175th celebration

Post on 11-May-2015






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Warrenville Baptist Church

175th Celebration


August 26, 1834: 16 members from the 1st DuPage Baptist Church Located south of Naperville, IL broke away to form their own church in Warrenville, IL to be called 2nd DuPage Baptist Church.

We are the church

WarrenDaniel Nancy

Manius Sophie




Alfred Churchill

Images are only a representation

Dr. Israel S.P. Lord


LordImages are only a representation

Joseph FishElizabeth Fish

Images are only a representation

Polly Lord

HarrietWarren Betsy Fowler

Philinda Warren

Images are only a representation

Sarah Warren (Carpenter)

Abel Carpenter

Letters were sent to sister churches inviting them to send Pastors and deacons to give fellowship as a sister church

For 2 years they functioned as The Warrenville Baptist Society

They met in the home of Daniel and Nancy Warren

Elder Hubbard continued to minister to both 1st and 2nd DuPage Baptist churches until

a pastor was assigned.


1836, February 26: The 2nd DuPage Baptist Church received its Charter and was given the right hand of fellowship by the Northern Baptist Association of Chicago.


First resident pastor assigned to DuPage Baptist Church. His term was filled with growth.

1836-1838Lyman D. King

1836-1838: The next several years the membership grew.

1838: They started to meet in the school house located south of the mill on 3rd street.

1838-1839Daniel Graves

Pastor pro-tem: Members served the pulpit when no pastor was available


From the 1st DuPage Baptist in Naperville he exchanged

places with Mr. King and served until he became ill. During his term “members were pleased and at peace

with one another.”

Rev Hubbard

1841-1843Joel Wheeler

Under his leadership there was real progress in the church.

He left, along with 10 members, to start a new church in the Big Woods area


He was ordained in the Warrenville Church at the

age of 23. He was considered a real mover in

the Baptist organization and a tireless worker

A.J. Joslyn

1838, Fall: Northern Baptist Association’s 3rd Annual meeting was held in Warrenville, in the small school house

12 delegates met for the 2 day meeting which included Daniel Graves, pro tem, Abel Carpenter and Cornelius Jones from Warrenville

1842, June: Northern Baptist Association introduced a need for a educational institution.Rev. Wheeler proposed the that the new literary Institution be placed in Warrenville

1842, Fall: The new Educational institution opened

1842, Spring: Col. Julius Warren deeded a 80x100 foot lot with a small barn or shed like structure. Summer: remolded and finished.

1844, May: Warrenville Baptist in the forefront of the anti-slavery movement.Resolutions were drawn up and accepted for the church to act upon.(No physical records exists)

1845, September: Warrenville had acted as host to the first Northwest Baptist Anti-slavery

Convention as well as the Ministerial Conference of the Northern Illinois

Baptist Association.

1845, December:

The DuPage County Anti-slavery Society and Liberty Association met in Warrenville.

There were many very strong abolitionists from Warrenville in this group


Pulpit supply--filled in on several occasions during the period when the church had no pastor

Philander Taylor

1846-1849Joel WheelerReturns for 2years

1848, July; Women to have a voice in the meetings. It was stated “They could vote if they saw fit.”


1849 -1850

1849, March: Called to serve one year. Brother Hovey and his wife became members by letter. He went on to Batavia Baptist where in 1851 an investigation to defrock him was started. Warrenville’s only involvement was to help in the investigation upon the request of Batavia. The report never appeared in our church records

Henry Hovey

1850-1853S. F. Holt

1850, June: The church voted to give him a yearly salary of $250.00 with ½ day off every two weeks

1852 , October: they voted to pay $15.00 to a sexton for the upkeep of the Church building..1853, April: voted to release Elder Holt (by his request) from his obligation as the church’s pastor.

1852, April: they voted a pay raise for him of $25.00 for the present year.

1853, October: Special meeting: After Brother Haraim Dailey and his wife Ann was added as Church members. Brother Dailey then was licensed to preach.

He was pulpit supply along with others


1855, December: they voted to pay him for 6 months and again ask him to resign. Again he refused

1855, August: He was asked to resign. He refused.

1856, July: His Christian fellowship was withdrawn.

1854, December: H. H. Hoff was hired as their preacher.

1856, August: He made a statement in church and sent a letter that stated all difficulties between him and the church was settled forever. The right hand of fellowship was granted and a letter of recommendation to go to any church of like faith and order

1854-1856H.H. Hoff

1856-1859Rev. Wescott

Under Wescott’s leadership the church was growing again. And positive things started happening.

1856, November : At 2 different meetings there were discussions of acquiring a new building but no action was taken.

Good feelings and harmony prevailed. They were at peace with each other. Meetings were better attended and more deeply felt.

1856, Nov 25; They voted to erect a bigger church building

Warrenville Baptist Church 1856

1859-1861 Elder Taylor

1860, June: Warrenville host a 3 day anniversary celebration for the Fox river Association (formerly known a the Northern Illinois Baptist Association).

Attendance was up and there seemed to be a certain excitement within the members during his term.

1860, Dec: He tried to resign but they refused to accept it.

1861, June: He tendered his resignation again and they accepted with deep regret.

1861, June: 4 delegates to be sent to Joilet Association

They voted to change from candles to kerosene lantern.

1860 there were 25 Baptisms, 14 received by letter, 5 by experience

1860 , May: A Committee of 3 women to look into starting a Sabbath School1860, October: Women meet in Mrs. Ward home to plan a way to clear the $272.19 church’s debt

1861, October: Committee of 4 women to contract for the winter wood early

Isaac W. Lamb


1862 , March: Brother Lamb & his wife were voted in as members by letter.

1862 May: 4 delegates were appointed to sit in council with the Fox Valley Association

1862 , February: He came from the 1st Baptist church of Rochester N.Y where he was licensed to preach

1863 Jan 1st Resigned his position

1862 , May: Church approved an appropriation of $15.00 to be sent to their Domestic Missions

New articles of faith and a new covenant was written and adopted in Rev. Lamb’s term

1863-1864C. M. Lafferty

1863, January, 28; Rev. Lafferty and his wife, Antha were received on letters from Naperville

1863, January: Voted to call Rev C.C. Lafferty

1864, July, 2: First Marriage in the new church observed.

1864, August: C.M. Lafferty left

Fox River Association held in Morris. 4 delegates were send from Warrenville.

1863, May: A collection of 15.00 was appropriated for our Domestic Missions.

1864-1865S. W. Marsten

1865, February: After their Wednesday prayer meeting, members tarried to consider the question of buying a parsonage

1865, July 1: Rev Martsen resigned and was granted letters to join the church in Wheaton

1865, February: Saturday morning meeting; they collected $15.00 for the wounded soldier who attended their meeting

A piano or parlor organ had been donated; the first organist was Mary Bartholomew. 1864, May to December:

They had a choir director

1865, March 4: Voted to purchase a parsonage on 4th and Main for $1,000. March 19th they collected $744.00 in subscriptions

1865-1868E.E. Hunt

1865, September : Rev. Hunt was pulpit supply for several months before he became their full time pastor.

His yearly pay was $600 plus the rent of the parsonage

1866, smallpox outbreak , Church was closed for a few months.

1867, September: He was asked to remain for a third year.

Received in church by letter from Kaneville Baptist church

1867, June: the Fox river Association was held in Warrenville.

1868, June : they accepted his resignation.


1869, March to December; Brother Leslie served

1870, December until May: Homer Greene served

1870, May : Rev. Ellis came then decided to resign in November 1870 but stayed until February, 1871



1871, June: 3 delegates appointed to attend the Fox River Association to be held in Evanston.

1871Rev Crittenddon

1871, May: Rev Crittenddon, 5 weeks supply preacher intended on staying. Left because funds were not available for a resident pastor.He was paid for his 5 weeks and left July 1871

July 1871 –Feb 1872

No pastor


1871, December: he was called and started in February of 1872

Brother Potter

Resignation took place Oct 1, 1873

The yearly salary was $600.00He was accepted in the church by letter from Norwood Park

1872, April: Under Brother Potter’s guidance they implemented a yearly financial plan to help keep track of the incidental expenses of the church property.

1873, July: He announced his intention to seek another field where his usefulness might be enlarged and a more adequate salary obtained

Annual meeting June 1st 1873

Sabbath School Attendance report and treasury report

1874-1875Brother O.W Van Oswald1874, April: Set up a committee of 3 deacons to make

arrangement for ordaining Brother Van Oswald.

Voted to respond to 4 benevolent purposes: Home mission, Foreign mission, publication and education.

1875, May: Delegates appointed to attend Fox river Association.

1875, January: Tendered his resignation, but they would not accept it.

An incident in the Sabbath School causes pastor to leave.

1875,December: accepted his resignation with genuine regret on the part of the church that he felt that he must leave. Resolved: They recognize in Brother O.W. Van Oswald a fruitful minister of the gospels and that his stay with them was for the building up of the cause of Christ. As a church ,they were truly thankful for his ministration.


When Rev Van Oswald left, they voted not get a pastor until they had the money for his salary.

They were very much in dismay without preaching. They met monthly but not all were covenant meetings. Some were prayer meeting, others might have been business meetings and all were poorly attended. But they were

No pastor

1876, December: Voted to obtain funds for the hiring of a preacher.

1877-1880Brother W. G. Evans

1877, May: Voted to give Brother Evans a call to be pastor

1877, August: Bro Evans received into the church by letter

1877, May : Voted that the delegates to the association meeting be instructed to vote for a separation from the present association to unite in forming a new one.

1880, April: Rev. Evans resigns

April to September there was only one Sunday and evening service with preaching.

1880Lewis Raymond

1880, September: They adopted the weekly offering on the envelope system to supply the preached word.

1880 , September: Rev. Raymond requested an appointment on preach on Sept 19th

1880, December: They were very thankful to Mrs. Nancy W. Smith for donating six feet of land which made the parsonage lot 66ft wide.

1880, December: the First Baptist Church of Chicago’s Sunday school sent 30 copies of second hand Gospel hymns for their Sabbath School and devotional meetings for which they were very grateful

1881, January: Covenant meeting; the few present voted on trustee appointment.

1881, April :Extra meeting 7 church member present to discuss the Association committee of the Home Mission Society’s proposal. The Society wanted two of Warrenville’s weekly offering sent to Home Mission society. The members present refused to take responsibility so tabled it .

1881, May Next meeting only 3 member present. No business conducted.


Church closed

1882 , January: Voted on trustees appointment

1882 , December: Notice send for a meeting to elected a trustee for the coming Year. Also voted that our Sabbath School books be loaned to the Sabbath School across the river until needed.


State general association of the Baptist Churches of Illinois takes over the property ofthe Warrenville Baptist Church.

1883 , May: voted on a moderator and clerk pro-tem


1883 , December: A legal notice sent to meet at the home of A. Fowler to elect a trustee ,church clerk pro-tem and the reelection of treasurer for the next year.

1884No activity recorded

18851885 , January: Met at the Fowler home. Voted on a trustee for the year.

18861886 , February: Met at the Fowler home. 7 member present. Voted to re-elect trustee, and church clerk. Voted for new stoves and to send the old Sabbath School books to some needy Sabbath School

The church property is taken back by Warrenville Baptist church trustees

1886, December: Meeting, 5 members present. Voted to have church services with preaching once a month in the winter.

December: Preaching by various ministers from other churches every week during the month.


1887-1888Rev. F. Haggard

1887 , January: Business meeting: Voted to re-elected a trustee and that the church clerk and treasurer be elected every year at the same time.

1887 , February : Called F. Haggard to be pastor for one year.

1887 , March: Received into congregation, Rev and Mrs. Haggard and 4 other members by letter.

1888, August: Rev. Haggard resigns and at first they accept but then asked him to stay for the remainder of the year.

Brother Folsom

1889, August: Voted to give pastor 4 week vacation


Brother Fulton was called in December upon his letter requesting to be their pastor.

1889, November: Requesting permission of the trustees to put up horse sheds.

1890, January: Looking into the expense of insurance on the Church and parsonage

1890, January: Permission granted to go ahead with the horse sheds.

I lift my eyes to the hills –From where does my help come? My help comes from the Lord, Who made heaven and earth. (Psalm 121:1-2,




1890 , June: Extended an invitation to the Association of Chicago to meet in Warrenville the following year.1890, October: Applied for aid from the State association for the following year


1891, January: They formed a committee of 6 to look into some kind of permanent financial system for the church

1891, February: A permanent Finance committee was formed to look over the finances of the church. Voted to adopt the new weekly collection system1891, April : Folsom was again asked to stay. He accepted to continue for $10.00 a week plus the use of the parsonage.

1891, August :Brother Folsom resigns.

Brother Folsom (cont)

January: Folsom was called for another year provided they could meet his salary wishes

Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ.

Ephesians 1:3

1891-1893Brother Brinstad

1891, September: Brother Brinstad called at $7.00 dollars a week. 1891, September to December: Covenant meetings held each month were well attended.Applied again to the Association for aid in the amount of $50.001892, January : Annual and regular covenant meeting, very few attended. Election of officers along with the election of the organist and chorister. Reports given and accepted.

1892 , Adopted the declaration of faith known as the Philadelphia Confession, Covenant and Rules of order

1892 October: Rev Brinstad resigned but then was asked to stay for $10.00 preaching once each Sabbath for an indefinite period of time. 1893, July: Rev Brinstad resigns to unite with the Baptist Church in Marshall, Michigan

1893, August to 1894 March

Rev L. D. Osborn

1893, August: Special meeting voted to call Bro. Loran D Osborn for supply pastor. The salary was the best they could do with the help of the Association. They did not request a contract on specific terms of service

1893, November: regular Covenant meeting

1893, December: a number of the Chicago Baptist young people spent Saturday and Sunday helping them in Christian work.

1894, March: Osborn resigned to accept a call from the Elgin Emanuel Baptist Church

1894 April to 1895, February

Rev A.E. Goodman

1894, April: Call Rev A.E. Goodman for pastor ship

1894 , June: Regular Covenant meeting (no minutes recorded)

1894, December: Regular Covenant meeting (again no minutes recorded)

1895, January : Regular yearly business meeting of church. Election of officers Very few in attendance

1895 , February : Goodman resigned.

Voted to close church at the present

September 13, 1896 Mrs. Truman JonesThe

eternal god

is your

refuge, and underneath

are the

everlasting arms

Dt 33:27

1895 July to December Rev George Peck pulpit supply

1896 -1897 Rev. J. T Crawford

1896, January: Regular yearly business meeting. Election of officers.

1896, June: Rev J. T. Crawford began as pastor

1896, June: Regular covenant meeting. 8 members present. After Sunday School 3 were baptized and accepted as members

1896, October: Voted to ask State Home mission board for an appropriation of $100 dollars pledging themselves to raise $300.00 for the support of Bro. Crawford as their pastor for the coming year.

1897, January: Yearly business meeting and election of officers.

1897, June: Rev. Crawford leaves.

Jane Pollard, July 8, 1897

. . . . He who believes in Me will live even though he dies: and whoever lives and believes in Me will never die JN 11 : 25-26

1897 August to 1898 January

Rev James Goodman

1897, August: Regular Covenant Meeting. Rev. Goodman presiding.

1897 , August: communion service. Baptism of Mr. Ernest Grange after services.(Historical note; this could possibly be an uncle of Red Grange, from Wheaton)

1897, October: Regular Covenant meeting7 members present. No business to be discussed

1898 , January: Regular yearly business meeting; election of officers

1898 , January: Rev. Goodman leaves

1898 , May : The last of the original founders pass away.

1898, June: Special Sabbath service were held by Mr. Louis A Crittenden and Frederick G Fischer a singing evangelist from Chicago

May 4 1898 Mrs Philinda Fowler

Philinda Warren Fowler, November 2, 1804 ---May 4, 1898

Baptized in 1827 by Elder Elisha Tucher Charter

member of the Warrenville Baptist Church 1834

If we live, we live to the Lord: and if we die, we die to the Lord. So whether we live or die, we belong to the lord. RO 14:8

1898 July to 1899 March

Rev George L. White 1898, July : Rev. White began as pulpit supply and in March he was gone.

1899June to 1901 May

Mr. George H Norton

1899, June : Mr. Norton began as their pulpit supply.

1901, May : Mr. Norton moved away from the area.

1901-1903 Rev. N.C. Mallory

1901, May: Rev. N.C. Mallory from Aurora accepted their call, initially for supply pastor.

1901, May : First Covenant meeting held in several years. 8 members present. Voted that regular covenant be held every two months on the Saturday proceeding the First Sunday of the Month Voted that a former member be reinstated as member by own request.

1902 , January: Regular Covenant meeting followed by the yearly business meeting. Election of officers. Pastor Mallory and his wife were received as members by letter of transfer Voted that the church year correspond with Association year: September to September Voted that $9.50 be taken from the church treasury to meet the balance on the new church bell

1902 , March: Special meeting at Pastor house. Voted on the wall paper and paint for the parsonage

1902 , July: Special meeting at a members home to vote that the church be roofed with galvanized iron.

Voted to borrow $150.00 from the church’s reserve fund for the roof. Baptism preformed in DuPage River.

1902, August: Special Business meeting after church services. Voted 4 members be delegates to the Baptist Association in Elgin,

September 1902.

1902, October : Prayer Meeting with business meeting following. Voted that Rev. Mallory be sent as a delegate to the ordination of 3

ministers at the 1st Baptist Church in Chicago

1901 – 1903 Rev. Mallory (cont)

1901-1903 Rev. Mallory (cont)

1903, February: Special entertainment. A musical with songs and readings

1903, September : Yearly business meeting postponed.

1903, October: Special meeting and business meeting Election of officers and Deacons for 1903/04.

Rev. Mallory dies. 1903 November

Righteousness and justice are the foundation of your Throne; love and faithfulness go before you. Blessed are those who have learned to acclaim you, who walk in the light of your presence, Lord. They rejoice in your name all day long; they exult in your righteousness. For you are their glory and strength, and by your favor you exult our horn.

1903 November1904 February

Dr. Barkman, Dr. Dent , Dr. Daniel, and Dr. Brown, friends of Rev. Mallory, filled the pulpit until a new pastor was obtained

1904 february to1905May

Rev G. N. Daniels 1904, February : Rev. G.M. Daniels, from Batavia, accepted their call to be pastor.

1904, February : An entertainment benefit provided $30.00 for the church. Later a dinner was served with the proceeds of $10.00 going to the church.

1904, May : Warrenville Women's Club puts on a benefit for the church

1904, December: Special meeting after services. 8 members present. Received a new member by letter of transfer.

1905, May : Rev. Daniels resigns

1905 June to1906june

Rev. A. B. Wood 1905, June: Rev wood comes as supply pastor.

1905, July: Special meeting 9 members present. Elect a new church clerk. Voted that the regular covenant be on the Saturday after the 1st Sunday Voted to have the Church services changed to 10:30 with the Sabbath School at 11:45

1905, August: Monthly covenant meeting. Not business. Pastor and 3 sisters present

1905, September: Annual meeting held in member home Rev. Wood presiding. 6 members present. 3 Delegates appointed to attend the Association Meeting. Voted to have Rev Wood attend the 3 ordinations held at the 1st Baptist Church of Chicago.

1905, September: Monthly covenant and business meeting. 7 present. Brief report on the ordinations in Chicago Lords supper was taken after which the testimonies were given.

1906, June: Rev. Wood resigns.

1906 June- 1909

1906, June to October: Divinity students filled the pulpit

1906, October: Special business meeting . 3 members plus Mr. Hicks pastor from Maywood present Questions of responsibility of the property, since 2 trustees may be inaccessible. Appointed an additional Trustee. Discussion of joint occupancy of the church with the Methodist. They declined.

1907, November to April : Church Closed

1907, April: Baptist Association of Chicago takes over to reopen and reorganize the Warrenville Church

1909 – 1931

1909-1921 Rev. Fredrick Ingram

1909, May : Meeting of People Interested In the Church; Rev Ingram agreed to pastor the church under conditions set by the Baptist council of Chicago.

1910 Socials and entertainments held to secure more income. Expenses were met at years end.

1911 Extra expenses needed for a well for parsonage

and more adequate lighting for church. Big Woods “Orchersty” performs at a service, attendances largest in a long time .

1909-1921 Rev Ingram

A year in review from Pastor

1909-1021 Rev Ingram (cont) 1912 , January to February : Closed because of the bitter cold weather.

Events for this year included:

3 missions (rallies)

Special Easter service

Ice Cream Social held by Warrenville Men’s Club

Singing Evangelists-Misses Jones and Julieson

Planning meeting with congregation and citizens for christmas program and cantana

1909-1921 Rev. Ingram

A year in review from pastor December, 1912

1909-1921 Rev. Ingram(cont) 1913, February : Small pox hits the area. Church closed. Events for the year: The young people from Wheaton conducted an Evening service. The DuPage Sunday School convention held at Warrenville Baptist Church.

Misses Jones and Julieson returned to preform a song service. Reception given for pastor in appreciation of his services .

A Christmas program was held; 97 people attended.

1909-1921 Rev. Ingram(cont)

1914, 5th Anniversary of the pastor Ingram’s service.

Events and activities:

Boys club formed in connection with Sunday school. . There were numerous repairs to be done both in

the church and on the property and in the parsonage. To enhance both membership and finances,

associate Memberships were granted to non-Baptist Christians who were willing to work with the Church.

1909-1921 Rev. Ingram

Pastors annual report :1915

1909 – 1921 Rev. Ingram

1915, 16 Honorary members received into the church. Treasurers report ; $33.00 on hand.

Hold anniversary supper for Rev Ingram.

1916, The electric lights light up the church! Rev. Ingram 7th anniversary. The church is rented out to community groups when approved by the trustees.

Steeple damaged by lighting.

1901-1921 Rev Ingram(cont)

1918, Activities and events: Revival meetings results in 40 people baptized and 11 associate members received.

William Wallace appointed Sunday School Superintendent.

Rev. Ingram salary raised to 10.00 weekly. Raised a $100.00 for a new piano.

1909 – 1921 Rev. Ingram(cont)

1919, Celebrated Rev Ingram’s 10th anniversary. Rev. Dent giving the address. Treasurer’s report $200.00 on hand.

1920, January : Cash on hand --123.48. 2 Sunday services: Morning service, communion and regular service in the evening. A constitution change in deacons and trustees. End of year Report Balance in Treasury $208.37.

1921, January : Rev. Ingram resigns.

1921 -1922 Rev Phiel

1921, January : Voted to paint and paper the parsonage plus to put in oak flooring.

1921, March : Rev. Phiel accepted the call for pastor.

Adopted Day-light-savings time. A census taken in December of the church reveals the membership at 64 and associate members 12.

1922, March : Pastor Phiel resigns.

1922March to1923October No Pastor or Pulpit supply

1922, All 3 men trustees resign Buy 100 new hymn books for 5cents each

3 women trustees appointed.

1923, Trustee to see to the repair of the parsonage roof plus plastering, papering and painting the inside.

Trustees in charge of renting the parsonage with 1 year contract

1923 October to May 1924

Mr. Brokaw

Served 7 months as pastor

1924 May to September 1924

Fred Moffat

Served 4 months as pastor then resigned


1925 – 1928 Rev. George Sagen

1925, May : Rev. Sagan begins his ministry Church basement built

1926, January : The first Annual Dinner Meeting held in Church basement. Board of deacons Chairman is to be moderator: Wm Wallace first moderator Membership of the church is 100, and 24 associates.

1927, 3 Delegates were chosen to attend the Northern Baptist convention Problems with the furnace chimney spewing smoke and coal gases in the church.

1928, July : Rev. Sagan resigns effective August 1928

1928 – 1931 Rev. Ezra Roth 1928, September : Rev. Roth preached his first sermon

Approved of a sign for the front of the church not to exceed


1929, January : Budget for 1929 was approximately $1600.00 The first church bulletin printed

1929, June : Rev Roth ordained

1931, March : Rev. Roth resigns after receiving a call

to Mt. Morris, Michigan

1931May to March

1932 Rev. E.D. Sturkie

1931, May : Rev. Sturkie was called. He and Mrs. Sturkie moved into the parsonage in June

The church parsonage decorated

Beautified the entrance to the basement

Set up the Sunshine committee for the Church

Income better than last year but still having trouble with debts

1932, March : Rev. Sturkie resigns

1932-1938 Rev C. M. Phillips

1932, October: Rev. Phillips signs on as part time preacher. Salary $15.00 a week

1934, Centennial of the church celebrated

1935, Historic 1857 church building burns down.

1936 January 8, Meetings held temporarily in the school buildinguntil new church is built.

Voted to build another church.A building committee of 9 was voted


Rev. C.M. Phillips( cont)

1936, March : The proposed building plans and budget submitted by committee.

Herbert A Brand from Chicago hired to be architect

1936, november : Trustees to negotiate for larger lot. The lot at N. E corner Main and Warren was recommended by zoning commission as suitable for the type of church being considered

1937, December Dedication of new church

1938, November : He resigned because of poor health.

Rev C. M Phillips (cont)

1934 Warrenville

Baptist celebrates

100 Years

2nd Day Celebration

Parade and pageant

3rd Day Celebration

Church Services and Lunch

1935 December the historic church burns down

Remembering the old church

1939-1943Rev. Robert T. Frerichs1939, February : Rev. Robert Frerichs

accepts the call to be pastor

Sponsored a Boys Club which extended in the summer to a play group of 20 boys at the Naperville YMCA.Wednesday night --services, Bible study groups with fellowship dinnersRevived the Neighbors Club for men, started the Harvest home Festival and the Silver Tea in December.

1943, August : Rev. Frerichs resigned to go to Sandwich, IL

1943, August : hired as interim pastor at $15.00 per Sunday. He was a student from Naperville’s Evangelical Theological Seminary

1944, January : hired as pastor for 2 years on temporary basis, yearly salary, 1,500.00 along with the use of parsonage and telephone service

1943 -1946 Rev Basil E. Grimes

1945, William Wallace retired from the Sunday School Superintendents Office.

1946, February he took the full time pastor’s position, interrupting his education; by May Rev. Grimes resigns to complete his degree.

Rev. Basil E Grimes (cont)

1919-1945 Sunday School Superintendent

William C. Wallace


1946august to

September1947 Rev. Lyle Anderson 1946, accepted the call to be pastor.

He was a Navy Chaplain.The church paid $150 to move to him into the parsonage.His ambitions for this church was to be an organization that would last and stand forth as a growing part of the kingdom of God.Deacons asked for his resignation. He resigned August, 1947.Rev. Anderson wrote: I feel my task here is not completed: The deacons feel that I am not to be allowed to complete it.

1947-1951 Rev. Donald Johnson 1947, December: Rev. Johnson was

called as pastor with the yearly salary of $2,400 Church membership record adjusted to show baptisms, transfers by letter or by confession of faith.Started a young marrieds class.

Set communion Sunday on the first Sunday of the month.

Purchased and dedicated a new organ.

1951, April: Rev Johnson resigned.

1951-1958Rev. Cecil Wagstaff

1951, September : Rev. Wagstaff answers the call to become pastor

Improvement s were made in the church and parsonage.

1954, Constitution amended

1954, The building of the new Education building.

1955-56, “Year of achievement” eight out of ten goals reached

Membership over 325

1958, January: Rev. Wagstaff resigns: accepts directorship in Michigan

1959 January to April 1959Burton Mack, InterimJohn Fletcher, assistant

1958-1962 Rev. David Leach

1958, May : Rev. Leach accepts the position of pastor

Mid-week Bible study took place of the church service.

Many improvement to the parsonage and church property.

Additional property was purchased for church parking lot.

Part-time secretary hired

Initiated a leadership training group

1962, August : Rev Leach resigned. Accepted a call to two churches on east coast

1959 Septemberto JanuaryDuring this period there were 5 supply pastors

1962 September to January 1963

E.W. Boss from Northern Baptist Seminary served

as Interim pastor, along with several supply

pastors when he was not available

1963–1965 Rev Ogle Chastian

1963, January : Rev. Chastain accepts the call

Flood lights installed on the tower

The steeple was fixed

A public address system installed.

Pulpit flags were obtained.

Lattice work in the chancel was put in.

1965, August : Rev. Chastain resigns ; accepted a call to Sterling, Ilinois

1965 -1967Rev. Sommerschield, interim

1965, August : Rev. Sommerschield accepts interim position

Chimney repaired

Sanctuary walls tuck pointed, cleaned, and water proofed; ceiling beams and large sliding door cleaned.

Formation and organization of a Bible study group for the “upper agers”

Permission granted to the Board of trustees to sell the parsonage on Jackson St. and to use the money to buy another property.

1967, April : a new pastor was called.

1967-1972Rev. B Arthur Johanson

1967, August : Rev. Johanson began his ministry.

Small informal groups were invited into his home.

He organized the ministers, of Warrenville, to meet monthly.

Outreach and nurture ministries started during his term.

1968, New Constitution and by–laws approved

Parsonage on Gates place was sold

New parsonage build on donated land on River Road.

1971, November : Rev Johanson resigns, left in January 1972


Rev. Sommerschield again answered our call for interim pastor.

When he wasn’t available, he had help in the form of supply pastors :

Preaching;Rev. David Elliot; Dr. Russell Orr; Rev. Archibald plus others.Rev. Cochran – Geneva Baptist, Wheaton—weddings and funeralsRev. Bryan Archibald saw to the house calls and hospital visitations

1972 February to August 1973Rev. W. Stanley Sommerschield, Interim

1973-1980Rev. John Wm Grisham

1973 ,October Rev. John Grisham accepts Community Baptist ‘s call

1974, 140th anniversary celebrated with old fashioned church service—men in pews on one side, separated from the women on the other side.

1976 October Agape pre-school first rents space, then becomes a mission sponsored by the church.

1977 May Community Seminar held

1980, January : Rev Grisham resigned, to be pastor in Alton, IL

A farewell reception given by Ruth circle.

Rev John Grisham (cont)


1980 April-July1981 David Nasgowitz, interim

1980, April : Dr. Nasgowitz accepts the interim positionCommunication calling chain started

Community Baptist sponsors Concert by Schafer-Hamberg at WWS High School

Judson College Choral Group presented a concert.

1981, July : Dr Nasgowitz moved on to the Big Woods Church on Eola Road

1980-1988Rev. Charles Epperly

1981, July : Rev. Epperly accepted the call to be our pastor

Hand bell choir dedication

Boys and girls club for all children up to middle school

Senior citizens luncheons


Cambresis Choir visit from Wales

Fire alarm system installed by church members for both the church and education building

Conversion from oil to gas furnace

1988, : Rev. Epperly resigns, accepts call to Edwardsville, Illinois

Rev Charles Epperly (cont)

Rally Day celebration 1983


1989-1995Rev. Peg Shelton1989 January : Peg Shelton answered

our call to

become pastor of CBC

1991 Spiritual Gifts workshop• Dinner 6 Experiment : enabling us to form and strengthen friendships

1992 50-day spiritual adventure• Long range plan adopted • Developed a new organizational structure

1993, Ministry of vision formed• Organ renovation• Computer and copier for office

1994, Celebration of our 160 anniversary as a church• Church library established

1995, Pastor Peg leaves to answer a call from Grace Baptist in Rochester, NY

1989-1995 Rev. Peg Shelton (cont)

1996-2007Rev. Diane Merril Pomeroy

1996 Rev. Pomeroy called to pastor Community Baptist church

1999 Work with Comunidad Christiana Fuente deVida ; our sister Church • Lenten programs: 2 Saturdays - Breakfast and retreat Wednesday –a meditative worship service.

2000 Capital improvement Program• Kitchen and restrooms renovated

2003, loss of lay leadership and struggles with financial status

2002, Mission trip to San Miguel de Allende, Mexico with 4 church members and a Metro Chicago group

1996-2007Rev. Diane Merrill Pomeroy (cont)2001 New Vision Statement

proposed• What’s your passion workshops to help identify gifts and interest of the congregation

Rev Dr. Bruce Pullen: InterimMember of Community Baptist since 2008. Graduate of Colgate Rochester Divinity School and Princeton Theological Seminary, Rev. Dr. Pullen served in the ministry for more than 30 years prior to moving to this area. He is the author of several books and hymns and continues to be a vital member of our church

Rev Connie Stone: InterimMember of Community Baptist since 1999. Connie served both the Akron Area Baptist Association and the ABC of OH, graduated from Northern Baptist in 1995. She has served as pulpit supply, Director of Student Development and taught World religions. Currently she is a hospital chaplain and continues as pulpit supply in the ABC Metro area.

2008-2034Rev. Linda Tossey

2008 July Preached as the recommended candidate. she was received by unanimous vote from the congregation.• September Official start date2009 New lighting in the sanctuary • Remodeling of the narthex and entry hall• Partnered with Ecumenical Support Services for the Elderly, ESSE• Updates to fellowship hall provided by ESSE• Two off-site retreats of the Coor Team and other church ministries• 31% rise in attendance• 5 goals set for the 2010 year

A special thanks to Sue Pastorek for 18 years of service for CBC with countless hours of rehearsals and providing the music for this presentation.

and to

Patricia Ulery for sifting through mountains of archive material, hours of research, writing the narratives, scheduling and coordinating narrators and designing all the slides.

Sue PastorekMusic Director for Choir, Bells, and our praise band Eternal Sonshine.

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