december, 2011 volume 38, issue 12 kislev/teves, 5772 · kislev/teves, 5772 volume 38, issue 12 ......

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Kehilat haKadosh: The Monthly Newsletter of Congregation Beth Shalom

December, 2011

Kislev/Teves, 5772

Volume 38, Issue 12

Let your light shine through


Rabbi: Marc Rudolph -

Cantor: Hasha Musha Perman -

Early Learning Director: Robin Frisch -

Education Director: Barbara Bernstein-

Facilities and Office Manager: Sue Prousa –

Secretary: Dorothy Battle –

Custodial support: Dave Sanders

Advertise in the CBS Newsletter

Monthly Ad rates Size Monthly Half Page $72 Quarter page $36 Eighth page $18

Contact Sue Prousa or 630-961-1818 Please send payment made out to Congregation Beth Shalom to:

Congregation Beth Shalom (Attention Newsletter Editor) 772 W. 5th Avenue Naperville, IL 60563

Inside this issue

From the editor .............................................................................................................. 1 From The Desk Of The Rabbi ..................................................................................... 2 A note from our cantor ................................................................................................. 3 Days Of Awe, A Year Of Jewish Music ...................................................................... 4 DAYS OF AWE CD ORDER FORM .......................................................................... 4 A Note From Ms Robin ................................................................................................. 5 Congregation Beth Shalom 40 for 40 campaign ...................................................... 5 From the CBS Archives ............................................................................................... 5 Free Adult Education Course : “Jewish Customs: Frequently-Asked Questions & Answers” .................................................................................................. 7 Jewish Customs Schedule .......................................................................................... 7 News from Jakobpils .................................................................................................... 8 Important Notice: CBS plots in Naperville Cemetery .............................................. 8 NCJW Tri-County’s Family & Mitvah day at the SciTech museum: ....................... 9 DuPage Will Hadassah will be honoring Gene Parker as their Person of Valor for 2011, ............................................................................................................... 9 Religious School News .............................................................................................. 10 In the Wink of an Eye ................................................................................................. 11 Library news ................................................................................................................ 12 Family Chanukah Celebration ....................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. Renwal of Spirit ........................................................................................................... 12 CBS Library News ...................................................................................................... 13 Odyssey Hospice is seeking volunteers .................................................................. 15 CBS Member Art Show .............................................................................................. 15 ParnossahWorksChicago: A New Employment Website for Personalized Job Assistance ............................................................................................................ 16 Ongoing Programs and Activities ............................................................................. 17 CBS Communication Guidelines and Deadlines .................................................... 20 Donations ..................................................................................................................... 23 Make a Donation ......................................................................................................... 24 In Memory .................................................................................................................... 25 Board of Directors and Committees ......................................................................... 26

Kehilat haKadosh, December, 2011 1

From the editor

December brings us the Festival of Lights. It’s hard to go outside without being swept up in the beauty and magic of the season. There are lights everywhere. On tree, in storefronts, and in front of people’s homes. Ironically though, most of these lights aren’t coming from Jewish houses.

Somewhere along the way, we lost the light in the festival. But, it’s not too late to get it back. We can still bring light to the holiday season and it doesn’t even have to increase our electric bill.

Somewhere within each of us is a small spark of light. It’s a remnant from the famous story of God trying to contain all holiness in a vessel to make room for the creation of the universe. The story goes that the vessel burst and shards of light dispersed everywhere. It’s time to bring that light back to the surface. Let’s reclaim the festival of lights.

Let’s find ways to let our light shine through to our family, our friends, and our communities. It’s time to kindle the flame that makes us each a wonderful, unique reflection of God.

Brad Kolar

Kehilat haKadosh, December, 2011 2

From The Desk Of The Rabbi

Chanukah, which means “dedication”, celebrates the dedication of the Temple during the time of the Maccabees. The Syrian Greeks defiled the Temple, and Mattathias and his sons recaptured Jerusalem and dedicated the Temple so

it would be fit for worship. Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch (Germany, d. 1888) reminds us that this was in fact the third dedication of the Temple. The first dedication was overseen by Solomon. The prophet Zechariah has a vision of the second dedication, which would take place following the return of the exiles from Babylonia in the sixth year of the reign of Darius I of Persia, who, in 538 BCE, allowed the Jewish people to return to the Holy Land from exile.

On the first Shabbat of Chanukah we read from that prophecy of Zechariah. Zechariah has a vision, and in the vision he is shown a menorah of gold, with two olive trees, one to the right and one to the left. Zechariah asks, “What does it mean?” An angel of G-d replies: It means, “Not by might, nor by power, but by My spirit – said Adonai Tseva-ot.” (G-d) By this the angel is saying that the ultimate transformation of Israel and the world will not be brought about by the exercise of military prowess or by political machinations, but by the inner light of divine inspiration. The Baal Shem Tov teaches, in a similar vein, “Every person should know that since creation no one else was ever like him. Had there been such another, there would be no need for her to be. Each is called to perfect his or her unique qualities. And it is his failure to heed this call which delays the Messiah.”

Our strength and our perseverance are indeed very important in making our own lives a success and in working to make the world a better place. But we should never lose sight of our connection to the

Source of that strength. May the light of the Menorah shine bright within each of us this holiday season.

Kehilat haKadosh, December, 2011 3

A note from our cantor

Khag urim sameakh! Happy Hanuka!

There are many prisms through which to understand Hanuka (Chanuka, Hanukkah, Khanuka!). Which one will you choose?

Will you focus on the miracle of the oil which lasted eight days instead of one? After the

Greeks defiled the temple and the Maccabees defeated them, they found only one cruse of oil to light the menorah, the symbol of the (second) Jewish commonwealth. Only in the Gemara (Mishnah + Gemara = Talmud) do we find this ‘miracle’ of Hanuka described, about 400 years after the actual (well documented) event. Nevertheless, Hanuka has always been called the festival of lights. Perhaps you will choose to focus on the miraculous throughout the eight days of Hanuka. Each day can reflect different miracles in our lives, sharing our gratitude with our family and our community.

Will you focus on the nationalistic character of Hanuka like in Israel today? The Maccabee games are named for this brave family who fought against the greatest power in the world, and succeeded. There are many different kinds of bravery. Perhaps you will use Hanuka as a lens through which to learn about Jewish heroes throughout the ages. During the Middle Ages Jews focused on the religious martyrdom of the story. The courage of Hannah and her seven sons served as models to Jews who suffered persecution. This story is described in rabbinic literature (Gittin 57b, and Lamentations Rabbah 1:16:50).

What happened to the Maccabees, the Hasmoneaeans? The independence of the Hasmonaean state lasted less than one hundred years. The conflict between Hellenistic culture and Jewish sovereignty continued in spite of the Maccabee’s successful uprising against the Greeks. We live in two worlds, Jewish and American.

Balancing both worlds is a challenge the Jewish people have faced for centuries. Perhaps we should focus on balance.

“Not by might and not by power, but by My spirit—said the Lord of Hosts”. Zachariah 4:6.

May the lights of Hanuka shine with miraculous joy, giving us courage and comfort, and offering balance every day, especially at this holiday season.

Shalom uv’racha, Peace and Blessings,

Hasha Musha

Kehilat haKadosh, December, 2011 4

Days Of Awe, A Year Of Jewish Music

In celebration of the 40th Anniversary of Congregation Beth Shalom of Naperville, Cantor Hasha Musha Perman created this wonderful musical gift, DAYS OF AWE, A YEAR OF JEWISH MUSIC. This beautiful new CD features selections of the best sacred music from the High Holy Days and Shabbat at Congregation Beth Shalom in Naperville, IL. Digitally mastered and recorded live, this vibrant CD is a multi-faceted musical prism of five glorious centuries of the Jewish musical soul.

The CD features English and Hebrew, solos, choral selections, and congregational participation. It is unique. Few communities have our congregation’s talented resources: soloists, instrumentalists, a devoted volunteer choir (directed and accompanied by Mark Lee), artists, and engineers. If fact, I don’t know any other congregation which has digitally recorded their High Holy Day musical experience, live.

I am thrilled to share this wonderful record of Congregation Beth Shalom’s forty years of creativity and community. Pick up your copy in the CBS office. Your $18 donation to Congregation Beth Shalom, 772 W. 5th Avenue, Naperville, IL 60563 is deeply appreciated. Enjoy this musical labor of love!

Cantor Hasha Musha Perman


$18 DONATION, PAYABLE TO CBS Name _____________________________________________

Address ___________________________________________

Email _____________________________________________

Phone ____________________________________________

You can pick up your CD in the office after Simkhat Torah. If you want DAYS OF AWE mailed to you, please add $4 for shipping and handling ($22 total).

Kehilat haKadosh, December, 2011 5

A Note From Ms Robin

Shining Lights

The theme for this month is the Festival of Lights, which makes us think about the flame that shines so brightly in each one of


As director and a teacher in our Early Learning Center, I have the privilege of experiencing the beauty that shines in the eyes and souls of our youngest students.

Our two, three, four, and five year olds teach the ELC teachers about the light that shines in each and every child, every day.

We feel the light that shines as one child comforts another child who is sad that their block tower fell down..

We see the light that shines when a child creates a unique piece of artwork.

We hear the light that shines as we hear a chorus of beautiful, young voices reciting the Kiddush and Motzi before our Shabbat snack every week.

We experience the light that shines when the children talk about the mitzvot they have done, when they put their coins into our Tzedakah box, and when they proudly sing Yom Chaledet Sameach to a child celebrating a birthday.

At this time of year, we celebrate the Festival of Lights. But rest assured, the light that shines in each one of us is evident every day in every child that we have the honor of teaching in the Gan Yeladim Early Learning Center.

Happy Chanukah!


Congregation Beth Shalom 40 for 40 campaign

Help us celebrate our fortieth anniversary by raising $40,000 by Chanukkah.

Donations can be made via check made out to “Congregation Beth Shalom” or on-line at:

From the CBS Archives

Congregation Beth Shalom is known to be open to interfaith families as many non-Jewish family members and friends attend the B’nai Mitzvahs of our children and we are open to visits of church confirmation classes and classes studying comparative religions. Members of CBS have attended interfaith events, such as Ramadan dinners, discussion groups, and we hosted our first Interfaith dinner this year and are planning another for next year. But did you know that this openness to others, not Jewish, is in the DNA of our CBS community?

DNA?? Well, as a matter of historical fact that is figuratively true. From the very beginning in 1973 when a group of women gathered at the home of Naomi Rubin, wife of Al Rubin, the first Jew born in Naperville in 1920, there was an openness to non-Jewish spouses and those who had converted. The first officers of the Naperville Jewish Community Organization reflected the diversity of our own Jewish community, which became Congregation Beth Shalom. Further evidence of this comfort with diversity is reflected in the 1981 By-Laws of the then “Congregation Beth Shalom Sisterhood” which states that membership is open to “Any female member of the Jewish faith, or female whose spouse is (of if deceased, was) a member of the Jewish faith..”

Although there were some natural concerns expressed, in 1974 we accepted the gracious offer of Wesley United Methodist Church to hold our first non-home based religious services, including High Holy

Kehilat haKadosh, December, 2011 6

Day services in their Fellowship Hall and in 1976 formalized a lease arrangement with the church. At Wesley we also worshiped in the Church sanctuary, having a mechanism developed by our more handy members to cover the cross with an Ark cover donated by B’nai Israel of Aurora. Many of our members had their children’s B’nai Mitzvah’s in that church sanctuary. Of course, we had to help some of our Jewish relatives get comfortable with the idea. In 1982 the members of both congregations began an exchange program visiting each other’s services and in that year formed a combined choir, under the direction of Fran Coleman, the Wesley organist and choir director, to sing for the High Holiday Days. Members of the Coleman family directed our choir for many years. Was being housed in a church a “kosher” arrangement? Well, our part-time Rabbi at the time, Rabbi Morris Fishman, head of the Chicago Conservative movement’s Beth Din, gave his “blessing” to our home “away from home.”

Our home at Wesley United lasted some eleven years until we purchased the Evangelical Free Church and dedicated it as a synagogue in 1985. Thirteen years later we sold that building to another church and built the first synagogue built in DuPage County (Etz Chaim bought an unused Methodist church), which was dedicated in 1998.

During these many years from the Naperville Jewish Community Organization and through our times as Congregation Beth Shalom we have participated in Interfaith community events such as Thanksgiving worship services, Passover in churches, had intermarriage discussion groups, contributed the Jewish perspective on environmental issues and most recently participated in the Interfaith Leaders Association and One Naperville. Members of our congregation were leaders in a West Suburban Friends of Israel group for a few years that included active participation of church based members and members had dialogues with Christian and Muslim activists who opposed Israeli policies.

I think openness is in the cultural DNA of CBS and it has historically reflected itself in our openness to the non-Jewish members of our

own internal community and in our openness to ecumenical involvement in the larger community.

Sheli Isenberg

This article was written to increase the awareness of our CBS members about our history in anticipation of our 40th anniversary in May 2012. Sheli Isenberg, Hilary Decent, Joni Hirsch Blackman, David Sapadin, and Brad Kolar are the core of the CBS History Project right now. YOU may have talents we can use so contact us if you want to be involved with the committee. Our goal is to present our common history in film, on our website, and in a book.

We will be contacting founding members and more recent members who have and are contributing to our history for the historical facts and stories that make us who we are as a community. You don’t have to wait to be contacted and can call Sheli Isenberg with your knowledge of how we grew to where we are today. We are also interested in any material you may have boxed away somewhere in your home which might add to our historical knowledge. We want to build the archives of CBS. Contact Sheli at 630-355-9571 or to contribute material, stories or your talents.

Kehilat haKadosh, December, 2011 7

Free Adult Education Course : “Jewish Customs: Frequently-Asked Questions & Answers”

Why sit around at Beth Shalom on Sunday mornings waiting to drive your child or grandchild home after their Religious School classes when you could be learning more about Jewish customs and basic Judaism by taking this free course?

Would you like to win a prize for the most correct answers about Judaism during class?

Would you like to be able to answer questions that your child or grandchild might ask you about what they are learning about Judaism in Religious School?

This course is for parents or grandparents as well as for all interested adults. It will be presented by Joseph R. Davis, M.D., Ph.D. in Congregation Beth Shalom’s Library from 9:00 AM to 10:00 AM on each Religious School Sunday morning.

Each session will be taught for 60 minutes with approximately 20 questions and answers on Jewish customs for the first 35 minutes, followed by the meaning and use in an English sentence of three Yiddish words for 5 minutes, followed by the accomplishments of two famous American Jews 10 minutes, and finally followed by an important event in modern Jewish history for the last 10 minutes of the class.

The course will include both the presentation of traditional answers to each question by the teacher as well as the opportunity for you to interact as to what each Jewish custom, Yiddish word, famous American Jew, or important event in modern Jewish history may mean to you in your life today.

You will receive a worksheet at each session which you can complete during the class and which will serve not only to stimulate class

interaction, but also to serve as a set of class notes that you can always refer back for yourself, or use the completed class notes to answer any questions about Judaism that your children or grandchildren might ask of you at home.

You don’t have to attend every session. Feel free to come to any session that you can. Walk-ins are always welcome at any time.

As long as you are already here on Sunday mornings during the time you bring and pick up your child from Congregation Beth Shalom’s Religious School, why not take advantage of this free, exciting and enjoyable opportunity to learn more about Jewish customs and basic Judaism.

It is also never too late for you to get more knowledge about Judaism, even if you don’t currently have a child or grandchild in the Religious School on Sundays.

This course will be held from 9:00 AM to 10:00 AM on each of the Sundays that the Religious School meets during the academic year of 2011-2012.

Jewish Customs Schedule

Wedding Customs Dec 4, 2011 Mourner’s Customs Dec 11, 2011 Chanukah Customs Dec 18, 2011 Synagogue Customs I & I I Jan 15, 2012 & Jan 22, 2012 Prayer Customs Jan 29, 2012 Sabbath Customs I & II Feb 5,2012 & Feb 12, 2012 Kosher Customs Feb 19, 2012 Purim Customs Feb 26, 2012 Passover Customs I & II Mar 11, 2012 & Mar 18, 2012 Minor Holidays Apr 15, 2012 Shavuot Customs Apr 22, 2012 Kiddush Customs Apr 29, 2012 Medical Customs May 13, 2012

Kehilat haKadosh, December, 2011 8

News from Jakobpils

Once again we wish to thank those who send us help. A huge thank you to all those people in your synagogue. We are sending you the accounting from our community who have benefited from your generosity. 1. Felix Kalninsh --For medicines. This man is in a home for the disabled due to leg problems (30 lats) All of the following have used their moneys for utilities 2. Isaac Dinde 25 lats 3. Minna Kulikova 25 lats 4.Esther Krasnichina 25 Lats 5. Isaac Hertzbach 25 lats 6.Moise Million 25 Lats 7. Sender Zilber 25 lats 8. Braina Balanenko 25 lats 9. Zinaida Livcha 25 lats 10. Evgeny Elevich 24.58 lats ________________________________ TOTAL 254.58 lats This month starts the heating and again the price is raised 20%. Those that are on a pension don't even have a raise of 1 cent while the utilities of gas, electricity and heat keep rising. Those here who are living on one pension can't pay for the above mentioned utilities. (Editor’s note: Kay Hyman think that she means widows and widowers who are living alone and therefore only have one pension--as opposed to a couple who have two pensions.)

Once again we would like to wish all in your synagogue a Happy and Healthy New year and again many thanks for all that you are doing. Respectfully, Frieda, Raya and our whole community

Important Notice: CBS plots in Naperville Cemetery

During their August 2011 board meeting, the CBS Board voted to purchase additional gravesites within the Naperville cemetery. The vote was prompted by the fact that we have only eleven adult gravesites that remain available in the existing CBS sections.

Our cemetery committee is in discussions with the cemetery to purchase and reserve additional gravesites sufficient for both our immediate as well as our future needs. The location of the new gravesites will be in the newly opened section of the cemetery, which is to the west of – and not adjacent to - our current location. Prices for gravesites in the new section will be higher than in the existing section to account for the need to purchase a signage marker for the new area.

If you are interested in purchasing sites within the existing sections, please contact Gene Parker, 630 357 5047 or Mark Greenberg, 630 579 8157.

Kehilat haKadosh, December, 2011 9

NCJW Tri-County’s Family & Mitvah day at the SciTech museum:

Bring the family for our next event! We will be having NCJW Family & Mitzvah day at the SciTech museum in Aurora. It will be held Sunday, December 4 from 2:00-5:00. Here are the details:

Visit SciTech museum, a premier science museum in the western suburbs, at a special rate of $6 per person for our group.

Bring a new and unwrapped gift for a child to donate to the Family Shelter Services' Holiday Shoppe, supporting victims of domestic violence and their children. Gifts are needed for children of all ages.

Join us for cake in the lunchroom at 3:30! If you can't attend the event but would like to donate a gift to FSS, you can drop it off at one of the following locations: Susan Saltzman:, Hinsdale Nikki Sigale: , Bolingbrook Joni Blackman: , Naperville Family Shelter service is also looking for volunteers to staff the holiday shoppe either helping to set up for help families shop.  Contact Susan Saltzman at if you are interested. Questions? Call or email Joni (630-416-6728). RSVP to Joni Blackman at by Thursday, December 1.

DuPage Will Hadassah will be honoring Gene Parker as their Person of Valor for 2011,

Join us on Sunday January 29, 2012 at the Hyatt in Lisle, at 11:30 AM. Gene will be receiving this honor at the annual Harriet G. Katz Memorial Brunch. He will be recognized for his outstanding contributions to Hadassah and Congregation Beth Shalom. Gene has been a member of Congregation Beth Shalom for 34 years. He is a past president and has served in many diverse leadership positions including the committee to locate and purchase the first permanent building for the congregation. He has been involved with the school board, landscaping projects, coordinating ushering for High Holy Day services, the Chesed Committee, and served several terms as Member-At-Large on the Board. He is currently co-chair of the congregation’s Cemetery Committee. Gene and his wife, Linda, are life members of Hadassah. Gene is always there to help with the bake sales at the Naperville Band Concerts and other events. Gene and Linda have been married for 51 years; they have two children, Caren and Matt, and four grandchildren, all Life or Associate members of Hadassah. For more information about this MEM brunch, please contact Jan Strauss 630-983-1899 or

Kehilat haKadosh, December, 2011 10

Religious School News

When I went to Israel for the first time over twenty years ago, I was very excited because I would be getting to spend Chanukah in Eretz Yisrael. As an American who saw everything here decorated for Christmas, I expected Israel to be decorated for Chanukah. As I stepped inside Ben Gurion

airport, the first thing I saw was a very impressive, giant chanukiah (menorah) that was lit for the second night of Chanukah. As I looked around there were no other decorations. Where were they? The next morning, I asked our madrich (helper) and she said, “Why would we need decorations? We live the holiday. We put the lights in our windows and on our doorsteps and in our shop windows.” And sure enough, for the next six nights, wherever we were, when it was time to light the Chanukah candles, whether we were shopping on Ben Yehudah Street or in the cafeteria at the Israel Museum or in a restaurant or at the hotel, we stopped what we were doing, lit the candles, sang the blessings followed by Maoz Tzur and Al Hanesim. Everywhere you looked, you saw flickering lights. Some people in Jerusalem built glass boxes into the brickwork surrounding their houses so they could light their chanukiyot outside so all could see and enjoy the lights.

We are told to put our menorahs in the window so than anyone passing by can enjoy the lights of Chanukah. Many Jews here have either not heard of this custom or have gotten away from it. Let’s get back to sharing our holiday lights with others. These lights commemorate the lights of the Maccabees’ spirit that wouldn’t go out. In the song Light One Candle by Peter, Paul and Mary, the chorus entreats to not let the light go out. This is what our parents are doing by sending their children to religious school. All of our students are the future lights of Judaism. Each Sunday morning our teachers see the sparks created from the inner lights of each child as we build upon what they bring to us from their homes. Together we will build

Jewish bonfires from these sparks. Let’s light up the world with Chanukah lights and mitzvot this year and all of the coming years.

Thank you to Bernie and Judi Newman, Cara DeGraff and Michele Perry for donating much needed items to the school wish list. All of our students and the school committee thank you for your thoughtfulness.

December is a very busy month for the school. We have the 4th grade family program on December 4 from 8:30-10:25 am with Marilyn Price and the 5th grade family Havdalah Program on December 18 from 10:45-12:45. Our 5th graders are participating at Shabbat services on Erev Shabbat, December 9 at 8:00 PM. Rock Shabbat is on Friday evening December 16. It should be a rockin’ Shabbat. Hope to see you there! There are more activities happening during the month so please check your email.

As winter weather approaches, I’d like to remind you of our school closing policy. If either Naperville School Districts 203 or 204 cancel their after school activities on Tuesdays, we will cancel religious school classes on that day. That means the roads are considered hazardous for travel. We will also post our closing on Emergency School Closings that will be announced on all major TV and radio programs and will run along the bottom of all non-cable TV shows. The synagogue will make every effort to contact you by phone also. If you are able to make phone calls for your child’s classroom, please contact your child’s teacher to offer your help. It would be most appreciated.

Winter break begins on Sunday, December 25 and continues through Sunday, January 8. Classes will resume on Tuesday, January 10. Barb Bernstein

Kehilat haKadosh, December, 2011 11

In the Wink of an Eye

In England homes just don’t look like gingerbread houses at Christmas. Sure you may peek in the window and see a sparkly tree but decorating the outside is not the norm unless it’s with a new coat of paint.

When we moved to Naperville we realized that all those Christmas cards are real! We were amazed at the efforts people to go to. Obviously the reason everyone is so keen to conserve electricity during the rest of the year is so they can light up the national grid for the holiday season!

Once the snow falls it is truly magical and you certainly don’t have to be Christian to appreciate it. Driving through our neighborhood each house looks better than the next. Unlike you get to ours. It looks like we’re the victims of a power cut – either that or we can’t afford to pay the electricity bill!

“Our house looks really sad,” I said to Grumpy on our second year here. “I’m not sure its happy being the only Jewish house in the neighborhood.”

“Well I hope you’re not suggesting we decorate it with Christmas lights,” he scoffed. “What would everyone say when they come here for our Chanukah party?”

“Of course not,” I said. “But if you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em!”

And so it was we started a brand new tradition of decorating our house for Chanukah. After all, it is the Festival of Lights so it did seem kind of appropriate. We began by twisting blue and white lights around the front of the house. We changed the regular light bulbs to blue and hung up Chanukah decorations that are meant for the table. We stuck gel shapes and letters on the windows and stuck an electric Chanukiah in the window.

Our neighbors were surprised but impressed.

“So you’ve come over to the other side,” they joked.

“No, we’re taking them down the day after Chanukah ends so no one confuses them with Christmas decorations,” I said.

Of course this might be more of a problem this year when the two festivals coincide. I guess I’ll just have to go door to door singing Mo’at Tzur, and put Chanukah gelt in the Salvation Army kettles.

Rethinking Shabbat

Senator Joe Lieberman has just released a new book called The Gift Of Rest: Rediscovering The Beauty Of The Sabbath. The book is non-political but instead focuses on Lieberman’s thoughts on and relationship with the Sabbath.

The book is both conceptual -providing simple explanations of the Sabbath, its customs, etc. as well as practical – providing stories of Lieberman’s Sabbath observance and pragmatic tips for deepening your observance.

It’s amazing to see how Lieberman, despite his busy schedule as a U.S. Senator, is able to observe and honor the Sabbath even to the point of walking home four miles in the rain when he was forced to stay late on a Friday night for a vote. He also provides fun and interesting stories about interactions with other political figures (Al Gore, John McCain, George Bush) who have celebrated Shabbat with him.

As a traditional Jew, Lieberman does use gender-specific language when referring to God and talks about other practices that might be less common in our congregation. However, hopefully that won’t get in the way of his message and ideas.

It’s a great read and might make you think twice if you believe that your life is too busy to take time to observe the Sabbath.

Kehilat haKadosh, December, 2011 12

Library news

Finding Our Light In The Library by Carol Medor

As we look to rekindle our inner light this Chanukah season, the Congregation Beth Shalom Library can help light the match. Browsing the shelves and bookcases can be the inspiration for both a personal epiphany and a wonderful holiday.

Wander through the Library and one can find spiritual wisdom and commentary in the Reference Section; whys and how-tos in the Adult Non-fiction Section; fun and learning in the Children’s Section; inspirational and amazing life stories in the Biography Section; age-appropriate stories and non-fiction in the Youth Section; great novels and mysteries in the Adult Fiction Section; wonderful movies and music in the Media Section; and new and varied books in the Recent Arrivals Section. In any area, one will find the perfect thing to spark one’s inner light or begin one on a new and improved life journey. Pick one up and be inspired.

To inspire a wonderful Chanukah, the CBS Library has many resources for Congregation members. To enhance one’s experience, there are adult books on the holiday, such as Hanukkah by Emily Solis-Cohen and The Hanukkah Anthology by Philip Goodman. To bring tradition or innovation to one’s celebration, there are cookbooks, such as Jewish Holiday Style by Rita Milos Brownstein and Jewish Holiday Cookbook by Chaya M. Burstein. To increase one’s enjoyment, there are media items, such as CBS Hanukkah 2009 and Children’s Songs for Passover and Hanukkah. To bring the wonder and joy of the holiday to our younger members, there are many, many terrific children’s books, such as Hanukkah at Valley Forge by Stephen Krensky, A Hanukkah Treasury edited by Eric A. Kimmel, and Inside Out Grandma by Joan Rothenberg. Children’s Chanukah books are easy to identify, since each has a “HANUKAH” label on its spine. All children’s holiday books are located on the cart next to the Children’s Section bookcase. Why not enhance Chanukah by checking out enough books to read one or more each night, as the candles are lit?

Whether one is looking to re-ignite an inner spark or to light up the Festival of Lights, the Congregation Beth Shalom Library is a great place to start. Please take advantage of all it has to offer.

Renwal of Spirit By Yonah Klem

Yonah is renewing her spirit this month but will be back in 2012!

Kehilat haKadosh, December, 2011 13

Kehilat haKadosh, December, 2011 14

CBS Library News

By Carol Medor for the CBS Library Committee

Venturing Forth with the CBS Library

Venturing forth is often difficult, physically or emotionally. It can be made somewhat easier with knowledge and community support. The community of Congregation Beth Shalom has enabled its members to avail themselves of a valuable resource for those venturing forth in any Jewish endeavor—the CBS Library.

The Library is packed with books and media items that inform, discuss, inspire, and educate. There is a Reference Section with Holy Texts and commentaries, as well as other reference works. There are Adult Non-fiction and Fiction Sections with volume after volume on Jewish themes, as well as the ideas of Jewish authors. There are Children’s and Young Adult Sections with non-fiction books appropriate for those age-groups, as well as fiction items to delight and inspire them. There is a Media Section with CD’s and DVD’s with Jewish-themed lectures and presentations, as well as inspiring music and dramatic performance.

Some interesting titles one will find are Letters of Jews through the Ages (volumes 1 & 2), edited by Franz Kobler (reference), Judaism as Philosophy by Joan Comay (adult non-fiction), The Second Jewish Book of Why by Alfred J. Kolatch (adult non-fiction), Judaism, Physics and God by Rabbi David W. Nelson (non-fiction), My Suburban Shetl by Robert Rand (adult fiction), Pathways through the Prayerbook by Benjamin Efron (children’s section), The Tattooed Torah by Martin Lemelm (children’s section), Six Million Paper Clips by Peter W. Schroeder and Dagmer Schroeder-Hildebrand (youth section), Brothers Divided by Eli Jacobs (youth section), A Look at Jewish Culture (parts 1 & 2) (media), Live and Become (media) and My Dream by Sophie Tucker (media).

While in the Library to enhance one’s venturing forth, be sure to look at the newly acquired items in the “New Arrivals” section (located on the bookcase below the window next to the closet) and in the Media section (located on top of the card catalogue). There are new volumes on a wide variety of subjects, as well as 28 new movies, donated by Rav Yo.

The Congregation Beth Shalom Library is open whenever the building is open and, except for Reference items (marked with an “R” on the spine), any Library item may be checked out by putting one’s name and phone number on the attached card and dropping the card into the green box on the table next to the card catalog. Return items to the cart, just inside the Library door.

Whatever one might need to guide one’s journey through life and Judaism can be found within the walls of the Library. One just needs to enter through the doors and use the card catalogue or browse the shelves. What previously unknown treasures might one find? What new take on an old issue or established theme might one come upon? What inspiration is just waiting to be discovered? Come to the CBS Library and venture forth on a wonderful journey to who knows where. Enter and let the Congregation Beth Shalom Library enhance your going forth to whatever your future holds.

Kehilat haKadosh, December, 2011 15

Odyssey Hospice is seeking volunteers

Dear Members of Congregation Beth Shalom:

Odyssey Hospice is seeking volunteers to provide companionship and support to a significant number of patients with life-limiting illnesses and their families in your Naperville/Glen Ellyn/Lisle/Warrenville community. Patient Care Volunteers provide conversation, leisure activities or a quiet, caring presence.

You may also use your education and/or area of expertise to aide our patients and program. Your additional talents might include art; horticultural therapy; gardening; massage therapy; music therapy; pet therapy; life review and reminiscence such as recording oral histories, scrapbooking, photography, and more.

Patient Visit Volunteers may occasionally provide the opportunity for respite to caregivers if a patient resides at home, allowing a caregiver to take time for him/herself.

Volunteers with Odyssey Hospice are an important part of a larger team who recognize that psychological, spiritual, and social services, as well as medical/clinical care, can contribute to an improved life quality for patients in the last stages of life. We offer an extensive orientation as well as ongoing volunteer support.

I would be happy to offer an informational presentation at your convenience, as well as local site orientation. Please contact me at, or 847-439-0348.

Thank you very much.


Judy Guggenheim

CBS Member Art Show

Members, get out your paint brushes, cameras, pencils and … your creativity. CBS ArtSpace will be having a show for members only next summer. Artists (yes, this means you) can submit up to 3 pieces, and the jury will select at least 1 for exhibition. The show will run all summer of 2012. We’ll have an artists’ reception and ribbons will be awarded in various categories.

Artists must be at least 16 years old. Art must be wired for hanging. Jewish content desirable but not required.

Submission Process:

Submit up to 3 jpegs. Label your files with your name and the titles of the piece. Include a list giving the title of each piece, size, medium, and price, if for sale. Include a brief bio and/or artist statement. Drop off your entries at the temple, or mail them: CBS Member Show, Congregation Beth Shalom, 772 W. 5th Ave., Naperville, IL 60540 Deadline: May 1, 2012.

Kehilat haKadosh, December, 2011 16

ParnossahWorksChicago: A New Employment Website for Personalized Job Assistance

Jewish Vocational Service (JVS) announces the launch of, a new free job search website accessible by Chicago area job seekers and employers. A unique job posting board, caters to local jobs at all professional levels, offering a wide range of resumes and open positions to ensure a productive and mutually beneficial search. Unlike any other job posting website, qualified candidates are screened by an experienced, highly trained JVS career counselor.

The website offers an alternative to large, overwhelming job boards, with JVS staff providing confidential services to both candidates and employers to attain a strong match. The job posting board gives individuals access to job opportunities and employment assistance, while offering a venue for employers to find pre-screened candidates to fill their open positions. The site, free to both employees and employers, is made possible by a grant from the Jewish Federation’s J-HELP Initiative. Additional features include: job search tools and strategies, relevant resources, a calendar listing topical workshops and special events and opportunities to sign up for job campaign services.

Originally developed by F E G S Health and Human Services System in New York to serve unemployed and underemployed Jews in their area, ParnossahWorks is operating successfully in Detroit, Philadelphia, Los Angeles, Toronto, Minneapolis and Atlanta. “With everyone from senior executives, middle managers, to young professionals and recent college graduates being affected by the

current economic turmoil, this is an opportunity for members of the Jewish community to connect and help one another,” said Rose Dessau, Supervisor, JVS Employment Services.

In addition to ParnossahWorks, JVS provides job campaign assistance through the Jewish Employment Network (JEN) offering networking opportunities, career counseling and cutting-edge job search

strategies for people looking to be competitive in a tough market. JVS career counselors provide support and help keep clients motivated and on track throughout the job search process. Evening roundtables, ongoing groups and targeted workshops along with a client list-serve complement individual sessions with a counselor. The Jewish Employment Network is a partnership of Jewish Vocational Service, the Chicago Board of Rabbis, the Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago and affiliated congregations.

For more information on call 312-673-3437 or e-mail

Kehilat haKadosh, December, 2011 17

December at Spertus

Just three weeks til Hanukkah! We have some exciting events at Spertus in December.

Spertus is Cooking!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011 - 6:30 pm

Chef Laura Frankel introduces an array of latke topping possibilities, as she combines her favorite ingredients into eight crowning glories for the crispy

latke. Tickets are $25.

Author Event

You are invited to participate in One Book I One Community. Discover A Day of Small Beginnings, a remarkable debut novel by Lisa Pearl Rosenbaum selected specifically for this Chicago Jewish Community initiative. Explore themes of Jewish faith and identity, receive a special reader resource guide perfect for your book group or own investigation, participate in related programs, and meet the author!

Meet Author Lisa Perl Rosenbaum At Spertus (At 2 Pm) & At Wilmette Public Library (At 7 Pm) Tickets $18

One Incredible Hanukkah Jam

Sunday, December 18, 2011 - 2:00 pm

Tickets $15-$30 All seats reserved

Buy Tickets Now!

Or call 312.322.1773

Spertus presents a truly unique Hanukkah musical experience, one you definitely don’t want to miss!

Hear the monstrously talented, Grammy-award-winning Howard Levy amaze on harmonica and piano as his friend and fellow Chicagoan, world-renowned tenor Hazzan Alberto Mizrahi, applies his majestic voice to favorite music from the Ashkenazic and Sephardic Jewish traditions.

Kehilat haKadosh, December, 2011 18

Ongoing Programs and Activities

CBS Cemetery:

Congregation Beth Shalom owns a section in the Naperville Cemetery containing a number of gravesites.

Prices as of June 1, 2011 are:

Members: $1,150.00 per gravesite

Nonmembers: $1,650.00 per gravesite

Copies of the Congregation Cemetery Regulations are available from the Congregation office or Mark Greenberg/Gene Parker, Chairs of the Cemetery Committee.

For information on site selection and purchase, please contact Gene Parker (630 357 5047) or Mark Greenberg (630 579 8157).

CBS Seniors Group

HEAR YE! HEAR YE! To all Jewish Grandmas, Nanas, Bubbes and Grandpas, Poppas & Zeides.

The CBS Senior is looking for these particular Jewish people (not necessarily members of Congregation Beth Shalom) to become part of our group to help vitalize our activites in the Synagogue and also enjoy each other’s company. We meet the second Wed. of each month. If you have a desire to meet new friends and enjoy yourselves, please contact: Ruth Weber 630 983-4607

Calling all torah chanters: “The Bible should be read in public, and made understood to its hearers in musical and sweet tones­––and those who read the Torah without tune, show disregard for it, and its vital values and laws.” (The Talmud, 1st Century C.E.). Calling all post-Bar or Bat Mitzvah Teens who would like to inspire the younger Bnai Mitzvah students and keep their Torah Trope skills sharp! Calling all Adults who once chanted Torah and have run out of “lein” excuses!

Did you know that we chant Torah at every Shabbat morning service? The Torah was meant to be sung, and we sing it! Join our growing “Legion of Leiners.” We will help you brush up your skills, give you plenty of time to prepare, and provide you with a portion to learn and chant that is manageable for you. Remember: You don’t have to be a Maven to do a Mitzvah! Your honor awaits! Contact Bernie Newman at (630) 357-4544 or

CBS Collegiate Connection

We would like to stay connected with your student at college, and remind them that we at CBS are still thinking of them. In the past we have sent a few encouraging notes a year, as well as a small gift. Please pass on your student's address at college to Melanie Greenberg at ELC Cubbies: Please Note: The cubbies in front of the Early Learning Center (ELC) preschool classroom are for ELC use ONLY! Please do not place anything in these cubbies. All materials that you wish to distribute such as flyers for upcoming events, etc., must be pre-approved by ELC Director Robin Frisch. Robin Frisch can be contacted at 630.961.1818 x22 or at Any materials found in the cubbies that have not been approved will be removed and immediately discarded. Thank you for your cooperation.

Junior Congregation: If you are looking for an easy and fun way to celebrate Shabbat and learn Shabbat morning prayers, then come and check out Junior Congregation.

This student- led service (with adult supervision) allows children the opportunity to be the gabbi, lead prayers in English or Hebrew, and take a part in “Sedra Scenes” performances - great practice in public speaking and preparation for Bnei Mitzvot. This service is targeted for children who can read English and are beginning to learn Hebrew. Students in first grade and above may attend without an adult, though adults are welcome, space permitting.

Jewish Professionals Lunch –n- Learn

Discuss an array of Jewish topics over a delicious

Kosher lunch while enjoying the opportunity to


Second Tuesday of Every Month

11:30 – 12:3 For more information visit or call Rabbi Mendy

Goldstein at 630-778-977

Kehilat haKadosh, December, 2011 19

Junior Congregation begins at 10:30 a.m. in the youth lounge and lasts approximately one hour, followed by Kiddish. Please pick up your child no later than 12:00 p.m. as the synagogue closes after services. Please let us know if you’d be interested in hosting a Kiddish for this service.

Please contact Eileen Gelblat (630-355-7916 or or Nadene Eisner ( ) for more information.

Library: The library is open when the synagogue is open.

Monday and Friday: 9-2, Tuesday, Wednesday. & Thursday 9-5, Sundays When Religious School is in Session

For more information about our library, volunteering your time your time or writing book reviews, please call Gerry Mendelssohn at 630-416-2195

Lunchtime study group: Join us for our lively and popular weekly lunchtime adult study group, on Thursdays from 11:30 am to 12:30 pm in the Congregation library. The subjects of study are traditional Jewish texts (in English).

Our current topic of study is Mishna Pirke Avot (Ethics of the Fathers), the famous compendium of wise and pithy sayings of the Jewish Sages for how to live the "good life"-morally, ethically, and holy.

We are not using one specific text, but several different translations and commentaries available in the Congregation library (or feel free to bring in your own Pirke Avot text).

Whether you can come regularly or only drop-in occasionally, join us for the energizing discussions and the joy of learning. You don't need to have been present from the beginning of this topic to join-in whenever you can. Bernie Newman 630-357-4544 or

Monthly Meditation: The Sages used to meditate an hour before services to prepare themselves for prayer. On the fourth Friday of the month you can do the same at 7:15 pm in the Library, with Jewish Meditation Teacher Yonah Klem. Yonah will give a brief teaching and then we will meditate about 20 minutes. Beginning and experienced meditators are welcome.

Kosher Meat program. B’nai Israel has agreed to let us participate in their kosher meat program. Simply fill out your request ( each month and pick up your meat on the specified day.

Tot Shabbat Music Programs: Held on the 3rd Saturday morning of October, November 2010 and January – May, 2011

Kehilat haKadosh, December, 2011 20

CBS Communication Guidelines and Deadlines

Communication is a funny thing. Some people tell us they get too much, while others tell us they don’t get enough. Some people say they “tune out” because the same information is repeated everywhere while others say that they waste their time searching for what they need. To improve our effectiveness, we are focusing each major form of communication from CBS. However, we need your help. It is important that you at least skim the various communications from CBS. That will ensure that you are kept up-to-date on what is happening in and around our community. For your reference, we have included a table summarizing our communication tools and submission deadlines.

Frequency Purpose Submission Deadline Submit to

Web-site Ongoing General information about CBS, Oneg sign up, donation and building information, emergency announcements, ELC/Religious school closings, and most up-to-date calendar.


Digest/ Announcements

Weekly Thursday/ Friday

Events coming in the next two weeks, “Save the date” notifications for major events.

Wednesday of the week that announcement is to be read

Special digests Once or twice per month

Time-sensitive or urgent matters such as Shiva information, special meetings, and other notifications

As needed – note: the digest is the primary weekly vehicle. Special Digests will be saved for exceptional events (at the discretion of the office manager or VP Member Services) so that we do not bombard members with too many emails.

Newsletter Monthly Human interest stories about Congregation Beth Shalom members. General information about upcoming (more than one month away) programs. Monthly calendar.

The 25th

of the preceding month (e.g., March 25

th for submissions for April).

This is a firm cut-off date.

For stories in the digest and newsletter, please just send unformatted text. If you would like to include a picture, send a jpg, png, or bitmap. Advertisements should also be jpg, png, or bitmap. On-going CBS events are no longer called out in advertisements but rather appear on the “On-going programs and services” page. We hope that these guidelines will better help you get the information you need without too much redundancy or confusion.

Kehilat haKadosh, December, 2011 21

Calendar of Key Events in November For the most up-to-date information, see If you would like to add an event to the calendar, please check with Sue Prousa to ensure that the building/room is available.

Thu Dec 1 11:30am – 12:30pm: Thursday Study Group - CBS Library

Fri Dec 2 4:03pm – 4:21pm: Candle lighting - Chicago 6:45pm – 7:15pm: Family Service 8:00pm – 9:00pm: Shabbat Service

Sat Dec 3 Parashat Vayetzei 9:00am – 10:00am: Torah Study - CBS Library 10:00am – 12:00pm: Shabbat Worship - Sanctuary 10:00am – 12:15pm: B'MV Lauren Kessler 4:15pm – 5:15pm: Mincha/Havdalah Service 5:03pm – 5:04pm: Havdalah (42 min) - Chicago

Sun Dec 4 8:30am – 10:25am: Religious School-Session I (PreK - 4) 8:30am – 10:25am: 4th Grade Family Program 9:00am – 10:00am: Intro to Judaism: Wedding Customs 10:45am – 12:45pm: Religious School - Session II (5-10) 12:45pm – 1:45pm: 5th Grade Pizza Party 12:45pm – 2:45pm: Rosh Hodesh Group (6th-7th)

Mon Dec 5 7:00pm – 8:00pm: Israeli Dance at CBS

Tue Dec 6 4:30pm – 6:15pm: Religious School

Thu Dec 8 11:30am – 12:30pm: Thursday Study Group - CBS Library 7:15pm – 10:15pm: CBS Board Mtg

Fri Dec 9 11:30am – 1:00pm: Shabbat Shalom Hey - Social Hall 4:02pm – 4:20pm: Candle lighting - Chicago 8:00pm – 9:00pm: Shabbat Service 8:00pm – 9:00pm: 5th Grade Participation 8:00pm – 9:00pm: Birthday/Anniversary Celebration

Sat Dec 10 Parashat Vayishlach 9:00am – 10:00am: Torah Study - CBS Library 10:00am – 12:00pm: Shabbat Worship - B'MV Emily Hauser 10:30am – 12:00pm: Junior Congregation 4:15pm – 5:15pm: Mincha/Havdalah Service 5:02pm – 5:03pm: Havdalah (42 min) - Chicago

Sun Dec 11 8:30am – 10:25am: Religious School-Session I (PreK - 4) 9:00am – 10:00am: Intro to Judaism: Mourner’s Customs 10:25am – 11:25am: 4th Grade Pizza Party 10:45am – 12:45pm: Religious School - Session II (5-10) 12:45pm – 2:45pm: Rosh Hodesh Group (8th - 12th)

Mon Dec 12 7:00pm – 8:00pm: Israeli Dance at CBS

Tue Dec 13 4:30pm – 6:15pm: Religious School

Thu Dec 15 11:30am – 12:30pm: Thursday Study Group - CBS Library

Fri Dec 16 4:03pm – 4:21pm: Candle lighting - Chicago

6:15pm – 7:15pm: Hanukkah Dinner 8:00pm – 9:00pm: Shabbat Service /Rock Shabbat

Sat Dec 17 Parashat Vayeshev 9:00am – 10:00am: Torah Study - CBS Library 10:00am – 12:00pm: 6th Grade Chanting Torah 10:00am – 12:00pm: Shabbat Worship - Sanctuary 4:15pm – 5:15pm: Mincha/Havdalah Service 5:03pm – 5:04pm: Havdalah (42 min) - Chicago

Sun Dec 18 8:30am – 10:25am: Religious School-Session I (PreK - 4) 8:30am – 10:25am: 5th Grade Family Havdalah Program 9:00am – 10:00am: Intro to Judaism: Chanukah Customs 10:45am – 12:45pm: Religious School - Session II (5-10) 12:45pm – 1:45pm: 6th Grade Pizza Party 4:00pm – 6:00pm: Kibbutz Katan Hanukah Party

Mon Dec 19 7:00pm – 8:00pm: Israeli Dance at CBS

Tue Dec 20 Chanukah: 1 Candle 4:30pm – 6:15pm: Religious School

Wed Dec 21 Chanukah: 2 Candles

Thu Dec 22 Chanukah: 3 Candles 11:30am – 12:30pm: Thursday Study Group - CBS Library

Kehilat haKadosh, December, 2011 22

Fri Dec 23 Chanukah: 4 Candles 4:06pm – 4:24pm: Candle lighting - Chicago 7:15pm – 7:45pm: Monthly Meditation - Congregation Beth Shalom Library 8:00pm – 9:00pm: Shabbat Service

Sat Dec 24, 2011 Parashat Miketz Chanukah: 5 Candles 9:00am – 10:00am: Torah Study - CBS Library 10:00am – 12:00pm: Shabbat Worship - Sanctuary 4:15pm – 5:15pm: Mincha/Havdalah Service 5:06pm – 5:07pm: Havdalah (42 min) - Chicago

Sun Dec 25, 2011 Chanukah: 6 Candles

Mon Dec 26, 2011 Rosh Chodesh Tevet Chanukah: 7 Candles 7:00pm – 8:00pm: Israeli Dance at CBS

Tue Dec 27, 2011 Rosh Chodesh Tevet Chanukah: 8 Candles

Wed Dec 28, 2011 Chanukah: 8th Day

Thu Dec 29, 2011 11:30am – 12:30pm: Thursday Study Group - CBS Library

Fri Dec 30, 2011 4:11pm – 4:29pm: Candle lighting - Chicago 8:00pm – 9:00pm: Shabbat Service

Sat Dec 31, 2011 Parashat Vayigash 9:00am – 10:00am: Torah Study - CBS Library 10:00am – 12:00pm: Shabbat Worship - Sanctuary 4:30pm – 5:30pm: Mincha/Havdalah Service 5:11pm – 5:12pm: Havdalah (42 min) - Chicago


Sun Jan 1, 2012

Mon Jan 2, 2012 7:00pm – 8:00pm: Israeli Dance at CBS

Tue Jan 3, 2012

Wed Jan 4, 2012

Thu Jan 5, 2012 Asara B'Tevet 11:30am – 12:30pm: Thursday Study Group - CBS Library

Fri Jan 6, 2012 4:17pm – 4:35pm: Candle lighting - Chicago 6:45pm – 7:15pm: Family Service 8:00pm – 9:00pm: Shabbat Service

Sat Jan 7, 2012 Parashat Vayechi 9:00am – 10:00am: Torah Study - CBS Library 10:00am – 12:00pm: Shabbat Worship - Sanctuary 5:18pm – 5:19pm: Havdalah (42 min) - Chicago 5:45pm – 6:45pm: Mincha/Havdalah Service

Kehilat haKadosh, December, 2011 23


RABBI'S DISCRETIONARY FUND Jack and Carol Medor Bob and Sheila Fisher Adrienne and Herb Golinkin Adrienne and Herb Golinkin Adrienne and Herb Golinkin Gail and Myron Sonkin Susan and Michael Remson Herb and Adrienn Golinkin Sandy and Fred Goldenson Abraham Sheinkman

RELIGIOUS SCHOOL FUND Richelo and Hilary Leathem Jan & Don Strauss & Lynda & David Stern & Family

JEKABPILS FUND Marc Swetlitz & Zena Goldenberg Freyda Libman

BUILDING FUND The Rubin Family The Rubin Family


TORAH FUND Fran and Michael Kraemer

GENERAL FUND Carole Kerr Bruce and Karen Robkoff Paula and Dan Fraser

Kehilat haKadosh, December, 2011 24

Make a Donation

772 W. Fifth Avenue, Naperville, IL 60563

In memory of In honor of (occasion and name) Name of donor Address (Street, City, State Zip)

Please send acknowledgement to

Name of donor Address (Street, City, State Zip)

I (we) enclose my (our) contribution of $___ to the following fund(s)

Kehilat haKadosh, December, 2011 25

In Memory

DECEMBER 2 & 3 Frank Saul Newman* Bernie Newman 7 Kislev 5772 11/17/1977 I. Robert Rozett Ann Rabin 7 Kislev 5772 11/22/1955 Josef Leizerovici Ariana Vigder 8 Kislev 5772 11/14/1972 Grace Ross Howard Korn 8 Kislev 5772 12/5/2008 Doba Chernobrov* Aizik Chernobrov 8 Tevet 5772 12/17/1996 Esther DePorte David DePorte 8 Tevet 5772 1/3/2001 Mildred Freid Sheri Rubin 9 Kislev 5772 12/6/2008 Abraham Friedman Renee Major 9 Kislev 5772 11/17/1980 Sam W. Levine Marlene Levine 9 Kislev 5772 12/5/1981 Norman Kapson Cliff Kapson 10 Kislev 5772 12/11/2005 Doris Speck Robyn Goldman 10 Kislev 5772 12/8/1970 Renee B. Stallman Toni Miller 10 Kislev 5772 12/10/1978 Edward Berk* Chuck Berk 11 Kislev 5772 12/9/1989 Sy Cole* Dede Schwartz 11 Kislev 5772 11/20/1999 Stewart Koppel* Cheryl Cash 11 Kislev 5772 12/8/2008 Irma Strauss* Don Strauss 11 Kislev 5772 11/23/2004 Myron Borovik Gail Sonkin 12 Kislev 5772 11/22/2007 Elsie Lippmann Dan Lippmann 12 Kislev 5772 11/28/1982 Sol Rubin* Ira Rubin 12 Kislev 5772 11/27/2001 Leonard B Stallman Toni Miller 12 Kislev 5772 11/30/1971 Kalah Reinschreiber* Elaine Beyer 13 Kislev 5772 11/22/1999 Steven Thill Peggy Kolar 13 Kislev 5772 11/20/1991

DECEMBER 9 & 10 Darlene Ann Wessels Debbie Bindler 14 Kislev 5772 11/23/1999 Allen Kagan Scott Kagan 15 Kislev 5772 12/2/2009 Anne Stainman* Terrie Stainman 15 Kislev 5772 12/11/2000 Lawrence Stein Geoffrey Stein 15 Kislev 5772 11/30/1982 Rosalyn Nicker Barbara Nicker Bernstein 16 Kislev 5772 12/11/2003 Enugenia Aisenstadt Abraham Sheinkman 17 Kislev 5772 12/11/1984 Grace Hartman Morton Hartman 17 Kislev 5772 12/1/1993 Fannie Holtzman Jill Holtzman Larson 17 Kislev 5772 12/7/1941 Alfred Rubin* Steve Rubin 17 Kislev 5772 12/16/1997 Ephraim Isenberg Sheldon Isenberg 18 Kislev 5772 11/28/1977 Mary Ovadia* Michael Schwartz 19 Kislev 5772 12/18/1997 Frances Bell Eileen Landau 20 Kislev 5772 11/24/1975 Frances Bell Susan Landau-Van Dyke 20 Kislev 5772 11/24/1975 Walter Gruchala Walter Gruchala 20 Kislev 5772 12/4/1993 Sylvia Woolf Morss* Lester Morss 20 Kislev 5772 12/15/1992

DECEMBER 16 & 17 Ben Kotick* Susan Remson 22 Kislev 5772 12/17/1954 Henry Wasserman* Jill Holtzman Larson 22 Kislev 5772 12/5/1966 Ida Kotick* Michael Remson 23 Kislev 5772 12/2/1999 Charles Mandell Stephanie Mathews 23 Kislev 5772 12/2/1999 Sherwin Rochlis* Steve Rochlis 23 Kislev 5772 12/18/2003 Helen Levine* Pete Levine 24 Kislev 5772 12/15/2006 Lisa Shack Jennifer Weiner 24 Kislev 5772 12/8/1974 Irving Sherr* Sandy Goldenson 25 Kislev 5772 11/30/1983 Milton Farber* Beth Farber 26 Kislev 5772 12/23/1962 Leonard Hauser Karen Hauser Robkoff 26 Kislev 5772 11/29/1994 Adele Rosenthal* Phyllis Fee 26 Kislev 5772 12/5/1999 Isaac Rosenberg Jill Kapson 27 Kislev 5772 12/10/1947 DECEMBER 23 & 24 Bernard Decent Ross Decent 28 Kislev 5772 12/26/1997 Edward Karlins* Russ Karlins 28 Kislev 5772 12/21/1995 Jerome Aranoff Charles Aranoff 29 Kislev 5772 12/26/2008 Jacob Pies Diane Toby 29 Kislev 5772 12/9/1969 Henrietta Shapiro Jeffrey Shapiro 29 Kislev 5772 12/23/1908 Mortimer Goodstein Jeffrey Shapiro 2 Tevet 5772 12/11/2007 Jeanne Brill Julie Glen 3 Tevet 5772 12/17/1993 Doris Stampler Dronsick* Beth Farber 3 Tevet 5772 1/2/1979 Eva Gordon Lenore Hauser 3 Tevet 5772 12/9/1983 Heinirich Vigder Armand Vigder 3 Tevet 5772 12/24/1976

DECEMBER 30 & 31 William Levine* Robin Bauman 5 Tevet 5772 12/15/1977 Eleanor Simon Nita Barshefsky 6 Tevet 5772 12/22/2009 Rebecca Raffel Goltz* Eliot Landau 7 Tevet 5772 1/1/1974 Oscar Speck* Robyn Goldman 7 Tevet 5772 12/30/1995 Joseph Yedwab Gregg Yedwab 7 Tevet 5772 12/31/1984 Abraham Golinkin* Herbert Golinkin 9 Tevet 5772 12/30/1968 Abraham Golinkin Norman Golinkin 9 Tevet 5772 12/30/1968 Nancy Shlensky Jacobson Carol Keeth 9 Tevet 5772 1/9/2006 Ethel Rochlis* Steve Rochlis 10 Tevet 5772 1/8/1998 Jack Skolnick Elaine Fisher 10 Tevet 5772 1/10/2006 Louis Levine* Pete Levine 11 Tevet 5772 1/5/2004 Seymour Miller* Deborah Friedman 11 Tevet 5772 12/26/2001 Naomi Rubin* Steve Rubin 11 Tevet 5772 12/26/2001 * A memorial light on the CBS yahrzeit board is lit

May their memories be for a blessing

Kehilat haKadosh, December, 2011 26

Board of Directors and Committees

Position Name Contact

President Jeff Rest

VP Administration Stephan Chriqui

VP Member Services

Liz Levitt

Lisa Ohlhausen

VP Membership

Leslie Noel

Elizabeth Sigale

VP Education

Renee Major

Geoff Adler

VP Finance Bob Fisher

VP Development Gregg Yedwab

VP Religious Practices Chris Igo

Secretary Susan Karoll

Treasurer Betsy Wunder

Director at Large Nelson Chester

Director at Large Sam Rest

Past President Mark Greenberg

Position Name Contact

Adult Education Open

B'nai Mitzvah Invitations Trudy Lythberg tel:355-5337

Building/Catering Stephan Chriqui

Cemetery Mark Greenbergy

Gene Parker

Chesed Bob Fisher

Terrie Stainman



Cultural Arts Linda Gaines

Facilities Stephan Chriqui

Gift Shop Lauren Gaither

Jill Greenwood

Landscaping Drew Effron

Library Gerry Mendelssohn

Newsletter Brad Kolar

Religious School Renee Major

Tikkun Olam Mimi Qunell


Committee Russ Klem

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