel: +966-2-2847779 Al-FornTahlia St.Tel: +966-2-6612874Aromi Qasr Al-SharqTel: +966-2-6599999Balsamico Tahlia St.Tel: +966-2-6633115Balsamico Too Malek Rd.Tel: +966-565345317Castello Khaled Ibn Al-Waleed St.Tel: +966-2-665228 Ciao Andalus St.Tel: +966-2-6653710il Gusto Palestine St.Tel: +966-2-6600337il Gabiano Corniche Rd.Tel: +966-2-6587042il Villaggio Andalus St.Tel: +966-2-6688233il PortoAl-Hamra Dist.Tel: +966-2-6501024Isabella Al-Zahra Dist.Tel: +966-2-2566008Lallo’s Tahlia St.Tel: +966-2-6614719ObhurTel: +966-2-6561113il’OlivoArafat St.Tel: +966-2-6687494La Promenade Café Tahlia St.Tel: +966-2-6688712La Villa Tahlia St.Tel: +966-2-6673434MaggianosTahlia St.Tel: +966-2-6606625MargheritaKhalediya St.Tel: +966-2-6061100OlioStars AvenueTel:+966-2-2754811

R E S T A U R A N T & C A F F E

Indulge Your


• Kuwait • Jeddah • Bahrain

Tel: +966-2-6515656


Pizza Fusion Rawda Star CenterTel: +966-2-2616933Pane Caldo Red Sea MallTel: +966-2-2150393Pizza Lenou Corniche Rd.Tel: +966-2-6140663Pizza Napoli Rawdah St.Tel: +966-2-6927796PortofinoRawdah St.Tel: +966-2-6655855Salues Tahlia St.Tel: +966-2-6680335Sbarro Rawdah St.Tel: +966-2-6067449ScaliniHabitat HotelTel: +966-2-2578800Vera Pizza Batarji St.Tel: +920003213


Sea FoodAl-Danah Corniche Rd.

PersianAl-Khayam Hilton HotelTel: +966-2-6590000JahanAndalus St. Tel: +966-2-6571427 SultaniAndalus St.Tel: +966-2-6693898 Tikka ExpressAndalus St.Tel: +966-2-6631825

MoroccanNosh Lounge Hera’a St.Tel: +966-2-6543888

Mataam Al-SharqQasr Al-SharqTel: +966-2-6599999Mathag ZamanKhalideya St.Tel: +966-2-6067553 Palm Beach Salamah Dist.Tel: +966-2-6394007RedanTel: +966-2-6542949Roody Opp. Al-Shatee SoukTel: +966-2-6919126Rawdah St.Tel: +966-6067341SaddahTel: +966-2-6055982SemsomKhalediya St.Tel: +966-2-6068600Shami Corniche Rd.Tel: +966-2-6065353Shawarmatac Tahlia St.Tel: +966-2-6688994 Sheesh KabaabTahlia St.Tel: +966-2-6712047Sheikh ManqoushImam Malik Rd off Sari St.Tel: +966-2-6837330ShoroQuraish St.Tel: +966-2-6626246TaktakaKhalideyah Dist.Tel: +966-2-6064148/ 6060790Teen Tahlia St.Tel: +966-2-6689531Yildizlar Andalus St.Tel: +966-2-6531150

Al-FairouzKing Fahad St.Tel: +966-2-6703911Al-Nakheel Corniche Rd.Tel:+966-2-6066644Al-Wada’a Corniche Rd.Tel: +966-2-6555550 Al-Rausha Hera’a St.Tel: +966-2-6541460Al-ZawaqaSari St.Tel: +966-2-6916004 Areej ZamanSultan Bin Salman St.Tel: +966-2-6597122 Bab Al YemenShate’e Dist.Tel: +966-2-2899090Bait Al-Buff Prince Sultan St.Tel: +966-2-6917578BeiruitiTahlia St.Tel: +966-2-6686354ObhurTel: +966-2-6562606Belajio North Corniche RoadTel: +966-2-6222784Tel: +966-2-6222779Bhar Sari St.Tel: +966-2-6973420Byblos Andalus St.Tel: +966-2-6697655 Chez SiranRawdah St.Tel: +966-2-2616910Cusine Halawani Tahlia St.Tel: +966-2-6688900Foul wa DuggaMurjaan Dist.Tel: +966-504814385Goodies Tahlia St.Tel: +966-2-6657721Stars AvenueTel: +966-2-2754527Grand Prix CaféCorniche Rd.Tel: +966-2-2631846Green Island CaféCorniche Rd.Tel: +966-2-6990090Kan Ya Makan Al-Hamra Dist.Tel: +966-2-6697777Kanz Obhur ObhurTel: +966-2-2902888ManuoshaSari St.Tel: +966-2-2565275



Asia RestaurantSari St.Tel: +966-2-6828525 BharatSari St.Tel: +966-2-2754606 India GateSharafiya Dist.Tel: +966-2-6440276 MahrajahPalestine St.Tel: +966-2-6656558Kohinoor Ramada HotelTel: +966-2-6670777 Marhaba Andalus St.Tel: +966-2-6636201Raj Tahlia St.Tel: +966-2-2632137ShezanSari St.Tel: +966-2-6621086Taj MahalKhalideyah Dist.Tel: +966-2-6979698

Papaya Next to Sawari MallTel: +966-2-2753425Thai ThaiPrince Sultan St.Tel: +966-2-6913808



Al-Emad Sultan St.Tel: +966-2-2575268Al-MahawiSari St. Tel: +966-2-2575739 Al-Samadi SweetsRawdah St.Tel: +966-2-6642424 Al-Zawaq Tahlia St.Tel: +966-2-6605061 Atayeb Rawdah St.Tel: +966-2-6642150BonbonAndalus St.Tel: +966-2-6697655Cake-a-liciousAl-Batarji St.Tel: +966-2-2889926 Cheesecake FactoryTahlia St.Tel: +966-2-6690895CrunchezRed Sea MallTel: +966-2-2150145 CrustyRawdah St.Tel: +920026633DactyliferaPrince Sultan St.Tel: +920008182Helen’s KitchenKayyal St.Tel: +966-2-6977729 La FraiseAndalus St.Tel: +966-2-6511312 Le Croissant Shop Khalideya Dist.Tel: +966-2-6065184Le GourmetTahlia St.Tel: +966-2-6605061


Le NotreTahlia St.Tel: +966-2-2611222Le Vendome King RdTel: +966-2-6924606Lite Bite Sari StTel: +966-2-6989081Obhur Tel: +966-2-6562262Minimoonz Tahlia CenterTel: +966-507702501 Munch Bakery Arafat St.Tel: +966-2-6605010 Pie Sweet PieTel: +966-557616616Samadi Rawdah St.Tel: +966-2-6642424

Tel: +966-2-6990090Al-Hori Restaurant Tel: +966-502724033 Al-MultaqaKing RdTel: +966-2-6066666AtlantisTahlia St.Tel: +966-2-6611800El BengalaTel: +966-2-6166332Fish Market Al-Hamra Dist.Tel: +966-2-6611800 The ManhattanFish Market Andalus St.Tel: +966-2-6141900


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Cross-Cultural Communication: Breaking Down the Barriers of Misconceptions About Islam

Peace on Earth… a lovely vision, but how is this goal achieved in reality? The ability to communicate in a common language where each participant fully understands each other is a necessary first step. And no topic needs more sensitive handling than the topic of religion, especially in the current climate where Islamophobia is rearing its head in many countries around the world.

This is where Khalid Ibraheem Al-Anaysha Al Dossary comes in – he’s made it his mission to teach effective Islamic English language competence in order to encourage a more beneficial understanding of Islam while simultaneously reducing misconceptions about Islam. His educational background of a BA in English combined with an MS and an MEd equip him to convey the importance of understandable English language comprehension, while his many years of work experience with ARAMCO’s Training and Career Development Department have given him personal expertise in the human resource element.

Khalid has developed a 32-hour course which aims to accomplish competence in a dialogue…a dialogue which will successfully enhance communication between Muslims and non-Muslims with the following goals:

- The ability to give short presentations on various Islamic topics

- A reasonable knowledge of Islamic terminology

- Empower participants to communicate the message of Islam in English more effectively

- A reasonable knowledge of necessary terminologies of other religions from an interfaith perspective

By Dilara Hafiz

“The main objective of this workshop is to assist people to communicate effectively in any intercultural encounter.” - Khalid Ibraheem Al-Anaysha Al Dossary



MadinahAl-Ameen Crom Hotel (4-star)Markazeyah al GharbiyahTel: +966-4-819-8000Al-Ansar Golden Hotel (4-star) Few steps away from Al-HaramTel: +966-4-829-0177Al-Ansar New Place (4-star) Al-Siteen St.Tel: +966-4-820-7770Al-Ansar Silver Hotel (4-star) Al-Siteen St.Tel: +966-4-820-7117Al-Haram Hotel (5-star) Abi Zar RdTel: +966-4-818-2300Al-Jaad Crom Hotel (4-star)Markazeyah Al-GharbiyahTel: +966-4-819-2020 Al-Karam Hotel (4-star) King Abdulaziz St.Tel: +966-4-815-5500Andalus Classy Hotel (4-star) King Fahad St.Tel: +966-4-829-0000Andalus Dar Al-Khair Hotel (4-star) Few steps away from Al-Haram Tel: +966-4-818-1114Anwar Al-Madinah Movenpick (4-star) in the Courtyard of Al-Haram Tel: +966-4-818-1000Barakat Andalus Hotel(4-star) Al-Siteen St.Tel: +966-4-820-8884Dallah Taibah Hotel (4-star) King Fahad St., crossing Al-Siteen St. Tel: +966-4-829-0180Dar Al-Hijra InterContinental (4-star) King Fahad St. Tel: +966-4-820-7777Dar Al-Iman InterContinental (5-star) Off Al-Siteen St.Tel: +966-4-820-6666Dar Al-Taqwa InterContinental (5-star) Off Al-Siteen St.Tel: +966-4-829-1111

Accommodations Close to the Two Holy Mosques:

1- www.biblioislam.net2- www.tvquran.com3- www.rasoulallah.net4- www.islamonline.com5- www.quranexplorer.com6- www.islam-guide.com7- www.islamweb.net8- www.islamicity.com9- www.theholyquran.org10-

Useful websites:www.hajinformation.comHajj & Umrah Visa:


Durrat Andalus Hotel (4-star)King Fahad St. Tel: +966-4-829-1114Green Palace Hotel (4-star)Abi Zar St.Tel: +966-4-826-9040Hotel Elaf Taibah (3-star)Saad Bin Maaz St.Tel: +966-4-818-0050Hilton Madinah (5-star)King Fahad RoadFew steps away from Al-HaramTel: +966-4-820-1000 Le Meridien Madinah (4-star)Khalid Bin El-Waleed St.Tel: +966-4-846-0777Marriott Madinah (5-star)Omer Ibn Al-Khatab St.Tel: +966-4-818-0000Movenpick (5-star)In front of Al-Safeya BridgeOpposite Al-HaramTel: +966-4-818-8888 Ramada Al-Hamra(4-star)Abi Zar St.Tel: +966-4-820-8084Ramada Al-Qibla(5-star)Islamic Court St.Tel: +966-4-816-0008The Madinah Oberoi (3-star)Abi Zar St.Tel: +966-4-828-2222

MakkahAjyad Makkah (4-star)Ibrahim Al-Khalil St.Tel: +966-2-572-0500 Al-Kadesia Hotels (3-star)Ajyad St.Tel: +966-2-570-0866 Al Jaad Crom Hotel NaqaAl-Sulaimaneyah St.Tel: +966-2-570-5555Al-Shohada Hotel (5-star)Ajyad St.Tel: +966-2-574-4401Dar Al-Manasek Hotel (4-star)Ibrahim Al-Khalil St.Tel: +966-2-539-4444Elaf Ajyad Hotel (4-star)Al-Masafi St.Tel: +966-2-572-2200Elaf Al-Sud Hotel (4-star)Ajayad Al-Sud St.Tel: +966-2-570-8586

Elad Kindah Hotel (5-star)Al-Messyaal St.Tel: +966-2-574-5555Hawazen Hotel (3-star)Gazzah St.Tel: +966-2-575-5575Hilton Makkah & Towers (5-star)Hijrah St.Tel: +966-2-534-0000InterContinental Dar Al-Tawhid (5-star)Ibrahim Al-Khalil St.Tel: +966-2-541-1111Le Meridien Makkah (5-star)Ajyad St.Tel: +966-2-575-1111Le Meridien Towers Hotel (5-star)Rawabi Ajyad RoadTel: +966-2-539-9999Manazel Al-Ain Mesrcure (4-star)Al-Azizia St.Tel: +966-2-557-8000Mercure Grand Um Al-Qura (5-star)Al-Jamaiza St.Tel: +966-2-570-2212Mercure Hibatullah Hotel (4-star)Um Al-Qura St.Tel: +966-2-549-8855Mouta Hotels (4-star)Asshibikah Jobal St.Tel: +966-2-543-5553Ramada Makkah Hotel (5-star)Ajyad St.Tel: +966-2-577-1448Ramada Makkah Shubaika (5-star)Al-Shubaika St.Tel: +966-2-546-0024Sheraton Makkah Hotel & Towers (5-star)Gazzah St.Tel: +966-2-576-0000Zam Zam Grand Suites (5-star)Adjiad St.Tel: +966-2-571-5555


Why Not Cruise?See The World at Sea

If you are one of those people who has never taken a luxury, all-included cruise because you thought:1 - It’s too expensive. 2 - I’ll get seasick. 3 - I’ll get bored.Think again! Cruising is all the rage – the perfect stress-free family holiday where everyone has the freedom to do what they want, eat what they want and when they want…seriously, the staff is dedicated to fulfilling your every desire.

For 1st time cruisers – select a 5 or 7-day cruise for the ideal combination of shipboard excitement coupled with a few interesting ports of call. The Caribbean is an ideal choice for a family fun cruise. Select the cruise line carefully as they appeal to different types of people. Carnival is a more casual, zany-type cruise (think ice-cream eating contests where you aren’t allowed to use your hands, yup, you just attack your bowl face-first, or slightly risqué hairy-chest contests where a blind-folded, bikini-clad girl is the judge…just using her hands to

caress the chest of each contestant!), while Holland America and Princess Cruise lines cater to a slightly more upscale, well-behaved crowd.

Cruise costs vary greatly, but average rates begin at SR35/day/person which includes room, food, non-alcoholic beverages, and entertainment. It’s actually a bargain since most cruise ships resemble 5-star hotels with world-class entertainers and gourmet meals, plus you can enjoy sight-seeing and shore excursions at each port of call. You may be tempted to splurge on an upper-deck cabin with a balcony, but given the variety of entertainment on offer, you’ll be surprised how little time you spend in your room, especially with the range of luxurious lounges and decks to spend any quiet time you may have. With cruises in the Mediterranean, Scandinavia, South America, Asia, and the Caribbean, you can select itineraries which include some exotic destinations along with stunning scenery at sea, so you wake up to a new city to explore each morning if you wish.



2011 Cruise News - Dubai Departure Itinerary From Royal CaribbeanRoyal Caribbean International now offers round-trip 7-night and 12-night sailings from Dubai beginning November 2011 - April 2012. The 7-night cruise starts in Dubai, sails to Fujairah and Muscat, then continues on to Abu Dhabi before heading back to Dubai. The 12-night India itineraries start in Dubai, sail to Mumbai, Goa, New Mangalore, and Cochin, before returning via Muscat back to Dubai. Book your cabin now for a luxury cruise in the GCC neighborhood.

Insider Tips:- Be cheap and go for an inner cabin, you won’t miss the porthole since you’ll only be in your room to sleep.- DO NOT MISS the midnight dessert/chocolate buffet where the pastry chefs show off their culinary expertise…well worth throwing your diet out of the window!- Shop the onboard stores on the last day of the cruise when many items are discounted 50%.- Unless you’re a night owl, select the early dining option so you can attend the 9pm evening show (that way you can still avail of the buffets and cafes before they close down at midnight.)- Attend as many lectures, classes, competitions etc. – you’ll have wonderful memories after the cruise is over.- Yes, the Alaska cruises really are full of ‘Newlyweds Or Nearly Deads’- Take advantage of the children’s clubs, babysitters, youth programs etc. to keep your kids happily occupied.- Relax and have fun, make new friends, try new foods, enjoy yourself!

Carnival – The Most Popular Cruise Line I (

Holland America – A Tradition of Excellence (

Royal Caribbean – Like No Vacation On Earth(

Celebrity Cruises – Feel Free To Expect More(

Princess Cruises – The Love Boat (





Airport InformationTel: +966-2-6855526 Air AlgerieTel: +966-2-6515232Air ArabiaTel: +920013322Air Canada / United AirlinesTel: +966-2-2632959Air FranceTel: +966-2-6512000Air IndiaTel: +966-2-2632994Air SaharaTel:+966-2-6641233American AirlinesTel: +966-2-6651333Ariana Afghan AirlinesTel: +966-2-6611222Austrian AirlinesTel: +966-2-6644222British AirwaysTel: +92000 2215Biman Bangaladesh AirlinesTel: +966-2-6652733BMI-British MidlandTel: +966-2-2633009Cathay Pacific AirwaysTel: +966-2-6670224Continental AirlinesTel: +966-2-6693376Cyprus AirwaysTel: +966-2-6696304Dallo AirlinesTel: +966-2-6513008Delta AirlinesTel: +966-2-6570555Emirates AirlinesTel: +966-2-6106698Ethiopian AirlinesTel: +966-2-6512996Egypt AirlinesTel: +966-2-6449007 Etihad AirwaysTel: +966-2-6640026

Garuda IndonesiaTel: +966-2-6656121Gulf AirTel: +966-2-6680303Jet AirwaysTel: +966-2-6602332Kenya Airways / Korean AirlinesTel: +966-2-2632959 Ext. 108Kuwait AirwaysTel: +966-2-6675415KLM Royal Dutch AirlinesTel: +966-2-6512000 Ext.43Iran AirTel: +966-2-6656975Lufthansa Airlines/Swiss International AirlinesTel: +966-2-6514000Malaysian AirlinesTel: +966-2-6670011 Middle East AirlinesTel: +966-2-6449150Nas AirTel: +920001234Nesma AirlinesTel: +966-2-2833102 Oman AirlinesTel: +966-2-6577979 Pakistan International AirlinesTel: +966-2-6422642Phillipine Airlines Tel: +966-2-2632959 Ext.100Qatar Airways Tel: +966-2-6652942 Royal Air MorocTel: +966-2-6502222 Royal Jordanian AirlinesTel: +966-2-6652195SamaTel: +920005588Saudi Arabian AirlinesTel: +920022222Singapore AirlinesTel: +920018081 Syrian Arab AirlinesTel: +966-2-6513077Thai Airways

AB for Elaf Hotel Co (5-star)Tel: +966-2-2150525Al-jaad Crom Suites (5-star)Tel: +966-2-6912999Al-Amin Hotel (2-star)Tel: +966-2-6482874Al-Andalus Toppna Delux Villas (4-star)Tel: +966-2-6632369Al-Aziziah Hotel (3-star)Tel: +966-2-6492900Al-Bader Hotel (5-star)Tel: +966-2-6310000Al-Bay’ah Hotel (3-star)Tel: +966-2-6444446Al-Balad Hotel (3-star)Tel: +966-2-6442179Al-Bustan Hotel (4-star)Tel: +966-2-6692164Al-Bilad Hotel (4-star) Tel: +966-2-694 4777Al-Dar Al-Baydaa (4-star)Tel: +966-2-6827771Al-Fayrouz Hotel (3-star)Tel: +966-2-6270696Al-Hamra Sofitel Hotel (5-star)Tel: +966-2-6602000Al-Haya Jeddah Continental (4-star)Tel: +966-2-6633332Al-Hofouf HotelTel: +966-2-6520100Al-Janadreia ApartmentsTel: +966-2-6173824Al-Janoub Hotel (2-star)

Tel: +966-2-6613524Turkish AirlinesTel: +966-2-6636787Wafeer Tel: +966-2-4202510Yemenia AirlinesTel: +966-2-6445564



Tour OperatorsAirlines Hotels

Tour Operators

Travel Agencies

Travel Agencies

Tel: +966-2-6486844Al-Kaki Hotel (4-star)Tel: +966-2-6310071Al-Malekah HotelTel: +966-2-6751764Al-Manea Hotel (5-star)Tel: +966-2-6823509Al-Msaadeyah Hotel (3-star)Tel: +966-2-6603116Al-Nahdha Hotel (3-star)Tel: +966-2-6471158Al-Nakheel Hotel (3-star)Tel: +966-2-6475127Al-Saaha Hotel (4-star)Tel: +966-2-6514121Al-Waha Hotel (4-star)Tel: +966-2-6715043Ascor CoTel: +966-2-6066425Cairo Hotel (3-star)Tel: +966-2-6483870Crom Airport Hotel (5-star)Tel: +966-2-6852222Crown Plaza (5-star)Tel: +966-2-6611000Dourat Cornich Hotel (5-star)Tel: +966-2-6561225Habitat Hotel (4-star)Tel: +966-2-2578800Jeddah Hilton (5-star) Tel: +966-2- 6590000Holiday Inn (5-star)Tel: +966-2-6314000InterContinental (5-star) Tel: +966-2- 6611800Jeddah Marriott Hotel (5-star) Tel: +966-2-6714000Jeddah Orchid (4-star)Tel: +966-2-6070777Le Meridien Jeddah (5-star)Tel: +966-2-6633333Movenpick (4-star) Tel: +966-2-6676655Park Hyatt Jeddah (5-star)Tel: +966-2-2639666Qasr Alsharq (5-star) Tel: +966-2-6599999Radisson SAS (5-star) Tel: +966-2-6521234Ramada (5-star) Tel: +966-2-6670777Red Sea Palace (4-star)Tel: +966-2-6428555Rosewood Corniche(5-star)Tel: +966-2-2578888

Sands Hotel (4-star)Tel: +966-2-6692020Sand Dunes Hotel (4-star)Tel: +966-2-2562020Sheraton Hotel (5-star) Tel: +966-2-6992212Sunset Hotel (4-star)Tel: +966-2-6605000Westin (5-star) Tel: +966-2-6588200

Ace TravelTel: Al-Tayyar Group Hotline: +920012333Tel: +966-2-6577333www.altayyargroup.comAl-Zouman Travel & TourismTel: Alireza Travel & ToursTel: + 966-2-6481360www.Alirezatravel.comAnan ToursTel: + 966-2-6659916www.anantours.comAttar Travel & TourismTel: +966-2-6611222www.attar-travel.comBin Raffah Travel & TourismTel: +966-2-6644111Bin Mahfoudh Travel & Tourism Tel: +966-2-6481055EjazatiTel: +966-2-6530055www.ejazti.comElaf Travel & TourismTel: +966-2-6646559www.elaf group.comFal Travel & TourismTel: Travel & TourismTel: +966-2-6677472www.fernastravel.comIntercontinental Travel CompanyTel: +966 -2-

Kanoo Travel & TourismTel: +966-2-2632959www.kanoogroup.comMansour Al-Masaad Travel & TourismTel: +966-2-6647066Mawasim ToursTel: +966-2-6657700Nile Travel AgencyTel: +966-2-6645999Portfolio Travel ltd.Tel: +966-2-6604500T & TS Travel & TourismTel: +966-2-6914465Top Adventure Travel & TourismTel: +920022216Saudi Travel & Tourism BureauTel: +966-2-6633737www.sttb.comSakkap Travels Co.Tel: +966-2-6060018Speed Flight Travel & Tourism Agency Tel: +966-2-6440100Yasin Travel & Tourism Agency Tel: +966-2-6476276Zahid Group Travel & TourismTel: +966-2-6525670

Al-Samaklky foundationTel: +966-2-6640662www.samallaghi.comArabian CampTel: +966-505664137www.arabiancamp.comArabian & Expat’s ToursTel: +966-2-6580663trailcheta@hotmail.comAl-Shitaiwi Travel & TourismTel: +966-2-6794022www.alshitaiwitours.comPlatin Luxury Travel ServicesTel:

To add your business to the listing, please e-mail the name and number to




Stay Healthy Today & Tomorrow

It may be common knowledge that the general risk factors for most of the silent killers are the same for men and women, but men are more prone to neglect their health or skip annual check-ups, both vital factors which contribute to their higher death rate. If you’re serious about taking charge of your health, then get a complete physical check-up ASAP and make the necessary changes today!


Heart Disease: the narrowing or blockage of blood vessels

Prostate Cancer: the prostate secretes fluid to carry sperm

Diabetes: Type 2 diabetes inability to produce/process insulin

High Blood Pressure: can lead to stroke from damaged/blocked arteries

Risk Factors

High cholesterol, overweight, smoking, inactivity

Age (70% of prostate cancer is found in men over 65)

Overweight, inactivity

Age (common in men over 45), overweight, stress, high cholesterol, smoking


Chest pain, feeling faint, shortness of breath

Changes in urination, blood in urine, pain in lower back/legs

Fatigue, frequent urination, thirst, weight loss

The silent killer – check your blood pressure regularly!

Prevention Tips

Don’t smoke, eat a healthy diet, & exercise. Avoid stress.

Annual digital rectal exam, PSA blood test

Exercise, eat a healthy low-fat, diet

Exercise, eat a healthy low-fat, diet, quit smoking

General Risk Factors forthe Top 10 Causes of Death- Smoking- High blood cholesterol- High blood pressure - Physical inactivity- Obesity- Diabetes

The Men’s Health Network reports that men die at higher rates than women from the top 10 causes of death - heart disease, cancer, stroke, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, accidents, pneumonia and influenza, diabetes, suicide, kidney disease, and chronic liver disease/cirrhosis. But just because you’re a man does not mean that you are doomed to an early death – on the contrary, taking some simple steps today can improve your health and longevity for tomorrow.



For expats and locals alike, exercise is always a top priority. Given the harsh summer climate, most people seek the indoor comfort of an air-conditioned gym to supply their year-round fitness needs, but the mild winter temperatures should encourage you to jog, play football/basketball, or simply take a brisk walk every evening. If it’s dieting that you prefer, then Jeddah has plenty of diet centers which offer low-fat, low-calorie items as well as diet programs to help you succeed in your weight loss goals.

The newest category of fitness is called ‘Exergaming’ – a combination of exercise & computer gaming which gives you a fun workout in the privacy of your home. PS2, Xbox and Wii lead this market with amazingly realistic options from simple aerobics to tennis to skiing – it’s fun for the whole family. Last but not least, there’s always the surgical option…from cosmetic liposuction to more extreme gastric bypass. Whenever you’re beginning a new diet or exercise regime, it’s always a good idea to have a full check-up with your doctor to ensure that your body can withstand the change.

If you’re looking to shed a few pounds, looking to tone up, or simply just want to continue 2011 in a healthy way, here are a few new exercise options.

For a comprehensive list of gyms in Jeddah, be sure to check out our Health Directory - be assured that there will be a health club option for everyone!

As for more creative ways to get healthy, how about an “exergame”? The Wii has revolutionized the ways in which we can keep healthy by making every workout as simple

Top Exergames:Dance, Dance, Revolution (PS2 / Standalone) - The classic exergame! Dedicated players attest to losing pounds as they sweat it out to the popular dance mixes. The diet mode actually keeps track of how long you play, and how many calories you’ve burned so far.

Wii Sports (Nintendo Wii) - Boasting of 5 different sports that will clearly help you lose the unnecessary pounds, Wii Sports has revolutionized the world of exergaming. Using motion censor capabilities, Wii Sports actually lets you move along as you play.

Wii Fit (Nintendo Wii) -Wii Fit boasts of helping players lose the pounds while simultaneously having fun. Their unique balance board makes sure that you’re on your way to losing pounds while playing along.

Active Live: Outdoor Challenge (Nintendo Wii) –Introducing the LifeMat, this game allows players to participate in games which wouldn’t seem possible with other handheld consoles – you can run, jump, and twist realistically.

Bodypad (Playstation) – Bodypad has control pads which strap to a player’s arms and feet. This game is for the action genre fanatic since it allows you to live out the fight sequences of your avatar.

Wellness 2011: Be Thin or Be Healthy

By Salma Al-Amoudi

A popular New Year’s Resolution is “I pledge to lose weight this year”, but is a better resolution “I pledge to be healthy”? Everyone realizes that exercise and a sensible approach to food are the key ingredients to a healthy life-style. Jeddahwis have a variety of resources to support them in their New Year’s goals, proving that it is possible to be thin, healthy & happy!



Green Living


GREEN LIVING: It’s not a color.It’s a state of mind.

Living Green is easy, fun, and necessary for the future of our world. Pollution, dwindling resources, and environmental issues impact us all - catch the green spirit and help ensure a better future for yourself, your children, and all the generations to follow

Green Quote of the Month

Stores in Jeddah that stock organic food: Abazeer Organic ProductsTel: +966-2-6612285 / +966-2-6676157Al-Shoula on Madineh RoadTel: +966-2-6073890Bait Al-Seha (House of Health)Rawdah Dist.Tel: +966-2-6691003 Mob: +966-54608108Organic BakeryTel: +966-2-6707111 Mob: +966-500571717 Organic Shop Nofa HoldingsProvides a variety of organic productsAl-Shoalla Center - Madinah Rd. Tel: +966-2-6073890Reyhan Gourmet shopAl-Andalus St.Tel: +966-2-6688233Watania Organic Products Abdul Rahman Al- Sudairi St.Tel: +966-2-6915082Danube, Bin Dawood SupermarketsProvides a variety of organic products

rganic Shops

“We shall require a substantially new manner of thinking if mankind is to survive.” — Albert Einstein

AlnabtaTel: +966-2-2632013Facebook: AlnabtaWebsite: www.alnabta.orgEmail:

FaseelahFacebook: FaseelahWebsite: www.faseelah.blogspot.comEmail:

Friends of Jeddah ParksTel: +966-2-6579572Facebook: Friends of Jeddah ParksWebsite: www.fjpsa.orgEmail:

GreenationFacebook: GreenationWebsite: www.greenationksa.comEmail:

Green Dahlia green productionTel: +966-535339395Facebook: Green DahliaEmail: Facebook: Green Dahlia

Saudi Environmental Society Tel: +966-2-6996193Website:


The Belkin Power Socket with Timer

Save power and the battery life of your gadgets by plugging them into the Belkin Conserve Socket. You can pick them up in the morning without feeling guilty about wasting electricity by pre-setting for a particular time-frame – the Belkin has three settings and will automatically switch off after that.

Available at:

EC -Gadget


Environmentally Friendly Automotive


Unless you keep your car in the safety of your garage and never drive it…dings, dents, creases, chips, and scratches are going to happen. But now you can relax knowing that your car is in safe hands in Jeddah’s newest auto care shop. Providing the latest technology in S.M.A.R.T repairs, Auto Care Technology’s professionally trained technicians use environmentally friendly methods to remove dents and paint scratches, resulting in minimum repair time and increased vehicle resale value.

Why S.M.A.R.T repair? S.M.A.R.T is an acronym for “Small Medium Area Repair Technique” - the smarter way to repair cars because it saves the environment while saving you time and money. Instead of paying to have complete body panels repaired and refinished for a singlescratch, ACT’s reconditioning shop offers cost effective solutions to otherwise costly repair problems.

What is Paintless Dent Removal? Traditional body shop methods require straightening, filling, sanding, painting, and a big bill to repair even the smallest dents. With PDR, the filling, sanding, and painting are no longer necessary, and therefore the cost goes down because repair time is as much as 80% shorter. Forget about the problems associated with color matching since no paint is used!

If you’re looking at trading in your car or selling it, any car price guide quotes the difference in value between a car in poor condition and one in top notch condition – the difference can be thousands of riyals. So if your vehicle has dents or scratches and needs a face lift, drop by ACT’s Paintless Dent Removal S.M.A.R.T. Repair Shop today to get a free estimate.

Location: Safeyyah Bint Abdul Mattelab StreetMohammadeyah DistrictAl Rafai Gas StationJeddah, Saudi ArabiaWebsite: www.starsauto.netTel: +966-2-26576217 or email

Green Offices By Serene Feteih

Green homes are booming these days, but what about our second home, where many of us spend half of our day…the office? Some simple habit changes and rules can save energy at work. Here’s how you can adopt the “reduce, reuse and recycle” approach at your office.

1. Go Paperless. Use email instead when possible. Post employee manuals and materials online. It’s also easier to update that way.

2. Print Smarter. Make it a habit to think before you print. Set your printer on “draft” printouts by default.

3. Save Energy. Maximize use of natural light during daytime. Use stairs instead of the elevator. Change the thermostat on the air-conditioning. Replace tungsten bulbs with fluorescent. Enable energy-saving features on PCs, printers and photocopiers. And screen savers do NOT save energy.

4. Re-use!! Reuse both sides of paper, cardboard cartons and ring binders. Refill pens and tape dispensers. Bring your own coffee mug from home instead of paper/plastic cups.

5. Share Stationary. Circulate and share copies of reports if it must be printed. Share staplers, hole punches and markers. Have a station at the office where stationary equipment can be used and returned.

6. Recycle… all paper including used office paper, newspaper, fax paper and cardboard. Reuse plastic, cans, and glass too. Arrange with a recycling company to come gather on a weekly basis or when needed.

Now in Jeddah





Hummer Gym Tel: +966-2-6671212King Faisal Specialist Tel: +966-2-6677777Power In Gym Tel: +966-2-6061516Ryan Polyclinic Tel: +966-2-6322848Z-ClubTel: +966-2-6690204

Women Bugshan Outpatient Tel: +966-2-6691222 Ext. 899Henaa Center Tel: +966-2-6714619Chamelle Plaza Gym Tel: +966-2-6634355 Dr. Soliman Fakeeh Tel: +966-2-6655000 Ext. 1501-1503 The Lift Tel: 8001247775 Ba’Azem Body Building Tel: +966-2-6448844Brazilian Jiu JiutsuTel: +966-552065722B Well GymTel: +966-2-6066477KAI Gym Tel: +966-2-6694466Tel: +699-2-2753942Sport TechTel: +966-2-6071129Star Power Club Tel: +966-2-6776177KidsJunior GymTel: +966-2-6911925Sporty KidsTel: +966-2-6993586Fitness Time

Tel: +966-2-6226369 Gold’s Gym Tel: +966-2-6912077Hiltonia GymTel: +966-2-6590000

Gym & HealthCenters

Tel: +966-2-6825105Al-Hamra Hospital Tel: +966-2-6653939Al-Hayat Hospital Tel: +966-2-6367778Al-Safa Tel: +966-2-6937262Bakhsh Hospital Tel: +966-2-6479666Bugshan General Hospital Tel: +966-2-6691222Dr. Erfan & Bagedo Tel: +966-2-6820022Dr. Ghassan N. PharaonTel: +966-2-6823200Dar Al-Shifa Saudi Tel: +966-2-6822900Dr. Siddiqa Hospital Tel: +966-2-6721763 Dr. Soliman Fakeeh Tel: +966-2-6655000Hai Al-Jamea Hospital Tel: +966-2-6806666International Medical Center Tel: +966-2-6509000Jeddah Clinic Hospital Tel: +966-2-6313131Jeddah Institute forSpeech and HearingTel: +966-2-6675311King Abdul Aziz UniversityTel: +966-2-6401000King Faisal Specialist Tel: +966-2-6677777 /6365028Magrabi Eye & Ear Hospital Tel: +966-2-6365000Mostagbal Hospital Tel: +966-2-6875255Mushrifah Medical Center Tel: +966-2-6654366New Al-Jedaani Hospital Tel: +966-2-6368100New Jeddah Clinic Hospital (NJCH) Tel: +966-2-6675000Saudi German HospitalTel: +966-2-682-9000United Doctors HospitalTel: +966-2-6533333

Abuzinadah Hospital Tel: +966-2-6510652Al-Ansar Hospital


Al-Ansar New Clinic Tel: +966-2-6933379Al-Gadeer Polyclinic Tel: +966-2-6722535Al-Hamra Clinics Tel: +966-2-6655588Al-Haramin Polyclinic Tel: +966-2-6474850Al-Madina Medical Clinic Tel: +966-2-6881288Al-Quds PolyclinicTel: +966-2-6970224Andalusia Dental Center Tel: +966-2-2611111Clinic 21 (Specialized on Physiotherapy)Tel: +966-2-6067202Mob: +966-506673533www.clinic21.netDr. Edrees Podiatric ClinicsTel: +966-500506507Dr. Effat Daghostani Clinics Tel: +966-2-6601729Hay Al-Sabeel Polyclinic Tel: +966-2-6480792Hera’a Polyclinic Tel: +966-2-6920724Ideal Clinics Tel: +966-2-6635444Magrabi Eye & Ear Clinic Tel: +966-2-6655200Orthopaedic Specialty ClinicsTel: +966-2-6922298 Saudi American Clinic Tel: +966-2-6605050



Health & Beauty

Gym & HealthCenters Hospitals

Abo DawoodTel: +966-2-6877210Al-AjuwadTel: +966-2-6473436

Al-Ameera Tel: +966-2-6055638 Al-Ansar Tel: +966-2-6050010Al-Awad Tel: +966-2-6591800 Al-Atta Tel: +966-2-6773314Al-Azizeyah Tel: +966-2-6206981 Al-HamraTel: +966-2-6440108 Al-MarzoukiTel: +966-2-2717136Al-NahdiTel: +966-2-6658687Al-Sudais Tel: +966-2-6737679Tel: +966-2-6058962Al-WasfahTel: +966-2-6826198Alya Tel: +966-2-6449254AmalTel: +966-2-6429486AmiraTel: +966-2-6746001AsiaTel: +966-2-6390553Bin MuteabTel: +966-2-6890964 DaanTel: +966-2-6284405JamjoomTel: +966-2-6081111JehharTel: +966-2-6973401 NouraTel: +966-2-6685500Rana Tel: +966-2-6984972 RemediesTel: +966-2-6563048


Gym & HealthCenters Hospitals


Spa & BeautyCenters

Veterinary Clinics

Spa & BeautyCentersPharmacies

Al-Megayena Tel: +966-2-6655763Alexandre ZouariTel: +966-2-6656161Beauty Alliance Tel: +966-2-6681381 Body Line (men only)Tel: +966-2-2631859BouthainaTel: +966-2-6631809/6691901Carmen CenterTel: +966-2-6648122 Chamelle PlazaTel: +966-2-6656807CiateTel: +966-2-2611250Dar Al-ModaTel: +966-2-6526660Dr. Edrees Foot SpaTel: +966-500506507E SpaTel: +966-2-2632093EVE Salons Tel: +966-2-6581977Tel: +966-2-6581455Garra rufaTel: +966-2-2635018Jaques DessangeTel: +966-2-6695458JamaloukiTel: +966-2-6651888Lamasat Tel: +966-2-6834002Lila’s Beauty ParlourTel: +966-2-6622676Lucie Saint Clair Tel: +966-2-2832020Mana Center Tel: +966-2-6066628Massage on line Tel: +966-530116729Mervat CenterTel: +966-2-6630676Miracle ParlourTel: +966-2-6739597Nadoleen CenterTel: +966-2-6633972Nail care Tel: +966-544426264NirvanaTel: +966-2-6681634Oriana Tel: +966-2-6220773Planet Beach Tel: +8001247776

Al-Seleouly Veterinary Tel: +966-2-6312169 Ext 103European Veterinary ClinicTel: +966-2-6676330Emergency: +966-506530565Happy Pet Vet ClinicTel: +966-2-6164030Jeddah Veterinary ClinicTel: +966-2-6912896North American Veterinary Tel: +966-503671822/ 0562111786Tahliah InternationalTel: +966-2-6695554Emergency: +966-504698810Veterinarian@yourserviceMob: +966-562111786Waleed Veterinary ClinicTel: +966-2-6656084


Serenity CenterTel: +966-2-6648353Soleil d’Or SpaTel: +966-2-2842233SpadaTel: +920010099Spa LoungeTel: +966-2-2630904Spa to goTel: +966-544408585The Spa by Clarins Paris Tel: +966-2-6599999U BeautesTel: +966-559891555Viva La VieTel: +966-2-6929163Tel: +966-2-6060338ZowainaTel: +966-2-66563117L House Tel: +966-2-6532812

Num: 0544408585Tel: 0544408585

Our services: Nail, Foot, Body SPA, Manicure,


Artificial Nails: False, Acrylic and Gel Nails

Hair Removal: Waxing, Halawa and Thread

Body Care: Moroccan Bath, SCRUB, Mask, Facial, Whitening, Paraffin and


Hair Care: Coloring, Cut, Brushing and


To add your business to the listing, please e-mail the name and number to


What DJ staff will be watching..



On: MBC 4Showing Time: Saturday - Wednesday3:15 pm KSA

THE FLIGHT OF THE CONCHORDS On: MBC ActionShowing Time: Saturday - Wednesday3:30 am KSA


On: MBC ActionShowing Time: Every Wednesday12:00 am KSA


On: MBC ActionShowing Time: Every Friday12:00 am KSA

CSI: LAS VEGAS(Season 7)

On: Dubai OneShowing Time: Sunday-Thursday4:00 pm KSA

ER(Season 5)

On: FOXShowing Time: Saturday - Thursday8:00 pm KSA


On: FOXShowing Time: Every Saturday9:00 pm KSA

DAMAGES(Season 1)

On: MBC 4Showing Time: Every Monday11:00 am KSA


On: FOXShowing Time: Every Saturday9:30 pm KSA


On: Dubai OneShowing Time: Every Tuesday8:30 pm KSA


On: Dubai OneShowing Time: Every Friday7:00 pm KSA

THE OFFICE(Season 1)

On: MBC 4Showing Time: Thursday - Friday9:00 am KSA





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If there were ever something to admire in George Orwell, it would be his talent to instantly grab the reader’s eyes from the very first words of his novels, then gradually form a connection between them and the depths of the novel’s content. Orwell’s ideas remain in the recesses of one’s mind as a true literary challenge for one to analyze, question, and learn from. This is the case with his mostfamous novel: Nineteen Eighty-Four.

A true classic, Nineteen Eighty-Four is essentially a dystopian novel; it deals with theskewed perception society has adapted to in the fictional country of Oceania, governed by the Ministry of Truth, Ministry of Peace, Ministry of Plenty, and Ministry of Love. The ministries, though, hold a bitter reality. Ironically enough, each of them is respectively responsible for lies, torture, starvation, and war. The protagonist, Winston Smith, is extremely unhappy about the current state his society is in. The economy is in shambles, having entered major deterioration, and the people themselves have entered a downward spiral, functioning only by indirect orders. It is up to just one man to attempt to change a shared perspective by society in order to save it from the disaster it has falleninto. It also leads the reader to question, “What would I do in this circumstance?” The truth is that Nineteen Eighty-Four can hardly be described in a nutshell. It deals with complex ideas that shape a truly challenging, yet enjoyable read. This isn’t yet another novel to read and toss aside…it offers so much depth in its content, and Orwell’s mastery in his choice of words only makes it better. All of that gives justice to its true identity: one of the best books you could ever get hold of.

Cinema lovers, rejoice! No more waiting for your favorite movies to come out on DVD...with OSN exclusive to Saudi Arabia, you can watch new movies in the comfort and privacy of your own home (plus there aren’t any movie theaters here anyway!) Saudi home cinema makes world theatrical releases available NOW in Saudi Arabia.


REVIEWThe Scope of Orwell’sMasterpieceBy: Layan S





Time Busters

Useful Arabic Words& Pronunciations

Arabic is the world’s 5th most commonly spoken language with almost 300 million native speakers. It is one of the six official languages of the United Nations and belongs to the Semitic group of languages. The three main classifications are: Classical Arabic, also known as the language of the Qur’an, Modern Standard Arabic, used in books, newspapers, and media, and Local dialects, which vary by country and region.

Arabic words are constructed from three-letter “roots” which convey a basic idea. For example, k-t-b conveys the idea of writing. Addition of other letters before, between and after the root letters produces many associated words: not only “write” but also “book”, “office”, “library”, and “author”. The Arabic alphabet consists of 28 consonants and three vowels – a, i, u; it is written from right to left. Some of the glottal sounds are unique to Arabic. The Arabic words presented opposite reflect the Hijazi dialect.

Arabic/English Equivalents’
























































* when waw or ya is used as a consonant

Where did this word come from?Did you know that many English words have Arabic origins? Algebra, alchemy, and algorithm are easily identifiable by the ‘al’ which means ‘the’ in Arabic, but how about these words…

syrup, sherbet, sorbet sharāb, a word with two senses in شرابArabic, “a drink” and “syrup”. It was passed into medieval Latin in the 12th century as siroppus, a thickly sweetened drink, a syrupy medicinal potion. Separately from that, 400 years later, the same rootword re-entered the West via Turkish as “sherbet”, a sweetened fruity drink.

Hijazi ProverbWant to spice up your Arabic with a proverb? Wrap your mind around this:

“Elly Yadu fil moya mu zay elly yaddo fil nar”

Meaning: He whose hand is in water isn’t the same as he whose hand is in the fire”

Use: In a situation where a person is complaining about someone else’s way of dealing with a situation. It’s like telling them that they don’t have a right to criticize because they aren’t in that situation themselves.



15-Minute ArabicBy DK PublishingWhether you’re on vacation or traveling for business, learn Arabic in only 15 minutes a day with this situation-based and easy-to-use course and ready-reference. The book and CDs follow a

single lesson plan, and the text and recordings are cross-referenced to each other.

Want to learn more?

Available at Jarir Book StoreTel : +966-2-6827666

Spoken Arabic Made EasyBy Amanullah Vadakkangara A unique course in spoken Arabic for beginners helps you to practice reading, writing and speaking

in just one month. The introduction of useful phrases and structures along with a communicative approach will enable all language learners to acquire the necessary skills, even without the assistance of a teacher.

Your First 100 Words Arabic By Jane WightwickThis book is designed to teach the beginner a basic vocabulary

of 100 Arabic words--covering 8 everyday topics: around the home/ clothes/ around town (including transportation)/ countryside/ essentials/ opposites/ animals/ parts of the body.
















Soccer player





















Rajol A’maal

Mohami (m) Mohameyah (f)









Doctor (m) Doctora (f)


Modares (m) Modaresa (f)


La’eb Koora

Sa’ee Al-Bareed

Bayya’ (m) Bayya’a (f)



Moganni (m) Moganeyah (f)



Modeer (m) Mudeera (f)

Mushref (m) Mushrefa (f)

Sayyad Samak

Mukhrej (m) Mukhreja(f)

Moalef(m) Moalefa(f)

Raees(m) Raeesa(f)




Musawer(m) Musawera(f)

Musamim(m) Musamima(f)

Mudareb(m) Mudareba(f)




BanksAl-Bilad BankTel: +8001230000Alinma BankTel: +8001208000Al-Jazira BankTel: +966-2-6518070Al-Rajhi BankTel: +966-2-6422111Arab National BankTel: +966-2-6741497Banque Saudi FransiTel: +8001242121Islamic Development BankTel: +966-2-6361400National Commercial BankTel: +800 2441005Riyadh BankTel: +966-2-6474777SABBTel: +966-2-6512121Saudi Cairo BankTel: +966-2-6608820 Saudi Hollandi BankTel: +966-2-2368844Saudi Investment BankTel: +966-2-6531010SambaTel: +966-2-6533555Car ServicesAbu Diyab Est.Tel: +966-2-6677779Alpha Rent a CarTel: +966-2-6974459AvisTel: +966-2-6855544Al-Zaman GroupTel: +966-2-6914693DaleelTel: +966-2-6719219DiscoveryTel: +966-2-6714475FernasTel: +966-2-6595000FormulaTel: +966-2-6621213HancoTel: +920001844HertzTel: +966-2-6040339Hessen for Rent CarTel: +966-2-6430295Khozama Est.Tel: +966-2-6317177Key Rent a CarTel: +966-2-6856251

Car Wash

Alo SayyaraTel: +966-2-6677621Tel: +966-505657387Apex Luxury Chaffeur ServiceTel: +920011755SAPTCOTel: +966-2-6474900Te’le’ CarTel: +966-2-6679689Tel: +966-534050910

Ground Transportation


Business Services

Embassies& Consulates

E: EmbassiesC: Consulates

ALGERIAE: Tel: +966-1-4887171C: Tel: +966-2-6985035C: Tel: +966-2-6985034ARGENTINAE: Tel: +966-1-4652600AUSTRALIAE: Tel: +966-1-4887788AUSTRIAE: Tel: +966-1-4801217BAHRAINE: Tel: +966-1-4880044C: Tel: +966-2-6076770BANGLADESHE: Tel: +966-1-4195300C: Tel: +966-2-6878465BELGIUME: Tel: +966-1-4880044C: Tel: +966-2-6076770BRAZILE: Tel: +966-1-4880018C: Tel: +966-2-6603874C: Tel: +966-2-6603866BRITAINE: Tel: +966-1-4880077C: Tel: +966-2-6225550BURKINA FASOE: Tel: +966-1-4652244C: Tel: +966-2-6744547BRUNEIE: Tel: +966-1-4560814C: Tel: +966-2-6724343CAMEROONE: Tel: +966-1-4880022C: Tel: +966-2-6804541CANADA E: Tel: +966-1-4882288C: Tel: +966-2-6530434CHINA E: Tel: +966-1-4832126C: Tel: +966-2-6605113CZECH REPUBLICE: Tel: +966-1-4503617DENMARKE: Tel: +966-1-4880101C: Tel: +966-2-6672222Ext 1163


Venue Executive ClubTel:

ModacarTel: +920005555Smart CareTel: +966-533500077V. CoolTel: +966-2-6396969Courier


AramexTel: +920027447ClexTel: +920009191DHLTel: +8003450000FedexTel: +966-2-6714636 TNT ExpressTel: +966-2-6678888UPSTel: +966-2-6392393

Autlob w AtmannaTel: +920001120Khedmaty KhedmtakTel: +966-500777773Yalla UtlobTel: +920011755Tedalal Tel: +966-2-6580000

Atheer Tel: +966-2-6839333NesmaTel: +966-2-2567998SPSTel: +966-2-6824556


CAR SERVICES Embassies& ConsulatesBanks Ministries Social Service


DJIBOUTIE: Tel: +966-1-4543182C: Tel: +966-2-6621938EGYPTE: Tel: +966-1-4810464E: Tel: +966-1-4831275C: Tel: +966-2-6605205ERITREAE: Tel: +966-1-4801731C: Tel: +966-2-6740592ETHIOPIAE: Tel: +966-1-4824055C: Tel: +966-2-6653444FINLANDE: Tel: +966-1-4881515C: Tel: +966-2-6438235FRANCEE: Tel: +966-1-4881255C: Tel: +966-2-6681544C: Tel: +966-2-6681563GABONE: Tel: +966-1-4567173GAMBIAE: Tel: +966-1-2052158C: Tel: +966-2-2573193GERMANYE: Tel: +966-1-4880700C: Tel: +966-2-6996436GHANAE: Tel: +966-1-4545122C: Tel: +966-2-6601429GREECEE: Tel: +966-1-4801975C: Tel: +966-2-6674088GUINEAE: Tel: +966-1-4881121C: Tel: +966-2-6637540HUNGARYE: Tel: +966-1-4568644INDIAE: Tel: +966-1-4884144C: Tel: +966-2-6500104INDONESIAE: Tel: +966-1-4882282C: Tel: +966-2-6711271IRANE: Tel: +966-1-4881444C: Tel: +966-2-6676132IRELANDE: Tel: +966-1-4882300ITALYE: TEL: +966-1-4881212C: Tel: +966-2-6421454

JAPAN E: Tel: +966-1-2881100C: Tel: +966-2-6670676JORDANE: Tel: +966-1-4880039C: Tel: +966-2-6607630KENYAE: Tel: +966-1-4882484C: Tel: +966-2-4881238KOREAE: Tel: +966-1-4882211C: Tel: +966-2-6681990KUWAITE: Tel: +966-1-4883500C: Tel: +966-2-6604898LEBANONE: Tel: +966-1-4804060C: Tel: +966-2-6690599MALAYSIA E: Tel: +966-1-4887100C: Tel: +966-2-6727740MALIE: Tel: +966-1-4195640C: Tel: +966-2-6514940MALTAE: Tel: +966-1-4615315C: Tel: +966-2-6991599MAURITANIAE: Tel: +966-1-4646749C: Tel: +966-2-6297722MEXICOE: Tel: +966-1-4808822C: Tel: +966-2-6495332MOROCCOE: Tel: +966-1-4811858C: Tel: +966-2-6695234C: Tel: +966-2-6695238NEPALE: Tel: +966-1-4645170NETHERLANDSE: Tel: +966-1-4880011NEW ZELANDE: Tel: +966-1-4887988C: Tel: +966-2-6512109NIGERIAE: Tel: +966-1-4823024C: Tel: +966-2-6716865NORWAYE: Tel: +966-1-4881904C: Tel: +966-2-6611222 Ext 300OMAN E: Tel: +966-1-4823120C: Tel: +966-2-6996838

PAKISTANE: Tel: +966-1-4884111C: Tel: +966-2-6692371PHILIPPINESE: Tel: +966-1-4880835C: Tel: +966-2-6696797C: Tel: +966-2-6693254PORTUGALE: Tel: +966-1-4826964QATARE: Tel: +966-1-4825544C: Tel: +966-2-6945666RUSSIAE: Tel: +966-1-4811432C: Tel: +966-2-6659212SENEGALE: Tel: +966-1-4880146C: Tel: +966-2-6690275SIERRA LEONEE: Tel: +966-1-4643982SINGAPOREE: Tel: +966-1-4803855C: Tel: +966-2-6073980SOUTH AFRICAE: Tel: +966-1-4429728C: Tel: +966-2-6060299SPAINE: Tel: +966-1-4880606C: Tel: +966-2-6607000SRI LANKAE: Tel: +966-1-4606906C: Tel: +966-2-6065414SUDANE: Tel: +966-1-4828857C: Tel: +966-2-6475108C: Tel: +966-2-6471273SWEDENE: Tel: +966-1-4883100C: Tel: +966-2-6529615Ext 204SWITZERLANDE: Tel: +966-1-4881291C: Tel: +966-2-6510772SYRIAE: Tel: +966-1-4887481TANZANIAE: Tel: +966-1-4542833C: Tel: +966-2-6657528THAILANDE: Tel: +966-1-4881174C: Tel: +966-2-6655317


TUNISIAE: Tel: +966-1-4887900C: Tel: +966-2-6605328TURKEYE: Tel: +966-1-4820101C: Tel: +966-2-6601607UGANDAE: Tel: +966-1-4544910UKRAINEE: Tel: +966-1-4508536UAEE: Tel: +966-1-4881227C: Tel: +966-2-6670307C: Tel: +966-2-6515436USA E: Tel: +966-1-4801831C: Tel: +966-2-6670080URUGUAYE: Tel: +966-1-4620739C: Tel: +966-2-6633300YEMENE: Tel: +966-1-4881769C: Tel: +966-2-6896444C: Tel: +966-2-6898555

Abir CompoundPrince Sultan St.,Near Saudia CityTel: +966-2-6522358Al-Andalus Luxury VillasTahliyah St. behind Suzuki ShowroomTel: +966-2-6695154Al-Aoun VillageAl Bawadi, Near Al-Mirabi Mercedes BenzTel: +966-2-2563381Arabian Homes Al Bawadi Dist.Tel: +966-2-6822201www.arabian-homes.comAromary VillageHera’a St., Behind Al-RajhiTel: +966-2-6940086Al Basateen VillageNext to Continental School, Off Prince Sultan St.Tel: +966-2-6944015Belleview Executive Compound

Al-Amal St., Near Jeddah Preparatory SchoolTel: +966-2-6547666www.belleviewcompund.comBelleview 2 CompoundNear King Faisal Specialist HospitalTel: +966-2-6642636Binzagr Villa CompoundAl Azizeyyah, Madinah Rd., One block after Lexus ShowroomTel: +966-2-6642636Elite 2 CompoundNear Jeddah International Souk Tel: +966-2-6681111www.elitecompounds.comElite CompoundNear Jeddah International Souk Tel: +966-2-6610930www.elitecompounds.comFatima CompoundNear Corniche, Behind Business Park Tel: +966-2-6515416Garden City CompoundPalestine St., Behind Al-Nakheel BldgTel: VillageCorniche, Near A-Bilad HotelTel: +966-2-6943464www.alhajrayn.comHiba CompoundAl-Hamraa, Ibrahim Adham St., Near Tarik Binladen Hospital Tel: +966-2-6650819Kindi Housing CompoundAl Rabwah, North JeddahTel: +966-2-6916219Lotus CompoundsAl Hamra, Al-Naeem, Al-Rihab, Contact PMDCLotus 1: Al-Hamraa Dist Tel: +966-2-6980145Lotus 2: Al-Nayeen Dist Tel: +966-2-6541107

Lotus 3: Al-Nayeem Dist Tel: +966-2-6548808M&M CompoundNorth Abhor, Nr, Amir Abdullah Mosque.Tel: +966-2-6562166M.M Al-Rumaih CompoundAl Shatee, On Corniche Rd., 3KM North of Hotel Sheraton Tel: +966-2-6991231Al-Manar CompoundAl Safa, Prince Metab St., Near Al-Jedani HospitalTel: +966-2-6938770Al-Mubarakiah VillageEast Jeddah, King Abdullah St. Near Abraq Al-RaghamaTel: +966-2-6400158Mura Bustan CompoundsTel: +966-2- 6910041Nada VillagePrince Majed St., Near Baud TelecomTel: +966-2-6920099Al-Najia Compounds Madinah Rd., Besides SAS Radisson HotelTel: +966-2-6518178Nueva AndaluciaAl-Rawdah, Sari St.Tel: +966-2-6823434www.andalucia.comRaytheon CompoundOpp. Saudi German HospitalTel: +966-2-6518178www.raytheon.comReem Compound Al-Salamah, Saqr Al-Quraish St.Tel: +966-2-6829196Al-Salam CompoundAl-Rehab, Palestine St., Between Dallah Tower& Makkah HighwayTel: +966-2-6717121www.alsalamcompound.comSalamia CompoundAl-Sulaymaneyyah, Near Carrefour HypermarketTel: +966-2-6400253www.salmiacompund.comSari PalmsSari St.



Al-BayanTel: Al-Fasial International SchoolTel: +966-2-6761955www.alfaisal-school.comAl-Waha International SchoolTel: +966-2-6729660www.alwahaschool.comThe American International SchoolTel: British International SchoolTel: +966-2-6990019

Tel: CityAl-Khaledeyyah Dist.Tel: +966-2-6820030www.saudicity.comShaker Village CompoundAl-Hahdah, Prince Sultan St.Tel: +966-2-6991840Sharbatly VillagePrince Majed St., North of JeddahTel: +966-2-6910828www.sharbatlyvillage.comSiham CompundAl-Rawdah, Near Saudi Binladen GroupTel: +966-2-6426431Sunset ResidenceAl-Rowdah St., Near Jeddah Int. MarketTel: +966-2-6604276

ABC SchoolTel: +966-2-6988827Ambassadors SchoolTel: 800-124-9000Web: www.ambassadors-schools.comBuilding Blocks Tel: +966-2-6060755Mob: +966-5-41525616Childhood SpringTel: +966-2-6607533Creative Childhood Summer SchoolTel: +966-2-6077224Mob: +966-5-04390998IPS (Innovators Private School)Tel: +966-2-6980685Mob: +966-569490403Jack N JillMob: +966-507369963Junior’s & Mom’sMob: +966-504313440Mob: +966-551796254Kids Campos Tel: +966-2-6642351Kids Time NurseryTel: +966-2-6543111Mob: +966-569693794Little Smarties Tel: +966-2-6061913

Mama et MoiMob: +966-550569333My Little Kingdom SchoolTel: +966-2-6393951Tel: +966-2-2575909Up and AwayTel: +966-2-6614791



KindergartenCompounds Schools Universities


Agriculture & WaterTel: +966-2-6210002Communication &TransportationTel: +966-1-4042928Disabled Children’sAssociationTel: +966-2-66224080/8001241118EducationTel: +966-2-6723028/6444305Foreign AffairsTel: +966-2-6047000HealthTel: +966-2-6970006Information & CultureTel: +966-2-6514060/6476222InteriorTel: +966-2-6684000Jeddah Chamber of CommerceTel: +966-2-6515111Water & ElectricityTel: +966-2-6725349

www.continentalschool.comCoral International School Tel: +966-2-6832002www.coralschool.netDar Al Fikr SchoolTel: +966-2-6311118 (Boys) Tel: +966-2-6311117 (Girls) www.fikr.sch.saDar Al-Hanan SchoolTel: 920029669Dar Al-Ruwaad SchoolTel: +966-2-6592225Dar Jana International SchoolTel: Global International SchoolTel: +966-2-6523444Tel: +966-2-6144101 ( KG )www.gis.sch.saJeddah International SchoolTel: +966-2-6061253www.jischool.orgJeddah Knowledge School Tel: Preparatory & Grammar School Tel: +966-2-6542354www.jpgs.orgManarat Jeddah SchoolTel: +966-2-6730225www.manaratjeddahschools.comMy little house Tel: Thamer International School Tel:


Charitable Society for the memorization of the Qura’nTel: Society in JeddahAl-Zahra Dist.Tel: +966-2-6391100Charitable Servicesfor the Care of CancerPatientsAl-Rowais Dist.Tel: +966-2-6511373Committee for Social Services and HealthTel: for the Welfare of Prisoners and Their FamiliesTel: +966-2-219 7767 / Marriage& Family SupportFoundationAl-Nozla Dist.Tel: +966-2-6811168/920000900Faisaliah Women’sCharitable FoundationAl-Rowais Dist.Tel: +966-2-6535000Friends of the HeartFoundation in JeddahBehind Al-Tahlia StationTel: +966-2-6658384King Abdul-Aziz Shelter for Abused Women & ChildrenTel: +800116066www.7imayah.orgMaharat CenterMadinah Rd.Tel: +966-2-6656218www.maharat.orgMajid Bin AbdulaizFoundation forDevelopment & SocialServicesAl-Shate’e Dist.Tel: +966-2-6062959Ministry of Social AffairsTel: CharitableFoundation for BloodDonationTel: +966-2-6905008

NOTICEIf you have any complaints about services around Jeddah such as:

* Pricing irregularities * Expired Items * Denied coverage of warranted items e.g. a mobile, car, etc. * Refusal of service * Unhygienic food / working conditions

Complaints can be filed to the Ministry of Commerce and Industry Web Site or to their hotline.

Should the company not respond to the complaint from the Ministry, all transactions with the government in the labor office, the passport department and the Chamber of Commerce will be stopped.

Hotline: +8001241616 website:

National Society for Human rightsTel: +966-2-6222261www.nshrsa.orgPrincess Fawziah Center for Women & ChildrenTel: Environmental SocietyMurjaan Dist.Tel: FriendsCharitable FoundationTahlia st.Tel: +966-2-6919999The School of EtiquetteTel: +966-505558703www.etiquetteschool-sa.comWedad Charity FoundationTel: +966-2-2753377www.wedad.orgWomen’s CharitableFoundation in JeddahAl-Nazla DistTel: +966-2-6369652Zamzam Foundation for Volunteer Health ServicesAl-Sulaimaniya Dist.Tel: +966-2-2600000

College of Business Administration (CBA)Tel: +966-2-2159000/2159009(Boys’ section) Tel: +966-2-6900671/6900238(Girls’ section) Al-Hekma CollegeTel: CollegeTel: Sina National College for Medical StudiesTel: +966-2-6355882/6356555 College of TechnologyTel: Community CollegeTel: Teacher’s CollegeTel: +966-2-6914620

Social Service Organizations

(KAUST)King Abdullah University of Science and Abdulaziz UniversityTel: Sultan Aviation AcademyTel: Sultan College for Tourism and Hotel SciencesTel: +966-2-2844425Tel:



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