disruption rules!

Post on 15-Nov-2014






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New and emerging technology is having impact on people, businesses, and society. In some cases the current business models are replaced by new once in a relative short time. The Internet with smartphones and all-ways on access to cloud based services is creating new business models, and for established companies or individual creators it is hard to adapt. This is my lecture at the WLA/EL Internet and New Media held in Reykjavik 22-24 September. In this I look at some of the concepts I teach about in my New Technology course. Fortunately, there are theories and principles that can help us understand how disruption happens. More information can be found on by website: http://www.olafurandri.com/ New Technology 2014 course is here: https://vimeo.com/channels/659899 Joint WLA/EL Internet and New Media seminar: https://www.european-lotteries.org/event/joint-elwla-internet-new-media-seminar-0


  • 1. WLA/EL INTERNET AND NEW MEDIA SEMINARSeptember 2014lafur Andri RagnarssonAdjuct, Reykjavk University

2. NEW TECHNOLOGYUNDERSTANDINGTECHNOLOGY TRENDSAND THEIR IMPACT ONPEOPLE,BUSINESSES ANDSOCIETY 3. NEW TECHNOLOGYLIVING IN THE FUTURE 4. Written March 4th 2013 5. WHY IS2014THE TIME FOR THESMARTWATCH? 6. ADJACENT POSSIBLEWHEN ALLTHE ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES ANDCONDITIONS ARE READY,NEW INNOVATION WILL EMERGE 7. EXPONENTIALGROWTH 8. 30 DOUBLINGS= BILLION 9. THE SECOND HALF OF THEiMacCHESSBOARDiPhoneMac OS 9.0.4500 MHz PowerPC G3 CPU, 128MB MemoryScreen - 786K pixelsStorage - 30GB Hard DriveiOS 4.01 Ghz ARM A4 CPU, 512MB MemoryScreen - 614K pixelsStorage - 32GB Flash Drive2000 Source: Ars Technical Images: Apple 2010 10. MUSICPICTURESCOMMUNICATIONSMARTPHONESTV SHOWSMOVIESBOOKSTHE DIGITAL DECADE2000 2010 11. SOCIAL MEDIA14 2000 2010 12. CONTENT CREATION IN THE20TH CENTURY (BG)Image from Jyrki J.J. Kasvi 13. 21ST CENTURY OUCH!Image from Jyrki J.J. Kasvi 14. HOW DO YOURUN A BUSINESSWHEN EVERYTHINGIS CHANGING? 15. Source: (Christensen, 2000)THE DISRUPTIVEINNOVATION THEORYNew organisation can use relativelysimple, convenient, low-costinnovations to create growth andtriumph over powerful incumbents 16. Source: (Blue Ocean)VALUE INNOVATIONInstead of focusing on beating thecompetition, you focus on making thecompetition irrelevant by creating aleap in value for your buyers, therebyopening up new market space 17. Stephen Elop,(former) CEO Nokia 18. IN 2002 NOKIA HAD35% OFTHE WORLDSMOBILE MARKETIN 2006 NOKIA HAD73.6% OF THEWORLDSSMARTPHONEMARKET 19. Then in January 2007 this guy comes along 20. Then in January 2007 this guy comes along 21. DISRUPTIVE TECHNOLOGYTECHNOLOGYTHATCHANGESEVERYTHING 22. THE IPHONE EFFECTFROM HARDWARETO SOFTWAREINDUSTRIALSTRENGTHOPERATING SYSTEMPLATFORM FOR APPS 23. HOW DOESTHE COMPETITIONRESPOND? 24. Steve Ballmer CEO of Microsoft, on the iPhone 25. THE ARROGANCEOF THE PRESENTWE BASE OUR JUDGEMENT ONFACTS FROM THE PASTNOT THE POSSIBILITIESOF THE FUTURE 26. WE TEND TOLOOK BACKTHEUNKNOWNDAWN OF MAN FUTURE 27. TELEPHONE(1876)"This 'telephone' has too many shortcomingsto be seriously considered as a means ofcommunication. The device is inherently ofno value to us."- Western Union internal memo, 1876. 28. "I think there is a world market for maybefive computers.- Thomas Watson, chairman of IBM, 1943COMPUTERS(1943) 29. The horse is here to stay, but theautomobile is only a novelty a fad- The president of the Michigan Savings Bank to advisedHenry Ford's lawyer Horace Rackham not to invest in theFord Motor companyCARS(1885) 30. February 11th 2011, Nokia announceda partnership with Microsoft 31. http://www.businessinsider.com/iphone-bigger-than-microsoft-2012-2 32. People waiting in line to buy iPhone 6www.dailymail.co.uk 33. Early 2011, Elop said in a memo they werestanding on a burning platform 34. Resources, Processes and ValuesTheoryResources (what a firm has),Processes (how a firm does its work), andValues (what a firm wants to do)collectively defines an organizations strengthsas well as weaknesses and blind spotsSource: (Christensen, 2000)The RPV Theory 35. DISRUPTION AHEAD 36. The Invention of the Printing PressControlled by those with Power 37. Knowledge Accessibleby the Exclusive Few 38. Portable KnowlegeThe Revolution Begins 39. END OF CONTROL 40. UNIVERSALACCESS TOKNOWLEDGE,SERVICES ANDOTHER PEOPLE 41. ENDOFCONTROL 42. 2,6 BILLION PEOPLEARE CONNECTEDTO THE INTERNET 43. HIERARCHAL NETWORK20th Century 21th Century 44. THE TRANSFORMATIONDECADEBUSINESSMODELS OF THE20TH CENTURYBUSINESSMODELS OF THE21TH CENTURY2010 2020 45. THE WORLD IN YOUR POCKETBEFORE NOWDesktops, heavy laptops Lighter, smaller, portable 46. CHANGE IN USER EXPERIENCEBEFORE NOWKeyboard, mouse Touch, sound, gesture 47. OURDEVICESAREGATEWAYSTOTHECLOUD 48. FUNDAMENTALSHIFTINPEOPLESBEHAVIOUR 49. FUNDAMENTALCHANGE INCONSUMINGCONTENTPicture by Flickr user Shaggyshoo 50. FUNDAMENTALCHANGE INPRODUCINGCONTENTPicture by Flickr user Shaggyshoo 51. FUNDAMENTALCHANGE INCONNECTING PEOPLE 52. FUNDAMENTALCHANGE INDOING BUSINESS 53. FUNDAMENTALCHANGE INDOING BUSINESS 54. FUNDAMENTALCHANGE INDOING BUSINESS 55. FUNDAMENTALCHANGE INDOING BUSINESS 56. 25CHANGE IN CONSUMER BEHAVIOURBEFORE NOWVideostores, DVD,late fees, clutterEverything, anywhere,anytime (almost) for rent 57. WHO RENTS DVD ANYMORE? 58. CHANGE IN CONSUMER BEHAVIOURBEFORE NOWPrinted books, magazinesDigital, automaticallydelivered, interactive 59. BOOK STORES SELL COFFEE NOW 60. STORES BECOME FITTING/TRYING ROOMS 61. SHOPPING WITH APPS 62. OWNERLESS LIFESTYLEBEFORE NOWOwn, store, clutter Rent, subscribe, stream 63. FREEDOMBEFORE NOWCar Smartphone 64. TRANSFORMATION3D PRINTING, ROBOTSMASS CUSTOMISATION, DESIGNPERSONAL STREAMINGUSER REVIEWABUNDANCEINDUSTRYMASS PRODUCTIONBROADCASTINGGATEKEEPERSSACRISTY20. CENTURY 21. CENTURY 65. Disruption only happens tothe unprepared- Marlier & Pontes. 66. OPPORTUNITYFlickr photo: Arkadyevna 67. DISRUPTION RULES!lafur AndriRagnarsson@olandrihttp://www.olafurandri.comhttp://www.linkedin.com/in/olandrihttp://www.vimeo.com/olandrihttp://www.slideshare.net/olandri

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