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< A M O R C )


S  a n J o s e C  a l i f o r n i a 

P R I N T E D I N U . S . A .

R O S I C R U C I A N p r e s s , l t d .

S A N J O S E , C A L I F O R N I A  

IntroductionV V V

This little book of prophecies is the sixthin a series of yearly publications containingpredictions for the coming year. Th e firstone was issued in the fall of 1931 coveringthe year 1932 . Ea ch fall since then one of 

these booklets has been prepared and issued. After the first few months of 19 32 hadpassed, so many of the predictions made inthe 1931 booklet became realities that agreat demand arose at once for additional *copies of that first pamphlet. Throu ghoutthe year 1932 the prophecies were reprintedby newspapers and magazines and the littlebooklet itself was ordered in great quantitiesby large institutions for general distribution.Edition after edition of the booklet has beenprinted and circulated each year not only by us but by many large firms, banking institu-tions, humanitarian movements, educationalsocieties, and other similar groups.

Accuracy of the Statements

The accuracy of the predictions made inthese booklets since 1931 has created somuch interest throughout North Americaand foreign lands that the readers and fol-lowers of the advice given now constitutemillions of persons who are enthusiasticabout the prophecies and look for each newbooklet early in the fall.

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1937 — A Preview V V V

General World Conditions for 1937

Throughout the world the unrest that wasquite evident in 1935, but was held more orless status quo by other tendencies through-out 1936, will continue to cause tremblingin the basic principles of life and in all of 

the basic political situations throughout thewo rld .

The conflicts outlined in our propheciesfor 1936 will continue mostly because of thetendencies on the part of some nations toreturn to their traditional physical, military,and financial power, and because of therestlessness on the part of the people of many*nations to reverse the traditional customsunder which they have lived for so many ages. A s predicted in the 1936 pamphlet,those countries formerly existing as mon-archies and evolving into a republican formof government, as an attempt to pacify thenecessity for change, will revert to a modified

form of monarchy now known as dictator-ship and in some cases semiCommunism.

The many changes that will take placen forms of government in Europe, Asia,

and Africa during 1937 will create new andfresh lines of action on the world charts,but there will not be as many sudden up-heavals nor as many actual warfare conflictsas is commonly believed at this time in theall of 1936.

age Six

In a great many instances the restless-ness now existing in Europe and parts of 

 A si a and A fr ic a is not of the explo sive typethat will result in the sudden outbreak of 

 wars of great magnitu de. M any of the dif -ferences of opinion and much of the rest-lessness will be quieted and pacified by agreements, roundtable discussions, and anupward look toward future stability.

War in Europe

The year 1937 will witness the averageamount of military activity throughout the

 wo rld .Despite the statements of newspapers,

political schemers, and alarmists, the Spiritof W arfare is badly weakened and is indeclining power in most if not all of theEuropean and Asiatic countries, and espe-cially in those whose present leaders or rep-resentatives are the most bombastic in theirthreatening speeches and military activities.

It is evident from a careful analysis of the world charts that most of the leaders of European countries are more fearful of war

than are the citizens, although propaganda wou ld have us be lieve oth erw ise .

Premier Mussolini is fearful each nightthat he may awaken in the morning and findthat one of his neighboring countries hasaccepted his challenge of superior military strength. Hit ler feels precisely the same way and so do the lords of Russia and Japan; whi le the rulers or representat ives of E n g -land, France, Belgium, Austria, and the

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a permanently good power in the U . S . A .,the time is at hand for the American sectionto be surrounded by every protection.

 W it h each stage of econom ic improvementin the U. S. A. during 1937, there will beaccompanying strifes in labor circles, agi-tated by socalled “Communists,” or those wh o are seeking, not to improve soc ial orpolitical conditions, but to nullify every con-structive feature of any democratic program

or any demonstrations of improved condi-tions. The ir plans center around the main-

tenance of  unrest in all circles in order to

give a semblance of truth to their unsoundclaims.

 Ju st as 1956 was fraug ht with unusua lconflicts in the earthly and cosmic elements,as predicted in our previous booklet, so 1937

 w ill be dotted from coast to coast with nu -merous strikes, protests, battles, riots, andmysterious fires and dynamiting. Ships , har-bors, bridges, railroad tracks and terminals,factories, warehouses, and large dairiesshould be carefully guarded and protected.Large unfinished constructional contracts

should be heavily insured. Ye t, econom ic conditio ns w ill improve.

Labor employment will increase slightly,health will improve nationally, sales of lux-uries will begin a new upward curve, andcrime will take many defeats due to a newsystem of secret cooperation between state,city, and federal police.

The first fruits of the influence of therising generations will manifest in various

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curtailments of the overproduction (prepa-ration and graduation) of young professionalsin certain overcrowded fields. A system of controlled vocationselection for youngpeople will be advanced in several sectionsand wholeheartedly approved by the youngpeople themselves.

Our foreign relations will be stabilizedand fewer secret agreements will be urged.

 A n ind ependence not an alo ofn ess will

become more and more apparent during1937, much to the pleasure of most of the wo rld , an d to the disheartening of a few

European potentates.

ReligionThe uprisings, systematic attacks, and na-

tional disapproval of various forms of reIigion, will continue throughout 1937 withincreasing vehemence and the unfortunatekilling of devoted defenders. Ap par ently allforms of organized religion will suffer dis-heartening defeat. In some parts of Europ eevery form of worship will meet official ob*

 jections, and a cry ag ainst al l religiou s sects

 will rem ind us of the fam ous Cru sade sin behalf of religion, while many selfappointed leaders will arise throughoutEurope and Asia as antagonists of “PetertheHermit” of the Middle Ages.

Fires, dynamite, cannon and human powerin remote places will raze and destroy many famous and important places of worship.Christians, Jews, Buddhists, Mohammedans,and others will be sorely tempted to unite

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in one wail, “ M y Go d, wh y hast thou for-saken us?”

Bu t the cause of religion ^ the spirit of Holy Worship and the Divine Power of Faith ^ will not be lost! Th e end of sec-tarian religious worship will not come, butwill be made more impossible by the 19 37 |crusades of persecution. Th e very intensity of the fire will purge nations and divisionsof peoples of their religious differences and ^

unhappy distinctions, and before 1937 endsits twelfth month a unified movement, moreor less secret in some countries, will sweep

over Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Americas with the slo gan, “ One God, the Fa th erof A l l ! ”

The fundamentals of a universal religionwill be pre ached and adopted slow ly at first,but with increasing attractiveness, sincerity,and strange mystical power. Before the closeof the year, 1939, this new spiritual move-ment will have affected (modified and re-modeled) the doctrines and tenets of most of the old sects, and a power which will de-velop am ong the millions of devoted fol -

lowers of the new spirit will constitute atemporal as well as a Divine Power whichthe dictators, potentates, and rulers of allands will respect and fear.

Serious Entanglements One phase of international diplomacy will

continue throughout 1937 and 1938 like amad game of men and nations seeking pro-ection from one another, while boldly 

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threatening each other with increasing prep-arations for war.

The good old “ sport of King s” of making“ secret pacts and agreements” with “ sympa-thetic neighboring potentates” has gone mer-rily on since 1918, and in the frenzy to makesure of cooperation and support in times of 

 war , each of the pr inc ipal countries of Europe and Asia has entered into moresecret alliances and pacts than it can morally 

and ethically and honestly ^ fulfill andhonor.

The chart of world alliances and pactslooks like a tangled web of ski tracks on aSwiss plateau of snow in the sportingseason.

Many of these countries have had to makepacts with their enemies as well as withfriendly nations of mutual interests.

During 1935, scores of new pacts weremade in order to protect crossagreementsof an embarrassing nature previously made.The “LeagueofNations” dream led many nations into secret agreements unknown tothe League and unsuspected by other na-

tions. Th e unfortunate position in whicheach nation found itself during the war inEthiopia when the League was face to face

 wi th these secret, private agreements, cause dmany of the countries to realize suddenly that the complexity of secret pacts, hiddenfrom the League and from one another, hadto be altered and corrected to avoid the

 wo rst internatio nal war the wo rld has everseen.

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tional alliance that traces its unbroken his-tory far back into the ages, with a traditionalbackground that has its unquestionablesetting in Europe and the Near East, whencivilization was in the making.

Unlike other socalled secret societies, theRosicrucians have no secret purpose withsecret obligations and code of life. Beca useof the mystery that has always surroundedthem, and because of the strength and power

of their influence for constructive good,more books, pamphlets, and dissertationshave been written and prepared about themin an attempt to unveil their mysteries andexplain them, than about any other society,organization, brotherhood, or movement of human creation and human effort. Yet, eachyea r up to the present , more an d more pam-phlets and books have been issued dealingwith them, an d their general , wor ld ly ac-tivities. Th e present little pamphlet con-taining outlined prophecies for the coming

 year , is typica l of the work and duties vo lu n-tarily assumed by the Rosicrucians in their

effort to assist progressive minds everywhere

in understanding the principles of life andthe scheme of worldly existence.

Not a Religion

Since the Rosicrucians do not constitute

a religious cult, nor a new form of religionin any sense, and have no sectarian doctrines

and play no part, either openly or secretly,in the political affairs of any nation, their

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hands and hearts are free to devote to themain purpose of their organized and wide-spread activities.

Since the Rosicrucians do not constitutea commercial or profitmaking movement,and solicit no funds with which to carry ontheir worldwide charitable activities andtheir widespread programs of cultural edu-

cation, the source of their economic sound-ness and financial integrity, inestimable con-

tributions to the fields of scientific explora-tion and research, development of the finearts and the unfoldment of human character,makes the mystery that surrounds them moreappealing and, at the same time, more diffi-cult to solve.

Possess Helpful Knowledge

From the dawn of the art of making booksand recording facts in permanent form, theRosicrucians have created and given as aheritage to the future generations, a vastamount of scientific learning and a profoundrecord of individual achievement through itsmany branches and divisions in every civ-

ilized country of the world, and in every progressive city, town, or hamlet.

Since the members of this strange body  wea r no distinctiv e clo th ing or habil iments,

do not appear in public ceremonies, nor seek

to attract attention to themselves by any ex-

tremes of personal conduct, the individual

members of the body are scattered through-

out every nation, and are generally active in

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every important position of life, without de-libe rat ely revealing their identity. Y et, every modern encyclopedia and dictionary refers tothem in a manner to indicate that the mem-bership is very large, its worldly possessions

 very definite and secure, its activ ities ex -tremely diversified and successful, and itsreputation beyond criticism or blemish. Inthe most unexpected publications, as in themost unexpected places of creative, progres-

sive action, the name of this group of indi- vi du als or refe rence to their ach ievements w il l be fou nd, whi le his tory records that itsleaders and workers were outstanding indi-

 vidua ls throughout the ages. W h il e the Ro sicruc ians hold themse lves

in an exclusive position, they do not hesi-tate to cordially invite into the membership,through a personal invitation, those men and

 women in every walk of life, wh o can con-tribute through their services, or throughtheir unawakened potentialities or their un-developed abilities, that assistance in thescheme of life which will make the individualmore successful and happy in his earthly 

existence and at the same time bring happi-ness, success, and peace to those of a likemind who are seeking ways and means of unfolding the real self to the highest degree.

Mastery of Life is Taught!

The Rosicrucian teachings are free fromall forms of superstitious or questionablepractices and are unhampered by devotionto limited doctrines or theories. The whole

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of life and all of the Cosmic and earthly processes of manifestation are subjected toan unbiased and exhaustive research. Thediscoveries that the Rosicrucians have accu-mulated, the rare knowledge and wisdomthey have preserved, and the surprising factsthat they unveil from year to year, are pre-

sented to their members in the form of inter-

esting dissertations, lessons, lectures, and ex-

perimental data, in order that each member

of their worldwide organization may keepabreast of the times and especially utilize the

 wisdo m of the ages an d the ne w know led ge

of the present to develop latent personal

powers, to quicken the mind, to fortify the

natural abilities and strengthen the character

to such an extent that each individual may 

improve his or her position in life, and attain

a high degree of success and happiness.

An Open Invitation

Those who would know more about theRosicrucians and their activities, are invited

to make inquiry, not out of curiosity, but forthe purpose of being properly advised re-

garding the real purposes and work of this

body of constructive students and thinkers.If you are interested, you may accept the in-

 vitat ion to learn more abou t them, withou tany obligation on your part. Remem ber that

the Rosicrucians do not deal with ancient or

modern superstition, nor with psychologicalprocesses of fortune telling, nor with the

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questionable theories and practices of Ori-

ental magicians.

 You are inv ited to accep t our invitationas set forth on another page. Yo ur entry w il l be judg ed by yo ur sincer ity an d wil l beheld in strictest confidence.




The Rosicrucians invite every man and wom an of con structive think ing and am bi-tious ideals, to send for its  free literature, orto read in any of the largest public librariesthroughout the country, its monthly peri-odical, called ‘The Rosicrucian Digest,” orany of its many books issued under the name

of AM O R C , and which contain an outlineof its ideals and principles.

 W e  pa rticular ly invi te you to write for theintensely interesting book entitled. Th eSecret Heritage, which you can secure with -out cost, by using the coupon below. Do notfail to obtain it, as the information which itcontains may result in a favorable turningpoint in your life.

(Remember— The Rosicrucians are N O T a re-ligious organization.)

-------Gift Book Coupon -------SCRIBE Y. O. U.The Rosicrucians, AM O R CRosicrucian Park, S an Jose, California, U. S. A .

Gentlemen: I am interested in the unusual  knowledge possessed by the Rosicrucians. Please  send me without obligation, the free, sealed book  entitled. The Secret Heritag e/' which further explains how I may take advantage of my natural powers and talents.

 Nam e_______________________________________ _____

 Add ress ...........................................................................

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N O T E — Additional copies of this booklet may be had without cost by writing to the address above.