ancient history week 1

Post on 22-Nov-2014






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Ancient History- Week 1

God has always existed.

In the beginning, God created the world and all that is in it in 6 days. And on the

seventh day God rested.

The sin of Adam and Eve had disastrous consequences. Adam was the head of all creation, so because of Adam’s sin,

God cursed the world.

As God promised, death resulted from Adam’s sin.

Even though Adam broke God’s

law, God remained gracious and promised he

would send a “seed” that would crush Satan and

his Kingdom. Jesus is that seed.

God observed that man’s every intent was evil and wicked. He was grieved He had made man

and said He would destroy man.

But Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord. Noah was a righteous man.

A flood destroyed the whole world except for

Noah and his family.

God sent a rainbow as a sign he would never destroy the

world again.

Before the flood there was never any rain. There was a large cloud that covered the whole earth

It was like a greenhouse.

This is why the people lived so long in ancient times.

When the flood happened, it rained for 40 days

-but there were also volcanoes, springs of water making canyons and gorges,

and tsunamis.

The Ice Age began when

God removed that vapor

cloud and we had seasons for the first


Immediately following the flood, several factors brought on the ice age

There would have been extra moisture in the atmosphere with all the water, colder temperatures and colder climate everywhere. The water would have begun to freeze.

During the ice age, man did not cease

to exist. The entire earth was not

covered by ice, just large parts of it.

Many people migrated during this time period searching for a more desirable climate. Land bridges that once were covered by water would have been exposed making travel to other continents easier.

After the flood, a civilization was started in the “Fertile Crescent”.

This area is called the Mesopotamia which means “land between rivers”.

The Sumerians were intelligent because they rebuilt society in a relatively short

period of time.

They had irrigation systems, flushing toilets, hot and cold water in homes, art in statues (with big eyes!), the calendar, the wheel and poetry.

They even had an early form of

writing called Cuneiform.


The Sumerians wrote a story called the

“epic of Gilgamesh”

It was a poem that mixed fact and fiction.It sounded very similar to the story of the Fall

and the flood!

Abraham came from the Sumerains in a city called Ur.

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