analysing poster and magazine cover. task 5

Post on 18-Feb-2017






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Analysing Film poster and Magazine front

coverBy Fatima Abdi Mohamed

About the film:In a dystopian future, the totalitarian nation of Panem is divided into 12 districts and the Capitol. In order to control future rebellions by remembering the past rebellion, each year Powers That Be of the dystopian society of Panem force two young representatives from each district to participate in The Hunger Games . Part entertainment, part brutal retribution for a past rebellion, the televised games are broadcast throughout Panem. The 24 participants are forced to eliminate their competitors while the citizens of Panem are required to watch. When 16-year-old Katniss Everdeen’s young sister, Prim, is selected as District 12's female representative, Katniss volunteers to take her place. While Katniss’s skills consist being a great hunter and archer, she's still in danger. She and her male counterpart, Peeta, are pitted against bigger, stronger representatives, some of whom have trained for this their whole lives.

This is tagline for the film and its talking about how everyone is watching the main character of the film because she is competing in the ‘Hunger Games’, hence the name of the film.The image on the film poster is of a well known and loved actress, Jennifer Lawrence. She plays the main character, Katniss Everdeen.

The main colours used for the background are black, red and gold. These colours together all stand out and make a statement which in my opinion is danger. The colour red connotes danger, the colour black connotes mystery and finally the colour gold symbolises victory. The colour gold can also be a foreshadow, because the main character (Katniss) has a golden glow around her face and that can indicate that she's going to be the winner in the competition and that entices the audience to go and watch the film. The main character is aiming a bow and an arrow on the front of the film poster and this indicates that she is ready for anything. This is most likely one of the factors from the film poster that attracts the audience. The idea that the arrow is lit up gold, suggests it’s importance to the main character as it is obviously a crucial object which helps her in the film; the gold colour helps reinforce this importance.The actor is wearing some kind of a pantsuit with a white strap on the shoulder. This looks like an outfit for combat, which ironically the main character is going to be in.The logo is a Mockingjay and is in the centre of the bottom third of the poster, the idea that it is centralised shows its importance. Furthermore, the fact that the logo i.e. Mockingjay symbolises rebellion, highlights the problems that are arising in the film and how people had to resort to a rebellion.

The name of the film matches the colour scheme of the whole film poster. The typography of the film name is the same font as the other writing on the poster, just different size. The writing looks 3D and stands out from the film poster.

This is the release date for the film and it informs the audience what day to go to the cinema and watch the film.

The credit is important because it mentions people who helped created the film, it gives them recognition

The masthead of the magazine is orange, which stands out against the green, forestry background. This is effective because it brings the elements from the film to the magazine, giving readers a slight sneaky peck to the film. The colour other colour of Katniss’s jacket is to be orange and its used as the colour for the masthead. The colour orange could symbolise fire, the fire that burns to keep Katniss going.

The main character Katniss (Jennifer Lawrence) is wearing a waterproof, leather look alike jacket which has a pin of a mockingjay pined on it, This is highly effective because the audience could see that she had already started defying the corrupted government of her time. The jacket gives the impression to the audience that it’s a leather jacket and leather jackets usually symbolise danger, this could mean that Katniss is dangerous. This is further highlighted by the bow and arrow she is carrying on her backThe image of the main character Katniss is

seen clearly, with flawless face. Katniss is played by a well known rising actor, who is known and loved, her name is Jennifer Lawrence. Her blue eyes stand out from her face. Furthermore, the determined expression on her face indicated to the audience that she is a fighter and she would not stop at anything.The bow and arrow she is carrying are significate because they are her crucial to her survival in the hunger games. The fact the on the front page of this magazine she is wearing her bow and arrow, clues in the readers what a important factor it has in the film. Furthermore, the fact that the bow and are bright silver, which is completely different contrast to the rest of the magazine makes it stand out, which further supports my point on the importance of the bow and arrow.

The background of the magazine contrasts well with the rest of the magazine because it is bright and very vibrant. The background is a very vibrant forest, this gives the audience a little idea as to where the film is set, and they could imagine it vividly with the help of this magazine background. Forests are normally a place of peace and beauty, but in the film it’s a place of destruction and death.

There are lots of cover lines around the magazine. This cover line is talking about how there is photos of the actor, Jennifer Lawrence who played Katniss. It also talked about how there would be inside scope to entice the audience in.

The fact that the main image in the magazine covers the name of the magazine shows the significance of the actress (character) and that people don’t actually need the whole name of the magazine to know what magazine this is.

What made the film poster and magazine front cover successful? What made the film poster and magazine cover successful is the

fact that they had really good colours that contrasted well with each other to catch the attention of the audience.

They also had a clear image of the main actress, Jennifer Lawrence, who is well known and would draw the attention of the audience.

Furthermore, the fact that the poster and the magazine gave small insights to the audience to clue them in to the film drew in audience in as well.

They followed the code and conventions of and action movie and incorporated the themes of an action movie to the front of the film poster and magazine front cover, for example the bow and arrow.

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