abigail klein

Post on 19-Mar-2016






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Abigail Klein


High-Watt Angel Meets Low-Brow RaunchIf they gave Oscars for enthusiasm, infectiously cheerful new actress Abigail Klein would sweep the competition By Lee Valentine Smith

Vivacious Abigail Klein’s film debut is in Adam Sandler’s cloying new comedy That’s My Boy, a long, crude romp that also features Andy Samberg, Leighton Meester, Susan Sarandon as well as Vanilla Ice and Tony Orlando. The former Dallas Cowboy Cheerleader, who also stars in country artist Easton Corbin’s latest music video, spoke with Insite from her current home in West Hollywood the day after the movie premiered in Westwood Village. Italics might as well have been invented for the charmingly effusive -- and incredibly gorgeous -- actress’ delightful style of enthusiastic conversation and general Texas-bred perkiness.

How was the premiere? It was surreal. I was kind of overwhelmed, in a good way. There were lights everywhere, and lots of interviews and the red carpet! It was fun to be able to experience it in a theater and so good to see everyone I worked with last summer. The whole vibe was electric.

For those who haven’t seen it, tell us a bit about the film; it’s a buddy picture of sorts, right? Yes, a father [Adam Sandler] comes back into the life of his son [Andy Samberg]. But they just happen to be only about 12 years apart. Adam’s character had inappropriate student-teacher relations when he was in grade school. When the teacher [played by Eva Amurri, Susan Sarandon’s real-life daughter] goes to jail, he raises the son -- but not in the best way. So he comes back to resurrect their relationship. It’s funny and a little heartwarming, too.

There’s certainly an unusual all-star cast in this movie. Yes! We even had scenes with James Caan. And that’s pretty crazy.

And several SNL veterans, too. Will Forte, Rachel Dratch and Ana Gasteyer. Oh, and even Ciara, I grew up listening to her music! To see all these people in the movie I got to do was pretty cool.

Often when you make a movie, you bond with some of the cast. How did you fit in?We shot on location in Cape Cod and I was there for a month so I grew close to a lot of the cast members. Especially the bridesmaids, because that was my role, I played one of Leighton’s bridesmaids and we got really close. It was almost like a real wedding where you mingle with the other people there and just have fun.

How is Adam Sandler as a boss? That sounds funny to say, but it is his production company. Adam’s Happy Madison Productions is like a summer camp! For the most part, the set was very laid back and relaxed, but at the same time, Adam and Sean Anders, the director, were very professional and kept things on track. It was really amazing to see that things can be funny and you can break for laughter, but then you get right back in it because you want to finish the scene the best way possible. I think everyone would agree he’s the ultimate boss. Working with him -- me being a total newcomer -- he was so welcoming and kind. So it was the best possible situation I could have had.

How did you get the role?I went in and auditioned last June. Then I went home to Texas for the Fourth of July and enjoyed the holiday with my family; didn’t think anything more of it. I always leave auditions like, “Oh great, that was fun, now on to the next one.” When I got back to LA, I got a call that I had a movie offer! I thought, “What?! Oh my gosh, this is crazy!” I’m still pinching myself because I really lucked out.

And your name in the movie is actually Abigail, too. How did that happen?Going into it, the bridesmaids didn’t have character names. Before the very first scene we shot, Adam says, “So, what’s your name, kid?” I said, “Abigail!” He said, “Is that ok to use in the movie?” I said, “Well ok,

sure!” I mean, what are you gonna say? So when they yelled “action,” in the scene, he opens a beer, hands it to me and goes, “Here ya go, Abigail!” It was funny and unexpected!

If you get famous for this role, you won’t have to pull a Leonard Nimoy and do the old “I am not Spock” thing. Yeah! Well, I like my name, let’s go with it.

With all the comic actors in the film, was there a lot of improv going on? That to me, was one of my favorite things: learning how this particular kind of comedy was executed. Mostly everyone stuck to the script. If they were to do a different take, Adam would have a suggestion like, “Maybe say it with this in mind…” He’d have some pointers, but it was pretty much up to the actor how they would interpret it. It was really cool to see how the whole process works.

I saw a picture of you in a hot tub with Sandler and several girls. Is that in the movie or was that just one of his personal demands? That was probably the funniest scene we got to shoot! Meagan Fay is in it, and she plays Leighton’s mom. She is hysterical. And there’s a funny surprise at the end of the scene! But all the bridesmaids, the minute they yelled “Cut,” we were all were like “Where’s the pizza, where’s some food?” because we had been gearing up for that scene. We had to be in bikinis so once we got out of that hot tub, all we wanted to do was go chow down!

This is Sandler’s raunchiest film to date. What do you think of the decidedly crude genre: the R-rated low-brow comedy?It is popular and it is his first “hard R” movie and it is pretty raunchy -- but in a good way, a hysterical funny way. In my life, I don’t normally curse, so that’s a little different. But it’s two hours that you laugh and enjoy other peoples performances. It’s a summer movie. But I had to warn my mom, “It is rated R, mom,” and she was like, “You know I’ll support whatever you’re in and I can’t wait to see it!”

I hate for this to sound like a leering, Jay Leno-type question, but I know there‘s some nudity in the film. How do you feel about that? There is some nudity in the movie, and it’s pretty “out there“ but it’s just the right amount of shock value and comedy, so it’s a good balance. But I didn’t have to be naked, so I had no problem telling my parents to go see it! Let’s talk about your three years as a Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader. Is there a code or a secret handshake or some sort of Army-like camaraderie? Oh my gosh, that’s so funny you said Army because when you audition to be a cheerleader, once you make it past the first round of auditions -- there’s dancing, choreography, even a written test -- you go into what’s called “training camp.” It’s a military boot camp-type training and you’re doing physical training! Our instructor had an army background so we did drills that soldiers would go through. We’d work out every day, we’d dance every day, plan routines all the time. It’s a very intense summer, if you’re lucky enough to make it to that point. Once you make it through the training camp, then that’s when the season begins, and you go on appearances, you dance at games. It was the coolest experience. And for me, it was right out of high school, so that was a pretty crazy transition from drill team in high school to an NFL Cheerleader for the Dallas Cowboys!

The calendar shoots were fun, I’m sure. Those were the most fun vacations ever! We went to Puerto Vallarta one year, and the Bahamas one year. That was just blissful. You’re on vacation with thirty-five of your closest friends, skipping around the beach taking photos, it was so fun! Since this is the summer music issue, what kind of music did the cheerleaders listen to before the games? You had to be “on” enough to make it through a four-hour game! So in the locker room, we’d get pumped up to hip-hop music to just get amped. We’d all just kinda dance around and get psyched. We probably looked like we were players getting ready to go out for the game.

What’s next for you? .I have several things in the works, but I’m waiting to see how they pan out. So I don’t know, really.

That can be a great place to be; all possibilities are open. It is a great place to be! That’s been my approach so far, just taking it day-by-day and job-by-job. Not expecting any kind of outcome but just enjoying the process every day.


Possible pull-quote:“I always leave auditions like, ‘Oh great, that was fun, now on to the next one.’”

Photo caption:Texas tea in a hard R? Abigail Klein sweetens the crude.

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